Is VOL. l. r VI.LK8, OREGON, AVEDNE9DAY, JANUAUY ir, I8OO1 NO. 131. PUBLISIIEU EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS CXCKPTKD,) BT 13. G. COWKE & J. 1IALLORAX KDIT0U3 AND PROPRIETORS. l'i!KH8 Tiattt ty-ft mjU per week, payable to the carri ner month, by nnul, $lj three mouths, $2 60; six nouUm, $6; one year, $8. AdvertiseiueuU Inserted at low rates. Job Printing. Rvery description of slain and fancy Job Printing ere- ihm wan neatness ana despatch, and rorwnrded aa par oii'sr to any part of the oouutry. Biymentjorjet Print ing muti oe maat en delivery . . UMATILLA HOUSE DALLES, OREGON. HANDLE Y JtSINNOTT, ITop'rs ran popular aouai, ocpthaixt iooatid, Near the Steamboat Landing Bailroad Sopot, Ha hoe a recently enlarged and Improved, aud will now acoiimuinaaio 30 0 GDEBTS JTT WILL BK CONDUCTED aa heretofore, aa aTIUST JL CLASS IIOUdK, and the patronage of the traveling liuhllo in rospectnmy aollclle i. .. . mf - BiirKago taken to the II juso free of charge. House oboii all Bight.' LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. EM PI RE HOTEL ' mai water, mixes, oreqox, - THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE IS till GEH1M OP BOaiHaSa. , ' ' Jfaar tba Stoaiuboat and Railroad landing! Kuperlnr Accommodations for Fumllles and caa Ao eummuiuie uuo lluuqruu auu rwy uuesis. . Woala..... .....60 out. f Lodglng.......S0cU; Fire Proof Safe for deposlte of vuluablei. . vj House open all ulghi. Baggage taken to the House free of charge, . .-.. - .. nujiao o.uiin, lnh8-tf , i . Proprleton,- SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS DUSEHlEillT & Bitos., Dalles and "Walla Walla. , ' . . .. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miners' Outnts, . . Boots and Shoes, ' Clothing, -:;v;. ',, flats and Caps, .";. :. :. ' ' Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise. Diiyln. HJr Oaode exclusively In the Ban Francisco market, and tnakinir none luit cash ourchaeei. era are enabled to sa l SO per cent, cheaper than any other House at the Dulls) 41 ml-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. HO W - TO SAV MONEY y . " ' ' CALL At TBI VW i, . i,y. r. i'. Family Grocery and FrnJt Store, - Corner of yf aililngton and Second JBtreee, THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM TIIK people of the Salle, and cue public generally, that anas a larfee aid well. selected ltock of .. ,- -' f" CAXD7E3, JVTrS,. he.,. . ., Which he will soli Wholesale and BetHl, al Krtucti J'rlcet for UA Tr. Also, constantly on naud tue unoicsei Artlcla Of KKKHH BUTTKK and K008. Alsv ery variety of VltUl't'd and VKU8TA0I.B8 In their Mason, tsraom from np -the 'ebmitry, wUhlna 'quantltles'ol jtK and aruif, oy SMHlinff in -Hieir'oraerB,-wnr-receiTe the etrlcteetattentfon, and baT them Oiled at the Lotwtl Market Price: Uyll-UJ .0. U JKWJtLU ! fl! . '. I PI i . D.uu. , ' . )' . o; w. ab as. : ,.' ' a. w.uus.J A.RMES T &, .DALLAM ? v,' ; ' lmpcrtert n4 Jobberi of . tto 6o 'ASJ o WlLLO WAKE, miiiijuBS, twin m, ooKDAaa, . . , And Manufacturers of - ' " ' "' California Palls. Talis. Brooms: Ac. 217 i((Wirauto Street, between Frontand Davis, PJUU rruuclsco. , ; , ,i . i i ..' ooiuaaviaiw. TILTON & 1 MoFARLAND'8 Fire &;B Aiglr Propf SAlVs. " StUEL'lilfSD VAULTS, Oom"bination.-Ipcl:. J a-Cutftiiili dn hand a fnlt aasonnent of 8AKBB. "1 J-Cutftiiilj ( JyO-Oin . ... . -Man tranclscOp.. . GATES, effc.; IlfVlf Tk ! Attorneys & CoaiMellors at,Isair, FUR BOISE .niDIES UIIHiCT. the , -lllifea WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE op . . CONCOKb STAGES, ' CAKItXINU THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS ". ' ... -ANU. Well j, Fargo & Uo.'s Express, la now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI curvlllo, (Uoiae Minm.) Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Walluta Line of Stages, and th Doataof the 0.& N. Company. UKO. . THOMAS A CO., ap27-tf . Proprietor NO TIC E- THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY .., ' Will carry . - FAST FREIGHTS - - FROM, UMATI JJ. LAy AFTER TIIM FIltST OV OCTOBKli, AT T!l FOLLUVV i 1NU 1(1)U0U1 UA'L'Kb: ,, ,. To nolae City....'. .,15 Cent per pound lilalio City.... )iO " . "Owyhee SeO.- , " " For less amonnta than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Couta per pound will be chargod. ' - ( ! ' TIM 1 KTIOM UMATILLAt To Boise City ........3 Buys. To IdaUo City 3 1-2 Bays. TO Owyhee........... 4 Bays. ' UOSBl'U PI.NKIIAM, Aeent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1865. oct8:tt And all kinds of Machinery i , . UanuHtcturul at the I , i '- - ' 1 ' 1 ' OREGON IRON WORKS COllNKK OF. MORRISON and 7TU l reels, ' Tnv,.i.POTI.A!ip. VaiJt ' ' A.. 0. 0IBD3 A CO., i Succpmora tn , Portland,, Pee. th 'fH.') d6tf . ' B. H Jowa A Co,' MOUNT HOOP SALQQN i BILLIAUD ROOM, ,. F. M. JIUNT.v Proprietor t u-l ) ' CORNER OF Mnln and Court Street, np31-tr;, J '.'i ' M".laIla,i6peton. FRED. grocery; paovisiON . nv ... : : ,i:-.i . -!- . i IT R XI IT STOR.E Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's,' Dalles. I Alas on nana a large aud well-nseerted stodc or GROCERIES !& PROVISIONS Freeh Rutter JSL.Hsifg's:', tlved dally.' A large lot efCnlCKKNS alp-ays' on d. FKUIT8 of all kinds. FHK8II VJJUETAULES every morning. AUastlcles prariautad. u . - ', Give Me" a Call, Eyerybody anlMf 5-i .If F. LIEBK. EtellliU3xl Hsa33-. J s maairt" I JgALBRS VH , ,, . Main and t7nlon Streets. Dalles. ALDWIK ' J mhllitf -l l t fjf-'W. AiDWIN,' WH, MOABOa... , .. ,..'....,. 'v .J..sTOJl,( WW. MOABUS . CO.. - O I TY BAKBBY, rjt o risi on '.st'.o&e, ' I Corner ef First and B Strnts.. V-Vf II0T.B8ALK AND ItKTAILDKAJKjiSlll BREAD, lf CRAOKKRSand Family OROCKKIVS. TfK . ' waLOrdprs from a distance oarefutlx Blled and proniptlv MauaKbed.. ' 1-tl TUB HIdflSST MARKET fRlCK PAIS : IN . OvAS U "T t " n.'itiruinna A MaCltllfuil ' H l .laaa'a-oaw). s i mwv--a-. ATTORNEYS & CQUNEUOHS AT.UW WII.UI'KACTICH IN pThLH aUPItKUaT) AtD-GIU -leult Oouru of Oregon, and ibm Atyatclcl CoarU v i UyHAlUN,. 'VanatjOgn J. A,0CBl lltL,Oll A; UILJIAIV, mrORTIU ARD WUOLUALI Dealers in Wines, Liquors GROCERIES, miners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c, BAVE aiHOVID TO TO SIR NEW STONE BUILDING, OORNIB OP Second and lVaslilngrtoit Streets, DALLES CITY, NOW IN STORK A LAltOK AND C0MPLBT8 AS ortnicnt of the very beat brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Alio, ft full assort men t of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. 4bd Constantly raceivlnir our suttnllHi direct from Nun York hd ttnn Fraucisno. we are able and willing to eel I at a irery tiuall fcairaiico on 8n Francisco prices, Tiiey hope by adoutinc a strictly correct and tron.ut method ol doing btulnese, they will roceif e the putrouuhje of the put 110. eriu-tr COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A. TZ. 3 O O TH, ' ' WHITB BLDJF8, ' W. T., FORWARDING ANO COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' AXD 0 AS IRA I. DXAtU in : - . ' MERCHANDISE - . AMb HlEUS' SUPI'LIIJS. PACK AND SA0TIE H0H3E3 FOB SALE. FnmOHTS CONSKLVkD to my cure for Colvllle Kootonal, or the Upper Columbia Minos, will re ceive prompt attention. . . ..... 4.:. White llluirs, Oct. lslBoi.' oc2tf IEW., riUJIT, GBUCGUY '.;, AND-, ' : 1 ' PROVISION STORE. 'PHB BNDERSWNED INFORMS HIS FIUKNDS and X the pnblio generally, that he bat just established on Main street, next door to J. Jukcr, lubaccuul.t, 1 A NEW STORE! .-. " where lie keens constantly on hand a lame assortment aeleotrd FHUIT. Also, In store coinplotuatck olcholce QKOCICRIES, I'ltOrj&JQWp, VKUETAIILKS, Co. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at KK nilPKn PUlriKlA -. ftnmm Pail U....H .l.fU -k.lP - DR.. DAVY'S SPECIFIC i coivxiOTJivr, An Kipadillous Cure for all diseusea 01' the J.' SEXUAXt ORGANS, rBIIIS prompt and efflcatlooa Remedy (nr. the cure' i JL Bhonorrma, Ulect, Strictures, and Dlsoasea of the urinary organs, makes a speedy cure without the least resincuon 10 uier, exposure or cbange In application buslnesa) it will radioally cure any case which bun be produced. The disease II remove aa speedily aa is con. sistenl with the production of a thorough and iermaneut cure. , Further, the disease cannot be coubracteil if the B.PKCIFIO COMPOUND la taken when exposed, - , Its ingredients are eutrrelr'vogetalile, and 110 Injurious euro, euuvr cuusiiiuiiouauy or locally, cau no oauseil liv Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by p.p.m mioiuuj pnvaeu. - .. , MOSTBTTtllt. SMITH A DEAN! Agents, ' " ' . 401 and 403 Uatterv atrfwt..rnr r:l,iw. .. " " r ,1'" BaniranciKO,- H. H. HILL. ,., , 4..J, KA(, H I JuJu fe K A. . 3ST H , , . , WBOfciaALE ntTAIl OnAUIIII M .! Kit- Groceries, Dry Goods; Liquors AORICTJLTTJRAI, IMPtEMENTS. I -r. -. gTORAGt ANB VOKWAHniNn-- ' Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attention lief erencon 1 ... ., . -l - POtTLAIIB. n ' BAUM. n. W. Corbet, . . Bobbins A Co., : . . Richards A JlcCracken, W. O, Moody A Co., It.iLaw... , .... ;., . O; HumesonV ' ' -' Umatilla Landing, Sept, 8th, 1803. , . . i DENTIST. r" HAS REMOVED 1118 OFFICE 0PPO--I,- HT..v. kiln..- . 1 . .. - . -.w.1,1 . uh, .nw, ue Is preparedtodoalt Wndsof Wf -J '(.- ' DENTAL WORK." In a skllllul and well Solsbt'd mahneni XEETn Inserter frnm An ,n -1 an . ... . 1 ' I , ... . . ... . Prlcesieanaa law' Bjihhpp tiin.A- r.nJi ... - hrfKS" '""'"S oone" by me notproVingml lalaotarViWill suir tip h. . .- i .. . ft . " , ' .. '"". Py 'or th' - ...... v. .1 . i i i" i. f ; ; t 1 euisti '. ; BOOKS ! BOOKS ! t .) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL?- oCHOOb BOOKS, stationery; F5 fiSSlfXd MleeelUoeoM WOIIKS, Late NOVELS'. Maoazinkk PAl-i-ua e Ae.. by every, Steamer,, , foaUOfflce Bookstore. Uain a.rppt h,. II,.- I ("!( j JH-.VTE,i!i )p ,' ; " 'M.ww jaa-ivi n c rpilB TINPBRSIONED, WALL iPUACUB SBCXib i d.L- ' i0a WILUAM8, ! M . . iVO Main efreel, a. Umatilla, Boise, ' ' ANU IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS UNB is NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNINl order Irom Umulilln to Idulio City, via Boise City, and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packngea between these and all Intermediate points with certainty and despatch. The Llnola Stocked with the Best Team the oountry affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace aj2C-r CONCORD Which ensures Speed end Safely In the transmis.lon o? Freight, never before oflVred to Idaho. We offer Supe rior iuducemente for Slilpplug Ooods IVom- San Francidi and Portland to Idulio, us our arrniigeuiutits with tlie Ocean Bteaiushin Coinimny and Die Ori'sxui Steam Navi gation are snuh that all Uoods slilppud by thts Line will not ue suiuect to tue usual ueiays, nut puna through M Fast ITrolglii. : Ooods slilnoed from San Francisco to our ear at Port land, Charges will bo paid end Uoods shipped to destina tion. - 1 . . ' GOODS SHOULD DRMAIlKKDlCARB B. M. D. A ' CO, F. LINK, and Shipping Receipts sent to our Agent , at Portland and Umatilla. ' Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at' Destination. Ooods will be' forwarded with pispatch to 0hee and South Boise. i - PASSEN0R118 CARRIED AT OllKATf.T insnnoRn ' BATKH. Famllios will be rnriilshed with gutwrlnr An. commodatioua in Kew aud Easy Hiding Thorough l)rc Wagons en the Moat Liberal Terms, We lay over eacii . , night on -the Road at Soud and Convenient Stations, so thut passenger! will not lie deprived of regular rest. ,-. - j. RICHARDS McCHAKEN , Franrlacd KICIUKDd A HcCRAKEN ,...,....,..,..... Portli.nit .. Dallea - Umatilla h" ,Mn......LeQraudi Jlnlse City , Idaho ClIV Rocky llar(8outl Iloise) .......Hulx and Silver CI Ilea ' DuttELb CO., . ' ' P'roprletura.. JOSEPH TEAL . POWJiLL A 0E J. D. WILKINSON. II. M. DUHKLL A CO...... U. M. DuRKLL A CO MAJOR SPEKR...'. DtlliELL MtK)liB... , natr 0 a c'aub roit this ; Ffiil ,& Winter Clothing Trade . .. .OP SARI FIIAKCISCO BADGER &XllENBERGER - Jsoe. ll,413sudia Unttery Htreet. , Cr, lerehnut, .Sem.iVraiielsoo. . . Importers and Wholesale Dealers. - mBXTIBEftE AND, FRES1I STOCK,,, a,:) WB WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mrr ' chants to our usually large etock of Uoods. Our. , stock comprises every article In tl.e Clothing and Fur- nlshlng Hue. We have constantly on hand the ItkiH and greatest earlety of Cassimere end Wool HATS ol" " any bouse in San Franoisoo.aud our.prl es thii."f ' Uoods are less than those of any liouaa, as are rocelvu" i , them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Our ' stock of Summer aud Fall Uoope la particularly attract- . Ire, and the great feuture to the country raercliunt Is the unusually low price. r ! ( ; f, . (, ,11..'; ','', less Than ,ho Cost of Importation ? rr We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Goods , , , nne, which Uoods we bave'purehased li thls'niBrket tin- '- ' gar the hammer, and are olIerLng tuera t Kew Xlxlc Cost, aud lees. - , .We publish this card fn order that we may make new - ' -acqualniunoaa, and Induce those wholiave not heru(,ifrp : purchased of ua, to call and exaoilue Our atock.-j: ,1; Good Articles and JLow Prices! An the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to sell again.- Merolianta who Imp nr ,1. a... ........ , pront, and sell to their customer! at a low'flirnro. M a roaisin, respeetrnlly, - - . "'" iouruDeientservanta, - ,o:.'H- r - ' UADOKR A LINDSNnEnOKR, , ,f . . Wbolesale-Ulotliing and Hat Warehouse;' '- Nua. ill. Al:t n...l AlA.11... . Bon Francisco, April 1, 1806. jeW-auiw. UO! FOB tflrsCui U.X TIIM T J: v mtmmtmvuuMf rialns, a short dlstaura from lhe.,0e, l..u,w re-epened .u3'' read? to roSu5 SEA. : BElCH raIHS DELMUTFTTL UNO CKLEURATED 8UMMKB . a JT PT"- ettractlon. unsurpnased on the . ' . -, h.a!?fc,Mli""plV'd,db,,u!l1 tiding, w,u" ; ngand bathlngi beautiful oei.err and SiirroumllnKT ' berries of all kinds abound: . l.iri ,J.J "?ri. , . nodabundnncpprgame.' ' If eonstantlv ananllarf iiiT ii -.7 CT 'i ' ' 1 . . ' ' L' !? d erabs, elk, beTfrm".nd the '".V , thin that c. Til XLV'l ' 'nl: iriiAitii . ' "" pp pica. - - 1 1 ','aue rronrletora raa- nre eeoaiug Pu enabled to make fublle for partronage, that, the au . 1. ' ': i?.??.!!'l2toaat,r- '.! Iiowblh a kippem . 1 , .mvttt.i rR.' xi. 1 - 11 1 li "1 (u..-. .'I n" iiTc?xiAcxa:a,-. , 0wp-.WALiDHON,B'1 BMtbllJb -ihtiT ,94011110 ABSISTiiNf So.''rA77;i'11 J t OMtnA ' WAJiDROK - BROS, PRTC (BXOItB