JU'aaa a a tL.tAs' a ; i ;r a; iA ' Al 18 1" IV UK I U. - -.riT 1J3 I IT - W . f W V M-i i-C.". -Tr3' m :2wu asagK ;.!-. ...i. ; ;, .',,,., ...)V "";' ' l'"' '.n ,.n.y ,., l, , vV. , f. 823VOIL.. o. JLTLiES, 01lKG02Sr;XIIXJRSIAY, JTA-NUAllV 11, !(-. 1i,NO.7. . ' ' ' ' r ' " i f , r f , : - ' . ; 1 . i .1-1 lu'l. f WJLIS1IED EVERY MOltNING, , . I T ) V ("ONHiS gXq.fPTi'D,) Uf. ; ' J : ,E. '6. COWKC & J, IIAJLLORAX, ! EDITORS' AED PK0HT0H9, ' 'J : n, jj , ' 4 Turns TKtMty-llctcenCl per week, payahle to the carrier per month, by mail, $1; three month, $2 60; six months, to; one year, $t). Advertisements inserted at , 'j-low rate.. -,'...' ' Job rriniing,' '' . , i, Rvery dencrlptlon of plain and fcney Job Printing exe ,? (Utoil wltli nuatnwt and deipatcbt and forwarded ai par onler to any part of the couutry. Payment Jr Job Print ing wmttbt nudum iditmr$., work. . UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. . I , IIA.DLL:V & SOIVOT t't rrop'rs. THIS POPULiR HOUSI, OINTIMUT lOOiTID, v. ITear the Steamboat Landing ft Ballroad Sapot, Haa beon recently eutArired and improved, aud will now. fuoominodate - . -v-. , ' 30 &: G TJ ESTSi' '" Tft wAtBii COXDOOTRV w Iieretofors: i FIRST J.'-Cf.A8S llOO.HRiand Mie'pHtronage of the traveling public is respectfully aolicite i., , J UitKKaxe taken to the House free cf charge. House "open all nights .-- ( : i1 'i - LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFESTO DEPOSIT VALUABLES bailee, OfclVttr. - EMPIRE HOTEL, ' f t" , ' IflUt SIRIST, OAtillS. 0BH10H, t. , ' THOMAS 8 MITIlV Proprietor- A FIR ST-C LAS S HO US E. " in tnioENiaa of susiNssa, ' " t .-. ' J Near 4h Steamboat and, Eailroad taniings Superior 4ccommodntlons for rnillies-and'can Ao commodate One Hundred and Jflftf Quest. I Meals. .....60 cut. . lKxlglng.....-..-..60cts. Fire Proo Safe for depbslMof talnables. , tfj. House open aUnlght'. Baggage taken to the IIouss Itoee-uf charge, , JI'IIOUAS MjTH, , ' ' mh8-tf Proprietor. . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. 'DkVlw kaA Walla Walla, I ." ' DiiLiaa in i-" ' . '"if Staple 'and Fancy Dry Goods , . . Minora' fliltfltB. ; I I t t j . . -. ; i . i Boots and Shoes, ..! i vi. r oi Hats' an). Caps, , ."..'.'' ,. Groceries, : And a full assortment of General Merchandise.' Bojlai our Ooods exclusively in the San .Francisco market sn siaklna' none but cash nurchasea. we are enabled to se I 80 per cent; cheaper than any other Hons at the Dalleal .k'.....,,.... v. .puaHNBBUY B1108, . ml-tf Dalles and Walla Walla.1' llIIOW TO. SAVE MOilfEy.! ,I f; Till, AT.IBI Family - Grocery;, and Fruit,, Store, " " Corner of Washington and Second Streets.' ; , hrHR DNDKR8IQNE0 WISHES TO ISFORM-THB JL people of the Dalle; and the public generally, that he lias a large and well saleated stpek of CSS, Which, he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Kfduad J'rStu for CASIT. Also. consUntly on hand the Choicest Article of FKKSU BUTTKlt and KOGB... Also, every variety of FltUlTd aud VKGBTABLK8 In their season 'Peraous from, up the 'country,' wishing quantities, of , eggs ana rruit, by sending in tneir orders, wm receive , the strictest attentfon, aud have them filled at theixnewt Market Prictt, . f Jyll-tf) - 0. L. JKWJSLL .1UIMV. . U .. -J 0. W.JHttS, i. i.' i :. ;...vr,tAim. ALL AMi , tiers of . kARM ESf & D ALL A . .. Imoorters and Jobbers WOOD AIM D WILLOW .WARE, , ' BUUSUES. JWINKi, CORDAQB, o. j - ..v.., inn i .. And Mannfactnreriof iu'VCu I . California jalls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac 4l JE 219 SacramentbStreet, between Front and Davis,) ' 4n Francisco. ' !.' . .1. '-. ocll:8mdw' ' sou askr ur oiuttuttitok' ' " - TILTOI & 'iVtofAltLAND'p STEEL-LINED . VAULTS, '' "" J f, StJit.l . ''. . I- .' ' WITH .:: ; .!'.. K' 1 , v j Combination: Lock J , 49-Cnstantly on.band a full awortqient of 8AFKB.r' . , . ...y-..-. 318 BA'rrKKY STREET, j ili'i .JjMai .! .inw-l II . -;)" i .lr! l-8u Franclscp. . .., - ;r; ' , ., ;- - 1.1. suik, f Attorneys V Counsellors at La FOU IlOlSli. MIXES DIRECT. ill ' 1 rrmiH ! Vi WALLA; WALLA BOISE LINE " 1 " ' OF " ' " '" , 1 CONCORD STAGES,! rt -.'. i w'l CAKRVINU " Hit Ur.l o!it ! ' THE Lf. S. 'OVERLAND MAILS,, ; 'ii I K;l !'.i;'..i. ;) AiiD' I IM iml -fi!.) , Well,, Fargo it C'o.'s Express," I now making Regular Trips, front Walla Walla to PI cervllle, (Uoise Mines.) . ' 1 ' Througli in Two and a Half Days Connecting' with the Wailula Lin of 8tage,-and th noauoi tu u. 0. a. yiuipany,, U0. F. THOMAS CO., 1.. . ,1 Vreprietor ap37-tf ,,, , .., " -.'''WO TIG E'."" ,;' -THE PIONEER ST iGE COMPANY Will carry' " ;"' ''"' ' ; ' PAST FREIGHTS : ' '" " ''FlIOM'' - . .1 XT M'A'TIXiLA, AFTKit THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THIS FOLLOW- INU KEUUUED KATKS: To Boise City...'...,... ;.:..'.! Ceut per pound mauv vii.y....H u Owyhee.;........'.,..,...,ao ' ' ' : . For less amounts than one hundred pounds an addition 01 rive touts per poauU will bo cbarged. TIMK FHOM UMATILLA To Koine City,....,.... ...3 Ways. s i To Idaho City. 3 Days, '. IJOSKL'U PINlttlAMj'ABent. , TJmatllla, Oct. 1,1885. , ',''. oclDitr.' QiUAUTS-MIIiLrS! . And all kinds of Machinery, i : Manufactured at the " , !. OREGON IEON WORKS - -1 UUMEH, OF M0KH13ON and f'i'U thveu, i . vn .. PORTLAND,.,, , . , , , , A., 0..QJBI1S CO-, .. ; I - HuecMUOM tn i 'it . Portland, Deo. 6th '64. doCtf K. L. Joni k Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON 'r ......anbt ,,.vr I Pi' Mi . HllXTi l Pro p rie to r , .,, ,.,,... ,.CORNI.Or.,., I Mialn and. Court StrcotH, apM-ff, ;. , , . . . , ... Dalle,, Oregon., QROP.rXYi,::PFlOYISlQNi : "tit tJ- s r on e , Washington Blrest, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalle. t. nuoi bdu large ana weussortea stood I ; GROCERIES , PEOVISIONS, ITresli Butter &iJ3arir, Beeelved dally. A btrgt lot of CHICKENS alway on hand. . FRUlTS of ell kind. FHE8U VEQETABLE8 .Mr, niiu-.tl n cr I l.ri . .. mfh... Give" Me .'i- 'a 'I 'Calli' Everytody 1 ..1JI1IJ..I1 smnni T.-7ir " PRIQKSS LOW, . nl8:tf; . F.LLEBE... Eatabllhilkoa, ISO?.! ' ., '. CORNER OF -r--T- . Main and Union Streets', Dalles JiCiBAJiPWiNJ 5',Tm.hilHf ; V,'. Fi W BALDWIN liQABrji. , ;,, .; ', , '",; o.'b. xmtmh. v,i in VVM, MOABUS A CO' I -u A.WD 1 . . ' . i u. u Corner of First and B Streets. ... ' , fJfTVTHOLESALH AND RETAIL DBA LERftln'BR.-EAD, WJ CRACKHK8 and Family OROCKRIES. M.0rder from a distance earanil I 11 dtapatchedi .-vrrv T.-T r - t-t ; -n- r,Tl-ri-tf FursI Furs! :--.fStf;'r;t.;-...vj A.'.ui,: tn-tfl ' " THE HI0UE8X MAEKBT PRICE PAID IN CASH I'T-.-'ll'i--10!-;- . ,1 . . : ' Baavor, Otter Mink and Cooa Bklng. ,Y3 ii .' jut; By riohabdb mocraken..,. PorUand Sept. 27, 184 oc4:Sm. - IHJMASOJ & OOELL, ; ATTOMEYS &COUNSELLQRSATLAW WILL PRAOTICB IN THE feUPREMH AND CIR Cult Courts of Orimron. anH lHa 'nMlflnt rv.rfP. - Washihgtoh Territory, " 1 ' i-r 1 ' i . Particular attention Bird to the ctelfeftbn W elermi. ' : 0. UU1IA80N. ' Dalles, Om " - dVA. (M).t 1KL.V 11 A t-i I IaJI AI, ill III. ;;' ! mrOBMM iNO WH01H8AL ' A I' M Dealers in yriaiBSjd miners' Goods,'' float Stores, &c, H-iilli.';.: IAT1 klMOVIS TO TbUB H-'Jf'xO N W' STONE BUiLDIINiQ , " 'ooMnmor " Second and Washington Streets, : ::':,..,' ,. palles city;.,,, ,,,;,: NOW IN 8T0UK A LAHUE AND COUFLKTX AS sortuicut of th very. best brand of. , WINKS AND LIQUORS. -ii:, . Also, a hill ansortment Of ' I ti.u.l GROCERIES 4, STAPLE GOODS 4arConstantly recelvtiig our supplies direct from New York and Ban Francisco, we are able aud willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco: prices, Tliey hope by adoptiug a strictly sorrect and prompt method ol doing business, they Will receive the patronage cf the.put 0.C.-.'. I'l .. Hi.' i ' i:; l" ' ' I Jl ww-u COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. :::'L. It'. 13 O TII, -.i.Ij 1 i WUITE BLUFFS, W. T., 'i ,i i J ' FORWARDING AND COMMISSION 'MERCHANT,' '' '''l M AHV biniKM oiaub in ' MERCIIA,NI)I8E ' - id .' "'.. ;v Bl 1 Ptf JE R SK S 0 p P h i U ' S'i i PACK AND SADDLE HOS3E3 FOB SALK. '' FRE1QUT8 CONSIONFD to-my cue for Oolvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Minos, will re ceive prompt attention. ' ' . i , . White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, IBM.." i.i-f -l-ii.; . oc2tf IVliW nun, GUOCUUV ;:;; :;'-ASiC';:v'i'-v;;1;;'-; ' ; xiovis ioist sxoiiia. rpHB BNDERSIQNED INfUhMS 1113 fAikKDS and X the public generally, that he Iras just established on Main street, next duor to J Juker, Tobacconist; i . "'5 -X - A'. NEW STORE ! .' ';' '' '; rj where he keep constantly ori hand a larif 'assortment o elected fKUiT. Also, in store a complete stock otchoii GROCERIES, PJtOrmoXH XUVKTABhES, ale i: All of Which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at KK! DUCKD PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yourselfi - l;ia.tfi.-,,M i . .John BPOarxi).,,; i DRi DAVY'S .SPECIFIC OOIVXl?OUVIii ii .V i. An KipedltlousCur for SH disoaseeorth : ' 8 EXUAU O R G'A'IV'S'.; fSJIIIS prompt' and efHcatlohs Remedy for the cure Ulwuordi, Glost, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makn a speedy cure wlthoutrthe least restriction to diet, exposure or obange In applicuUon' ' business; It will radically curs any tas which oin be produced. The dlseas It removes a speedily a Is con siatent with the proddction ol thoranghand permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot b. contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND is taken When exposed, ' 10 It ingredient are eutinsly vegetable, aud hvlnjnrlona effect, either constitutionally or locally, can b caused by Price On Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle."' Bent by txpreM carefully packed.' ''.' ' 'J'-- i ,P. ,;, , i ituBijsiiBU, BJiri.il a ueah. Agents,: , evi ana wo 4aery street, oor t;iay,: Jy22-m. Ban Francisco." B. Bi BILL. :i :.Il . M. -k.lt KA. ';.!;,'., ,,, WBOtlMW AW MiaH MtHM Ht. J.illJ j Gtoceriea, Dry Goodsi Liquors, . AORICULTTTHALDIMPLEMENTa. I l ii. .n 8TOKAUK AND FOltWAKUllHU.'l'l I'l , . flood conslgusd to a will niwt with prepsr attsntiob !.,.(. " r XteteienOM . ! .-t -.i.' 'ff.Vr. Corbet, ' Bobbins k Co, ' " : vlldiards A JdoOracksny '1 W. 0. Moody A O04 1 , 11. Law, ; 1' 0. liumasou. , , , . matllla Landing, Sept. 8th, 1863. , , . : D. . STEPHEXSO H;1., -1 t MAS HKMOVBD IU8 OFFICE 0PPO siM) Uloch. Miller k Co- where he is pfephred to do all kinds of In askillfhl and well, finish, d manner.' TEETH Inserter rrom one to -an entire set, on uoiu or ituoner Plate. ' Prices rah re for Rubber Plate, from tM to XNA Vm Gold Plata, from 7tu81!l6.i )... i ... .. ' JsT- Persons having work don by me not Drovlnr sat. Jsfactory WIU not be required to receive or pay for thi BOOKS ! BOOKS I . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.' OCHOOIi KUUItl, STATION BRY, d Btananra ana sitscenaneou wukkb. Ute N0VUL8,. MAGAZINES. PAPEKB. ke Ac. try evety steamer. PoaK)ucsl Rnnk.tnra. Mahr Street. DallM. r ' v ; 1 ' mai-ti i ' ' Hv JWALDKON B CO. !'" WAITED,"""1 'i; TBI UNDERSIGNED WILL PURCHASE SKi.UiNb hantt Ftlrnithre. Aods. HiKhHnr. flarnMa Ht.,u And HouSeholU Vnrui thr of every description. 1' Parties WX.W-Wp.VTTW.CaH u . . t II' 1ll'ldMtiS.-'i I 91 t VliMj'i'1. l.l m.u... ii.ji 1 v,:,i:i ; " Umatill n-4 13 o JL b e, ..: AP.iiAato.Tli:i,;; '. Express and Fast Freight Line. rfMIIS LINE IS NOVMIN COMPLETBRDNNINO A' order trvm Umatilla to Idaho City. l Boise City, and prepared to curry Freight and Vuluable Packages between these and all intermediate point wlthcerUmily and despatch. . . . . - The Line Is Stocked with the Best Team i-i : the country afford and entirely . now iuoroutu-pruP , CONCORD, WAGONS, BDi Which ensure Speed and Safety In the rMhstiTlsslon of Freight, never bet'oie otlenl tn Iduboi Ws.offnr Bup rior inducements for Shipping Goods from fan Frauciscu and Portland to Idaho, as. onravraJlgetnent i with th Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam NavU gallon are such that U Quods shipped by this Line will uot be suldect to the Usual delay, but pas through as : 'l',,:':''',''lrnfSiti'ittr3lWhei''M'' :l:V '': !, . ii ,il .. n i, ; i 1:11 ..i-ih, n Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Pore land, Charge will be paid aud Good Shipped to deStiusy tlon. -. ' GOODS SHOULD DK MARKED: CARgf- B; II. D. ft vim . uirir,,'U0u onipiuuK lecviuis sun. hi our asvuii at Portland and Umatilla. T 1 i1 3 "' "7 idvance Charges lor f ra'n'sort atton' fald .:,. . i-i. "I' I -!' r II l.uifV by the Line and Collected st Destination. Goods will be forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee and South Boise. - V".M f . - I'VM i. i ,i -i H lii'. '11 ;--. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT QHBATLY BKDUCED BATKS. Families will be furnished wltli Superlur Ao conimodntious in New and Easy iUtllhg Thoruuiih.Bnu: Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms,. We lay over eucH niuhbon thelUiod at Good and-Gonvealent Hiatluaa. an that passenger will not be deprived of regular ret. ,',., :VK.-M'A:GtaTtil:. :liir-; . IlICHAnbs ft' He6UAkkN.l':'Yiaea.' RICHARDS ft MoOKAKE.N4....w...,........,i'urUul JObEI'U TEAL , ,....!....,: DallM P0W1SLL ft C"K.t....'.-.,,l...i.....l.,..i.;..'-...;..UmKlllla J. B. WILKINSON LeGraud BiM.DUH.tlLL .ft CO... ..,....M..,.M....4.,.i.(.dhUse City li. M. DultULI. ft CO , Idaho Olty MAJOR BPBKIl...i..A.A....,., j.uJlooliy Bar (Bunih-lloUe DyliELL ft MOOltiS............. B. M. DuRfiLL V CO., n.tOMfu -ti.il .!'!,eii.ij Miii:'ipi-uprlelor. A UAHU t UK lillii " Hi , Fall & Win er Clot i nsf Trade i.iiii .'1 !.!. i ! -M 'A ". !'! - . :li f OF SAUT I It AIV CISCO. :" BADGER &LINDENBERGER, a nutt tin nmiflijr mwm9 Cor. lUeroUaui. 8au Frmuvlioo importers and Wholesale Dealers. . -..n.l.i'iiil ml n) -,ifn I ,.i,-inii. ni'ihori -..EyTIJBE. NEW AND fRESJI, STfi.QK Xkfi WOULlJ ' 'bAiV'KttESirds W'Couiitry'Mer w w r.iii.i,i. Ei, tin r iimu.hm lurM .r.i.K .iru.uuid 11.. stock coranrise every article In tli Clothlnx and tuit. Cisbigillue. W have constantly on hand, the largest id gFeatcst variety of Cassinier and Wool HATS o iuy. nous in Ban jrmuciaoo, and our, prt , (us these loodsar Its than those of any honse. as we receive than direct groat the nwnafaoturer's consignment t our stock of Summer and Fnll Godps I particularly attract ive, and the great teal lire to the country merchant Is the uuusuaily lprJoe,,,!!,,,, ,j ,, ,,,,, Less Than the Cost of Importatloal We also keen ihe'STA PLE A RTICf, K8 In th Dty Good line, which Uoods;we have purchasdlittliian'k,t nu der the hammer, and are offering them at New Voile Cost, and less, i I kvuvi'iu "i 1 lo.'iiii jlci i .-. , We publish thi card In order tliat w msy stake nW acquaintances, and ititfuce iliose bo nave not heretofore) purchased of us, U)J1 and .sxsfmiu, ,nr stock,,., Good Articles and Low Prices I Are the greatest mdnce'meirts to all1 who pirrchase to sel( egaio- Merchant .who bay oX.ui cat) make a good profit, and loll to ttrtir oustomer at a low figure. W rmaln;repeotl'iiHy,i!ii.ili'H.i a'tifiV. .I,'', Vour Obedient servants, , !.' ' BADUNK ft LfNDBNBRItGBR,'' Wholesale Clothinirapd Hat Warehousa, No. 1.4I and 6 Battery .triet, Bon Francisco, April 1, 1606. JeiK-amw. uTfOOlffiTCJOIER HOlSE" . ON THE T1HI8 DKLIOHTFUL AND CELEBRATED SUMMBIi ' Resort, tiiuated ok CiauMp Plains, short distance from the Odean. is now rn.nrM.niwl ,..) A i . - guest. . ' Tbi resort possesses attractlom unsurpassed on the Pacltlo Coast. It ha a apWnUKi IniMcb for riding, walk ing and bathing; beantilVH scovt .and (urroundinHat - - MniBnui m imuwiu mint aims audabundanc ofgamv, . : i 'i cl : tM' i , , THE TA.rtL.HS , . 1 constantly aupplied with salt and Iresh- Wstef h clam, kod orabs, elk, bear and feathered gam, and th freshest of couutry preduc. , , Th climate Is ulubrioti ' 'Till Hotel offors eVsry. thing that could be desired for the comfort of guests. both Well and sick. - : -i I" 1" .4 'in . irt.. i,... H.nuA.,fw ..b .v.. tru,v m ore Seeking Pnblio for partronage, that they may enabled to make tb " Bunkmer House " a permmeat las stitution 01 tne country. mwelij ft kippen Mav tn. iitso. ' . i- i'. "I'l'TflvBtl'. rK. u. w. : I . I. ; MlXOHKlUr. ' OrriCB 'NVALDRUN'S BUILDING, i ltxsipiiioa Corner of Third aiid Washington Strmfai , ACTING ASSISTANT BURGEON. U 8. ft. " ' ,J ' ''' orriuxAi 'i ' -' .' , - W.AL7R0K " BROS i 'l.ll.l J.::.lll.l'.'.' ' DRUG 8TOHE '.'l':'::u..tiJ - . ,3txlqniA& -alf.liija tiu- vibMoidinU i -n V. .vii - ' "' '" nil) ni-; i ul native ' ,