i l La tVL . Another PAaob Disoouhss by Mr. Beecher At th anniversary of the American Missionary Association, in hia church, at Brooklyn, llenry Ward Beocher made Dome furlhor remarks in 'Bupport of President Johnson and his policy of conciliation. The chief points aro thus outlined : Emancipation is a proceBS, and we must not expect it to bo accomplished to day or to-morrow. It took forty years whon God led his people to bring ihem from Bypt to the promised land, and if wo bring those frcodmen in ten, don't you think we shall bo doing protty well 1 Old habits are to boshakon oif, slavish tendencies swept away, prejudices dissipated; and we ehall find that this work cannot bo lone rapidly. - It will take not only judgment and wisdom, but hope. 1 make up ray mind boforoband to sick ness, Borrow and suffering; but if in five years wo get those people on their feet with tbreo quarters of those thut ure now alive remaining, wo shall have done a glorious work. It is tho future all tbo time, not tho presbnt; it is tbo joy set boforo us that must be lookod nt. It is folly to suppose that we can persuade Andrew Johnson to take our view of tho exerciso of his power by bombarding and' biowbeating him j and slill less can. a course of reckless anil carping remarks inclino the legis latures of southern states grant to the "colored population around them tho lull exeroiso of their civil rights. It is- hard to' revolutionize man's pre judices or change his opinions. How iong e'ihc'o blacks have been allowed to Hit in churches at the North ; and oven now there- is scarcely one lo be found in every fifth church j or to ride in cars or in omnibusscsf And can we pre serve this caste and still be indignant because the southerners do not instant ly lift the negroes to a level with thorn solves T ,Wo ask the South to riso-flfly degrees in the scnlo, while we fail to rise- one I Wo should maintain our hold upon tho national government, cultivate the apostle's injunction oi 'speaking tho truth in love,' (Mem: Tor the benefit of the New York In dependent)&nd have a care lest it be said that the worst 'men in the North are the best friends of the South. Hastes tub Facilit'ies. We . now et newspapers from Chicago and St. iouis in loss time than from Boise and E noints On' the upper Columbia.' The monosed mail route between here and Lewiston and Wolla Walla cannot be put In operation too soon. There are eeverar thpuBund now in the Territory whose business and private correspont denc6,U confined to - the West. It goner-ally requires air weeks," in the xoundsabout way the tgails now go, to send a letter1 10 rb'rtland and re coive an ).a,newer . thereto.. Besides, ther are several populous and ,'grow- Bottlem6bt8 bovond Blackfoot, whose buineas relations are exclusively con fined to points to, the' eastward;; who have' ho mail ' 'faeilitie whatever; -lA letter is often", jroc4ve' in " Virginia from Ilell Graio a weok or two ' weeks after; its' dato when, ordinary mall time would, bring the two points within two days oi each otbor. Mon ' tana :pit: .1 - TST-ar " -w-v , 1 T -sr Receiving; Stor I rig tor warding Advances made on Conslgamenti. ; MAIN 8TKEW, 6pposlU th' UmaUlU Hoase. noticSe..'".'. El. notl.ANl'lS MV AUTOORlfHD AONT attend to collecting and selllhig ap my business, ag my absence. Those .indebted to ma or to Payne AOoare reied to jmy 'ilia imaiod lately anJ ssn obis, aa ne nas oruers w ooiiees. i i. vi i.'-' Dallos. N6v. li 1806. . Mif JACKSON'S OREGON 'CIDER o.U la a-!'mn BALE W , SELLING OFF AT COST ! . Mi "Wiinsclv & Co., Trini-f' closk out their stock or mkhciian- w DISK, at their place of biuinoas, at tho Dalles, In order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces- Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots, Hats AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only. ' " 4rr- All who know themselves indebted to our firm nt the Dalles will please call and settle as soon us possible Those who have been accommodated e trust will not delay us uniiocceiarily, but be prompt In squaring up ao louiits. Cull and soe us, all aud everybody I anll-tf M. WUNSCH 4 CO. NEW GOODS ! nnviNd just AnniVKD fiiom tub fan fiun clsco Market, we would invito the attention of our friends and the community at 1 irge, to tur woll-sulected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Ilootg & Shoes, &.C., &c, Which we aro veiling nt the most reasonable rates. We cannot sell our Roods AT COST, but assure the romim: nlly that it plciu.es ua to sell goods at SMALL PROFITS. duDlf. U. IlKKMAN CO. MANTUA MAJtEU. M118. MATTIE nOI.BnOOK would respectfully In form tho Ladies of the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opened a shop in connection with Miss O'KourUc, where she is prepared to do all kiuds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived from tho Host, she hopes to liu ablo to ploaio all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TIlltUN ROOKS .West ot .the Corner of TII111D and ONION Streets. ncHl;ui8 ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Jflnln Street, corner 01 court. kM MACK, TUB PIONKBlt COOK, would respect s' folly Inform the nubile that ho has fitted up tbo above Chop House, and is prepared to serve up MtiALS and LUNCH in the best style and at the shortest notice. UAI.Laand 1'AUTIES furnished w tn suppers, lu tuo best stvle and on tho most reasonable tVrms. " OYS'l'KUS In every stjle. rrivale Heoins for Lames. HOUSlfl Ol'KN ALL NIGHT . BLACK LIST. JOnN II. WARD, OF CROSS HOLLOW, has this day pal mo Three Hundred and Forty-one Dollars la KKkNIiACrvS AT 1'AU, tor a aoat uuo tu uoin uoin. Doc. 30, loUu. - J4uiiJ j.u. uikm.iv. SticrllT's Sale of Real Estate TTBY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND D BORER, Um ordered bv tiie Hon. J. O. Wilson. Judrre of the Vilth Judicial District of the State of Oregon, for tirant County, and directed to tha Sheriff of said County, where in John It. I'orter is pinilitin, aim rocovercu juoKmoiit icalnst Grace Darling, defendant, for the sum of Ihree llundred and Eighty-three and 44 100 dollars, principal, with eighteen dollars, coata, accruing costs, and eosts of execution and sale, I have levied upon the certain pro perty described in said decree of foreclosure of lein, and will sell the same before the Court House door, in Canyou City, on SATUKDA Y. the 13th day of January, 1860, be tween the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock, r. a., to the highest bidder for cash In hauu. , Said property belli In the village of Marysvllle.rnt Count) of Grant, Stale of Oregon, fronting the principal street in snld village, anil known aa "(trace Darling's Saloon and Lot." ai. r. llEHai.Biierin. Canyon City, December H, i8b.- otmv SUcrifl 's Sale ot Real Estate. BV VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY TUB Clrrk of the Circuit Court of Ornnt County, and to mo directed, In favor of Mary A. Sinclair, plaintiff, and against J. A. Lockwood, defendant, for the sum of 8er-enty-one Dollars and l Illy Cents, ($71 60,)princtpAl,and seven dollars and eighty cents, ($7 80,1 costs and disbilra- ments, I have levietl upon ana win son at puoiic -uiciion, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, on SATUUDA Y, JANVAKY lSlh,180 between the hours of 12 and t o'clock r. H , before The uourt House aoor tu pnyoa City, the fellowmjf described property, to-wlt: Une liou't ana lot, situarea in tne town oi ousan- uie. State of Oregon, County ol Grant, commonly known as the Lockwood Saloon. M. 1', luuuii, onerin. My W. W. WnlFPti, Deputy.- . dc2aUw Canyon City, Dec. lHuS. Summons. Ifonrv Torer A John Haley. Dlaintins. vs. Isaac Jon nlngs. Action to recovor money, tn County Court of the Btata oiurogon, inr union louuiy. TO ISA AO JKNNINOS, DKftiNDANT: In the name 'Of the 'State of Oreiron. vou ara hereby aummoued 4nd rerjulrad to appear and answer the complaint of tho rianitiils, now ou me in moment's oince. in saio uourt, after service hereby upon you by publication for six weeks in the Wkeb.lv Mouhtaineks. as bv order of said Court, or judgment to1 want thereof will bo taken against vou : im1 unless voa o appear and answer Said complaint. tno l'iainttns win taae juuirment against yon or me sum af $'4o0, together with the coeta and disbursements or tins action..'. u oruer ot j. r. argereinger, uouuty JUOge or unuin vouuiy. U.S. itev. Stamp) M. BAKER, Att'y for plaintiffs. Sherltr'a S tie of Real rrolety; mr-Y VTHTTTKOF AN RXKOUTK.N lRSTTr.D BYViIs! t3 Clerk.o'f t)iu.blroillt Court of 4 rant County, and to iih directed, In favor of I. W. Ilcll, plaintUT, and aawtnsl A. W. Htircbaiia, Aefeudant,' fol tho sum b. Seven Hun dred and Seveqt-eight dollars ami 1 twenty-eight eenta, ($778 28,) principal, and, flftyne dollaraand Jbar cents, $61'04.) costs aud dlsburtnienlB, I have levied upon-and will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder lor oash in hand.' on SATUttDAY, JANUAKx lSrtr, 1886, lietWeen the hours of 12 arid 1 o'clock p.; t.i before IhtOoort Uouse door ln Oanyoh City, tlia Mlowlng described prop arty, to-witi une House ana ixa sitimteu upon tlla streetj (Jan you urry, otare wegon,- coooty or Tirant, and coaimonly kuown as Sell m Marcluiud's Haloon. ' 1 ' ' M. P. UKHUY, Sheriff. " Hjr W. VT: Wnirrtr, Peputy. , , t,--" Canyon City, Deo. ritli, 188SI ' ' .-Ae32-4w ' i '' Summons,'., ,;...:. J. r. Oriffln plaintiff, vs. Isaac Jennings, defendant. Action w recover money, in (Jounty uoun 01 the Sitate T oiSAAUnninus, aieienaanii -intnenamoor uia staia: 01 uregoa yon ara uereoy aummoneu yoa arc uerebr and required to appear and auwor PlalntflT 'eoihplaiiit now on ttla In the Clerk's office In said Court, alter ser vice hereof upon you by publication for six Weeks in the Wiii.r JlouaTAiKiaa, aa by order of saio: Court, or judgment for.-wiiiit thereof will be tnken kgainst you; ami unlsss vou so appear and answer said comnleint. the . Plaint Iff will take Judgment against- you tor the stmt of taito. trWsther-with the costs and disbursements of this actio.' lly brtfer of J. P. ArgerslngeT, Courit j jadite of ;u,i MAmmtif Aiiy nr piainun. rlAtt H AKE1 ufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, CONCORD, BIIG AND STAGE HARNESS Saddles, Bridles, Whips. A general assortment of Saaaicry, Hardware, Leather, etc. . S- Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. V. A. 11AK15, Jeilltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. Portland rouivimi AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST BTTtKET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Stenm Bnglnaa offrum4to4UhoiM- j1v fr- power,ither Portabloor lK;f?H fitatmnary. Also, uni- VJiri WSiv CULAll SAW MILLS jr-(5$rffi?jM&& ,,i auk. iiuv ,. &(smp.8&i aes of all slr.es; Planing ftjiji!av liulilnM.aVaodworth's " nnltnrn. WrnnKlit and wr: Cast Iron work for Ver--tlcalSnwnndOristniills; Hi hs und Iron Castings aud , WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powers Agricultural Implements manulactmud toordor s rat the very luv Kfli uaoii i-kii y I ICR N. 11. l'artlculor attention paid to KEPAIK8. fe20-tr DALIES CITY DRUG STORE. P.: CRAIG, WUOLIBALI AND RITAIb DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES,' Perfumerv. Fancy Soaps, fATE.Vf MlSDIUlNr.B, CO. i-tr DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES !! DRUGS AND LATENT MEDICINES.'! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES It S.LEMOi, WHOLESAU AUD UTAH DBUGOISTi Washington Stroet, between Main and Second Streets RAIXES, OREGON. . CJ LBMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, fcsi Patent Medlcluea. Chemicals. Adds, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with tha ' WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS At the lowest market rate. ...... j. phyiiclans And Mflrchitnts Intending to parchttte wr tue Minofl twin ao wen io give inni otuk TRTTSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. -. 8. IKMOS, ap.B:tf. Washington St., between MaU adn Second. SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire stock of STOVES AftD T1IVWARE, : -. i- "1 . ' . v .a .' . . : -; '- also; ( , - , .. 4... T t PTMA N ' S ' T Of O US TTIK WIIOLR embmring a flno itock, erer article of which will be sold at OO-ST, aa I doslre to oloao trout uiiniiiu. :;Aisa, Mie ukanii pianu, tn good onler. Alr,o..for. iftle.-tli HOUSK AND IOT; m fcond Ht eut next to the corner, of WwWnatoa."Hi lion ts two BtorlOB, with,liniietiientt4ui In well adapted to I It Imtel hOfltieiw., AiRo m.ioi of ukvuijnu oontprwiiK 'nlwilt twenty-five Betli, , Ttte wool Will be rioted oat choun, Inn r... tl.aa uavllitailaiM akr.nl v At kas nr....!.... 1 . ) - r'i v v . 1 v 1 EN that tha Cc-partnerahip hereto- ms nunnn Hi Oil! JL fore existing between H. 0. flARDY, O. h. MITCH K.I.I, and f- W. TJLIIM PSON. doinc a neroaatlta busl. nees1 In this rrtaoe.ruoder ih urns o( K. C. ilardy A Co.; Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and . horeaCter the- buslnesa of sail Brut will tw oonductml by !. C. Hardy, who alone Is authorised to. collect and sett the accounts or saw nrm. .. js. u. uahui, . , 1 ' . " 0. Ik MlTCUHMa BusarrrtlTe, Orant Co., Oregon, ' V. W. THOM I'SON Not. 13, 1805. , . .. -,.mm V Wnslklhifton Varon lload. rpiia viNDKiiaiijMKD WQUva. -I ui , Tilif 'iraveima; -ooiio tuartne vvasnington vragon it from Portland and 'Vancouver tjo the- Cpper Caareul. well beinif kept In good- traveling order for wagons and suck. 1 ... ............ 3. blu. iteuur,. ; ItOCK.I .. . .. ........ . MBallMtfan.llttflrfrto. Janlltf . SnlaVroprl.tor- Notice. 'I ".A TJTBRKBr WAB.N ALL PBRSOKS tromconrra.'tlii(( erbujlnt aoythidg- hait from jn'M. KUNTZ, whereby I wH Inve'tiasa' tkouglit by tha public respon--slule, aa I amnsot.siortiH Iiold myself reanoixsible for TP. -A. . DAILY MOUNT AINEEE I'OWKU PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. . Pint Street, between Main and B DALLES.... OREGON. - JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IV A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES A8 CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST , to onott Cards and UN I-II c a d . ' CHECKS, DRAFTS, HBCK1VTS, - ,, POSTERS AND PSOGKAMMES 1 FOB ". THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. etc, etc, tc.,. FROTHI IM THS MOST ITTRACTIVs MAKHAJl- ALSO, WAY-BILLS, tULLavr rAKjs, 1 , ,"i n- ..I. . LETTER 1TXADS, RECElPTnOOKS. BILLS LADING, nriefs and PaniiIilefs, risiTim, WEDDIKQ AND "AT HOJIX" CARDS XJruttctutu Xnbels, ., Tn short, eTerything that can be done in a Book and Job l'rintlng OfBce, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest six and moat showy Posting Dill and which will bo turned out In a style Ihnt cauuot : fail to Insure entire satisfaction. . oub FAciutiis roa ma-urttiTioK or - . ' LiECORATIVE PRINTING In tha most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. , Such aft Fancy ; Postfnff Bills! From a single Sheet to the I.nrgint Maiumotli, .. ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, rvRrvxERs' labels. Ate unsurpassed by those of any othsr eatabllshment In Oregon. We devote special attention tu tip's branch of tha . business, and are continually adding to onr already exten- , sive und well appointed assortment of material, ' NEW TYPES, BORDERS,: ORNAMENTS. Or the moat modern and elaborate deslgne. Onr itock o FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC, Are of the flnevt quality, and fot rlchneBB of culor and , durability, cannot be equaled In the Bute. xue principle upon which bqe.neBe RRRea Tor tine tablisliment ii, that persona will consult their own tntr eata, by awarding their cos torn to that office In which , their Qioney can be expended to the bcadTatitHge.- To this end we solicit all in want of good Printing at very " reasonable charicea, to call and ezauiine aueoiuiena. Ana Judge for yourselTee. -y- Orders from the Upper Country., frill hiiVe 6nripeclal care, and friend from the Interior ' may rely upon haTlng their ordere filled promptly, ae we . , HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS , i " In. th Stftte of Oresan I i.-r AitiWaM-' 1 ' MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf JACKSON SALOON ! , CORNER CfDRT AND SECOND STREETS, , JJALLKH, ORKOON, rTrTHETyNtiferlSlONKD, HA VINO RBMOVKD IBOM JL rrllE-'BKLLA UNION" CELLAR, INTp oratets' 'New, iJuilclnfiy, . I)eg to Inform the public that they art prepared to nerve tiieir custouien wllb tha beat '' Wines, Liquors and Cigars, i TUB iHAiKBT AKOEDS. ; . AI.80, A ""- ' iv ' M V .1 Ht'ssasr. T uTina-Yl ? Kvsry day and evening. I f l st ':.). i 4:' riecl-ifp . rt 1 t. ,!-it BMll scniTz, .i.in 1 rWrleh.' CARRIAGE AND WAGON ': 11 ATER'AtS . Wit BEO TO CALL ATTgNTJON of Cairiaga Man ufketdrers and Dealers to (he Large and Com' asaortmenS of OAkHIAflKutil WAnnsI UATURf ' ' AGO ne Ki rAL3 wearo constantly receiving front, the Kast, apecliilly selected for the California market, cooiprislng,i Quia, Hickory, and Second Urowth Ash' Plank, lilckorv Ailea. Wagon P.olea, Hubs, Bpokea, Velloea, Hlms, Bbalts.ia. Ao. which. we ofTer at tba leweat Caab Prices. . . - -t . sT- (Irdera addressed to opr honse will receive promp atteutioni -.""!" . ' N. W. 1111 AOU CO., . Joloilm, ., ... 28 A SI Battery Street, Can Krsnclsca, ' '.'' 1 and IT A IS Seventh Dtreet Bacrameutu. u. w ATirtHoosa, u. w. suss Co- . a.w-unu San Vranclauo. Saoramento.. aw xom .rflllB ttNDBBSIONM) BK08 TO INFORM WIB OIT JL iaens of the Qallea and vlciultl thathe has received NflW UHAK88, and will , ' '7 , . . . .. I vj-i.iJ.-jniabnt lu tv! ' onaTrbrt!Dotan Ua U tke Srat, kail V preleiit, oiily ' '' lUarsaln the city. , , r ' ; ; 11? . ,.. svAtta , raiw IM 4ao0.tci,, tsuyiSd-tt.. . -"j. -; n fllTff.'rMI pmjmmt - . i! uorrAT At , Til ATlIEIt'ft Wesnta. ' ivr-i'l' U wrv, ma Ri.u.num. hh. n . . . .SmmrtvltletiUraHt Co,:Nf rga,! wm,. ,r. 11 .,:);. ' -.1 ' : ' V. ;. ,", .... -j tr I. I llllr. U. Br ev. rJlampl