f!'fi'i: t; DALLES, OREGON, S ATUUDAi JANUARY 13, WOO. ; . . ' . CSS,.' '-.',!. : tiuw 7 I ." i .1 ;.4T ! f'i'rf. ! j 'r : . r lTBLlSUEI) EVERY MOUNJNG, I (MONDAYS KXUKPTKO,) BV j. ' E. G. COW iVE & J. IIAIM-ORAX, CUlrOM AMD PUOPIIIXTOK9. '....,' I'srms Twf. Httt-totcmtt per week, payable Co the cnn-iec per muiitli, by until, il; three months, &2oo, ilx iiitliH, 6; sue year, $S. Advertisements inserted at low rates. ... Job Printing. . Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe r ntetl witli neatness anil despatch, and forwarded as per ori,Mr tn any part of the country. uynunt Jor Job Print in mtut be made oh delivery oj work. . . . , . f UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. IIAXDLUY &S1NNOTT, I'rop'rs. THIS P IPUHH MOUSE, OIKTRAU.T LOCATBD, , "' . Hoar tho Steamboat Landing & Eailroad Depot, llm hoon recently enlarged aud Improved, aud will now accommodate ; i ; 300 GUESTS. fTT WIU UK CONDUCTRD u heretofore. e a FIRST il CLASS HOUSE, end the patrouage ol' the traveling public Is reHpectt'ully eoliclto-l. , u'f Bagno tukeu to the House free of charge. Ilonse upon all night. . , ' LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES D.illos, Oct. 4-tf. ... . . ' EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIM BTBKIT, DA1.1IS, ORtOOM, . , THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. is to osjitrs or bosikess, t . . . . ; Near tne Steamboat and Eailroad Landing! Superior Accomuiodationa for Families and can Ao commodate One lluudred aud lifty Uuesta lloali. ............. 60 oet. . " Lodging., 60cts. lre Proof Safe for deposlteof TnluableB.' U, Iloime open all night. Baggnfte taken to the Houm free of uharga. . 'I'HOMAS SMITH, mh8-tf ' .' Proprietor. SPRING AMD SUMMER GOODS, FKUMH 8TOOKI . - . DlISEBEItr A; BROS., IJalles and Walla Walla, : PKALBRS IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Miners' Outfits, , , Boots and Shoes, :"w: ' " ' " Clothing,' (' ; ( . :t .'". ' Hats and Caps, . '.,.,'' ..Groceries,' And a Ml auortment of General Merchandise. Baying our Uoodt ezclunlvely In the San Francisco market, an makiiiK none but cash purchases, we are enabled tqi ae I 20 per cent, cheaper than any other House at the Dalles . DUSKNUKKY ft UU03., nil-tf Dalles aud Wall Walla. HOW TO SAVE MOAI3IT! CALL AT TBI BW ' 'Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Comer of Washington and Second Streets. TUB UNDHItSIONED WISHES TO INFORM THK people of the Dalles, and the publlo generally, that be has a large and well selected stock of FASlILY GKOCE11IES, ,. CAXDIES,-A' UTS, id., i.: '" Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Seduced JVicer for CASH. Also, constantly on hand thoCholcest Article of FKKSH HUTTIilt and KOOS. Also, every variety of FHUITS aud V KUKT A B!,ES la their season. Persons from up the 'country, wishing quantities of Xgg and Fruit, by sending in their onlers, will receive the strictest atteutfoir. and have them filled at the Lnweil Market liot$. Jvll-tf 0. L. JJSWJSLIj. . 0. W. AJIMIS. , . W. ARXU. AR.MES ' & D ALL AM,- " . jniporters ana onoers 01. . ';: . WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BllUSUES, TWINKS, C0HDAQB, Ac, ; ' i i ' ' " And Manufactnrera of ' " California Palls, labs, Broomd, H 217 1 219 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davis, San Francisco. ' ' , ' ' ooll;3indw. . F T ILLMAN, : . , 10LB AOBXt IK OAUrORNIA fQB TILTON & . McFARLAND'S Fire A; Burglar Iroof Safts. ' 1 STEEL-LINEI) VA ULTS. V ,: Combination Lock. . AXaT-Cunstantly on band a full assortment of 8AVK8. - - ' , .. 318 BATTERY BTRKICT. i. JjA-tn -.. ........ Ban Francisco. .a.Atc . ..,:,,: : a. a. wit.- . GATES . &, IIAFT, ; Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, ..V,, . DAXLKS, OREGON. . . t. , FOll UOISU MINUS D1U1ZCT. . THE : : feilg WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE ' t ' of" " ' ! j CONCORD i STAGES,' I CAUiiYiNu :, '.,; : THK U. S. OVERLAND MAILS : A!1 '.' ' ' ., . Wells Fargo At Co.'s Express, , , Is now making Regular Trips from Wall Walla to Pi' cervllle, (Boise Mines.) . ,' , Throagh in Two and a Half Days ' Connecting witli the Wallula Line of Stages, and th lioatsof the 0, S. N. Oompany. UJ40. F. TUOMAS CO., ' . ap27-tf , Proprietor .. NOTICE, ! ,.; THE PIONEEU STAGE COMPANY ' ' ,. ' Will carry 'i . . ' " WJ&T FREIGHTS FROM UMATI AFTKR TUB FIRST OF OCTOBIiR, AT THK F0LL0W- . iau heduubu kaijsb: . . . To Bolae City 15 Cent per pound " lusuevity su ; "Owyhee ...,. iiO , For lei amounts than" one hundred pounds an addition oi rive vents per ponua will tie cnargea.' .,i , ,, TIME ifltOM UMAXlLDAi To Boise City 3 Days. ; To Idaho City ....3 1-2 Days TO Owyhee, i....4 Days. 1 JOSJiPU PINKUAM, Atent.l Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1805. , ocl8;tf. QUARTZ MlliliS I And all kinds of Machinery ' Manufactured at the .1 ! I OREGON IRON W0EKS - CORNKU OF MORRISON and 7TU streets, ' ,; ,v PORTLAND. :' ' A- 0. GIBBS CO., ' ' " Successor! to Portland, Dec. 6th '64. deOtf ' B. L. Jonm A Co. ' MOUNT HOOD SALOON ' .. . AND.- BILLIARD 1 ROOM, p; M. HUNT, Proprietor, . ..'.! : .i corner of :.f , ' Main and Court Streets, ap21-tf ,, . , . Dalles. Oregon. FRED. LIEBE, . GROCEFIY, PROVISION, . if, AND " r . , FR XT 1 X,-, ST ORE ,r . Washington Strnot, opposite French Oilman's, Dulles, lias on timid a large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES ' & PROVISIONS, -Fresh Unttor &, Egrgs, Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on band. FRUITS of all kinds. FRJSS11 VKGiSTABLKa every mornlnir. All articles warranted. , ' j-.i Give Me a Call, Everybody! PRIOES LOW. , . . i ' aul8:tf -.. . ., F.'LtEBB. Established J3ALT3W1IS" HTZ0.9 , ... ... ...... ' ; : . ; tl:. DEALERS IN '- 'GROCERtES! .-:.' ' 0OHNKR OF , . ' "... Main and ITnlon Streets, Dalles. J. C. BALDWIN '. ' Bh21-tf F.W.BALDWIN. W, MOAB08. 0. B. KtKOlt. WM. MOABUS &.CO.. ;:i rRorrsQx.jT.oBEl;:. ' ' Corner of First and B Streets. ' WnOLKSALB AND RKTAIL DRALERS In BREAD! CRACK KHS and Family UROCERIKS. X.0rders from a distance carefully ailed and promptly dispatched-... .. , .-, . , w . k m.. ITixrs l Furs,,!;;;;:,;,;" THB ma HK3T MARKET PRICE PAID In' CASH '";,;.;;:;: .., Beaver, Otter JJlnk and Coon Bklna, ' ByBICHARDS MoCRAKKN. Portland Sept. 27, lSaU; - - - oe4:8m. HIJi?IASOft ,& OHVLfj, ... ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTI0B IN THB 80PRRMB AND 0IR cultOonrta of Oregon, and the District Courts 0 Washington. Territory. . ... .. . 1 . PartlpnlMf at,.n,lnn n.M ,n th. aflllu,l, .1-1- t 1,0. UlIASQN,e 3l, DallevOg,,; A.ODELt 1U E rw II At ti 1 1 A. IV,' "'"''l '"' ' '' IMFOUTI R8 ASD WBOliutALB ' '' I Dealers in Wines, Liquors' ;;. GltOCKlUES; " Miners' Goods, lloat Stores, &c, " ' J'a'vb aiauY'iB ti tnua ' , ' N W 'STONE BUILDING, ' ' -oomataof ''' ' ' Second and Washington Streets, ;' DALLES CITY; ' 1 V-! i. NOW IN STOHI'i A LAROK AND COMPLETE A8 aorUucnt of the very best brand, of , . . : .. , yvINESiAND LIQUORS, It ., Also, a lull assortment. of ' , . , GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS 4"CotiHtiintty recoivlnj; our suppUe direct from New Vork aiid Bun Krahcisco, we are Abie and willing toiell ftta very aiutUI fcUvanco on ban i'mncinco prices. They hope by adoutiue a atrictl v torrect and tiromut method of doing luiiiioai,tbey will receive tlie patrouage eft he pub lic C0IIIMBIA RIVER ' MINES. I i!AtR?BOOTH,' .):: ; i.rWIIITB BLUFFS; W. I., i: ! . ', FORWARDING, AND' COMMISSION MERCHANT,' j . ' ! AXD OBNIRAL DBAUBj IH ;. I --. ' i ,M.E ROIIAffPISE :) ffliJIi'ERS' SliPPIilES. PACK AND SADDLE H0B3E3 F0S SALE. FRKIQ1ITS C0NS10NKD to my care for Culvllla Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia' Mines, will re) culve prompt attention. . ... - : .: White RluB's, Oct. 1st, 1804. ' I v ..: '.: ' . oc2tf i 1VISW FRUIT,1 XiltOCUIiy "''' an'd-"':'; ' :- 'provision store. rptlB1 UNDEU9IQNKD INFORMS niS FRIKND3 and J. ' the public generally, that he has Just established on Main street, next door to J . Juker, Tobacoouiat, " A NEW STORE I whtre he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment e selected KltUlT. Also, In store a complete stock of choke -UU00EIUB8. PHOVIlilONS, YlcaEtjBLES, da. AJ1 of which will be sold, wholesale aud retail, at RE! vvvnu raivooi . vuuie .nu see sou sniimj yourseil. 1 t selii-tf v DR. DAVY'S; SPECIFIC' C OMPO UND , . An Expeditious Cure for all diseaaos of the V S E X'UAL' OBGrA 3N S. mills prompt And efficatlons Remedy for the ours' JH. Ohouorroaa, Clleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the urinary tirgans. mukesra speedy cure without the leaai restriction to diet, extiosure or ebanire in annllcatlnn buslnessi It will: radically1 our1 any case which 'can be produced. The, disease it removosas speedily as ia con sistent with the production of thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Istaken when exposed, "v .' lit ingredients are eutlrol f vegeublejauil no Injurlons etrect, either oonstltotioually or locally, can be caused by itsuse. i .', I- : . i ' Price One Dollar and Fifty cents' per bottle. Sent by jsxpresa careimiy pacaea.. , . . . ' ' -UOSTEl'THR, SMITH DEAN. Agents, . i. ,j . 401 and 403 Battery street, cor Ciav, ' ' Jy22-6m. ' San Francisco, : H. B. BILL. A. J. KAHB.. HILL & K AISTJE' WH0LL9ALI AKD BITAII. CBALIRS l!t Groceries', Dry Goods, Liquors, :v i" aud AQRIC0LTXJHAL IMPLEMENTS. ., ' STORAGE AND FORWARDING. Goods consigned to us wllf meet with proper attentioa References I,- '.,,'.' 1 ''TOaTlAKB. ' ' DALLB8, ' 1 ' ' . ' : H. W. Corbet, , . Bobbins ft Co., . . '' Richards ft McOracken,' W. 0. Moody ft 0o4 ' a. ijw, u. iiumason. I .. TI.nullM. r,nAln. Hunf. Hth.lHItS. '.' D. I). STElHEIVSOJV. DENTIST, HAS REMOVED nig OFFICE OPPO slte Blocb, Miller ft Co., where be is prepared to do all kinds of ,. In a skillful and well flnishtd manner. TEETH Inserter from one to 'an entire set, on Gold or Rubber Plat. Prices range for Rubber Plate, from tlh to 8A ! To, Gobi Plate, from $74 to Vi!. ... . - . ,. . , jjar Psrsons having work don by me not Drovtnrr sal. Isfaetory will not be required to receive or pay for the aw. . aulB.ti POOKS! BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f IJVUUUJU JSWS1.SI, 01 Allien KltV, Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, Ut NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS.' ftc, Ac. hy every Steamer, , i Post-Ofuce1 Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. ' mav-H ; . , . : ; u. .. WAliDRON ft CO( Tne Undersigned will pVjiiohasb second hand Furniture. Bods. Beddmc Carnsts. Stove. and Household Furniture of every description. Parties wishing to scJlwUl do wsUto'chlf. I .. , , I , iUHiS WILLIAMS, ,,, i: ew 'i ,l ' L 1 lvU Mala ' ttreekDallel. i TJ m a. til 1 a.,' B p i s Cj AND IUAllO. ' M ... Express and Fast Freight Liiic. rjHIS LINE IS NOW IN' COMPLETE. RUNNIKO) JL order from Umatilla to ldiiho City, via Uolae City, and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packatii a betweeu these and all intermediate poluta witbeertamty . aud doHpnlch. : ... -i,. ;t ,; o. ' The Lineia Stocked with tha Beat Teams . the country affords and entirely' " it -.' New Thorough-Braoa ' 't'".. . CONCORD i , AVAGOIVS, Which ensurea Speed and Snfety in the transmission of Freight, never before ottered to Idahoj We offer Supe rior inducements for 8hlppiug Uoods from San Frauoiicu and Portland to Idaho, aa our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Oompany and the Oregon Steam Navi gation are such that all (looda shipped by this Line will . not be subject to the usual delays, but pan through as ' ..V'. i Fast . ITreiffht. ,,,'t K.yA ;, Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid aud Uoods shipped to destina tion. ,,; ...v,.,. ! , : j , ,' GOODS 8II0TJLD RE MARKED: CARB B M. j. CO. F. UN H, and Shipping Heceipt sent to our Agaata at Portland and Umatilla. ,' . . Advance Charges for Transportation PalrY by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will fa forwarded with Dispatch to owybee and South Boise. .., ' PA8SENOERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations in New and Easy Riding Thorough Brae' Wagons on the Most Liberal Tornu, We lay over eaeit night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so, that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. . , "':;' " ' AiicjsxH'i :;' ' . ',"'' ' RICHARDS ft McCRAKEN.....;.M.l..,V,'.;.LSan Franc't'scV RICUARDS ft McCUAKKN Portland ' JOBBPH TEAL M... Dalle POWELL ft C'H...,..,.u..,.M..,.,....w...i.i.....Uinatllla - 1. U. WILKINSON ; .......l.e Grand B. M, DuKKlil ft OO...u.......;M......M.J)olse City B. M, Dull ELL ft CO Idaho City MA.IOlt Bl'KKll..l.. , .....Rocky Uar8iuth Boise) DuRELL ft MOORE ,......Ruby aud Silver Cltle B.M.DttRELLCO:, I ' n26tf ; , , .. , i Proprietors.. A CAUU OU THE 1. 1 -. .i Jjlll Winter Clothiag Trade X OV 'SAW FRAIVCISCO, ,y :: BADGER & LINDENBERGERl 'Ao. 411, 413 tn4 413 Battery Htrectt importers and Wholesale Dealers. vXyTpitfjr&W '.AND. FRESII. STOCK WE WOULD 'CALL ATTENTION of Cohniry Meti. ' .chants to our usually large stuck of Uoods. Our iocs: comprises every article in the Clothing and Fur nishing line, . We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Ciuslmert and Wool UATa ot ' any home. In Ban' Francisco, and our prices, for thee Goods are lest than those of any house, as' we recelvt them direct front th nmnuftvoturer's oonslgnment. .Our stock of Summer And Fall Qoopa Is particularly Attract ive, and th great feature to th coautrv marcuaut Is.tUe unusually low prices. ' : ' , -ilcss Than the Cost of Importation I We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In th Dry Good line, which Uoods we have Durchaaodiu this market nn. der th hammer, and. an olleriug thoni at New i'oik Cost, and leas, . ; W publish this card In order that we may make asw aoqiialntancea, and induce those who have not heretofos purcbasud of us, to call andexamlue our stock.,.! Good. Articles and Low .Prices! Are til greatest Inducements to all who purchase to ell again. Merchants who buy f ,usl can make a rood profit, and sell to their customers, at a low figure. W remain, respectlelty, ' i ' - '' . ., , Your Obedient servants, ' ' 1 '. . : BADGER ft LINDENBEROBR, .' Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, .' 411. 414 and 414 Battery street 110! I US IRE SdliHlinijl ,B BEACH. rmi8 DELIGHTFUL AND CELBBKATK1! SUMMER M. I Resort, situated on Clatsop Plains, u slioit dis'am from th Ocean, ia now re-opened and reaily to moiv fuusts. ' ...y.iy'l'. i . ,' ... : .. , This resort possesses attraction unimrisa.n on th Pacific Coast: Itbaa a splendid beach d r liding, walk lug and bathing;, beautiful scenery and nrromullntt berrie of ail kinds abound ( a beaut i fill trout lriui and abundance of gam. , , -. ... ... , njHK TAnr.m .:. :lv ta constantly supplied with salt and fresh witter fih clam, and crabs, elk, bear and feathered gain, and to. iresnest oi country proouc. Tea climate is aelubrloas This II .t.l oflVrs every, thing that could L desired for th cmiort of guests., both well and sick. ,.1,1... . The Proprietors respectfully ask th Health and Plea. ur Seeking Publlo lor partronage, that tiny nuy enabled to make th Bummer Honse " a uermrnent In. stltutloa of the country. LOWELL A-KIPI-EN ' nayvtn, laoo. -. ., , myBti i ,. DR. IS. . MIXCIIEJJU i 0rFiei-.WfLDRg.N'S BUILDISa.iiol i Risipinoe Corner of Third aid Washlngtea Street. IH,. A. H. STEELE, lAOTING AS8I8TANT SOROKOS, 'tf.'Bi 'A.'' " " c; ...V "C8t,;.(. , WAIiDROH" BROa' DRTJO 8T0RB