? TVX.--"Vttne-eli At Co., 1 Vk their .l.n.u-liw.. at the Pallet, lu order tI g" Mil "ln'"- fVfl.4 f, iW A C.4 XDISE, -Tbo colobviii led CJennan poet Goethe as prose. in 1792,' between the wrinies of the t.r.r,. under Damouvier ash only. l to ool- nrnl at eoou a. poearMe. trim win noi nnd Kcltarman, and the rilled armies. under the Duke atiU-tf ' , . : j -.vm his first Impression- ofttu V L nil- GOODS! .... ...n.i i n V1KIM TIIK pax rnAS II II VIM I II m fliii." .. t. -,... r ' it. ...1.1.1. .Ill l.f .old lit C'VT, lV ' ,y- Ml wli" kn lli-ifcu-lv '!''-b" .v:1' . : .:. i,..v; i...en hui.i-i now, inuuwu . ;.n, m ilia oiit-work of TbU was again occupied by our poo tw but it presented the wildest aspect C roofs were .Lot to piece, the cofn ehocks mattered about, the bodies ot men, mortally wounded, etieU bed upon them hero and there, am oceas ionallr a spoilt cannon ball fell and failed amoU tUo tilted roofs. Quae rLZt mvsolf, I rode uwny piauuy 8urvey-n.o.vauj t.ouij of" the-French. They were staiKi-urgi in the form of a soinicircle, in the greatest quiet and Becuriiy Keller uian, then on the loft wing, being the easiest to reach. . I tell- in with good company on the officers of my acquaintance belonging to the general sialtund tiie regiment, who 'were greatly surprised lo find me Uore. They wauted to lake me up again with them, but I spoUo to them of particular, objects X had in viow, and tlvey. left mo without further din cusnion to my. well , known singular caprice 1 haU now . arrived quite in tho region wher the bulls were pliiy. - nig- across me ; tho sound of them is Curious enough, as if it were composed of the luimnvmgof tops, ho gurgling of water,, nnd tho whistling of birds. Tboy were less dn rigorous, by reason Of the wetness of the'ground-r-wben. ever one fell 'it! stttbk l'ast--and thus my looliah experimental rido was se cured against tbo' danger at least of the bulls rebounding. .In tho midst of these cirouiusUueeg,--I -was soon aMe 10 remark that something unusu al v ,iwa f irioiiiu me.. I poid-closo attention to it, and stillthe sensation can . only , bo, described by BimilitudoV' "It np" poarpd as if you were in Vbmoxtreineiy hot "place, and at the time quite penetrated by: the heat of 4tf so tbtkb yeu feel yourself, asit "W99j quitftoue with the element iii Which you are.".;The leyes' los'tt nothl ing of tlieir strength orfcloa'rness,' but it Is.Us'iP the VbrW-ltad' a 'kind.; ot Lsowa-red- tirif, -"whith1 mokes' the" eituaiion"aS wfert 'as-'tlie BurVbuudiDg obtaotg tnce'im'prBssWe'.T. ,- '?9? ii' oaf vervth iifF wuer to oe swaitoweu tip in the . glow ot which I speak. From tnlfl, thoiv it is clear in. rl.. this onAiiifl lean bs Called a fever It is'tarttfavlttfbre'.'hAwavrir' 1 i.,W i,v t,.. JM'.2?'y felftfa..-ri'8irt from it' iriii'flitUced lis :8ole)yJ throiio.. tlio ears;, (oV'tlie'cannort'-lhuTidev,' tlie' LpwliBg and crashing of balls through tHtf ftjr;') the' real cause" Af; theso sen. satnonS,- After 1 had rid'deh-back, and w?f vln" PM'eet- -swnritj-,-1 remnrfced with surpriHePthatHhe'glo .was cora Plftoiy l'uTUed;. .urtJi'not tho elfeU-tcst fevevmli agitation was left bcllrivd-.POn 'tM wuole'i lh'e cond-Uion I-or of ih least enviable ' as,' in. 4cca,:among.ruy dear and nobl com MdoB,' I fouri'd' iQin't'eiy 'on : who ' eV pressed a real' passionate 'desire to- . wjr.it. . ' vlIka'B fs thr-pithiin'' sermon 1 vr pBcacUed : "Out ingi'esn-tn'Hjfeffl.'nakiJd find Iwi'eVour iiiibifrVs'in life ii iron life amj-etntr; ouryijres:DHforrt.S know "..''r51'. iVut. 4"iif: veil iliore. w. blur do weir there r.i I could not tell lBeaUteirnvrd lntr."rr'itMort -if APeniocrailo meeting tu XouC Orleans. fi ii iiil mm i" ' tiK'k ol - lry Goods, Clothing. Ilools & Shoes, ffliVli itf ure Hie .ini" i'0T hut iimhiii-4- ill' '"01 OllllHII- fiiinmt niU ""I" lll-'lTf. v lliul il 111""" 10. ili-IMI. . .. ... ..iii.m.' .. .mill ntl f r-t fully it' TTWr.3. MATTHi 11.11... . v .inltv. tl.ul it. '''"iT..::'::,.:,.:oro,,iii.ii'n""riil kin. M open-"! li"l' , . "u . , k with neat wli. rr li'l I'"!"'' .":.! " ,"t arrived from Hie I'."" oats and Dresses tut to Order CloaKs, (' .. . ... . ... .1... I ..rnoe Ol 111M'1 TllltKl I'VUlS Slreolfc iiaiiin !ir'cj, t'nrsirr oi toiiri. lLl.l) JIAf'K. TUB PIONKKH OiOlC, would le.liwt. XS fully tpli.rlu tin- hulilir that he luu HtlLd up the above Cliop lloiisr-. miii ia iri'i:ired to wve up MKAI.S and l.UNCll In llic 1"1 eiylr and at Hie Mhorii-iit n.itire. 11A 1.1,8 and 1'AltTlliS f..n.i!n'.l w 111 aiipiiera, in llm i.om Miyie ana on inu iii-iMi reiiHoiiuoio leiiua. tli'KH? In every at; lo. l'rivato Uiaims for Ladles, 1IOUHIC Ot'KN ALL N I CI I IT KJ.ACtt I.1.ST. - OtTXIT. WAIU), OFOKOS HOLLOW, hni tliln day J9 )al ' me Three Ilundrod and Forty-one Dollar in UllKhMIAt'KS AT l'AU. lor a debt due lu Uold ( oln. lice. 3U, lstlii. . Li'"''J J.C. Ull r LE. NEW AUCTION HOUSE. T. M. VAPtD '& CO., (Enccwaor to W. 1'. Mlll r,) -A-XJOTIOKERB. Court street, belovr Ulstlii; j 'STST'lI.T, ?RIX AT AUCTION AXPOX nlMMtSSlOX VV; lit'iieriilMort-liaudiiie, Mining tork. Ileal Ka mi., .-cw a-:u reeoinl llfuia iiri.lt ure, ariu 1'ruiire, lliiiv( r.pV HM'KIVIXtK and KlIinVAIIlllXn OOOni". mit door and Set'iat ali-t promptly altuiided to. iteuLir Sale ""j" u i ' : . . u - . .. Tt'csdavs and SalurdavN. Liberal. Uvuucrs made oil onslsiiinonts , .Sheriff's Snle ot Ileal i:sae. !irj Y VIltTrR OP AN EXECUTION ISSi r.ll UV TIIK, BJ l.lerk ol ilu.clr.nlt Omit of til Hut t ontltv. and d no. uii-eetiHt, Hi lavor ol .Mary A. plmlalr. pMul In. and naaluat .1. A. I.orkivoori. deleinlaut. for'llio Ulu of .iev. ent.v-on.. Iii.ll.n iu.,1 Killv Ceiita. iSTl .'.0.1 lu m. ii.nl. and even d"llai . unci oinlil) reiili. lf7 So,) coataand ill.l.ura- mnna, i nave levnu upon an.l will e.'ll at putiH.! -tu.'tloii, to the hicUi'.t bidili'r lor ciiei. in liaml, on l.Tl'lll)AV JAM'Alit l.-.llj. IS.oi. I,..1v,', ii III., holira pt li and! oianc-K- ... m ; iM-Rire - i lie t ourt notiHe uiMir tu caiiyuo City.-Uia.fi-llowhif; U'ti'i'lt.r.l property. t.i-iilr'-tue llou and lit. allualed in the' town of .anttii--!t6. Mate.ll).ej,n,'liiiy ol liriiht, Voiuliioiili' kuoiin a. tne i,'ii :oon.- - m , i", JJiitt K I. u.l v .- .'ir.'..t 1 u. i.... , ' , SlieriOl .j..H n in, -run, iiepniv. t apyou City, Mw.'l2lli. I8I.S. de2iMw ' ;-' feiiuiiiionS. - Henry Toier 4 Julin Ilalov. tilaintlfTa. a. Iu 3m. nlugatr-AtltioD to reeovar money. Id Couuty Ckmrl of ll.a State of Oronon, for Union Couuty. . , TO ISAAC JBNNINOS, DEFKNDANT: In the name of the State of Qrtitun, yon are liafwby auniuioned and rfi.irad toapoear and au.war the t-tiiplaint of the ,1'latntin.. I1..Y-oo lilrln th.Clerk', offlre, In aaid Court, ,aitii-..aerlc harehy upon yuU by publication for alx WCi'li. ill Iha.VlraKKLV MninfTiiM... i... n-.i . ...... Court, or jadment for want thereof will be taken aaaln.t Jtit'S.- .,1.1 filOll.t 011)11 V, . I . ..nR.-.fe)fM,i,(. jl.' BAKER, All y 'Kit plainilfle. --Ti-i J'cJ-r'-rr. ' ' ' j Ueria -s Sa;lc of Ileal Properly, 3 fieri -of rfi. t'in-jilt Vourt of.c.r,.nt ;., ...'! ... !Si"l!l,vl!",l,M1" 'lo'lani and twelity-oiuht wntT ( ... y ril u-liJ dljljimnionla, 1 have levlH-linoa atid . l -If at (, .n, ,.r,in, U, the hiKhe,t hl.W,.rT,r ea.1, l.T ",';V:-1AI2,,A" 1j!,un,l: P. ... berore tin-Court JK i tc d.a.r.iu-.. auyon City, the fullowlna do.nrib-d prop. .rty to-,,1,, one lion., and Tt ,lin5t!al ia,b Sli .tr . canyon t'll.v. Si.l, of oreRn, Countv ot Ui.u and i-04inotiilT known a, Doll A Meh....i'. ii.... V Up..y-P-UKItUy'l,"""t jiy w. m-. -H-nriiKir: T)eniit itanyon Citv. lAMilVth, line de224w": '.,... t-T-rr ."'""MOnil. , """" plIMT(trv. Twao-Jennln- ief.ndanfjl Aetiou. to, rrcowr lom.r.v. i. . I ....r.i .L " WHiw for fnl..u,C,.',ty.:r ! " 1 'W'WWMW'l!, Ifend.nti.Inih.Bniri.:f JL; the. fl.I. , ..1 - 1: . . T " loapii .you are hereby auiniiioued ana leijn Uf0.t aiynirm nnewer I'lalBlilP ooiuiilaJut mv on. HI, Ae CI.-A-. onice lawld urt,!, , "r WWKI.T MnrSTXisiu:., aa by order of aaid Court! ot .)l.JtIii.eJit.Ib.J.ia...tU.r,f.wm betaken agJ..J7.,u T.V V'!'t" ?.?'.' 1 "l,pTr nd '' oomldalnVth. hil. ij.fr ill akJi,dau...taat yon fcr ?hem." ?, ' T 1 fl' ,"wl ill-bur.emantii of ,M, or la JSJ. B. UT. TMOtll I " " ,t a.. a. aaauia, y r,ir nifl lln r..flin-r anil Tiniiortf r of CABKUCE. tOH OUB), m STAGE HA Saddles, lit idles, nips. A cflK-ial ortiint of ftniliffrrr. Hardware, Lcatlier, eic Jta- Olden Sollcltcil, lli-uauii.B u. " Jmr,CM.in Street, fronting W.l,inK't.. Iwlka 'MlvciiiNia RIIOP, ptllST 8TB EKT. between Vnnifim nd Morrion, Strain from 4 to 40 lnrt intwer.tmnji rerun SmtlitiiaiV. Also. im it, inr nt.l.t BAnL7 COM Pl.KTK, cmnnmiiy a WXPTiL YV" I, I, ,ii,l. AIo. Ilav l'rej ea of all aixeai I'laninl Mm.'Ii nea.1 M ootlworlli a liattern.) Wrousht and L'at lvon work for Yer- liialiwaudllriat iiiIIIh; I!iai.aiullfoli Canting, " , ,; """.wnotH 1HOSI WOIilt of every dearrlptlon. I am tilao prepared to ruriiiih Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & , moBt Improved Patterns. The,, Mill, can heforwartled to, any part of tlto mine a. tho weight of tlio entire itiaV-uiiiery will uot'exceed 'ir Utin ponndn. Horse Fovrcm & Agricultural Implement! mauillacturvd tuol.ler at tlie vn V l.lAVKS f CAII I'ltlOK N. 11. l'articuloratlentiuu paid to UKI'MlSg. fi2U-ll' dallies arv uni u stoku. P. CRAIG, WHOI.ESALI A NT! RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, JIEDICIXJSS, Perfumety, Fancy Soaps, I'ATKXT MHMCISr:, Ac. fl-tf DRUGS AA'V VATF.XT ' MUDIClNEStt J)H UOS AKD PA TEST MEDICINES!! DK L 'G S A Nj PA TEXT MEDICINES 11 S.IiEM01, VBOLKSAI.E AN RET All. illlllglin trVrt,etw Mii'Waln itxi geconol' Street CJ'' 'I'KM0!i l "lile toaupplyTiartiaa la aunt orrtrnna, ?Jt' eafent Aledirinea. Chonil, hIv A,oi,.i 1'erfuiaerv, and eVary oilier nrtlcle enuM.eraled ;ill lia , t . ,0l' wholesale Daua business! At the loweat market rntee, . .., , - j - I'hy.Moii. uiii( Jloichante intending "to 'uiircliate foi the Mine., Mill do well to give bjniacall. , , TRUSSE & SHOULDER BRAtnaa In ffveat vndet j' t . v ..- ft" I.EMoV " apSUir. .,yrWkinaia Sf Wwioii Maln'Ja'Wouil'r SELLIG:j.OT F A T rC US 11 Wymtlie.tocltor ;swrS - Arid Ti."v.WARij, T I NjWAN W T 0. Xi T" VtWIX e'mUrKc liig a l(ne torfteVerr'artlela out h,,.i,in.. Al'o oiv- JI1ANI ll A,0. pj.o.1 orOor. Al, eale, the ,1IH r; AX D IxT, ..11 M-, un.l Mf "Z, new ,lo .Die a-uiiiv(.(. Wahiionon. . Tha.ilou.o la.iw,! f".t!'.. .WMl" " I'V.llllont. Illi.l iewlUdaulmrteiiu, holal .ualne.. auo a ..t ,f MM.U1XU, v,.MptMu, X"nt twe. ny. ,ve ll,.,U. The whole Mill h, shinU,,, cl,",". hr Ini.ihpf parllcnlar. upply on the preniUe.. .' E auum,. , ALi;ilT UBmxflKV. , IS lli:ni:BYlYi:N Dial tho no-nortner.hip 1,erU". rore1.xlnit 4a.iVeeii K.( II AltbY. C. 1.. M Pit II. J.lil.aod K. TIIOMPSD.V. dolnita llier,ai,1lia blkiaday d,..lr.l by nntt.inl eut, am) heritlter tlie bUMliea, H,t ,iJ llrui...(1) he ruidurle,! br K 0 Haidyv who.alooe la ulhoiliod to rwlWt na.1 .. th ac.oimt.oI aald lirmV . J5. !. Il Allliy, . ."L.i..rfl.ii I t -w'.. . f., ., C.lfc'Sli'i'CHKf.T' ; , Boaae.Tllle. Grant Co, Oregon, - t, W.I'UOMWon ,: Aov, J.ywev, ........ aMn " ItVaNlillllifton Wnrmi o.i" (IT TIT; jpv TlI:.iul ,.vllilU!U),Nhu ...WOtU.ll. IM-whm. Trrw 1 1 nv.llna P.ihlio that tha WaahiuRton. M aaon ii'aVd e"r.!;,; jUanett Jtm 11th ISM;' - IwlWJfal.' W,.-L..r. at xi.i. KhttsvykigfisL' M wLuyjoifjinytK ux what.ver bom I. M. KUNTZ a ' 1 Rimir. a nela. w Mors AT , fnaaiiTillOiant to.,.o?, L'8, 1805. AT. ' PO VVKR PRESS ECCK& JOB PPelNTlHG OFFICE. Viral Etrtet, between Wain and B nirrra OXEUO.V. JOB PRINTING OF EVERYVARIETY rxerntt-d wilh nt-enracy and diapatch. . JA STYLE THAT 'Wll.L COMPAKB FAYOHABI.T wilh the very hart, and AT RATES AS CHEAP AS TIIE CHEAPEST to ORnr.it: Card and Ri I l-IIead. POSTERS AND l'ROGUAMMES THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS . . rniKTr.ii is the most attctit liasxi-a. WAY-HILLS. , BILLS OF FANE. ' LEllZlt HEAPS. lUXKIVTBOOKX ' juiLi-fLAnrye, llricifsj and Pamphlcls rismxa, wzddiXo aXP at uome vasvs XniKCfeJ .Lnbele. ' In abort, everytliing that ran be done In a Hock and Joh I'rliiilue ofilrt. from tho tninllrat and moat delicate Card orCirenlar. to the largeit ize end moat aliowy l'oating Hill and wbiih will he turned out ill a .tyle tUat canuut tail to inaure entire autiafaolioli. . , oia yaciunn roBTitii Ezminox oy DECORATIVE. PRINTING In the tuott beautiful Colore, Blia.lo. antlTinta, Such as Fancy Posting Bills I From a altijEle Fheet to lite Large.t Slamuiotliy ORXAXUXTAL t,HOIV CA IlltS. riJUVMMlSi' LAHEL8,e Aie nimu,rMtei) l.y tlione of any other eatiibliahnienHit Orrpm.. V dooie apeelal attention to thlabrnuth wf tho bu.lueH,. and are conliuually atluiug to our already ealett aive and well appointed aa.ortuieut. of ntateriul, NEV TYPES, BORDERS, OnNAMENTS. Of the nioit modern and elaborate ileaiam. Onr atoch 0 FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Are of the tlne.t quality, and for rlchniau of color and durability, oaunot beei)ualeil in the Stale. The principle upon which hoilneas H.ke.l fortlii, . tnhlinhnieul la. Unit periona will ronanlt tlieir dwa inter, eata. by waidio- tlieir diatom to that office In which their pinitey can be expeiid-i( lo the heal advninaae. Ti tin, end we aolicit all in want of - Kood ! i,,t,, i, , , reaa.raable chai-Kea, tu call and exaiuin, pecimena. aaS udefor jourelve. . ...'. . - "7..,H, Will iiava' our apeclal care, and friend, from the Interior .may rely npou having their order. BUed prompiiy, HAVE THE ONLYiMPROVEQ GORDON POWER rnts . . Ia the, tSltUe of Orejjou I Addreaa; 1 . NIOUNtAINEER OFFICE ' Dalle,, Oregon. ' ml8-tf JACKSON V SALOON ! C0R.NKR. COtJT. AXD SECOX.D STREETS i . MALIalCS, OBKGONJ : ' nes to Inform the publicum! ,. . j.' their cu,t.m.er. wl'i h the bolf P."1w lo rm 1 .XOK ARKEt At-fOttDS. AtL ' " Svary day and eveulng. i wfv - EMIli 6CHVTE, 4 i- i r - , , iTopnewir, i f tnv wood xtaxin CARRIAGE, AND WAGON MATERIALS ' W i,rB' ''" - ALi1' ATThVTIHX of Carrlaite H,n; Wi -urooturora ,d !u,.a,.M, to tlU l.avVe utid tea, . K 's:(ZT'',."'.vAl,l,, wa.kx matkk, aelei I..I t , ' a lloni the Kaat. koto altr if iblSL '"' ( "d'nrnU.. market, comuritlai. oaal lllck.ry; ,i,lt -.,.0d 0row,h A-h w,o1, Mtkar?UKaT .lASNUimt. NnH,liHlkw, Jello,,: Rlni .Hl.ttlta x-a . . Bau Vreno aoo. tt;,.,,.......; H J-vY.ljfavan t - a uuerais ' lltlibVHlllit,. '.JI.IL IV ii u i . ,.. H.r.olutl.e cily:: 1 the Or.1, and ,t proMt, oijj - .it- 'l i4 i J ' . w, . tf talle.Maylo.i8., " KVAM . . DALLES, ylJEOOST. A