jpailj Ponntaraccr. Money Market. Sun Fmnrlaco Legal Tnndr ratee......... 1L' f Atw lurKUold quotatlone TUB MONTANA TKADK. From tho Montana Post, of the Oth of December, we gain some informa tion i-blalivo to tho maikels of iho Turn lory, to that dato. At Diamond City, cast of the Mis' ieouri Eivor, flour had reached $3G 50 a baud rod Tho pricos of tobacco had declinod Ifrom 87 508S to $4 50(,$G 50. There is an active demand for all jariioles of subsistence, with prospects kf a considerable advance in prices by spring. Tho to'lowinff are the Virginia City quota- tatiung (rtuil prices, twenty per cent A.lileij): rtuuu n;. ijouis, iwk, 52i ($27 Ou J plate, J2024 ; Suit 1. ikp. $24(-ij25. haoun. Heavy sides, ro, duo.; Medium Hams Prime canvassed? Ib.CSc.: Country. I liAitu Small cans, oOo.j Large cans 40c Cavdlkb. Werks Cincinnati lb. 60c: IVtht-r bi untie, 65c SuoRd. New Orleans 5) lb, 55c: Clarified. pc.j Powdered, COc; Cruaued, 67Jc; Re plied, HOC. Covkkk Jura, none : Rio cboice "M lb. pi 05; Ordinary, Si. Tsas Imperial 'M lb, 3()S3 15; Yonnt llysnn, $3 503 75; jHuinee 111 pHpers. $3. SSVKOPt. beecliers s St. Louis, "H 10 al. keg, $B0 ; S. H. U., 10 Kal. krr, $5ut 155; Sorghum, none. ToBAOOii Lewis' Jild. "33 lb, S(j( $8 59 : frdiuary, $4 &05. liKAK8. Navy ID, 55c Soap. Palm, Cue ()t)5e.; Castile, $1 25 Ou.-Coal $5 GO&M: Linseed. S4 60 oo. Nails. 1001b keg, $ 10. Soda. babbit's la 1 lb papers, 62c; in um, duc. . Pkpmku. Drain lb, 52: Ground '33 20 lb x, $20. Liquors. Champagne 'M basket. Heidslck. Its.) $80; Sparkling Catawba, $40$42 50; larei cane, .4y.B; wnisky, Iluurbou, .1.. $10 8012: Kre. 10ri$12: Brandv. liported, $1820j Domestic, 12 15 : Gin, r mesne, 912. Mining Tools, ko Shorels, Ame' Cat., Is., 3v; Ames spring rolot, S4; Picks, th handles, dos., $90; Sluice Forks s., $3032 60; Axes bos 1 dos., $33() I; wime bead so id Keg, $18 ; Lead TO 50c; Shot 25 lb sack, $12 50. "us Quarts Intssksts r Augusta., Eaqle Isik Mikes. For two years past the contin- discovery of rateable gold-bearing quarts. Irs in tbe minitg district located on the luntaini bordering the west side of Eagle belt, now railed the Angusta District, baa len confidence lu the ultimate prosperity of It section. The flrst discovery of impor. Ice was tbe Eagle Creek Lode, which was lie by Knight, Wills and Rockfellow. This Is appears to furnish, to a limited amount blncer mining ground, a large quantity of Irse gold ; but except in gulches beading iinsl this lode, and parallel ranges of quarts, placers of importance have been found. bit tons of quarts, taken from the average tie Eagle Creek Lode, and worked at the Ikle Mill, on Powder River.yielded an aver, ol $35, The gold frequently forms free in thes of extraordinary richness, and of great Ity. Some specimens have been brought lis place by Capt. L. ColHu, who has con- Irable interests in these mines, which for uess are unsurpassed. A five-stamp mill I been erected near Augusta, by Messrs. iipsou, Meacbeni and others, to work the lis from the Eagle Creek Lode, and a vein, lb Is probably one of its side ranges. wilt go into active operation In tbe kg. Tbe quarts of the Eagle Creek conn- lud its vicinity only needs to be better -a to enlist a large proportion of tbe cap. keeking miuing investments. There is no ng section which is more accessible, and listanee to tbe Columbia River, by a good In road, is only one hundred and thirty . But It has heretofore been overlooked, Icount of being remote from the great lugblares of tbe interior, aud because it beeu overshadowed by the prospects of I pretentious, but not richer, localities. enby Winter Davis died at Bali ro oa tbe 80th of December. . Ma. C. J. Richardson, in a letter to tho London Times, soys his brother at Woolwich dock yard has shown that petroleum is 50 per cent, moro power ful than the best coal ns steam fuel, that it can be burned with ease ODd without danger. v A cob respondent of a northern Methodist paper in Nashville, frater nally remarks: Southern Methodism in wealth, numbers, genius, learning and inflnetico, is strong in this city. In piety il Is nothing to boast of. Deer of the Cariboo specios havo been killod in the neighborhood of Owyhee. WALURON IIROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dallca, Oregon. VWTK NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY F1KK Co.. and oftr to the imlillc a full nn. roinnleto aturk of Diuii, Mwllclnei and Cliismlatla, connUtini: hi nurl of . KKltOSKNB. LAMP W1CK8 A CUIMVKYS. ALCOHOL, 8AOK, AaOS. , 8PONOKS. i i.i.xnr.r.u, LKKCI1K3, CATOIt AND l.VDIUO AND 1 KKAT3KOOT Olt, LA.VIMII.ACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES,. SUPPORTERS, AND PATKNT !TlCT-iT-riTTPi Onr iKKk offASCY OOOUS i a of tliu tlnMt m.t beat LUBIN'STOILKTHJAP, FLKSII, fOMADKS. 8IIAVIXO, CJKMKMCS, 1UT, 1IAIIIOII CLOTIIVS. ' COUX3NK. TOOTH AND HIOTH I'OVVDKKS. AND COM 118 PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal piirpoaea. ' Out flullUiea fur liuying Roofla are aeronri to none In the Stnte, and '. ahall at all Ilium el t a anmll ad vnnie from coat. Iteiuly ntlea nud aiitnll protlla. PUrsICIANS' rRKSCBIPTIONS Cwflilly compouniled at all houra of the duy and nlKht. lMllea,8i-pt. 0, 1S6. aellMf REM Q V l . GATES & .CUAPI1V, ' WIIOLE8ALK ltKTAII, DRUGGISTS, Have Removed to . ; j RUDIO'S SI'ONE UVILDIXG, WA8IIINOTON 8TREKT, DALLK8. ( WIIKKR we will eontlnuo to anil artielea nanally . ..uu -J!"!" ,n 'ir"-CI"M Dm Store, at uereant. f . i AN.Y T0M" I" CITY. Our aik eonalata in part of Pateal Mediclnea, Pure Wln-s and Ilnindv. Mtracia, nc.v A Common Soap, 8"nsee, Jlulr Bniahea Truaeea, Dracea, . Corka. Ailda. - v, . , . 1 .',"', . '""' fowder, y arnlahea, A la .hoi, , ' " Ilopa, ' Bohemian Toilet Seta Supporters, Ac, PHYSICIANS' PRE3CBIPTI0X8 Careftilly Compounded. Give na a call aad aatlafv your aelvea before purchaalng elaewhere. II. L.CUAPI.N, nlttf ' JUSTIN OATE8. TO TEAMSTEltS JLND DAIRYMEN! FEED! PEED!! SHORTS, FEED Or ALL KINDS, FOR BAR DY . n. H. LAW, 4 Kront 8tret. Portland, Oppoalte O. 8. N. Warrhouae. nl:tf. RMOV A.Xj J.O0KTJ1. Dallea. F. K0XNI0SI1KRORR. San Vranciaco. J. OOETZ & CO., TOBACCONISTS, llaee ivmored to -. Rudio's New Stnnn TnlUn. Washington Street, nenr French ft Oilman'., aud hare opened a well-aawrted atock r ' ' llAVANAandDOMKSTI0 8ltOAllS. 'i i V1BOIN1 A and WKSTKKN TOBACCO. --i FIIKNOII and SCOTCH 8XUKF. . . .. MKKI18CIIAU.V and other PIPK8. PLAT1NO CARDS; .. , ' ; , . . SPORT1NOOOOD8, : , - INDIAN and FA CY GOODS, ke Ac The trad aupplled at L0WK3T NARKKT PRICKS. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIKT11UA.M Ac WENTZ, )yWITtft, oiXIBK IIOTKL BUILDINO.V "' Bailee City, hare on hand a rarlety i Household Furniture, embracing Tablea, Chain, - . ..""".i".wiMi..o.ui,ina.variieiB etc ele all of which will be aold at low ratcn. Furniture nnaureu, anu upnoiaienng done to order. . Alao.oa hand Uattreaaeaaudl'lllowa. Bpring Beds made to order, aul. J . J U K E R, .Main Street. Dalles. , ' wioukau aan tnni nuui n ' CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, .Sco. always ix avoaa thi iut asi8 or Clears, Tobacco, Matches, &c 1LAYlNO CAIIDS. IKICKKT CUTLKKY, ' PORT MONIK8. COMIIS and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PKHKU.M Kit Y. ot etry deaerlption? CHINA ORNAMKXT8 TOV8. DULLS, etc. - ' 1 FIHH HOOKS and PI8HINO TACKLR. MUSICAL lNSTRDMKNTS. FANCY GOODS. Ac. Alao P..wdor.8hot, Lead. Powder Flaaka. naekete,an many ether artlclea too nuinerooa to mention. fir Interior dealer, anpplted with Clm. Tobacco, etc. t leaa than Portland price., with frehtht added. oc-S VJbJKY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and IIAILHOOMrt. JULIU8 RRAKMBIt IIAVINO IIOUUHT TIIK KN lire Stock or Morchan.iiie and Book Account, of the late flnn ol M. Seller Co.. in thla clly. In which lie haa aildwl of liia own Importation (while doing bualneaa In Portland) an Inuueuae Atock of the beat manufactured crockery, Cilassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, .Chandeliers), Table Cutlery liOoklng-GiasHCH aud All Kinds of Oils, All Or Which llA oMTMra t MilllnA ma n , irnvupwiNi lm tO llUV Hlir l,r thl. j well to give me a call before purchaaiiia; elaewhere. i,,MII u,n imenor promptly attended to, and goorte packed to no aeoure. Don't tail to call on ma. jtudlo'a Stone Building, WaahliiKtou atreet. Dalle.. ni. .. u-JULIUS KHABMKR. Dallea. March 17th, 1806. mhlTtf BOOT AXD SIIOU SiTOUIJ. K. WYCKMAN . HAS RKMOVED 1118 BOOT AND SHOR 8TOKK to the buildlna; on Main atreet, Jnat rewived. direct from Ban Kranclacn. anno- u.un.ij una aim weii aeteciea .tuca of HOOTS AND SHOES, of the rerr beat nuallte and .t.iu EVER BROUCHTTOTHIS MARKET Incliidlna; the celebrated KNOI.18II HUNTING 8H0K - ur, mm, a inrxe aaanriinent of suiiaics' ana Uhlldren'si ftnito. OftllA IsltASir Biwluai laaai aa.L.J J n . . ... 1 niev, aa inij largfj KrimDOr FINE DRESS BOOTS S9H3.ntlunin arlin nrf.r ,A 1. . . t. l n . made to order, can rely apon obtaining a neat and eaay a". tt YOKMAlf, Main atreet. wppoaiie sioody'a Hall Gr. 13R,AIF,OJRjTj, IM1MRTGR AMD JOBBKK OF TVines : &c Xslquors, FRONT STREET, Pertlatl, . . . . Oraaram. OFFKR8 FOR BALI A VKRY LABOR A880UT meut ol Brandlei, ; Wlaen, ' v.." .:V..: , .lqon, - ' Caie Goode, C, , ItC, lie. 4- The Trade la partlenlarly Inrlted to examine my before parehaalng elaewhere. an'M-lf at.ick NOTICE TO FARMPRQ. 'Iiiw". t,,Mn,SB A!" MANUFACTURING JL COMPAN Y kaa receully attached a FLOURING MILL to their Steam laak and Door Factory. In thla City, and Jn,."-" ""P""' CUOIf FRKD, OfUND WIIKAT aad CORN, and warraat t aire the beat sallahetkav Oa waeieansIJ Seaeaj HfC fHUff) FXTRA FAMILY FWUR, 8K00ND8OH M1DDI.INOS. .: KRAN AND SHORTS, .-,,. CHOP FRKD, CHICKEN FKED. '. Alan, a Hnnrtnm BVM. nj n u . . . Corn r- wn. raaab, rrom a.w nVu". tli' ""kH 'lc F" tor WIIRAT. CORN a AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN V ILLIA "M n . Auctioneer, No. 100, Main Street, Dallei City. WILL ATTRND TO TUB BRLLINO AT AUCTION of Oeneral Merchandlae, Krai KaUte. (lroceria, Iloreea,New aad Second Uand Furniture. Stocks, Ac, Ac. : Regular Snlesj Davgaturdav.; .Outdoor aud Special Balea attended to in any part of Liberal Adraacei made on ConstsaaeaU. niKSin. JOHN WILLIAMS. Aaetioaeer. LINCOLN HOU 8 E, - Cwrsta Waehlaajtaat and fraait Slraata. , PORTLAND, 0RROON. , ;, TpiIlST-ClAaS HOTEL. LAR0R8T IN THR STATE AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and eone.y PsaaiaiainaFnrai miut lliula a at. a a ' Clrge, or to -ny oibtr Uuum In th Clrr for 60 cent. P.-nt Avn Mi.n nitn?!?" , - - - ----- - in .iiv ii una. , All th- 8imr for OreKou City. Vr.ncour, Noatl " 7'" imuvuiii noOM H harL Mpl:Sui i, ' r4, WM. n ROW IV tTARKER. M. . OFFICR-7 SECOND BTRRKT, between Waahlagtoa .. .... .,(:, Orncs llooas-9 to 12, a. 114 1 to I and tolO, r. FRANKLIN IS ARRET. CORNKR OFSKCOND AND WASHINGTON 8TREKM DALLES, OREOOA', .IOHNKPP1 NGKU ProprietOF rWlllK UNDKItSIONKD M harln. Alteri nn tin abote Market in the II K T ET1 LK, will keep conatant ly on hand all aorta of resn and Cnred Meat-, Of the beat quality famished at the LOWKST RATR My motto la to Pl.KASR A LI"" ., ., PARTIF.B HAVING SUPKHIOR STOCK FOR BALI will do well to call at the Franklin Mrk. Dalle February 186. . ; JHN U ASiaLAaTO MAltKKT ' COIMEM n COURT AND SECOND 8TRKKT8. DALT.E8, 0RKQ0.N JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL KEEP - eonatantly on hand all the Tarle-TS??' ktle. that tli. niarku, ..iki. eaH' a llord.of ' ' irntt PBK8H Ac CTJI1KD MKAX8, and alwnya ef the bi at quality. i , , , FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ' aupplled oa reaaouable terma. Tbe underalunco la alv . ,.r..,.u.-i . ... u.. L..i. eat caah price for I'AT CAITK.' Partle. 'havlng ZI III aTfMMl stainailttf.ti era ttun.... I 11 , " . . L r s 7 imwicu iu can un mm uttror goinr lewher. johjj wlclIKLBAriL CITY MARKET. 8. LAVnER & to., l'roprletora. 111 keep conitnutly on hand the heat MEATS OF A Lis KI D Aiuncnni, eilAKE OK PATRONAGE a Bol cited, a.w. dimwi ... b..... - . an aawrtment of Meala and of n. good aa quel-' mm ... uuiiuirr aiioroai ana win a Deliver tbe same to Purchasers ia the City. Parties having ; Superior Stock foraale will do Well to glte ua a call before diapoalug ot it elaewhere. " . , - ' . S.LAUBKII.aCo. Bontheaat corner of Wiuhlngton and Third 8ls ' fppoalte Koaler's Blackamltk 8kn M. BROWN & BROa, . wuouaau add sitail dsauss ir ; FANCY -A.NJD STAPr.W DEYGOODS! OROCBHIBS, PROVISaONS, Aq. pMK.'r;?ub,kto Stone Store, north aids Main atreet, Daltoa! , nt N12W SALOON. NRW BTONR 8T0RR, WASIIINOTOK 8TRRET nn , J wi" opo" rat-elaaa Saloon In French A l!',W 8t'B''llg. TiUS KVENlNuTwdJa prepared ta serve catomera with the beat of j ' . Wines, Liquors and Clgara. ALSO. A ' J EBEE LUNoh Every day and Evening. ' ' atit- ' ' JOHW RIBTDLAi a. IVatclunaker and Jeweler. . MAIN STREET. DALLES, i TRALR IN FINE WATCHES. JEWELRY N.B. All orders from the h.m. 1- 1 orotaerwlao. promptly attended to. " xf- MRS. L WkliTne JlEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, nasningion street.1 ' ' tho iuhiug , ""-.yaBBoaaa. to a !!fLU,J'.".r"d0.l' ,0l" " ac.ll. PvticalvisY Ulsaolntlon Notice. mill iVLDlDUVVliDirtn 1 ... A, LAUKK and K. 8CIIUTZ. under the nam, ,3 '. J" ! Jackn,n Saloon, h hV rl'llK "J ! Mr- "rlngd t hi Inlereat to E. Schnts. who will continue theaeM na h. toVsohau, .-ho.;;;' iss J.0r.ur, w,v A. LATJE. Tlmnkful far put patronage, th. andmli "i-.iA VMIMflttMll 1.1. KT "i inattie win ever be tonml Ha friend, that he will ever be band them 7 ,0 U1,H"", choice llqaove Id . BCUVT& W. QUR.LEY, DENTISjT" ' Main tt.i Dtmllaal. I i !.,. 11 a i.?wrai7ruuT INFORM JLZ-'i? of tbb plico and . VirAIII ta sa a.a wj, wh imtiiik returned from a pro- i ain raalUHaaaal ll.u .....! . v . . iarmV7nnir I" . ? ' m th. room t.ji .1 Z J mo laaee tnia u.tftod orea teadlna thanks, for Uie llberai aatroiMn' .Z. taiulad t lilt., .mi j,y.Jr TTrm' "J ii-iura e : i ".'i .i.ii. couiinuauce ol uts aaaiaa ' . ; .. LIST OF PBICBS. I . - i'? ly,,J.aoW-?rvr .-Aio is fm I, IvT , aw""iis4 UUIU OaarVaM tat a, . aevrMi.ej MJ.M4 Me a. a aaa T I'M i. Jd llnplnated from ie dollar apwardi'' eairacieu iree ai cnarge. , selS4r Dissolution Notice. , v T'if ""fL0.' MILLER 4 00. havathlaeVr d, M,I,r "flek. 1 Ihleelty to m.rl Bunnell A Miller, who will continue the bntloM, at Ilia aame.Und. Mr. Thomaa Miller la anthoriaed toaatik. all HablllHM and collect all debts Tui, Ai neSIIne knowing Uiemeelvee Indebted will pleaee enai. aarwaed and nettle aad aav eoeta. J, u- MILLER A IvT Dallas City, Sor. IBd, IMS. ,