jaib UTouittaiiucr. "''iBB8b.iy moxix(b7jan. io, vm. fits clergymen of Philadelphia have taken to ulajring base ball, for exercise ; ; i 1 r . Ruhiso the. montli of .August lust, 148,598 rations were issued by the XJovernment to freodmen and refugees in North Carolina. Tiik light house at New Point, in Chesa poake Bay" hnVbeen lighted up for the first time sine 18G1. . .:- - " ' Titu people of Cincinnati are discussing plans for the construction of new water works ii ml a park. ' - A two million dollar hotel is projected at tho Fifth Avenue entrance of tho New York Central Park.' It is estimated that not loss than 75,000 soul will cross the Missouri next season, and seltlo on this side. MsaTa.Mi j w i . Libbeus C. Berry has recovered judgment ia the Supreme Court at Poughkocpsiu, N. Y fur $300 against the U. S. Marshal for illegal urrostanl imprisonment in 1 802. HmaiiAM Youmq has said that he docs not want gentiles to patronize his theatre, and forbids his followors from visiting the gentile theatre, for . fear thoir morals may suffer by it. ' A drstructivb lire occurred at Camp Douglas, near Salt Lake City, on the night of the 19th of December, by which a large portion of the subsistence Btoros of the mili tary at that place was lost. Iuisit Moumons. It is something to the credit of the Irish that there are but few of them Mormons. The Vedette says that it knows of only three Irish Mormons, of whom one is a polygainlst ; another, an old fellow of sixty, has ouo wife, and is looking out for "plurality," and the third is a believer in rnonogoiny. There are no Irish women fill ing the half or one-fourth wife position among the Saints. The Charleston Courier is persistently agi tating the subject of securing white labor for South Carolina, and calls for a public meeting to take practical measures for ob taiuing r emigrants from Ensope. It says white laborers from the. North will be hear tily welcomed.' One. landholder has already advertised In Main papers for., workmen to fell Umber, run saw -mills and do form work, sua uas rscotvea a Dumber or applications. Vfv! have heard several complaints of late of one of the teachers in the Public School beating children over (he head for very iri t 1 offences. There are many ways of pun ishing :. cbildrea for misconduct at school other than boatingV.lhem on the head ; and we wish to call the attention of the directors to the,, vil, that J t may be corrected. We know "of leverul children who, have bee ason irom me scnooi on tuis account, ani It is ctrtalalyworklhg a groat ifiju'r to'tli institution.'' oi 'i- w ";..; S.vow and Cold. Ob the l.-t of January the suow was about tivonty inches deep ai IlolsO City; a' ttte'Wutb' of Boise river, two aad$ro.$etjaiRsbjr:C:ty, 0yhe," fonr And&y. fuet; the same in Boiso Basin; three feet Id jalrand Itbndij'lfpiir feet on; the jtlue Mountains, and every where this heavy, full of snow, was, accompanied i by noarly two weeks of uncommonly cold ".. wentiier. On Powder Kiver and Grand Ilondc,'and in Boisp Valley,;m(tgj cattle bars' perished' Worn want of food and shelter, 'it seems now,-how-evpr, if If. Wltej wis about toJbreak'np .rJK il lr ! ''' ' ' ; ' ; . BbACKFOOT. Traok and Pmcib Ccrrknt. We have information from the Blackfoot mines to the 10th of December, with prices current' of soma articles-of prime boccssity, vi: Tobacco, 15 50t 60 lb; tea, $4 50; coffes$l 25;' toons, 00c; dried' apples, $1; salt, SS3; Oregon blankets,,, $25 pair; inatehe,W V box; flour, Salt take $3(J faon'drefl;1 States, Oregon and Walla 'Walla'' $36; nail, 60cj cast steel, $3 50 lb; wills ky,t V gal? syrnp ftd 'rtpjassesi'lT'sd gat; will) V great demand and high prices for oUa,ng, 1mjniBfioplslfiinss.rl rrU(Ofr parj'cr, ol The impression seorai to Vc gain ing ground thai the cWrWrV wifl'te snpolied withgoffdS TVom: tne Pacific sidef and JW har KvlPU toioodfr'tb .,Wr,rtf Slope. ' . . f.,T.., py !V,a ; LETTKB PROM MONTANA. Dess Lodcis Oitt, Mohtax.v, Nov. 30, '05. Editor Mountain khii : Having nn oppor tunity of sending a letter with quick dispatch, I keep my proroi.-c byVriting a Tew weds from thjs country that is ntiracting so much attention at the present time. I have not been here long enough yet to become thor oughly posted, but so far as I havo been, that is to the different mining camps on this side of the 'mountains, andIIelena on the other Bide, actual observation has convinced me that-the; mines-nre both rich -and very ex tensive. .Tho gancrul appearance .of the country is very inviting to the miner, being well watered and timbered in the mountains, with beautiful valleys along the river courses. In conversation with the miners from' Boise I find tlicm without an exception delighted with the country. " - ' ' -' ' '. The quartz lodges', nnd there are a. greal many of them already' discovered, both sil ver and gold, are very rich, and in a thort time will astonish the world, as they have already astonished the pooplo here.. Of the mining towns, it is hard io judge now which will take tho lead. At present, Helena is tho largest both in sizo nnd popu lation, but from the new and extensive dis coveries made this fall on this side, there is no doubt but a large majority of tho people of the territory will be on the western Blope next glimmer, and here I renturo an opinion, that' there will be ho very large towns ia the mines, buta.greut many small ones ; and one, perhaps two large towns in the valleys, as for, instance, this town, (Deer Lodge,) eitu- led in the centre of Deer Lodge Yalley, and surrounded by a Cue farming country, which is being rapidly settled up by farmers. It is lso near the centre of Montana, both In re gard to territory and population, and is sur rounded by rich mining camp, at a distance f from fifteen to seventy-five miles only twenty-five miles to Blackfoot City, forty fire to Helena, forty, to the .celebrated .Me- Clellan's (julch, and many other camps too numerous to mention, at shorter distances and' in all directions. It is the expressed opinion of many lending men of the country hat the CapUul will be permanently located at this place. 1 At prcseut the town is growing rapidly ; the streets are very wide, and the buildings of a good style of archi tecture Three saw-mills, two steam and one water-power, are run to their full capac ity to supply the demand for lumber. j .': A great many miners, are winteriug here, nnd times are . lively balls nearly every night in the week, nnd;bocso racing on Sun day. Last Sunday the principal race was between John Grant's brown mare and John Switzer's roan horse, three hundred yards, for $1,000 ; won by the hoise. Noxt Sunday the race is far $2,000, between Grant' horse nnd a Frenchman's, one thousand yards. These races are followed by numorons scrub races, and wind up with a. big ball at night. So yon will observe we are not much troubled With Sunday Laws.- i'.i;-.i.-U 1 The population of this conntry has. been greutly under-estimated. The .demand for gooua,u muey greater man me supply, ana Sir. William lltrnbanm ntpccllnl!; In- firni liit.pAtroiiN, mid more mrticnliirly tb Idtlle of tliU cllj ani vicinity, Hint lis will nell nt private Kile, nt unction price, nt hi Atom on Main Htrvct, the lnl anco ol hiti pplvnilitj stuck ol Wntchfit. PiunioiulB, Jew elry anil Knticy UuiKla. A Ihi will lie the hmt iipirto nity to purcliuo, the laiiies and the public ore invited to call. . . ; v VVnsco Lodge, No. 15, P. A. Si A. .11 . IIoMe itR Htatod Ciiinmiiiiicntion" on the I'lrrt timl Tliiri Snturdnyii or ench month, at tlKir lmFI, in Dulles City, llrethren tn good ttniidiiig are invited tvyiittend. 8tu Ii. Vavt, Scc'y, lly order ft the W. M. Columbia Lodge, No. B, 1. O. O. J. Meets every Fridny evening nt f. o'clock, fu Hull, corner of Second ami Court btrcets. ; lUothera. in good standing are invited to attends Bjlordcr. . N. U. Private Ucsideuce For Sale. iocatcil In tlie best purt of 'iii lull CAll. inniiirv nt julUtl COI1N ROHM. A NIPK HERIPKNOK. im town, will bo soM cliwip full CASH tlie Store ot - H131TEII.' BY TWO ItBSrRCTAnLR YOUXO MEN, situations as Fin S-in-law in a reKiiuctalile' liimiiy. Money no object (ion). Itnleretice given and required. All omimi uicutions strictly coliftdciitinl. Address, 11. A. S.. Post Onlce, Dalles. . " It " INOTICK. ftVILI, 8KI.I, JN' LOTS TO Sl'lT f'UnCIMSKRS. all the contents of tlie CALlJfullMA HOTEL, on Main Street, ballot, consisting or l'ulil Mnttreagos Double enil Singlo. '. Ptrnw MiittresHen Double and Singlo. ' Jllankets. lledsireads. PillowH, lludsteuds Doublo and Hingle, Crockery, Glassware, T ible waro, Cisik Htoves, extra largo, Parlor mill Box Stoves nnd Pipe, Desks,) Chairs, Tnbles, lc. Ac, Ac. Thin Sale will be continued from day to day, until 8ATUI1DAY, January 20th. whon i lie) remaining goods. ir any, will be sold at I'Ulll.IU AUCl' ilJI. otel K cp, ers and others will do well to look nt those goods. jnl!tlW ' , JJ1IN WILLIAM-. Auctioneer. FAMILY GROCERY, , FRUIT ., ; ; ; ANn.;;, , ,. - ' Provision Store, CORN Kit OK WASIIINQTO.t t SECOND ST11KKT3. jf-ONSTANTLY ON HAND tlie choicest article of VKK3I1 UUTTl'ill, U(iS, mid every variety of 1TA.MII-.Y CiBOCEltlKS, A'UTS, CANDIES, $e , Jr., Wholesale and Botail, at Reduced Prices VOll CASH Also, dealer in - guaix, rroirn and rcEi, of all klndi. and will do a General Commission Easiness. K6 charges for Storage on Goods sold on Commission, Proceeds or Palee reniltie I nr-imntiv. i-nofr Isaac . Biocn, Shu Kruncisco. C. S. 'Slii.i.rii, (10. SciiAviiLirnrf, Dallm Biocli, Miller Co.. WHOLESALE GROG ; IS . v ' AND DKALKUS IX ;. j Wines , & ;Lio.vTors, And Importers ami Jobbers of CLOTHING Boots Ac Shoes 1 ' Under Clolliiiiff, ' " r I!latkcf, 'etc' ' cic., ' - ' c'tc. W( HAVE AM ASSAY OFflCE IX COKNKCTIO wiihwir Imsl nens, under tlie entire supervrst'oo of Mr. Miller. We make returns hi Kara in six hour We guariiuleo all our Assnvs and pny the UlUllvJir CASH l'KICii for Hnrs. Vt'e also pay the llfgfitst Cask Price for Gold Dust. BLOCII, M1LI.KK C .. DiyGtf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dnllea. Oregon Steam Kavigalion Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Jfe. '-2lU' ON AND AITI Kit MONDAY, NOVEMBER I3t nil further notice, ' TliVs PiiFiscngci' Tiuli , to connect with steamers ' FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from tho It. It. DEPOT DALLES CITY, ou Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays? M 4lU0 A. BL, TDK STEAM Kits "0KE0NT A" or "IDAHO," CAPT.J. McNULTY.......... , CswiiaanirH. ' WIlMeave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted) at t o'clock. A. M.,cmmectiut by the CASCADE IlAILROADv with the Cramer - -' 1 "NEW WORLD " or " CASfcADES," CA1T. J. WOLt,. ; Commanaer, tbi Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, .Dalles, Nov. 13, 186S. ..nl2tri . .Agent O.S.N. Co. IilHMUltitlou Alollce. nTMlKCO PA RTN Kllf HI P heretofore existing bets ft. (IKOWOK McLKAN & DAVID DOHN1NU, In tho Kciipse Chop House, is tills dny dissolved by mutnai con. sent, David Doming having sold nut bis interest tu Geo, McLean, wiio is ahine authorized to transact any busi ness in the nuiueof'sAid house. G. McLKAN. I alios, Jmt'y. 12. I80d. P. DORNINQ. JACKSON'S OREGON CIDER ' - '' FOR SALE BY 1 GEO. TH ATCHER & Co. SELLING O 1 1? AT COST, FOB THIRTY DAYS LONGER! I BTJXXJSW, . From Joljrn'i Clebratd Diilry, Fur Polo at ' 'Hi'-' REKIG'S.' COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! wer,cuttnu arc rery.nnxiou notrto t !evlL ! .'. v 1 dV b, h. I TT l t I l 1. I Thi Nkgrq. Insurrkotion in.Jamaica. Tho British oItII and ruilitnrj inlboritiei Io Ja- snalcn haye treated ihe ringlfenderi of tIA nte insurrection', with' rclcailcas icvtrity, Most of tucra were tcil ed, assqon as taken, nd those who were tried had scarcely a day between, trial and execution. . The 'prompll tude manifested lu 'llie suppression, pf the rebellion in India was more than equalled in the later affair, and tho ravagt7 ot tho Forfardtk Md'CommlfcloallIeroUats AND DKLK11S IN OENEItAT JIKKCHANDISK, I FREIGHT TOB COLVJL1.K, UPPER -COLUJIBIA, ? KOOTENAI and' ULACKKOOT MINES Tiromutly loEVWruvil. - ' . :- I,, ' ilar GpodiB. A N., Wl.lte Bluffs, W.H.I i '-"'aef Bttccs: ' ' " foaiuo-llidir(l McCrakeK Atjes ' .Lewis, sml ' '" " " ' , ,llodgeCult , . . . ' Dallis Bloclt, Miller A Cs., t'reuch A Oilman. ' JnJ'.f LAST; chance: MKB8R8. C01IN t BOllM wonM Iiereliy rnfhrm their enstomera and the public at large, that tliey will.aontiune to sell AT COST, for thirty days 1oiik? In order to give one a chance to make, presents fur to Holidays. V e will sell the balance of our stock, ooo IstinKof ' ' ii', ''. Mi It UlncK BIIRS, uenll' CInaKs, Bleb Poplins, - Boavrr Costs, Clocks, Dress Coatav Shawls. j . . Iiinls, . . .. . - - l' DryGot-as,1 -u Kmbroldericsr ' Hills k Caps, Boots tilioea, Ac, c, Ac., Ac AT SAN FKAIVC1SCO COST, VTIthont Prelgl-t and Exp-na.. , This will be tlie Inst chauoe to get btrgnfns, print to closing the couconi. - COII.N A 1IOI151. N.B. All Bills must be pnid by tk ' first of Jansnrt I860. If not settled wlHiin that.tliii, 'lo tame will I, pinvou ill icyui lluiltlo,. . . uvula TUI3 OOF1ITl,J$.Hl.qiI ! WA,T1NG; fURClIAEBrfthi lTanl'ly rAoceryTlu MM. nessol 0. L. JHWKLU Ksn., corner of Hecoiid and WasbinKton Ptreets, wotihJ resiwetfnlly announce to the public that lie will keen lariM and well-selected stock I'RovialoxH. ' ' " ..::' .. .:. fruits,' '' ' I '., 0.,C.,C( .1 . Ills fhcfiltlei for pnrclinslng are such as will enable lilm to sell at prices that ilefy competition. Give me s military in botU cases is beVorii nvthlnir 1 i - . . .'.''"'" known in these modern days, among clrjL- Uod nations. In defense of this line of pol- I Dussiiess t J. a. Vorbes, .tsq, Ii1wldMk f',r f"im ' , i ll continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to lgy u 15 urgou inn voiuumi jircDs ium me I me. .. ,. jnjij . , u. ijehkul. . . .. - r. . - , , , , 'j r- I insurrection wf entirely-JonjlrOTolrtd. and was made' rgainst those who were, treating; . the eolorod -race with fereh paternal kind- FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, boss ; tuat Jt was cunracierixeu njr tn moat horrid brntalities on the part of 'the colored beoDie. and gathered strength-so rapidly thai 3t' Waint 'Otrcessary t6 tt'ektMhe. Ifil: with a liberal uso'of mustets, 'bayonets and Dress Maklnj, ENtMiNlipieut, Opposffs tohH V-u6iiU's,' l x. Drest Triinmln(r, &o. jMu IU srsi iws w fi (l,v isiid ll no avin. ek v ' FLOWERS. EMBROIDERY. Tilndneif, as it alonce sopptessoersairrtirri rectiob' that most have, dragged on for-years M i?i " c "'Jflirifl")'l' ,4iHIw! ' rtTieRe of minino-. .'ni . i-s. iii U " Harinit securod flu services of MRS, FRARV, Io. the Dress Makiig ap4Heeiirc will inisliiesotk la ibast Bah 1IUUU SOIiSUU'.ilHoiiers,. kt u.i.i ,V) Cj 1 jVHIU OlVe m s!if VarH cflf, anJXjvin.eiidonvor tntntt. Ten he 'atarMcUlar sW slif e.irH cifin, anJ.rjvin.eiidonvor true iy rf iM'fi and at' Aojf,AhLi! .fUICis. uiar iHiinior piiat ' ,,-,'l Z, MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKINft. mfflSSO'ROURKRDKSIUKSTO INFORM Hie 1Ml Indies of Dalles and vicinity, that tho lias Just received fresh Juutill ot 'Jufz!. TTnsltlonaUlo, Goods, Tlie latest Paris. New York and Pan Frsncism.stvhM . of BDNNKta, 11 ATS, -. RIBBON 8, IiACKS, 1EATIIHKJV ' 1'IXJWEllS, cc. A full and welbselected assortment of sUidies' iieady-niade Garmcnia. , . i: Also, Fashionable assortment of . DRESS TRIMMINGS! SXAMl'lNafbrlKmbMiUr'yiml Iraidkia.C PlNKIslrt done at short notice. UONNKIb llleacbed sod 1'iesseil In the latest style. A large assortment of ; Cliliarep!t; Bcady-Marte .Clothing;, '. Constantly en-liandi. IlavinK secured the services nfa "' rirsi Ulaes Dress nlsker.T am-prepared tb cat-anil At Ladles' asd.Ghililran'siDHKapKSand CLOAKS. TIIIKD BTUtirtlfiono square east of to Chtholla Cbsrob. i ..'It i. I km -n -Jn-.texShtSaif TOYS! TOYS !:TOYS! TOYSl ron TOYS-lxnTFAXcvoo'ift, Fer tbe Holidays, we .recommend all dealers is Ahmt II ... . V Ii i . u n .r. . u io... ......... . . . - . lUNwwrDnoa&f snu nil nnirum UiVI or n28-.3m 820 snd S22.Psltry Streer, 1 ' ' ' Bin Francisco. JOSEPH ELPELT. . 1 WmrfMiU iBD BITAII, DIALDt IX ' " ' " Fancy & Steplej Pf yr Goods," CLOf HINQ. TbOOTS AND SHOES, i-iivwi BNn.oHii voruec.oi , aiaiD.and Uourc Btrseta. il.l v..i.i 1 iesVH s " .. .r -if. T U ' 't r M. AJl rE 1 1ST .Sc M XJ JX p,HTi i , ; -uorney(-atiX4ivr. , OFHCKII liUlio Oily, Boise Ceoaty, I, Coby tltr