lailit JflffUtttatnttr: -s -a It if said tbat (lie late rebel Beauregard linj been offered the post of Commander-in-Chief ol tbe Pontifical Zouaves At Rome, f . j A little girl in Marysville, on being asked what made- ber checks to extraordinarily red, rtbly replied : Oh, I've just bad a beau 1" Tin city of Chicago bns been mulcted in $14,000 for damage, t exulting from a defects jve sidewulk. B17TIK monuments art being erected on all he great battle fields. The latest named is at Fredericksburg. A lady asked a sailor why a ship was called 11 she," and Jack replied, '.' Because it costs so muehJoi ber rigging." Thi connection by steamer from Portland to Dalles, was made yesterday for the first time since the 13th of December last. Is it Tallisa, tho head ohicf of tbe Kansas 1r!le of Indians, killed himself lately, by over eating. Amono the members of Congrcjs elect from New Orleans, is the veteran banker of' that ctiy, jacoo uaruer. ue 13 now aoout eiguty- tcven yents of age. , Col. Markland,.the Special Postal Agent ier the Pacifio Coast, has returned to Califor- nia, without having visited the Columbia Itivor interior. Tub San Francisco Flag asks ;,H When, the Fenians go to war, bow in the world do they xpect to form themselves into squares?" By squaring the circles, as a matter of course. Camp Landeb, located, three miles south of Old Fort Hall, is gMtrisoned by thirty. two men tit the First Oregon Infantry. On the 23d of November no snow had fallen nt tbat point. There are six hundred men working on the line of the Pacific Railroad, west from Omaha City, About twenty-five miles of the track is laid, and the work is going on rapidly. Tua Mormon Bishops have determined to excommunicate ait mo women who oppose polygamy. Tho girls like the movement - very much. Tbb 'story that tbe wife of Senator Rich- nrdson, of Illinois, vent soma during the re hellion, ns an agent for the Knights of the Uolden Circle, turns out to be untrue Kj. . Tub Bey of .Tunis lately decided' one him- tired aod Bfty-ave law cases In tbrei'lioursV He is " fastest" jndge on record.,, tbe next in the matter of speed is "Alec of IdahO.A' ' A " Champion Cue " is spoken of aa l a prize to tbe best billiard player in the Dnited-8wts.'t it is alio Yjroposcd to offer a " cbampiori. queued, for the best bob-tailed, fighting dog ia the X'nlted, State's. ' .. . Tut gtory about the early - '. -in. i il, i i Judab P. Benjamin, late rebe vyar, is again going tne rounas ot to presa It is already a 11 thrice told tale," and has lost none of its details by being told so ptten,,, Till Spanish Amprlcaus of San Frauclsco have prepared medals valued at 200 :edch, for presentation to UenernrV:CoronV ana! iia. sales, for their defense , ot Mexico 1 against v I'renci) tuvasion ii-. Polyoamv m Idaho. The Mormons have boiled over outside of the jurisdiction' of Utah into Oneida county, Idaho Territory., A letter from there cantnini the .following on. hlanolnl! - .- .,-, Tl,. f.e f... kJ:I .CI ection Unto publio notice, botdflrin as it iIsm is elsult ss 'ih. .. ,i.:.i.. whose fcotid breatb falla like mildew' oh i.: i.. t.i i ,u.. .u..,0 y- -- pue nnd.rris shadow. . h lawlessly passed ha 1 rmftsi tf m AVfn ir n wJ tiasai4!fiillaH 1 J, k-A dared, to pollute the sacred soil o'r IdaqiUi its polvgamio poison, burliog, de,('aqre in tbe very teeth f civil aplhrIty,M,This, howeverj will not continue. The 'MDStitution,"'1f ri lowed to exist at all, shall coil Its slimy folds wlthin'Mti own territorial , lines, obtaining finction from its owrt cofrtfpl fegiHatfon, Idaho will not be responsible either. la, God. or the nation In the sanction of suob an Im moral and aacrileoriona svatemy .vjuh.,-. . t..f If It could Vt shown that Brigbanr Yopng", Id tor any oi iDepoiygaro.sts7 pas oeenlu Idaho f bii n,Qoey and, the BfTacti of bis degrading nkln.rSn.rHnh"',,! ' "rV. .. ,,. . ' , ., s, a ....... n K,nrante1)irlVr!itftnctloh. OFFICES Idalio City, Boise County. I T-OutoCif. Territory with, two of: mora, of lis wiTj:.l pM,i0a, be shot the . obtf 'then blew "dvW Mj-lU? M:. ZVi'f' :fyi, County, l.T, Ymx,t V ""iffi - nay b.. , reclaimed, .ad. ppon tonvicttbBTlAijj wb.t -Httl. bwtos V Coat dill fcoift Oil I ' -'" Or THE IHTERlOa IN OKTAIL. Delation movement appears to bo ground at Walla Walla. A petition from tbe citizens ol that valley to Congress will probably secure the segregation of that county from Washington Territory, and con fer, on then) the benefits arising from our 'State government. The matter should at once ue actea upon, otvi a from the Territorial Legislature will be of no ef fect, even if it is sent forward. The arrival of Mr. Mjir'f ox-team train of seven hundred yoke of cattle, at Boise City, is noted. The train was loaded with machi nery for South Boise and Owyhee. In tbe month of November,. 3,250 tons of rock from the Gould & Curry mine iu Washoe, yielded $135,000; beiug a fraction over $41 50 a ton. This is a poor Bbqwing alongside of of the $298 a tern from the Owyhee lodes. . The snow is about seven feet deep on the Cccur d'Alene Mountains through which the Mullan road passes. It is feared that several persons were lost in the great storm, while coming from Muu tuff to Walla Walls. The boat which is intended for the naviga tion of the upper section of Snake River, is progressing rauidlr. It is bcincr built ut iha mouth of Boise River. . . i Governor Lyon cave nn eleorant entertain- ment to hii friends at Bui flit nn fihrlat. mas nit-fat. The Governor, is rraduallv wear. tn8 ou tDe democracy of Idaho, by bis cour t(8y 8nd conciliatory disposition. Mr. P. J. Maloue's Idaho Aryut will Dot be i-Bucd until spring, as be has been unablo to get bis material from the Columbia River.' A soldier, named Shay, was shot at Fort Boise, on New Year's day,' for mutinous con duct. He is likely to recover. During the heavy fall' of snow In Idaho, great exertions were mad, to keeb the toad from Boise City to Idaho City open. Ten teams were continually employed in Iraveliug back and forth on the road. It is not considered " gentlemanly" in Boise any longer, for gentlemeu to go to dancing- patties with six shooters and bowie knives ori their bellr. Derringers are, however, allow ed to tbe high-toned, Tub Stags akd tiib Pulpit. The Rev. Dr.. Hatfield, of Chicago, lately preached a sermon against theatres, in which he said that be bad been unable to learn of any actresses of " unsuspected good character." He might bave said, in Addition, that t 'nym.'an .will go nosing around among blackgtUTdi, Or even among rigidly righteous persons, that he can always find some volunteer ceocbr ol" pibti morals who will bave something to sny against' u, best woman on earth. Taking this method l'6r do'ermining the question, U wwild be quite mP?"lU1 " "a any man of wpmnu pf 11 un UMl'CcUd good character" in the world.;. ,A ff evenings after the reverend, gentleman had uttered bis silly diatribe against the " """ gaining g Z- u' . , stage, Mrs. Cowe:i, an rctrfss, wassailed be- dishonesty oT , , . .. ' 1 dnnroi.-. r 0r l'10 curtain at McVicar e theatre:' When T '.!",.T;!,i,.n,,1,.j ,k. ....: ,i r'i- u- .-r she improved tbe occasion to refute his vile absurdities. In doing so she was oboered ei- thusiasticalty by a large and. intelligent au dience. It is to lite point to Blnte ihat a few weeks before, at the same I heat re, two ' swell- dressed", gentlemen -had ) been arrested as. "suspicious characters,' but, both, were re leased wuen it was known tbat tuey were em inent clergymen of thfe city. 'One of the in was the same who runde the attack or theatres, and particularly actresses. It is a chnrHaljIf supfosilton that his business, in lurking about I ii.. j iii '.... - t " was to find' an' actress of fl?MU'PeC',f mWt,Tr goo charnqtetil 4r Ik nnn.exiatenea of aura. ' A i t I ' 8ous,f the miuers1 just down rror' B'fack- ; . . ioo; eiuioti weiguiy proois or tu riconess oi tll. min tn lhBl ArftlAi,. i lb". .ahaiU of " , W8Sfc ranging from s few dollars to several ounces., Th pieces from, JJcClellan'a Gulch Thy pieces from, McClellan'B Qulcb - ''nhpear to bave tbe ndvaniagei'.as 10 .average rTeigbrf smoothness aiid solidity, la that I loralii the largest tiiece vet found is S540. fhich is certainly large enough if there is ontr enough of ibeni. - : ' :. ' -. -.-o j , ; u t. .''' '" A prbttv waiter srirl, in .Sant.Pmnolaoo. l'Dlav0" sin nones;, miner. ior so.uuv. ana dropped him. Desperate from; "the lb8s A.notihk Rival in Tin FiKLft'. The Ston tuft Pott claims that the Branch Mint ought to be located somewhere in Montufia Terri tory, ami oignes with a plentiful lack of knowledge of tbe relative imparlance of tbe Montnfli mines and those of the Columbia Busin, that lis location in that territory would better serve the public interest lli'in if il wete placed in Oregot or Idaho. Atbe same time we concede the importance of Jinviiig a mint in MontaQii, we will tell our totem pornry on "yonder side " how to get it without draw ing invidious distinctions, or creating unnec essary rivalries. Our plan is this.: There is now the' necessary apparatus at. Denver to coin Ore millions a-year. Where it is now located, it is of little use, e the coinage for the Inst year wis a lit tie tinder half a million. If the people of Montana, will move to' have the Branch Mint at Denver located in the cen tre ot their territory, they will probably suc ceed. . , -i Mr. William Uirnliaum respectfully In forms hii patrons, ami more particularly the Indies of tlila city mill vicinity, Hint lis will sell nt pi-h-ato sale, nt miction prices, nt Ills ntoro on Main street, the 1ml - mice ut Ills upltnilld stuck ol VI atches, Inatimmls, Jew elry mid Fancy Goods. As this wilt be tin- lust opimrtu- ti'ty to purchase, the ladies nod the public- ure. Invlti-d ro curi. Wasco Lodge, No. 15, F. A. St A. M. Holds Its stated CoimimiitCtitioliR on the Flret und Third Saturdays of etch month, at their Jiall, in Dnllos City, Brethren In good standing are invited to attend 6tru h. Vvvt, Sec'y. llyor.lor of (lit W. IL Columbia Lodge, No. S, I. O. O. F. Moots erery Friday evening at o'clock, tu dates' Hall, corner of peennd and Court 8trcets. l&rot tiers la good stiiuding are Invited to nttond. lly orilep. - N. 0. Private Itealdciicc For Sale; KIOK nnSlDENfiK, located In the heft part of town, will ho soltl cheap coil UAMI. inquire at the Store of (jniottj urn ix & uuiim. "NOTICK. ". WILL FULL )N LOTS TO Bt'TT PUROII A8KRB, all M the contents of the CAM VvlHMA 11UTKL. on Main btreet, Dalle;1, consisting of . f . Tnlu MiittressosDonlilo and Single. . ; . . . Btrnw Mattresses Double and Single. V , Blankets, Uedspreads. l'illows, '. " lcdste:ids Dimblo and Single, .Crockery. ChiHswnro, T-itile ware, Cook Htoves, extra large, Parlor and ltox ijtovas and Pipe, Dusb.4, .- - Chairs. T.itilml. Ac. Ac . Ac. . V . I Tills Sulo will lie continued from day to day. lintff BAiuitUAK, January ami. when me roniauuiiK-oods, It' any, will be sold nt I'UIII.IC AUCT'O.V. I etui k. cp- ers nun niuers win uo wen id inoa at ine.4e goons. JnlJIl . . J.JJl.N WILLIAMS, Auottonoer. FAMILY GROCERY,' "fjPBUIT AND Provision Store; COltNKK OF WA8KINOTON t .SK.CONBjSTUKKTS. CONSTANTLY ON HANT)"thd choicest articles of J, t'HKSIl UUTTKH, KUIii. and every variety of FAMILY- OllOtJliltlES, A' UTS, CANDIES, i'c'i $e. WholMai. and BetaM, M n4Q'trtcM m AWt, Al"',Vw ' "'irn' . ..'.IJ.'., L , , . ' ,TR AD FEEW" oi an KinuA, aua.wtH qoau '' V T t ijAnAnnl flmiimtciptnn T n ci I wm AC a No charges'for Htoritire' rr floods sold 6u Conimislon. rroceeus ol sales reinittoii promptly. jiiiutt .' Dissolution Notice. nH K OOPA RTN KRS1I I P heretofore exlstlne between i ukoiuib MoUjan a bavid DoiwtNtiri" Eclipse Chop Uoum, ts this diy dissolved hyttwruai sent, David Uoming havinz sold out bis interest to. McLean, who is alon anthorlM to trkasaet ny I UKOllllBMoLBAN BAVID DOWtNrln' ho cOa- Qao. bnsi- iiess In the nuine of said house. O. Mel, KAN. I'qlles, Jan'y. 12. 1688. D. DOItNINO. FXt 13S II . 13 TU XTKU, . -.. , . . 1 1- -1 .i i From Joslyn's CelebrateU Dairy, Fyr fole al HI, REHIC'S, COLUMBIA-RIVER -MINES i A. a. booth........;., ....(...niBar atnso f BOOTH Sc NEVISON, V I I I Forwarding and Comnilaklon Merchant AND DfiLKltS JN "l It SltajilrlNlikA ; ... 7 . tint. w,B1!iaHT F0H COLVILLK, TIPPER COIAfMKI A, JD KOyiKNAI and llLAt.KFOOT MIHA3 pro-pt.y MarkOidsB..AN., Wl lte Bluffs. W.T,; , L ' .'atvaKicasf-i " - 1 1 nmracrdsjaoCien,' Allea 4'iwls,nd .1 , ' Hodge A Calef. , Duxm Blocli. Miller A Co., French A Oljraen., Jnt'f I MllS.-LlliJillHIClt'rii rj&KN Ull, JiUIJULJN JaAJSt i on , Drcsfl niaklnar Establishment, ' ' ! OpposLte Ceku' al BoJttisr ' :t IWOULTI CALL TIIB TTKNTION of the, lad the IMlies' tJ in large and One toteek of v. 1 - I-IUWCK9, BHIIilfUIUbKT, ifaivtnir Mfinrati tlift servlo of HH8. FHAKY.ltt -the v . ... .... j. . . d m ssnB-nnwuaw-ra. n- C. 8. Mum. SM-Scnsiuutrffr', Dulles San Franciseev Bloch, Miller & Co. WHOLESALE ' GROG E'lli'S - . : ' AND BsULKKS J3T j ;' ' "Wines N & Lljqwoyss, Ant! Importers and Jobbers CLOTHING Hoots fc Shoes, Under JlolIiiasr, lilaickejs, etc. etc. elc. OFFICE. WE IUVB AN A SPAY OVF1CK IN CWNKCTIOS wi'honr lUrttuori, under tho etitirt snprTfrmri otMr. MiUrr, Ve muko rrfnrnn in Hsre in hIx liimr W' Kiiarnntee nil- mir Ahhuvk mid iny t.i IllOlIKS'P CASH I'KIOM for llur. We til so 1117 tin Uiwjui Ciwli Price fur Quid butt. BLOCK, MTLLKK ft OX, myGtf Cor. Main and WiitjluiiKton fltit'ets, Dalit. Orcson Steam 'Kavlkution Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ' lrr-isrjm 3rZ.'iJ:.?t &Al-rru.-ufc--..' ON AND AH1 KH MONDAY, 13th unrt further notice y, - XIao Pussengor Xralu . to conneot with sfeameril . - i FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Wilt start ftom. the H..B. DKI'OX. DA,H,Ka CITY, on Mondays. Wedneidaii, and Frldavs. ka 4i30 A. M. ' THIS STEAMERS ' ' " "ONEONTA" or "IDAnO," CAl'T. J. McNTJLTY, .. Commander. Will leave DAM.KS Al I.Y. (Sundays c ccpteil) at o'clock. A. H.. conn uy tne UAaUADH. KAlLKO.SUy with tho steamer "NEW WOULD" or "CASCADES," CAPT. J. W0LF,............... 'Commander, foi Portland. ' V. B. tlRADFOItl). Dutlos, Nov. 13,1865.- nl 2tf T Agout t).S.N.Uo: FOR THIRTY DAYS LONGER 1 1 LAST . CHANCE ! 'fbi'it F. Biocnv MKSSR8. COIIX 110IIM wonld Iiereliy furor ' their cti.toincrB and the public at large, that they will coulinne to soil AT llOrl'I. fot thirty days longer in ',; order to give ouo a rhntire teMako presents fur-tli Holidays. We will sell the balance of our stock, con- sIstiHKof ' .- . ? ., .,r- .... HI. I BlRCIt Htlts, Gehfs' CleakK lucn roping s, il. v Coat, CliwkK, ' " '."'.'..BrwsCoatf, Shawls. I'nuts, , i DrytlcK VJ ;5 r i tmhrnlderlcs, - J-. i llata i Caps, , 'L Loots 4 Slioee, , ic.1c,-i4(n. AT SAW r KAKCHIUO COST. WlltwiitrVrelgl't and Exp"".' rf '( t This will b tlwlodi chnnce'to Kt bargains, prior U closing tlMiooneoiHi'.iJ Hi ut COI1.N 110HM. N.D. All llllla must be paid by th ' First of JaiunsT 18G6. If not settled within that time, Uie (aiuo will a placed in legal hands. . ' -..I.,.,. deltf. 'iv V" MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. Tg8 OUOllitBStiiialHKS TO INFORM the LAiiies of Dalles ami vicinity, that sue I !'JUBl received afresh sunplj,of f- The Intent Vnrla, New York ntid San Francfpo ntvl-A of ltONNITrS, HATS, ItlUnjjNtUAQKBi JfKAtlMtR k iaiv xiia, au, a mil uuu wt9ii-H'i,vcru neUiuri nieni 01 Ladles' Bendy-Mttdc Garmcn.(ti Also; a FsBhlonaWe assVtrtrneht or '' D R ESS TR IIVJ M I N Q S ! :: STAAIPINQ shlBtntu-o!ilnvMH.ljni.iiLtr,..' pmirfsn.' done at short noiice, 1I0N,N K'l'S Bleached and Pressed ta the latest style.,. A liirgowsnirunent -ol Children's Reftdv-Maile Clothing: ' Constantly on hand. Having secured, the asrvlcoa df a - viraiuuiss uross siaaer. i nia prepared to cat and fit Ladlo', ami Chllilrou's DKES.MK8 and CLOAKS. Till Kl) SXKKitT. AIM. Hiuze east of lh. r.H.Ml.. hnreU.,..,. j, ..: :,n ! t.i - oc21:3m; : ::T TnV.STt TAVftt' PftVl trnrra t I ;i " . . , , V: FOR TOYS AMD AJfCT COOD 1 JM&tr'jJ'ri dealira la tlwt., ,u " ir-wrjRiuM or , , .TiiuMAUKit. mm.: 820 and 322 Battery Street, V. .-;..-., - Bau-Fruncisco. n28:3m ! ! , noimu Ms siiiu tum n '' Fancy & Stanltr Drv. Goods. : Clothin'c, Bodts1 And shoes. tMWjtMJ&ZW"? v.r.T.irr Gentlcnicu FfiiHfilbMipr CoodKi -n i Fire-proof Btone' Stofo, corfier of Main and Court Streets. .KuVi'l ' I UCJRT MART11I. J.H- Miitmr. I 'J' - - r - p r V j 5. f f1 .girl ,,ll rewyw -to eJ7' ;tZ?ZZ,Z:::7r.M