C2 3 gailn lllfl'uittahucr. SUNDAY MOKSnC, JAN. 14, ISCO- Dan SfioAMVAtEiv and Iikligtey (iioathouse haVo opened o 'hotel at Aiusjat)n. ... '.. Til Virginians aro widening and t'.eebonini? tho Dutch Gap civaul. It i valuable improvement. We aro indebted to Mr. llonderflon, our Iiepresenlatfro in Congress, for valuablo piibfre dbcumonts. The daughticp or Jmdgo 'lanoy are (aid to bo wv very dvstitnto circum TirB Sh'oshonos aro going to havo n great contention at Washington, in tho Ifoeao IJSver eonntry, t seltto J matters of Stato. Tub Queen of Madagascar has just asaiMttod. ci inolino with a roligious cer emony Slie extends tho prwilcgo of wearing it, also,, to-her favorite mins tstcr'a wife.. - ... There appears to bo a growing pub lic opinion at tho east against tho pun ishment of Jeffiorson Dnvi, or rj thargo fonndctfon his conncctfon with the civil war. Frank Clauk, a prominont politi- clan in tho Puget Sound district of Washington rJ?cri ifoiy, and Dr. Wuber lately haJft diseueaioB wilk revolver ttt Stcilacooin. Several Bh6ts wore Cchanged, but no blood drawn. The play of " Tho Married Ilako " tuts been ropoatodly represented nt tttf gonl&b tlrea-tro, at Great Stilt JLalcc City It is generally thought that it is intended us a thrust at Brigham'u matrimonial arrangements. T he Montana Post endorses tho idoa of tho- pi'ess giving prominonco to tho project of building the Northern Fa ct tic ivuilrond, and ree&mmonds thai it shall be kopl continually beforo the public mind. , .When tv certain- imwtang. lawyer w.v drawing: irp'a' verdict for a coro ner' s inry, ho mado it road thus :"We the jury do find that tho said John Jones camo tO' bib doolh by the visit at'toa of tlio nfoeceaid O.iod." , A tbee; two ftiot in thicknesftj BlnoV ing between the armies at Spottnyl vnnia Court llouso,.in My, 1864, was Dlircly cut down by ballets and can 'notvshot. . Tho stump lias- Soon takon Bp afl a' momonto of tho occasion. ' ' A local writer in San Francisco re grots thai Sunday conetrts aro no longer gten in that city vTe aro so righleons p hove in Oregon that wo indict pcopkj for tinging oft Sunday, unless the rjiosicfs Tory "elja'wj . . It has now become fasliioivable , to California to make'fifn tl SchuyW -Colfax and his tourfet oampionB of hst season. A liDtr' loss toadyism t ben, and somo what more fairn6s now would appear moro scomly than either eirciiie. - - The experiences of advancctf agnw cultnrai nations, Jliko England1, tJoi' marly and Froneof goes to sboir 'hat sheep area nocceafty of good gen .ern) system of husbandry, tm even tho . "Inglicst pnood lands, and amid the ' don8csi'!pbpnlationl 'They afford .as wucb' food to ,man ,io proportion- io their owi"c6nspmplioo or.foocT, as any iUO.M liAUNKY LAliK VALLEY. Wo havo iiiformation from Ilarnoy Lake Valley thfit somotrmo in Docembcr tho Indians drove-tiff irom-Capt. Williams' camp twelvo head of bu f cattle, (all ho had,) and eight horses. Tho snow is . two feet deep in that section, of country. Thcro are somo Indians hid niwaf down tUo valley, and Capt. WiU liims has been oet after them without success. Several of his men hud, their foot badly frosted while oat on this' scout.-ilt is thought that if Cnpta'm Small's cavalry co-sntaand at Camp aiBon can get over so- itarncy ljauo this'vffntcr, througf tho moitntuln passes,. Bomolhing decisrvo may ycJ bo doe towards subjugating tho In dians, notwithstanding i.ho redatitio) of tho forces in tlio field, and tho Vck of the proper distribution of the cav alry. ' ' Tnh sptdiev ef tho' "'rjloody .Ipourr teentl'r wore riding-, in an omnibiis which runs from. .Fort Point to-the Plaza of Sun Frnnc'fseo,' nnd being aloive witb' tho diivor, attempted to rob Mm. Tier !"$hVotif l.blaiket orcr Li head, od : ihon "reacheij for , $i pocnois, put no inrcw mem oir, when The Snoquai.mik Pass - Tho Seattlo dazatte says that there is but ono hill of ny considerable nizo " in the Snorjwalmio Pubs through the Caseado Mountains, and argues lb at it is tho proper roulo for the Northern Paeitie Railroad to roaeh tho salt water. Gov ernor Stevens was live avocato of tUi route, and ho ppoafca vi n 'tunnel of several miles being rreccsary to- make a connection with PugetSound.'-' Ita probable that ihu considerable hillt'rtf' forrod to t-y or cotempornry, 5s the ono where this tunnel will have to b driven. Tho Gazette, however, eayi that no tunnel will bo necessary in the pa-; which must be considered as a contradiction of the statement of sho ablest and most painsNtnking engirieor oor employed by iho United State u any enterprise whatever, it is a waste of words to ftpeeirhilo upon the probability of a jSorthern FacifTc Kail road going through any of the passes of tho Cascade Mountains, when tho gorgo of tho Columbia Itiver presonts a route having ovory possible facifity for tho construction- and oporation oi tho road1.' - . - - i I. O. O. F. There will Lea SimclnrDcgroe Meeting of Oolwubiiv lAilgv, No. 4, TO-DAY. eilnrtny) ot 3 . i. it.. ..t .1.- v n. f KIIAA. ' i'J WW! VI Ilia tl.Wt I , lall Hebrew nenevolont Society. Hoj-iilir mcotinir nt Club Kooni. todity, (tfulHWr.) M 2 u'clucfc p. H. A large Httendnni-e I rwinl(l. ' : Uj. orji-r. J 06. KLrr.LT Sec. pro lein. Mr. "Wllllnm Itlrnbnum resuectf nlly In-" f nn lils patron, tool ifforo pnrticiilurly tlio Indlea ol this city nti-1 vicinity, Unit liu will null nt priyiite wHiv itt tiuctlon prirv, nt bin RtoreniyMnin filroi-t, the 11. arm nf tin nilciwlM . eturK ol nntilire. DlnMilHW, Jow. ulrr nnd liinrv UihwIk. An till will U tin- lust opnoitiv n'ty to purchaao, lh ladies and tho public nru iuritrd to vnll. W'nsco liotlge, No. 13, F. A. & A. M. Holds Its statii-l Commmiic itlon on Die First and Third Snttirrtnjs of ocli month, nt tlii-lr Imll, In Pullos City, llmtlirnn lu rikhI UnnOiuj- urs Inviti-d K nttond. SBT:lLiruw, Suj.. Uyonlsrof tW. M. Columbia Lodge, No, 5, I. O. O. F. Mrots tvi-ry Kri-lny i-vunlng nt G o'clock, lu Gates' Hall, corner of 9oind and Court Streets, llrothsrs In good standing nre invited to attend, lly order. N.O. JACKSON'S OREGON CIDER 011 SALK UY ' ' ' '" ! CE. Til VTCiaEH It, t'Oi- tFr lis ii iii7rrrri2R,. From Aulyn's Celekratud Dairy:, For Sale nt- COLUMBIA RIVER. MINES T : j ". j' D00t1?.i,v....... ;..'...i.pAlaf'aW9ili.'., ; rrwartlliigBitd Commfoiasn AlcVeliant . AND DKI.KKS IN O'KNKUAT MKKCIIAXBIKU, , h viito uiMflfci, v.'. x,; iniKKivarr Vote oo?.tiixh. ui'PKU en4r.MniA Bk.', KiU'JfKNAl ihh liUAl:uriXjT JI1.C rromly- ti-rwarIHi. L I i lUrkOowbB. JL, Wi ite UlulTs, W. . t'onTUSi nlclianls .t McCniken, Allcs A lwis, Aid - - - 4loilgo lalel. i k D.i.i.n -bloch, Miller A Co., French A Oilman. jtiTtr- T21t OOOS "Ll53vS ItlfSU ! , J. A. FOIimiSi JI ITTAVIXU l'lIltCHAHSD tho Family Orncery Uusl Jl li. ness nt C. Ii. JKU Kl.li, K-i., coruarof Srcoud and WitBliitigton Srreuts, would rosio.-lflllly announce to the toKjIlo lllal lie win Kfeii a lurge and wsir-seu-cuu Moci or - - 5 - V - GltOUKIUKB miT'tma Ills facilities (Tir tiSTclisiilnir are snrh as wilf vflsdtU liim to sell at prices tlml defy eoim-utltlon. Olre m i cull. . . . J uuts. Ibivini dlstMMil at asf FandlrOmrehy mill Prut Won Business to j. A. Forbes, risii.. 1 would Ask for him a coutiiiuumia of lbs latiniiisgs so lib- nilly eitendwl tif IJUJWIJ 0. U. JEWELL. FEENGH MILLINERY STORE. AD -.. Upposlle Coltsi Ac Bohm'n, . irw6rt.r t)Ai.i- tft rrnribx or trt'iiiiiiorS JL the Dalles to Illy large nn-i line stia-a Ol ' FLOWERS, CMBROI0ERY(ca IlOWmS, II ITS, FBATIUJRS,! ITmlliclieiitirtj tlio sejilcf.ilKS.FBAKj ,rk thr press unking anai Iment, rq will do till utorlt In that Unr fci-lkiraiteirleorBiUlslctiiiil if Y StiiiU I I h ., BY! XO Orni In all colons. ... -: n"M Hn no lin anrly call, nnd I wltr fiuToaroV to salt eruryb-sly III 'f ASTKunJ nt UKASOlHABLK l'tttCKS;,! lUrlicuUr iitlonilop niild,t(iir . .'; .ni, , .. ,',',i'.i,.,. mmm tshijmin n I Tl 1 1 1 3lajjJ&tamn1n C. 8. Mium. Sic. SrnAwusrusn, lialira. Bloch,. Miller &; Co., WHOLESALE v '.' O-. It O O 3H X S ''. AND DKAI.KKS IS , ! v- AihI Intitortcm nml Jol-beri at O LOT H I asr a Boots & Shot's, " Under Iolji:jr, " ; t (; '-, Illankctfy J tten Vic, ; ; ; eUC ; WlTK 1HVK AN ASSAY 0?riCK IN tONNKCTIO V wl ' li unr hnvlnfF-h, uimIit Iho ontlro ?n)ervtliii of Mr. Milh-r. W nmko rctnrn In KurK fit nix hmir. W Kiinmiih-o-Ml am AT iri'iii the II1UI1KHV CAHII I'UIOK fur We uw w. Hi lllglintt Ciwli I'rico fur Oulil Du. ' m.ocir, M1I.I.K1I 4 o,: myCtr Cor. Mnln ami Wuliini;t-Mi tivntii. Uitllx. Oreson Steam Navigation Co WINTER ARRANCEMEHT. vSfe? dfee3s.a, KS-S&aaaim kN AND An Krt M'ONOAT, SOVKMliKH 13th run " 9 fnrtber notice, ...... pt'lie Passensfer Train to connect with steamers ' ; JOE UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will smrt froiii tho' H. II. "DKl'OT UAI.I.ES' CITY, on Irloiiilnys, Wtdssbdsi'i, and Vt Ida!, at 4t30 A. W., urn S1K.KIIS - "OUT! ON T A" or "IDAHO," C AIT. J. McN U l.T Y,......... Cuminan Jc. Will leave DAI.T.KS, DAll.Y.(Sumlavs e-cepted)l V o'rlock. a. v.r.Hmocllii. lly tlicUASCADb; li All.ltO.Ui, Willi the HtorutiT . "NEW WOULD " or "CASCADES,W 'CAW. J. WOti1,.-.. C.siuaiolm, foi l-urtluiJ. V. 11. HUADKOllD. I . Partus. Nhis. 13, 18F& ulitri Agent U. S. rt, Ci. SELLINGr O 1?! 1? 'AT.COST, . 1 FOR TIIIUTY DAYS LONGER I ! IAST CHANCE! l:PSIIS. COIIX t IKIIIM would hereby hiftirm their eiltoment mid the public at liirue. Ihat they will continue to sell AT COST, for llility days Linger In order to give one a eliaiu-e to malts presents for thw llolidsys. 'o.will sell tho bahiacs of our sU-kt Quo--sinUMgof ' , Kb (r-lBnek Sillis, tl.litV Clll;s. Kidi I'opirns, lav,.rfo.iK Clmds, Diem Coats, v. ,a Shawls. ... I'ants, . . '' . Dryliisss, . . . - :nibro;derlen, liaise Ci, Hoots A e!sy Ac:, Ac, Ac , Ac, AT SKIV FliAXtlSt O COST. Wlthont Frelgl-t nnd feri"s..K' - - This HU Im l.it elwtice to got liirgnlns. irloi lr ' closing tNriioiicerii.. C011.N A liOllM. .'K.n.-AlMlills-iiMst be bald liV th ' First of Jununrw JSOT.. If not settled within that time, 'Oie sumo will b-pbu-ed in legal hiiluls. . . . , .. . . deltt MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. TILtS3 Cl(OURK:i)KSIItKST0 1XF01I Jl tho 1TB bunos oP Dalles nnd vlclli.rr.' thut sho h.-yi j reetjvsd a fi-esh siiiolf,of i . ' , fit TPa sli i o ii attyl a ' G! o otl s , The latest Paris, Now TorltjinI fan. Kfuncisci) stvle OXXKTS;UAW. ItlBUDX.'hACKS. FKATIlKUrV rwns-.iijtn ..vriHi aim well-selected assortment of fadle' IcenIy3la4e OaruienlM. Alfo, Fashionable nuKortinent of , i I QRESS TRIM lV)t NQSI. BTAiH-INO for Ktnln-olderr iid llrHidfiur; -IMNKIrTti d.inet short notict. ' HONNK'i'S lllencliml mid TresM lu the jatesf style.. A large iissurtiueut of Constantly on hnnil. lflrring swnrcil tho service 'ft ar rirst lla'S l reus JlnKcr. I am iireiarnd til rut And fltt inies- ami vimoreu s uitr;2tiKa ami CLOAKS. THIRD 8TIIEET. una nuarft-'eiuit of il. ' P,,ll...li. Clifirclt,. .,' ; , - oot'ldm. TqYS! TQYSrT0yStfT0Y8r F 6K TOYS AKU FAR Cy'gOOD e tksr Uritldnrs, -wo recommend nil dealrra In Ums, UHb to tlto-B'fsitKT AND TOY KM POKl U.M of TIIUMAVKtt A 7.1JIV: 3-JUida2 llnttrry Street, ... San Francisottv njfi&m JOSEPH ELFEL1 wiioiiuiaui axp nuu rntALia ix r,n.ncy & Staplo:Dry Goods, CLOTHINC. BOOTS AND SHOES. aHJUrS AA'l CAPS, ASV .j. Ceuf iemcn',ii rtariilMlifno; f;orK Firv-irouf tttom HKim tuiues ol Muiu ami Cut RlFiM-tM. r- " ' ... oc-i-tr rt.jaqrzTsr .Si? murpht, m- "Aernej-t-Iyaw, " tOFF,ir?KS i.tihn crir,nors ComiN, i.t.; cr.rct wysChiiiiy, l.T. ' ,iif. Isaac F. Cloth. San Francisco. ,-rrr T! Aa" PUt .j,.'i TTCST HKCEIVKD AMD FOIl SAUK .' "' ' jliillVtLJlJm3XCILU3-