.CM . j flitntamecrJ louuta. Call uud Beu us. all mm everybody I aull-tf JI. WUNSCH 4 CO. SLX.M OFF AT COST ! 1SI. Wunech Co., m I T " . 1$ VITILI' CLOSE OUT TIIKIll STOCK OF MKItCII AN. XUriiUTO UpptlOU 10 eXtOri COnieSClOngf w. WSK.at their placoofbusineaa, at tile Dnllus, III was disoontinuod, it is said, in nublicioruorto !0,"c fll",c'- lum"K ""- Courts in Portugal, in con8oauoncooAWrrCotod''';iw,l,'l',SnolsIIa(8, tho following circumstance : "A con.aj , GENERAL MElClIANDJSE, , eeientious.Jud.'o, having observed tliejf aiiwi.ih, win be oi,i at cost. s,r cash 6u. offict of tbo rack upon supposed crim P , w!',Vk,""w "! v i loi.ioii toouriiim.it , . I( (ft tlie Dalles will ploiiaocitll and settle tu boom us iohi1.o. inais, in matting mom con loss anyoxiiiosewho iiuvoin iwrvminisinipd o inwi win nut a t 1 Dir. to t IB mif'l- firm of thn r irrm. t,W! "a ' imawuriij, ". " prom.i insq iirmgup OF ' ' J got reloiisod Irom their torturo, deter uuiuu iu ii y an uxjjurimuiiii. J.U itt uy P.anit.iil I'l'imn in Ihnt. onnnlrv in bill ti t. ho iso or mulo, and he had ono of the1 iormer which ho much valued, lie took caro, ono' night, to havo .nil his servants employed, so that no one but tho groom could get into tho stable Yhon .all wero fust asleep in tboii bad,! lie stolo "thither himself, and out tho horse so that he bled to death. The groom was upprehonded and commit tm in nriann II rt rJnn.lnrl llMnl fnil ty" but tho presumption bcin stroitL'S against him, bo was ordered to the ruck, where tho extremity of tbo tor turo soon wrung from him a confession of crimo Upon this confession he had sontonco of banging passed on bim IIAKE ivjew ooorsr HVINfi JUST AllltlVKD FROM TlfK SAN K11AX- ciaco Market, we would Invito tiieiillciitiiin of our .31 rri.'iiil. mill tho cuuiliillnltv nt 1 il'iro. tu i nr wi,II-hiIi.,1 I'Jl If stock of l)vy Goods, tldtlilnga - Roofs & Shoes, Which we nro Belling at the most rento'tinbli- niton. cannot sell our good AT COST, hut nsnre the coimni: Ility tlmt it plelucs us tu fell goodant SMALL I'ltl IKITS dMl II. IIKIOIAN ft 00. -MANTUA' MAlclHliT7" mns. MATTIK HOLBItOOK would ronpectfully In- J-vji. M 1 ' -:: We' nfneturer and Impoitor of CARRIAGE, COW.'OltD, HUGO ''" ' ' " ' ' AND ' ' " ' ' ' "' fc9 T A Gr E II A BNE88 Saddles, III idles, n iilps. , ' ! A geticrrtl iwaortmrnt of Saddlery, Hardware, Lcatlicr, etc.1 ,J Vf Onion Sultcitod. Repairing ilmie with neatnew uiMiuir.pun.11. 1. a. 11AKK, Je.'Utt Sluin Street, fronting Washington, lnllct. form tho Ijull CH of the lkillcn 1111, 1 ricinitv. Hint lio lias otieneil a hoii in counoolioii with MiHNO'llonrke.1 where she la iirenareil tu do nil kinds of work with nit-"J nfriH and diriintch. lliivinix JitBt niTlred from tho KiiBt, miu iiujies iu uonoic 10 pioaso 1111 an loruiin aim ihmuioii i('lo:iks. fouls nun llrfssph Cut tn Ordpr whon bis master went to the tribunals? tiiiier Dooits.Weut ot.tiio cwuvr of tiiihd and uuu bllUlU VAjwauu IUO illll Ulll Ljr , uiff conlcssions obtained by such moanu, by owning tho (net himsolt and disclos ing tho motives which bad influenced; bim iii pinking the oxporimont." gDAILY; MOUNTAIN' il ' y jt) it 3 POWER PRESS . I VDFltW il DALLES PORTLAND FOVrVDKl AND MACHINE SIIOI, FlftST STHKKT, betwoen Yamhill and ilorrtaon leiim Kngmei IO nrfrulu4to4tl home- JI)Wor,titlior I'ortnlileor JStntlonarjr. Also. Cllt- Indi.v Kiibbeh. A paragraph in the north American lieview says there are now in America and .Europe more than 150 manufactories of India rubber ar ticles, employing ii'om 800 to 500 op eratives each, and consuming more then 10,000,000 pounds of gum por an num. Tho business, too is considered to be still in its infancy. Certainly it is inoroasin?. Nevertheless there is no possibility of the demand excoodingSl the Sunnlv. ' Tbo belt of land aroundfa tho globo. ,500 miles north and 600J1 mUes south of tbo equator, abounds in trees producing tbo gum and they can bo capped, it is .said, for twontyi successsve soasonsi 43,000 ot these' trees were counted in a tract of couutryw Luu t iiiiiuo iuu ikiiu uiguii niuvi jjuui tree yiplds an average ot turoe. table ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, main sncct, corner ol Court. r& 4Ll MACK, TIIK l'lPNKKIt COOK, would roiiect-S,1,,clll,lM.VvoUW('rtl1 ? r,,iu, i.,r..r,,, ii, m,iu ii.., i,,. i,,.. , i .i .i. tii'tillorn.) W rounht mid above Chun lliiuac, nnd ia liieiiiucil to Bene mi MKAhS1!8: ',01 'kfur yoi"-' and I.UXCII hi tho bout stylo mid at the-Blioricet iiotko.!ic,,,,,,,'"",Ul'i"1 I ji A 1,1.3 miu i-AHUES it.niirticit w 111 Biippcra, iu llioTB'"" v......i,. ue.i Bivie aim on i iu hiobi rotmoi nil o icruifl. ' ... . k""u OYSTKKS In every Btjlo. I'rlnilo Itoonn for Lndlof.' HOUSE OPEN ALL NIGHT UUIiAH SAW M I LU) -SM gXV-f -i tfiflrfci .eof niiBi.c8i riniiiiix VTfJ7Mrr,isf & JOB PRINTING 0FFICEJ rim c i reel, uetweea juatn aud ji - v. OREGON. It LACK LIST. I TOHNn.WAKD, OrTliilSS HOLLOW, lias this d.ivl M pil mo Three Huudrod and Kurty-ono Dnllura In' uiir.t,.uALns Al 1'Ali, lor a debt due In Uol.l Coin. uec. au, louo. JlnilJ J. C. 11IKH.K EKtate, New md Second Hand Furniture. Fnrm 1'roJuc iioreea Ac., Ac. .HKCEIVI.NO and FOIlWARDIXfl GOODS, out duoi nd Special Salei prouiullr ttoodl to.. lloul;ir Salcl are 'o ' Close together that one man can gather hgt sap ot eigptyi in day.,.. r . .' ;. NEW AUCTION HOUSE. T. M j WARD & CO., (SuoccBsor to n , r. Miller,) ; 1 A-TjCTIONTEERS. Court Street, below Main. WILL SRI.L AT AUCTION ANB OX COMMISSIONS Genenil Mcivli;in,llj,, 'Slinliig ftih ks, H-al J-: Fi spoonsfullof sap daily, but the troelf.,, Tuesdays and Srttiirdaj s. are so' Close together that one maiiSiL11)Cr'1 kiym, m"dc on Consignments FEENCH MILLINERY STOSEJ . i,;,Arfr.. ,.;i-. 'h and Dresri Maklnat Establlsbhieut, ',. j ; Opposite Cohn it Bshm'a, T WOULD CALX TUB ATTENTION of the Ladiei oS JI the DeAiea to my lare aail no ock FLOWCR8. tiMBROIOCRY. BOWIVKTS J :il lT9'r JPE ATil t5RS J DrettS' fIVInmliiK-S(,'&e. navrfreeenred the nertlowof MKS. MARY Irf UioJ Dreis Bklng aimrinMai, wo win uo an wora in nw uw muu jtoriiw . ...... .BTlXl-due U " elor.jr i i - J;i(l'l lUlvi'iftit. early call; and! will endetfror tofuii .'Zrrl'oHfU TASTK Rnl a nKASONAllLK l'UICKd. j.(l'-Hielf atuntlorv paid to .Mdery and Braiding Bt amplng, . J.?IKlnvl Me from Joalyn'i Oeletr , , .. u . i " ' ' ' ' SberllT'g Sale of Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISym) Bt f ill-:! Clerk of the Circuit Ciw t f Uraht Ooaaiy. and tu' ine directed. In favor of Mar.v A. Sliiclnlr. ulaiiitllT. amll iiigalast. A. Lockwooil, nofondiint. for the uin of Sev-! onty-one uoiimb kou Miiy urntB. (7l prliirliml.nnil JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY ? r.xeciueu Willi accuracy, anu .uispatcn. . ..i , JK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVOBABLY with the very beat, and , '' ' ""' AT KATES A8 CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST :?...,-.. ' i to orbrb: KC a i-(Is .mil It i I Mi c a 9 ; P0STEKS AND PROGRAMMES . . " '.. for . THEATRES ,. COKCEHTS EXHIBITIONS. rfc.. .. ,. rfc, . rfc i niNTr.D 1.1 IUC HOST AITBACTITI HAMNU. ALSO, 1. WAYBILLS. ; ' . . . ' , HILLS nW FA JK . wi letter rnuns. XECMU'T BOOKS. ' ,. - " JJlLLSLADJIttffj ttr i c fs n ri tl Pa ks ph J e I s, ( f jriUijJi.u, rTAiiijiu AS - ji ji JiUJMJBi" ,AKlm jib the weight of the entire niacliiiiery will not exceed 3, tf'n short, everything that can he dune in a Book anil Jo ti iiMOpoutida. ' . ', ' ' Ft l'rlniiu(f Oflleo, from the malkBt ami most delicate Card) Horio POWOM & APricnltnraMmPlomente KorClrculnr. to tho largest aize and ;nost rhowy I'Miimr ihii Bdu which wh. or lurneu uui la a Style TJjat cAunof faijio insure eutiro Batisfiiction. : OUK rACILITlEB ro tll EXECtllOU 0 DECORATIVE PRINTING. - In. the moat boKuAiful Color, ghmlM and TlnU. Such : as i Fancy , Posting ?. Bills J WROUGHT IROT WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish .Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines luannlactiired loonier lit the very LOWEST CASH l'HICK n. il. rariicuioraiti'UIiou paw to Jltl'AIUK.Iea-U DALLES CITY DRUG STOKE. P. CRAIG, WUOLBSALI AND RETAIL lOEMER IN. DRUGS. proven dollars and eighty cents, (ft 80,) eoataand diBbura-t imenta, I have levied upon and will suit at publki'tncthin,) Jtolhe highest bidder for cash iu hand, on SATUHDAY. . 1. 1 Y S.IANUAUY 13th, 1600, between the hours of 12 and Woclock p. at , before the Court llouae door Iu Canyon fClly, the following described property, to-wlt i - . , I 'uae.Honw aaa ut situated iu tin town or siinaif ill. State of Oregon. County ml Uraut, . ooiniaonW -kaown the lockwooil Saloon. , M. 1'. HiUWV, UliarUT. : By W. W. Wnii'n.s. Dcpnty.1 CabyoiiClty, Do. 12li, Ipff.j ' vO.V4w FURNITURE I ' FURNiT110 DIERLAM Sc. WENTZ;' ttT',,T" 0I1BR HOTEL BU1LD1NO, v mimmJ Dallas Cltv. hava on lianil Household Furniture .esrHracInK Table, hairs. 9 rtoilittiriil ltAilatflRilr. ltaddlnir. Kc etc, ell of whlcli Will bo sold at lit rates, furnllurrt Repaired, wbd Upholstering done to order.- Alao.oa hsndl Uattrosaee end rillows. spring uaoa maaa ia oruer. aui . --:ii n Summons, .i-r-. i".-'-, ,c i Hcnrt Tonor i John Ifulov. piaintlffa. 'Vs.' Isaac Jen nlugs. Action to recover money, in Couuty Court of Hip Htate of Oregon, for Union County. '' ', ' V '' 'ftifi ISAAC JENNINGS, DEfgKDAST:' In the name1 j JL of the Slate of Oregon, you are liereby summoned' fund required tq appear aud answer the complaint of tho' ilMaiutltfaj'iiow pn (lie in the Clerk's ofllcn, in said Cour,l ...imr m.ii., ,,OTvuy umn yon vy puiiuuai.on Tor Bl iWeeks in the Wiexlt iloianistKR, na by order of said Kjnurs, oriuiigmeni lor want tnereor will tie tniuagainat iron r ana unless yon snanpesr anu answer said complaint. i ho PlalntiiTs will take Judgment against yon tor tin Mim ofi-iO, toirether with the casta and disbursement of this action. Ui U'lev' 4)1 J V. Aruerslamrj Auiinlv ifudge of Union Coinity. ' ' ' '' M. b, siev. ciamp t . Mi UAllEKAtry br. PlunitBT. 60 cents. f Jan6-flw DRUOS FATES T. M$lHlt&$$lk PR UGS AND . PA TENT MEDICINES!! DR UOS AND PA TENT ;SlEpiCtNESt, ' ,1'WROLUAI.I HID RRTAIL pitTji&GlST, Wtwliingtoii Btrek, 'between Mnln anl Srefnl Streets' DALLES, OREGON LEMON la able Ha siiiiiily parties lit wnot ofSrngs,! w raient-neuicines. uneiiitcais. acihsi nriuinurv.a and every other article emunenited with ther-i , ' I : WHOLESALE DRUG BU SI NESS J 5 SiAt the lowest market rates. . II ii ..... . far J'hyvicittmnml Morrrmfrr IntWmliwtrrmnK 1 . ma-. . in i .;,. . . , '. . st jwr inMine( win a-wen m give irtm-ntiktt.' v w w TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACH9 I.gre.tvy.e.v., ; t , jU 1 ap.iut. wulilagtea m ketwaekHalBMlneutond. OFFICE Dalles, Oregoa, fJACKSOIN' SALOON wnnriK WBlit AKU SEUUNO STJIEEIS, TI NMA.'N,:? ; TOOLS J ; , ... , i -y, r,,,, , , IjrBlllE u.MlKltsiasiKD, HAVING REMOVED FBOMV SEL LING 6 F Ev AT -C 0 STll "m" cwiww ( il( . y lU'l.l'" in f".. uL.Ti;0! 1K.1 'I "i.'H;tr flncg fnform tlie public that thevorc prepared toeensi KmM-KTr& .1 a mTwwArsnstmT-srtar: ana'sr. 5'kof ewstomera vrttlr the Tiost r, ,.,.;,! 9 A V V KaJ9 AIM MW X 1 AalssU.R mD.uiaELQF, RcceIlujr,Storln, torwardlnr! "AND ; '( .liii Renl eal.B.apAri a BnreanalJ.: wfu..'i...i ir..rnihiiit.'rui .UarnelsliJ ....a , il sroerty.f fissui!i,BYtitK5; ty, and tor ' agKTMl" Ei?l7TIfi tlfnrant Count "lalulntlftan, Vbe sum & Fivell thin e.tMdehs -.IoIUm. nnd tweiityilfetir.T4t. T7fl oa i n.tn,t.i anH tilivM.no dollars and four cents. 1 161 oT) costs and dlsburaiuenls; I liuV4 bvlod iipon anilS will sell at public auction, tu no muiiest nmucr nr cnBii in haad,' on 8ATtlHDAV. ANUAI!Y;ltUi JM. lratuatal leiore tho .vouri: ig described prop- Main ifJnR WHOLE embracing it fine stork, ever" aiticlo. I JL 'Ol which win iieeoui at iwi, as l ilualre to Huml !out bnsineea. Also, one Olt AN D 1M ANO, In good onrer.l ajiso, tor safe, jiio, uuiior, iaj, oji ffccoueiBtieet. next to tTie corner of Washington. Tlie House Is two' Wines,; ilitfrt ! '''tuut ' ClghrX'; rMmAitKET Aitonii." ' " ttsji ' '" ' ' : iveyyday aiidevcMng. n rui ,l)(iruii) pcJ-eirt f -UtTillJ "'1: hi-ir dec?-ir . : . . . . fronrieir. stories, Willi a uueweiit.Mud fswell adapted th hottiaTTard "VV"slJOCl .jl.T'l,m'riTJ .iwslneis, . Also a) lotof BEDDINQ, comprising aliontfl. . WWU.,A.HAWr in CARRIAGE AND WAGON 'MATERIALS WKi nEOrrOCALL ATTKNTl()N:ofOirdaKeMsu,h lifacturera nnd Deatera to tlie Large and C'tim. It lie hours of la and 3 o'clock a,, in., before tho Court In Canyon City, the tullowini una Jtoiiau.anu ix ami street, Canyon Ol, SlSte I'f Cri'goa, . Cosqty of Orant House door ety, to-wlti CKLunilS8idii' Merchant ! " Idraacet made oa Consignments. MAIN STttEET, Opposlt CniaUlla ltojuje. !. II I III M l i I il . Wntpn.', Deputy: . Canyon City. Dec, ISth, lSCo.-- ,i ii ,dew.. lit Stwenly-nv'o Beds.' The whole. will be closed out cheap. IKor lurtlier Dariiou'ari array o .me proaiHies. l!au9:3m- - ' . " " ALbKliT BETTlSOEN. GIVEN that tlie Co-partnerahln liereW fh exlatlni between K. C. HAIIUV. Hi: MirUl Kl.l.anU f. w. liiuJirajn, uoinga mercantile oui ur K. v. iinrnr Co. rs nEREnit iiess Ih tills Marti, niuler the iiuine ul ad eooimouly Known af.tl 4.Mrehfd'i Woon fijl l thit) duy dlMolvetl lj mtitiwl buijHoat, and, lircartcr n ,nrni viu txj cooaiicitMi py k. v.j Laitiioxf of iftlJ nly, who am l nuthurizetl 1 1 S.ltOttNDirMT AljtHOBIIl AOENTtoj ... '.j ,ii.-ti. .ml stllnc an inr. business, TceuV. r,ited to pay,. lml'll' "Tl costs; aa ka kM M4ani 19 collect. . JT. A. 0. PAYNE. I ) ce. Tii ATCKcn -ir. X. f.Orimn (Uaintlir, Vs. Isaac Jearrils defsndaatM Actlon to recover money. In -Ooauty Court. of the State' laTOnsro. for Union Conntt. nnO ISAAC JKNNINCIS, Defendant tlVTn tlie name nt JL the State of Oregon you Are hereby Biliniiii'Hoil and reqalred to artiear and ar t rialirtltP obiliplalnt iMisr on nle In the Clerk's office In said Conrt. ailer'aer- vlce; "hereof ripon you by putSiicalfou tor six weelta lnJltt. Vbbkit MovKTAixsr.a, aa oy tfrder of said Court, orxi aagMena.luissaus.uwreui win uvvwn sjni.ai, oolssa you to utiffwillt 8JO, together riied to collect aud set ttoAhe' isxeounte of said flrui. ',.',', , E,C, HAftDY. .J I i BnsanTlllc, Orant Co, Oregon, jr. Y, j Nov. is, 1604. ,, . y..', v;Wr1 WaHhlnaTton Wanrei Road. jvpHB v UNDmsiONjan W01U.DuIiltUtUi.'TnE 1 J Traveling Public that Uie W'nidil(Kta. M sgvo llpad, irrora rortiand ana taiwouvar to the Upper. juusendot la; wwu vviii soii .ii guvu1KTVif, yiuur .ur wiujuijs fov Mtork. fisUes Jan. 11th 180f. 'Janl'jlt I . ,Doie yrrupnei and uolssa ou to aunear and answer, aaid'comidajnt, lb ilalnt;sT will take JiKUntdirr Be abort Vod' for the ana of, I inut Aatlftr wllli Hie eoats ahil 'flisbnrsemenra of nilaTt A'ee-OUiVlM I Ktloi.By orter J.'r.'AirlTlnfrnwaysKlfKofP twin have been thought by IhauesjJitts essua-J aroTKCE. W HEREBY 'WATWALI, PERSONS Iroia eanUwcli l.'rbuyuM aySMag wanuws-Jfiiiat- sn KUNtax, PiileteJ aseoi'Hnent of CAlllirAOK alwl WAJON'IUAT'.ltIli SALS we are constantly recelWng from i Jiimt, sihx-hiII. ?aleCtctf for tin) CHiiiiiliiumnlkcr.UnM'irtainfcJL0 F Hickory, nnd Second Urnwth Aah I'lnnk, HiekervAhH IWagon Poles, Hubs, Spokes, Velloe s. Iliwx. EMts. Ac. Au. Sw,lch wo fittur at the laWcst Cwdi Prices, y ,. , ,t 9jT uruvra aaiiresseu (o owr Homo win recoffe firolftb EaltwtfcMH' hln WW hun ., K-Ni WoNIMUII.il :-i ct r""", n".'wy cireei, s?an rruiiciacQ, 1 1 Bali rraiiclsvo. Sacranieiilo. Hw Ybra NEW -H-liWIt &1L$ irShE bNDERSiaNRD'BBl'tO TKCOAMTilBCt. , I Tl.'J'10"? of I'iille,siidicluit Uilithe kaiieeeiTed,- Zm NEW IIKAIISK n.l .in t. short notice:" This Is iheri'aHf at'pteson'csSy fMHstWiWii" dliw ,CT1 iil mj-MUtn ijj From a siuclu Slieet to tlie Lateest Mammoth.. . f l U AT A Al WI,' I I fllflllf r,i UKlI ' ' 'I !:;; .:' -.'fc.'if rVUi'VMiSS' LABKLt, !7lla ntiali rnstsittniif tiu Man nf tn .t..t a i p-,.v ..... .. v v. vj esswv va nii unifl III V lniUllVli A IK EjOregon. We devote ipectnl tttlt ntiim to thltbninch of tf: Eubiitjinusi. mid tire coutiuuftllvultHnv tnotir alrrAilv HI tAM.' Kfllve nu uppoiuted tufortmeiit of niaUrlal, KNEW TYPES, BORDERS,' ORNAMENTS.' EJ ":j no ,f.., ii'-.tsv J 'ttenl is5i,:fili'::,::::. ;-T . , ui ine most modern aqd elaborate designs. Our stock A ''' FANCY INKS TINtR, AO ' tArer6f the finest 'Quality, antl for rlcnness' of coldr a'nd' lurauuiiy, tsnnot he equaled jn(li Ktm. .,, ,. , 4 iiiepriuciine upon which business is asked for this er. jtablishmentia, that bertotia will Consult their own iiitai 1 ei ((a, by awarding, Uieir custom to that office In which their nivuey can be ekpended to'thetiest advantage.' TtV MHin nra n, mhii an iu n mi. ui gtvu rr.lll.ng, US VeTS treasonable charges, to call and exanilue specimens, and Kldgeforvour,.lves.,.,.. , , , , . .-t . Maa.. ,i.. -. , ' vauv,s ii vui aaas? su ssfsasr tyUlllllrs Will save our special care, and friends from the Inter r. may rely upon having their order! filled promptly, as w, ' HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWtMRES' In'the HlatAfcrOrVeonl 'tui' AdaVresa: MnilHTAIHCED n IT ST f l If 1-"J mta-ii oMj itrAm Cmmntw. f a. tsftsr. Msunpl M. SAKJitt, AttyjuXptaHutllf. f atbla, aa I am not, nor will I hoi ! r , . ..1 Wssfesildr. . Ksmia'eswta," '' '.''' 'jPr? ''' - 1 I "Vi!lai,flninl CoJlJlovJ.7 old myasH jsaiMiiaiiue iorj ( MurvAT. f I T ' W.f. MO. 11., UllQOI4uASoS!no i bfflceAt Dr. CTtxUx'm X)rnir Stosa. J