The daily mountaineer. (Dalles, Or.) 1861-1866, January 19, 1866, Image 2

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    Satin Ixlountainttt
Trlnl Trip or tlie roitj-Mne."
FRID.lT TtfOIrtilXU.'JXJf. ft), 1KC8."
Tli re e. h hiimbir of miners nlumr.J, i b j of protliiiiiic, :ti,il il,p,e were I
.ul H.'lKin, to apenl ll.e winer n'nitl-.Hie
I-'. bini.
A fatal cuseVof cholera recently
occurred at St. Louis. ' ' -
The Uiilicli of the Utile steamer Port)' A'ine, j eiiUWisiin.l liyiirrhnteaii frwrls (if &0J itO' ie;rth.
at '(Jolvillr, on the. evening of the 18ib
Xuveii.ter, niiirl.i an
the ilorlheru fec'iou
There liiiiilt: niUeulnier.-r mil t.i-inl thill'
7 u tiie liuiuiy or ,,, W.d H11Ijl , jci, -. (iIf Khvu v
ol the Columbia Baiu. I will have their ue.n bun's Imi.ii In. h
Among tlie spectator, waj that dhtlnguisbvd , lVj' be niulilid m he amoDg the final iu
Sf7. I'ere-s savne-a. Tin un. mines in the Hiring.
Gsneual Thomas F. Meuher is tt
present acting governor of Montana.
The Pacific Mail Steamship Com
pany declares a quarterly dividend of
Iiua nor innr..
The practice of taking enuff in
Scotland, once an ulmust universal
habit, is on tlie decline.
Every man likes to bu tiikcn for a
gentleman, and yet no one likes being
charged as one in a hotel bill.
.vi i erc-s, tip tl'l-hrt-telfa-loit-a pi 0,
(wgv tram the Light,) who has traversed the
Uockj Muuuluiti Hinge in search of a pine
whore llie"Whi(vkVouM not intrude upon his
priviifj-r Two jvars ngii he wits Iu the altiioVt
iii.:iT8ihle nioiiii ains of ll.e Great Wallowa
Stink; f o ii limine lie treut to the Flniiiead
i in. lumes in ihe fiiniiu
Truiu tluti piiint, ill' boat run bnck'to Fort
Shpher l u ihe 13 U, 1 on (h.e lGtu re-
Uirued to Colvillt-Lundi'tig
"J, TIIKUKTS'licD SCrt"lN 0 Tllj i mvR.
Prom 'he ol Lower Arrow Lake it is
fifteen n iles ta I'ppcr "Allow l.;ike, hud the
arm of the river tonnei-ting the two lakes ia
country, (o.h'i'l liis once laniiliar haunts occii-t known to have a ulnjjifli iiureiit. Upper
pert by the irienressible ami miner; ' A;row Lake lias tCe ssii.c UHirYnl iernlinritie
tic xi-,- He.tiR'!ii-,-li;iiif Hii Urn" .nd'Ii-Mi-k"
Hi the lower lake, anil i my miles long.
; Friiin ihi-iu-e it jj forty miles to l) e Dalle tie
feit. hut lirinv of that, he im.L ... iIia Pi....;..
..v , - -, ; ,i ... .,, .ni'it. or l)cnth Rip bin." wbria even the
of Im liope.Oir lhe of-Cilville. Here ' ,.ii,i : , ,, , . ,,T
' nimi.iiii eap.KM'y o(. the Furli jStnt will
be wa it .4 1 n doiune l to disappointment. I Move iiisiiflii.Mfiit in ni.-..i,,l f.ii,.:,' TU u
The Now Orleans True Delta pre
diets the most gay and festive time in j jurenl height, mi l wIiimi, a few dnya lifter
that city this winter that has been
known foryonrs. ,
Night had fallen, and the t'orty-Klne waa ' forty miles is said to hv a twift current,
launched by the light of torches and candles.
The eminent savage nomad, o! ho m we bave
been .-i.eakiiic, beheld tlie ecene fioiu an ad'
n:d', Hie tieainer looted her. whistle. It
mumit'd in the earn ol Tip-iu-hel-lenn 0'r-ii-poo
like Ilia futirtnul Jii g whirl) wad to haunt
hII of his future lite, wlnlij to the whites it was
Da. ToURETTE, of Piltis, who Went! the overture' of a new eia in commerce and
to Toulon to trv a new method of "(!""e- l" """''f,. " '"" ""
gtli-he.l Siivaye, atu r liavclling so lur to g 't
Curing cholera With COld Water, died away from the man his arts, and ai-
there of the fatal disease. ticnlarly his ateam-eaiioes, m ist have been
I to innsa oi ine einn,iicni .iiirsoun orator,
at the lime of the breali-up of political part es
In IRfi'J-Q ll.ul n. lln.n.... ti I t U o
Idaho Legislature is in b-jshIoii at Boiso a Wbip, they wn.i'l let me be a',
City, the supply of whisky is said to D.nJ wu,r sllB" 8'" I I ke manner,
LnuiD iit.ui kuv u uuh miiy iin.c lliuuajii, 1
but there are no seiioita ohaiaclcs to nailb"i-
From Onlville Landing to the monili of
Kootenai Itiver, T5
From Ihince to the head Lower Arrow
Lake, po
ThroiiL'h the arm between the two lake;,... 15
Tiirnnji!i Upper Arrow Lake, 60
l'Yoiu theuco to DMet da mort,- 40
Total 270
These diilancea are suppositions, an 1 are
probably pretty nearly correct.
bo inexhaustible at that point.
Samuel J, Hensley, formerly Pres1
ident of the California Steam Naviga
tionCompany,died in Alameda County,
California, on the 8th of this month.
have striven long to get away from the whites,
without avail J they en ompa.-s mc eni,
west, north and ro iih, and wiiere shail 1 gu?"
The steamer t'ottif. A'ine is one hundred and
fourteen fret long, twenty feat four inches
beam, five feet depth of bold, two engines of
twelve and" a-half inches diameter of cylinder,
Orant Hook . I.aHder.COmpau)', No. 1
Snoi liil iluetiiig Tills (Tlmi'mlay) :ViJMNO. at 6i
I AVlrvk . T).. 1.. .1.. t..-t.l . .
. j ui ii . i u. me . itniuvui,
Mr. 'William Btrnbanin reapecfnl,.y ln-
t'rius h't (iiiti'iins, uuil more pai tiuuliirlv the ladles of
tl.ii el'v an.1 vi. inity, that ha Hill aeli n't private sale,
lit unction price, at hi at. ire on IMnin street, the liab
Htn.-e l his nil,a.lli RtiM'lt nf Wnielie lifBiiniiiils,. Jew
elry anil F.ini'y iJimhIi.. AithU will be tie' hiHt iipirlu
n iy lu purvlMrte, tiin luilivs ami the public are iuviud
to cull, - '
Tub English are a peoploof resources.
Sevoral firms in Birmingham havo lour feet stroke, one hundred tons meaitue
been doing a COOd business ill making meat iind sixty tons .capacity. In the Ftill
heathen coda and BhiDDinir them t0 waters of Lower Arrow Lake she steamed uine
t j- "ad tlirce-fourtus miles an hour with sixty
' I pouuds pressure, which Izdii-ates a power to
Tiie management of the affairs of 'ui wiln 0B buudred pounds prtisme, fuur-
the Northern Pacifio Ilailroud has
passed exclusively into the hands of
New England railroad men, who have
vast interests depending upon its com
Tiie Nazarenes of St. John's Pre
cinct, pretend to have the gift of "tin
" known tongues j" that is to say, they banks ol the river,
speak a language which outsiders can
not, understand, nor can those that
speak it.' .
This is very well for
tee a miles an hour.
stera-n heeler.
tbb Trial trip.
The steamer started np the river from di-
ville Landing on the 9tb ol December. The
season v. as so far advanced that no lime could
bu spared to procure a proper supply of dry
wood, and dipt. White determined to lake
the chances of gathering bis fuel along the
The fliet day the boat
lied up after, running eight miles. On the lOih
the ascent of the Little Dalles was made. It
bad been feared that this point in the river
was impassable, but the boat went up without
difficulty. This night wai spent a short dis
tance below the 49th parallel.- The next day,
the Uth, the. boat ran up a lew utiles to Fort
Wasco Lodge, No. 13, K. A. & A. M.
Ilolda In stated Communication on the l'lrrt and Third
Saturdays of each month, at their hall, In DiiIIm City
Brethren In good fltiodliigare Invited to ullenit. ' L. Puea, Sec'y. By order of the W. M.
Columbia Lodge, No. 3, I. O. O. F.--
Merm every Friday' evening at CJ o'clock, lu Galen'
IU1I. corner of Second and Conrt btreuts. Brothel iu
Rood sLimlinx are invited to attend. By order. N. 0.
Private Itcsitlence l or Sale.
NICE Ur.-ilPK'N-CK, l.ated in the be.t pnrt of
town, win uo tail cueap ruii i;At.u. inquire ai
C. S. Miliar,
Pig. ccutKBAcnri;,
O a O O il Tit.
4: - '' '-4M't5AI.KIt IX Vj '
Wines j&c l-.iinor9
. . And luiporters and Jntiber of
Boots Slioos. '
'etc., ; -: 1 ttcj '- tic.
wlili our lniH!iiK., Timlur the entire BniiiTvi-.i(.fi
of Mr. Mltlfr. V'v iu:tko rnnrnniu lturw In hx tu-nr-
We'vuiirttiiiRe ull our Abwivs uih( niv tiiv lildHK'f
CA8II fiUOlS r.-r liars. H kIho pay Itie I.ffely
Cub.i I-iiue fur Ui.ld Ditat.
irf.orff, MTI.i.Ka & (M
nijfiif Cor. Main uni W :tr hi: jton Mtvet, Imllrn,
Crcgfiit &ctm- Savi?:Ui6a to. '
t'ui-llier notice,
"X'iio l'n.-swonjcfev Trill w.
' toconuect with stoauiers
Will start from the 11. It. DEPOT DALLES CITY, va.
Mondays, Weduesdays, and Fridays, at
130 A. M.
CAPT.J. MoSDLTY........ Comuuuutea,
Will leave DALLKS, DAILY. (Sundays 'exceptertliif '
o'clock. A. a., ciaiiieciiue Vy the CASCADE 1'. AJUIOA0,
with the Mtuumer ,
44 KEW V0BLD " or " CASCADES," .
CAPT. J. 1VOLK,...........'. CnniniHiidei,
foi Vortlan... W. 11. mtADKOKp,
Dalles, kov. l:t,18ts; ul jtf Aeul O. . ti. Co.
A T i: OST, (
the Storo of
C0IIN t UilliM.
A tel. Low, perpetual rose, it is said,
has been produood by the celebrated
CultUrist of roses, M. Lacharme, Of Sh,pherWhleh Is a Hudson Bay Company'.
jjyona. xue coior is represenieu us post pf iweuty houses, on-ite west bank ol the
bright yellow, changing tO pale buff, I Columbia. about a mile above the Interna-
the form good, and potals of good sub. tional Boundary Line. .Dere Captain White
Stance. "' ' ininue me necessary arrangements Willi the
Colonial custom-bouse ulfiuials, and spent the
MR. Q. 'A. BaOOKS, thoPostal Asjentj day with the British, who v. ercdeligliud At
hopes tp bftble tOi'sCpure an Overland the success of the enterprise, On tin 13th,
Mail fwm't'hd NorthVWestern States tue B0 Pttasca ll" raP'u " ,'1'1" Kul:K u"
" . i m jj 'I land, seven miles above Fort Shepherd,' but
through .Montttna Territory and don; wm Jowd io ,ake o,it a '
ine oiumoia, wo coming season, hi orer. Five miles above this point she wa
inyilO his attention Jlo this part of ' the helped ovet another riffls, and ran up to Uie
.i mouth of the Kootenai. . The firsl thing. to be
country, at his earliest convenience. done on Ule morning of tbe'lSth Was To pull
IHeWy, thO well-known' acrohttt bead of Upp'.rrw LakeU reac. IT 'It
and CVmnast, has turned Up,' after f"'l aiiles from Colville Landing to Fort
I r - U . I I " . -, - - . w i.u.u .UPIKS IU 111 M
BOVerai. J eo v vMnuuiity, uo 'iur. moutb of the Kootenai. The bills throughout
Chant in japan., , lie is now in l&iu tue enure uisiauce rise almost from the mar
'. I 1 1 ' - I 1 nr ! .In. anil Itio iir...,!....
'.V""6... tti v nig wvyy-.. gBtUm ar0 very similar to those oa Snake
nf neat stOClC. piers ana BbCOD. lor River, abore I'aiouser llapids, except that the
Japan, uoder contract with certain of '.7
the daimios of that country. ' oeroua. '
,,, :, '.' ; ' 1 . l- 'lhe Uhinese miners are at work In the
At Court Martial hold at Marj-J deposits ss, far up as th mouth of th
copa, WqIIs, , .4nzpna, November, 7, 1 aa), becomes leas rapid, and for eirhtv mi;..
Cant. J. II. Shenherd, Seventh Calii up Lower Arrow, Lake the navigation is all
- f 'r r "' :- ' i ' "j tt.,iu' coma oe asaea. 'rue river eradaal v
foft .y.?1;"01?"8' was 0UDd alHy widen, oat to near two' mllel-th. hills rise
Of Conduct Unbecoming an OlUCCr And mors gradually the edges or the lake are
ti.Y :i.t '-v i . "n;' l' ' i lined with Vast . piles, of. dry drift-wood, .and
a genviptnan. fl,BHiiiiig ui luuuui-r ... mr. .... lh(,.M.,' f
ofiSaer 9i misor,ab.lo Iji'iz old scroundeL Ubi wiAa. b the frest, which everywhere.
ne'rwasVntcncek' tMmU't
from tno ecrvlOO. I Forty-Mint met th fields of ice coming down
th cuntonU of Die CAL1JMUMA. IlOIi,L. on Main
Street, DuMoj, coiHUtln of
Pnlu MnttrpB'.cfr Double nd Sfnl.'
Straw MattniMaeB UonMfi aitd fiiuglo.
Itlunketn, Beildpreiidt. lilli,9, "
IJetiHteHtls Doublo and Hlnltj.
(Vwkory, Gl uawitre, Tible ware.
Cook Stoves, extrn largrt. lurlor J
, Htx Stuvos und Pipe, lHhk9,)
I IinJrn, Tables, Ao., to , Ac.
Tills will be continued from, dujr to Aajt until
SATURDAY, Junu try Uth. when ih rmuufuinx pk1,
If t.ny, will ba sol. I at rUllUU A (JUL ON. . i-tei k-cy-tv
nnt "tlieri will do woll to look at thene goods,
jnUtlV , J-JUN WILLIAM", Auotiouoer.;,.
M1.SSRS. COHV nnllM won!l hereby fnnirrn
tbfir rUrttunM't-K immI ibe ifihlirnr lurge, that tliwy .
will routlniiB to Mt'll A t i'iM'. t'ir thiity diys tonvr in
order to give one a to in:ik irniit thv
llnliiluys. V'o wlU Bill tbe bubimtj ol uur Btutfc, Cui
ltU-h urarfe Hilks, Gcuta' Clanks,
IttcN PopHiit, , JUouri-r ,otitH '
, Clocks, . Jr(VH Coata,
Sbawla, JVnti,
Dry Oo9. Jimhroidcr
t lltittt & Cfix( boots k dbeeev
- ' Ac, Ae.t At, Ac,
WUborit Vritf t ami Kp us,.
TbU will be the lute cliau-e to tret ftrealns. nrlor
cloBing the voticern. CUlIN A BOUU.
N.U. AH IIIIU mint tvti pntrl by th ' First nf JamcirT
IWa, H i4 settled wltlilu tbal lima, 'Jie tumo tU ber
placed in logul buutls. - -
.J. A.m- FOIMJKS' 1
i . AND
Pi'oyision Stove, s,
aTi'iNSTANTLY ON HAND the eholueH artidm ol
XJ FitKSit HDTTKU, UliOS, mid every vnrleiy at
A' ITS, CANDIES, $o , ,
Whalenle u-i-1 l'.etll, at ItoJuce.l Frlces fOR CASH.
Al.o. dculi In
Hll.V, ri.Ol U ASO FEEI,
of kll IcIihIs, ud will do a -.' ' '. . . J
General Commission Business.
No i h irii.'i St.inso on Gnodii sold on Coniml"ton
Proceed.. ut aalea remttiod promptly. Jiilutf
- llNolutloii JVotlce. .
FWnROOPAIlTNKKSnrPherotof.ire existing between
- 1 UIJOItUK ,Mi!l.liN DAVID DOKNINU: In' the
Ei-liple Uhop IliuiHu. 1r lht dwy dlsiiolved by mutual oin
ont, David Doming havlnir Bold out his interest to Geo.
iuci.nau, wim ie ainne autnoriaeu to irausact anjr pun-
ants la tue nuiue of said house. u. nioi.bAN.
J allea, Jau'y. VI, ISul). D. POHMNU
..- JBIA-IS",'
iei arts? o'iMM' n..
Ill Ladies of Dulles mil viciultr. tLut .ha
hus Jiulceceived a fresh supply of , , , .m
, ITniSiltloiiable Goodi
Tlie lafMt Tarls. New York and Fan Fmnelncn alTka
f BilNXKIS, 11AT.S, RHIBllNX, LACKS, ft'iTHKKrt. -
L'la.U-L-I.M .. A .'..II I . .
. w, ... ...ii null wvil'BriruVIMI HN.lir UieilC III
lAtdiesV HealyMude Garments.
4 Also, Vashlouabltf assorlment of
STAMPING for Embroidery unit DiHlitrner. pinktm
done at nhurt notice. aONNK'1'8 Uleaclml and 1Tij.iI -
la th latest style. A large assortment of,. .;: .j , .
Children's Ecadj-.Jtaila Clothlnj '
Constantly on hand. Havlna; secured th tervfett of a
Klrst Clans Dress Maker. 1 am prpporrirt to rut'knd fit
Ladles' aud Chll.liWt DUKsSES mid t:lX)AKS.
TlllitO STUKKi', on sipinrt'eant of the Cntnnlla
Church. , , . . . , ocittainy
TOyS! TOysVTOYS !. T0YS U ;v
For the Holidays, we reennfmrnd all denlera to that
Use to the BASKET AXD TOY kmpokiuh of . ,
' TIIOMAUKK a am (T, "
' JaoandJUilBalterTftiTet;-' '
, n28:3m Sou Frandso ; 1" '
' wnuicSALS AND auAii. mm iw '
Fancy & Staple Dr (tjpsj:,
Cnleiucn's rurnlNlllnsr
Flre-pruof 8(ouk btorej 'oiiniej of 4tuTn "and 'CouK'
Streets,- , ; , . - f... . .1 r. ' .... :..Mj0e.f "aS
v;..i t'-n.. .
.. . ..!
' .y: ...i"T o..ii(.'iii
..L.. wn i-M .11 i'-i.i .j".f -ii. i...-ir
ui sybjuniis, jub oab 11 1 . .i .KOJiltiJll
It, H. LAW,
IS Front Street, Portland,
Opposite 0. 8. M. Warehouse.
UcsnT H aktik.
J.U. Munptae.'
J 1 AttOi iieya-ai-Lar. -''
' oVlTOBS-ildi.lioCity, Beirt County; I.' 1.1 fcuWoirr"
Vyaee Cuunty, 1. 1. . , , ;.i , , f ;J ; . , L ,iixt.
Coal Ollt Coal Oil I
iF Vy