THt'KSDiy MOUSING, JAJf. 18,'ISOO. y f r in hoped that tbe Sierra Nevada can be got off without any Berioua in' jury resulting from her lute miuhap. A child of Mr. Harrison Koo, of Hioiiacoom, about two' years old, was burned td death on ho 28tlr'bf De cember. ' ' ! Tub Washington Territory fcegis. luture h8' endorsed l'rosident John. ann -in n liio-Mo nn.t.ri nl.i a finrinA fif inn . , ill r . , . ,. , olutions. ' ' "Tfl.s arnelt aie running up tho Co lumbia. Fishermen will find a good nmrkot for a portion of their " catch " 'la'tliis place. ' ! David Dkubv, ot Chamber's PraN rio, Thurston County, W,, T., was ao cidentally shot and killed, whilo deer hunting on tho lust day of Decomber. , ,, Bail liusli, ot Bush Pruirie, in tho Sound District of Washington Terri tory, committed suicide by Bhpoling jJbimself through tho head, ou jNow Year's Day. ..... , , . , Wilson WaddisGham, It is stated, . offered Col, J, S,. Ruckle $125,000 for the ftueldo mino and mill, on tho waters ot I'owder Kivcr. The offdr was declined. I'iite AAliiiNEP. Somo time since, Tins Vancouver fogister mentions tho Rev. Dr. Benson in his iri$tian the fact that Some of tho Bloody Foiir Advocqte, warned Hho Jublio ' against teenlh, stationed at rrt .Vantpiivor, what , he called a protended clerical have been guilty of killing a cow near impostor, whoso namo, wo believe, that place. Thoy acknotwjedge tbo was McAllister. It appears that this offence, but say in justification that man had undertaken to cultivate that their rations are insufficient) If this portion of tho moral vineyard lying : is true, they should have an in ' The Supremo Court of "Nevada has decided that the Specific Contract Law ,id unconstitutional. Tbo decision will havo but little influence outside of the jurisdiction ol the court. A young man, namod John Mo Kibben, accidentally shot himsolf through the head, on the 8th inst., near Forest Grove, in Washington county. He is not expected to re cover. , '. Difference is Soldiers In Vans couver, whero some of tho boys of the Bloody Fourteenth uro stationed, the .nt. n m n n .t. .1 1 r.K I.,!.. rn t tie and hen roosts : and at Salt Lake where tho boys in .bluo are mostlyt from California, tho Saints are in ntructed to watch their girls, as a sol dier will steal 'one! of thorn off, and marry her in the " snapping of a gun, like a bold soldier boy." II-.- -..( ' Vancouver is fast becoming the 'Cretiia'Gredn for' Oregon. ' The strin gent laws' in this Stalo frequently drive young lovors to the desporato expedient of eloping, and under tho benign, oporation of tho laws of tho neighboring territory' tho pair aro iflado one. A' clergyman of 'fatherly und ro assuring mannora can doubtless find an eligible position at that place, ' And earn a tamo quite equal to the cei lobrated blacksmith, who once did so iaro a stroke of business in that line .t on the Scottish frontier. n ' ' t , Mn. Henderson on Impartial Suf -fraob. Tbo Oregon' Statesman pub lishos a letter from the Hon. J, II. D Henderson, in which that gentleman uses the following language t ' Somo of the wooNdyed Abolitionists will take -the around that tho robot States mutcnfraDohlBO tbo ndgVo'es before their members are .admitted td BebUjn..,, Congress...- But I. do not, be- adjacent to the school house in St John's Precinct, Multnomah county. Notwithstanding tho limejy and eoJ, ergotio warnings of iho Ilovoroml Dt. tlio person against whom the theolog ical thunders of our 'cotompor-ary was lauiich'cd,kept on cultivating the moral vineyard,: as aforesaid, and .also man aged to cultivato a good understand ing with 'one of the muslin depart ment of society in his jurisdiction. He founded it new sect, called "Niiza. renes; ho got up1 a revival ; "his flock increased in- numbers; bt. Johns rro cinct seemed about to prove the Beth- le.hom of a new religion, and McAt lister tbe Messiah of a new religious poch. Ho went farther : he attempts ed to commit matrimony; which his enemies say will be bigamy, and the Philistines mock at him, and suy .it will' be polygamy ; thus hinting at tho existence of a previous !' plurality." While the press is so much exercised over the superabundance of Brighura Young's domestic felicity, they little thought that a practical realization of Mormonism was about to be brought so close to their doors. This matter must bo a'.tonded to at once. It touches the rights of every bachelor n the country. It looks to an unfair distribution of God's best gift to man ; and smacks of a monopoly of feminity, at onco repugnant to gentlemen who are leading a life of single blessedness, and to young ladies who hope to have a husband all to themselves. The chief of tho Nazaroncs has been arrest ed and brought to Tho Emporium, where he is held m 2,000 bonds, . Wo should bo glad to hear ihat ho is in, nocent, but if ho is guilty, let the Pen Herniary Jjo tho uelhsemane of his Isaac F. Bi.ocn, San Frunciico. C. 8. Miuri. Bio. ScnAuACHtn, urease of subsistence. In 1849-50 tbo regulars were nllowed exfn subsis tence and pay on tho Pacific Coast, and it proved a pnblio and private benefit. , Lecturinq on the WjRQrja Subjects. Tho Kev. Mr. Hinos of tho Vancouvor Register, 1 itely delivered a lecturo at ';j ri-- WHOLESALE. .) O- R O C ' AND DKALERS IN Winen & Liquors, Ami Iniportcri mid Jobbfra wf " ' ox-oTEciasra, Itoots A: Shoos, , , - !lakcf9 etc.; ! ecV ; k cc. -ASSAY' OFIPIOE: niyWf TIT.OCn. IIII.I.KU t C.X. Cor. MAln nnrt VnlilnKt"n tr-elii. Onlle Olympia, whero he is, attending as a W" !',AVB orcltMCoxECTiy - .V: . 1 . ' .. . . , J p . , I ,w wi'lioiir huMlnoKH. miller (lie enlirr BBrvielii momhpv of I lio Tmi?iMlni.nrA. nn thft Bnh. irtMr. Sillier. We mako rctunw In Bum. In " ' We Kunrnnlra ull onr Atunire nuil raj the IlKJIIESf iect, " Mori' Wanted." ;;This-is. plainly cash i-mcu for iir. w ui iu.y tu iiinu 4 . ' . i , . - : . Ciuh Price far Ould Vmi, a miKtako. Mr. JUercer, or and o tier man, can till him lb tit he ; ought to have chosen for a sulject, .f Women Wanted." Mr; II. G. Struve a!o loc. turcd there, on " The Human Mind in Sleep." The "Human mind wide awako " would have been better. . (jrcffon Steam Kaiigalion Co. .WINTER ARRANCEMENT. OS AND AF1K11 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th aMi further notice. Tlio Pusscnjer Tralii . , to coanect with stoaiaors , FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA V'lli Blurt from Ilia K. R, DKl'OT DALLES C1TT, oa Mu.ilayi, Wednesday., mid Fridays, ( 4i3U A. Al. "OHKONTA" or "IDAHO." !HV XVIlllam nirnhnnm ranntnl!v lfl I farm. Ml Ptr.-, and moro rinrtlcnlnrly tli. Ia.ll. ol CAPT.J. Mc-NULTV,. Coidr till, city ami vicinity, Unit be will fell nt prlnito mile, I Will lenve DALLK3,4 DAILY. (Sunilny. e oeptetll at t ociock. A. .cnniiuutltlt oy ine tAaAUA uAiiiiiuAir, with the Htuuiiier Mr. N. Henrickson was killfid at Forest Grove, on the 25lh of Decern. bor, by tho bursting of tho" cylinder ot a threshing. machine. Grant Hook & I.adder.COnipany, Noi 1 Bpeciul Meeting THIS (Tbursilay) KVUMNU, at. (14 o'clock. Py order of the President. miction lirlcH., nt hi. .tore on Mnin utruut, tlio dnl- ancu ill hie ppli-liflid .tock of Wnlrlie., Diamond., Jew elrv nnil riincv uoou. A. till, will be tli- Innt unnrtli- ty to tiurciiueo. tne laatd. mid tue puouc are invuvu to cult. Lodge, No. IS, F. A. St A. SI.. Holds It. stutej Comtnunlcation-. on the Flrrt and Third Saturday, of encli mouth, nt their hall, in Dalle. City. rethren In (mhI .tnndingarl invited to attend. ami L. ropit, six j. uy oritur 01 tue w.-n. Columlila Lodge, No. 5, 1. O. O. X. Meoti irery Friday evening nt 1 o'clock, tu Gates' Ilall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good standing are iiiTlled to nttend . Ity order. N. O. . . ,. ... .,.,...,, will coutinue to fell AT COST, fur thirty days loniter ll, A MOP. RK.S1DKNCK, batl III i the tot pft of urdcr , jve a clAnce , nlni0 pre,en flir um town, will be sold cheap lOlt CASH li,,u re nt i0iMyi, V o wUl sell the balance of our stock, oou- tbe Store of JnlOtl C011N t 1W1IM. BtUJCf Tub , Weatiibu CosiMUNf cation wrrn the Outside Tho Fall' of twen ty inches of snow in thirty hours is something. which does not often occur (e vo, that position will be sustained. .; be5dauses,herf a rci W oflby.l6yaf Sta'tes thai havexrorio that far, and wf )rono stanj wilLtrat requlri oiittrs. tt Jk h position that wo havo not dono oar -elves. n this country, and it seems as if the river was nguin about to close. The Idaho was compollod to defer her trip to the Cascades, ycdlorday morning and the condition of. the roadn(will, it is :lair jo presume cut ou all comma nicauon, irom, ciiiior up pr aown in river until the weather is again set lieu. It. is not probablo that many porsons will attempt to go- below by the rivor trail, and still loss is it pru dent for woyfurers to bo out between here and, rW alia Walla. Unloss th storm commenced above this poin there are certainly a large, humbor of passengers now on the, stage comin from above.' An express'iri'essencor is also out on the Canyon City road, upward bound; but hp is capable of taking caro of himsolf in any kind of woathcr. The worst consequenoos of the-'fall of Bhow'isHhe scarcity of stock-feed, which, to a doVron, endun- gr8 a poHion, 6( the ca't.lle and horses u luia viuuiivy. . ki . r: - u . . ..,! i (,nJ.PDOj.Vyyche,(is "dxperJteaiii-jfilymJ pia, to atteqdY..heiIejT Year term o( tho TefrltdriaHStjpfOhl would have1 bqen fetter for bim if hi boT booh' h; Walla Walla in time for the October torm of court at that point. .. " "NEW Y0RLP" or " CASCADES," CAVT. J. WOLF Commander, PortlanC. W. B. BKADF0HD, Dalles, Nut. IS, 1866. : ul2tf . Agent O. . N. Co. SELLING OFF A. T COS T TOR THIRTY DAI'S LONGER J ! Private llcHideiico l or Sale. , LAST CHANCE!. :S9RS. COIIV ft ItOIlM would Iiereby fnform tlirfr cnstoinorn nnil tlie imbltc at lnru, tlmt thty NOTICK. WILL PELL IN LOTS TO Bi:iT tUl.C3KRS. all the ci.titcntrt of the CAL1VOIUMA 110TKL, ou Muia Pulu MiittroBtt'B poiihlo mid Sinjrle. Straw Miittn'8ea Double nntt tingle. lllnnkftts, BeditproittU. litlivv, v t . I.eddtoiitla Double nnd 8iuil. . j ' U .Crockery, OliifMtwuro, T-tble ,wnr( s ' Cook 9tovi'. extra litrgo, Parlof ity ' 4 D K Stuvps nnd I'ipo, Dettk-,) . Ohairs. Titbleri. ftc. Ac . Ac. ThU RaU will le cniitliiued from diiv to tlnr. ttntil SATUKDAY, Jmiuury 20tli. wliou 'he remaining (eikxIh, if nay. wiu bo Hold nt I'UKMU aiui' uh. rotet Kep- n and .tben will do well tu look tit iiioho pooon. Jnl&tlU . : iloil UllALiAMS, Auctioneer. Hi.;h l)lck Bilks, jticn roitiini, i. Cloeki. Blmwls, Dry tioodrvr ' I XIuii ft Caim. UcnU' Clnakfl. lteATtii' UontS Z : ! ' - J' nli, . ; ...mbroider.en, BooU ft SUuml . Ac, Ac, Ac, )Yltlitt Freigl-t ind xp"itivH. This will be the last chunce to get bargains, prior to ehMlng tho concern. COUN A DOUM. , M.B. All tlllln mtiHt be pnid by tW TTrrt of Janimry 18(16. If not Battled wlthlu tlmt time, iie tamo will Im plticed lu legal lianda. ' dertf. - MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKINK. mIS CROtinKHDHSIllKSTOlNKOttM 1J XTX Ladles of Dalles ami vicinity, that sho FAMILY GROCERY, FRUIT .".rtW-, Xoslilonnllo Goods, ThelateAt Paris. New York and Pan Francisco strles of BONNETS, U AT3, RI If IUNS, LACKS, FKATIIKK FLOtf KK8, c, A fnll and well-selected asHortuient of Ladles9 . Ij eady-ru aucCar penv. Also, a ashtonable assortment' o " 1 DRESS TRIMMINGS! ' BTAMPINO for KmbraMerTamlDraliirniri l'INKtyo dun. at short notice. llONNKTS Vleaclied and I'resMd lu the latest style. . A large assortment or ' ' Children'. Ready. Made Clothing ,,, Constantly (in hand. HavlitK semrctl'tlii lervfcei of First uinni uress ainKer, i am prepnrea t rut inn fit Lailim' nnil eiillilren's DIIKSSH3 mid CLOAKS. THIRD HTItKET. one square oast of the CatlinlW Cliurch. ' be21:bm. AND , .ProYision tpre, CbnSEB'OF.,VASIU.SOTOS i BKCOND BTRKKT3, CONSTANTLY ON HAND the .choicest artioles of Fltuail UUTTKlt, KUU3,.nJ .very variety of 1BXIL."V GBOOIOHIinS, KUTS. CANDIES. e . ,1-c. Wholesale and KetalL'at Rod need Price. rOR'CASII. Also, denier In .. , ...... t . UIUIV, FLOITR AXD FCEU, of all kitidsand will du ll ' i i: y ;1. Ini General Commission Business. Ko charge, 'for ftonie on Cfniids Wld on CummUslom . I'rucoeds of atilei remitted promptly. ' ' Jniotr :!... -; Vlasoliitlon Notice.-' rwMl E CO-r AttTN R11fltt' heMolhreinxl.liiK between JL- OKOItOB McLKAN DAVID D0KN1MU,; inrtlie 'Vi llnunlmn lliuiur la.thladiLv iiiiuolvl lie mutual enn. SHut, David Doming having sold out hi. interest to Geo. I llolldnys, vro .vocomraend ill dealer In Unit' TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS I FOR TOYS ANU FANCY GOODS McLean, who la. hoe AMthorised ,to transact any bust- noss In the nmne of said house. ' u. .iiglkaa. Lalles, Jun'y. U, I860. ,. . . ... D.DOlt.NlNQ. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN J FEED ! FEED ! I .!' " r :j a .t: . . y ';-y. n,i..'l Jalunnl iilll J.iw.ii n:n . t :-t :iT nt)inn'A OF ALL KINDS, HOBiUg BV ; ,.!, ,.,.,,.,'. . St Front Street. Portland. . 0. B. N. WureUoase. u:Y?riGirA i-F,i'l .l.UTW 0 iIWIIlB nU:t to the UASKKT AND JOY KMPOUIUM of Hue iT, n 26:3m . : '. '., , i ,,t;j:li(DMAOKii.zun;(i i 320 and 322 Bat terv Slrf .1, ' im ' " '"I-! ' h. h.n, rFancy. & . Staple Dry ' GQpds, PKTHINO. BOpTt?-, AND SHOES, MATS AU: VAJ'S, ylAV Gentlemen's Furnlftlilng Goods. i etora, corner of juoin and Court .( ;.( j til it oA-if Pira-proof Stone fitor Street., U.tMati,I i . I ' I "it J.M. Murii(. i,i;i..-i-tt OpfaCKIdjliqplty'nolse Counly, I. TCnby Wt Coat Olit ' c!oAl but " ITDST HKCKITED AND FOR 8 ALU 9 by : , fJnlOU . Q ATK8 CUAriK.