C3J Mtraractr. i Money Market. 9m Francisco Lecnl TanAer rotes how Vfurk Oi)ld Quotations .. :::::::S Epitome of Telegraphic News. fCOMPILlD riQM TU1 CREUOSUM. , DATES WO JANUARY 4. IFiufti'iion, Jan. 4. The statements in re lation to Pomeroy'e (Mexican uiiuhter) visit to the executive mansion onus 1st ot Janu ary ns contradicted, !. Sfmitor TrurutiuH will sovjiuit two Impor tant bills to tii e Satiate lo morrow. One of t'lftlll i in ina rira Jt lin Trrnat raan'i TnitAU Hud the other is to protect all persona in the United State in their civil right, ami furmab means tor their vindication' Toe following is ko sxbiuit of the business of the Pension Department for the year jn9t expired j. Number of applications, admitted from invalid soldiers, 18 300 j number of same rejected, 10,752 ; tip plicatiens admitted from 'widow's.' mothers and orphans, 21,962; same rejected, 15.000; cases stilt waiiinn to be dis iosei of, 87,000, ef which 31,160 are' from mothers and orphans. During the'laet moutk of the year 32,070 letters and circulars rtslat inir to -cases on file in the office have been mailed to parties Interested or to their attor neys. . ' ' ' r , Kataat CiVy, Jan. S. Advicc9 by the Santa Fe coach say tbat intense cold Heat-tier pre vailed on the plains. Snow bound trains lost nearly all their animals. Several teamsters were severely frozen, some fatally. Eleven men were picked up along the route in a help less condition aud taken to Fort Dodge lor treatment. , Neto Xurk, Jan. 4. The Tiaut' Washington epeciai says: The resignations of Gens. Kil iiatrick as Miuisler to Chile. Cox. Governor lect of Ohio, and Daves, Public Administra tor of New fork, have been accepted. The rendezvous for returned soldiers in Connecti cut, unone isianit ana New Hampshire are I broken up and all those tour States are mus MMl-ed out. Fnnr fninrtiini.a .rf Ilia Fifth IT X. (Cavalry, serving at Cumberland,' Mil., are or- uereu to nuriu varoiiim lor amy. &t. Louis, Jun. 3. Uov. Fletcher took pot neAflinn to-ilav nf til Kt ilaiipiih unit Atchisnn and Atchison and Western Railroads in con sequence ot the delimit of payment to the And intA.iMat. atwiird lnn f n A I law of' the Missouri Legislature passed last winter, nnaer which the roads were sold to ' Messrs. Strinfrfellnw fkhnrnA Clamanti-p And Burns. The Governor, appointed State agents to ODernte me road until t ie can he so a jain according to law. I New York, Jan. 4 Via Havana we have I mews of another revolution in St. Domingo. I Annlhnr rlinnalf ahAnb man Tall ! Mnln I Itico at midnight on the ilttti ult. : No serious a Hiaiua-gc.- ....... i I . Some official news frem tbe city of Chihna hua to the 24th of November is received. -' Jtiar'pf. and his fahtfiat. Ministers and fin jyreme Court, and other functionaries arrived Lia uninuanua, ine uapttoi or me Mexican tte- 1 . vv w.h , WUM Wu TI I I. U n-l U and enthusiastic reception and quite popular iniin n fin ma 7 in nir anff mAV wtrn vApm I ...!. . " .... 'UV0UUU. - , I . The Minister of the Interior iasuea on the I Zlat otwovemoer a circular to the Uovernors . I C, . .. i I .1 . I . .1 . . oi amies, luiuruiiuir toem mil lob naunnt IUoveroment will be in Chihuahua for tu tha , . The people are rejoiced at baring get rid ef . L . - tuo ricuuu wuups ... . , i News frem the interior is represented as a Aniir'arlnn' for tha NatinhaLiata ' 1 ' ijan fiaafffc -la PcAairluttr .nf ftiA l7atlMkltA bavinz accented ami itarv noaitioa nuder 4h ii " ; . UU' Ql UIUCU bt .. . ' , ' IXew York, Jan, 4. Advices from Hayti to the 24th confirm the news of lb bombard ment of (lana Havtien and thA Vrint nf tkti rebels.' Tbe place was -seriouslr damased. Iroreigu renaents toon remge on ooara 01 toe American "vessel of war, A number of protnJ inent rebels were found 'in tbe bouse of tbe )urittsn uonsui ana captured. Maximilian sent tbe Empress of France i medal of merit In recogtition of iter exampl In vlaitlno IhA'nhnlApA hrvVnilala At a relifflous ceremonv Held atmnanalaiine fldalgo on tbe 12th, 5, 00C person were pres nt, mostly Indians. ' ' - 'tTtiA 'TttinAriala rtatni Ahntnae Wt(tnpa Aviv the tlepblican forces near Contli' in wbicb ,. - r . i-.j ' r o . i - i. ; 1 1 j usinuivuiiinimDr uruiura ounisurt was milieu. Maximilian nas appointed uon lOts barega Asiisiani ecreiarv or poreiirn Aiiaira. an Jon Maouei tf. viurteres Hixecuttve ouperm kendent ot the introduction into Mexico Of uooite laoorers. ' , ;:. . ,-. , Qin fttitntalnA'a npIvAlA lAnpaUra waa LW UU, V. U . . . . V . f T,.,V V,U.H1 If WW V aaataAfcArt Atl thfl 2?th nf NnAliliAP An AAA of r- ...... I 7 7 ',7 tnemgnways, oy on military escort wiia i the 'Tlia -R anntiltARa tlAll tatfAn tknaaaaalnni Lha tnaan nf T.A PftA, in TjAVAl riAl-vfnpniA u.K" - - " 1' - ,f AATvice had exoired were: to leave Vara . bllMht hnnflrn IAniul IPAAni ahm. .lafma 1pn ah thA &4th.. . Ae'Airrlval thAPA nf nt.hAea from France was daWy looked for. It is reported tbat iiaximntiao's Minister of Porelgn ACfairi, Romderal, stale tbe fl Ln- .f .Ka fmnanlol fl ABAMwIlmArtir aaataj' i poly he inocesi of the loan in tbe London mark ket 3 i r r J - J ..! n.l..fc1.H If A 1 lii grJMibii kdhoten 10 IbVIropbrW -cause'. WALDROJl IUIOS.. Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon, Viris now occupy o'ua new two btoky kirr prmif Stune tiulldlni;, opposite Ulocli, Miller A Co and offer to the public a lull and complete stuck of v. uhs, ucuiuun auu iiuiiiicuia, cnuaisiiug III ptirt OI KKH0SKNK. LAMP WICKS CUIMNKYS, AuiHci.'iina) uuro, ALCOHOL, 8AOB. , ACIBS. " .' ' Sl'ONORS. -. L1N8KKD, V LEKCI1K3, LAItU. COIIKS. : CASTOR AND INDIOO ANTI i NKATSKOOT OIL, , : LANP1II.ACK, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES,' SUPPORTERS. ' v AND : ; PATENT MlfiDICIlVKS. Our stock of FANCY 00DU8 I of the flnost and beat IM,uii; new siyira onq urxe assortment, such aa uv,iinu,ni,iur,Dlll, 11A1IV, I 11 III M'Q UL,11.II luti v ...... ' LUBlN'STOILIfilSuAP, FLKSII. ru.uauKS, , , SIIAVINa, C08MKTIC3, . HAT, - ' HAMt 011.9, CLOTH'S. COLOONB, - MOTH ANT1 . , - iANCV SOAPS AND NAIL HltUSIIRS jluul-u run visits, AND CO.MUS. PTJRB WINES AND LiatJORS, Fori vu( iiwiiuivii lor uuymg rooob are second to noti In th At lit a arl urn aIhiII at -II .1. .n ,. tui.ii itum liunit. iouu uiei ana tnnii oruntfl. pursicuxs' ruKscKiPTioxa Care 'eftlllv comnnumlpd at all hnnt-a nf 41.- J .tl.X Ih.ll- B-...A lii """ "'"" I t 15 Jl O V J. JL,' GATES & OIIA.PXN, WHOLESALE k RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Have Removed to , RUDIO'S S rOAK UUILDIIYG, WABIIINQTON STRKKT. DALLES. "rmHERB we will cotitlniw to ell articles nmially v KCa in n rirni-vuuta urujr oiore, ai au percent. LKfl.S THAN ANY HTilii k liu Till fi-rv ...t- CUIIBUIS 1U plVCUI Patent iloilicliies, Pure WlnnR anrl nramlv. xvxiractfl, - Spongt, v " Truues, Braces, Pal nte. . Varnishes Fancy ft Coininuu iiuup, uuir e run nog l.'nrkM. AH.Ir. UOfith Powder, Ald-DOl. ' Oils, Bohemian Toilet Sets. Hunnorters. An. PnTSICIANS' PRKSCRIPTIOXS Carefully Compounded. Olve in a call aud satisfy y.iar- , uviuia iurciiiuiug OI new nei"e. U. L. CUAPIN, nUtf JUSTIN O KTV.H TO TEA31STEKS AND DAIKYMEi I FEED! FEED 11 BRAN, " SHORT, AND FEED Of ALL KINDS, FOR 8AE BY r. fer. law; 2a Frnnt Rtis,at. nl9:t Opposite 0. S. N. Warehouse. J. 80ETZ, DaHes. F. KOBNIOSnKttORn' San Erauclsco, J. GOETZ Sc CO. T r r a r r r -.i . t - . ' ' KuaiO'S JM ew Stone Euildino- Washington 8treoJ, near French Oilman's, and hava AruiilBil a wol 1 ..( Ari atutlr .. II 1 V 1 VI 1 J T. itlujinin n isi VIBOINIA and WKRTBItN TOBACCO. ntUNCH and 8COT0U SNUe-F, ' MKKIthCHAUM and other PIPES, PLAYING CARDS, -. 8 PORTING GOODS,' " .'. INDIAN and FA.NCV GOODS, Ac.. Ac . The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIERliAM At. WKNT1 ..frmTtffrj. OLOBK HOTEL BUILDING,' jtf-FtTVbX DUes City, tave en hand a variety wwiii. -n-M uuusenoia f urniiure. embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus w awa iiaaaiiuui9UBLenuB,ueuaing.tjarpeis etc., etc., all of which will be sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Alee, ou hand Mattresses and,Plllows. Spring Deda made to order, aula NEW AUCTION HOUSE. T. M. WARD & CO., TjOTION-EisilSa Court Street, below Mnin. VTILL SELL AT AtCTIOIf AND ON COMMISSION tate, New and Second Hand Furullure, Farm Produce, Horses Ac, Ac. , ,, uirvtvria' ..j-'wi.ioiBn,un . . , w w uaawrni iuereimnaine, mining E5tocK8. Jtval Es , . i,u ,ui,yAwji.iu uuuub. oiil-door and, Special Bales promptly attended to., llegalar Sale TueNdays and Saturdays. Liberal Advance made on Consignments nissnl.tllAA of rn.Do.i .... ' DISSOlutlOn Of COAParfncrshtn TIIK CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under I jb i iw ioiiiw- wiu oijtw vi Huuiiino, PMrAJtLAND A CO., Is this day dissolved fcy mutual oonseat. All lia. all debts due laid ftrm to be palif to and collected by , I.1I1IIIHO, i ' ' ' O.MoFARl.ANn. Dallei, JaB.6(lMH i !,i ,,.,,'1 O. W.WBAVBIl. All persons Indebted to ni Will pleaae oall k p0fn .Ttiiin street.' uaues. , waouatLi amb retail miui is. i : i ' CIGARS. TOBACCO. SNUFF. PIPES, :&o..) . ALWATB llf STORK THK nnT HtiNIH ft t Clears, Tobacco, patches, &c. ItUKXlXH vAttPB. , . , .:..1- ,. .. . POCK KT CUTLERY. .... -i POUT M0N1K8. . .,, , . COMBS and BltUSHES. o all kinds, .. . PEKFUMKRY. ot evNry description. A .',-' CHINA Olt.NAMKNTS . TOYS, DOLLS, etc, ' - - FISH HOURS and FISniNO TACKLE, ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 11. i u,;: . X ,1 U & uuuuoi au, , .. ,.. Alao I'owilHr.Hltnt I.aa kl V1D1.. n..t. ... - , . - -iij. TiaaniinnH,uD many other articles too numerous to mention. . . ATd Tn.rl,..uu . . rt, n, .Li'- .......... .n.ia n,,jieu will! l.lCHril. AOUAQCO.eCC. .vn. k,,n rui,iu (tllUUB, Willi ireiRIlt AUIiea'. OC-B ( V13BY IMPORTANT Merchants, Families,1 Hotels and HAK-BOOMS, . JULIUS KltAEMEIt UAV1NO llOUOIIT THE KN tire Stock of Merchandize ami Uonk Ar,ii,nm .if ti,a late Arm ot M. Seller A Co., tn thin city, to which he lias added of his own Importation (while dniiiir buniiiusa lu Portland! an l.n...a..u. 1, r .1. , . ...j. , - ,u,iuDu.g UMvk ui nia uDSl llllllllllHClUreU jrocKery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, - thandcllcrH, v vTablc Cutlery L.ooklng-GlageN and AH Kinds of OllsV a xytuiuauinniMintuuHifniN, I BrSOni WISH- Ing to buy aay of the nbovo-nientldned article, will do well to Rive in a call before piirclianinc elsewhere. All f l. M, 1,- n . .. j .. viuuia iiiu me inieriorproiuiiiy aiieiulea to, and goorle packed to (to eeenre. Don't lull to call on me, . iiuuios stone JJUUdiug, W aabinirtnn atreet, Lallea. JULIUS KltAKMBB. Dalles, March 17th, 1806, mliHtf . BOOT AlD SHOE STOISU. AVYCKMAJN ; PEMOVKD 1118 BOOT AND STIOH . ,.j "IT-"iv vauiisj a ilrtll, nilUlf) III) nil Juat renelved, direct from San Friincinco. aa iia- IWIIull Anaan.1 aa.nl 1 ...I .....J a . I at HAurl w minnylt a f...ta. lln -.t i. . " 'J UIWUMJU IIVCII OI BOOTS AND SHOES, 7 of theerybeat quality and lato.t itvlaa - - EVER BROUGHT TOTHIS MARKET, Including tile celebrated KNOI.ISII HUNTING; 8HOB mauufActured by llenkert. Also, a large amortinent of Ladles' and Clilldren'ti Gaiters, ui ma latent styles, Junt received from the boat Phil adelphia makers. Also, a yery large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS:"1 1- jlraTlantlemen who nrnTur l,nv. ,t,ai t, ..... at , . , ........ v ...a,, vuuta vr oilim made toirder, can rolj upon otitiilnlng a neat and easy 0t. I. WYCKMAN. Main ... nt4t OuDoilte Mmwl'. ll11 1A..,0. KRA.nKOJR.I, . IMPOltTEK AND JOBBER 01" ' IViiies Sc Liquors, FRONT STREET, , , Portland,,. - - OreEan. OFFERS F0 SALE A YKEY LAItQE ASS0UT nient of Brandies, ;',."...'.- ''...-!:,'";-.; Wines, . Liquors, ', - . ' Case - Goods.' Tha Ti-aHa (b nn r I ri H.iJ ti . , . " ..... ,j si. v avcm (U OMUtHIO PIT NOTICE TO PARMCDo - i wJiiTA.1 1 iitu receimy Miactieu FIaOURING IMILUa' to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and are now nrannrafl t, minis wun iiNtunu-nun . VAinn. ami warrant tn give tie best satisfactlou. On ' iauu,uiuiiu nilkAl lug FXTKA FAMILY FLOOR, : - ' SaCvNDS OR MIDDLINGS, ' BRAN AND SHORTS. ' ! CHOP IfKKn. niTinirviEr vvvn . , V Mf. . Also, a Snnarlni actlol nt nnnv imif a 1 J' h Wiest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN a BARLEY. . ir. a. nnaiiK. int Dulles, Not. J, 186S. ."' "n3tf AUCTION AND COMMISSION. J OH 1ST WILLIAMS, lVo. 100, Main Street; Dalles Clti KTSTILL ATTEND TO THB 8ELLINO At AUCTION In ,T , npm a.,ins, iirocerifs Uorses,New and Second Hand Furniture, Stacks, o, Ac neguiar sales Day Saturday. i "swuwwi iv in mur uuri oi liberal Advances made on Consignments aimum. , I , , JUI1N WILLIAJIfL AilnHanA., LINCOLN! HrtMcSC - - - . . i w w a i Corner IVasUlngtoa and Ft6nt Street! ' - PORTLAND, OREGON. IJ1IRST-CLAS8 nOTEL. LARGEST IN THB STATE V Charffes Reasonaaki... , - .... . AN OMNIBUS will attend alt tha Boats and convey "t,, hSS. .cTry''io f... ti a' una. a in mt n ;S",.S.Kf.I.''' Proprietor. rnmiengers ana ineir baggage , to the House Frea of t.RjtOT Ann rvH.r, hathS .iii- .-a a..i i. a . . " , , f 'u"over, aiontl- "v ni, amwm wiwai ma sjiucoin House Wharf sepuom . . ,, , , . :, , OFF1CB-7 SECOND STREET, between Washington mT a.. . ir n FRANKLIN MARKET. C0BNZK OF SkCOND AND WASHINGTON iBTltESTS Li. DAllES, 0REG0NmZ.i. M JOHNEPP1NGKR PropHeto rHlH K UNDKltWONKD . havlna attfNl nntlia aliorn Murkut In flia UK- T STYLE, will keou constant- ' ly on band all sorts of ' .'" ; ' , "-f I Fresh and Cured Meats, , Of the best quality furnished at Die LOWKST RATI ' ,. ..( Sly motto is to PLEASK ALL." -. lf PARTTKS IIAYINO 8Ul'KltIOIl STOCK FOR 8ALI U'lll .1.. wall n 11 .1.- .'... ...... ... uv --ii w ni iiia cninniiu iiinrHei. JOHN Kl'PlNQElW Dalles, Fobruary 10th, 1806. WASEaiNCiTON MARKET '' eonsta-or -. - . i -'. COURT AND SKCOND STRKKTS. DALLES, OREGOr ' JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor.- Jft! WIL,l, keep ; 0 f)-.-pcon8tantl,v on hand all the Tarle- j aiiwmiw nun mo naraei can possibly . atlord, of . FRKSH &; CURED MEATS, ana always of the bi st qnalltv. 1 ,: FAMILIES,. HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS " , , i supplied on reasonable terms. -. , "i f.., Tbe undcrslpm-q Is always prupared to pay the blKh est cash price for tfAT OATTI.K. , Parties Laving stock; in good condition, are requested to call on hint bnf..a, go ng elsewhere. ' J0UN MICUliLUACIl. Dulles, March 31st, 1865. , , ,; uh81tf CITV MARKET. . . LAHKER & Co., Proprietors. Will keen cunstnhtlr on hanil !.. i..t " M EATS, OF A L L Kl IVUS. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATftOXAGEla -- 1 aaaAVW VV 1 SMI KIKJ, assortment of Meats and of as good as oual- the country alfurds: and wll VIII Deliver the same to PumhasAra tn ri, M .U Vi.li Part aa liavinv Htmuln o.nab- . .. . -. "1" luraiiB will uo Well M give us a cull before disposing ollt elsewhere. - Southeast oorner of WiieliliiRton and Third Sts." - i Ppposlte Roster's UlacksmitU Shop. M. BROWN & BRQ.. PANCY AND STAPLE! DRYGOODS! . GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr. M. DROWN. hatnA U..o.- L: . JI!,,.!!?J,,)ri'i ! """'K"1 liidcements to purchasem. . ""'' ,"'" " fuuno loeiauuneonr stock befoirt purchasing elaawliare., BilS-ti Btuna Store, nurth side Main atreet, Dalles, nj NEW, SALOOX. NEW STONE STORE. WARTtTN'fifnv oti,o ' TP1.? yE'ND wpuld respectfully annou"ne" ri?T ,Bt, "'""Pen first-elm, Saloon In Freuch nuJ.New 8toiieDnlldiug, TltISBVENlNa,and2 prepared to serve cuiluuicrs with the best of 7 nines, Liquor and cigai-s. ' also; a EKEE LUNfltr Every day and Evening. ' " H , '.- oc28tt ' JOHN ItlNDLAllB, -. Ti IT! Tt At AVatchiiiakcr aiid Jeweler, A-,in o itct I f DALLES, u ' 8Fctacr.VCnri.r"y;io:, . EL wlrTr"A, U Kr V1""0" P' "P'lrlng tneiVlwisl patches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repalredbi ' .N;iB1" tA"' fr,om tUe uPPr "onntrr, by Expraai ' or otherwise, ppffiptly attended to. ... . ... ... , , TT. MRS. L. WHITE'S ; 1MEW PHOTOGRAPH EOOMs! 1 - . U'a8ltlnstbn . HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP TIiE OALLERToVer those m.hi?g 8 W0.uld1"P"ly . to .7 i Photogriiphs Carts do Tlsite, ItL'-l: .that they will do well to give her a call. Particular eV ; SSl'tE ,"g UJ,M Uid drn" i ' Ulssoiution Notice. THE00-PARTNER8HIP heretofore existing betwavi A. LAUBR and K. 8CHUTZ. under t in mimlj Lauer8c,ut,, lu the Jack-on m",, Y. hTsTayoiSi solvei by muiual consent, Mr. Lruer having sold o?t I u Interest to B. Bchuta. who Will wnthuStSJ, ' hiM0."rI,aC?",' " f't due the late nr "lU paid ,t0 K- Bc!lu",.' h0 wl" "' " liabllitlesV , . Dalles. Deo. 1st.,' 1806; ' , : " . ' ' i'Jnuvn' Thankful for past patronage," the undersigned loii' rtP.ttoldll.J,J,"i0nn hmT' h at the old stand ready to dispense hi. ebnlce liquors J. W. GURLEY, DENTISTV i-imiu t., uaiiea, Oreon. f Tk II 1)UIun,n... P TyOWLD RESPECTFULLY INFORM , :. u, hub pinco ana nt cliilty, that having returned from a pro- """ oi inis place and tJ S ... vnruugii ine mines. tie has 1 1 I 1 r again resinned the iirnntice of DENTISTRY, In the roam' formerly occupied by 1,1,,., In the JiulldUig iaupled by, Wood 4 Butler, Photograph Artists, and fiuWig Wak droj Bros.' Dr.ug Store. U. Uke Uilsiu.tl.od I of t tending thanks, for-tlie liberal patronage heretofor. e tended to him, and solicits a oontinuauce of the aea - " - list -or ' pntcks.' Entire Denture oa Oold Base....'..U,.,.i;;.i;.$180 to $22 " Upper Denture, Gold Bae.....J,.,., go , " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base 84 ' flS Gold Fillings Inserted from onedollar upward ;r" CkUdrens' Teeth extracted free af oharge. eelW' ' PlgsoIutloM Notice.' ' "i THB MRM OF J". W. MILLER A CO. have"iiMrSy" disposed of their entlrastock.'ln this city to aleaar BunneH A;Miiler, who will cantlmi -the busing .Tli same rtand. . Mr. Thomas Miller la authorbted to aJiu all llaUlitie. and collect all debts due, AU niSa, knowiagthemaelveelndsbtedwUI pleaaenoo and settle and save ccts. i -.--:. .J."w, MTrrVu Aar. gie aau sive oostsi -.. . .- . JoJml tbim UouatoUK .toiri.nd'otoillyr', City, Kn. 23d, 1864. .0.. -i