, B;'fff"j''WM'' "IT.1 '." i . '.!. ,u Ljjjamsa.--A. a-L-wr --.s; VOL. . DLLES;OUEGON,SATO ailjj Hlfluutitinetr J FOR HOISK MINUS 1MHCCT. mini iciirnn wirrnir iiaiixtiiti .iiULiounuJiiiittiJJiwihUBW, -iALLA WALLA & BOISE LIN , (MONDAYS BX0K1'TD)) Dt l OK E. f COW.VE &. J. IIALI.ORAX, CONCORD, STAGKS, KD1T0R3 ANI PKOlMUKTOtt. g ' CARRYING Tutus Ttw.ul g-Hrtmntt per week, payable to the carrier J THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS pur month, by iimil, $1; three mouths, t'J&O; nix's ' AN1 iowmtit4 ' 0""J""r,$8-. Aiv'-"""'"'""'"",wl Weiij, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Job Printing. U3 . now maaing iieguinr iriptrrom vtuiia nana tori ' Vivery dccrlption of plain and fancy Job FrinVig eite-' nicit with iiuutiicxfl aim despatch, anu torwnrueu aa per cerviltsUie Milieu.) STIipaiiu-Ii tn Turn nml n ITiiif Ti'ive ou'urtontij pnitof tho-couutry. IKiynaUJorJobJhrmtg i. ... i, 7 ' . , ' . , n tiu( w,e i Miveru ol work. - gCimnectiug with tho Wallula Line orstagcn; aud til J gftnnta.irtha II. H. N . r-ml-in .. ... M ... UKO. I, THOMAS CO., UMATILLA H O U S E, j DALLES, OREGON. FJ ."' XN 1 UL' X lii . ' ; HAXDL.HV & SIJiXOTlV cop'rs.ftl TIMS f-JPULAE IIOUiB, OEJTRAU.r LOCATED, , f- Miwbeou recently enlarged and improved, and Kill uow.S H jfVQ I I U Jrl Ri LClt-Jrl J H MfcratmudM. , s, , ff .. I , v iti IV I aoo,GUB8Ts. h TT.iT.iA;-.rn.T:lTVT- a : fT WILL 11K OONDUCTKD a. horctofoKO.iu FIRST J, ul,.r tru'T-.rTl 777!.... : JU CI.AS3 HOUSK. nml the imtruimuo of the traveling i '" r.Y. fTitlic U rosfecttully x.licito '. ., l.NO KJSlUOKD.llAmi tnlceu totlie House froe of charge. IIouicjlTo Uolte City. 15 Cent! Jier pound uU nilit. m " IilnUo City,..,. 'At) , i I opc ciDC.Dnnnc cicce Tn ncDntiT! llsoi ccti " owyhoe o " ' ... - ........... , THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Dulle, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL,1 ' " BTMBET, DALIU, ORUOX, ' ' TIIOSIAS S.UF17I, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. j. ' IX TUB CESTRK 0.BUUXCSS, .;. , Kear the Steaniboat and Eailtoad landingi Snporior Accomuioiitioitii fur Fuinltiei A!id,can Ac aonuaou:lMi une iiunareu &nu riujr unosii. . , ; Meula.. , 60 cut. -. .. Lodging.. .......... ...60 cti. " Plre Proof Safe tat dcpoitouf nrtuablofl. ' t3 Uouio open nil ulglit. Baggage taken to the Flouts rreo ot charge, TiwugMiiu, nh8-tf . . rcuprletor, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. PUKSH SXOCKI' SHJSENHUKY & 11 II OS., Dalles and Walla Walla;'" .,-.;.!. t DEAUUU til ' ' Staple and Taney; Dry Goods ItUtlia UBU 9UIIHI) ,. '..Clothing, ',;" ;" -r m - Hats And Caps, "'' " ' Groceries, kyA a full aimnrtmant of flenenit MerchnndlM. Itanrin. oar Vaodi eccltiiiirely In tiio 8an Vranciao WWrVet, uit making mine bnteuh purctmaee, we nreeMliled to 3) per cent, cheaper than any other limine at Ilia VallraV ' JC'-r ., DUSKNUKKV IIKOS, , Vinl-tf ". ' Pallet and Walla Walla. For Iom amounts than ono liumlfci! nounda an udJfllon .of Flvo CenLf per ponud will bo charged, To Uolxet Ity, 3 Days STo Idaho City... ,3 1-a Uays.i TO Uwyliee, ....4 Hays. IJOSUI'II 1HNICIIAM, Atont. .1.-1) I III Uniatllla,'0ct, 1,1805, Aud aU kinds of Machinery t OREGON IRON WOMfe " t COIt.NKH 01? MOUIIISO.N and 7TU tlreeta, " , , l'OHTLAXU. - " -i A.. C. 0IDU3 4 CO., ' Buccomora to -1 Portland, Dec. 6r!i 04. dcOtf K. L. Joxts k Co, t ' '. . i" I . I, I A r . ff Nil 'x ft & 1 '.11. n a . a . - .i F...JI. UTR)pr,Jl(5tor,, Main and Court Str-ootw, "V Daliet, Orogon. ap21-tf i.Mo.': nit iv rdi k hiomkv ? Family Grocery and Fruit Store, - -J I ' 'Owner of VMhgton and feocond gtraati,'. ,G ap,C E'R Y , . P Fl b V J S I O Nf , jWnihlntiton 8tr'cei, jipiHMlte' Frouch iQilman'i ii7l1e. I i JJwon hand a lurgaand-wvU-usorUilutuukX -f SGROCERIES & PROVISIONS,1 Frcsli Uuttoiv&.lScirs, , I IKernlred dally. A largo lot pf ClllPKHNS alwaya on A (hand. FUUITd of all kin-la, VUKbII VKUKTAlil.m 1 Ierery morning. All articlea warranted. ' nrrnK undhiisioned wisiiks to inform TnK5f(Jlre Me a Call. EvervbodV! JL tirtuile iif the Dallca, and tbe;p.ibllc gonrally,tlit3 , ,X, , , y-, V," 7 V 7I. - UJ J FAMILY GBO Wlflch lie will soil WholoMle and Rotiill at Rciuctd 1'rieu fnrQASII. Aln. cuniitantly on hand thediokeat' ATtWe f FltrXI IIUTTKK and K.CIJS. Ale, arery. rartrty of FltDlTS and VKUKTAULKS in their peaaon ! Persona . from un the country. wMiltiff nuantitlea ufi Kgg and Fruit, by aeudlug In their onion, will recefTBJg the trlcteHt attention, and have them II I led at the Lnvxjt& .ockof . ,;; ,ra,w;tow. v . , - '- - Ci V i s,'-, , AKIyl to & DALLAM, n Iniporteraa,nd Jobbonttf), ;l , ,' WOOD ASB WILLOW WARE ,. UFSUBA, TWIXKd, COHDAOK, Ac (I1 California PalH TuKlfrooins t1 1 19 Sacraments street, betwaen Front and Davk, tMaFrnnrW Cu. OiO'iKTrU jeIadwT .9 Tr-Tt- fSO-V.a, TW I'- Ml r-.-.;.,r, H ' " TJKALKRR llli.'l . .. ,!'. 'I'lV-. ti.li rr.it v aw Main and Union Streets, DalleiVy J.CBALDWIH; . mhil-tf ' F. Wj BALDWIN. 31 I.WM. IV1UAUU8 CO..' . nil lull '8S0UAOH AMlrF0mVAMJKQM ;h, iui proper aueaiiorj .iiiiif; '111, Good! consigned to ui wlU'iuiiat with iiroiior (i 'MjirARnillin.'.'iiiiii1 ri'.n'li it uu. , , If. W. rwiiAt. ' Ttnl.l.f,.. A n.. RlcVrHrdi McCrcki,'' X6W:C. Mondy it Oa'' Dniatilla Landing, Bent, th,18(B.- - )ti . i ' l J mi i y i ij.T.'ii'f." Ut n ii Ii ' ir ti ' I. I. NTF.lIIE.SO, v t36iTfefof Flrttandn afreeti. '--1- " , .ton toaTr ix OALiroRX.A ros Fire k Kurglar Proof Sat.- BTEELiLlNED VAULTS?'?'-.- t.M f f J tfi"3T VT 1 rJ? IT. I Combination JLek. Hill. nutrf RAKf i, W7 .B.OATli.l Utvi H;)l.BArT. Aitrneyfoansellors t Ijiw, - ';.r' r oAy.j-.,. t TU nOLKS A l,K AND ItKTAI L DBA.KI18 la BREAD,' I V? CltACKKHgand HiuilrUlt()CHtlKg. jj acft-viueiairuma uiauiucecaremiiy niied and promptly i iTUB UIGnK6TATtKERrc;FilIX CASH 1ST; -' y-- i t .'.' - ill Till vl.'ijfi HAS UEMOVHn HIB OFFICK OI'PO- . altoWwh. (IHor A Ooavlmra bn !Tr i... ... .' jr. ajiijia to go H)l Kiniia ol; ; ; ( t fntai wrtnir :in a aVIIlfnl and Well tlnUliid inanuor. TKKTII linertec! (frtntt orlo tonn elltlroaeti oh'lblid or HiiliheK'Wat 'H j ' -4'oTia har.hia; venrk Htm J.V m. MAI Mwlb.il , """""""I"11?" w reoaivo or my for III r.ame.,' -''I1'1 J '' .'ui.-iin iyvl o,i j.., jaaji: ooblast roa -ueaver, otter Mltlft' nd Coon Bklns, WHOLESALE AND RE Poruand .Cffi' JSt ATTORNEY? &f COUNSELLORS ATLAW i W'ff bSti,eT'K' 1,1 Wl 8UPRKMK ANDCIR1 tj ncMtCMtvt.frgnnlMla the Ulitrltt CowA o! rn.iiKiim ivrruory. Particular atteullunpald to the collect Ion of claim. AIL. CHOOIi BffOKB,.8TATnwMtp 7 oinuiiarii nua BiiHraillineoua .WIIKHa. iUte ; -N0VKI.8, MAUA.I VK8?PATr!llS ejnAti,'by avbrv. Slnatharj '.PiiOljiaim' Uooktore. Main atreet, Dnllei,, in.Ju ibiit ,'WA'.ITKWD ilii-"o.Hi7 f rvtitH arxiTivni.Tneri. auiia :l n JL hand rnrnlliire. Ile.li. 1WI.U. r.r.. u. ...... ( ijf and Itouwhold Furnitnre of evtVydc!lhiV,in7. 'r-Mi will do well to calf. . i .. . JOIIM WILLIAMS. ! I flailing to eel I wil