Sailiy Mlountainctr. LiBEaT? of the Press. Though all tho winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, bo truth be in the field, we do injuriously, by licens ing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her ' strength. Jjet her and lalsohood crap pie : who ever knew truth to be put to the worst in a tree and open encounter: Her confuting is the best and surest suppressing.' . What a collision is this when we v are exlxr.ed by the wise man to uso diligenco, "to seek for wisdom as for hidden treasures," early And late;, and another order shall enjoin us to know nothing but by Htatuol When a man hath been la boring the hardest labor in the deep mines of knowledge, hath drawn forth his reasonings, as it wore a battle rang ed, soatlered and defeated, all objoo tions in his way, calls out his adversa ry into the plain, offers him the advan tage of wind and bo pleases only that be may try the matter by dint of argument; for the opponents then to skulk, to lay ambushments, to keep a narrow bridge of licensing, whore the challenger should pass, though it be valor enough in soldiership, is but woaknoss and cowardico in the wars of Truth. For who knows not that Truth is strong next to the Almighty? She needs no policies, nor stratagems, nor licensings, to make her viotorious, those are shifts that Error uses against hor power: give ber but room, and do not bind her when she sleeps. John Milton. Singular Vok of Skill A phil adelphian named Swander has produc ed two romarkable specimens ot pen portraiture. Tho one is a copy of tho Declaration of Independence, written with such variations of light and hoavy strokes as to embody a phan tom likeness of Washington, tho wholo -baing surrounded by clever imitations of the original signatures ; tho other ' t - - r i giving lilt) Jiiinuuui jmuou rrouiamuuun iu a manuscript which discloses a shadow portrait of President Lincoln. The figures can be recognized at a glance, and yet the picture is formed eitirely by the size and arrangementof the written words, with the oxcep'ion of some slight shading about tho eyes, nose and mouth. SELMfttt OFF AT COST! 1VI. Wiinsch fc Co., TriM. CLOSE OCT T1IEIK STOCK OF BIKltCIIAN. vw DISK, at their plnceof business, at tlie Dalies,in uravr IO go WIS Oliuee. jueir biui; eiuuinvee - Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Hats GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be aold at COST, fur CASH only. sr- All who know themselves indebted to our firm at the Dalles will ploniecall and settle an soon as possible. Those who. have been accommodated we trust will not delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt In squaring up ac counts, cull unu see us, an auu evoryDony i aull-tf M. W UN SCII k CO. NEW GOODS! HIIVINO JUST AR1UVKD FROM THK PAN FRAX clsco Market, we would Invite the attention of our friends and the community at urge, to our well-selected stuck or Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, &c, &c, . Which we are selling at the most reasonable rates. We cannot sell our goods AT COST, but assure the column uity that it pleases us to sell goods at SMALL PROFITS. VVII. 1. 11J3.U.UAH at MANTUA HAXtEK. MRS. MATTIF. HOLBUOOK would respectfully In form tlie UuUefl of tho Dulles and vicinity, tlmt she lias opened a ataop in connection with MliwO'Rourke, where she i prupareri to do all kinds of work with neat ness nnd dispatch, Huvfuff just arrived from the Hast, he hopes to he able to please all as to Fowl and Jtaahion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TIIItEK DOOItS.West ot :the Corner of THIKD and UNION Btreets. oc21;ui3 ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Street, corner of Court. OLD MACK, THK PIONEER COOK, would respect fully Inform the public that he has fitted up the above Chop Houso, and is prepnred to serve up MtiALS and 1.UNCI1 in the best stjle and at the shortest notice. BALLS and PAIM'IKS rurnlshed w th suppers, iu the best style and on the most reasonable terms, OYSTERS in every style. Private Rooms for Ladles. HOUSK OPKN ALL NIGHT BLACK. LIST. JOIIN Jl. WARD, OF CROS3 HOLLOW, has this day pal - me Three Hundred and Forty-one Dollars iu (1IIKKN1IACK3 AT PAR, for a deht due in Uold Coin. Dec. 30, 1806. . j4nilj i. 0. RIFFLE. NEW AUCTION HOUSE. T. M. WARD & CO., (Successor to W. P. Mtllor,) ATJGTIONEEES. Court Street, below main. WILL SELL AT AUCTION AND ON COMMISSION General Merchandise, Mining Stocks, Real Es tate, New aid Second Hand Furniture, Farm Produce, uorses c, sc. RKCB1VINQ and FORWARDING G0OD8. out-door and Special Sales promptly attended to. Regular Bale ways, . 1 , 'fi'uesuitss and Saturdays. Liberal Advances made on Consignments MltS. LEESEB'S , FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, r AND Dress making establishment, Opposite Cohi 4l Rehui'i, I WOULD CALL TUB TTRNTIOX of the Ladies o the Dalles to my large and fine stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, SONNETS, H ATS, FEATtlCRS, Dross Trlmmingai, &o. Having secured the servlcserof MRS. FRARY, In the Dress Making apartmeut, wc will doftll work in that line and guarantee perieci sausiacuon. . DYING dona In all Colors. (live mo an early call and I will endeavor to suit everybody Iu TASTH and at KKASUM AULB i-lliujss, Particular attention paid to Embroidery and Braiding E?t amplng, FBIKSII BUTTEK, From Joslyn'e Celebrated Dairy, For Bale at Rl. ItEIVIG'S. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIERLAM So WENTZ, vNITUl. GLOBE nOTKL BTJIt.DINO. aaRiaaa'aaetrs. Dalles City, have on hand a varioty HouscUold Furniture, .embracing Tables, Chairs, Bnreaus Beds and Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpets etc., etc., all of which will bo sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering dona to order. Also, on hand Matlrosse and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order, aula I i . j W. r. BJGELOW, Receiving, Storing. Forwarding . " ' . AND ,v- ' Commission ' Merchant! Advances made on Consignments. MAIN 8TBBBT, Opposite the Umatilla House. notice. . - FS. HOLLAND IS MY AUTII0RI7.KD AORNTo attend to eollectlng and settling up my business, during my absence. Those Indebted to me or to Payne A Co, are requested to pay him immediately and save oats, aa no naa oraers to wiiw... w, .- , Dalles, Nov. 18, ISO. . ' JACKSON'S OREGON CIDER , . :, . FOR SALE BT iiV. CCO. TI1ATC1IER Co. SherlT;8 SiUe ot Real Estate. ' BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY THK Clerk of the Circuit Court uf Orant Count v. and to luo directed, in faror of Mary A. Sinclair, plaintiff, and ngalnst J. A. Lockwood, defendant, for the sum of Seventy-one Dollars and Fifty Cents, (71 60,) principal, and seven dollars and eighty cents, ($7 80,) costs and dlsburs- fnentd, i nave lovicd upon and will sell at pnDllc mctlon, to the highest bidder for cash iu hand, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 13th, I860, hot ween the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock p. h , before, the Court House door In Canyon City, the following described property, to-wlt: una Houie ana jjoi, situated in tne town orsnsanMtie, State of Oregon, Couotyol Orant, commonly known as me icKwwn caioon. n. jr. jjxihai, enoriu. By W. W. WuivrLs, Deputy.' Canyon City, Dec. 12th, In'oo. , de22-w Summons. Ifenfr Tocer k John Haley, plaintiffs, vs. Isaae Jen nlngs. Action to recovsr money, in County Court of the State or urogon, lor union bounty. . TO ISAAO JENNINGS, DEFENDANT: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby suminoued and retnired to appear and answer the complaint of the Plalntins, now on file in the Clerk's office, in aald Court, after service hereby upon yon by publication for six weeks in the Weiklt MouBTAisiBsn, as fcy order of said Court, or Judgment for want thereofvrltl be taken against vou ; and unless vou soeDDear and answer said comnlalut. the Plaintiffs will, take judgment against you tor the sum of $2ri0, together with the costs and disbursements or tnts action, m order or J. P. Argersinger, County .mage oi union vouniy. , ' U. 8. Rev. Stamp I M. BAKER, Att'y for plaintiffs. 60 cents. J Jiin6-Sw Slicrlfit's,or Heal Property, fnY VlRTtfB OF AN EXECUTION'iSSUED BY THE Olerk of the C'lrenlt(Court of Grant County, and to me directed. In favor of F. W. Bell, plaintiff, and agnlnst A. W. Marchaud, -defendant, fol the sum o. Soven Hun dred and Sevent-clglit dollars and twenty-eight cents, C$778 28.) nrlncinal. and flltr-one dollars nnd four cents. h 04.) oosts nnd alsbursmonis, I have levied upon ami will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash In hand,' on SATURDAY, JANUARY lath, IMA, betwoen the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock p. m., before the Court House door In Canyon City, the following described prop erty, to-wit: One IIonse'And Lot situated upon Main streot. Canyon City. 8tate of Oregon, County of Orant, aim cuwmuuij auown as jmjii niarcnana s natoon. M. P. BERRY, Sheriff. By W. W. Wairrut, Deputy, . Canyon City, Dec. 12th, 180S. . de22-4w -Rumuions. - !- J. t. Oriffln plslntlaT, vs. Isaae Jennlnira. defendant. Action to recover money, In County Ovart of th State of Oregon, for Union Conntv. 1 . ' . fflO ISAAO JKNMMJB, Defendant! In the name of JL ne aiaie pi uregon you are hereby summoned and reaulred to appear and answer Plaintiff1 comnlalut now on tile In the Clerk'e office In said Court, artor ser vice hereof upon you by publication for sis weeks In the Wieklt MouimiiiExn, as by order of said Court, or juagment lor wan. .iinreoi will De laaen against yon, and unless yon so appear and anewer said eomnlalnt. the Plaint B" will take Judgment against you for thesum of $360, together with the coats and disbursements of this action. By order of J. P. Argersinger, County Judge of usis ixesir, wjfcnfiit. Airy ajr niaintln. U. B. Rev. Stamp 1 ' MaMia. ' . Janl-vw ' . HAKE nfctnrir and Tmnnrtnr of CAHRIAGE, tOi OHD, DIGC AND STAGE HARNESS Saddles, Rrldles, Vlilps. A genoral assortment of . Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. 49 Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatness and dlspawh. F, A. HAKK, je:lltt Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. PORTLAND I )LAJ5)ItV AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. v team Kiislnes jk5 of frmn 4 to 40 home . mticSA. power.efther Portable or HtHtionary. Also, Gilt- V CU1.A11 SAW MILL9 Si COMl'LETK. conitantlv .f on hand. Also, Hny freiv ien of altilxett; IMatilng Machtnea,( Wood worth's pattern.) Wroutrht and Cast Iron work for Ver tical Sawand Grist mills; Jtrass and Iron Castlnsi aud . . WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quarts Mills oomplete, of tho Latest & moBt Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powera s Afmenltnrtil Implements manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASH PRICK It. 11. 1'artlculorattentlou paid to KKPA1RS. fe20-tf DAL.L.ES CITY DRUG STORE. P, CRAIG, WBOLIBALI AMD ItlTAIb DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATKHT MKDIC1NES, 0. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES.'! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! ' WaoUSAU AR9 UTAH, . DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and 8econd Streets OAfl,ES, OREGOIV. LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, lr9 Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the ( WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest markot rates. ' .' 49- Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mlnqe, will do well to give htm a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. 8. 1.KM01, ap.8:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. SELLING OFF AT COST! ; My entire stock of , f.. . STOVES AND TINWARE, . also, TINMAN'S TOOLS, rrHB TCHOLH embracing fine stock, ever article JL or wmcn win ne sola at uuT, as I deetre to close out business. - Also, one ORAND !" ANO, In good ordert Also, for sale, the HOUSK AND LOi', on Second Btieet. next to the corner of Washington. The House Is two stones, with a basementrnnd isweii adapted to the hotel business. Also a lot of DKDDINO, comprising alwut iwaniy-uve neas. Tne wnoie will be elueea oui cheap, Vor further particulars apply on the premises. au:3ni A L UK III BKITINOKN. RTOTJtCE JS IIKRKBY GIVEN that the Co-nartnershlp hereto- A fore existing between It. U. llAltUK, u. I.. MITCH KLLand F. W. THOMPSON, doing a mercantile busi ness In this place, uuder the name of B. 0. Hardy k Co.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and hereafter the business of said firm will be conducted by K. O Hardy, who alone Is authorised to collect and settla the acoouuta of said firm. r B.C. HARDY, O. L.MITCHKI.L, . BusanTilla. Grant Co., Oregon, P. W. TUOM I'SON -Nov. 13, 1886. nHShlra WauhlnsTton Wagon Road. TUB UNDKHSIONKO WOULD INFORM Till Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades Is well being kept In good traveling order for wagons and stock. " K.O.IIARDV, Dalles Jan. Ilth 18M. Janlltf Sole Proprietor. NOTICE. ' ' I IIKRKBY WARN AIX PKR80NS from contracting or buying anything whatever from W, M. KUNTK, whereby I will have been thought by the publle respon sible, as I ana not, nor will I hold mysslf responsible for any of said V. M. Kunts's acts. W. I. MOFfAT. . AuswvUls, Grant Co Nov, tfuat. DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWER PRKS8 , BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES...... OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Kxecnted with accuracy and dispatch. Ir-A STYLE TIIAjr WILL COMPARK FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS , THE CHEAPEST - to OBnm: -.- u v Cards and It i I l-II ends. CHECKS, DRAFTS, KECE11VS, POSTERS AND PB0GRAM3IS FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS die., ' rfc, d-c, PRIWTEP I!t TOI HOST ATIKACT1TI HAIIIIU. ALSO, WAY-HILLS, HILLS OF FARE, T t'TT L' 11 nrBjnB XECEIFTROOKS. BILLS LA DllfO, flriefs and Paniplilets, YJSITim, WEDDING AND - AT HOME" CAKDS . DruitsletB' Labels, In short, everything that can be done in a Book and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to tlie largest slse and most showy Posting Bill and which will be turned out in a style that cannot fall to insure entire satisfaction. OUg 'ACIUTIBS f OH f HI I1ICOT10S 01 ri c rrrv Q A T I C D D I M T I M - In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills ! From a single Sheet to the Largest JUaminotk, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, rVRFVUERS1 LABELS, dc Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment In Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of tlie business, and are continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. etc. etc. ' oSc. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC. Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled In the State.1 v fiivipi9 Unju WU1CU UUBUeSB IS 1H.O mr I ins e? tabliahment is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office In which their money can be expended to the best advantage,,. T this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charires. to call and examine sneeimens. ana Judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the Intern may relV unon havlnff their nrAmrm fllliul ummntlv. aa Si HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS . In the State of Oregon t Address: , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mlS-tf , . Dalles, Oregoa. JACKSON - SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON. rinni! CNDKR8I0NF.D, HAVING RRMOVED FHOM THK "11KI.LA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gnteta' New Buildingr, Beg to inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best . Wines, Liquors and Cigars TIIH MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A " Free Lxmcli I , Every day and evening. KMIL. BCHUT2, decif-lf Proprletuy. Hard Wood. Lumber. CARRIAGE ANO WAGON MATERIALS Wi dko to call Attention or carriage Mks ufactnrers and Dealers to the Large aud Ccm. plete assortment of CARRIAOti and WAUON MATKKI? AL8 we are constantly receiving from the Kaet, specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Alive. Wagon Poles, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Rims, Shafts, Ac Ac. which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. 49- Orders addressed to our house will receive pronip attention. - n. w. uhauu uu., . - Jel6:8m. 2D k 81 Battery Street, San Francisco, nd 17 ID 8eventn Street Sacramento. . V. " ATl.flVVII, a, . BIMU1 VW. M . . UKHII. Ban Francisco. Sacramento. NewVoik-. IS" E W HEABSE! THE UNDERSIGNED BEOS TO INFORM THE CIT taens of the Dalles and vicinity that he has received NEW UKAltSK, and will . , , Attend Funerals on short notice. This Is ths first, tad at present, cosy, w mw iu sue ci.y. :j llles,Myl8,lB6. Z. M. XV AN! mya6-tf. . J. IS. llAtOOItH, IrX. r; OffleaAt' Dr. Cnlg'i Drua BtjOPeM DALLES, OREGON. '.. I