i Money Market Bn Pmnclnco Lennl Tender ratet...,...,.. mow lors-uom ituoiAiions Buckles Quartz Lodes and Mill. The lodes formerly knowe as Rock. fellow'squartz discovery ,od the waters of Powder River, have lately been worked with renewed energy by Col. J. S. Itucklo, the present owner of the mines, with very fluttering results. In a run of thirty-six consecutive days in November and December, tho ex traordinary yield of $30,500, in round numbers wus realized the quartz running from $45 to $85 a ton. On account of the mill being driven by Water-power, crushing is suspend ed until spring breaks,wbenten stamps will be added to the ten already in operation. The mill is located on Powder River, about soven miles from the lodes where the quartz is obtained j Anil ! .. . . 1 . nnn 1.1 m a. UUU ,o a VOX V UUIlllMObU DDtnUIiSUUlCUV) in perfect running ordor. The original discovery of Eockfol. low and party and includes five lodes, viz: the Union, Rocky, Eureka, Ophir and Iloosior; Of these, the Union is best developed, and the location of the grouud is such that it is first reached by the same adits intended to work all the lodes. A shaft has been sunk ono hundred and forty feet on the Union, and an adit has been run in something over a hundred feet to the bottom of the shuft. Another is four hundred feot in, which will strike the Union two hundred and fifty feot from the surface. The mines are exs pecting daily to strike tho Union in this adit. Galleries have been run ' sixty or seventy ioet eaeh way from the deep shaft, and work is still pro gressing upon tnom. lue average width of the Union is about three feet, with a dip to the north.. The rock is remarkably clear ot aft combinations calculated to impede amalgamation, and in general improves as it is sunk ' upon. Tho other lodes are of about the same average proportions, running parallel to this at short distances from it, and will be all worked from the same adits. The gold from these lodes averages about $19 40 an ounce, and contrary to the general belief in regard to quartz carrying gold of great fineness, ' His evenly distributed, and promises to run with as much regularity as in nny silver lode discovered in the Co lumbia Basin. It is, however, met occasionally in very considerable quan lities af the samo purify as that taken from the batteries. ' Important Decision in Relation to the Location or Roads We learn . that, in a case reserved from Umatilla County, Judge Wilson has decided some questions, whioh may be of great moment to the publio : 1 In thn vtAwrnir ana TooatinD dF - n n roads, it is necessary, that tLe wbofo nurabor of viewers, appointed by , the County Court, should be present at such view and location. A majority of the viewers may make and sign the renort of their proceedings, but all mnstioin in the acts of location. 2. A plaintiff, having sued for dam ages for tresspass, recovered a iudgs ment for twenlvfive dollars, held, tbat defendant must recover costs and all proper dtsbarsmenta from the plam tiff. Doubtless, many of oar roods are liable to this defect in their establish ment; and our County Courts cannot be too careful In tbat branoh or their u.stavi'1'1 TfALDROS BROS., r Wholesale & Retail Drug-gists, Main Street, Dalle., Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OCR NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stone building, opposite Dloch, Miller A Co., and offer to th. pnbllo a full .nil .complete stock of Drugs, Medicine, and Chemical., oonsUtlug in part of KEROSHNB, LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS, TURPENTINE, SAGE, SPONGES. , LKKCHS3, AIM DS, LINSKRD, J.AKU, CASTOR AND INDIOO AND NEATSFOOT OH, LANPBLACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS, AND I'ATKNT MKDICINE8. Our .tuck of FANCY G00U9 1 1 of the finest and beat quality; new styles ond large assortments, such a luhin's pkrfubkry, hair. POMADES. SHAVING, COSMKTICS, HAT, HAIlt 011,9, CLOTHES, UOLOGNH, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BRUSHES. TOOTH POWDERS, . AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities for baying goods an second to non. In me state, ana we annu at all times sell at a small ad- ranc. from oust. Heady sales and small profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. jmues, aepi. v, 1000. selU-tl JZ E M O V A L . GATES te CIIAPIN, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Hav. Removed to RUDIO'S STONE BUILDING, WASHINGTON STRKKT, DALLES. WTJTHKR14 we will continue to sell articles usually T Kepi in a .iriu-uiass Drug n LESS THAN ANY STORE IN I'll I! Drug Store, at 20 per cent. E CITY. Our .lock consists in part of Patent Medicines, Pure Wines and Tlrandy, Fancy A Common Soap, Hair Brnslie. . Corks, Acids, Tooth Powder, Alcohol, j.xiritcts, cpouges, Trusses, Braces, Paints. Varnlsbes, Oils, Hops, Bohemian Toilet Sets, Supporters, Ac, PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Giro us a call and satisfy y ur- selves before purcliaalng.elsowliere. u. uuiunfl, linutll JUSTIN GATES. MRS. LElSlSlt'W FRENCH MILLINERY STORE, AND. Dress Maklnsr EstaBIIshnient. Opposite Cohn & Dohm'i, I WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION of the Ladles o the Dalle, to my large and fine stock of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, BONNETS, II4TS, FEATHERS, Dress Trlinmlnirs, Sco. Having secured th. services of MR!). VRARY. In th. Dress Making apartmout, wc will do all work In that llu. aud gnarante. perfect Mtlsraction. viim aoiit in an colon. Give me an early call and I will endeavor to anlt sveryoody id TASl'K and at HKA30NAULK PRICES. particular attention paid to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN ! FEED! FEED ! I BRAN, SHORTS, ' " AND FEED OT ALL KINDS, FOR 8AE BY II. H. LAW, .25 Front Street, Portland, Opposite O. 8. N. Warehouse. l19:lf. UEMOVAL. 3. G0ET7,, Dalles. V. KOENIGSBEROER, San FrancUco. J. GOET Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS. Have removed to ' Rudio's New Stone Building, Waahlngton Street, near French Oilman's, sud have MulnMl . wnll .asirt nil nt opened a wel.sorted stock of I II i V i u A mwtA n. if uanin aM .no VIRGINIA and WESTERN TOBACCO, rsftntyti anu maiiuu bauif, MKERSCII ACM and other PIPES. . PLAYING CARDS. . SPORTING GOODS, INDIAN and FANCY GOODS, Ac, Ac. Th. trad, supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. FURNITTJRE ! FURNITURE DIERLAJX Sc WENTZ. . .sirn. v"' )T uurai HOTEL BUILDING, Dalles City, bar. on baud a variety Household Furniture, embracing Tables, Chain, Bureaus Bed.andBed.teads.Bed-lltlar.rtarneK etc., ete all of which will be Kid at low rate. Purnltur. Renalred. and Upholstering done to order, alan-on hud HettraM. and Pillow.. Spring Bed. and. to order. au!2 WM. BROfTlV WAUNEll.lrt. D. OFFIOB 14 8B0O5D (TF.KIT, between Wa.Ii lb (ton andOoart. . n 0rn OevM-v to 13, A 4 1 to 4 . m and h10, t. at. J. JtJEEE, . , Main Street Dalles, whouduu ura aitail nun in CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNTTFF, PIPES, Sco. ALWAYS IK VrOU TBI BUT BRAM&S Or Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. PLAYING CARDS, POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES, COMBS and BRUSHES, o' all kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description. CHINA ORNAMENTS. . . TOYS, DOLLSvetc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other article, too numerous to mention. AJ" Interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco, etc. ai less (nan r oruaua prices, who freight added. ooa VERY IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAR.ROOMM, TULIUS KRAEMBR nAVINO BOUGHT THE EN- J tire Stock of Merchandise aud Book Account, of the late firm of M . Seller Co., In this city, to which lie has added of hi. own Importation (whil. doing business Id roruanuj an immense biock oi (lie pen mnnutuctured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandellemv Table Cutlery Booking-Glasses aud All Kinds of Oils. All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish. Ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will du well to nlre me a cull before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from tin interior promptly attended to. and goons pacaeo. (o go secure, uou'l lull to call oil me. Rudlo's Stone Building, Washington street, Dalles. HUB KEAKMER. Dalles. March 17th, 1868. mhl7tf BOOT AND SHOE STOKE. ' F.SvYCKMAfS. HAS REMOVED IDS BOOT AND SHOE , STORE to the building on Main street, nearly opposite Moody'. Hall, where be ha. I Just reoeived, direct from San Francisco, an un usually nne and well .elected stuck of BOOTS AND SIIOK8, of fhtt'very best quality and latest styles EVER BROUCHT TOTHIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTINO SnOB manufactured by Benkert, Also, a large assortment of Ladles' and Ohlldren's Gaiters, Ofth. latest Style., Just received from th. best Phil- aaeipDia manor.. Also,', very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. -Gentlemen who prefer to liftYe their Booti or Shoe Dituie to order, can relv a nun nlitnininiT , nMt nn.i muv At l uvni.iiw i.i..i...s wie-tr Opposite Moody's Hall, -A-. GJ-. 13 RAD LOItl, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF Wines Ac. Iiquors, FRONT STREET. Portland, - . . Oregon. rFFRRS FOR BALE A VERY LARGE ASSOllT vr ment or Brandies, . Wines, Liquors, - Case Goods, A" Th. Trad. I. nartlcularlr invited to examine m wvaueiure pnrcnaeing eisewnere. auvs-tl NOTICE TO FARMERS. tmyUK DALLES UUWBRR AND MANOTACTURINO M. WllfAMU li" recently etuohed a FLOURING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and are now nreoared to CHOP VKKD. UltlND WIIKAT and CORN, and warrant to give th. best wlblacllon Oa nanu constantly and for sal. FXTRA FAMILY TViDR, SE0OND8 OR MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND BIIORTA, ' ' CHOP VKRD, CHICKEN VEEBi Also, a Snnrlor article of COR7I HRir tm new uurn. The hlzhert market nrlce nalJ for WIT KAT. mitW a BARLKY. H. A. nOOOK. Agent. jjniiee, nor. a, tooo. null. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN WILLIAMS A.TJCTIONETCB, No. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. 7TILL ATTEND TO THE SELLING AT AUCTION ww ol Oeneral Merchandise. Real Kstatei f Iromrli a. uoneanrw anu oeoona uaud ruultur., Blocks, Ao, Ac. Regular Sales DaT"SattirdaT. I Out-door and Sooclal Kile, attended to lb any nart of sue uiiy. Liberal Advances mnde on Consignments. nl9Jm. - JOHN WILLIAMS', Auctioneer. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and front Street., PORTLAND, OREGON. K1IRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IV THE STATE. JL?..1 Chames Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the rto.1. in. Passengor. and their baggag. to th. House Fre. of Charge, or to any other House In, the dry for 60 con is. , . uurFIN, Proprietor. P. 8-n0T AND COLD BATHS la th. House. All the Bteimers for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti oeilo and Astoria land at the Lincoln House Wharf. epl:8m i, NOTICE. F8. HOLLAND IS MY AUTHORIZES AGENT (o attend to collecting ami settling up thy bnsluess, during my abseno. Those Indebted to- as or to Payn. A Co., am requested to pay him immediately and aav floats, as be has orders te collect. , If, A, O. FAtNK. DailosNoT.Aft,Ioft, . I,., .. 14IJ TT A "KTTTt T"vT HA A T)T?T"P j A XVaXA. AlbAAA. JliaiVlU)'1 V CORNER OF SECOND AMD WASHINGTON 6TBKEM DALLES, ORSQOIT, - JOHNKPP1NGER Fropifil!tdr . TUB UNDERSIGNED haying sited np th. "PV aboT. Market iathBE-T flMT STYLE, will kwpooastaofc ly on hand all aorta af t resli and Cared Meats, Or th. best quality furnished at til. LOWEST RATI . M? motto Is to PLEASE ALL.".. PARTIES nAVINO SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BAtS will do w.ll to call at th Franklin Market. ..' ' JOHN KPPINGIIL. Dalles, February 10th, 1864. WASHINGTON MARKET ooiiiisor . COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON iOHJST MICHELBACH, Proprietor. . WILL KEEP constantly on hand all th. rarle-1 ties tbat the market caa neailbl ... .... r FRK8H 6s CTJRETJ MEATS, ana aiway. or th. b at qnality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS ' supplied on reasonable terms. The nndersignea Is al ways nreoared to nae the M) estcaeh pale, for FAT CATTLE. Par tla birring stock in good condition, are requested to ell on him befoul going elsewhere. JOHN MICHELBACH. uauo., March aist,186S. mhbltr CITY MARKET. 8. LAUDER & Co.. Fronrietorr: WlU koep constantly on hand the beat ' MEATS OF ALL KINDS.; A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE I. 1 la aoncireu, as w. expect to kern as nn.1 an assortment of Ments and of as goodsj dual' ity, n. th. country alforus: and will Deliver the same to Farohatars in the Citr. PorUefrliuvJiig Superior Stock fnrula niHn n w give us a call bofure disposing ol it .Isewher.. . . 1.AU1JKR.ACO,, Southeast oorner of Washington and Third St.. l'pposlte Kost.r'. Blacksmith Shoe M. BROWN & BRO.; JANCY AND STAPLfi DEY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. &o. Mr. M. 1IH0WX, b.lni a resident of Ran n.w. re etmliled to Oder great Inurements to purchasers, 'fl .nrtv,,., in. no iue pnuuc to examine our stock befcitt tuiruliaaiiigelsewhere. mlo-tt r stone Store, nortli .id. Main street, Dalles. Mt ISTEW SALOON. KEJV 8TO.NE STORE, WASHINGTON. STREET. nnilK UNDERSIGNED would respectfully announc JL that he will nnen a flnt.f.ln HninAn T i..i. a Gllmaii's New Stone Bnllding, THIS EVENING, aodjl preimred to serve euitomtn with the best of Wines. Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A J " . 13I113E LUNCH Every day and Evening. - w2Sir. JOHN nlUDLATB. I 13 II M , lVnlch maker and Jeweler MAIN STREET. DALLES. rvKK I" FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY. I UI-UUKS Quid Pans. Rilv.r nrf Pl..l w... I , Bpectacles, Cutlery, Ac , j sriariicuiar attention paid to repairing Snew matches. Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Wafehaa .,..iri l Die warranted for twelve months, , N. B. All orders from th npper nonntry, by Exptsm or oth.rwls.. promptly attended to. MRS. L. WHITE'S -NEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. Tnsningion Ktrect. HAVING NEWLY FITTED DP THE OALLERYoTew Drgiiar. Storu. would PMniwirniiv.nAHnM .A .n tlioee wishing . r """"'" fhoteirraDbs. Cart fl run, i that thn will do well to give her a call. Partlcalaraa, tcntlou paid to taking Lutes aud CM'dren's Pctr lilNsolutlon Notice. Tn?p,AJTNKnsmphe,ofoMf,'"i' A. LA UER .d E. SCilUTZ, and.r th. n.n. o4 Lau.r A Scliuli, In tk Jark'on Saloon, at thlf day . hV -.olvl by mw ml ons.nt, Mr. Uner having Mid out bts ............ ... ... u, .lu(a, wllu wm continue in. business on his own account. All debt. dn tba lata Irm wUl k paid to E. Schuti, who wUl Settle all liabilities. , , Halles, Dec lrt.. 1864. . Thankful for past patronage, the undersigned would rMpecttully Inform his friends that he will ever be found at th. old stand ready to dispense his choice lienor to tlem. B. BOHUTK. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dalle, Oregon, WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM JT -til. cltlsen. of this nlaea and .1. C -.a ciimj, mui niiving remrnea from a pro- i iTOBiuiini iour inrmiffli ine minea.aeha again resinned the prartlco of DENTISTRY, In the room ... . J c"' ,TO uy "im. in tne .Dunuing occupied by Wood A Butler, Ph itograph Artists, and adjoining Wai droll Hm.' Tlrnip ftlnrn II .. k .1 j tending thanks, for the liberal patronng. heretofore es- tended to him, and solicit, a oontlaoanc. of tb. same. 118 T 01 PHICIS. v t Entlr. Dentur. on Goht Ruse... n...J.jiM to t29 ' " Upper Denture, Gold Base..nn,..v... 90 IK " Denture. Vulcanite Use............., U " 13$ . " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Dm.,... S6 0t Gold Fillings Inserted from one dollar upward. Children,' Teeth extracted fre. af cbarg.. : Mll-tf , Dissolution Notice. . THE FIRM OF J. W. MILLAR A CO. hart fhls day -disposed of their entire Stock, In this city to tiessm Bunnell A Miller, who will continue the business at tbav ' KM .tan. MC Tboma. Hi filer Is authorised tosettbt. ' all Itabllltie. add oollect alt debt dud, All pmona ,' knowing Ihstiwetvet hiovbted will please ooroe , wa4 'Dalle. City, Rot. d,18tS. "