Hloitnfatitcct. Th Australian m,; iv tbo year 1S9 ,t curing in th a I r Wero employed duon p u y,a42 miners' pro. duco of whoso labor was 1,702460 ounc .s equal to OOO.OOo!70 makes the average, weekly earning t m,ner withi a fraction of 65. xn o the average number of miners HtToVo was 92,292-wh0 Produced 1.078,009 ounces, equal to 820,405,422 Waring the year .1864 the average number of miners emnloved ... m . 39, who obtained asUe result of their labors, 1,557,807 ounces of gold. Dur ing the first half of 1865, the number of men engaged was 85,022. They produced 756,435 ounces of gold. Anese results, it will be seen, are quite uniform for the past three or four years. Tho first six months of the present year, more especially the lattor half of that period, was a trying time for tho miners. The long continued drought exercised a most prejudicial iufluonce. At manv of the nowlv ODOned finlrlfl Aflnamnll- " "J , j , - .-. n.w- ! -1 I n . I or aie irom tne want of water. , tne wormng of maohines was sub- pended, and the yield of gold was very sensibly effected. Under theso cir cumstances a very serious deficiency was expected in the amount of gold produced during the period referred to. That this has not been the case speaks well for the wealth and per manency of the auriferous resources of Australia. Bxsoldtiomb or Conoolbko-. At ft meet ing of the Dalles Fire Department, held at Jackson Engine House, on Saturday evening, January 20th, 1806, the following resolutions were adopted and ordered printed In the Wheukas, It has pleased the Almighty God to remore from our midst our well-beloved brother Fireman, E. G. Cows., of Grant Hook & Ladder Company No. 1, and Whku.as, The members of the department deem it proper that they should express their sorrow at the melancholy event, and extend to the family of the deceased their warmest Bympathios, therefore be it ' Haolved, That we have beard with profound regret the death of our late brother Fireman, E. G. Cowhs, of Grant Hook Ladder Co., Mo. 1, who by bis assiduity and gentlemanly j.nnfimtnt. bad endeared bimself to us. kaolvtd. That we extend to the widow and orphans of the deceased, our warmest aympa tbiei in this, their sad bereavement, trusting that the Allwise Bein. who has deprived them of their natural protector, will guide and nrotect them in the paths of rectitude, Ruolved. That a codv of the foregoing reso lutions, signed by the President and Secretary, be fortaraea to tue lamuy oi .- u-.-.- A. W. BOOBAWAK, O. 8. Savaob, ' . . -F. Daau, . . ' ' Committee on Resolutions. A Imnortsat lDTOntlOn has been ma. in Sa Francisco, intended to faoilii-t- the lowering of boats in case of shiDwreck, or in stormy weather, The boat is dropped intstaneously from tho itiivtts. and iaunoboa witn an im . t 5 a. r u potas tnat at once oieara ii irum w side of the vessel, n is a mir con nate that one half of the Kvs lost 5-2S rrSS7w" I&5 VWMwwa j ma !M.A-f;All fl stbey nreiowerea- aui. mT-u... . 1 .-. k.nnHtin aiif.n q&hqh. fin ltlOaiCUlttULW D5uui - DnOWNED. Jlt blor dark o.,-,jn-r v!nff, a woman, started to - ,ha fiolnmbia Biver on the ioe, Itrueo , from ihO ' foot Of Union Btreetand after getting oat a short distance, throiiirh and disappeared. Whether Bho. broke tboughaeo.deBt. allv or went out on the ice with the . s- rtv.tr. Bltinid- ft DO t-tni.lon to oonamrt BOioia " " Wholesale & Retail Wggistk XUHl'RNTINJS, liopa V""-S AMD! - ' LINSKEd' ' 1 Bl'OXOKS. LAKD LEECHES, , can?JLk-... m mho AND TBII. c,7, 1 " Nl-ULACK. onuuLutH BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND PATENT MKmCINK8. quality; new M vli. on.l l. " " t LUHIN'S PERFUBKRY. IIAIiV "! M - COSMETICS, IIAT ' "&&' ClV-IKS. CSV.?!.. TOOTH ANn BUAI'8 AND MAIL lllillllwa TuOTH Pnuniiin " V '"RUSHES PTJRE WINES AND LIQUORS For Medicinal purposes. ' ' v.uc. from cos,. uSy li'aZ " PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS at 111 h0u" nd nigh,. selO-tf REMOVAL -fc CIIAPTT- WH0LESALE4 RKTArr. ' DKUGGISTS. ITl-VA l)nmn.l -. ' ItUDIO'S STOKE BUILDING, WASHINGTON 8TAEKT. DALLES. !VHER.E. we wil1 continue to soil articles n.imllv ."""'""r'ri' - C'MiDiw Store, at 20 oer cn.. co.,.i.t. i , n.rr .V " lr.l -HAM A IV V HTn U LI T M mini ii... , wLct f win and Brandy, Extracts. nncy A Coninion Soup, BpongM, Trusses, Braces, 1'aints. Yurntslioi, Cork., Aold, Tooth Powdor, . Alcohol, uiis. liopa, Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, Ac, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Oire ns a call and satisfy y.'ur seWes before purchasing elsewhere. u. 14. tUaflfl, Inmil JUBT1H UATK8. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. a. Doora babkt Hiriseir. BOOTH & VE"VISOST, Forwarding and Commliklon Merchants AND DKLKKS IN OENERAT MKHOIIANDISB, Wliite Blufls, W. X, IRHIOIIT POB COLVILLK, UPPER COLUMBIA, KOOTKNAI and BLACKFOOT MINKS promptly turwarded. Mark Goods B. N., White Bluffs, W. T, ' JtBINC8 : FoantHD Richards A McCreken, Allea A Lewis, and liouge m twiei. Dauis Bloch, Miller i Ca., French A Oilman. jnTtf KEMOVAL. J. QOETIS, V. KOBNIOSBBROBR, rlan franclsco. Dalles. ' J. GOETZ Ac CO., TOBACCONISTS, uare removea to Rudio's New Stone Building; Wiuhlna-ton Street, near French A Oilman's, and have ouenea a weii'iuworieu block ui ...,..- i i. . u,n awn Ana V1BGINIA and WKSTKIIN TOBACCO, FHKNCII and 8C0TCH SNUFF, MKKIlsCIIAUM and other 1'IPEB, PLAYING CARDS, , SPORTING GOODS, TvnIAN -nl VANT.V AOOnS. Ae.. Ac. The trade supplied at LOWK8T MARKKT PRICES. ItXIiS. LEESEB'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND ' Dress ItlaUlnx Establishment, Opposite Cob- A Bohm'l, I WOULD CALL THE ATTBNTIUJl 01 tue -aoie. o the Dalles to my large and Hne stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIBERT, DOIVHIETS, HITS, FE1TH-K8, Dross TrimminffB, acts. .......a ih. -! of MRS. FRARY, In the Dsess staking apart meu t, wc will do all work In that line Mid guarantee perfect sausiacuou. in .n .ri-il. and I will endearor to salt everybody In TASTE end at REASONABLE .RICJ-I, yttrtic tar himhiuii pniu .v Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, FURNITURE ! FURNITURE .....- : A.. .mmrui . ..Hi ymm OLOHH HUHSJi.DUiLyiu, I v - - Dalles City, have oahand avariety llousehold F-rnrture, embracing: Tables, Chalrsi Bnreans c.,.t.,eii t which win bo sold latiow rates. f'' Beds and yeastewie, wuuiur.-.i" Renalred. .ndiDpHo stenngaone 10 or. --- K.dflllow.. Spring Bed, made to order, ao- Dissolution of" Co-partnership. myS!wuS&SSSm --'Jr 1, d.b du.ad r u, t. paid toii-tjiiw U - ' C:McFARLAND w. weaver. ' ' a , j, .' waolAKDami-i,Aiai UQARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF PIPES, &o. ALWAT8 IN STORM na nwmm --. Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. VaLAVTNn riDns ' ' I'OCKKT CUTLlIRr. . PORT MO.VIK8, ' c!.,,,NKAk5A?KNYTsrJ,de,,!ri,,t,'' TOVS. hnt.ro ' FISH IiOOKg'and' FISHING TAflKr MUSICAL INHTIllTMSviU TACKLB, MUSICAL INSTRUMkSts. Also Powder.Shot. Lt' rj ,. . many other artlcl.. i.Z. "asaets, and -,-T. . . UH"""U" so mention. atT.Mth.rpr,? ' aiaus aaueu. oc-8 w 4.-1 JL Tn - Merchants, Families, Hotels and aj c. e m t ft k ..-- -.-ry, Glassware. Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Lookingr-Glaascs and AH Kinds or nu Allofwnchllon. Onto u" '" v jr a f ti.lucl to, and fond. .avx v;ui. "u w w. -. JULIUS KUAKMER. Dalles, March lTtli, 1865. mlilTtf BOOT AND SIlOl. SIOKi;. F. VYCKMA, HAS REMOVED ni8 BOOT AND SHOE STORE to the buildlnir ou Main street. nearly onoosite Moody's Hall, where be lias juss reoeivea, uirectrroin 9110 srnciscn, .nua- usiiauy sin aim wen soiectea siock 01 BOOTS AND SHOES, of tho'Tery bost qunlitj and latut atylea EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTING SIIOb mauuiactnrea Dy uenaert. Also, a large assortment 01 LHdloi' and Olalldreu'8 Gaiters, Of the latest Stylos, Just recelred front the best Phil adelphia makers. Also, a very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. ATHSentlomen who prefer to have their Boots or Shoes made to order, can rely upon obtaining a neat and easy 01. jr. w xi;riMAn, wain stress. wie-tr Opposite Moody's Hall. A.. O. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines Sc I-iiquors, FRONT 8TREET, Portland, . Oregan. J-kFFER8 FOB SALE VERY LARQer ASSORT VF ment of . Brandies, Wines, . Liquors, Case Goods, &.C., &.C., &.C. A.T- The Trade is nartlcularly Invited to examine my stoca uelore purchasing elsewhere. aui-11 NOTICE TO FARMERS. 'VIK DALLKS LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING JL uvatrAfl . nas roceutiy atwcneu a riOTjitirvo xiix to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and . now nreoared to CHOP FEED. UHIND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant to giro the best satisfaction. On hand constautly and for sale FXTHA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHOllTH, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FRED. Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new w-n. . .- - . The h ghest market price paia ror rae. , BARLEY. U. A. IIOGUB, Agent. Dalles, Not. 2, 18B6. " AUCTION AND COMMISSION. J O II XV WILLIAMS, A-TJOTIOSr3IR No. IOO, Main Street, Dalles City .-riM iTTivn TrtTira 8KLLINO AT AUCTION W ol Genoral MerolianiUne, Real Estate, Orocerlf a, . , , , I , y,nlra Am . Aft. Horses, New and Second 1 Itesrular Sales Day Saturday. Outdoor and Special Sales attended to ta any part of the City, Liberal Advances maoe on uonsignments. nlB-am. JOHN WILLIAMB, auctioneer. LINCOLN HOUSE, ! Corner Waahlngtoit and Front Street., PORTLAND, 0KUO. ' IIRSTJLASS HOTEL. LARD EST IK TUB STATE. Charges Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will Attend ell th. Boats and convey Passengore and their Baggage k. """ 7 , ' v. r nr rn in, diub, uvin 1 " j " . 8. COFFIN, Proprietor, - a Trvfi isn rnr.n nATHB in the Honss.. ' ' 'n tl. Hteemere for Oregon City, Yanoouver, Monti- cello and Astoria land at the Lincoln nouse Wharf, . sep1:Bn ' WM. BROffN WAIWfEn, M. OFFICE 1 SECOND STBBET; betwiwa Wasnlagton f3J FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNBB OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHNEPPiNQETt -Proprfew frTI ST? 'ark.t in the BKM 'K-W " - BTTJLB, will keep eonslant. 1 on huml .11 sorts of " , Fresh and Cured nfenfa Ofthebest nua.it, furnished af,. K8t"ATB My motto Is to "PLEASB ALL." 7 . Dalles, February iBth) 18a8 Et'WNGER. WASHINGTON MAlUiEF T . WIU KEEP ' 'wLiconstant v ,,n . in' g-U-U- that the . 6TJ . and always of the lust quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. TbS l,nrfital.. , est cash price for ".AT cIttVvJ0 I" th MKt- going elsowhere. 1 iniim .Dro -aiies, March ait. lfini " "vl-mauii. mh81tr CITY TVT A ..ietor. Tr jrvonBtHutly on hand tlie btst ' 1T11-'JLS Ul AIjIj JilUJJI. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE is solicited, as we expect to keep as good i an assortment of Meats and of as good as qual'T uy, us Hie cuuuiry auorus: anu will Deliver the same to Purchaser! in the City. Parties having Superior Stock for sale will do well ta " give us a call before disposing ol it elsewhere.. B. liAUUKlt, a uo., Southeast cornor of Washington and Third Stat Ppposlte Kostur's Blacksmith Shop. M. J3ROWN & BRO., WHUmBIUI Anu ME TAIL SUIIAI IH FANCY JJST STAPLE ' DEY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. &o. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident or Ban fmnclsca. re enabled to oiler great Indceaienta tn n,,-.i,. -7T . respectfully Invite the publio o --mlne.onr ior Ju,VrI purchasing elsewhere. . mlS-tl 41 if- stone Store, north side Main street, Dalles. NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORK, WASUINQTON STREET. rflHK UNDERSIGNED would respoctfullr annonnc JL that he will oncn a nmt clam Saloon In Freuch A Oilman's New Stona Bnlldiug, THIS EVENING, andja prepared to serve customers with the best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A EHEE I.tJIN'OII : Every day and Evening. ocltt JOHN RliSMiAfB. , ie I E2 XX Watchmaker and Jeweler,' - MAIN STREET, DALLES. DEALER IN FINE WATCKKS, JHWKLRr, o CLOCKS. Gold Pens. Silver and Plated Warn lffr Bpectaclee, Cutlery, Ac JSl 3 aa-Particular attention paid to repairing flnettUAMl Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired kgt me warranted lor twelve months. n. B. All orders from the upper country, by xpuaa or otherwise, promptly attended to, . , . - MRS. L. WHITE'S " HEW PHOTOGRAPH BOOMS, lvashlngton Street. , .;- BfAYING NEWLY FITTED UP THE GALLEItT ov jl wgnar s oiore, woaiu respectiuiiy anno those wishing , . Photoeranns. Carts oe.iiMi;- oc.l:t- . ' Dissolution IHotloe THE CO-PAR SNBRBHIP Beretoiore.xisnng A. LAUER and. B. BOHUTZ, under the name ot I solved by muiaal-consent, Mr. Lruer having sold oat blk interest to R. bcuuib, who rr bis own, account Alt debts dua the i lata firm wiU b,a- pald.to is. Bohuta, wuo win seiu. mu , Dalles, Dec. 1st., 1895. E. SCUUTZ. Thankful for past patronwe, the nndersigned woul reapecttully inform his friends that he will .ver be loin. at the old stand ready to dispense his choice Honor. , them. SOIIUTZ. . J. W. QURLEY, DENTIST Main St., uasiae, urejoik, WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the citizens of this place and vi cinity, that having returned from a pro- airain resumed the nractleetof DENTISTRY, la the room leestoli.l four inrougn -lie oune., un formerly occupied by him, In the building occupied br WOOU a miller, rilO.Ogmpil .null, huh nujiiiniui " ilmn Uro..' Driio Store. tending thanke, for the liberal patronage heretofore a- tended to lilui, and solicits a continuance of the i LIST OF PBIOll. . Xntlre Denture on Gold Bime...................lo to fzu . Cpper Denture, uoia naa... ..M vu i ju Denture, Vulcanite Base TO ' I'M i " Upper Denture, Vnlcanit. Base M" M Oold Fillings insertedifrom one dollar, upward. Children.' Teeth extraoted tree afeharge. Ml-f t. .. Dissolution Aiotlce. iT1 ,IIB FIRM OF J (ll.nnaml of thel! . MILLER CO. have this 6r wetl or tneir .ncires-ocs, in iiuaciiy wuwna Bunnell A Mlller.who will continue the business at tlae same stand. Mr. Thomas Wilier Is authorised to settla .11 liabilities ana coneo, an uw mb, ah pmons knowing themselves indebted will pleeae com. forward .nd settle and save ootts. known, aa no clue has yet Boea od. Ti,..-... Dalles City, OV. WM, lew. .1 atf -kA xhA wfl i na,MTa ootw.. . and Court. ... . Ornci Uocaa- to H A, m a t i . a4 to 10, ?. M,