Money. Market. Bun T ejral Tender rates ,70V370J kew York (Jul J Quotations........... .Ull Epitome of Telegraphic News. rcOMPILSD OM THS ORiaONIAN. ' DATES TO JANUARY 8. Ciicaijo, Jna 8. a Wasuiniiton dispatch to the Chicago Tribune Buys: Tue resolution adopted in the Home to-day, expressing the opinion that the troops should not be with drawn from the Southern Stales until Con Kfeav Imd investigated, their condition and deolde'd on the future of these -Suites as re gards their restoration to t lie Union, devel ued neatly an unbroken front among the Republican mnjoriir. The resolution was adopieil by 94 lo 37. Messrs. IUymond, D . vi, Thomas, Ilnbbel, peliiniWoodtiridge, and Green Olay Smith, were theouly Repub licans who voted imliet n'ejfitivo.: ' Gen. Stertdtnnrt, litte'cbiMriaiider iii Geor pia, is in Washington on a short furlough, and will proceed. from here to his home in Ohio. ... ;. r Washington, Jan. 8. The appointment of a Biib-cotumiiree by the joint committee on re construction, consisting of two members of the Senate and one of the House, to wait upon the President, is regarded as significant of the intention of the committee with reference to the admission of the Tennessee "delegation. When Jeff. Cavis atid Reagan were .cap tured, there wbs found upon 'llrt letter's 'per son some $50,000 of bills of exchange on Rothschilds, drown by Treuliolmi These, to gether with some others,, amounting to up ,di nf tnn nnn . ... n....i" " y "..-" cK-l hv uuiiuuu ivi tuiiruuuu. Alley rjnvv I recently been returned by biro to the Secre tnry of the Treasury ill An' indorsement on the back by the Rothschilds that there was no funds to meet them.' 1 1t'ia alleired br Der- eoiis who know, (hat there were plenty of Itinas w lien the bills were drnwM, but by Iaeun8 the money has been epiriXed away. Haymoud, of New York, Introduced a bill tor tue appotntmeut or a comnmiion to pur- cuase a sue for, and erect arostoOice io the city of New York. Memphis, inn. 7,-i. The ' Bulletin srti the Missidsippt river is rapidly. eUacme. the tnon timents ot the war along; Its banks. . Island No, 10 has disappeared,. -The, leigtit OQjWhich Foct- Pillow Stood is fapltlly flisappearitigr ana tue great eariDworus, at unnaoipu are all gone, i .,. i . AuthvMe, Jan. 8.-The Legislature assem bled to-day. 'the political nrozranime in cludes a new and more elliuisut franchise law to exclude rebel votes freni the polls; and the passage or law allow in(y negro testimony io tin courts. Tba latter measure was postpon ed until after the "recess'an, wa. dferrpd, in or ler that members mWb c .consult their eon- (tltuents. Kvenis have been favorable to the most decided legislation;' A meeting will be held to-morrow mailt of tue Union Uentral uomtnitiee, who will send a memorial to the President describing affairs in Tennessee, and earnestly entreating that the protection of the troops ba not.wi.tbd' "n It is said they wilt 'eVen advise attain .be Admission of the Tennessee'; Ciongressoien', if that measure is to be followed up jDy the withdrawal of the troops. ' Outrages iy. re turned rebels and eblliSlbnVWltb discharged loyal soldiers are of oo freqieotccuTrencee lor specirjiatloo. . Ou Friday last, Gov. ,Browril6w, en route from Knoiville to this city by railroad, was wrecked eighty miles from Knozville and bad bis foot and ankle bruised. The car in which the Governor rodo was-separated. from the train and trjrowq'from 'tlje .(ta'o'W Apd.,f,iVeraJi 0'ner persons thereto vjere injured. , St. Paid, Minn., Jan.. 8. The Legislature met in Joint convedtiontbis afternoon", to bear the farewell message of ex-Guv, MMIer and (he inaugural of Gov.' Marshall.1 Gcjv. Mil- ler i message represents that thearfairS of the ia,o nrv iu. a priispvruiAV. ;miuiivsr.s iaw ru comroeods an amendment to the State Con stitution, giving the rlg.h of suffrage to all wno can rean apu wmu iuo uiiiibu iniigunyo. lie roports 21U ml es ot ratiroau ia.omernion and loireesli fufti'er Wlslaifott to aid' tbe roads.',' Uor, Marsliall's int)rt repeats the I v. .... . recommenaatton in relation, fo, poa; suirage, and favors the same prl'npfplq for tbe national constitution. He says Minnesota will not eon sent to tbe admission of tbe rebel Slates until thev irire full seeuritrl . ' . i Wathington, Jan. 1 t here Is not particle of foundation for tbe report that Chief Justice Chase asked for tbe pardon of young Ketchunl. Tbe President yesterday signed-s; patent granting 45,500 acres of land to tbe' Central I'aciQo Railroad. There was received last week at the Teens? liry Department, vrrr million nna a nair in Ial tenrler hotes. $597,680 In tfWi Securities. $i25,858 la fraotioniai cdrferIcy,'inS $a6,i40 iucertiOcatesofdebtedne. tt,t) ; Col. W. VL Plake, TU United States eunaal at Manzanlllo, it, lay supposed, has been mur H.r.rl. Ha' killed tailor. finstiBablV K Ml aaid br hiii friaoVh, bat'8 otbirilr,li'Jdte. scribed, as a coldooded bsDrdersrad1 ft'lt VUought fail life has been' taked taVmage. WitDiiox imos., "Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dallas, Oregon. WB NOW OCCUPY OUR MEW TWO STORY FIRE proi.r Stone building, opposite nineli. Miller Co., anil offer to (lie pulilla full unit complote stock of Drum, .Medicines and Cliomicale, consisting In p'irt of kehu8enk, lamp wicks chimneys, tuutkstinb, hops, alcohol, baob, '" ACIDS, fil'ONORS. LINSKKDv . LKKCI1RS, ' - LAUD, COIIKS. CATOR AND INDKJOAND NKATSKOOT Oil, LAN I'll LACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, "SUPPORTERS. ANU PATKNT IMKlJIcilVTES. Onr stock of FANCY 0:)i)DS I s of the ItnoJt anil best quality; new styles onil large assortments, such us LUHIN'S PKltFUKKIt Y, 1IAIK, liUliiivs iMll,BT SUA", FLUSH, l'OMADKS. . SHAVING, UOHMKTICS, HAT. HAIR OILS, CI.OTII"S, COLDUNE. . TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAILBRUSHES TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMDS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. uur lai-nnies iur inlying goods nre socoiid to none In the State, and wo ahull at nil times aril lit a small ad ranee from coat. Heady sales and muni I umtlta. rilXSICIAXS' PKKSCKIPTI0N8 Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. I t JE M OVAL. GATES Jto CII-A.PIIS, . WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL D R UGG I ST S, Ilavo Removed to - RUDIO'S STONE UUILDIiYC, WASHIN8T0X. STREET, DALLES. ' nSTHKItB we wilf contlnne'to sell nrtlclos nsnally T kept In a Firt-Claas Drue Store, at 20 percent. 1 TIIA.V ANY STORE IN TUB CITY. Our stock vouaioia in p;,rt UI Patent Modlclues, . Pure Win.' s ami Brandy, ,f Fanoy A Common Soap, iiair Urusliea Corks, Acids, . . '' - Tooth Powder, .- '? Alcoku'1, Xiximcis, . . . j tSJIOIIgiM, ' Trusses, Braces, l'ftluts. . J Varnlahee,' , . UIIS, imps, Bohemian Toilet Sets, . . Supporters, Ac, PHYSICIANS' rUKSCRlPTIONS Oarcfullv ComnounJeil. Give ns a call and satlalv v nr. vivvb ui'iiirn iuroiiiuingeinewncre. n. A..miarr, ; liuail ; JUSTIN OATKS. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIUMEN ! FEED! FEED!!; SHORTS, ' O-IXa-IJV,:,. AND T FEED Or ALL KINDS, FOR SAB Mf . . . . Tji 'Il. II. t,A.W, 25Troni Street. Portland. iitf, . . Opposite O. S. N. Warehouse. Ri3MOVALi. . J.00KTZ, Dalles. ' r.KOBNIdSBRRORR, .. .. San Fiuncisco, ; J. GrOEST55 Sc. CO. TOBACCONISTS, UaT removed to ; 1 Hudio's New Stone Buildinar' Washington Stree near' French'' Oilman's, end tiara opened a well-aasortea siock ol iiAvanAaiiQ uujiisoiiii e-nuAiia, VIUQINIA and WKS'lKN TOBACCO, FKKNClt and BOOTCII SNUFf. n' ' MBEItSCIIAUM and other PH'JiS, !. PLAVINO CATtbSjJ A T . ; Sl'UKTlNQ tMODST INfll AN anil VANCV OOOnS. Aa.. kti' The trade supplied at LOYYJUT UAKKKT PRICES. . ; i ... f i. ... . ... , ..." i ; I FURNITURE! FURNITURE , DIEmAM,&..WETZ, ilH"l TUn OLOBK IIOTKL BUILDINO. Uousehold Fiirnlturo, e inbtaetn g ' Tables,- Cha Irs, Bureaus r liens and uedatearit, Deddlng.UatDets t etc,etc.,eu of wuiciwm'aoiuanowrie. s-urniture f fl.pire,and oPbput.,,tder. ; ahio on hand c. all of wlilchiwHI't'Saold at lour ratee. Vnrniture I Msiinwiiiinnriiiuwm, ounuiruaunnmucivuruBTi ituu ': ' ' NEW AUCTION fcOUSE. T . M . , VV A ft p '&r; C O, , : A-TJCTIOTElSRS. Court Street, below ltfaln. -rnTILL SELL AT AtCTlOK AND 0COMMISSION V : Oenoral Merchandise, Mining Stocks, Real Es tate, New a-id Second Hand Furniture, Farm Produce, Horses kc.t ko. - UKUKI VINO and FOR W A R DI NG GOODS, out-door and Siecia) Salos promptly attended to. R Rogular Sal i a, ...3 .- -.- I ' TuCSdaVS arid jStttUr'davsi liberal Advsnceg made on Consignments moluilon of C0-Partner.Ulp. mHK CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under JL tue name and style of UOUBLNS, McVARLAND k CO., la this day dissolved by mutual consent. All lia bilities of said Arm to pa-pald by Robblns'A Weaver, and all debts due.sald nrn) to be paid to and collected by them. .,., ..,,1.,.! ... i .t...n J.R.' RORRINS, . ; ...hi tlwti-i l O. MoFARLAND. ' "bafles, Jaa.iJSM . .OWviWHAVEIti''' All persona indebted to as will pleas call and " Vuw gl" antl save costs, . ,. ' " ' : "juTsal : . Jlnln street. Dalles, y WROUSAI.I AXD BIT.MU (UUI 1ST CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPE,S:,i(iec. . ALWAYS lit STOKI TBS BSST SRANDJ OF ' Clears, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1JLAYINO CARDS, i . POCKKT CUTLERY, -., : - PORT MONIES. - v . ' '' COM1IS and UltUSIIKS, o all kinds, rpitFUMERY. ol every description, . .: CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHINQ TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, -FANCY GOODS. Ac. Also I'owder.Shot, Load, Powder Flasks, flaskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. ' Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco. etc. at mas man t'ortiana prices, wun iroiKiic added. oc-ll V Id Xi Y IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and HAR.ROOMS. JULIUS KUAKMKIt HAVING 11OU0HT TUB F.N 1ir Stock of Morchaudiue and Uook Accounts of the late Onn ot M. Seller ft Co.. In this ctlv. to which hehna adiled of his own Importation (while doing business lu rorunnuj an iinmouse btoca ot me best manufactured Crockery, ' CilaNHware, Plated, Ware, Lamps, CIiandcllerN, Table Culler) 'Iookliig-UlaftSC3 and ! All Kinds of Oils, All of which lie offers at reduced rates. PeraotiN wfl,. Ing to buy auy of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to kIvo me a call before purcliasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure.'' I'ntttt fail to call on mo. Kndlo's Stone lluildllig, aslilnglon street, llallrs. JULIUS KUAKMKIt Dallos. March 17th, 1805. nihUtf KOOT AND SUOSi 8TOUE. f f AS RKMOVED 1I18JB00T AND SIIOB mm BTUUKti) the buililinx on Ma n street. m nearly onuonlte Mmnlv's- llall. t lit a. Li' lias Just renolved, direct from San r'raucisco, an un usually una and well selected .stock of, BOOTS ANp'lIOES, - of tlie'rery best quality and latest styles EVER BROUGHT Td This market. including the celebrated KNG1.1S1I' IIUNTINO RIIOU niauufuctnred by llonkort. Also, a large iissortinent of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest Sirica', lust rncufvail from ti, ka. iii.ii. ueipuia miiKcrs. Also, a Tory large asaortmen. of FINE DRESS BOOTS. 49-Qenttemen who prefer to have tboir noota or Shna made toordor.cuu rely upon obtaining a neat nuil easy St. selO-tr m, ,, An.iiA, main sireel. Opposite Moody's Hull. - IUPOUTEIt AND JOBBBU Of "Wines Acl: Iiquors; FRONT STREET. . Portland, ' J ' '.' Orca-on. WFFKIIS FOR SALR A VKRI LAIIQB ASSORT Vf meut oii. i . -j i. I Ilrandles, ; Wines, -:. " 1 .:. Liquors,' ,' : '.' .'V'.'iC'ase Goods,: -The Trade Is Dartioutmrlv luvltd to BmmlnA m It ck bofore purchafllntr elnowheru. mu'24 tf NOTICE TO FARMERS. rmMlft DAIXKS LUMBKR AND MANUFACTUU1NO jl wuMi-Aii x iim recontiy uttaciiud a. FLiOURlivG SXIIjIL, to llielr Steam Saslf and Door Factory, In this City, and "ww jioM.rau ,o wnur r r.r.ll. It J .Til VI II K A A and CORN, and warrant slve tlta"bsst aii.riuiii.,,, ' n I i...i.,...i....i..j a....., .A- ' - .rT ' trr , ... - JTXTRA FAMILY FLotiRVV' I' ," .. .... .. , , , ' SKCOND9 OR MIDDLffiJOS. . . . . . i , t T ' " BHAN 'AND SHOUTS, ,".., ' ' ' ' ' 1 CHOP FEUD. QUICKEN VKKTl. Alao.'4 Suneiior. article of OOIlN,.UHAr fn:... Tbe highest market price paid for WHKAT. CORN a '".. . .-issis . t U,.A. 11UUUB, Aent.' . Dalles, Nor. 2, 186s. n$tf,'. V AUCTION AND COMMISSION. ,. . .u . , 4. . J.' No. tOO, Main Si vfiWi Dalies Ciir I W K J 1 f .! All HUII1ITIIK'NKI IT M ITmimV a ...... . j Horses, New and Second Hand FirultUre, Stocks, Ac,, A ucertiiar paies uay Saturday. Out-door and Special Salee attended to In any nart lbs City i.w; ' ..; : ....."..'. ,u..l:ii"-;- ; r LiDerat Atiynnccsmaae n tORSlgnnifnts nl9am. .. .i JOHN WIV-IAMS, Auctioneer. : ; LINCOLN HOUSE. Corner Washington and Front Streets ; ' ' ." ' PORTLAND, vRKTJOy. . Ir , ,.: ,'. IJ1IRST-CLAS8 UOTEIi. LAU0E8I IN TftK STATS, ' Charges Reasonable. , ' : ..i ; ! AN OMNHIUS will attend all the Boats and convey ?!,';!' .'gLS rnnrns.1, iu., ,,iri, ukkv io iii nouse rree oiuer vie l iry for 60 renis. 8. (VlNKfN. AND COLD. BATHS in 11,. UnnV . Steamers for Oreaon Citv. Vanotmviw arnnli. ogiio nnu AaturuA ikuia a(,Hi aiidahmu noase n hart, sepl:8m ; . , . ;''i,., , .-..)i ..! ,: i iOPPICR T4 SECOND. STREET, between rVaaiunates d Court. ; . 'Mi--t v ,', Offica Hoo6-tol2, A .j 2to.f.,-ande to0, y. FfcANKUN M ARKETa.:.- CORNER 01 SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS BAI1$$, OREGON, - JOHN KP PINGTETl Proprietor HVIH UNDERSIGNED l Imvlnq lilted np the aLora Market In the 1IK T TYLEtwill keep constant ly on IihiiiI all sorts of . 1 Fresh nml Cured Meals.' ' " Of the best qmdlly furnished at tho LOWEST RATI '.! : .flly inutto ls,to " PLEASE ALL.". JARTIE8HAVIXO SUPERIOR STOCK FOR 8AL will dp wel to call at the JJriinklln Market. - O-'' JOI1M Vl'litvovn Dalles, February 19t!i,.180S. , . . CORNER OF COUItT' AND SKCOND STUKKTS DALLES, OnEOOX ' JOilW MICJHELBACH, Pioprletor. . rjjriS, ';wiu keep ''- r-S constantly on hand all the vnrle-STnTSTI bULlXatlea that ll.a m.rU. i -ti ' ?'7 aiior,i,f rr " irf , uuubiwhvs or IUOU.SI quality. . ,i.,rvi.,, ;FAMjE,, HOTELS,. ANQ STEAMBOATS, '. -it UpitHed on reniionablA tertrni. Tbe tindorsigneq !s hliiyn (iniparl lo pay the L!iel- . . vniiw,. i uxiios uavinix ituric in guod coniiitloa, ftre reuestc'i to call on blm befot ' BUliifTeliowlivre:- JOUN AlICHtaiMCII. Dalles, Hnrtb Mst,1866 nihSltf Pitty:; market., S. EiAlinillt & Co., Proprietors. n 111 keep constautly on hand the beat MEATS OK AU II I ADS. A LIBEItAL SIIAltB OP PATItONAOEIs oucneo, as we expect to Rem as iroo.i an luwortment of Meats and good as uual- Deliver the same to Purchasers in the City, ' I'm ties having Silnerlor Stock for l. .. in .1., to 51, u, ifti.i,ii wqiuio uieposituj; oi k eiHowhore, B. LAUUKIt. k Co., t Boutheast comr af Wneliington and ThlrdPts. It-'Ji-' i-M ' ihiubiio nosier a Atiacssmita buop. M B E 0 WW. . '& : B E 6 fACY- NI):i riTAPLK.,",, .I' uUv,i,nuio, fJttU VISIONS, &0. Ma M. liltnu-v a.ii. J i-.ul.., - ... : , ; , , ' ---"' " imni.ui oan rrancisco. we are enabled o ofler great IndceinAits to purchasers. VV. " respectfully Invite the public to examine our stock belbrrr, piirchasiug elsewhere. ' I i'- mla-ti Stone Storo. north alda M.l. -i t,.h. . .. . -r v-w.h ...m,, VCUIVS. W . NEW SALOOIV: NEW STONE ST0RH, TVASniXGTOI, STREET JIIE UNDKItSIONKD would fntfully anncm.e' .: ATT . " iiib..ciiii caioon m r rcucli AT a ' Oilman'. New. Stone Unlldllig, THIS EVENING, ami la , " '. nreiinred to servo rii,irr,, . .1,1. .1.. . I .1 Allies, Liquors and Cigars. ERE E LUNn TT .1.. V I . W28tf. " ' ' - ' ' v ,.apHir RINDI.AVB, t.t 4' M i.r P-D'EHM:.' ';V1 Wat eh leaker, and JetvelerJi "" ! ' Ml AIM S-rnrrarv . . . 1 , a-- cub, ouftjr mu x'idfea wi are. ;fYv nia warranted for twelve months. , , r " -. I rjEW JpirqToGRAPH booms"--" 0,.-t 'Meiuiituu sireei. ;. u.i'jjiujj AI'TVH Vl"IVr V VITTUnrn ...... . - V ... . ,. riiotpgrntihii, CnrU do Visited Aic "-i0y ...... ,,, uu 10 Rive ner a en tentioirpahl to, lukilij1 And Cbi urea s re 1 urea, . , ,... 1 . .7Z.IIAI 'JOs i ..issoiuuon notice.. v, , , ,, , IIBOrt-PA)lTNvria,i;TVi...'..j, .. Vl ' ! uOl.p . ill'! A,..Crfi-ai ' i J L'J ' 1 ' S.itTw.iAlMi rjt Mvv ,Wi nt thJ old .tand ml. Auul'JIr.0 . - U .BWII1W-' 1W "1 v" "mil inuuin ,',T l,l'.' c "" of this placo and 1 cMlyj that IibvIuk roturned froui'a pro- I win rivneiM AafrrjMei DBNTlBTRy.ti,.w,r,i .v- .ioouko iiio naa 1 t 1 r I- f ft onneriy nccntdeir by 1,1m, in the building occupied A B',hP:''W" UlMlSiWaZcA r..ju.r:..v. 5 ra.,v " "," '"-tiwd of . I ..77. TT .u'iiu.riH paironaKe lieretorore u, L teoded lo blui. and . " ., "V . . I 7 : . - -wm,uiiK,, IU BA1HO. Entire Dntnrt)n Sold Diise.-.:.!...1..:,.; !. .... 4180 tol22A )enlnri..Yiil-.Hii. . .. ii' . ' . Vei' tnr.Virii!asdi-M!!rZ as 10". . :!? " ''I'lnintiK'erted frosn ou.dollar upward "'' '' " Chlldrena! Xeeih extrarlwi rp....rl.k..i. i.:,t .aii " ; . - - .014-11 T-rT- .j, 1 uissuiuuon notice. -1 T,'Ii?il!l?(jWi IT; WHitEtf CO. fcare Ws'iaV I. K . anMt .tand. Mr. Thomas sllllo. "l J 17,7" w " I.U all llablllHc. .M.'tSSS auowliii tlMMvA flrilftHM wilt plow, com, forward and settlo and save eote j w aiii r i.Tl ' . Dalles City, Nor. Sttd, 1866, 2St wvttr.lilif " 1 a liAU