)' SIonntamccL Sloney Market. . . ftvn Fninciaco Legal Tundor rntes..... WA&WK Kew Voids Uuld Quutntloiif ...MSA Epitome of Tclcsraphic News. - - . . COHULID riOX IU OKUlOMAil. DATES TO JANUAUY 13. HWu'm.im.Jaii.fl, John Minor Bolts liui Couio out in a cant denying that lie has sought to prevent tlieadiuisaioii ol the Virginia mem bers. II says lie baa maiiiluiueii tliat every representative constitutionally elected who iz prepared lo comply with Ilia requisitions of l lie Corinituii jii and laws is as fully entitled to take his -e it ns those now oucuuviuir seats. To have taken any oilier ground would have b'-ett to admit that the Smtcj luiHy in rebel 'liou bad been out of the. Uliiuq. secession ronsi(nenlly lawful aud constitutional, A pi eltiuu that, uoWly. will suspect him of occu pviiifr. 1 ,1 ;, 1 ' t is staled that Horace Greeley hud An in ferv.ie.w with tue President. The latter ex pressed to Greeley his desire' to avoid any rupture with the Union party. ' No less than fourteen naues are on tue Speaker's (1st lor elaborate speeches 00 re construction." Members of the Cabinet em- jiIihi ical ly deny that the President bus issued any orders stopping appointments upon the recomra n ) ition of ineinhers of Congress. ; During the week ending to-doy, $2,700,000 in nationnl currency were issued. ' ' The total circulation tiflw U $240,000,000. . A petition will be'inlroauced next week to discharge the reconstruction committee from the further co-iiidetation of the credentials of the Tennessee Senators, and for rt fnrrin ttieiu to the judiciary 'committee. The friends of this movement say they can count ou 24 out of 40 Senators in its.favor. ., . . , Washington, Jan. 1 The' reconstruction committee met yesterday in too room of the (Senate Pacific R tilroad Committee. aII the members were presont excepting Hall, Bing bntri Vnd Gridon.' They passed a resolution that their proceedings should be kept secret nnu din uotlnng more but Indulge in general conversation which developed decidedly rad ical ileas. " The indications are mor favora ble lo the preservation of a firm front by both houses ou the subject of treatiug Teuuessee just like the other rebel States.' Washington, Jao. 7. OtDcial news from the -city of Chihuahua to December has been re ceived here. President Juarez entered opou bis new term without opposition, eicept that one General made a protest against the ei- " tension of the term, and went over to the French' side. Gen. Ridulles has bten 'ap pointed General-in-Chief of the Central Army, in place of Ortega, who was assassinated by order of Maximilian. Gens. Mjia, Bpplun, Kwcll, Nicholas, Uigelles, l) eo, Alurez and Jose C.irataj il have been promoted to be Major Gcuernls, for patriotism aud merito rious services. A rumor prevails at Chihua hua that the French would return' to that pioce. -' :'.'"" ""." ''..-.',J'"-::.' ,: . tAo, eilensive fraud upon .the Internal Rev enue Department ry the Issue of large quart tjities Of counterfeit cigar box stamps bas just been brougnt to Haul oy (lie authorities ol 'this city.- Persons named John Fuch, Charles Mitcherling and A printer named' Blomka have been arrested. -Tue-latter adiuili that he prinlei abjut 2T.&0O stamps and destroyed the plate Rlomka and Mifcherling have beeu sotmnttted'io' the bounty 'Jail by 'ILlSAOont raissiuner O.bord, and Kuch 'has been admit ted to bill. It ia supposed that no less than twenty plates bare been made and' lriillious of stamps . printed, arid that .. the, .'.fraud . wit Hinount tu $100,000.- The counterfeit stamp. Ik about fjiteiglilg of .an iiioh wd.ee. tbau the genuine, and the paper on which it is printed is unir an lucli longer. A maetini of. the adherents of the Mor roe , doctrine was held la Cooper 'Institute - last night. Letreri 'were, read from a hnmberol distinguished tutaand addresses here made by William Cullen Bryant and o'hers. Bryant aid that the, committee bad determined to read the resolutions and then move to adjourn nntll some other, evening. The preseuce, pf 'dtli'er pr6fainent'men VovT rttnindvis WnaH- iogtoo could be secured, Tle meeting. was Adiriurned snbiect tn cull. c;. 1 jt.-,Hitt ' Wathinaton. Jau. 8. The select comrrillllee Vf both Houses to devise suitable means to testify national respect for the late President Lincoln, bad a meeting tnis rortnoon and se lected George Bancroft to deliver the eulogy In February text, in place ot. a. M. Stanton Amoni the prominent, name mentioned in connection wit It the SupTemetJudgeshfp are -M.wnll Unimtnrt arid Ju Iffe TriiTif: of Tend. -' AW York . Jan.' 13. -A new counterfeit; of iu.es fifty toot Jracjidnsl turreoTcy Ua b,een . discovered-1 -t : ... ;;,-r ,rl - - '; l.i.From recent Indications it is. not probaBl that universal suffrage wilt' be conferred on the btackiTjs tbiBirtrlct ofi UoiambJa, . I;ml;rAJ'.WrDr'JljnnP!d.rormer,ly; ; AMU.tant Kegisier 01 ue unuraawn trmr - orj;, died yesterday. 4, ' 'Ji.r.'i u.iKnrd havlnir 'Inrned' 'over'td It rXisrreehrt1drrfMnscb'iiii ,sJweHileoeBd-lif-e!neiM(t Iwra tbe,irebl! prison keepersiiomff hrsTtupp sent to oub soldiers in captivity appropriated by the for- bulion. All applications iu lhis matter may be sent forthwith to Gen. llitcheock. As the amount received falls short of the aggregate of tbn sums known lo have been ibus applied, It is proposed to mnke a pro rata division among all ho run reasonably substantiate !loe?es of the above de"eriplion. The resolutions adopted by the Senate au thorizing the committee on reconstruction to tend for papers and persons, will support the original In'eution of dispalchii g a sub com mitter to the South to obtain Information relaiiv to affairs in that section, It Is yet to be acted on by th House. J . J.TJ K E H , Main Street, Dalles, WBOUtSALt 1XP KKTAIL DEA1XH IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIP E S WAI.DROS RKOS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, . Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. rP'fO'.V OCCUPY null NKW TWO 8TOI5.YFIRB II liHM.f Stint" liniMiliir. nnrnmitn ltltwli. Millnr Jk Co.. and otter tn Hie public a full ami complete stock of i'rgii. mc-iiicuiea nnu uiimnicnK, confuting in part ir :. KKIHiSKNR. ' LAMP VICK3CUl.M3fEY3. TUItPKNTISR, " 111 IPS, 1 - AI.COIML, BAOB, A ,,, ACIDS, SIMNOKS. ,,: . .. . ... coins.-; , , CA'rnn AVn - inuioo and . : , .NUATiJFOOT OU,... , I.ANl'III.ACtt; TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS, .; . v 's a anu .' . ' j' .' '. "r. , PAT1CNT ISI H:i3IC:lTlCH. Our stuck of CANCY QO IDS I of tho tneit anil boat qunllty; new atylt-s ond largo asNurtuieiits, such us LUIIIN'8 I'KHVUKKIIY. 11 AI It, .' , l.lllllMa I'.m d.UD . Bl pun' 11 '! ''. POMADKS, ' 8 II A VINO, ' ' ' ' COSM Ki'IOS, JUT, ' ' UAIll 011.3, .-CI.OTIf'S, ' . COI.IK1NK. , . TOOTH AND KANCY SOAP8 AND MAIL llltUSHRS TOOTH POWUliKS, y . AND COMUS. v PTJHB WINES AND LIQUORS, For ledlclnal purposes. Our rAclJiclea fur buying goods are sonontl to none In the State, and wo ulrnll at all times veil at a unall ad vance from cost. Keaily gales and ininll profits. miSIlIANS' PUESCBIPTI0N8 Cnrefnlly eonipoumled at all hours of the day and night. . Didle,Si'(t., U'li. , ... selO-tf I t E TS L OVAL, . GATES Ac CH WIIOI.ESALK ItETAU, u D n u a G I S T'S, Have nemovad to RVDIO'S S I'OJVB IIVILDIIVG, ' WASHINGTON STKKKT, DALLES. WIIEUB we will continue to sell articles nanally kept in a Fjr-tt-Claiis Druir 8toro. nt'20 percent. fcKSS Til AM AV.B01tK IN TUB CITY, UVATS IX STORE THI OUT DRAKDS Of Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c .' 1JLAYINO CAltDS. ' 1 j" ., '.., ,'.'' M. POCKKT CUTLKKY, .i I'OltT MON1KS. . . COM 118 nnd HIIL'SIIF.S. o' all kinds, HBltKUMKKY, ol entry description, - . ... CHINA OltNAMRN'i'S TOYS, Dill.I.S, etc. '.I. FiSH IIOOK8and FISHING TACKLE, 1 MUSICAL INSTUUMK.NTS, FANCY GOODS, Ac. Alw Powdor.Sliot, Lead, Powder Flanks. Baskets, and many ether articles too numerous to mention. t i InteriordeHlurs supplied with Cigars. Tobacco. etc. at leas than Portlaud prices, with freight added, oc-8 V 1& It X, I M l'.O BT-NT , ' -to- Slcrchants, Faiuillcs, Hotels and BAll.ROOMS, ' TUL1US KKAKMKIt IIAY1NO 1IOUOIIT TUB RN- 9 lira Slock of Merchandise and llook Account or the Into firm ot M. Seller 4 Co.. in tliUclty, to which hehns added of Ilia own Importation (while doing bunliicM lu i-oruiiiKij nu initneiiae cwcK ifi tne beat manuMctursd Crockery, Glaiistvare, IMated Ware, Lamps, Chandellcm, Table Cutlery L.ookliig-Gla&scs and ' All Kinds of Oils, ' ' - ; All of which he ofTera at reduced rntoa. Peraona wlah Ing to buy auy of the above-mentioned articled, vil do Ordera from th Intorlor' proinntly attoudod lo. and good packed to go awura. Don't bill to call on me., f. Jtuaiu's stvue Uulldlug, naihingion street, Dallca. , FRANKLIN M ARKET. - C0KNEH OF SKCOKD AND TTASIirNOTON STREETS DAL LES, OR EG OKI JOHN KlU'lNGKIl Proprietor! FfiriH : DNDEltSIGNKD M having fitted up the' above Market In the UK T ETYLK,will keep couatant- ly ou Imud all aorta of ,. Fresh and Cured Meats. Or the bvst quality fhrnlihed at the LOWEST 11AT8 : My motto Is to ' PLKASK ALt.1' . ITjiRTtltS UAVINO SUPHlllori STOCK FOR BALI M. win uo wen w can at me crniiKiin einrKet. Sallea, February 10th, 1S6A. JOUN El'l'JNUKR. WASIIfiiTO;V MAllKUT i 1 , CORNS OF : ' : COUliT ANp SRCOND PTRKET3, DALLES, 0RKQON ; JOHN MICHELBACH, Pxpprietor. . KEEP ronstfttitly on hand nil the vftrle i ittos tuat tlie otarkutcan nowiiblv uuru( ui coimlita lu p:irt of Patent Medlclucs., 8potige XruMeit, Bracei, . ruiiiti, -, - Viirnifltea, Furo Wln"i and Tt randy, . . Fancy A Common Soup,' j llitfr HrusliPi fc- Corknt Aahtis To ith Powder, . Alo, h.l. Bohemian Toilet Soti, Hupportern, Ac, PnYSICIAXS' FBESCRirTIONS Carefully Compounded, Oire m a call and tatury your elvtw beforo iiirchiMlng elscwliero. ' . Our slock BOOT VIM) 8IIOIS STtUti:. nA3 RKMOVED 1118 BOOT AND mOV. ' 8TOIIE to the bulldinir on Main strait, fffill nearly opposite Moody'a Hall, where lie has f Iftl Juai reoeived, direct frqin Bun t'rauciacn, ai uu- '' usually Sue and wel) selected atuck of ', ' ' ':' BOOTS AND SIIOISS,,' of tho'vory beat quality and latest styles EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. including the celebrated K.NOUgll IIDNTINO SUOK mouuiaciuren oy uenaert. Also, a larKe assortment of Ladles' and Children' Gaiters, urtno lateat atvti'iL tuat recetvAil fi-nm i,a kt m,ii ueipuia uinaora. , Also, a very large aaaortiueu. of FINE DRESS BOOTS. 1 9-0eiitlcmen who prefer to have thulr n.uta r Hl.n.. niuue luoruer.cau reiy upon ontatninK a neat and easy COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. a. noorn harm rktisox. - Fonrardlng auil Comiitlskiort Merchants AND DKLKlta IN OBNE11AT MliUClIAKDISE, FRtOlIT FOR COLVILLK. UPPER COI.DMRIAi KOOTENAI and UL.VtlKFJOT MINES vromotlr uniK uuuui u. m n. v i lie uiuui, n. tt ,,t ,,, '. nm. .sr-Mtcs:i'.'. ' . .'- roRTUSD iRIchstdi k McCrnken, Alle k Lewla, and DMi.es Dluch, Miller k Ca., French k Qllinan. jn7'.f tt. JE,M O V A JL. I J.OOETO Th ..T tF. KOBNIOflBKROEIt. ' -' '"llalloa -V .A. i. 1 rH.nVnm.IW J. GtoitTX Arl CO., GBtf ccoNtsts; UarereinAred to Ruai6d N6w StoiieBttildidsfr Washington. Street, utr French k Ollsian'a, end hare opened a well-atMorted atock or t l- -;.( .. i 'II A V A N Aaillf IfU.n K3TIU BKIi A ICE, ....... n t VIUOINIAandVYKSTKItNTOIIAOOO. . 1. . FllKNCIIandSCO't'OII SXUFF. w, ,,., ..,f ... 1, 1. MKKIISCIIAUM and othor P1PK8, . 'M.lfLAYlNUCARDD.M i . .-. - BPORTINU GOODS, ' .' t. .., . . INDIAMaad FA SCY GOODS. Ac, o. .1 n The trade supplied at LOWKST MARKET PUICKR. NEW AUCTION HOUSE. f.lWvvW'A fid" 'si I cd . ,1 i' .1 ' (Successor to W.P. Mfllor,) , ,, ; AUCTIONEERS. "Court Street, below Main. TitriLt SRLI, AT AUCTION AND OX COMMISSION w 1 'tienefnl .Merchandise, Mining Stocks,, Real Ka tate, Kew a-nlSecoud Hand Furniiure, Fnriu I'roJnce, lloraea 4c. Ac. . nvpi'iviun . .. .1 VAnvinnTui fiiutno . " j. .:. and' Special' gales promuly attendNt'lo."- llegabir Sale Daira. -''' ''' -v.ij'r . i .1: . " Tuesdays and Saturdays; uueraiAU varices nyide on,Coiiglgiiwcntn Dalles. March 17th, 1806. mhlTtf JULIUS KllAEUKR. fit. seie-tr Inc a net - Jr. IVVCKMAN, Miiln street. Opposite Moody's Hall. . ' IHl'OUTKIl AND JODUKlt OF ' "Wiike's' &c I-sitxiiors, FRONT. STREET,. Portland, ' w '. . - . Oregan. OFPKKS FOR SALE A VKRY LAltOM AltSOKl meut of ' .. : ii ' i j 1:1. ,,i.., ij... Liquors. .-.; . : t The Trail In nftrticnlsrlv Invited to xam(n mv t ad ur.. t I 1 1' FItlSSII Ss CURED' MBATS, andalwaya -of the b at quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS-' ' supplied on reasonable terms. ...'I The nndrrBlcneu la alwaya prepared to pay the blah eat cash price t'ir FAT (.'ATTI.K. l'arties liavlng atiK a in ftooil condition, are requested tn call en him tielbrs) goinic vlaewhere. JOUN M1C1IKLHACU... , Dullea, Marcll 31at,18o5. mhsltf " CITY MARKET. S. U.iUIinn & Co., Proprietor. ' Will Weep eonatuntly on hand the beat ' ' 1W13AT8 OF ALL KIADS. A MBRRAL 8IIARK OF PATRON AOK la il sidicited, hi wo esiiect to ke v oa nooj rSv an uamirtmeiit of Meats and t.ras eoddas aual-w' Ityi set lie fouDlry allordsi and will t7' . Dellvar the same to Fttrchasori in the City. ; ., l'arties haviiiE tuncrlor Stock fir ..! will .1... wi.lt la give us a call before diaoslhg ollt elaowhere. " . ' ' I ll'l ' .! 1 B. I.AUUKH. qo., 1, noutlicast corner or W aalUngton and Third Sta. 1'ppoBlte- Koater's Blacksmith Bln.p. m. brown :& bro.; WUOLEStU SSD RITAU DSUJIU III PANCX ;ANli,STAJPliE';:t) DEYGOQDS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr. M. llltOWN. belna a realdent of San Franelaca. - ire enabled to oiler iiront indcenienla to ourchuera. We reapecthilly Invito the public to examine our stock beforf imrchaaliiK elaewhere. nilo-tl sv mono store, north side Main street. Dalles, -fc. NEW SALOON. - KKW BTOSK STORK, WASHINGTON STRKKT. ' riIIK UNDRKSIONKD would reapcctfully annooae H that he Will nncn a flrut.itlnM Rulnnn In Vmh.Ii Ji Oilman's Now Stone Dnildliia;, THIS KVKMNG. anil js prepnreil to aoire cuituniora with thabeaMir . wines, Liquors anu ;Cigars.i ' i!" ' ALSO,A t a i'-.-fii IS Tt. T? E JJ XJ IV O II : Etry day and Evening; , '' . '" ': ' : - " ocattr. JOHN RINDLA(B; 1 . DEilM. WatcIuiinUciniul Jcirclcr, wiAW.TRfETpALLES.. DKAI.RR IN FINK WATCUf.S; JKWKf.rtY, o OLOCK8,aoldVeiia,BUvrandl-latiKlWare,CAv ' Spectacloa, Cutlery, Ac. . jC-efL AarParticular attention nald toranalrln S.ttS..iil NOTICE TO FARMERS. MIK DALLK8 IiDMIIKIl AND M ANUFACTUUINQ M. vuJira.M uas noeutiy attexHed a . louring itt to their Steam 8aah and Door Factory.1 In thla Cite, and are now prepaml to CHOP FKBD, UIIIND WIIHAT and CORN. d wnrraht i'i. give the best satlsbctlvu. Ou liana coiieiaiiliy auo nir aula ,., , '' VXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, '' BKC0NI)SORIIDDI.tr!!i;",l BRAN AND SHORT,' '' " CIIDPFUKD. CllinifRV FBKtl Alao. a Sunerlor articlaW Onnv uri r.' ,... The hlKliest tnatketfrlce paid for W II RAT,' CORN .a - AUCTION AND C03IMISSI0N: 1V6. IOO, Main Street; If ailed 5l(y. HT1I.L ATTEND TO TUB 8F.LLINO AI AUCTION W nf fliiMral lfBnh.lullu U I L . . -. - . 1 - I . lloraea, New and Second Hand Furniture, 8took, Ac, Ac! V, Kegular Sales Day Saturdtiy.,; ; OnWiwr and Special Sales attended to In any part of liberal Advances made on Consignments. Wi8m.')i:!:i!! JOHN WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. Watches. Clocka, Jewelry, etc. All Watnbaa repaired by " wiwr i rum npper "ootiiriT, vj ExpreM or otUerMfirf, promptly nttwiJM.t i H . MRS. L.. WHltEl'S KEW PHOTOGRAPH ;EO0M$. nsulngton Mrect. HAY1NO NKtrLY FITTKD UP tHR OAI.T.RRYcrer Dexnar'a Store, would roapertfally announce tataM iae wiahlng " ' " 1 1 -i;.'i: 1 --Hi.! PhotOfrraobs.- farts Tlaltn. Jr.. tlfatlhty wtlfdo-weirtoKiveheracall." 1'anlroiar at- ' tentlon pa.ldjp UMs LudiosaiuLChi'dreu's I'cture..,, JMsNOlutioit JVotlce. Lauer Bchulai tl)H Jack'an aqon, la. this d sy le aolvod by inu u.il coiMeut, Mr. Lru'er having aold'out lien Interest to K. frhiila. alio will continue the boataeea na hla own account. All debts due the late Arm will be paid to K. euhuls, who will settle all liabilities. . 1 t s A. i.aukk. Dalles. Dee lf., 1804. E.BCIIU'r.. .Thankful. for unat Datrnnaire. the unaeralsneil wnulA raipecttnlly nfui ui liU frletida that he will e vcr he1 fimwd at the old stand ready to diauebae bis cTintce'Tiiinnra te them J. W. aURLEY, DENTIST;1 , ,, ,.SIalu St.. Dalles. Orecran. 'wf ottA) resI'Wtfully ' 't-1 ' Y W the cltlsens tf thla place and vl- Ltf- '- .'.'TL elnlly, that linvliie; returned from 'a pn- waaioiuii vnr.iiifuiiKii.ua nunea.ne Ilia DlttaolaUOeTiof C'o-lartner8hlp rrIIK CO-PARTNRRRILU heretofore .l.tl,.. nndf. m I,m uniiia. anA' ktJIa ArMflllilil MB uvlUMiin Ik 00., la this dy-.dleaoWi by ujutunt ootyoti)! 'All Na ..bllrtlesorsalit Itun lo b paid by Rubbins .Wearer, jpdi lalaaabu ihe aaid nrm. lo w paM.a,Hndrellrated. by (jtliedrj.f lu.xu Mo.f I i'.i- ROIMtlNa), !!.. TA'UVIC .t .W .!: .-.vim $..McMAIM.AjNlk.ui Dalles, Jan. 4. 186'r ; r, v . 0uiifu WJ6 VJSJts ' All H.Fvu.1 lM.Il.tml In na will iiImui ! mnA n Wmh- uer parties, tUe same is noir read for dlstrl-J gle" aud sava eoats. , juTul , ; LINCOLN house.::: Curiser Washington nd ' Front Streets, ,,.,,, ...... -j PORTLAND, ORBOOS .,nl;: X .1 I'tttki-cikss itOTP.L.. LAno psi itixiii . . v.4iuq win auenn an me ihuits.and eoayey raaaengera and their, bamroge tn the lloeae Jrco.of ."" y " o'uer tiouae in, tpe 1.1 ry fat lju cciwa., :TitM AND COLD nATYi.en'' ... All th .Siewnera tarn Oregon 0iy, yanooaver7IoitlJ ,oalto ami Aalpfbjjand at ,tl JJnoulu.,rloMse,t-,rf; , i d"7s?ND WBK,ST' MWiw Orntsllons (tol2,A.K4 2totr strand to 10, r.. aitnlli remimed the practiced of D8NTI8t'1tV( In the room lornieny oociiineii ur tilln. in the nullum oeciinlMl l.w Wooil k Duller, l'b miuruph Artiata, and ailjotRina Wai dron UtxmJ Drag Biora. lie takes thli. method, of e- tenuimt iiiniiaa, tor inu liberal patromiKalieretollife tx leuded to lilui, aud solicits a coiitinunuoe pf the same; - .in:i-..niiaT eiti.Falc.iii..',;r' , ,',..',;r Entire Daminre on ama lliuie....,i....i....'..180 towih ''''Upper Denture, Gold na..i,w..lwil SO 4-,.(ii ij' . iwnturs. Vatcuntl. tUi...;..n(.,. -ilo,tful Upper1 UonlwnvValcaalta Ibuioi.iir..,,., 84 T1 " flnld Fillina4niiertel from eMadollaa upward, r ,t , - -Childrens' Tvethrentraetad fro af vlssnKi .ii.aeU-tri ':,.',;"". !;Dltlu.ni notice. Tliii FIRM OF j;.'t.:MltE0fJ, tmU'lAifi'asV dlspoaeil (,( tiwif.euttiastuck,, Uuolt.'to'Meafe. ItuiweU A Mllhuvwlio will contlnue.ilia bu.Uuas,M'tba saaieatnndo l,-,,'tboniai Miller apUiotjsed jfo stn au.siauilltlesi naiu oollecl all'ilabta ilila.. All iu.n..i XiVt ulsaM.Awie'foreliifa J.W.BlLtEE sVfJu. kamrtax theanaWes ind.beed anu aeiue ana nave roia. Dalles City, Not. iUd, lit. B2atf