DYING. Bortly woo away hur breath, . v' ' '. " Oeiitie Uentlil J.et. her leave thee with no strife, 1( Tentlcr, mouinlul, murmuring Life She Imiii seen hur happy day t '. bli ktith had her kill mid bhfoaomi ' fiuw she pales and shrinks away, . urih, lutu thy gentle boson, I 8!i Imth done hor bidding bum, ' ! ' Aniwl dear I '' " Boar her perlect soul above, Seraph of the skies awoet I.nvet Good .ho was, and full- iu youth, Au I her mind was seen to soar, And her heart was wed In troth ; - Take her, thou, fir evermore - Vorovcr evermore I Btrrji VrnwuU. Arizona as.1i; Is. A eorroajiondont pt-tbe S. F. Call thus exhausts him.. Hull' in a valedictory to Arizona: '' ' " " Good Jbjro to Arizona, Iho and of ro mance iwiU Sylvusior Mowiy's rnino ; big bilvor leads that will . never, pay ; Vital agricultural resources and no market; a beautiful climate, abound ing in cbills and fever, oi Ltie intermit tent, typhoid and niouutain varieties; lung discuses, in endless nsborlinen t, iiud others too 'numerous to muiltion ; tsplond'U water,, doed with alkali, iron, sulphur, arsenic and glaubcr ciultB, warranted to produce a prostra ting diarrhoea insido of ten days; Waulifal rivers, that6ink with maiden modoflty benentb their native Bands clevch moiilhs in the year'; ubunclant furesta, confined to a bichly, ycilow htrip 'Of cotlonwoods one row wide, jtlpng said rivers; or prickly pour, or 'anything yo,u pliiZo'.', in the thorn or cudtuajiuc, as'Iong sb it produces no voody snbslunco, or benefit to man or beast, but-only luiuria-torf in 'morti' I'ying-our floKlrgroat valleys, six by tii'nc, covered with a t'uxuri'anlgrowih (if tneudow grass that the veriest ffowbait rcf" Bes to. tpUch, but crosses i.liu deceitful spot with extended nuu- .le, Snuffing from afar a greou spot in llio mountain, which the aforesaid nnimal arrives at whinnying his horso laugh in anticipation, but Promotheusf like, as ho touches it the savory vision dissipates and hp finds himself sur rounded by tnos.cui,choya,and all kinds uiiti 'classes 'of b..rbod cactus. .No chango, no variety; unless you-cjioose tho Vast American '.DeBeri,, whoso Huoria-lincd hiljs and sandy ravines never echo to footstep, but urepooplod with all muuner ol creeping1 things, om rlho" ploiaonfangod ecorpion, tantntu.hov-.centlpodcj "Id' tho'. slimy lisarjdj that "Ammi White' who 'Ross Browne has dubbed "Tho monster of ihe Gila"a Sahara without an 'oasis. All the' Mowi-y books j all the Moss or Heintzleman mines ; all the Now York Companies: all the Gov .Goodwins, laegers;; Biintiirfgs, or Jiggadior JJriii.dlesJ.hat cv-or (ived, concontratod and.lriply dldtillod.cun rovor.introduco nalvuiioii'. into iTandcmonia, nor j a healthy population into Arizona.!. oldost.t9w.n,Tuf,8pn,i8 a hcap;o moul deHnt'.' ,'nioraV' and physicttl decay, peopled bf a burrowing sot of iutrt Umnun reptiles, relugcca ironj, Mexico, Caiilornia, ' ;TcxAs;" antl'tho "Jiast . a libdi;c-rodm of human ecum made up of all tho rices and nono ol the virtues of tho civiIizju, uuruurcus and savage world., Too lady to do any thine hut stout, brooding promiscuous lyj, like 'animals... Church, there is none, not oven llio semoianco or. , ro licion : and 'ho is ri brave man indeed wiro-Avalka tho strpgt; Atutxiglif Lust in filthyi'cp ftnti.dogradutiouj nothing short of an enrthquako - lightning itrokc or 'a.'PDCcmr disponsution ol i'tevidc'hco, crtH -cleanse or,' improve llllt AUgOUIl flUUIOIUh . ; . Rccclvlug, Storing Forwardliig ,: .:.,.i).i V; ...... i Commission . Merchant ! x Advances mado on Consignments. 1. MAIM SiaHUTi Ol"MU'th4 UirtrtUU n.me. r,.': ; notice. T "r P. ItOMAXD 18 MT AtITH9nt7,B AtlKSTIo ' jC ' aiUHid to mllrcthiR aiht Krtlinir uu niy Iiu.Iiiom. MiiHiiV roynlMtiAe.' ' TtinJ ln.lobto.1 1 mti ir To lMyh On. ar rwttl Wi'fiay hint liuiliatuly au.f save (vhih.. Iw lBf T.l..ni-to tolled. ' T. a. 0. r.VVSK. Sm, Lift T OFF ;AT, CiHST I M.' Wnrinch Sc Co., WILL fcLOSR OUT TIIK1K STOt'lv OK J1KH0IIAN. UlSH, at their iliico ul buxinuM, nt the llulloa, j order to no the Minos. Thoir stock vniluacoii Oi y Gol, Clot liliiff, Hoots, UatH GEXERAL "it ICK CUA VD ISE, C All wiil'cli Wft) btvuohl at COST, for CASIl iiiily.' ' ". All who know theinselvua Uuh'bicd to niir firm at tho Uallca will lileiiwcall awl Settle a uon'n ji.miiililt; Tiiiidu who liavo been arcoinniiHlatetl we iruxt u-itTti.it; delay ut nimeueuarily, l-ut be iironiit in HiiiLiiiiw ui mi-1 comm. Cult aud teo IM, all and everybody I T unn-ii si. u.Nseii uo. NEW.' GOODS! HHVINfl JUST AlllllVKD FltOM Til K 5 AN KIIAX clcco Miuket, we wt.iild invito thuntti'iition ol'i ur frifiiilM and thv uouiiauiiity ut 1 .rgc, to ur Wbll-iivlucttd stock of . ,. - , Wry Goods, t :'.m',i. .,: . ; , ; l Clothing r . -.i ;f Hoots & Shoes, Which we nro ralliiiE nt thi-inont ronannMi mtes. We cunnat H'll ottr ffiKHbi AT ("Ot-T, but iwsnrH IKc volutin-. Iilty Unit it lilf .i.t. ua to null good nt FM A 1.1, 1'HOFITS. diliti: -.. : , . , . , -, II. 11K1IMAN ll CO. MANTUA MAKEH. Ml:S. HATTIR IIOMIUOOK would rospnctfnlly in form tho Liulk-a ol the J);ilk an. I vitinilj. that hIio hua opened a hop in uonnociion wifli MiH O'lnmrke, win-re hu la preimri-d to d- ill! kind of 'work., with neat ni'Hii mid dinpatcli. Having just arrived from tlio Kast, hhe liopeii to bfcublo tu jileanu all uii to Form and t'ltihion Clonks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TIIUKK DOOllS , West ot the Corner or TUMID and UNIO.N Street - - c2hi3 - ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Aiuin siii-.ci. corner ol ( om t. OLD MACK, TUB 1'IOSKEK COOK, would reiect fully iuf.inn the uubllc that he Iiim litn-d iin the alM.ve Chrtp IIoiipc, and irt prepared to curve up MKAI.S and I.UNC1I 111 the bent Htyle and at the nhortt-Ht notice. llAI.LSamr PAIiTIKS r..rni-lic.l w Ih tnippers, in the bet Htyle and on the ui.mt reiiHonable ti-rins. 0aihl(i! In every stile, l'rivate ltooiim for Ladled. HOIJB Hi OJt-MCJNT ALL NIGHT ULACBi LIST. JOHNILWAKU, Ofi:r.i)8 HOLLOW, has Ihlsiliy tnl mo Three llllmlred mid b'ortv-one llollarn in 0I1HKM1ACK AT 1A1(. for a debt due in Unl.l t'oiu. ee. SIJ, Ujii6 ; IJ ;nilJ - J C. Ill F f 1,11. -i Sherifl 'M sale of Kesl Estate BV VIllTOK OP AX KXECUT10N AND DK011KK, on'cre.l li the lion. J.- tl. WIIhoii, .ludilo of the 1 1 1 1 1 Judicial DjHliict ol the b'tate ol Orc. n, for tirant County, and dirooteilto the Miei ill' ofmiiilConutv, wlieie in John' K. Porter la j.laititill, and recmered jn .lament iialiMt flraro lUirllu. d fuuihint, fur the mini ol Tliree Hundred and hinlity-llirec iiud 44 100 ihillaiii, prineiil, with eiislitcen dullard, contti. acoi iiiuir eo.-it. and c..tttg of execution ami pate, I liavo levlud upon the certain pro- periy uencriuoa m sum ui-creo oi loreclusuro ol tetn, ami will sell the name heforuthe Court limine door.inCaiivoti City, on SATUIHUY. tho i:ih day of Jiiiuaiy. ISCJ), be- tw'en llio nourroi k ana l o viock, l, M., to toe Jirc.llerit blib ter for ctuh iu Iniiiil. , Sold property bctnir In tho villiizoor Miv vsvillu. O nnt Count) of Orajit, ftuto of I'n.m.n. troutiu the principal ttruvtlu iM vllf io, and known m tiime l;iilinn'a. Saloon and Lot."! -j -.. , M. f. J1K11KY, Sherifl'. (?anvoii i:itvniKi.iiilii!i. n. lsnfi. ' .i..w.,i Sheriff') Sale ot Ileal Estate, BY VI11TUK0F AN KXKCUTION 19SUKD BV TUK Clerk of the Circuit Coin t . f Giant Coiint v. alill to mo directed, in favor of Mary A.. <i.b,tr-triniiiiit?, an. I against J. A. Lockwood, dcfomlailt. for the Mini of ev nilyM.no Dollars am) Fitly CnliVi7l 60.) principal, and soveu ihillaii and vighty corns. (?7 80,) costs mi l dibiird- uieiiis, i nare lerieu upon ami win sell nt piitnio -Miction, to the lilaliost bidder lor ciwh.in haml, on tATIIKUA V, JANUAItV I3ih,18(J, between tho hours of 12 aml-j ociock r.n , ; uetoro tneuonrt nnnun door In Canyon City, tliefellowiiiitdescriliiHl property, to-wit: One Uoae and Lot, ullu ilnl In the town ofSii.nir llio, State of OreKiHii Conntyul Uraut, ruiiiiiiunly .kiioivKus the Lockwoo.1 Saloon. . . M. 1'. UriHKY, SIorilU Jiy W; W. Wdirru, Beinily. ... . ;,;'. , Canyon City, Dec. liili, 18115. ' de22-4w SiininioiiS. IleiVrToicr iJoliii Haley, iilanitifTs, vs. Traao Jen iiIiiks. Action to rcrovor money. in CouutyCoiu-t of the State of Oregon, for Union County. , -. y . rfO ISAAC JKNXIXOS, DKKKXDANT: In Hie name JL of the Statu of Oreitou, you are hereby .iiuiniiiiied ami required to apiiear and answer the-eomnlaiiit of tho I'laliitlil-i.no.r pu Ulu In lhol'lerk-s otllce. hi said Court. aitur service liareny upon yon by publication r.ir six weeks In the Wskklv Mountaixe, 114 bv order i f said Court, or Judginont.for want tliureol w II be ttiken against yith i and unless jlori snnpiir am) answer said aim plaint, the l'laliitimi will tuke jmlnineiit against yen fjr the ruin ..ri'.O, together with the roils and disbursements bf this action. Ill order of J. 1'. Argcrshigor,. County Judgeef Dtikn.Cflialy.1 J (; f. "fti! U. 8. UorBtamf irI M. BAKEn. Alfy f,f plaintiffs. .oajoeuty tJ-j JuiiS-llvi- i f. t Short n"8 , te ol" Ilcwi lropertj , tTBV VIRTU KOI' ANJiXKrUTKiVISSIIKTrnVTlIK l Clerk ilf fho Circuit Court ol'Urant Ctniuty. tiud to a 10 direrteil.dd fttvor of f. Vi. Hell, plaintiff, ami nuriiirttit A. W. M.irrlisu4. ebudunt, f.n the urn. 0. Feruu linn Imland Saventight mdlaru mid twenty-eight cents. in in-iiriNii, nun iniy-oiio noiuirs aim ,iiutr cents, (JSHttV) cost ami .tlHhurnietils, t hav V-A'lcil lipuli and will sell at puhlic.aiicthre. u.tlie liiuheat bidder lir cash hi liailiCoa SATUilDAY. JANU AI1Y l:th. IHt'.B. H,twneii the hours of li and i o'. lix-k p. in,, before the Court HanM Amr 111 Cnnyorl ft j . the f.llowitfit ducrilierpnip erty. to-wlK One. IImuo and liot sinnted uu.in- Main street. Canyon City, Slate of Oregon. County of Grant, aim 00 iimnwf Kuowiiits uei s AlMi'lmuil a uoon. . V J tJ I-1 V I Jl.-f. BKUItYriilitriff. C'anyoB Cfly, Dec. Villi, 180ft. . ,. dolj-lrf SiuninonM. "iAv ;'-'",: '' ' nfneturer and Importor of CAnm iGK, co. oiu), bioo STA G XZ HA UN 15 S S Saddles. Rrldlcs, M Jilps. A general assortment of ; . Saddlery, Hardware. Leather, etc. y Orders Solicited.' ltejialring done with neatness mid dispatch. I ;. . ' l'i 'A. UAKK, Jeilltf Main Stroot, frontlnif Vnalilngtun, Hallos. V ii n T Bi A. K 1 F.O U W Hi fii Y . I 1 ' AXD A .'.'. -.i Fl'liST t!tu:KibctwoeB Tnfiihill na Morrison. tLTilAiiit. IOiii,lnfM - 1' i' ' 3 f J'nmi -Ito-lAi lititrio Sltntl... V Aim. I'llf- CULAIt SAW MIM.H Y COMi'l.KTH, omsiiiiitly oiiliitiiil. Amo, Uuy t'ryn tn'i of all Hizea; lHiut!:i MuchliiHS.tWoDthvui-tli'n jialtcrn.) WroiiKl't ivlnl fust hull work for. Vp- (k'iilSiiwiimlUriHt niill JirAHtj uiid I roti Outings lllii ''; "' - - WKOUGIHT IUOIV WORK of ovcry 'lescriptlon. I ntn ntnu prepnred to furuUti Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & , Ti moat Improved Patterns. Tliefte Mills cn boforwnnU'il lo nnv r:irt of tlis mhica nn tiiu woi-lit of the cntiru nuiclifuery will nut execi'd 3. OOU tumiuln. . Horso fowora a Aenoulturfti ImPlomflTita J inimulHetuit'l loimlvriit ihevury I.UWHSTCAKU I'lUCK X. B. ritii.culurutleiit.uii HJ tq UKFAIUS. fc20-tf . D.lLL,t:S (JITV UUUli STOIIK. P. CEAIG, WUOI.KBALR AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery,' Fancy Soaps, I'ATKXT MKD1CINKS, c, I-tf DRUGS ANUl'ATEN'f MEOWtNESU DRUGS AND V ATE NT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AXD PATENT MEDICINES ll ; j t y . .i i . S..LEMOIV, WII0LE8AU AND RETAII. Wiuhlugtoi) BtreeC, Aictwden Main and Second Btreots i)Ai,i.i:s. oi;gox. I.KIiN In able tu sumMj imJ il te Viui of Drops, .ei I'ltteni leuictueSyiityjiocajd Aciiia, 1'wuuiur.v, nnU SAu-y other artide fiiuiiuirte,dV'lltliej j, WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At. th.e lowost inarkot rules. C --Tr ;r . I'Kyslcians-nnd MoreliHiits Ititenillnpc'to purcliase for the Mines, will do well-to Rive him a cnil.-Mir. -l TRTJSSB5 & SHOTJLDEK BHAC33 In groat yarlutyi .' ' i ' 't'i-.-i ..:$ . " 8. I.KMOtf, Bii.3:tf. T'asliliijton St., between Malu adn Boeond. SElLfNG OI F AT COS Tl ' My entire stuck of i'' ''''' STOVES AKI5' Tl WAIflJ, 4. f r J- .HI i ' n- a P.-t-. :if " J. V. Orlffln plaintiff, vs. Inane Jennings, ilcfcmlantx AriIun oreeitei mimoy, in Coiinty'Court of the Statd iifOretym, ftrf Cnlon County. r10 ISAAC JJMNXINUS; Defeil lnnt i Tn llio unmo of J the State ef Oregon you are hereby siiiniii.iiiuil and rwpilresl to nr pear anil nnVwcr l laiinifT roiiiihiiut nur nn lllf the Clark's oltl.-e lii sii-t Conrl, after w rice liereof itpnn Sfrm by iiub:lc-ill..u for sit weeks In the Wkekli HouxTtt.vsi:R, as by order of said Court, or Jmlltilieiil lor want thereof will be taken nirailist you, ua.l mttase you so appear mid answer said complalilt. the Vlnliil ff will take jiid)!meill nunlnst von.for thqauni of SIMU, toptlMfwItk ike ats and itUiursxiuenti of this nrtlon.i Hy order of i. Y. A tw ruin for. County Jn.lie of flnlor; County. . Mi UAKKIt, Att'yfor i!lutiff., T I N M'A & -I T O O L' i - Til V lYJIOt.K einbrarlnfc n fine stock, orcr- nrtlrle of wliicli will be sold at COST, us I dcalre lo cl.ise nut business. Also, ntn, UltAXL) I'fAXO, in ireod-order. Also; for sale, the llilUSK AND bUl', on fecund lit out. next to Hie corner of WitHliinton. 1 Tho Hoiho'Isiwo stories, with a basement, and (swell aduiiled to the liotef i.. ...i...... - ' nun m i.. -..r uvntiivri u ...i..'-. twenty-flvolloiKf The whole will ho chmed oHt,huiti. Fur furtlior nnrtfculanMijioly on the preiulses. '4 ntiV:3m ALtlF.IlT IIKlTIXnUN. 'it i'h h- ' IS nKKEnY (llVkV licit the 0. -partnerslilp hereto fort existing b itweeii H. C. IfVllDY. C. I,. HITCII ni.d r. W. l it 1UIVON, dolnn uioriMtitlle tiusl lies. In tills pktca, Milder (ha name of K. Cj llarily i Co., Is this day dissolved by mtitinl cmseiit. au-1 hereafter tie, busluets of snhl Hriii will be coiiducteil' iy' B. 0. llurdy, who itlone is aiitliurleed to collect ami Settle (lie accounts of Brut. ' K.O: IIAItliY, ' C. I,. UTOIIKI,t,, -'i BiiMivllle. OmntOo:,Dregnrti' Y. W. TIIWII'HO.N a-.Noir.ls, I8U- ..u ). .nUKint-. VuMhlaprtoii.it iiktoii lioad. rpnrl UXDKItSlOXHD. VOUI.D I KOItJI TUK 1 'TfwfelliiftViihlic that file Wnslilnjrtjn WaKon Koatl from I'ortlaud i(tid Ynncoiirer to the tipper Casciules bt ell beliig kept In good, trailing oilier f.n- wiwmnl awl et'K'k -i I ' B.C. IIAttDY -i Dallos Jan. 11th ISO. . Janlltf , Sole Proprietor..' ..,....-. . - ' RiOTICEr . -1 : ' 5HKiiF.nY Vaun all runsoxs1 'fr om cont ritc't tMit or buyliur'ntiythlhz whatever from It. M. KUNTZ. whereby I will hare lieen tliniiKht bv the public roapon niblo. as I am not, nor will 1 hold mys If rcsponslnlu for nuy ot sain r; Jl. Kiintasncrs. n.f,,iUkt.T L' :" ' v DAILY MOUNT AINEEB ul5f'!;.-tt'.".,j i-.- ;ntn',i BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. .. , . First Btrcet, between Main mid B sati) "DALLES ....,,,..! OREGON.' .li.i'. n .. l Vi.'. I J. . 1(1. '.ill i.Jf- JOB PRINTING OFYERY VARIETY . K5fe'cufed wttli decuracy and dispatch. ' ' rnk STY lit THAT WJLL iCOMPAXE fayokably ,., . i i wMi the very Vet. and It iATES (AS CHEAP'' A's THE' CEEAPSi "IX V-..i J ,':tl;;tiT-HDCR: i tl- i .Itjio ). ' c ft r, i ; , ,t i , ill 1 1 MS e a a st, . , CHECKS. DRjtFTS. IfFCRlfTH. . . POSlEUS AND PlvOGKAM JiEfS ... ,tJ i.- u ,. :(-f0. c,. THEATRES ' 'CONCERTS'" EXHIBITIONS. , f'i ...Iffc, j;;,'! iitc:. ) ... I J idc, ; o :.. ' rHIMTKH IX THE MOST ATTRICIIVS SAXNU1. AL80, WAY-BILLS. .' .;.!.. , .- fir. BILLS OF FAHK. .. , ; t . iSTrtMiHgJDXt'? v! ., ilhCKU'TBOCKS. '". ' ' "; ,!'-" BILLS LADIltd, i Uricfs nud rniial.fcf!!ir In short, rt'erythitip that can be done In it HooV and Cob I'rintlntc Ollice, from the sniiillest mid most delicate Canl orCircuhir. tn (lie Inmost slr.o' and' most rhr wy l'witli, lllii and w hich will be turned out. In a .tyli- Unit cuuiiot fall tu Insure entire satisfaction. ' ' ....... OUR fACILITir.8 W file jxtcutioX IT-'- LiECORAT.VE PRINTING , ... Iu. the must beautiful Colors, Similes ami Tints. .... Sch, as .Fancy, Posting Bills ! I rem a single Sheet tu the Larucst ilaliiluutli, OKKJMJCXUi. SHOW. CAB ML -i .. riBnilKHS' LABLLS.ifc Alt niiMirisuwcd by those dl uuy other eftr.l llshiueiit In ' Oregon. Weduvoto special atteiitinu tu thin branch v the businesli. and aiVcoiitliiuuIly mldintt t6'out- alivatly exten sive and Well aiilioilltbd ashol-tmenl oi ninti elnl. WEW TYPES, BORDERS,' ORNAMENTS." aien. " Ac, ' ' cc., Of the most modern ntid elaborate designs. Our stock o-. FANCY INKS. TINTS. A.C.. Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color ud ,4.-..l.!ll.' I.... I ... I.. .i.b.... ' uu. ....I. j, V......U. ..c cifu.urii hi me Dime. The principle upon u hicli busiuetis is asked for llifr s- talillshlllbllt is. that nersoiiH u-111 eoiikiilt tl...!.. ..u-n oateIiR Hoarding tliir,,ciuu,ni to. tliat ellxe ii,uljith IhCir money can Liu expended to the best advantage. 'Jo .vis one we solicit it iu riil.ot g, uu I'lli.liug, nt rery reasolllllilA rhnrvea. t.l enll Mini .lmli.a at unima... ... A iudKouryoi,iives.-.- -.. -j , -( Orders fVpm the Upper C ountry r in nave oar special caro, anu irleuds from tho intern t 1 ibftV relv-illion bavin v. Lli.ir.or.liu-. .IIImI jirn,ii,.(U. ; . HAYAT.HE ONLY lryiPROI.i5jJOeQO.fi PqWERPRESS " tn the feLa bi'OreKoni1 . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE , mlH-tfirt -j,;. . ....Dulles. Oregon JACKvSOiN' SALOON ! CONNER COCRT AND )SKCOND.tjTRKET, ( 1JALLKS, OliKOON. TiiBuxiiKiiKiaNKD, iiAvixb hkmoVed fbom .TUtl.xlUil.UA UKIO'-CULLAHiilNTO ; it..- ; t iClates';; New ,!33uildlg ; Ifeg to Inform tho public that they are prepared to sefjetf Uieir cusromers with HiB'bost'.-J . UJ . Wines, Liquors 1 and : Cigars, 1 yillCiU'K&VT AH-01ID83 "".ALSO, A . "..I'l'f Miuia JVee LuncU ! a Every day and ovoulug. ,;aeo-irv,. ElUIl. SCIITJTZ, I'loprlernr. CARRIAGE 'ANLT"WA150N:! MATERIALS WB 111 SO TO C ALU ATTKNT1 OM vur.Carrinre Mnsj . ufacturers and Dealers to the l.iii -o and Con. lte nsnoHiaout brCAllltlAUBeud.AAIiu.N ilATIilil AI.S we are cuistantly lecetring from the Hast, tpecinlly wli-cti'd .1ur -1li CalLfohrin. uuirftot, 'coiiiprislii);,. Ouk, Hickory, ami Second Ui.hvUi'AhIi plank, Hickory Axles, Waon I'olee. UilbeitiloHBB, felloes, KlniijShmu, ic.Auv ' wliicli we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. , lirUUfai)JrMfte.te ourJiuiiiwrviliieCflvo pwinu attention. ' " n' T" "ST f! BllXutJ t CO., s JrteUhUf..,,-- l!Batterj!,8t-eet, Sun .rauclcoj,-, 5f... . T'''Vftdl7 lUfcvc",flttreel6acrllne,Th?, Situ trunclMiA Swrtinleuto. NewYoik rlIK VNDillSIQXBD'llV8T6,VSrtltMTIIE1ci,r M. Iseuaof the DalMeuit vicinity tbatlio lias recoivejT' -h NKV HKAUSU, uiid will - ' . - -.-v.V-ttend Ixxnex-als '-ill . ON illrtft hocli.l tfhli It lne jfrUrl. ii' present, dny ' , ,UeseJt,.M.ecilr. , ...nyy -- A . OfBce-At Dr. Cvuia'a Draff S -'"1-'jivt.t.ks. OKF.figy,'- '