-n r ' . .. - "'"'' ' . """"" '" '" """ "" "- '' ; i in',.,';, iritMMMaiaMWWWMMwJ v inilg lilpntaiiiccrj PUBLISHED EVERY MOItNING, ' "' ' (MONDAV8 SXOtl'TKU,) 1)V ' . E. G't'OWKE V J. HUl-ORAS, KIMTOHS AND HtOPHIKTOUS. Tkkxs TiMnty-licectntt per week, payable to the currier per niuntli, by mall, $1; three month, WW; six muiitlis. fij uue year, $S. Advertisements Inserted at 'hw rates. . Job .Printing. ' ; , 'Every de-icrlptlon of plain iiml rancy Job Printing exe nfed with neatness and despatch, and forwurdod iu per order louny purr uf the country. I'ayintnljvr job lYint ifiy mtt oe matte on delivery t,J work. - - UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, ORECON. f HANDLUY &SX.WOTT, IMop'rsl AV ; iiih r iruna uuose, O'i.Tiiiuv lociteb, Near tho Steamboat Landing ft Railroad Depot, IIiu.bucu recently enlarged .ml improved, Qud will now 'n.ajuiiuud no . . .. ,i i.. ' 1 .v. SOO Q-UE'sT.S i- wit ' S TWILL BK CONDUCTED iw heretofore, m A FIBST CLASS II JUSK. mi l tho patronage of llioraveling public is redictl'ul)y solicit!. - ' . Sty Ili,-,' taken to the lljmc free qfclmrgoi ILmm open nil ni ;ht, ' ii x. . : & '- j LARGE FIRE-PHOQF SAFES TO OEPOSIT VALUABLES :pilli'.oa.4-tf. i EM PI RE HOTEL. ' -' STI1SET. DllM, OltEGOV, ':' 'THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor.! A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE.' IJt TIIK CBNTllK OF UU3IXE33, ' Star '-'the Stoamboat and 'Kailroad'Landlaa lnperhir AccotiHtioilitiotiA for FamlUtM nnd cah Ao c in,l;itu One IIimkIi'oiI uiiJ Kilty ducats. ; WuuU. ...50 cut. .'. I.uilc;liig....,.....;....50 ctj Fire Proof Sufo for ilcposltouf v.ilusiulea. tf. Uwue open nil night. Dugg iiro tiikeu to the House fti't of clmrgo. TIIOllAS SMITH, mhS-tf - I'rojiilotoT. i mm AMD SUMMER GOODS. xrxtiaHix Mxocict'" " ih:sk:.ikejv Ac . isiios., Dalles and Wnlla WalU V' IlEALEHb til ,.; , Staple and Fancy ..Dry Goods. -" Miners', Oututs, - ii Uot8 and Shoes, .. s Clotliing, - ;w : . i,, , Hats and Caps, -,ir .M. v . Groceries, It'll 't full aswrtment of Ocncml Merchandlae. Duyln fnrrtioixU exclusively In the Bun Fntnclnco nmrkef. in nmKln none tut canti purcliiuies, wo nro enabled to ee r no per ocuf. ciienper tUAa nny otner lionee At t1i Dullnl i.,t....- . nusKNUKttY lmn.v.-.. int-tf ., -.j ,,,,,., , Duller mid Wulltt.Y'eJIn EIQW TO-MOIVEYt tllTir TUI JEW . ( i W 1 1 s. Family, Grocery and Fruit Stdc, ' '"' Coiner Of Wxihltiitton And Second Street."",i ' ' T'nK'tj'NDi!llSrajfri6! WISHES to'lNKtfVtTR' JL people ot the Dalles, nnd tho public generally, that !i has t.r-q uuil wcU tejecled tocl(,it-, n .,ui . CAX DIES' 'NIITS.' ft'!'"' If Which lie wilt null Wholes.ile nud Itetnll Baluad. I'rixd far atHU. ' MMl constantly nil Jiimd thk Ckolceat' eicja..oi rtinsti iuilkiv aiiii Kuiis,. AHu ererr variety y! FKUItd, al. V(tJlTCAlll.Kd in their aeAto j IVtsoiis fi.Hii up the touutry,, wlalUm ..qiuinllUin of Kiririttiud Fruit. Itv selldlntr iu their imtoi. will viwi.hr Vie strictest nttoiitfon.iind Imve tlieui flllediit tho Lottul Market i Vices. (jvll-tfj 0. h JKWEI.U. AftMES & DALLAM?" :SSMil. niporertaihl'jobtoni,of J i' WOOD AX WILLOW WARE, . i.lUiUBiS TJVWKi, CjuD.VOB,'4o.' . 1 Anil SlAimfiicturersof California Palls, Tuls, Brooms, 4c 217 $ Jl'J ijciHuientoSttwtj'liotiroen FroiitrtuU Duflu, Kiu Fiuiicrsco. ' ' licUUlmdAW, '' ' rCrW.i'JT, 1 00? I, M zsr S3 rr Jn nii-s ABE!,r i oAiirop-tt a o n, ' TILTON & MoFARLAND'8 Fii- A; Ittirg I ar I'roof. res. -J-STlL USED YAVTSiX.K . . , WITH " Ootnbination 'clc:,1 "49"Canstatuly ou IiimuI a full nam rttiint or S.VKKg- 4 .. 31,. uHrrvirv arlitftfT1 1HKKT. Jy0-6m , 4i n? -In--, i mo t FmncisAO. - GATES c& HAFT, -Attoi rij i &T!6tuiieHor! at Iiavr, ntr.rT'!.,,ivi?tP(?rtr ' 1 FOU UOISU .MIXES UlltECT. WALLA WALLA &. BOISE UN UK - . ' CONCOItD STAGES, : ' ' ..CAKKYINO i '. THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Well', Fargo & C'o.'s Express, I now milking lleituUr Trips from Wnlla '1Ih Iu I'l cervine, (uoiee .tiineii. Through in Two and a Half Days CuniiecUng with the IVulluln Mao ot Stugeii, "mid th ui mo u. o. . uonipiwiy.y . i ,i - UJSO. F. TUOJiAS ft CO., 1 flp27-tf . . ., .,) ..It . proprietor TUB PIONEElt STAGE COMPANY .- , i tri j. ii Wttl entry r, ., ,,;' FAST FREIGHT! VKUJl . 'XIJMC-JLW IX. 31. Al AFTJCIllUB FIIWT OV unTOIIBK, AT T!lb' FOI.IiO l.NU ItEUUUKU UATKs: To BoUe City....;........... 1J CoHtl per potiu Iilalio CHy. ;ai) ; . i i - . 4 Owylieu . ,,.rfO . ' Fur It is umoniils tlnui olio hundred pound no ndditlo vi wuiiia per poiiuil will ue clllirgou. f r . , . To Iloiscl ity .......3 Uijm. to itlulio Vlty 3 1-4 Oajs uwyuee, -1 Days. ;J0SK1'1I I'lXKIIAM, Accnt. Uniatillo, Oct 1, iS05. ocisitt. ;, Aud all kinds ol'.Macliliiery , Manufactured ut the u . OREGON IRON WORKS (JOK.Vtat OF MUltlllSON iinil 7TU streets, .. , , ....... A. " Portland. Dee. Oth'ftt. " . 0. QIBOS 4 CO., . 6ueeossom to "dcOtf K.'l...loses4f30: MOUNT HOOD' SALOON toxi.r.1 A.tiij noon, F.JU'IIUNT, Proprietor fsniivvnt nv Mtiu and. Coui-t StrootH, . ap-l-tf Dnlles, Orenon. j ?.;?jLijc Liiii;Tr GROCERY, PROVISION " !- ' - ;. ,- AND . ... ... v - ' TP" Tt TT 1 T WTniiW Wmlilnttoii Streot, nppoelte French A'Olliimii's. Dalle .. nsron iiiinii a lorgonud well-Assorted slock 6f GROCERIES v & PROVISIONS; , t ATi-cali. JJiittei Eirtrsa v Rewired dully. A lnrjro1 lot orCIIICRriNS AMtnyK An Imnd. ltf ITS of nil kinds. FRHS1I VEGETABLES oiery inoruiiig, -Ail nrticies wnrrnuted. ' " ive JMe a Call,' Everybody PKlCKSiLUW. .-lll8:tf.; ;, . .. .., ;; j, . ,. LIKIIK. BArLDWlN BRO., r.;,i...P.BAWB8" IN. .., .: ; oooi5ix:s! OOKN'HIt OK !... ' Main and Union Streets. Dalles. J-CgAJ-pWI' ' V21-tf ' F.W.BALDWIN. Mi jioabus.;. . . ", .., j, n, K-uko. ' 'WM. MOABUS & CO., . ''' OITY.,i,BAKEKY, " l.T.x'o r'isio y us r. i'."1".!.; Corner of First And B Streets. WIIOLK8ALE AND RETAIL DF,AL!!P.S la BUEAD, CltACKEIlSiind Fuinily UltOCKKIKS. fi.Orli-aj,i"jhi jt disuueo carefully fid sndniplly fI .lUiIi mt 1 1 til. ii"oO - . '' '' o "l-l ''.'.'.''-. !;'';J Beavery otter Mink and J3qojij skins. -,-, , ni.,..,l.,' .f.tjJ ATfORfJEYS &C0USELL0r1SATLArV rll.L I'RACTICK IN TIIK KITOKUMIt iKnoin cliUCdiur-of prsoA,ilJ tho piitrlct CoarU o ingtoVTerrltory.- " ' V'7-. Llcnlnr ntteution paid tb'thVisolietitl.'iri of'clalrnri ' ' Wasnli lArtlclilnr ExpresscaiThiilvTaTSjoT" " - .llObTETThlt, SMITH k DEANi Agents,'. 4UI nud 403 Battery street, cor Clay, )y22-0ui.- Sun FVnnclecb. H.'ll.llll.t.1 . 'I-' hoiiiiUEAskrfmfr.TiiALEiis,r- 'i Groceries, Dry Goods,' Liquors AGRICULTURAL IMPtBlvIENTS? -!.' 8T0BAOK AND VOItWAIMIlNU. 1 ... ; . Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attention Ileforences t ' ' i iviiiri ' nBTi"V v . ii ' ;, v VAV.ur,.r. j!-h.'W. Corbet,' BoHiusAct J.jyckarijs .JJoCrAcken,;. ; W.O. Moody A Co, i Vt".'1 Wndll'd.; ?, ath. u'tjjt'. ylLm?' -if in it i M t.! -!iw4.- a'J,j . til JMAJJ.1 JL JL ,,, "':.! 'f l .i i.to Jov; mijJ no-Js: V f 1TA8 r.EMOVKD HIS OFFICE 6lM'0- r i Ulte illwli,' Jliller. A. On., wliera he fiXtll Is prepared to do all kinds of . TVY f T : ''bENtAL WokrCjpr- InAsklllful Aiiilwelffli,uiud manner.' f BKTtl Inset-'tet from mio to an cntlro sot n Uohl nr Hubber I'lutn.,. I'lHces rtiniro for llMihftMUtm.- Ai,i ..4i.. Oold Plate, frumps to ! , ' , ,,' 8r I'ersous huvlti j work ll.tnb Ly nlo hot proving sat isfactory wiilinotli, renuiroa to, receive or pay for Mm .. .. - r ataati Booiisi m o r re 1 nnuj,oo.ioi Aptu CHOO';BOOiC8;STATIO-Xr!nr. -jutrggi Swndatd and MlstiellAiienus W0I1KS, JIMn, "M U Bill), M All AZS1 .N E3,- PA PJJ US, mm r-ST" Ac. An.. tw .....i... u .' D..u;n,M.VilUr Uookston), Main street, Dullbs, I? ; ' ' . ! f "V :M I in io i , .WAbnuyf Cq. ,., . .1,1 V AJAliWf-.v : .-.,t J, ifr.vHii wi ,l tin IwiDl Fjiritr..UouV, (Beddlnir.jCiirpiltJliSUMUjJ, iueh6id Furnitliro of ovurv aserlnil.tn. P,iril..u isllilV.Mkcj.WiU;tl(irl1'iailLll J.Kl i v . . . 1 . '. . . .' , i 1 m t t ill sr. T. nl un , AND IDVIIO Express and Fast freight Line. 'SMIIS LINH 13 KOW IN COMPLKTK DUSXlMi M. order fiuin L'liiAiillu to Itlnlio City, vin DuIm ( ily,l uii prupe.rMi .to entry nrlgnt nml niunu.o I'nckugis uriwtTii inose ana nil inteiuieuiaio points Willi cirtuiuty HLtl UrKHIICII... : .... . , The Line is Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely t-..t New Thorough-Brace , j ;ij CONCORD , jscs,. Wlilcliuhpnrcs Speed ami SnWV lii rti'o tfnhiis.-iim or Freight, never before offered to Idaho. Wo otl'or Jn rior iudiicetnents forShippiiigiSnods from fan FrftifoiKco and l'ortlnnd to Idaho, us our arrangements with the Ocenu Stennishlp Coiiipmly nud tho Oregon Sleiun Knvt Kiitlou iuo mich Una all loods. shipped by. this J.lno will uot bo uiiject totlie usual delays, but puss through us Fast -freight. '"'- ' Ootjnliprl from PlW fcrnnclsco to our euro At Port land, 'Charges will V )tiA ami tioods slilpiicd to dentltm lion... . j-;..,,... , ,. .-, , : . . GOODS SHOULD BK MABKKDt-CAKE B. M. b. ft CO.. F. LINK, nud ghipping Uucclpts tent loom- Agents At Portland and Umatilla. n. . I '. ,,., i ,-. - - Advance tharscs for Transportation Paid fcy the Lino and Pollccted at Destlnntl. CIoihIs will'bo fotwurdod with Dispatch to 0tied6cAiill Doieo, PASSKX0K1IS CAItniED AT G1IEATLY HEDlTKD BATEf. Funiillo-wlll bo fitrnUlieil witil Flltierlor Ai coinuiod.ltlvus ill New nud Easy Hiding Thoronjli lhneo Wagons on the Most Liberal Tonus, We lay Hivor eueli night on the Bond at Uoodnnd Convenient Stations, so that passengers will not be deprived of regular rent. B7CUABD3 McCUAK;iN...:...U...; Snn Francis ItlCllAKD.-i A McCKAIiKN , rtM....AV.........l'ul'tllllHl JOSHl'll 1'KAfc ....., .......D'.lres l'UWhl,LC' '...; ...........U mix tt 1 hs J. U.WILKINSON., ,.v...,.,,... LeOrayl B. M. DuKULL 4 00 .....Boise City B. M. DvltW-l. &CO.... ....Mali.iChy JIAJOH lit'EBR-... i ....Jtoeky Bar (Ht'-uthUidafei DuUElL A MOOKE Bul.y nud Silver Cillos, . mj, , u io, jc ui. at, iis., p25lf -1 !; l'roprielors. fall r& Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FKAIVCISCO,. i. BADGER &LINDENBERGER, Cor. JUercliaut Han Frftttclsco Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIBE NEW AND FRESH STOCK ' WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Ic chants to ottr nsunllr htiite stock of Uood Our st.uk comprises overy article ill. II, o Clothing and Fur nishing lino. We huvo constantly on hand the largest and greatest ynriety vt Casaiinuro and M'ool UATSvt Any lionse In Ban Fraticisco, nml our prf .es for theso , Oowli aro Uss than those, of any hotuie, aa wo rocctve tneni uiroct Iruin tho manuriwturer a consignment Our , stock ol Summer aud Fall (loops is particularly attract ive, and tho great feature to the country merchant Is tlw iiiinsoMly low prices, f Less Than tHe Cost of Importation! We'ftUo'koep the STAl'LK AIU'ICI.KS in Hit, Dry Goods line, wl(icli Ooods wo have pnrchasod In this market tin dor tlnx .tiamuier, and am offering Uieiu at Kow Volk Cist, and loss.' , . . , . Wo imUlsIt tills rtlra tfi erdeV lliat wo may malt new ocquiUntancos, and indiico tli9ea uliohave not horetofore , purubauil'of lis, to cnll'audwaiuiuowur stock'.;- '4 Good Articles and Low.IMcei! Aro the greatest Indnconionta to All who purcliasb to . sell again, . Merchants who buy of Ut con. make, n good profit, nnd'sell to iholr customer! at a low figure: Wo " remain, respectfully, . , - .,r . , . Your Obedient scrvAnfs', '' - ys. j- u. V.V BADUKll LINDEXBKKOEB, I Wliolosalb Clothing and lint WArehouse. ' t iv m Koh. 4)1. 4ia nud lo Buttery strict,. Son Francisco,-April 1,1805.' - Je5-3iiiw. MO i FOil 'TftTFfflMlF rMll DF.IiIMITFDI, AND CELKBItATED' SUMMEIl A, Besyrt, sliuntejjoti Clntmiu I'IaIiis, n short dlstuuyu from Hfe Ocoan, is now ro-ojleuerd and roudy to receive guests. . . , ,..,, j This resort) possessea nttrilclons nnanrpassnl on ffTio " Ittcl Ho Coast. It has a slilendid lioitch fur ridiii'i wiill;. Ingaud bathing;' uciiutlhil scenery hud sitrrouudli'ixsi berries of oil tlniU.ubouud; u beautiful trout sUmao iiud itlmuddnilo of game. ' " " ' '' -nW.iir. n. ;! X'H-;.K'iA.H,! 1'i IS Constantly sunplled with salt uiid Irish water Aj!. Clam, ami crabs, elk, bear itud feathered nam 4.hiid ' freshest of country produce. - 'iuo cllinulo ts eeinnriiiiu , ThlsJIo-'rV offenr. every. - IhliiglluUCeiifil be desired for the touifort of gnest. both welt and lck, y,,r.i -J ,. . 'h! l'Tbilrfotors respectmilyiaslt to Ilonlth and Picas, strw Seiliigi 1'ubllo for. iarlroungev Hull rliey nmy , , buMiled to mnko the a Summer lluuse a pormriient iu. AiU('; Lhhl$, Kit. "IS. ' rCHBLi;-, 'Urtnt'UB Oiirtier of Tliinl and Wiisl'ilhirtiiii flira'nil. ' (.'"tACtlXa'ASaiferXK'T feoltOBON, u. s1 A . DM iH.INU.