' t ' I - t ..' 4 . -'A mmmmm VOL. O. DALLES, OREGON, SUNDAY, JANUAllY 7, 1800. NO. 14. ! mm PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, ..' (MONDAY tXOKPTID,) BT E. C. COW1VU & J. IIAEit OIU, IDIT0H8 AND PR0PR1ST0R. " rRs TiotHly-IlM cenU per wtwk, payable to the carrier per month, by niall, tl; three months, tibO; six months, $4; one year, $S, Advertisements Inserted at - tow rates. . Job Frin tins:. 1 Every description of plain ami fancy Job Printing exe uted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per order to any part of the country. JMummtJor fob Print tiig muse tie muue on aeuoery j work. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. IIANDLKY &SI3LOTT, I'rop'rs. mis popular nbusi, CCNTRAUT locat, Near the Steamboat Landing & Kailroad Depot, Ma been recently enlarged and improved, and will now -uucuininouaio 4 300 GUESTS. BT WILT, BM CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUHK, and the patronage of the traveling tuuiic u rcspeciiuuy suticite I, AU? Rajgnge taken to the House free of charge. House upon an nigiit. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOT,EL, MAIN STRICT, DALLES, OREGON, THOMAS SUIT 31, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. ' IN Tilt CENTRE OF B08IXRSI, Near the Steamboat and Kailroad landing Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao eoumiudate Duo Hundred and Fllty Guests. Uoals 60 est. Lodging.. 50 cts Fire Proof Safe for depositeof valuables. fcj. House open all night. Baggage taken to the House iree m charge, v tiwua.3 b.iiliu, mli8-tf Proprietor. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. PIIKSH STOCK! ih s i:e.i: ii v fc kiios., Dalles and Walla "Walla, DKALIR8 IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miner' Quints, Boots and Shoes, Clothing;, HatS and Caps, -' .... Groceries, And t fnll assortment of General Merchandise. 'Bnyins our Ooods exclusively In the San Francisco market, ann making none but cash purchases, we are enabled to se I 20 per ceut. cheaper than any other 'House at the Dalles! ' DURBNBKRY ft BROS, V t inl-tf - ' ' Dalles and Walla Walla. IIOW TO SAVE, MONEY ! Eamlly Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Wsshlngton and Second Streets. ! ' 5 TUB UNDKR8IGNED WISHES TO INFORM THK people of the Dalles, and the: public geuerelly, that lie has a large and well selected stock of . . ,,. , , . FAMILY GBOdEUIES, . ,. caxbibs, huts, .;.; , :.;'- Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Reduced Prica for CASK. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article or FKKSH BUTTER and HUGS. Also, every variety of FRUITS and VEGETABLES In their season Persons from up the country, wishing quantities of Eggs and Fruit, by sending in their orders, will receive the strictest attentfon, and have them Ailed at the Ltnout MmMPrtm. JyU-tf . , - Oi L.; JEWELL; B. DALLAX. 0. W. ARUM. ,0. W. ARHIS. : ARMES & DALLAM, ' i Importers and Jobbers of WOOD ANU WILLOW WARE, BKU3HE3, TWINES, CORDAGE. Ao. ,. i ( f And Manufacturers of . . , i. California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, ttc. SIT A 210 Sacramou to Street, between Front and Davis, ban Francisco. , - olUnidaw.- IT. TILLMAN, SOLI AUINT IN CALI'ORNIA POR , TILTON & , lMoPARLAND'S Fire Sc Burglar Proof Safes. STEEL-LINED . VAULTS, . , ' '; i " ' -with-, ., . V Combination Lock. -Constantly on band a fnll assortment of BAKB8. , ' . 318 BATTERY 8TRKBT, JyMm Ban Francisco. ' .H.OATIS. : :. ( .. " ' '.:: GATES.' iiIIAPT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, '" ' ALLES, 0EEQ0N," FOR UOISU .UliES lflUECT. . 1. i . the fea WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE . OF ' : ' ' CONCORD STAGES, : ' ' . CARRYING .. THE U. S. OVEFILAND MAILS AND Wells Fargo Sl Co.'s Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cervine, (Boise juines.i . . ' Through in Two and a Half Days Conuectiag with the Wallulk Line of Stages, and th uoaiaoi tne u. a. n.uouipauy. . UKO. F. THOMAS CO., ap27-tf Proprietor NOTICE. TIIE PIONEER STAGE C03IPANY Will carry frABT FREIGHTS ' FROM tj m: -A. rj? iL n. .a., AKTHRTHIS FIRST OF OCTOBKR, AT THIS FOLLOW 1NU ItEUUCEU llAlEh: . To Boll City........... 15 Cents, per pound tuauo iityl,Ml.HIu . , Owyhee , HO For less amounts than one hutidred ponnds an addition oi xivo uou per poauu win ue cuargeu, TIM 12 JPHOM UMATILLAi TqUolseClty, 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-2 Days. iu uivyuee, 4 Days. JJOSKPU PINKHAM, Asent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 186. oclsal Q.UAUTZ MILLS! And ail kinds of Machinery Manufactured at the ... OREGON IRON WORKS CORNJStt OF MOR1U80N and ITU streets, - PORTLAND. A.. 0. 01BBS CO., Successors to Portland. Dec. 6th 'Bf de6tf E. L. Jomks k Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND BILLIAIID ROOM, F. M. IIUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF Main and Court Stroetw, " ap21-tf , Dalles, Oregon! ' FRED, LIEBE, ' GROCERY, PROVISION. AND. ' . F.RTJIT STORE,'- Washington Street, opposite French ft Oilman's, Dalles. Has on hand a large and well-assorted stock of j ,- GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh nutter &. Etrars, Received daily. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all klnda... VRKSII vmikTAiil.k'H every morning. All articles warranted. ' Give Me a Call Everybody! PRICES LOW. anl8:tf Ti F. LIEBE. ' Established 33 At.rv:iixpi ;33r.o., GROCERIES! '.. 11 J.. ' rtnitNKR ASP .- . .,, 1:1 .. Main and Union Streets.' Dalles. J.O.BALDWIN ; mh21-tf F. W. BALDWIN. WU.'MOABDS. 0. B. KtxaiL. . WM. MOABUS SuCO G I TY. BAKERY, :' AND .i ; . , PROVISION STORE, '' Corner of First and B Streets. WII0I.KSALB AND RETAIL DHALKK8 la BRgAD, CRACK KRS and Family 0410CKR11CS. M0rders from a distance oareftill y fillod and oromntl v dispatched. .. .. ; .:J - , ' - ,1-tf lTurs ! " Furs I -r THS HIQUEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH Beaer, otter Mink and Coon Bklns, ' ' ' Br KIOHABDS ft MoCRAKEN. : PortlKad Sepi. 37, lba., . . Mtdob HIJ.TIASO.1i Ac ODELL. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRAGTiCB IN TUB BUPR8MB AND OIR euit Conrta of Oruon. and the District Courts a Washington Territory. i Particular attention said to the collection of claims, ' ' 0. SUM ASON, jsjIiflDsiles, Ogn-jja. J. A. 0DEU r R U X II & U 1 h )l A. i, ' lMPUllTtRS AND WHOLUIAU Dealers in Wines, Liquors GKOOKltlES, miners' tioods, 11 oat Stores, &c, ' BAVI RRVOVID TO TUIIR N W STONE BUILDING, C0RNIR Of Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITY. NOW IN STORK A LARUE AND COMPLETE AS sorttnent of the very best brands of WINES ANr LIQUORS. '' . Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. Coiistnntlv recelvlnir uur snnnliea direct from Nhw York and Han Francisco, we are able aud willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. Tlioy hope by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage cf the pub lic. . selO-tf COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A.. Tt. 13 O O Til, White bluffs, w. t., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, " ' '. AND OINIRAL, DIALER IN M EBOIIANDI8E AND MINERS' SI) P P LI 12 S. PACK AO SADDLE H3R3E3 F0S SALE. PRKI01ITS C0NS1O.NFD tj my care for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Miuos, will re ceive prompt ut tout Ion. White Ululls, Oct. 1st, 1801. ' ' ; ' ' ' oc 2tf NliW FilUlT, GUOCU1EY AND PROVISION STORE. '. rrHB UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIKNDS and X the pnblic generally, that he lifts Just established on Main street, next door to J. Jaker, Tobacconist, . , A NEW STORE! where he keens constantly on hand a lume assortments selected FKU1T. Also, in stureacompletestiick olclioice unoi.T.iuM, raurjaivjva, v KUtlAliLHS, ire. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at UK! DUCKD PRICES. Come aud see and satisfy yourself. seJO-u , - JUUN BPllbUO. ; DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, . Au Expeditions Cure for all dlsensos of the , SEXUAL ORG A1VS.' raUIS prompt and efflcatlous Remedy for the cure' ' JL Ohonorroai, Oleet, Strictures, and Diseases of ths Urinary Organs, mukes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change in application business; It will radically cure any case wldch can be produced. The disease It removes as speedily as Is con. slstent with the production of a thorough aud poruuuieut cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted if the SPECIFIO COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, -Its Ingredients are entire) vegetable. and no inlnrlniia effect, either constltnUonally or locally, can be caused by Its use. i .... Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed, t ..,.. UUHA-i.lTe.lt, BMITn DEAN. Agents, . .' - .- . (H andeua Battery etreet, cor Clay, jy22-6m. San Francisco. H. B. BILL..' , A. 1. KANI. HILLKAN;E, WnoLUALt AND KRTA1L DIALERS IN Groceries, Dry' Goods, 'Liquors AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. " STORAGE AND FORWARDINU. Ooods consigned to us will meet with proper attention Reierencoa i v rORTLAND ' : .. ' DALLEf. II. W. Corbet, . Robblns ft Co., . . . Richards ft McCracken, -' W. C. Moody ft Co., - : 11. wif,. u. iinmason. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 6th,18U. .A D. 1). STEPHENSON : ' ,', IEIVTIST, J.' TWAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE OPPO- M.M. site Bloch, Miller ft Ct- where he SK38K-f iii prepareu to uu an kiiu oi . . - dental work, In a skillful and well flnlshtit manner. TKKTn inserter from oue to ao entire set, on Gold or Rubber Plate, r Prices ranire fur Rubber Plate, from S2& tn SA i Gold Plate, from 76 to $1. . ,-. . . ' T-Persons having work done by me not proving sat isfactory will not be required to receive or nay fur tin ams. ul8-ti . BOOKS! books: WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, KtonHarsI an si lllaiullanunn. WlDLra V wi-ss.-a win u D.Ditvauwu n vivaos Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS, ftc, Ac., by every Steamer. PosMMBce nooxqiore, main street, Dalles. , Hi i. WALDROM ft OO, -... WASTED, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL PURCHASE IBOOND Vi n nil Vnrnllnra U...I- n . ... 7 and Household Furniture of every description. Parties wtohtug to sell will do weU to call. I --"ii ' "'-'- JOHN WILUAM8, ' ' mvv aai em aii vsau is. Umatilla, Boise, . , AND IDAHO i1, , Express and Fast Freight Line. THIS LINE 19 NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING order from Cniaiilla to Idaho City, via boise City, and prepared to curry Freight and Valuable Packages betweeu these aud all iuturiuediate points with cerjatuty aud despatch. , . ; . .1 . .. 1 .1 The Line la Stocked with the Best Teams " the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Braoe . CONCORD WAGONS,: Which ensures Speed snil Rafi'ty In the transmission of Freight, never before offered to Idaho. We offer Supe rior inducements fur Shipping Goods from San Franuisoo aud Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Stoam Navl-gutlon-are such, that all Uoods shipped by tills Line will not be subject to the usual delays, but pass' through as Fast 'Freight; Goods shipped from San Fr tuclsco to bur care at Port land, Charges will bo paid aud Goods shipped to destina tion. ' ' UOODS SHOULD BE MARK ED: CARE B. M. S. ft CO. F. LINK, and Shipping Receipts sent to our Agunte at Portland and Umatilla. . , , . , . in 1 , Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will her forwanled with Dispatch to owyhee aud South Boise. ' PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY SEDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ao coinmodntioiis in New sad Easy Riding Thorough Brace Waguns on the Most Liberal Terms, We lay over each night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, ao that passengers w 111 not be deprived of regular rest, ' :'l AGifiNTSi ' ' ; HICHARDS ft McCRAKEN San Francisco RICllAltDd ft McCUAKEN PortlauU JOSEPH TEAL ...ii.....Dallee POWKLL ft C"E ,..M UmatilU J, B. WILKIN0N...m . .....LeOrand D. M. DultKLLACO JJolse City ' B. tl. DuUKLL ft CO ldaMCIty MAJOR SPEKIl Jtocky Bar (South Bolsel DullELL ft MOOHE Ruby ami Silver Cities ' 11. M, DaUBLL sV CO., . h25tf ' 1 , . Proprietors. A CAU1) FOH TII13 , 1 Fall & Winter Clothing Trade J Of SAW FRAKCISCOV BADGER & IJlBENBERGER! i No. 411, 413 and 1S ilattery Street, Cor. llsrehant, Sau Frauoisoo. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIEE, NEW.. AND FRESIt. STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTIOXof Country JfeN chants to our usually lurge stock of Goods. Our stuck comprises every article In tl.e Clothing and Fur nishing Hue. We have . constantly on hand the largest aud greatest variety of. Uassimere and Wool HATH ol any hunse in San Francisco, aud our prt.es for these Ucedtare iHMthan tlauss of any bouse, aa we receive them direct from the hianufacturer's consignment Our stock orHummeraud Fall Ooops-is partlcularlyattracl. Ivo, and the great feature to the country merchant is the uunsually tow prices., - i',. : l . ,.., m. ' . . Less Than the Cost of Importation! '! ' We also keep the 8TAPLB ARTICLES In the Dry Good line, w hich Goods we have purchased in this market ntf oV the hammer, and are oderlDg them at New Yoik Cost, and less. -., . ' ....... u..: ; ', .1. . We publish this cardT la order that we may make ne acquiilnutuces, and Induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices Are the greatest Inducement to all who pnrchais ta sell again. Merchants who buy of us can make a good profit, aud sell to their customer! at a low Bgure. Wa remain, respectfully, , . , ., , , Your Obedient se'rrants,' ' lj 11 '' ' it UADUEU ft LINDENBERGER,' . . . Wholesale Clothlngaud Hat Warehouse, " ' ' Nos. 411. 13 and 414 Battery street, un rUbin.w, akii t, 1DUU. pf T JtOTKIUlW. HOirOU TU15 oUfVJUtt.jQUBE:.'- ' ' ' ON THE . . SEA BEOE.1 MIIS DELIGHTFUL aND CELEBRATED SUMMER -. Resort, situated or Clatsop Plains, a short dlstana from tin Ocean, Is now re-opened and ready to receive guosts. . 1 r , ThU resort possesses attractions unsurpassed on the Pacific Coast. It has a splendid beach for riding, walk- lug and bathing; beautiful scenery and surrouudlngst berries of all kinds abound; a beautiful trout stream audauanaance of game. - . i ; THU TABLE r it? '-i Is constantly supplied with salt and fresh water fit clam, and crnbs, elk, bear and feathered game, aud ther Irmhsat of country produce. , The climnte is selubrious This Hotel offers every-' thing that could be desired for the comfort of guests, both well and sick.. . . ', j J The Proprietors respeotfaily ask the Health and Pleas, ore Seeking Publlo Ibr partronage, that they may enabled to make the " Hummer House " a peruirnent ls stitution of the country. . i LOWELL ft KIPPEN. ' May tn, moo. myttt, IR. U. W. MITCIIliLI brrioi WALDUON'S BtJILDIifG. . BssiMNos Corner of Tliird aid Wash lug ton Streets. 13 it. lirsTEEEi ' j u" ACtlNO ASSISTANT BURGEON, D. I, A. I ! WALDRON BROS,' DRUQ STORE.