atln Haniitaiuccr; Money Market. Francisco Legal Tender rates.........,. New York Oold Quotations..... Epitome or ... Telegraphic News. . fcoMHUD non mi oHroomaH.. DATES TO JANUARY . Aew York, Jan. 2 A Washing-ton dispatch days: An examination of the recnrils of the records of the Attorney General's ofEoe, proven llint no aptilicntton' for pnrdon has yet been filer bv Gen. Le. AM the manifestations of t'ontrilion exhibited by Lee has been the siRn ini of the amnesty oath prior to entering nnon the dutiei of President of Washington Cnlleg-e. New York. Jan. 1 A Wahinirlon dispatch are : A secret letter of Yulee, of Florida, cmtiK an account of the pint and plan of se ression, written some line before tile first act of the rebellion . took place, has been placed in the hands of the. Government to be met, ns part of the evident In the trial of Jeff. Davis ... ,. v.. i -'. . H'ajAi'nfon, Jan. 1. Notwithstanding ..the Tisaereeahle condition of the weather; the first New Years' reception of President John arm wai largely attended. At lift, m., the floors of the Executive Mansion were open to Foreign Ministers and attaches. Sir Frederick Bruce was the first to arrive of the diplomatic corns', which vl fully appreciated. The creeling appeared to be mutually hnppy ar.d pecu'i ir, aod, in fact, there is' nothing' In the condition nt our foreign relation! to threaten the disturbance of the general peace. All the members of the Cabinet, Justices of the Su preme Court, and other prominent civil off! cers, with Senators and Representatives, also proa the usual annual visit at 11:30 a. m The officers of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, were similarly rereived. All were In uniform, Gen. Grant and staff being console uous among the group around the President. After tbe general reception all the colored persons on. the premises, were admitted to par their respects to the- President - 11 Aeir York, Jan. 2. Gen. Sweeney has i sued an appeal to the Fenian not to waste their energies in intestine strife. Let deeds. not words, be your motto. Strike before it li trtn I a I A and thai ftlrtn annn.tiinll. Inn, forever. 1 Our situation . is that of two armlet whose chiefs cannot agree upon a line of op. rations. The vast extent of the British do minions offers many vital points, and as we cannot reconcile onr views, let each army fol low its chosen leader 'And attack where bis judgment tells bins are the best chances of success. Let this disgraceful squabble cease at onre. On the field of battle we will forget All our personal raoeor tnd factional preiu dices to remember only our dear country and hut one way of escape. , It is to call in each Bute convention delegates from different tt- cles to decide In whom they will, repose con fidence. Then leave O'Mfthoney and myself each to work out bis respective plan for the liberation of Ireland. . The Fenian Congress assembled to-day. , A guard from tbe 99tb regiment refused admission to all not fur' niibed with credentials;. Tbe State Center, Rogers, of Manhattan District, called tbe body to order. Mj. Kelly was appointed chair man., , A resolution sustaining O'Mabonv was adopted, Tbe Uongrese then proceeded to the transaction of" business, the nature of which bas not-transpired. ' There were two plenipotentiaries from Ireland present, It Is slated tbey bad letter's from Stevens'who is in France. Previous to tbe opening of C"ngres, Sweeny, Sinnotl and Muller, of the. Fenian Senate, met at Senate Bradauarters. and in pursuance of a regular adjourned- meeting. held November 8tb, but there' being no quo rum present; tdey ' anjonrnea. Report says that two English detectives were spotted and re'nsea admission to the uongress. Jftv York, Dee 29. The Evening PoitU VvasTilngton dispatrh says that the President is so thoroughly satisfied with the condition of the South and 'thpeacesble state of our foreign relations, that be has determined' to pake-still fusther redaction in tbe army. Tbe Post's Washington special says that, minor is in circulation, that the Governments of France and the Doited States have arrived at- definite understanding in relatlod to tlie' anairs 01 Mexico, ana toe uniiea states uov. ernment engages to prevent any Interference wilt ther Arch-Dak while be rem alns in that eeontry, by tbe1 citizens of the United States, or other persons on the American soil. Ac. . cording to this arrangement, Maxlmlllar) Is to be, left to the protection: of bit Austrian body guard, and tbe Mexiaac people are to be left to make euan headway as tney can. Tbe cor respondent adds; that these rumors are not au thentic-tear, but there is a general belief In their truth.- - ' . ; . - - K'asAinfofi.Dee. 29 -Tbqaestlon of negro t nffrage was submitted to a votf the people of the people ot ueorgetowT. There were 1,700 votes polled, of which only one was In favor of extending the franebitt to tbe negro ' Captain Semmes bas arrived hero and is a prisoner at the Navy lard. ' . . ." :( .' California News. ., 8d Franeiico. Jan. 3. Tbe National insn - t aoce OomrJany bar jusf been'indorpoTatedPin tbi cltf with--a capital of $1 JMjrxoOO, to be 1st Tested Is U. 8. Bonds at ssourity. These bonds era to -be placed in a fire proof-vault for safe keeping. Tbe business is to be con ducted on a coin basis exclusively, the bonds being merely held at a security. 1 reka, Jan 4 John Wifenbacb, an old and I I . V. - : . ! .lit. .. . I . Hgw L wcanu uiii&ru UI line cuillllj, UTing .nuoilt 14, one ciiie iroin town, commmen sutuiue mis morning by blowing the top of bis bead off with a shotgun loaded wslh revolver balls. His wife. was found in bed deed, baving been shot through tbe bead with a revolver. Wif enbacb sent one of bis children to a neigh bor t in the morning with a book in which he bad written that bit wife bad killed bersrif. The child stated that its mother was dead. and father had gone In the room to get tbe shot gun and kill himself It appears that three shots bad been fired from the pistol at his wife, only one or which bad taken effect, the other two pausing through the side ot the houe above her. Tbe evidence before, the comer's jure went to establish the fact that the man bad killed his wife and then blew his own brains out. Wifeubich was partially in sane, t ; ; ' , ;- ', : WAL.DRON 1IROS., - . .. Wholesale & Retail Druggists, juain street, vauea, uregon. Wl NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRS proof gtono buildlnir. rniDoalta lllocli. Mlllnr k Co. and offer to the public a full and compute itoek of I V proof stone building, opposite lllocli, Miller a I Druga, Modlciuei and ChomlcaU, connliting lu pnrt of KRHOSRNB. LAMP WICKS C111MNKYS, TUHPRNTrNB, " ' " U0P8, A1.UUI1U1, , . 'I BAtIK, . ACIDS, BFONORS. , LINSRBD, . ' LKKCIIK3, ' LARD, ; '. COHK, . CASTOR AND INDtOO AB '. NKATSFOOT Oil, LANPBI.ACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND "' " PATKNT MKUIOIiytDS. . Our stock of f ANCY GOODS I of the fftiest and best qunllty; new tylt ond large ansortments, inch as S TOILET BUAP, JKLKHH. ruAtK, - - DnAViriv, C08MKTICS; ' UAf, . HAIHOII.S, 'Cixyrnfs, ' COLOONB,. , TOOTH AND VANCy 80APS AND .. NAIL BltUSIIRS ' TOOTH POWDKRS, - AND COM11S. PUKE WINES AND LIQUORS, : ; For Medicinal purposes. uur nciuuei ror buying goods' are second to none in the State, and we shall at all times tell at a imall ad- vame from coat. Heady (ales and small proHts. PII8ICIA1S PRESCRIPTIONS ,- Carefalty tomponnited at all hours of the day and night. irnuei, sept, v, low. seiu-tr "REM O V J L . GATES & C IIAPIN, W HOLES ALK A RKTAIL' I .! I ', T DUTJGQISTS; Have Removed to RUDIO'S STONE llUILDIOt . : . WASHINGTON STREET, DALLKS. WIIKKK we will mntlnue to sell articles nanally kept In a Klrrt-Clnja Drug Store, at per cent. LEoS THAN ANY BTOKK IN TUB CITY, Our stock eouiiata In part of ' ' .i ' . ' Patent Medicines; ' Pare Win's and Brnndy, t. ' titracn, rancy a uommon boep, Spongea, ' Hir Drualiea Triiaaes, Braces,', .'';' . Corks, Acldv ' .- ,..u. FatutS. - . ..-k Tooth Powder, . Varnlahes, ... Alcohol, . - - Olla, ' nope, Bohemian Toilet Sets; Supporters, if, PnT8ICIAN8 PSE8CRIPTI0NS - Carefully Compounded. Clve ns a call and astlafy yoor- aeivea oeiore pnrcnaungeiaernare. - ' u, iuifn, nltftlj juptipi uaTKo. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! EElj I FEED!! 1 1 l. v. J .. J XT K E H, Slain Street; Ialle,- - WH0LI8ALB AND KXTA1L SuULU IN ' CIGARS. TOBACCO, . SNUFF, : always ill sroas tat but laAirns o : : ' 1 ' Clears, Tobacco, Matches, &c. PLAYING OAItDS. POCKKT CUTLSRT. ,' " . ... ' , PORT MONIKS. COMBS and BRUSHK8, o all kinds, . PKHFUMKHY, nt every description. CHINA ORNAMENTS. . TOYS. DOLLS, etc. ' ' " ' '' flSH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLS, MUSICAL INHTKUMJBNTS, FANCY GOODS. c Alio Powder.Shot, Lend, Powder Pleek, Baskets, and mmnj outer aruciee too numeroua 10 ineucton. e Interior dealera anpptied with Cltfara, Tobacco. etc. at iea man roruaua prices, with Height addea. oc-e V E BTi IMP.OR TA N X ' . . TO Merchants, Families; Hotels and . - UAR-UOOMR JULIUS KRAKMBK HAVING BOUGHT TnH KN tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of the Into lirm ot M . Heller A Co.. in this city, to which he has added of his own importation (while doing buaineaain roruanu) an immense Block ol tbe beet manufactured i Crockerr. ' Glassware, . Plated tVare, Lamps, . CtaaisdcIlerH,' Table Cutlery Looklng-Glasscs and - All Kinds of Oils, AH of wlitck he offers at reduced rnf ea- Perenna Ing to bay any of the above-mentioned artlohta, will do well to aive me a oall before Durcliaainar elaewhere. . . Ordure from the interior promptly attended to, and gooda packed to go secure. Don't tail to call on me. Mudlo'a Stone Uulldiug, Washington street, Dalits. ' ' JULIUS KRAE11KR. Dalles. March lTth, 1806. mhl7tf i i i la BOOT AND SHOE STOUE. 1118 BOOT AND 8HOR nearly oiipoalte Moody'a Hall, where he hue juat'rooolved, direct from San Frauciiiuo, anuu-. uanally Sue and Well selected atock of CORNER OF8KCOKD ANDM-A8rmt6T0N BIRESTS DaLLes, dkEodJr, 7' ' ; JOHN Al7PlISriKi Pi-opHetof TUB'-' UNDKR9IGNKD' ' liavlnc (ittinS am the -F"V ahore Market in the BR-T BTYLK, will keep constant- ly on hand all sorts of Ft-esU and Cured Meats, , Of the beat quality (urnlahea at the LOW EST IUt !' Slljr mutto Is to "PLEASE ALL," .' ftARtlKS IIAVlSd SUPERIOR STOCK FOR tilt jbl win vv wan to gui ei lue jTaiiKiin DlarRet. Dalles, February 10th, 180. ' JOHN. El'lUNOKR. VTASUUVftTOIV MARKET ooBNia'br ..,' .i .-!. ' COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, ORKQON a JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietpr. ! WILL KEEP conataiitly on hand all the yH. bties that tile market can noaallitv atturcl, of FIIICSTI & CTjRED! MEATS, 1 ' and always or the Diet quality, 1 ' FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS !: i i, i ;:. supplied on reasonable terms." i. '1 Tbe nndoragneq la alvraya prepared to pay the blgh-' eat caah price for FAT CAl'TI.E. Parties having atock In good condition, are requested to call en him beor.; , T . yJUUM U1UUULUACII. lIUII ulea, March Slat, 1868. mUSltf WW AS REMOVED a SI STORK to the. building on Malu at root. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the,verybes( quality and latest styles EVER BROUGHT TOTHI3 MARKET, Including the celebrated KNOI.ISII HUNTING SHOE manufactnred by Benkerl. Also, a large assortment of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, ' Of the latest Styles, just received from the beat Phll- sneipuia maters. Also, a very large aaeortmen, of fine: dress boots. snHJentlemen who prefer to hare their Boots or Slioea maae lo order, can rely npun otitainlng a neat and eaa; u. s. n iiHM An, piuin aireec, i aelt-tf ' I Oppoalte Moody's Hall.' A. Gr. BRADBORD, I " ' IMPORTER AND JOBBBU OF Wines sSc Liquors, FRONT STREET. Portland, - - - .. Oregsn. fkFFERS FOR BALE A VERY LARQH ASSORT CITY MARKET. S. LAUDER & Co., Iroprlctor, ;1 : ii H ill keep constantly on hand the deal ' ; MEATS OJF ALL KIIVD. A LIBERAL SHARK OF PATRONAGE Is solicited, aa'we expect to ke. p as goej I an aaaortment of llwila end ul'm good as qual- Ity, as the country all'orda: and will r .. Deliver the same to Purchasers in the City. Parties having tuner lor Stork for ul. Hn give ua a call before diapoalugol It eluewhere. . , c. IjAUuKlt. a Co.. ' 1 ' Southeast corner of Vaahiugton aud Third Sts. rppoalte Koater's Ulackauilth Shop. M. BROWN & BRO.; viavLMabsl nv atSTsllL DIA1IU IH FANCY AND STAPLE 1 GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. Ao. . .: Mr. M. BROWN, balnir a realdent of (u . . are enabled to offer greut Indcemeuts to purchaser!. V reapiriilly luvlte the public to examineoar stock befciM ' purchasing elaewhere. , , mle-tt . w w.vua .via, uurm aiue oiain atreet, Dalles. "A . NEW SALOON.-, NEW BTONg STORK, WASHINGTON STREET. i THE UNDERSIGNED would reapectfully announce that he will oncn a firat claju Malnnn In ,.rv. a 1 Oilman'a New stone Building, THIS EVENING, and. I prepared to aerre cuttotnera a 1th the beat of , " incs, liquors , and , Cigars. ( EIstXUiE: LUNCH . Every day and Evening! ' J ' meut ot Brandies, " Wines, - :- as3 Godtlfl, TThe Trade la particularly inrltcd to examine my stock liefore purchasing elsewhere.- - 1 au2i-tf oe28tr. JOHK RIKDI.AVB. , . AND : FEED.1' DEIIMs " - Wtatchinnker and JewcUr : ' MAIN STREET tiA4 I sy 'l ' . DEALER IN FINE WATOHESi FEWELRY.' CLOCKS. Gold Pena.RII.r .,..1 ll., Spectacles. Cutlerv. Ac. -Partlcular attention paid to repairing flne "ee, vioeas, Jewelry, etc. All Watrhes rej aired by NOTICE TO FARMERS JLLlL.?wh. t faw. H1IE DALLES LUMBER AND .... nr...i,Tvn t y..j ...,...u .0. ... . . M. COMPANY lias recently attached a ' , I IVJIDt il tllMITrm ' ''' . stiif.... nni i c . ..iiir j 1MEW. PHOTOGRAPH EOOMft . ' sTasuington street.! L HAYINO NEWLY FITTED UP THE OALLERY ovwii Desnaa fitora. wnnlH rHn..irnii. ... T. thus w,.T.iU,: . T7 ("". rr , . rbotoeropbs. Carts de visiter It " that they will do well to give her a call. Particular sA- i tcjitton paid to taklm Lad. ea and ri.lMr.rt'. .!,.. ' OF ALL KINDS, FOR 8AE Bt it.' tMt,' B:tt. I I Front Street, Portland, Opposite 0. 8. N, Warehouse. REMOVAtr. J. OOETE,1 Dalles: F. KOENIOSBRROER. '.,' San Frauclaco- J. GOETZ .te CO., TOBAdCONlSTS. !''.,' Have removed to . , Rudio's Nbw Stone Building. Washington 8treet, near French A Oilman's, and have ppeuTO a wiiHMaoriea siock oi i iiAVAHAana injAiKsriu BEUAItiv ;. , I VIllOlNIAand WESTERN TOBACCO, j FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, , , . meerschaum and other pipes, ,- i PLAYING CARDS, " ' '" BPORTINO GOODS, "... i iNniaN an viNfarnnnAa . , 'thetrade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICEBf" FURNITURE r FURNITURE I DITCTlMLaA.M So WEISTXZ '. -M ITO j, (JLOBE HOTEL BUILD1NO. 1L " - wt uu uaou a variety noasehola FarRiture, . embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus ' Beds and Bedsteads. BeddlnitOaroets etc- etc.. all of whlch will be Sold at low rases. FaratturS Repaired, aad Upholstering ctaae to order. ' Alao,oa hand (letliieses sad Pillow. Spring Beds load to order, aalg FLOUIlfNG MILL to their Steam Bash and Door Factory. In this Cite, and are now prepared to CHOP FKKD, UltIND WHKAT and CORN, and warrant H give the best satlalWction. On nana conatantly and tor sat FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, ' SECONDS OR MIDDI.IS'OS, , , , ,. BRAN AND BHOIITV , ' v ' ' 1 CHOP FEED, CUICREN FEED'. Also, si superior article of CORN MEAL, from new The hlaheat market nrlca nald for VltllT OnnM a '. "X Nov. xm. , AUCTION AND COJDIISSION. , : .T n it 1 -w": -r -r a- j.TJCTIOETCR, - IVO. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO THE BELLING AT AtlCTIOlt ' oi General Merchandise. Heal Katata. nr.irarl.a. Hoi-eee,New and Second Hand Fnrnlture, Stocks, Ac Ac Regular sales Uajr..Saturdajr. Out-door aod Speelaf Sales attended td In ariV nari of Liberal Advances made on Consfgnmeiits. nlftSm.-'. . - ' JOHN WILLIAMS. Aoctlonear. 1 Ulskolntlon rXnf lo.: ' ' A. I.AIIER and K.SOHUTSt.nndeMha.iuuueai. Uuer A Sthuta, In the Jaok-on Saloon, la ihl. h.. . iiT ! i'!!?7. "J S"l wnaent, Mr. Uuer baring ,d out htfn Interest to E. Schuta. ha vlll ,,i..... T hie own acconnt. All debts due the lata flrn JnlilT aldtoIt.Bciiuta,whowUlsettlsalJlaUlitles. "i Dalles, Dee. 1st.', ISSk lUi H UZUt.f gcHW ' '' ' Thankful for past natrnaan.1 Ilia niwli.. 'It. r.ruu.,liil I w !.. i i. ri i . . - . .. - ,- nia iii, irieiius I them ' Inflirm his frlnnd. f h.l hm u.111 ... . at the old stand ready to dUpeow his choice 'llVanre Z - a. w SCUMTZ. GURLEYr DENTfST. . JIalm " rikii.. w j r - W vyi4u Bcn-Ki,TruLLY 1NFORJI. WW the eltlsens of tlile placo" and vh. elulty, that baring returned from a pro. . I .. ,. ., uui ,,w mines, lie Has LINCOLN HOUSE, Curlier Washington audi Front Streets. I dron Bros.1 PORTLAND, OREGON.' ' ' again resumed the practice of DENTISTRY! fn the rooaa ormerly occupied by l.irS, In X. bulldlnV :s;4V . "sa I IJIIRSTLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. ? Charges Reasonable! -..- AM UH.11SU9 win attend all the Boats and c oarer Paaeengers and their baggage to the House Free of vuarge, or to any ouier uouse la the Clry for 60 cents. B. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8 HOT AND OOLD BATHS In the HoaW. : All the Steamers for Oregon City, Vaoeourar, Monti tcnu .Hi aswnti lanu as sue unooin noose wnarf. sepuoia i.:, . ... t , . ,: ,f( ' : - , ii , e win, browiv d. OFFICR-4t 8E00ND STREET, between Waahlagtoa ssiii wans i ' : ',!.,.: i ii ' ii . 0haUetsi-toia.s.a',-llf a "' Patronage heretofore ua tended to him, and sollciu a eontianaoce of the same. - XMIraDdnCnrS onObld Bas..3......:?,.ilgh toW- - upper Denture, Quid Baes..,!,, 0 " 13k, DentniVulcaultelhja.....,: Sis o P,V?r B?ntur. Vulcanite BaaeM..f . St s i SS'it""?!? 'nrt,a ,rom "ee,llar .pwaro! . ,!? it Chlldrens' Teeth extracted free at charge. selS-tf l! " nieeAfiillnn a'A. 1 1 . I - -u . u . a u MWIIVtJ. - - fTf "LM ?Z nU'ra " 'his nV . diapoeed of their en tl restock, In this ettv to MjjC Bunnell k Miller, who will continue the bnalneaa T !w same .land. Mr. Thomas Miller Is ai,ihrt.TL all liabilities and eollsct all debts due. All sra.w. kaowlng themsel-fes Imlabted will please dome CwasA . ad settle and ear costs. J.'lfrViyEI"" - Dalles City, Sov. S3J, lMt. "