8ATUEDAY MORNING, JA?f. 13, 1860. l v . - 7 Owing' to the ndn-arrivui,. of, our paper supply, we are compelled to use ' brown paper in a part of this morn i rig's ic-sue. Titt .KsaisTRY Law. At the Spe cial Session a registry law was passed,' ' which takes effect at once. The first regitaraiiuii uuiuiuouuus uu iuubi, tsix.iy , days before elootion, and the registers must bo closed thirty days before that V event.- The County Court of each county is empowered to appoint a Precinct Register for each procinct, " and he must be a freeholder. A strin gent oath ia roquirod of persons ap pearing for registry, unless of those -who have reoeivod the amnesty of the President j' all such may plead their free pardon for acts of rebellion, and - avoid the taking of the oath. It seems that all who are worth less than $20,- 000 have experienced executive clem ' ericy,, unless proscribed for holding of- fioe in the rebel government, and Jrom this fuot it is fair to infer, that the .practical working of the law will not be "to prevent the unspeakable calam ... :.'- li ! r:. .....!... i . .ti sty ui niiuwiug iimsbuui iuub to vuiu , ' but, on the contrary, it demands that all men who havo never been in rebel lion shall take, the test oath, while those who have been, and are pardon ed, go scoisfree." It is properly a law ; to compel Union men to swear alles : gianco to what they were always iq favor of, and to fan the animosity of ex-rebels, without in any way im. peding them in' participating in the eloction.' A little common sense would have taught, that it is easier to induce theBO. ex-rebels to vote right, by ar gumeot, than to control them by pro qcription, A registry law is a good thing; for if 'the electoral right. is worth having it is worth guarding, until' absolute purity is secured "in elections. Without this securi(,y( .elective government is a farce ; it is anarchy intrenched behind the forms of law ; the mob ruling the intelLi genge' of the country. But this regis y tpy,,law is not worth th paper it is written on. It involves a considera . bl expenditure of money; it creates a little army of office-holders; it ap ' plies to Union men the tests intended. ; for ex-rebels: ic recognizes the. anl (' mosities engendered by the civil war, ; Without in any wise remedy ing them ana, ia snort, is impotent except lor tW purpose of rousing, the bad pas. ' Blocs of men, without adding ono ad r' optional security, to the elective fran . ' .11 4 I t. 1 L. 1 ' . A . 1 . ,' certain of the journals of the Pacific Coast to. bo, advocating the. adoption Of the greenback currency, when the government is about to retire it from -cifcjilatlippir eldwly it is true, but nev Sertheless it is to be. taken up. as fast as practicable. ' -v; 'ry- ' ';. . Lord : Palmers ton's mother, was poor li iso girl, named Mary 'itee the 4augnter, ot a natter; ia audiio. . li -lath,er,a;'n)arriae with - the. irirl was i -violation ' of- aristooratio - usage, but Ijilli. IV. '.A'. . . il- .' . .. - prouaceu a grwai rmprovement in tn blood and brains of the family.1 ' ' ' NT: aJtfarysyille postoffloe is, in on. a'etiBCiS qf . atorps,VAgreatnai J-bag ttoreaoose. PrincIpal.ij.for..Qregon the: division op the: static. The avidity with which the propo- lion to divido the State of Oregon has beon seized upon by men of all purtioBjjesiding in all sections of the State, is the bost proof that can be of fered of theucceptability of the scheme to the public- mind; and it is also an evidence of its wisdom, which cannot bo controverted. Commenting upon this topic, the Oregon Statesman re- arks : A .. , ... . "This will doubtless be aquestion in the nxt canvass. It is to bo goner ally discussed. The proposition, now stands as follows: Give Oregon all west ot trie Uiiseado mountains, and lying between California and British Columbia; form a now State -or Ter ritory oast of tho Cascades, out of the territory which would bo detached by the Cascade line from Oregon arid Washington. It will lake time to rc- complish it, and by the time the ma chinery can be set at work, the people east of the mountains may be ready and able for a State organization. We lire iu iuvur in uio ui vision, una sugi gost to the poople thtt the question one to bo rensoned about with good feeling and common senso, and not one which should bo influenced by1 politics or sectional prejudice. The nterosts ot the two sections. are di verse in many matters, and require luginmuuu ouimuio iu meir pocuiiur circumstances. It is for the beet in terests of both sections that the ques tion be met and disposed, of as be comes nion who desire to promote the nterests of each other.and the general welfare of all." i This is a subject of vast moment, when we tbiiik that by this division another State 'will be added to the Union, and by it that Oregon is to take on those boundaries which she will probably retain as long as the American Union endures. In form- ng States and Territories, it is too frequently1 the. Case that the bouncla- ies are not sufficiently considered in their relation with the progress of events. Thus, if it had been said six years ago that the Columbia' Basin would bo yielding twenty odd millions of gold and silver by this time, the prophecy would have been treated with derision; even now, there are those who cannot realize the proba ability that in ton years this interior Will have its fields and pastures oc cupied ; its industry upon a sound and productive basis : its water-power util lzed ; the navigation of its rivers im proved, and thousands of enterprises of public and private, importance go. ing successfully forward. ' If we take this division scheme in band, canvass it in the light of reason, without prejudice, sectional or politi cal; weigh well the probabilities; ad just the causes of 'difference which may arise in our now condition, we may, by timoly forethought, have the arrangement placed upon a basis mus tually beneficial to all parties 'in in terest. Upon the question of boun daries, it is particularly desirable that much reflection should be spent; and by discussion and ai comparison of views we shall, have, a proper under standing of the matter in its various phases... '' v.; ' 'V ; Upon this point we may notice inn ciden tally, that the -Vancouver ,' Jftegis ter, in a recent issue,'does not appear, to think" that,', the i Cascades liange of, neoossity creates a conflict of interests betwoen the two sections of Washing. ton Territory. It' is : a, remarkable circumstanco that ail the legislation affoetibg the right of transit oa 'the portage tho ..Columbia Eiver baB een done by the representatives of that, portion of Washington Territory, whose constituents have never hud any commercial connection with tho Columbia Busin. Tho , Jiegister must' be aware that there is a little band of official reptiles living oyer on v tho Sound, that has traded and fattonod pon this question of tho commerce of the Columbia Basin. The facts are notorious and calf aloud for reform a' tion ; and if there was no other reason for the rectification of the boundaries! of Oregon and adjucont territories, it would be found in .the .fact that the earost interests of the people of the nterior are legislated upon by men ho have no interest in the matter, beyond an annual subsidy of blackmail. It is reported from New York that that the Owyhee cinnabar is not cin nabar at all, but an oxido of iron. This is probably an incorrecl state ment, as the ores were tested at Owy hee beforo any of them were sent oast. he method of testing cinnabar is so mple that it seems impossible that there should be any mistake about it. Suicide. Bybee, who was fined $10 few days since in this city, for "care- ess shooting," (at another man) com mitted suicide two or three days sinfce n Tygh valley, by blowing his brains out with a pistol., It is now discovered that cranberi ries will grow finely on the marsh lands of California. Heretofore the principal products have been bullfrogs, polliwogs and mosquitoes. Waioo Lodge; So. 13, P. A. & A. M. - Holda Its stated Communication on tlie Firnt and Third Saturdays of each month, at their hall, fn Dalles City. ureinren in good standing oro invited to attena. BKTU Li.VQVB, BeO'JT. . . . I)J OMCr 01 IU W. 01. Colombia Lodee, No. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets everv FrldaT eveninff 1 at 61 o'clock, iu Gates' HuIjL corner of Iseconl anil court tttreets. iirotners in nalhg are invited to attend, By order. N.O Bloch, Millet; Cot, WHOLESALE , & R O O. es , ' AND DEALERS IX i : ' ' , l - And Importuri and Jobben of CLOTHING-1 Boots & Shoes, - Under Clothing, ; ; ; N. ; y lilatikets, etc.,' etc., ' etc. XSSA.Y OFFICE. WE IUVB AV AFSAY OFFICE I N TON N KCTIOTI vKhour liusinem, under the entire-siipenisien of Mr. Miller. We make returns in llara In hix limirs We KUaruntee all onr Aesnvs lind pay the IIKIUKST CASH PK10H for linrs. We nlso pay the lilglieiit Cash Price fur Gold Hunt. i DbOTII, MI1.I.KK V)., myOtf Cor. Main anil Wn8hiiiKtn stivet. Dalles. Orcffoii Steam Kavlgation Co. WINTER ARKANCEMENT. sxsizxzs:- ssssctssasa exzHrxstt ON AND AF1KH MONDAY, NOVBMDEB 13th untl further notice, .Xlto Passcneror Train to connect with stenini-ra FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the' K. It. DF.l'OT SAI.LK3 CITY, ou Mnndnyri, Wednesdays, and Friday , at 4i30 A. Bl. "ONEONTA" or "IDAHO," CATT. J. McNULTY.............. ..Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sitmluys e'1 cepte J) at 5 o'clock, A. M..couuectiut oy the CA8UAUJ5 itniuiuAU, with the steamer ' "NEW WORLD" or " CASCADES," CA1T. J. WOLF,... ... Commander, lb. Portland. W. B. BKADFOHD, Dalles Not. 18,1865. n!2tf Aneut o. s. K.uo. lulL. corn ;oodyfSn ACKSON'S OREGON. CIDER ., ( FOR SALE BY, t , . GEO. THATCHER &, Co. FRESH BUTTER, From' Joslyn'i Celebrated Dairy, For Bale at ' ftl. RE.IG'8. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES! A. . BOOTH ..HiKBT XITIBOK. BOOTIt'&fNEVISOPif, Forwarding anil Commlskton Merchanta AND DELEKS1N OENKtt A1 MKUClIANBISK, ..' wiiito Biwir, , ivy. ;.x. THEIQIIT FOR COLVILLK, UPPER COLUMBIA MJ KOOTENAI und BLAOKFOOT MINES promptly lurwarded. 1 Mark Goods B.. It N. White Bluffs, W. T; . BErKRKRCKS ! Portuss lllcliard A McCraken, Alloa k Lewis, and ... nougo a i;aiei. ' DiLLts Bloch, Miller a Ca Freuch A Oilman. JnTt.f TI1E COOSE 1 1.tLS J; A. FORBES WTAVINQ PURCIIAKSD the Family Grocery Bus! M.M. ness of C. L. JEWELI-, Ksci.. corner of Socond and WaHhinKtou Streets, would respectfully announce to-the publlo that be will keep a large and well-selected Stock GROCERIES ( ( , : -, '' - . . 1'KOVISIUNS, - . .'i,-. FRUITS. . ao..'Ac..Ao. His facilities' for nurchaslnz are such us will enable nuu to sen at prices unit aety competition, uive me call. . , . , .'. J. A. FURUES. Having: disposed of my Family Grocery aud Provision Business to j. A. Forbes.. Eso I would aek fur him a continuance- of the patronage so liberally extonded to me. IJU1W1I. u.ltlKWJCU. FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, ... . ... ... . AND , " Dress -MnKInat Establishment, , Oppoilta Cohn & Bohm'a ,. r ilf I WOULD CALL Tli'B'ATTENTION of the Lad'iol the Dalles to my large And nne stock; of flowers; embroiderV,' - BOASETS, U 4TS,: FEATHERS , Dresi T,rminliitj8,, Sco Havlnc secured the services of MRS. FRARY. In the Drese Malting epartmeut, wo will do all work-in that line and iruarantea perfect satisfaction. -. ' -: t - . I DYlHWKlonaineiiooiors. , . ; i : , ULv me an early call, and I will endeavor tn'snlt everybody In TAB I K and at HKASOH A1ILH f BiUES. fartiealar.attenuonpaiato.il . ivi!,i .,) . i m i i EmbroWery and Braiding Stamping,1 Isaac F. IIlocii, baji t runctsco. C. S. Iili.kh. ijiu. ScuAnuAriiEn, Dalle. SELLING OFF A.T COST . for thirty dais longer ! ! last chance: -aV-KSSnS. COIIN & BOIIM would hereby Inform Xf Jl their cuitomers and the public nt hiriio, that they will coutlnue to sell AT COST, for thirty days loniter in order to givo one a chance to make presents fur tha Holidays. Ve will sell the balance of our stock, con sisting of Kb h Black Silks, ' . Gents' Clonus, Rich Poplins, ' Beaver Coats; , Clo-ks, Dress Coats, ' . ; Shawls, l'onts, Dry Goods, Embroideries, t Ilati & Caps, . Boots Shoes, ... to., Ac., Ac, Ac, ' AT SAN FUANC1SCO COST, Without Frelgl-t and Exp-Mise. This will' be the Inst chance to get bargains, prior s closing tho cqnoeru, , COHN A B011M. N.B.-All Bills must be paid by th First of January 1806. If not settled within that tiu Mie same will M placed iu lexal handB. UeJIt MlLLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. TrMTISS O'llOCRKEDESIRESTO INFORM the J.TJL Ladles of Dalles and vicinity, that sue has just received a fresh supply of TTnsliioiiatol Goods, , The latest f'nrla. New York and Ban Fruncls'co styt of BONNETS, HATS, JUDBONS, LACKS, fKATHERS, FLOWERS, ac A full nnd well-selected usHortmeut of Ladles' Ready-niade Garments. ' - ' Also, a Fashionable assortment of I DRESS TRIM Ml N G S I . STAMPING for Embroidery and nialdfnu. PINKING done at short notice. HON NETS Bleached and Tressed In the latest style. A targe assortment of . ., , . ; Children's Ready-Male Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Ulans JJress luaaer, i am firepareu io cut ana us Ladlosl nnd Chihlren's DREHBE3 and CLOAKS. THIRD STREETj one square east of the Catholl Church.. , ., ,j . oc21:Sm. , ' TOYS ! TOYS ITOYS I TOYS I FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the' Holidays, we recommend all dealer! In that' line to the BASKET AND TOY EMPORIUM of TllCMAUKR A y.tm, 88) and 322 Battery Street, n28:3m-- .. San Franclsoo. , JOSEPH ELFELT, WnOlOAU AMD IITAIL SIALU IN ' Fancy-& Staple Dry1 Goods, CLOTHINC. . BOOTS AND SHOES, '- ' BATS AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Coodsr Fire-proof Stone Store; corner of Main And Court Streets. ' , . oc4-tf Hrxat mm. M ARTIN & MTJltPIIY, . Attorneyi-at-I.aw. 1 ' " i ' OFFICES Idaho City, Boise County, 1. 1i Cnby City wjboe County I. T. . . .,. . .. acltf.. I H Coal OI1J Coat OUto .-:,'x JUST RECEIVED AND FOB BAI.S' ' I ' " by JulOtl GATES k CHAPUf.