ontiutiucf. Money Market. frill Vranclwo tagnl Tender rules 6f New Vurk Gold Quotations 146 JfKWSOFTIlR IHTERIORIN DKTAIL. The mncbinery (or tho hull of the steamer on tho Pen d'Oreille Lake bus arrived safely nt its destination. The hall of the steamer Is, by this time, ready to rcccivo it, and by i hp nrsi ot Murcu lue steamer win do utiont nnd ready to take on freight and passongers. JXfae-stcnmcr Forty-Nine, under the corn s' mnnd of dipt. L White, has proven a com plete success.. On her trial trip, In Decem ber, she succeeded in ascending the Colum bia one hundred and sixty miles, when Gelds of flouting ice drove her bnck from some where near the bead ot Lower-rrow Lake.. John C.. McClellan 1, a settler ;on the Pity ett River, porishod, it is supposed, in the- prcat storm, on the 13th of December. At that date be started nut of Boise Basin, and titice then has not been beard of. --fnrert'ecn men, it appears, of Cnpt. Bor- land's command, were frozen, on the march r from Snake to Towder River, in December. Several amputations of a serious nature will have to be performed. The company is oc pnnvincr some of tho deserted houses at Au- 11 -a bnrn until the weather moderates, and tho ,.nicn can bo removed. . .. . Considerahleintcrestis manifested through out the upper country in regard to opening the Mullan Road. The Idaho Legislature lmi memorialized Congress Tor an appropri ation to be used for that purpose. It is also stated that Capt. John Mullan is now in Washington trying to stir, up the War De partment to take some action in tho matter. Among the late arrivals in this city was a gentleman who came from Montana with a party that attempted (o come by the, Cocur d'Alene Mission. The snow, was so deep in he. mountains that the parly bad to turn back and come around by Fen d'Oreille Lake. The .Idaho Legislature bas mempr.ialized the President, fiskjng the removal pf Judges McBride and Kelly, and endorsing Judge Alec" Smith. JudiM Kelly has been as signed to the Northern Judicial District ef Idaho, nnd " Alec " is to bo brought down to the Southern District. . While it must be conceded that there bas been a plain neglect of duty by the Idahoi. judiciary, it is. clear that ihe distribution pf judges is made from -other motives than, those that took to tho public good. Of tho judges, McBrido Is c liable, but has laid himself open to censure l:i going out Of the 'territory ; Kelly is not capable, but is always on band to grant an injection, or do tho. disagreeable to tho beat of. his ability, and Smith is open to any thing that looks. like doing his duty, but he - knows no more law than old Lawyer, the Kez Percei chief, and is intemperate to a de- . i ' . r i. i.i - .: '-J T . grew tuni, uuuts mm ivi. uu,iucbb . vj oufi nlr-the Dlaco of Jude McBritle, GotJ Lton ! " r.. tVVuvU-T... lifts qracreq juuo n,uiiY iu.uh iu rcjuwi gprlbg term of the 'district ijrt forhejsec- - oad judicial district Eight hundred and' three tons fejfroek' fionf tlie Morning Star Lodepwyhee, have .tjeart, crustitcT, and the aggregate yield, is $239,808 41, or $293 71J cents a ion. " Thtsre'tnriK It' (jn'mlupparallxled . outB'wM iefi J'duho jnlbesl Charlis Barnes Austin thepfeM tatti enger froraBtfaa. Oitjr JaT South (Boise, bas arrived in safety at the latter). flat)- after lieing -reported 'lditf 'iii the snow on Camas . Till numbdr of Trancliisoi granted at the presXjt-aionVif IaTo Jtagisljttlire,':,ii . very great. : :;. .otr'. :n 4.1 trwn.-x MtvaJ, 'GBTiiiMiid company of ..come dians are playing with great success ia the Jiolse mines, ana at noise 1.;, -' - - " Is order to fcbolish' pislgamy 'jn 'ptah, Sonnlor Douglas thought that it ought to be Attached to otfi.er. SMltesapi, (oriitof ies,'and . auH ttat 'be ' wobJ4 .,4tjfrjf' V stati 'Xb"i$P' middle pf the Mormon, Temple to,nxykr Vie ' ' ' . . 1 1 rt 'iii Maey Gilmore, daughter of the sheriff of Prairie da Chjep,.WieobslnJ taking 4va.n. tage;of the absence, of her parents, reloasod . two men, who had been confined in the 'jail on a nrge , of stealing oxonVlau4 sloped v Tuye,ff)ql?j;rssiw4d9wiJitt YyrgJnljJ,, nevaua, 10 one murriea. woman, tig WALDROS ItftOS., ' Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, DaUei, Oregon. YriNOW OCCUPY OUR NKW TWO 8TOHY FIltK w -iirMif Stuno hiillithiK, nipiMlto lllor.h. Miller i Co.. nnu offer to the iiubllc a full aii'l cituplete utm'k uf Drugs. BkMllcliios and ClivniiatU, roii.i4tliiK in pxrt uf KKHOSKNH. LAMI'VICK3CI1IMNBYS, 'ruitrKvi'i.K, iiiirs. AliCOUOIj, HAIIR. - LINSKKD, - LKKCIIK9, liAUD.t ' COHK.4, CASTiIIl AVtl lMllild AND NKAl'SKOUT Oil, l.ANI'lll.ACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES,' SUPPORTERS, ' - . ANU PATICNT MEDICINKS.. Our utiK'k of f ANCY OJ JUS I i uf tho Hnest nnd boat tiallry; nw Btyleii cud large imtiortRiuiitfi. euch ue LUHI.N'd I'KHFUKKKY, II A I It. LL'lllN'tClMII.KT UuAP, i'l.KSIt, . VOMAUKS. . 8I1AVINO, ; . . O'lSMKTICS, 11 AT, iiAin 011.3, . ci.orirs, COWHJNK, . TOOTH AD .- ' - FANOV 80AP9 AND ' KAir.llllUSIIKS 1 TOOTH I'JWpmtS,: ,. AND CO U lid. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal puriiosoH. Our fiiolliiln for buying gondii are aofond to none In me Btaie, una we nimii at uii tunes eell ut a uiull ad- vame Troin cimi. Ituady sales anil suiall prultu. PU1SICIAN8' TKESCUlPriOXS Carefully eonipounded iii all hours uf the day anil nluht iwiies, oepi.v, in'w. sulu-ti XI, 13 RI.O V A. JLi . GATES & CIIAPIN, WII0I.E9ALB4RKTAU, D H U GGISTS, Ilaro Removed to RVDIO'S STONE IIUILDIIVG, WASIIIMflTON 8TIIKKT, KALLKS. WHKKR we will coiitlniia to sell articles usually kept In a Kirt-Cliun Drilir Atoro. nt 20 ner cent. LKS3 THAN ANY 8X0UK IN TUB CITY. Our stock consists in part of Patent Medicines, Pure Vlna and Brandy, .1 extracts, ( fancy A Common Soap, . BpoilKM, Hair Ilrushes Trusses, Braces, Corks, Aclils. , l'aiuls, .. . Tooth Powder, ;.. Variiisbot. , . Ale hoi, Oils, ' Hops, ' Uoliuailan Toilet Bets, Supporters, Ac, PHrSH'IANS' PttESCRIPTIONS ., Carefully Compnundeit. Giro ns a cull and satisfy J ur I eius ounire purcnasing einewnero. U. U. UllAriA, lllllj JUSTIN OATKH. TO TEAMSTEKS AND DAIU1J1EN! FEED! FEEDIj; SHORTS; .'Asb! J "i. '' ' '. Of ALL KINDS, FOE SAE DY ' 1 It. II T . A t-mr ',' 24 Front Strvet, Portland, : .. . . .Opposite 0. 8. N'.T Warehouse. n:tr. REMOVAL. - J J. OOKTZ'. -i F. KOKNIOfBRnGKIt, ' ' , Dalles. . '. '"i .I'.J.'an Francisco. T2OBACpONIST$, ' Have removed to .. ..,.!., Rudio'a New Stone Btiilding, 'Washington Street', near roftcH 'j jQllmuu's, tud liavaU Dinnn .immwiH Him w v .. 1 -- iiAVA.'A anu ui;.hk9tii; bkuaus, , .j. . i VIlMlNIAand WKSTKKN TOIIACOO."- I FHKNCH and SCOTqil SNUFF, ,,,.,1,,,,,, I MKBKSCI1AUM and other PirK " ' i PLAYING CARDS, ... , ' ' - , SrokTlNG GOODS,1. . .'. J. aA .v- . I0iilitf-nj vSnvnnnra l- . The trade supplied at LOW KST MARKKTPRICKS. FTJRNlTffREP FTJfHNiTURE DIERLAM & WENTZ, ay j j.!10 nr.onH HOTKL AuiLdino, ' lr A..Ak'ArJl -- .! i . . f ..uuuacuuiu .1 Hrutiurc, mbfnclrtrf Tlle8 Chfllri. AttreMis 1 UedRMOtl Urhlntiwwta, HfMld1i.e,Cnrpt rtc.rtc, allof wliiolt will ba void nt lw rmttm. Furniture &epiird,iQil UphUtrlng4otie toimler. Alm,on Iin4 uai irouvi no riiiow. eprintc iwui niniie in uruer. ituix NE ATJC.TI0N HOUSE. . ,.T. M. WARD & CO., (Succeseor W. P. Miller,) " A TTh'rpTA"M"' iTCi ".: . x xvj.vjjjAiixiu. Court Street, below Main. riLL BULL AT AUCTION' AND ON COMMISSI VT -General Merchandise, Mining Stocks,, Ileal Ks? 1 lib, new a m necenq liana rurnitura, rariu rroauce, Horses r.;'Ac. . RKCKIVINt and fORWATtDlNO' OfK)D8, outdoor and Spevtat Sales promptly attended to. Regular Sale Atays, .TtYesqayr anayBaturdairl.l liberal Adyanm made on Consignments Dissolution r Cnui-nrtnsVifirnlni. TnB CO-PAnTriBfesmp-heretofoca exlstlno.flndor the name and stylo of JtOBlllNS, McFAliLAND i()0.;ii this dny dissolved by,. uiniuaj consent. All lia bilities of said Hrm to be MM of HodIjUis A Weaver, and tail di5liaiealil Arm be paid t and' collected by I iuera.r ,ir. .i.iit'-n -v jiri . isw luuiiinar,'' i i- 1)41,, 18V . , . , i 0.,W. WKAVKft.. . t . .1...., v ':..'. . iv. r vr.Mi. um'in.binD.'in attii raw iH.uVVH v urn wim v l,nL..ln.n..... I i L. JUEE R Jlaln Street. Dalles, WBOLHAI.I ASD (CTAIL DKAUB CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPPS, &o. ALWATS III STOni Tilt BIST DaANM OF UIgnrs, Tobacco, Matches, &c 1LAYISO CAKD9. POOKKT CUTI.KRY, POUT MON1KS. ' : COMRS and I1UUSHK3. o'ull Vlnds, PKUKUM KUY. ot every description, . -CHINA OltNAMKNTd ? , . A ' t. TOY8. DiiI.I.S. etc FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLB, MU.MIOAI, I N8TUUMKNTS, FANCY OOOD9. AO. Also I'owdor. Shot. Load, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to uiontlon. 4T- Interior dealers supplied with Cigar. Tobacco. etc. at less than I'urtinuii prices, wttii.ireiKht.addea. oc-H V XI It Y IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels nnd . ; HAU.UOOMS. . JULIUS KKAKMKIt 1IAV1NO UOUOHT TUB KK tiru 8tiH;k of Morchandlao and Dock Accounts of the late Drill ul M . Seller A Co., in this city, to which he lias added of his own Importation (while doing business In Portland) an linmeutie stock of the best manufactured Crocker)', Clatisware, Plated Ware, Lamps, CltandelicrN, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glascs and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he olTurs at redticod rates. Persons wish lug to buy any of the nbovp-meutloiied articles, will do well to give mo a call before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. - iJon't fail to call on me. Hudiu'a fitoue lJulldiny, Washington street, Dalles. JULIUS KHAKMKtl. Dalles. March 17th, 1806. -mlilTtf ..TP. WYCKMAA, WAS ltKMOVED-II1R BOOT AND fHOR STOIIE to the building on Main street, nearly opposite Moody's Hall, where be has Just reoeived, direct from San FninolMco, an un usually nue and well aolected stock or BQOTS AND SHOES, or tlm'very beat quullty nd Intent itylei EVER BROUGHT. TO THIS MARKET, Inclu.llog the celehratoii KN0L1SII HUNTING 81IOK manufactured by Deukert, Also, a large assortment of . Ladles' and Children' Gaiters, Of the 1ntHt Styles, Just received from the best Phil adelphia mnkers. Also, a rory large assortment of . I FIISIE DRESS BOOTS.."'"'"'; , AaT"Gentleinen who profor to hare their Boot or Slioea made to order, can rely upon obtaining a neat ami. easy . Main street. selft-tf Opposite Moody's llall. -cV. G. BRADFORD, IMPOItTEIt AND JOUUKE OF FRONT STREET, Portland, ' - - - , . : Oregon. OFFKII8 FOIt BALK A TUUt LARQK A88011T ruent of ' ; Brandies, ,.''.,.., I, .,. ,,., y, ,' winei!,'.'-, ':,;.r.::.?--!-:':.': ' Liquors,.. ' Case Goods,' Mfothm Trftilft nnrttrutiu'lv lnvlta.il U MtmlM an t ckbelbru purcrifwiiig lNw)trt).. , u24-tf N OTIC Ei TO FARM ERS.1 fHK DAU.KS LUMIlKIt AND M ANUFACTUH1N0 ' M. COMPAN Y has recently attached a - ITLOUltXISGr-OlILL to their Steani Sash and Door Fuctoryl'ln' triis'fjl ty, anil are now prepared Ioll01' FKKD, U(U,N1 WHKAT and CORN, and warrant t giVe the bert satisfaction. Oil nana constantly and for solo, "i '.". ,.... , FXTRA FAMILY FL0UH, '" ..i si.Oiiniis nil iirini tvns ,''i,l1. l ! i ' 'BRAN AND SHOUTS.' '' , . , . ii' . C1101' FKEI), CHICKEN FRED. Also," Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new i;orn. . ( t The hlnlieet market price paid for WITRAT. COIIN M'J uAin,ri. u, a, uuuuk. AKent,.. Plles, Not. 2,1806. , ,; , ,.. n:itf., AUCTION AND COMMISSION. ; iJOIIN W 1 LLIAHB. IVo. too, Main Slreet, Dalles City; WILL ATTEND TO TUB BULLING AT AUCTION1 ol General Merchandise, Real Estate, Onx-erl-s, Ilorses, New and Second lland Furniture, Stocks, Ac, Ac, Ilegrular Sales WaySaturday, , Out-door and Spoolal Sale attended to 16 any part of .t' J;M$lty 1 , llbcrnl Adianccs made oh Consignments. .-. . . lmiv .,.- r.,; JOHN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. ! LINCOLN.HOUSE. Corner Waihtngtan and Preiat 8trta, PORTLAND. OHEGON. . F.. IIRST-CLASS II0TRL, LARGRST IN TUB ST ATI. Milt Passencers nnd their, baa; to ilia llou l ..l I 'V9? T :r mnn wn coviiH PnpZtr' . wyF AND cord) Baths in tb.'Ci All til" Btearhors for Oreicou City. Vanoonver.. Month cello arid, Astoria lauij at the Lltcolii House Wtaufi v u ." mi '! " ' aw S L. . ' .j. .... WBf : BROWN WARNER, I i u it-i, . sulvh u 'bXiitSKT, uetween yastiint;' g'Xa;iirtiM FRANKLIN MARKET. . COKNtR OF SKCOND AND WASHINGTON 8TKBKTS , DALLES, OREQOX, ":)'.''" JOHNKPPINGKK Proprietor nHK UNDKIIS1GNKD - Jl having titled up the ... above Mai kot In the 1IK. T bT LK, will keep coustaut- ly 011 hnnd all sorts of " '' ' v 1 -l 1'rcHli nnd Cured Meafs, Of the best quality furnished at the LOWKST ItATfJ i 1 "" . , . ' Sry motto Is to ' 1'I.KASK ALl.."- , PAHT1KS HAYING SUfrUIOIl STOCK FOR 8AI.B will do well to call ut the Franklin Mnrket. Dalles, FebrtarV Uh.sW: ;" ' ASlimUTtm MAItKET COUKT AND SKCOND ETltKKTS, DAI.I.K8, OltKOOlT ' JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL, KEEP constantly on hand all Ihe varle- , lues mat in market can possibly allonl, of PKKSH c CUHED, MKATB, .. and always of the bi st quality, FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ':' supplied on reasouable terms. lue unaersigneq Is always prepared to pay the hlaV estcash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties liavlnr stock In good condition, are requested to call on him befoaa frollltr elKiiwliir miiu .t,,,.Li. Dulles, March 31st, 1806. mhSltf v CITY MARKET. S. LAVBER & t'o.,v Proprietors. Will keep constantly on hand the best MEATS OF ALf, KINDS. A II DBRAI. SHARK OF PATRON AG R Is jm. .oiiciiuo, ns we expect to keep as good I an assortment of Meats nnd of as good as ouol-' ity, us the country aifordsi and will a Deliver the same to Farohaieri in the City. 1 " ' Parties havlnr Superior Stock for sale will da well to 1 give us a call before disposing ot It elsewhere. . , . LAUD Kit. 4 Co- ' Boutheast corner of WnsliinKton sud tblrdsts. v, 1' ' Ppposlte Roster's Blacksmith Bhop, '. M. BROWN & BR0., . I, WU0LISAU ABD KlIAIt BIALkM IR '' - ; . JEf ANO Y. AND .' HTAPX.SS '"''. DRY GOOD S! : GROCERIES, PROVISaONS, Ac ' Mr. M. IIR0WN, b.lnK a resident of 8a FraaclM., 1 ire enabled to oiler irrent Indcem.nt. respectfully Invite the public to eiamlueoar stock oeRrrt ' ' ( I'lircliasinr elsewhere. , ... . . I tola-is. J-Stone Store, north side Alain street, b'Iles. - ', , NEW STONE. BT0RK, .WASHINGTON. STRBKT.i , i U TMB UNDKR8II3N1SD would respectfhlly announcO thai he will open a flrat elaaa Saloon In Freurh ' Oilniuu's New Stone lliilldinic THIS RVKNINOi and is', proparsd to serve customers with thebesivf ' J,H"- ' Wines, Liauor$ ; piujl, jCiiwik ; ' ' al86,a;,, ., ' . ;,. ,; eree litrwd'ir, i , oeS8tfn." i. r ! JOHN riiifWAliiii"' 1 'i.,. .; ' ; -f-i "hi .In i.i . ;' ' Wntcluiiaker, nnd Jeivelet. V ; jl MAIN STREET; DALL'ESi' l !,t'' ' DllWiJ WATciutrl, :jwJci.itv; ! t H -CWCKS1, Gold Pens,Siiver and Plated Wat Ck. Spectacles, Ciillsry.'lcA. i . n :. : . ..T.1 S-l'urtlcular attention paid to repairing; fltr(Klurl f i.' TTatohesi Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All W atches repaired Iw me warranted furtwclr. nioiiths.' I Diui ' . .', N. U. All orders from th. or otherwise trom.tly mtonded to. V -j ; MRS.: WHITE'S TH EW) PHOTO GEAPH1 ROOMS.' ' '.'. WasliliiRton tsyt.',,"-:',J'! :i HAVING NKWI.j; VTTKD DPTRR OalXERV oW ' DeRiiar's Stcfe, would rcspeelfnlraanncunce tuaM - those wishing i '. '' " hint; i Photoyraphs. Carts de Vfslte,' etc.; that thoy will do well losire he a roll, i o..,i,i J, Particuliatv'i; ' 1 Dissolution Notice. : --. ;, rpiiF.CO'AtNEnsrihii.retoforeea(.ilngbetwe Lauer SclialK In tlm JirbtAu Ooi,.... j . jo ved by mil nl consent, Mr. Lruer having sold out . ' nterest to K. tkhuta. who will coullnn th. l,,...-. 1 ,.J.WVLC,.","U " d"'uU d rnl Hrro'iUii ! ! paid to K, Schuta, who will settle all. Ilsbllltlw .. ?S,!?":I"k.l8fl?'.. .. .. m.n at II, Id JtaBd rdV to d ..Ji hi. ,i. .""Z ' ' fheVn tfaUyto dlstwos bis diole llanors b E. eCUtJTfc. J. W. GURLEY, PENTJSTV' MrOCI.DgSPE'cTFU'LLY INFORM I .?,7:.-,Ke1t, ,f.,", c1! aV:.'7 r.V." ,U",M ro, c leesionai tonr llirouirli the mine. I,. I,.. 'HOJJ Tin. -v, nE.,u rr.unien me lirartlco or DKNTISTRT. In the btmhw. formerly ocWpMrbj, Wtii in the building oxlrplediby j . .7 7 r' r,,i'0l!ra,ii Artists, ,and aUtobig,Mtss--,,. dror, Bros. Drag Store. 'Hi- takes'thls BS(hod HI1' 1 , .vl. coniuuunce ol Uie aaiaew . ' ,' i- i-n.o VusolrritiaSa. ;' .TT.IU0S SnHre.Dentnre wi O,W am,! I'i rt ,,, Upper Denture, Gobi l:ase..,;...f,.., un " jS , , : ltciitarc; Vuloanlte &.lu.SZZ' W 'lS -w J - ..!?.?" I'tra, Vulcaiilte,KAse..ili.:. SA,' 1 S.-,;a " r 'T" from ' dollar upward. .Chldrna'iTiwii Ktrac ted fre. af ehwg i . selS-Ly : all liabilities and- collertlei.te). ,, ,, , ..., ; n yP.'-W. MILLF.n't 1,ae Sat' ,7r . ;,; . ... rv.l UP- d. .f i'el'ltwk,iaihltltoeoMe;L'i 1 "" Miller, who will continue ill. buslneea .t tla .IM.!. ... "1"".rt.i''M''-'W' MHIer WrtorrWdWXlt 2''r 'i;ii;i