i '- r " a r f I! Ui I ,' . rift . , A . A '" i t ;'-i51 i''!Vi'1 ni i..,iij.'l h;;'f-v:-i ." rj J VOL. O., A .f , DALLESi OREGONv'1:iJT38DAy, JANUAKy ,0,1800, j i" i;" si. ! . . i , "-. . . i . , : t rUBLISUEl) EVERY MORNING, ' (MONDAYS gXOSPTKD,) Bf -H'. iV. U. G. COWKE & J. 1IALLORAX, BDITOXg AMD PKOHBIBTORJ. I.. f sans Tmitf-fccecntt per week, payable to the carrier iper month, by mall, $1; three months, $2 60;' tlx months, $&; one year, $8, Advertisements Inserted at low mm . .i : - Job Printing.,. Every description of plain nnd fancy Job Printing exe cuted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per 'on9r to any part of the country. Payment Jot Job Frint UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. HANDLE Y & si:vxori7i,rop'r. , tUIS POPULAR UOCSX, CtyTRALLT 10CATID, .', ' " Wear the Steamboat Landing & Railroad Depot, Una. been recently enlarged, and Improved, aud will now aixuniinodate , - : ; , , , ; f ' i ' 1 u It O O ! aij.ESTS ." . tfT WILL RE CONDUCTED as heretofore, as e FIRST JL UbASd HOUSE, i l the patronage or the traveling liiihlio Is respectfully solicite I. sj Dairgaxe takou to the House free of charge. House opeu alt Bight.: l ii i , ' ,i , - w'' LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dilles, Oct. 4-tf. . .,, EMPIRE . HOTEL, ' nun birmt.'bahisv ohooh, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor; A FIRS T-CLA,SS HOUSE. IS THE OINTRE Of BDSIItISS, ifear the Steamboat and Railroad Landing Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ae commodate One Hundred and Fifty Gnosis. JIesJfl. ..,...., .50 ot. ' j Lodglig.. ...'...60 eta. Fire Proof 8afe for deposlte of valuables. Iloose open all night; Sisggain taken tothe House THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. free of charge. nino-ci SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. ' .: FRESH STOCK! ' DUSCIVIIEUr & UltOS., liftllesj and Wnlla'VVanni ;;! ' Staple and Fancy DryGoods ' Miners' Outfits, , ; Poots and;Slioer tf ,- f Clotblnv ., ft;,- ,'r- t . "i'; mAsaae) sauu aaisi9 ( i-n. . . .:. : ...t Groceries, And t foil assortment of Oeneral Merchandise. 'Buying our Goods exclusively In the San Francisco market, ana maklnir none but cash purchases, we are enabled to se I 'SO per cent cheaper tUanauy etlier'Honsu at the Dallrsj All. or. n nr. iv i Duua., ul-tr: 'vri, :.'; : DMm wd Wall Welto; HOW TO SAVE ' MOiEir ! :!,,'"-cLi;T'VHi Faintly Grocer)' and Fruit Store. , , Corner of TTsstilngton and Second jStreen., ; Tllg DNDKRSIGNKD WISHES TO INFOflSl TIIK people of the Dalles, and the public generally, that lie has a largd and well selected stuck of j M. .. FAMILY GltOOKltlKS, Candies,, a;ut$, . e4 Which he will eell Wholesale and Retail at Seductd Primt for CA Sff. Also, constantly on hand the Cholcost Article of FKKKII BUT! KH and KOUS. Also, every Tnrlsty or FHUITd and VKUKTAHLGS In their season Persons from up 'the country, wishing quantities of Kggs and Fruit, by sending in their ortlors, will receive tlir strictest atteutfvu, and have tbein filled at the Lmoul MirketJricu. " . Jvll-tf 0. L JKWELI ' w. ares. - r o. w. Akaie, 'ARMES DALLAM; i 1... rl.Kuaai t jt ' 1 . WOOD ASD WILLOW WAKE, .- BUU8UB3, TWINES, C0HDAOE, AO. . .-, r -:Xui MMufactnrersor" .. California Palls, Tabs, Brooms, Ac - SIT t2ltSacrameuto8treet,ltWMa,Frontand Davis, au Frauclseo, r ; . r'.r '" .U:9nidw- ' onAoasiucAUroaaiAroa... . TIIeTON j & ) MoFARL AND'S Fire &. Burglar Proof Safes. ' ..STEEL-LIXED VAULTS, "i J ..el. . .. . . " '; ' , W1TB ; .vObilLTiinatibn ijeVcli. 1 ' XaCunitantly an hivnd a fulVasiinrMient of SAFKS. r .,-. t ! t.i,., aiiHA5rai"i' 6TKBWtm ' y(Mn ' . Ban Franchwo.. . t- . vflAIU. .'i'-.lsJ 4V,&tll a. B. HAFT. .Agates; &i':tfijrx;y t Attorneys ti Counsellors at Law, '1 .1 FOR BOISB J MINES DIUECT. T UK WALLA, WALLA & BOISE LINE .11 I-:-- ,i OF . CONCORD STAGES, ' . ' CARUYING i. THr:Ui .S. OVERLAND MAILS ' AND WelK, Fargro & Co.'g Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Welle Walla to PI cerville, (Boise Mines.) Through In Two and'a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, and tb uousoi tneu. a. n.gompany. ap27-tf . UJiO. F. THOMAS A CO., . 1 - , i-u ' Proprietor - '''.lVOTI'OE'.Vi;',-: THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY ; a-.. i', ,i, Will carry ...,. .,: . ITST FREIGHTS FROM XJ T ILL i AFIKIt THU FjttST OF OCtOBKIl, AT THE. FOLLOW. INO KKbUCKO KAXJtkt To Bole City..,. ....15 Cents per pound , insno vsiy... ,.,.u , " Owyhee.,.: ............a 0 ; '. " For less amounts than oue hundred pounds an addition 01 ive ueuts per pouua will bo charged. ;;', i TIM1C If JLtOM; UMATILLA i To llolse C ity ,. 3 Days. To Idaho lty........3. 1-4 Days. TO owyuee, ............... 4 Days. : (JOSEPH 1'INKUAM, Acent.' , Unmlllla, Oct. 1, 186S. ... ... , , . . oc!8:tf, Q.UARTZ MILrliS : tAnd all kinds of Machinery; Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS COUNJSK OF MOKUISON and 7111 streets, :' .-t ' POBTtAND. i ' H.i.'i '.'s " " A.; 0. GIBBS k CO.,' . Suecesson to t Portland. Dec. ethfi. dedtf B. L. Jo.ns t Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND J s;.l it F. M. UUNT, Proprietor, COIlNkR;bF ;i Main and Court Street, ap21-tf ; k J'- Dalles, Oregon. FRED. TIEItE. g plo c t rty; i P ft by IS 1 0 N r ;!V.tT,ixr.i!r. :$rc o.n.iS Washington 'Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalles, lias on hand a largo aud well-assarted stock of i. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, :.' ,'lfreish ISutter. ISarsrs,?.. Received dally. X large lot of CHICKENS always on hand.: FRUITS of ail kinds; "FKK8H VKGETAULK8 every morning. All articles warranted. '" , ' '" ' ' Give Me a Call, Everybody I VUK? Aiv T . aul8:tf, . .. F.LIEDB. '; Etalllliea 185 ,.C ' V1i DIALERS. In vH ;T . .... CORNKR OF - -.- Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J.C.BALDWIN , .. . mh91.tr, . F, W , BALDWIN, WM, M0ADI. .: J;- c b. sataiL. WM. MOABUS & CO.. , , , V G I TY BAKERY, ''t-ROV'riii&ri -VjVa r.,:T . kM B $tr WtTOLKSALK AND RKTAILDF.Af, WIS in BREAD, CRAOKKKSand Family UltOCKUIKS. wstrters rrom a dlsuoje care fully tiled eudpronipdf THB HiaUEST MARKET, PRICB PALD IN. tJASH, :.. :......:.0 ) ,!.. I 'i.l ..! .,!t. I !l il Bearer,, Ottos; ;MlnJs! and Coon .skins, "Si"- ' Ov RIOHABDS A MpCBAKKIf Portland Bept. JT, I80s; ' ' oc4:3m. IHJHA0 Ac ODKIA,, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LA W WILL PRACTIOK IN TUB SUPRKMH AND GUI cult Courts of Orsniin.aud the District CourU s Washington Territory. ' '' ; ' . ,' Particular attention Dald to the collection of claims. 0. UUMABON, -i ij.i.DsJles,Og." il- i. A.ODBLt 1 U E W. C 11 Jt i I L JlAi, ., , .! ., IMrOKTBRB A!ID WB0UUA11 , , Jl Dealers in' Wines Liquors "GROCKUIES, Miners Goods,' Boat Stores, &c, ! ! BAVt tcltdVBB to TIIB1B '1 li"! NW;STONE BUILDING, l (.,. . ., ,. COBHUtOF, . vf y, . Second and Washington Streets, "" ""?"' 'DALLES' CITT.'',M i l ; NOW IN STORK A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS sortiucnt of the very best brands of , WINISS AND tlQUOlis. ' 1 . : i , ; . I . Also, a hill assort ment of ' ! ' ' 1 1 GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS. T Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New Toik and Bau Francisco, we are ublo and willing to sell at a very smaU advance on 8an Francisco prices. They hope bt adopting a strictly correct and proiupt niethoil ol doing businuss, they will receive the putrnwtge cfUie pub lic " . ' " ' ' sclo-tf -i i r . i ,; li : , , COLUMBIA RIVER MINES, A.. R.vB O OTII, I -...,,. ,, .WHITE BLUFFS, V, T... ':;, .., ((j FORWARDING , AND. COMMISSION MERCHANT,, "' '" " " AKD OIXKRAL DEAtU IN ' ' ' " IMERCHANDISE ' "r " if i tll.IPSEKS? SVrr.LIES. PACK AND SADDLE HJH3E3 FOR SALE.'. FREIGHTS CONSIGN I'D to my care for1 Out v! lie Kuotenal, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceive prompt attention '' ' ; ' 11 r White Blulfs, Oct. lat, 1864., ,.! . ., , oc.2tf ( JEW ., FULI T, !6UOEUY i PBOTISlONi STOBEi!,', f IMIK UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRtKNDS anil X the public generally, that he has Just established on Main at rest,-next door to 3.' Juker, Tobacconist, '. ' 5 ;;.:: A; NEW. STORE 1 n ;:' I' where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment e selected FRUIT. Also, in stnro aunnpletestock otcliolce puocicmEa. vnQvixMNx, veoetahlks,, co i All Of which will lit sold, Wholesalo and retail, at 11 hi DUC11D PRICES: I Come. aud see aud satisfy yourseir, !,, selil-tf '- 1 JOHN SP0S1T0. Drt. DAVY'S S PEC I F I C ; C O TMI O TLVW IV j-- ,: An Expeditions 0ic4 for ell dlsokses of the 03 XUAL .Oil G A. N SV rilHIS prompt and eAlcatlons lleniedy for the cure JL Ohonorroaa, Gleet, Strictures', mid Diseases xif the Urinary Organ, makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or .change In' applicutlop business; It will radically cure any case which can be produced. The disease H removes aa sneedllv as Iscoii. slstent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure.. Further, the disease cannot be uontruuted If the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, ' Its lngredieuta are entire! y vegetable, and no Injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, cau be caused by Itsuse.- . ... i ., . ., .( I, Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. ' Bent by express careiuiiy pacxen. -,..- v ,x ' ij. : UOSTKiriSlt. SMITH AbBAIT. Agents, 1 ' . I , , . . iul and 403 Battery street, cor Clay, '. Iy22-6m. ' Ban Francisco; ' WB0LS8AII AMD BITAIl BIAIJRS lit ,. Groceries Dry Good1 si' Liquors1 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.'. i'1' " STORAOR'AND FORWARDING, r floods consigned to us wHl meet with properattedtiva . 'Reierenooa i. , , ' Bi t !.-OIlAII...i.J.,. '. ' .MUH.il- i..i,7 n. W. Corbet, Robbtns A Oo., , ., Richards A WcCradken, ; '-W.O. Moody A Co,' - II. Iaw, - 0. Humaaon. Umatilla Landing, Sept. tli,18U3. - , , , A, J. KAMH, 1. STEPIIE.80x iii i.'-xCDE-iNTIST, V.m.-.ut Has nmrovED his ofpich oppo site IUoch. Miller. A Co.. wliora be Is prepared to do all kinds of ' - ' DENTAL WORK, In e skillful and wll nnlU.d maimer. THKTn Insertoc from one to an entire set, on Oold or Itubbor Plate. Pricea1 rative Stir 1 Rubber Plata, from ftA tn STrai Gold Plate, from $76 to ilib. ' aaTPersous having work done by me not proving Bat' Isfactory will not be required to recolve or pay for til. as,;uii r.r.J'tiV, -,,.t t,i) , '.vLmU-ii BOOKS! BOOKS! wuoLESiiLE Ayv,jiETAfLt;;v- soCHOOL. BOOKS, STATIONERY, V j S Standntd and Mlseellansoua WORKS, yT Lata NOVELS. MAGAZINES. PAPERS. d.JPXn fi Aiu Ac by erery KUiiMiior. Poat-OIHceliHialssilF Bookstore, Mainstreet,.Dallee. , nai-cr" -.''. U. J. WAI.DUU1 A CO. i! A .7 r'vfJ WAS TED. fet.l THE UNDEtlSIGNliD WILL PURCQASH BKUAU hand Furulture. Beds. Beddlus. Caroota. Ht.iv... and Household Furniture of every eosihtloB,i JPaetlM wishing to sol I will do well to call.' ' .It 111 ) WILLI AMBJ c de8;3w 100 Main' street, Dulles, Uim at! 1 X a, 13 o i s & i r,,i., ANU XXK ,-u,f Express and Fast Freight Line. reruns line. is now iii complbtb running JL order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City, and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Packou.ee between thtfse aud all intorniediatopotutswlthcerlaiuty 1 aud dssputolk .w ....i. ,.'.: v!'i.K The Line la Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely ,' New Thorough-Brace CONCORD W hich ensures Speed nnd Snfcty tn the transmission of Freixhtf never before otltTfrl to Idaho.! We offer Buy rfor tiiduconienta for Bhippiufc Goods from 8an fnuiclwu and Portlniid to IdaltOyHfl our arraiiKeuieiite with-tlie Ocnan Bttjainship Company end the Uifgon 8 tee in Nftxfc gtitfon ere such that ell Goods shipped by thle Line WIU uot he subject to the utuiai delays, but pans through as '' jTdist;''"JrelffKt.v';ri;:i Oiiods shipped fhnti San Francisco tA oilr'cnre ai Port land, Okurges will be paid oud Goods shipped toidcstlus- tlon.'' " ' ; I vi. i . GOODS SHOULD BB MARKED sOARH p. M. D. 4 00.. F. LINK, and Shipping Receipts scut to our Agents at Portland aud, Umatilla, i ;, , !, tOjtM'i Advauce Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination.- Goods will be Airwarded With Dispatch. to (ywvliee aud South Boise, ' j. T 1A88ETJRR8 CARRIED-AT GREATLY REDUCED RATK.S. Fitiiillles will, bo furnished with Superior Ao comniodatfuna In New and Knsy lUdini; Ihoroujh Ilnw Wiikoiib on the Most Liberal Terms, We lay ovor each night on the.Road at Good and Coiivbnlent Stations, t that passengers will not be deprived of regular rost, -.i-foHilo. W'AGHfiNTsjf ;!',i.!.:inT . RICHARDS: McOltAriKK..U..'.J..3...8an Francler'e RICilAHDil A.McCRAKEN , ;..Portluiar joHKPii ji'KAL...i.,i,...........ii mim POWKLLAC'B... T..,..Umatilla . II. ILKINSON. .I;,.,............-. i...iT.....l,eGrand B. M. DuKKLL A CO......,,,...,.,...,. Jiulte C'ilv B. Mi DeltELL A po......!....1.....:..!. ............ Idaho CltV MAJOR SPEEIt Uocky Bar (Huuth Bolsel UUUB1.1, .UMUllli Ruby aud Silver Cities rropriPiors. G" v.! J A' C'AKD l OIl THE " " ."'""VoiP SAX FVLAKVISCAK . ", lift 'ji J.'il.. ..'i I.. ., - . , B AD GER & LINDENBERGER; So. 411, 413 and 413 liattery mkii. Cor.Merehant, Han Vrantiaco.1 ' Iinnprjers, , and IVhoIesale, Scalers. BXTIW'tiEfti AND FRESH STOCK 1 WB WOLD 6itl! ATTENTION nf Couniiy Mcr ..cliants tveuriiisually Isrge slock 1 u...u. thx stock comprises every article In tl.e Clot) u and Fur nishing line. . We have coustantly on lial I Hie larivai and itroatiist variety of CiuMimora aud V o.,l 11 ATS nt any nueae in. Ban rranclstOi'aiid our pri .hi Sat Llire Ooodiara leas than thus of any house, i.s we receive them direct from the. nanufaiiturerli cousiiuiicut inn stock of Summer and Fall Uoops Is particularly attrut. Ive, and the great feature to the country n.-rdmnt it tlm uuusiwlly low prices... , . '. ' o Ic8g;lban the Cost of Imppi-latlcn! We also keop the STAPLE ARTICLES iu.ilie Dry Owd line, which Goods we have purchased in ttiin nurket un der the liaiumer, :and are ottering thorn at New i'oik Coat, and tes.-'-' ' ' i , , We publish. this card inordar'that we mny sji.tk ns acquainMneos, and Induce those Vholiave not herotulus purchased of us, tocall and vxauilnS our i.m k. j Good A rticjles, and ,o ia Ites ; Are the greatest iiiduce'nient's to all W.'ie purrjiasa lo sell ajjaln. MorchaiiSs who buy of us cau nnike agnoii profit, and soil to their Custoiuors at a low II ": re, W remaiiii'iespcoUiiUy, 'i.: . i .!U. ' Your Obedient Servants, luvM ii t-'-BAOUBtt rilNDBSriEIiOltR. '' f I Wholesale Ulotulngimd Hat Wareh.aiie, Nos. 411. 4W and 416 BatiiTv str. t, ' Bon Francisco, April 1, 1806. '- - f2.ani -;:-.J "ill . J -OS TUK iij it - .SEA-iuBEAOHs '1M113 DELIGHTFUL ND CKLBBRATED 8CM.VIKII Resort; sltuaied va Clatsop Plains, a sli.rt dlstaii'.o Irom tlM Ocoau,ls now iro-opeued and reiulr to rocuiisj guests. - '-I V This resnrt possesses, attractions unur parsed on lh Puclltc Coast. It has esploudld beach ..r ri.llujr, walk lag and tmtiilng;'beau(iiul,soN,ery and urrouudtt.it berries or ell kiuds abouud; is ueauliiul trout suvam andabundaucn of game. , .In . "CtlVi TATir.l! ' ' I eobstanflysoppiled with salt and l.vsh water Ksv clam, and crabs, elk, boar and feuthor.il .mo, aud the irosliost ol country pimlnca,. " ' '-. ; The climate is aelubrlous This Hdiel ,,-. tiling that oeuld U desired kd1 the conifort u( gutuw, ' The PronrietMrs rtsfieniiirask'the IleaUh and Pl.I re Seekiug Public, jur pai tronnge, that tb.y may enablodtv make the "Summer Holme" a p.-imrm-nt (a. stltutlou of the country, ., ., LOAEI.I. A KIPf a,.s. , Maytll,18tl6V'' ' I r myi(!, t JDlt. ' U.- AV; MITti 1 1 L.f a." 1 RMipci&Hier-of Third' ahc ! wj liug't.-a StrreAs.' O IVAtTlJjO 'ASSlSTiNT SUUOEbK, U, 8. A. 1 WALDRON BROS.' . DSa ST0R3 . Ci'.j V .' 'iv