W.X: BIGELOW,' Keccl ving, Storing Forwarding: , , ' ': ' ' ' ' and ' ' "-. Commission Merchant! ( Advances made on Consignments, , . MAIN STREET, Opposite thn Umntllln Ilounoi ; ; ;news for the miluonTR AUCTION ! AUCTION. AUCTION !! IN OnDKR TO ci.OBK OUT MY IlUSlklSSS I will d'ls poe of nil uiy remaining stock of atcliCN, , Uianionda, Jewelry,,. Clock, l'lated Ware, ' - JLampM, CiillciTv lMol, V.. Walch Materials, and Olnsses. Field Glasses, Fancy Goods, Large Iron onlo, fctore fixtures, and Furniture nt l?utlio .A. notion, !V Tuesday, January !tli. 186G. at 10 o'elock In the forenoon. Aa I alutll leave, fur the Kent In a short time, this sale will he absolute, and will be continued from dny to (hty until the eiud stock and fixtures ore entirely dipposi d of. . This ante will be worthy tlio attention of dealers and ail who are desirous or getting K1IUST CLASS UOOUS, an the articles offered for Hiilo comprises the best assort ment of W -itches, Jewelry, Ac, Ac, to be found north of San Francisco. (looils win be sold front this tlmo until the auction at wry low figures. All YVanhe and Jewelry left at my place for repairi must be called for prior to the lbth of Jiuiunry, 18tidt or Uiey will be sold at nubile auction to pay charges. N. B. All persons knowing themHolvos indebted to the under, igned, must pay up before the.mih of January, or legal proceedings will be token to enforce payment. Win. BlitMBATTM. Administrator's Notice. TUT! UNDMtSIONHD IIAVINO BEEN DULY AP polntcil adinlnlKtmtnr of the estate of Moses IF. Ailnms. deceased, late of Grant county. Oregon, hereby notifies ail persons Indebted to said estate to niako Im mediate payment of the same, and all persona having claims against said estate are notified to exhibit the same for allowance within six months from this date to me at the store uf Sell A Stemme. in Canyon City, in aid county. . V. CLEMEM 8KL8, i -. '. ' , . Administrator. Canyon City, Dee. 8th, 18GS. , de8:6tw ' SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY TUB Clerk ol the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. In and for Gntnt county, end to me directed, in favor of rhomaB II. Bran's. C Castle k D. Saltnnstall. Plaintiffs, and against N. A. Tnwnsend, Defendant, for the sum of Tore Hundred anil Ninety-One and fourteen hundredths dollars 14) principal, with Interest costs and ills linrsements. and costs of execution and sale, I have this Jfth day of November, 18(15. levied upon, and will sell at public auction, before the Oonrt House door In Canyon flltt.the County seat of Grant county, to the highest Udder for cash In hand, on the 30th day of December, 1866. between the hours of 13 and 3 o'clock P. v., the fol lowing described property, to-witr . The one-third undivided Interest In the Townsend Hand), and Improvements fixed thereon, said Ranch ly ing and being in Marysville Precinct, county above written. ,- M. P. BERRY, -Canyon City, Nov. 27th, 1865. do8:4t , Sheriff, , 'Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate.. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION I8SURD BY THE Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and Ic-fttflnt County, ' (State of Oregon, and to me directed, in favor of L. B. Benchly, et nl., plaintiff, and against D. O. Verities and K. K. Canon, defendants, for the smn of One Thousand and - eighty-five one-hnndredtln dollars, (JI.OOO 85) principal, and Ftfty-lbur dollars and eighty-four hun ' Oredths, ($54 84)Cosla and disbursments. with interest, . .. accruing costs and costs of execution, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction, before ther:0onrt House door In Canyon City, on SATURDAY; .JANUARY 6th. 1806, between the, hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, p. m. to the highest bidder for cueli in hand, all pf defendants interest lu and to the following described real estate, to-wlt: The House and Lot on Washington street, bounded on the north by Luce's, and on the south by Jennings' prop el ty. Alscythe undivided one-half interest of the House ami Lot known as the Upper Ilurdy House and Lot, the aamo being boundod on the north by -alley, on the east by Washington, and on the west by Canyon street, on the south by Callahan's property. Also, the House and Lot lying between Odd Fellows' Hall and Trow bridge's Store House, fronting on Washington stieet. Also, the dwelling house and lot in Town Gulch, known aa Funver'a. All of the above property belne In Ca"yon City. - H. P. BERUY. Sheriff. Canyon City, Not. 20th, 1885. . de!5:4w Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY THE Clerk of the Circuit Court, and to me directed. in favor of A. Vallard 111 II. Lansclale. plaintiffs, and against F. Oavard et nt., defendants, for the sum of Thirty-nine and fourteen hundredths dollars, ($311 H) priiioU pnV With Interest, costs and disbnrsemeuts, and coats-of execution and sale, I have this 27th day of November, lttfftft, levied npon. and will sell at public atction. before the Court House door In Canyon City, the county seat of Grant eonnty, State of Oregon, to the hlcheet bidder for cash In hand, on Saturday, the 30th day of Decembdrt between i lie hours of 11 aud 2 o'clock p. m., the following Real Estate, tO-ltf The House and Lot situate on the east tide of Wash ington street, in Cnnynn City, ana known aa the French Bakery; aald lot being 20 feet fronton Washington street, thence running east, on north line, 160 feet more or less, thenee smith 100 feet, theuce west 40 feet, thence north ' SO feet, thence west to Washington street. , i ...... M. P.RERRY, - Canyon City, Sot. 27, lBfio. do8:4t Sheriff. , D. WM UOUTIIITT, ATTOBNETAT LAW, . . BANNOCK CITY, Idaho Territory. ' Sy-Pnrtimliv nttnntinn jtn to OollpCtlrtK Dfthtft. " "'"NOTICE. fHHK OWNER Of THE RAGLAN OVERCOAT left at I Mr Wyckman'a Boot Shoe Store, on Christmas jQfe, can nave sue eauio uy eaiitug a mis oiurv now paying KT tuis aaveniseiuBut. ; . juv !.:i;. XOTICE.I- '. ' FB. HOLLAND IS MY AUTHORIZED AGENT to attend to collecting and tettllug up my business, during my absence. Those Indebted to me or to Payne A 0M-are requested to pay him Immediately and save . . . . . . . . & n n . .... u .. oars, asp, naa vnivm ui ewiieci. v.a.viraii.n. . BailaiNoT.ia,1805 ; Jlf SH L IA H O V V AT COST ! IVI. Wunsch & Co., WILL CLOSE OUT THEIR STOCK OF MERCHAN DISE, at their place of business, at the Dalles, in order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Clothing', Boots, Hats ' GlEKERAL MERCHANDISE, , All which will be sold ot COST, for CASH only. "'. ' Aa All who know thetneelves IndHbted to our firm at the Dalles will ploasecall and settle an soon as possible. Those who have been accommodated we (rust will not delay us unnecessarily, hot be prompt in squaring up ao wuuts. Cull and see us, ull and everybody I ; anll-tf M. WUNSCH 4 CO. NEW GOODS! HIIVING JL?T ARRIVED FROM TUB f AN FRAN clseo Market, we would invito tlienltcutlon of our fi'it'iids and the cotiiuiuuity at Lirge, to tur w ell-aelected stock of Dry Goods, . Clothing:, Hoots & Shoes, &c, . &., ' &.C., AVblch we are soiling at the most reasonable rates. We cannot sell our goods AT COfT, but asuure the commu nity thut it pleai.es us to sell goods ut S.M A 1,1. PROFITS. deOtf. II. HERMAN A CO. . MANTUA MAKER. . MRS. MATTIH HOLBROOK would respectfully In form the Ladies vf the Dulles and vicinity, that she lias opened a simp in connection with Miss O'Kourke, where sliels prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness nnd dispatch. Having Just arrived from the East, sue nopes m ue auie lo pioase an aa tororra and eosuion Clonks, Coats nnd Dresses Cut to Order. THREE DOORS .West ol the Corner of THIRD and UNION Streets. nc21;m3 ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, ifiain si reel, corner ot court. OLD MACK, THE PIONEER COOK, would respect fully inform the public that he lias fitted uu the above Chop Houso, and Is prepared to serve up MEALS and LUNCH In the best style and at the shortest uotice. BALLS and PARTIES furnished w.th suppers, in the bust style and on the most reasonable terms. OYSTERS lu every style. Private Rooms for Ladies. nous h: ojlmcjv all, night II LACK LIST. JOHN It. WARD, OF CROSS HOLLOW, has this day pal me Three Hundred nnd Forty-one Dollars In UUEKNBACKS AT l'AR, for a debt due in Gold Coin. Dec. 30, 18B5. tJ4mlJ J. 0. BIFFLB. Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate BY VIRTUB OF AN EXECUTION AND DEQREE, ordered by the Hon. J. Or-Wilson. Judge of the Filth Judicial District of the State of Oreiron. for Grant County, aud directed to the Sheriff of said County, where in John R. Porter Is plaintiff, and recovered judgment against Grace Darling, defendant, for the sum of Three Uundred and Eighty-three and 44 100 dollars, principal, with eighteen dullars, coats, accruing costs, and costs of execution and salo, I have levied npon the certain pro perty described in said decree of foreclosure of leln, and will sell the same before the Court Honse door, in Canyon Ciiy, on SATURDAY, the 13th dny of January. 1800, be tween the hours of 12 aud 1 o'clock, r. at., to the highest bidder for cash in hand. , Said property beinir in the vlllace of Marvsvllle. Grant Count of Urant, State of Oregon, frontlng'the principal street in said village, and known as .'(Irare Darling's Baloou and Lot." M. P. BKBRY, Sheriff. Canyon City, December 11, 1805. ' d22w4 , Sheriff's Sale ot Real Estate. , BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY THE Clerk of the Circuit Court of Grant Count v. and to me directed, in favor of Mary A. Sinclair, plBintlff, and ngnlust J. A. Lockwood, defendant for the sum of Seventy-one Dollars and Fifty Cents, ($71 50,) principal. and seven dollars and eighty cents, ($7 80.) could ami disburs- ments, i nave levied npon and will sol at public -ruction, to the highest bidder far cash in hand, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1800, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock p. M before the Conrt House door In Canyon City, the following desortbed property, to-wlt : ' One Ilou'e and Lot, situated in the town of Susan"llle, State (if Oregon, County ot, Urant, commonly known as me LocKwoon saloon, .... M. X. B1SH11, Sheriff. ny w. w. Whipple, uopntv. , . , , CaovonCitv.Dco.mil. 1865. ' dc22-4w . Summons. Henry Toier A John Haley, plaintiffs, vs. Tsaao Jen nings. Action to recover money, in County Court of the State of Oregon, for Unlou County. , TO ISAAC JENNINGS, DEFENDANT: In the name of the State of Orcuon. you are herebv summoned and required to appear and answor the complaint of the Plaintiffs, nov: ou file in the Clerk's office, in said Court, after service horeby upon yort by publication for six weeks In the Wskklt Mountaisif.o. as by order of said Court, or Judgment for want there uf will bo taken against yon t anu unless you soappear and answer Raid complaint, the Plaintiffs will take judgment against you for the sum of (250, together with the costs and disbursements of this action, lit order of J. P. ArgersUiger, County Judge of Union Comity, u. B. iiev. stamp I ji. iiakeu, Atpy ror plaintiffs. , jano-uw Sheriff's S ae of Real Property, BY VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY THE Clerk of the Circuit Court of Grant County, and to me directed. In favor of. P. W. Bell, plaintiff, and against A. W. Mnrchand, defendant, foi the sum o. Seven Hun dred and Bevent-elicht dollars and tweuty-eieht cents. (778 28,) principal, nnd fltty-vue dollars and four cents, ($M-04.) costs and dlsbnrstnenls, I hava levied upon and win sen at puonc auction, so me nignest bidder ror cosh In hand,' on SATURDAY, JANUARY 13th. 1800, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock d. in., before the Court House door In Canyon City, the fullowlngdeserihed prop erly, io-whj. . une uouse anu Lioi situatea upon main street, Canyon City, State of Oregon, Connty of Grant, anu conimumy Known as ijoii iiiarcoanu s eaioon. , v. , . ,M, P. BERRY, Hheriff. By W. W. Whipple. Deputy.. . ,.;. ii . Onnvon City. Dec. 12th, 1806.-, do22-4w r -. sunimons. i J. V. Griffin plaintiff, vs. Isaao Jennings, defendant. Action to recover money, In Connty Court of the State of Oregon for Union County. - . rilO ISAAC JENNINGS, Defendant: In the name of M. the State of Oregon you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answhr Plaintiff complaint now on tile In the Clerk's office Id Said Conrt, alter ser vice hereof upon you by publication for six weeks In the .Weekly MouKTUXUn, as by order of said Court, or Judgment tor want thereof will betaken against you, and unless yon so appear and answer said complaint, the Plaintiff will take Judgment acainst you for the sum of (350, together with the eosts and disbursements of this action.: By order of J. P. Argerslnger. County Jadre of Union Conntyi Ml BAKER, Att'y lor jtlalntlff, u. o. nev. mnioji I . . ufacturer and Importer of ' CARRIAGE, CO.VCORD, UIJGG - . iSD STAGE HARNESS Saddles. Bridles, Whips. . ' A general assortment of , . , , Saddlery, Hardware, leather, etc, Oiilera Solicited. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. F. A. HAKE, Jetlltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. PORTLAND FOUNDRY . AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. 41 team Kndnea offroin4to40horse- - AV4 jCrib' power,either Portable or -nhsi Statlonarv. Also. Clll- i JSr- filll.AR SAW MII.U f8 yriV-.Av:W' COMPLETE, constantly c ,2 -'m'XlfW ' jtikft onh'and. Also, Hay Pros- &mW?&$ifP aeaofallslzes Planing tfW'Wi4WSf Machines.! Woodwork's 'JltaS patteru.) Wrought and Cast Iron work for Ver. tlcal Sawand Grist mills; Brass aud Iron Castings anu i, i WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. " I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwardeii to any part of the mines aa the weight of the entire machinery will not excoed 3, 000 pounda. Horse Powers ft Afrriortltoral Implements manufactured toorder autiievery LOWEST CASH PRICE N. B. Particulor attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tf DAL.LES CITY . DRUG STORE. P.CRAIG, WBOLISALI AND RITAIL .- DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery i Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac, 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT, MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! , , . .. i 1 ( ,.,,,.4,! . WnOLSBAU J.!tD BKTAIL riiu g6 ist, Washington Street, between Main and Second Street. IAIXfj;S, OREGOW. C LEMON la able to aupply parties In want of Drltgai. Patent Mcdlclnee. Cliuiuicals, Acids, Perfumery), and every other article enumerated, with tha ; WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. , ! ' i 8r Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give htm a call. ,u 11 TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. :" V ; ' f S. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington 8t., between Main adn Second. ' SELLING OFF AT C 0 ST ' 4' . My entire stock of STOVES AND TINWARE, ' ' ' ," ' .'.ALSO,,'. ' '' ' I ,. . TINMAN' S TOOLS; THE WHOLE embracing aline stock, ever article of which will be sold at COC, I desire to close out business. Also, one UKAND PIANO, in good order. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Second Stieet, next to the corner of Wuahington.rr The House la iwo stories, with a basement, and Is well adapted to Ihe hotel business. Also a lot of BUDDINO, comprising alwut twenty-nve Beds.' The whole wlll.be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on the premises. - au9:3m . .. ALBERT BETTINQEN, Mcenhfc ) - JihWiT ' ' " ,.. . NOTICE IS nKREBT GIVEN that the Co-partnership hereto fore existing between K. C, IIARDV, 0. L. MITCH ELL and t. W.' THOMPSON, iluluga mercantile busi ness tp this place, under the name of B. C. Hardy A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and hereafter the bnsineta of said firm will be conducted by E. O. Hardy, who alone la authorised to collect and sottle the account, of said firm. ' . ' ' E.C.HARDY, 0. L. MITCHELL, ' , Busanvllle, Grant CcC Oregon, ' V.W.THOMPSON. Nov. 13,180. attOrn ' Washington Watron Road. THE . UNDERSIGNED ' WOULD P FORM . THE Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades I. well being kept In good traveling Order for wagons and .kv - " ' 'B.0.IIAKDV,. , Dalle. Jan. 11th 1806. Janlltf ' Sole Proprietor. KOTICE. I nERKBY WA11N ALL PERSONS from contracting or buying anything whatever from F. M. HUNT., whereby I will have. been thought by the public respon sible, as I am not, nor will I holdmysf If responsible for any of said F. M. Knntx's ao'. ' W.Fi MOFFAT. 8usauTllls,arant C0.Nov. 28, 1866. DAILY MOUNTAINEER . , POWER PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. ' First Street, between Main and B DALLES....... OREGON, JOB PRrtsTINC OF EVERY VARIETY ' . Executed with accuracy and dispatch. JJ.'A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY r . . , . with the very best, and AT SAXES AS CHEAP' AS THE CHEAPEST ,.( .,. .. . i to oamsst , ' .-.. Cards and IS i I I-Bi e adr CHECKS, DRAFTS, KECEll'TS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES .. , . FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. etc, etc, itc, ' PRIRTXn IK Till HOST ATTHACT1V1 KUtMUI. U0, ' WM-B1LLS. ' BILLS OF FARE, ' ''' LETTERHEADS. REVEU'TPOOKS. . , BILLS LADJXO, EJriels and ramplilet!!i. T7SITINQ, WEDD1KO AND "AT HONE" CARDS lirueieists'. Lnbel, In ahort, everything that can be done In a Bonk and Job Prlntiug Office, from the smallest and moat ritll atf', ,i I or Circular, to the largest site and most showy Pueting I ami. anu wimii win uv lumeu oui iii a sryie mat cannot I mil to insure enure aaiisiacriou. , " oci yacluTiM roa tin exscuTioit op DECORATIVE PRINTING In the moat beautiful Colore, Shade, and Tiute. Such as Taney Posting Bills I From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SJW W CARDS. i rCRFVUERS' LAHKLS.3r. Are uusurpnsseu ny tnose ol any other ostabllslimeut Id Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch ol tha I business, nnd are continually adding to our already exten- I si e auu wen appuiuteu aanorimeni Ol uiaienali NEW; TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the most modern and elaborate design.. Our stock oi FANCY INKS, TINTS. AC. Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color nod durability, caunot be equaled in the State. ' i I The principle upon which busiuess la asked for this e-I uuiisiiiueni is, mat persons will consult their own Inter-1 eata, by awarding their custom to that nOIre In which. I their money can be expended to the best advantage. To mis ena we solicit an in want oi gooa fruiting, at very I reasonable charges, to call and examine specimen and juuge lur yourselves.. . Orders from tbe Upper Counlry Will have' our special care, and! Mends from the Interior may rely upon having their order.' filled promptly, as we I HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS u.' V'-ln-'tlie Ktate of Oregon t '. ! 'Aadrea.:, ;';' . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE jnlB-tf Dalles. Oregon. ; JAUKSOiN SALOON ! COMER COURT AND SECOND BTREKTS, , ;, DALLES, OliKCiOJV. rwMlV. UNIIEnSIONRD, UAVINO RKMOTED 1BQU iJL lliB-UBLLA UMIOS" CELLAH, INTO t, Gatctst New Building-, Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve. I thlr niil,m.N with th h.at ' 7 '. . 1 . - . - ...... , , . Wlrics, liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFVOltDS. ; , ALSO, A ';'!;'':,;,;. .Jree Lunch. ! Kvery day and'evenlng. dec?-lf' KMIL 8CHUTZ, - Proprieror- CARRIAGE AND WAGON' MATERIALS Wl BUG TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Has ufacturera and Dealers, to the Large aud Com Met assortment of CAIIKIAUK and WAUON MATKRI ALB we are constantly receiving from the East, snecially selected for the California market,' comprising, OalLI IIlrAKU 'A QA,....l ,l..wl .Hl..01nlr 'I1Ih1-..h l-lu I agoa t'oies, iinua, ppoaes, teuoee, itiins, nualts, so. m. which we oiler at the lowest Cash Prices. ' Jttf Orders addressed to our honse will receive proita atieution. r n. w. jikauu m uu.t , Jelt:3m.' " '' 29 A SI Battery Street, Ban Vrancisco,' . r ' . nd 11 A 19 Seventh Street Sacramento. 0, WATaiioi!B. Ii. W. Ubaoo A Co- J. W. Lsarim I Ban Franolsco. 1 Sacramento. . Mew xork I TUB UNDERSIGNED BK08 TO INFORM TIIR CIT- I . isens of the Dal lea. and vicinity that he has received I ntS),i'llloB1ana wii . ,A.tteni Funerals on short 'notice. This I. the first, and at present, oalr I uearse in tne city. - i ' -': ' ' . I. M. KVAS5 lDklles,May 19,1M. my:n-tf. i O.H. HltOOKS, M. d: UALLliH) UlilUUJN