- -i - , tt ; VOL. . PUBLISHED EVEBT MOBNIXG, .. . (M0NDKV3 B.tCKPTKD,) ttT Z' 12. G. COHXK &'J-MALI-ORA'V, EDITOR AND "llOl'llIRTOR?. .: ' tttiMS Twmttf'fire.cmU per week, piiynblfl to the carrier Iter mourn, uy nmti, i; titroe month, sou; six itHintliB, $5; oueyear, $$, - Adveitlseiueiita inserted at low rntet 1 ' Job Printing. Rvftry tleteriptlon of plain mid fancy Job Printing fH nttui with mutin-mi nnd dep:itch, and forwarded h ptir Oivrtouny purl til the omnlry. i'ayinetkt jorJovd rim itig must be niadc on delivery J mork. J UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES. OREGON. , tiii.4 porui.vtt House, csmtrai.lv locateh, ( Hear tho Steamboat landing & Railroad Depot, . Iti bcou recently enlarged -and improved, and will irow xtjcuinmudato .-y : ' i JiOO GUESTSi.. ,... F. WIl.LnH CONDUCTED as heretofore as ft FIRST CLASS 1I JUSK. mi l tlio patronage of tlio traveling- tiuiinc I rospeciiuny aoiicun i. ' ijr llagiu taken, tollio House fiw of ciiaio.IIoifo jeu alt night. U 1 ' A w .' LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES U.illu, Oot.4-tf... , ,. , ,, , EMPIRE HOTCL, " ' Milrf StUKCT, UAI.lEli, onaooH, i 1 THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST.CLASS HOUSE. . . IX Till 0BNTK8 OP DU8IXE88, , . Heat the Stiambokt'and Railroad landlngt" Superinr AccamuiutlitiiHi fr Kmiiilfes uid ,caa Ao summudAto Ouu UniiUred and Kilty GucStt. Wb...;...:......(D ar. ; . hui&i. cjs. f IreJ'roorSiifo for dcposltoof valuables. - a tt08 npou nil night. JlnggiiKe tnkn t Uw TIobm IWeof ehitTg.r " r THOMAS SMll'Il, - mliS-tf Proprietor. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, DtSG.'VIlUUY Ac KKOS 'J, Dnllea nnd Wnlln Walla, ., ;,; DRALIHB IN . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miners' OutUts, ' ' ( Boots anU, llioes, ; fi - : ' Clothing -..n;. , :-"'Viwj'.:' . Mats aud Caps'v1' ,ti j; ' Groccrlei And a ftill a)(ortrnnt tirfloneriil Merehahdln.'. Duylni tiur Oooda exclunively in tbe Ban FraiiciKco niarkot, and inakiug none but cauli purcliarae, we are enabled to te I tuptt cent cheaper, .tliaa any titlier Houe at the "DH1 r .v ..-r,,r-r,, ... DUgESnKltY BHOS.. iiil-tf i.t . y :i . 'T.'i Uallea aud Walla Walliv' llOW TO SAVE JIIOiKY! " Mil iT rfJiV"' Family Grocery- and Fruit' Store, Corner oMYMlilngtonnd Second Streee. . if rmxittt TtnKllsiVlVEn WlHIIKS TO INFORM T1IK I V, M. people of the Dalln, and the publid generally, that hehaa'largeitad,welLiolectoVittokor ?.( FAMILYGBOOEUIES, Vlrtch he wll eell 'Wholeatlo ana petal.ati1ffdMi ivirtj far CASIt. Also. coiuUutly on hand the Choicest Article of VKKKir 1IUTTKII ami ,KO8. iiAIsleT variety of KUUIX3 and VKUKl' AllLKa In then- m' Iruii from no rhe cuuutrr. iMtklitnc' omhtUlee-of Kmriiaud Krultfby simdinv In their ordora, will receive' tliM tricteflt attentfoli. and have them tilled at the Zrfmrcrf Market i'ruxi. Ijyii-trj v. u. Jitnbu, j ARMES & ; D AJLL AM,10 f- !' lui,ortri and Jobben of . WOOD "A. Wl t. LO W '.TrAttE, BnDSHEi, TWIXKS, COUDAQK. Ao. 4 . ',' . 'A...I lfnurcturars of ' California Palls, Tiibs, Brooms. 4c. J ... a'r. aC-,....a.lrAA. VfLttai Ai.l .ivkv(a1 1 teu Vnuicleco. y fl..T,.,, ,T ., ,,,. ;n, P0ll:UuJw. 3 O ' uT w CAtironilw roa k t '- TILTON ' & MbFARLAND'S 1 irfc 4t llui glrtr I'roof SttfeS.1 ' ,:' &rt:L-LiNki) vAVlts, -0nttantlr on band ft Ml anomiient of BAtiKa 31 IfMm - . . ''-Bail ifranclco ' a. a.aiTM. -.T a. . Attorneys & Counsellors at ' v.i (. i PALtES, OKEGOS'1 A . ,v .. .-. .i..-. r VfRC". JkMK UOISK MINUS IMUUCT. X II K WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE ' . CONCORD STAG10S, ,'. ,:.'cAKit'vi.Na ,. THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS . AND VJ'ellv, Farijo & Co.'s Exprcus,-' . Ia now making Uegular Trips Troia Wulla Will la id I'l cerville, (Uoiiie .Uineri.J ... . ,, Through In Two and a Half Days Ciinnoctlng with the Walluln Line uf btugci, and th uotiMol (lie u. 8. i. Uuliiptiuy. UHO. F. THOMAS A 'CO., ' Proprieior aP27-tf ' ISO TIOE. 1 . THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY . -.;!. Will curry F'AST: FliEIGEETS AlfTlSll TUB FIltST OF OGTJ.UKH, AT THIS FOLLOW l.NU UKUUCrit) UATUs: To nplse5My.........j.;.fl3 Cents per liouuil aiiuiio K.iy u , ; OwyJiee ;..0 ' ' -Fnr leia ainouuTiitlian one litiuilred ponnda nu addition ui ure vl'ihb pur pound will bu. charged. tim aJ bim)m ujm A.vrli.ti V To Uolse C ity,.: .....3 D'yrf. To ldulio city 3 uays xo owj nee, ....4 Uays. ; ;josKm piskuam, Atnn . 1, 1965. ' .oclfctf. ; Ununra,Oct . Ana ail uinus ol .llncnlncry i -( lanuractutMlul the-.; 41 OEEGON IRON WOEKS lAin.ltu UF J1UUK1SUN and 7TU sirueta; "' , I'outlamd.. .;:'.:';:,' -'' . i :,i..- A C. OlIlUSi CO., '! . . ;!.'.'. Succosaora to j P0'11"".11' Pccjlth 'M. . Jctf ,K. U- Jusaa f Co. mouIt YioodTsaloon ! AND i lilLLIAltD ?K003I, F. M;i HUNT; Proprietor, Mtliv and Qourt StrootH, Pi-i - Dallea, Oregon. GROCERy, PROVISION. XT.l TiO E Wnahincton Street, opposite French Qilnnn's. Dalles, Has on hand a tarife ami irpll-iuunrriul Ht.vlr ..r GROCERIES PROVISIONS, i -jr.A-eisiA Juttcxl,aV rsfst Bocelved dally. A large lot ofCIIICKKNS alwnya'Oh hand. FiaLia of all Uln.U.-FUK31I VKUETAULK3 ovary morning. All articles warmuted. - . Give Me a Call;'' Everybody I ! auiSstr. 1 ! BateiW.WiiLi.i-.T,A' m ..:l. !..:,. .-i1: ' 111! 1 ilO 111 J III I: --!. ? :l Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J,0. BALDWIN ' ni'"21-tf F.W.BALDWIN. ! 1 WM. MOABUS & CO., . : ni o vis io sr osti. .1. 1 Wrner.of First add B (treats. i it A VTIIOLKtfAI.K AND KKTAII. OKAI.KIIS In BREAD. WW-OKAOH'KIIS Knit Wnrtly OH00HK1 fl VI '( 1 DuOrdera from a dlataucecarefollr Blind UniniTnn.nHf 1 : t ' - Hi niattfest' jiAnkisT piucb paid in?p'ash,' Beaver,' .Qtter ", Mlnh; .sad Coon. Skins,. . PortUmd ttpt.,J?, J6SJ ii.di.'jT -ociSiB.' I1D.VIA80.1I AxUDEfJi. AtTORNEYS & COUSELLO RS AT I AW tf lt,t frtfACTiCIf jf,TIl i)PHMS Amp cut, V Wi t CoilrU Of Omsnn. and 1 1 llUlrUt f'.,..... A LlVaahington Territory. 1 - " rtf. iiumboT. p -i -- Jt. - n I i. ". A A A. . A A A A m vtV JkS 3Il:ffTrir.TMTrPEE: j .. "if; it Vi c ai,A,- l iA'MA''iv; . lllrOKTERS A7ID WHOLBHALI f ..l.j.,, dealers, in. Wines, Liquors Miners Goods, 11 oat Stores, &eM IIAVl atMOTKD TO TIU1K . NtW ST,ONE building "' toniiER or Second and Washington Streets, ; DALIES OXTT;'" TlATOW WSTOItK A LAKtiK' AND COMl'LETK AS aortuwiitjOf the verybeat bi-mida of ,, ,) ;(i WlJVicS AND LIQUORS. ... . Alno,,a lull naaortiiii'iit o(; t . it' H GROCEFilES '&. STAPLE GOODS. iT-CouAtautly receivliiir our lunnlleB direct from New York ahil Hun Fruncisco, W0 re Hole Htid williuir Co soli at u very iuU,bUvuuce on 8ttn fiHiigiuco price. 'Tlivy hope by ridojmng u strictly lorrect und prompt metliod ol doiug butuuewif tliey will ruoelve the parrotiagt) cl t)i pub- CouMBIA RIVER 'MINES7 .';.ij;o; o 11 11 9 , " ' WHITK , BLUFFS,' W. T., FORWARDING' AND .COMMISSION. MERCHANT, ; ME B O II AN D IS E1 J! . .fl.i: II!;-.' . ',,,.11 '. .U. I V' r- ' S DPP LIES. , PACK AND SADDLE H3S9E3 FOB SATJ!.; ' EltKlOllXS CONSKINFD, to my care for CulvMla " Kooteiiul, or the Upper Columbia Mluus, will re ceive pi-oiuptutlontian' .-j'-'' - .-i . White Bliin,Uct. 1st, 1804. . . . oc2tf.. . ; i UW Pit IJIT, : KO EK Y ; iPixoVjstbrij-'sTbrtja'.11 , i ' ' i.. .. '..:. . " .1. !!.. M'HB V.NDKltMqNED INFORMS HIS VRIKNDS nnil JL the public' goiierally, that he has Jiiat established on Main atrvet, uext door to J. Julter, Tobicoimnit, ' ; "7,,; A' NEW' 'STORE I ;i where he keeps conatautly ou haml a lurge ascorlitient D at'lected FhUlT. Also, in atore a complete stuck' ol choke 1 VMOVMtM& l'K0rjtll0XS-rKUJTAbLl8; All or which will be aold, wholesnle and retail, at ItFj DUOKD PlllCKS. Come and see aud aatlufy yourself. SciJ-tf . ,,'t ....; ;., n J0UN.l'OaU.'r DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC i O O MPOUND, : i ' An Cxpednioaa Cure for all dlaeasea of the 1 ' SEX U A Ij O K Gr A. IV Si r VIIS prompt and efflcatlom Ileniedy for the euro : ;JL Ghouorruiii, Ulcet, glricturea, uud Discaaea of the Urinary Organ, niakea a apeedy chro ' without tire least rvetricllon to illel, exposure or change In uppllcntlon . -. buaineaa; It will riulically euro any cane whlih oiu be produced.' The diseasfr it .removes as sneadUvi-a'-le tnw. aiatont with the production of a thorough nud permauont cure, runner, mo uiseaae cauiiva nu conrracteii n ine SPKCIFIOCOMI'OUND la taken when exposed,' Ita luiiredloiite aroentirelv vciretnble.and no Iniurlona effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by its use. . , i i . . n -I i . . . t i. . ; .- Price One Dollar and Fifty cents ntr bottle. Sent bv JExiireavoHelullv uackedv' ' ' - U0STK1TKII, BM1TII DKAN. Agents," i .1 ..i 10l,and.0l Battery street, cor Ckiy, ;y22-om. Ban Francisco. . L. i .iiti in ' ! H. u, liiW naei-Tdiirrj, 'Iw'tillfii, H X W" &' K 'l K' ; 1 VltOLCaArKMltBlnL'1iatAlCltJt j AORIC0LTTJRAL IMPLEMENTS.'" I STlHlATlk ANt vmtw Auni.M) . . .Qowlaconalgiied to ua will meet with 'proper atteiitibb I ."v-"-J " "nelvrencefi" ' ' ' r! . i MamsJm.. !,. . UI. v. It -It: W.Corbet, Itobljlns A Co.. ! llkliardaA McCracken, ' rW. O. iloo.ty ACo., ' II. Mw, . 0. Huuiaion. , .,' lajThatllW Mndlhg,rJept. 6tli,lljil3: ' " "' ' r .' : Tl ' "I'M ,i;IVI.j STEPHENSON ..,n :, DENTIST, '' VT AS RKMOVKD UIS OFFICR Ol'I'O- . mm altomocH. jinnsr A Co.. whore ha Is prepared tp do all kinds vt , . , . , DtNTAL WORf.. In a skillfhl and well llnlahi d maimer. TKKTII Jrom one to an entire net, An Uold or Hulihor I'lule. T Prices ranjgo w lUibhar Plivie, from tt iu8; Foi -PlsVa Iwvlng work 'done by nis Hht proving ant: Ishotory will ' b reuirea. to receive; or ij-for th X3 O Q IS,fe x books": I . tyllOfiESA L S ; AAJJ , JtSTAIL. , : irnooi. BOOKS. STATION KUY, .r Standard and Miscellaneous V0llK8 yoaTT. Late NOVELS.. MAI1AZINKH Diiivi.i A Mri f ci,Je.. by dvery Steamer. PoaWJmceiistssissakir Bookatere, lsia Mraet, Dalfes. m in i . i,u.n'r.: , u7.tf ,H. J. WALDROV A CO.-. I.-' . JjJ i .t , n ; i i t rWlIIB VNDKRSfQNKD WILL PL'ltCUASR SKfiu; JKL nana rnrniture. itmi. ni.ii.... r-..... a. . Ifhing to sell will do well to call. inn.'" to " . 17 - x ... nt .hi v ui niari usKrioilon. r.riiM TJ.ni a, ,t i J, 1 ot U o i s cf Express and Fast Freight Line. HSlil8ltiNK' l3 'NOW- 'toMi'I.liTk'uUNilNtl ,i Jst. .' onUir:iroui l'inatllln;ti IdnlwCity, via Uolrt City, uud prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Pavkauvs botwevu tliuae uud all lutei-uu-diato puhita with Crrtaiuiy iiud drapittch. .. . . . The Line is Stocked with the Beat Teams the country affords and entirely . New Thorough-Brace i , 1 CONCORD AVAGOISS,. IVlaicb enttureH Bpicd nnil Safety. tu tlio trnnimlMvion of Frtitfiit, never bcl'ure olTTwl to Idiilio. Ve oirer rlor hiduceuienln forBhiiipinu WoodB irom Han VmwlA Hnd I'ortliuul to Idiilio, tin our uiTUUKeiiK'iitit with the Ocoiiii Ktenuinlilji t'omjmiy.iuid llio Oit'Ljxtii Strum IS'uvr (Htioii u sik-Ii lliiit till titKKlfj bl ilppcd by thin Uno will uot be euljecLtotlie muni delays, but (iui tliruugli'Att t '' Fust: iry-eiiit.i-v' ''1 . boodfl Blilppcd from i?iin VrftiiiUo'tb bnr'citre fit lori limd. Cliiirgvn will bo paid and Uouda shipped to dfatitw-tiou- , ... , , O0ni)SPIIOULDhRSfAT.KED: CAftK H. il. D. A CO.. V. UN K, nnd Shipping Uvttlpti Htut to uur'AgeiitH at Purtlnnd uud UiButillft. t .,.... .j AdrjiiicHargcs forpsvprtfitlon Paid by tiie Lino nml CoUet-ted nt pMttnirtto.K QomU will W toi wurdod with Dinpiitrh to Owi "cf uud South ilohe. " PASSKNOEKS CA1.RIK1) AT ORRATLV IIKDcAd KATIi, Faniilli-s will Ug finuUhttl Uk FkiKrhir Ao cnmuiodatiohR in iew and Knoy lUdintf 'lliurouih llrurtt Whuoiihoh the Host Liberal 'i'crmii, We Iny over euclt tiiglit oil the Rood Ht, Uootl nnd CofiTCiileut, BUHlon,; tiiut will uot bo depiived'ol regular rent. u" rAplNl,:; RICHARDS McCllAK KX.;.;....,..'.'.'.,'l..''iaa Frnn'clsrn' JIICUAllW A JlcOUAKKN.'.........l.;J......i.A.l'ortli,ii,l- .IDMOl'll THAI , ........Uulli's. I'OM'i-.i.i. a (,";...., ...........;.;v... t'lliatillll' J, II. W11.K1XH0N .iiV'Uniniti 11. M. DuRKI.L t CO ,,,.-.ll.il i:iy,. II. l. IlullKLI, & CO .'..'. ."........lduho Cliy .ma Jim sriihii...... Ul'KilLL X MOOUB ...Jlocky liar (Soutli Iloise) ...i..n.w-.,..ltuby slnd Stiver dries .; - ii.'.H. M. DtUlBLl. ifcCQiili 1 .k" , , I'luprlcloiSy , A" tAlip lOU XIII3 .. u2tlf Fall & Winter Clothiiiir Trade 1 of san FnAiisco.'';1 ",u;--. i! ini! ..'"-. .' ...j.iiay.av t!,I BADGER & LINDEaOERGEE,'; Importers and WUolcsrjJe,. Dealers. ; ENTWE NS W ''A KD ' FRESH 'IsitO CR " 1 !..ivl i 1 . . 11 iL'j-U'iiii . 5-i .! TTS WOULD CAJX ATTriXTION of Country Jror- T ' cimnis 10 our usually lurg-n siikk ot uoods. Our atock. comprises eyery arlKilei in li.e Atntlilng and lu niahing line. We have conatnutlv on l.liil lie, iurcc? t , and greatest variety Of Catmint ore and Wool HATS ot aa) liuiino in Hsu Franclaco, and our; wi, s' for. Uiiise.i Oooda are leas than those of uuy houa'u, us we receive them direct from the manufacturer's lonslgunMit J 'Our7 . atock of Summer and Fall Uoope Is particularly attract-; lvo, and the great feature to the country aierchout ia Ilia unusually .low prices. , ... looil ii-. i:: Jnt-il ii'Ji' J I j 'less, Tim,!! tlus. Cost(,f;:Imp8rtotlonlf Wo also keep the 8TAPLK AUTICLK8 in the Dry Soods i Kne, wlilch Oooda wo have puroluwed in this market un. ' dor the lmmsier, and are oOeringj lhm at sow V'oik ' Cost, and less: ' ; W lwWIU llils card In" order thst we may msks nsw ' acqualnranccfl, and Imlucetlioae whohavauut lieretgisa I puroliascdKJf au tocall and vxnnrinu our stock. ' Good Articles and liow'l'rlceij t 1 Are tlio groateat liwliicsmohts to alf'diho'JiMrcnase W" sell again. Merchants whoJiny of ua cau milks a,gowl profit, and 'sell' lo ilitrlr ctutouicrsat it low llgure. em'Un, respectfully,. i ,. Lati ,-.-uHUU'iC I 11 Vodr Obedient servants, v ' ... ..;) ,j ItADOHIt A iHSDBXDUlHSKR,0"" ' Wbolcralo Clothing and Hat Warelivinil. ' .i v, (i i;i. 'o.l,41Sand6IJiitiry.trt, n Franclscoprll Loj, nJaH-Smw,.":'! H'OrfOBrM ON TIIM,..,i,i. I . . . , 1, ffllllS DKI.10IITFUL AND CKLKBKATKD SUMMJiM' " M. Hesort, situated ua Cliitsop Plains, a abort dlatanci, -from tlio Ocean, ia now rs-onvued and reallv la nnln guests. ' , , . , .,, This resort poaaesses attractions' Itnaiirpaaaeil dn ti PaclHc Coast. It haa a splendid beach for riding, wJki,j Inifaud bathing; beailtllul scehery and snrrouudinga; berries of all kiuds ulmuudii blianlifal Iroiil man, J audabandauce ofgume.. . . , . , , Ii eonatnntlr auonliedi With salt and h-.l-wafer .h- ' clam, nnd crabs, elk, bear and feathered game, and thej ft 1 r . i. ... "' 1 The climate la aeUibcloua Thla Hotel nnVra -Mj,ii .'. thing that could be dealred for Ilia comfort, of aueita . both well and sick;' ' . . .. t ,i:'.i. , .. ' : The Proprietors respectfully ask the Health and Plear are Seeking Public for uartroiniire. that ilmv m. enabled to make the Suituuer lluaro " a irnir..i A alllutlon of the country; LOWKLL A Kll'l'KN amy uin, iwsl ,.i; ji'ir. -r- i. .any myoer " 1W. ' Ii." w. .l 1 . . A ll i .:." Vfr" .VrMa.r, RaslDso Cornar of Third and vTaahliurloa- 8im.M.'. . . IXi.- wflaJ-rjEIs! STJEISIE.;'1',:- IACTINO A!?T3TATai;nOxaAlM- 4 .