on. Grand United Gold and Diamond 1U8T Co mantt. The eagerly ex pootod proep ectus has at last appeared of the "Grand United Gold and Dia mond Dust Company." Tbe act is aire ady in existence the iiisdlveri ct to limit the liabU'y of the share holders. ' To show the confidence felt in the undertaking on the spot, it is respect fully announced that fifty thousand fiharoa are reserved for the locality where the dust exists, or, in other words, for tbe dust hole. This tsompany is formed for the pur pose of working the rich deposits sup posed to fee imbedded in the various banks of an extensive river in the Brazils, the tide of which is supposed to lead on to fortune. ' They hope, oy getting into the right current, to be able to etir up tbo sources ot wealth alluded to, which tbey may anticipate that tbe numerous "flats" on all sides will yield an abundance of tbe precious ore tbey are m search ot; Shouid theso means of profit become exhausted, the directors havo the sat isfaction of feeling that the adjacent plantation will enable them to take Advantage of tbe numerous plants, and thus, the gold being used up, they can cut their sticks immediately. It is proposed by the directors to take further powers for packet smelt' ing, and otborwise reducing the quam tities of auriferous matters that ret main unappropriated, on account of tbe manner in which the process of extracting gold Irora any place in wbioh. it exists, has been hitherto car. ried on. Notwithstanding the numerous arts that have been employed, thrdiror tors flatter themselves that tbey are in possession of machinery by which gold can be squeezed out from " quar ters" where it has, until now, re mained so tightly held as to have been, regarded as utterly unattaina ble. The process is one of refine ment, but it would be obviously im. prudent to say more on this point in publio advertisement. The directors hope that enough money for their purpose will bo obi tained at once, and they anticipate too further calls, out the subscribers will have the right of making as many calls as they please for tbe recovery of their monsy at the office of the company, should the undertaking be remunerative to the shareholders. Applications for shares, in tbe usual form, may be made forthwith to the seoretary pro icm., who will be happy Co throw samples of the dust immedi ately into the eye of any applicant. Summons. Henry Ton t John Haley, plaintiff, Vs. Isaac Jen-rjluaja.-rActlon te recover money , in County Court of Uie lata afOreeon. for ITnlnn rWinlw TO ISAAC JCNNIK08, TiKIUNDAirT: In the name ij (im Btai.nrn.Mu. . ... i . , 7 ' ;uu mv uci ou j aurnmoiieo Ud required t appear end ower the complaint of the Plaintiffs, now oanle In ths Clerk's office. In said Court, after service hereby upon yon by publication for tlx week in Uie Wkui MoimtAWijc, u by order of said Doiirt- rr l.fl.m.nt Cn l.. . t 1 1 1 ... on and un lea you Mapnear nod answer laid complaint, the Plaintiffs will take judgment against yon for tbe .7. . - . ,v-h o auu uisuursenieuti of thl action. B. order of i. t. Argersinger, County Judge of Union Qouaty. . . ' ' V. 8. Rev. Sump 1 At. BAILEE, Atk'f for1 plaintiff, . W!entfv J . . det-ow Snmnions. J. . OHfBuplalntltr, vs. Isaao Jenatnga, defendant Action to recover money, In County Juurt of the Btate of Oregon, for Union County. TiJZ110 D'"lt:. In the nam. of ill. X ' Oregon you are hereby eummoned '"i1 re? ?. PP'r'end answer Pleintir complaint Bow on Uie In the Clerk' office in eald Court, after aer. vice tiereof upon yon by publication for el I week. In the WUiur MooMUKtrt, M by order of said Court, or Judgment for want thereof will be taken against you, wiS? JFlSft T T" od "" M eomploint'tlie ZZ.Z " .... wn uinvummBnuol this notion, By order of J.P. Argarelnger, Connty Jndgeof tiaor. Wy. .. . J. BAKKB, Atfy for blalntlff. tJ. B, Tiev. SMn . v , , Meant. . J otMw KilERIFF'S BALE. Clerk dl the Circuit Court of th. ai.t. n. " Ir, i and ror Brant apunty, and tome directed. In fcvur of rhomasH. Brenie, O. Castle SaltonstalirPWIntliTs. nd against N. A. TwoaernL Defendant, ror the urn of rnree Ilnndrod and Ninety-One and four toon hum! red the Sedan (H91 U) prltieinal, with lnteret, coeta aed die . buraemeattsnnd eoeti of elocution and aale, I have thla 27 day of November, I860, levied npon, and will aell at pnbllo auction, Wore -the Court lloun door In Canyon Qtf, the Ooanty teat of Ornnt county, to the hljtheat blddrorMh ia band, da the 80th tfayi of December! MuA, between the.houm of U and 1 o'dlook r. ., the Ail- IpwIrwaeeinproa-trtKteHwM: .'. , . ' I , ,1 .,eoertWr4 undlviLxT iniereet in 1h'T6wnaend &aah, apd Impmteoienu Aaed thereon, ud Ranch In aa Mi jMtag la IWarrarUU' fraolitot, oomty above1 wrWea- 'X! .. A M. P. MjRftT, ' Uuou City, Mot. 87th, im, s l- herrft SELLING OFF AT COST! f 1 - 1 lie. HI M. Wunsch & Co., MriLL CL08X OUT TIIEI It STOCK OF MKItUHAN- w V DISS, at their place of fcurltienq, at the Dallea, lu order to go the Minee. Shelr atock embracea Ury Goods, C'lollilug, Boots, Hats AM) GENERAL MJMCIUKDISE, All which will be aold at COST, fur CASH only. -AiJ All who know thom&cl'vei indebted to our Arm at the Dallce will pletiaecull And eettle as Boon ae portnll.te. TuoRe who have been accommodated we trust will not delay ni unnecessarily, but be prompt in squaring up ac counts. Call and see ns, all and everybody I anll-tf . M. WUX8CII A CO. NEW GOODSl nllVINO JUST ARR1VKD FROM TI1K FAN FBAN cieco Markot, we would Iuvite tboatt'eutlon of our friends aud the couimuulty at 1 irge, to our woll-sulucttd stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, . lloots & Shoes, . Which we are selling at the most reasonable rates. Wo eannot sell our goods AT COT, brit ftSKitre the commu nity that it pleuea us to sell goods at 8MAI.L PltOFlTH. de9tf. U. UKHilAN A 00. MANTUA MAKKB. MRS. MATT1K noi.BROOK would regretfully In form the Ladies of the Dalles and vicinity, Unit she has opened a shop In connection with Miss O'llourke, where she Is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Having Jnst arrived from the Host, she hopes to be able to pleaue alt as to Form and Fash icn Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TIIRKR DOORS (West ot ;the Corner of Till III) and uimu.i orreers. nc21;in3 ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Street, corner of Court. OLD MACK, TIlK PIOHEEll COOK, would respect fully Inform the public that he has fitted tin the above Chop House, and is prepared to servo up MKAI.S anu j.unuii in uie oesi style ana at tne shortest notice. B A 1.1,3 and PAKT1KS furnlxlicd w th euppcrs, lu tbe best Btyle and on the most reasonable terms. OYSTKRS In every stylo. Private liooma for Ladies. HOUH l-C OPKN ALL NIGHT AdnilnlHtrator'8 Aiotlce. TlU UNDKtlSIONKD HAVING BKEN DULT AP pointed administrator of the estate of Mosos II. Adams, deceased, late of Grant connty, Oregon, hereby notifies all persons indebted to said estato to make im mediate payineut of the same, and all persons having claims against aaid estate are notified to exhibit the same .for allowance within six mouths from this dute to nie at the store of Stls A Stvmnie. in Otinymi City, In aaideouuty. F. ChKMUNT 8HL8, Administrator. Canyon City, Dec. 8th, 18BS. de8:Ctw Sheriffs Sale or Ileal Estate. BY VIRTCR PF AN EXECUTION I3SUKD VY THE Clerk of the Circuit Court, in aud lor (i runt County, Stale of Oregon, and to me directed, In favor of LVM. Ilenchly, eeai., plaintiffs, and against D. O. Vorhios and E. E. Canon, defendants, for the sum of (tne Thousand and eighty-Are one-huudredtbs dollars, ($1,0(10 M) principal, and Fifty-four dollars and eighty-four hun dredths, ((64 84) costs aud disbursnients. with Intorost, accruing costs and costs of execution, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction, before the Court House door in Canyon City, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1866, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, p. m. to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of defemlautalnterest lu and to the followlug described roal estato, to-wlt: The House aud Lot on Washington street, bounded on the north by Luce's, and on the south by Jennings' prop e ty. Also, the undivided one-liairinterost of the House and Lot known as the Upper Hnrdy House aud Lot, the same being bounded on the north by alley, on tbe east by Washington, aud on the west by Canyon street, on the south hy Callahan's property. Also, the House aud Lot lying between Odd Fellowa Hall and Trow bridge's Store House, fronting on Washington stieet. Also, the dwelling house aud lot In Town Gulch, known aaFaaver'e. All of Uie above property being in Ca.-yon City. M. P. BKRKY. Sheriff. Canyon City, Not. 20th, 1865. ' dcl6:4w Sheriff's sale of Real Estate. BY TIETCB OF AN EXECUTION AND DEOREE, ordered by the Hon. J. O. Wilson, Judge of the Filth Judicial District of the State of Oregon, for Grant County, aud directed to the Sheriff of aaldCounty, where in John M. Porter is plaintiff, and recovered judgment against Grace Darling,' defendant, for the sum of Three Hundred and Eighty-three and 44 100 dollars. with eighteen dollars, costs, accruing costs, and coeta of nwnuupi Hnu wtie, a nsfs ievioi upon me certain pro perty described In said decree of foreclosure of lelu, and will sell the same before the Conrt House door, In Canyon City, on SATURDAY, tbe 13th day of January, 1866, be tween the hours of 13 and 1 o'clock, r. M.. to the highest bidder for cash In hand. Said proiierty being In the village of Marysvllle. Grant Countj of Grant, Stat of Oregon, fronting the principal street In said village, and known as "Urate Darling' Saloon and Lot." ... . Id. P, BKltKY, Sheriff. Canyon City, December 11, 1806. d22wi Sheriff's Sale ol Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY THE Clerk of th Circuit Caui t of Grant CouMy, aud to me directed, In favor of Mary A. Sinclair, plaintiff, and against J. A. Lockwood, defendant, for -the sum of Sev- euiy-ope iioiiara ana ruty Verne, (J71 Oo,) principal. and sevon dollars and eighty cents, (fl 80,) costs and dlsbura- -"i - ' --i-M uMw Mm win seir as puniio tucnon, to the highest bidder for oash la hand, on KATUUDAY, J AN UAX 13th, I860, between the hours of Vi and 2 nt , . " vuui. luuBo uuor in uauyon City; the following described property, to-wlt ! On. Uba ah Lot, situated In tlia town of guaamitle, Btte of Oregon, County ol Grant, commonly known as the LockWood Saldon. M. P. UEIUIY, BboruT. . Canjtrm City, Deo. lath, IMS. . ;.,;de22-4w .; Sheriff's 8 . le of Real Property, BY YIRTUB 6 AN SXECUTK.N ISSUED BY THE .Clerk vl.tb Uirouit Court of Grant County, and to me directed, in favor of t. W. Bell, plaintiff, and against !J!!!!,iL'l.8"IoMIht 'H and twenty-ght cent, !!T!8?, P"n,:lP1! nd fifty 11 e dollars and four cents, (Ml O4.),coets and dlsbursmepts, I have levied upon aiid Will sell it public adctlon, to the highest bidder for cash III band. on SATURDAY, janiiaiiv 1.1,1. m 1. the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock p. m., before The Court IIAlIM rilF I. Paavn. ril -C-.l. . .... iT "'JtMiiiowingaeecrioeaprop. .:r'.,ill! 0n non" ,nd 'o' tlluated upon Ualn j 7 r . mi uregoo, county off Ul ant. aud coaimouly known a Bell A Marchand'a gnloon. ny W. W. Wmu,Dt - ,'". Caovon CUrDeo. 12th, nn. . deg2-w 't .lis) iTAMM .BWkBIIHMSBfawm . '"? Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, COJORD, BUGGi 4MB STAGE II -A BNE8S Saddles, Bridies, W hips. A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, leather, etc Orders Solicited. ReDalrlna: done with neatness aim nispau.il. p. A. HAKE, JetlUf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles, l'OI&TLAIVD fi OUr. DRY AND - MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. CJteam inarlnc so offrotn4to4o horse power,elther Portable or Stationary. Also, C11U Cost Iron work for Ver- tlcalSnwand Grist mills; llrass and Iron Castiugs ana ' WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mill complete, of the Latest A moat Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of th mines as me wetgui 01 uie entire macuiuery wi:i not exceed 3, wu ouuimn. Horse Powers & Aericultural Implements manufactured toorder at the very LOWEST CASH PRICE 11. rarticnior attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tr DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P, CRAIG, WUOLiaALI AMD KIT AIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDI0IWS8. Ac. fl-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES I! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! WB0LK8ALI AXP HBTArl DltUGGIST, Waablugton Street, between Main and Second Street DALLES, OREGON. 4 LEMON is able to supply parties in want of Drugs, te Patent Medicinoe. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, uu every umer orncie numerateu witn tu WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At th lowest market rates. 49 Physicians and Merchant Intending to purchase (or iu. iuiues, will uo well lo give 11 1 111 a Call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. ... . . 8. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington' St., between Main adn Second. SELLING OFF ACOSTl -t; . , My entire stock of STOVES AND TINWARE, '1 . .ALSO, . .' TINMANIS TOOt,8. rjpnE WHOLE embracing aflne stock, ever- article Ja of whloh will be sold at COST, as I desire to close out business. Also, one GRAND PIANO. In good order. Alan -Mf. .1.. ITAliau . V. . . u.. . ... ''""i .w. wu,, ftiiv wjvon nu ijvi, on Bocona Htieet, next to ,tbe corner of Washington. The House I two " 1 ...... wm.,i,ii.i id wvii auapiua CO sue Hotel baslnesa.' Also a lot of UKDD1NO, coinprlslng about njif.j-i,ta umiB. Alia wnoie will OB closed OUt OlloaU For further lrtlbUlare apply on the premises. nfc8m ALBERT BETTINOEN. NOTICE IS HKREDT GIVEN that th Oo-partnerehln hereto fore existing between E. 0. HARDY, 0. L. MITCH ELL and P. W. THOMPSON, doing a mercantile busi ness In this placeunder the name of E. 0. Hardy A Co is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and hereafter the business of said Ann will be conducted by E 0 Hardy, who alone is authorised to collect and sett'e the account of said firm. E. 0. HARDV"' tBusanvllle, Grant Co., Oregon, ' 1 F. W. THOM Pr50l3f. i -v : 1 ' r . - ii. i. RecelTlngr, Storing, Forwardlnc ,!). Itil ':.i i (.;.: Am 11 . .... ., Commission Merchant ! . ; A-dmnces mstte on' Consignments.- ' MW BTftEET, Opposite th,IImatii Uou,,, , """""sa VTHgvn itoaat . . ,MTwim gruor ior wiimni1 M HOOk. J . - ,.... . , , K ATI .ITAa7lk.tr . I JJoTIh JM: ltth" ltot; ioUPrCprleto;. COMPLETE, cmiBtantly ftKi-g-Sa v& on hand. Also, Hay Pres- ff ftil5"? e. of all trie.; Planing t&T4T$WA& Machines,! Woodworth's ft jJMt Buttern.) Wrounht and Wrf .fy;Xft8l DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWER PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, between Main and B DALLES , OREGON. JOB PRINTING OP EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy aud dispatch. IK A BTYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very beet, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS TEE CHEAPEST to obek: ' Cards and Bil I-IIcud9. CHECKS, DRAFTS, BECJHl'TS, r POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES F0I1 . THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, a?c, ., tfc, PRIKTID IH THI MOST ATTEACT1VI KAKHUt. ALSO. , WAY-BILLS. BILLS OF FAUX, LKTTKR HEADS. HECEWT BOOKS. BILLS LADIA'O, Briefs and r.iiiiphlcts, nsiTura, weddino and u at home" cards UruKttista' Zjabels, In short, everything that' can be done In a Bonk and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest aiae and most showy Porting lllll and which will be turned out in a style that cannot fall to Insure entire satisfaction. 0V FACIUTIIS rOB Till IIICUTIOH OF DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colore, Shades and Tint. Such as Fancy Posting Bills I From a single Sheet to the Largest alanimoth. ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS. 'VUFVMERS' LABELS, ate Are onsurpasied by those ol any other establishments Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of tla business, and are continually adding to our already exuu sive aud well appoiuted assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. H C, OX',, Or th most modern and elaborate doslgn. Our stock o FANCY INKR TIKITR jbr Are of tli finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. Tim nrinf-lnl hmh ... 1. 1 ..I. t ; , . . a . . . - ) f - I-.ILU inmneM IB BBaea ior tms CSS Ublishment Is, that person will consult their own inter- """B mcir vuaium 10 Iliat OU1C In Which -3 vm. w vApvuueu w me ucsk aovantago. im this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at Terr reaaonahU ftliarAB ... null ....I -Z ; . !. Judge for yourselves. , ' Orders from the Upper Countrr utiii i. . . ..... ..... u. our special care, and Iriends from the interior may rely npon bavin- their order, nn.ii HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS ... An tbe state of Oregon I Aodraas: nig.tr MOUNTAINEER OFFICE i JACK80IS SAJ.OON! waaau. uuuitl' AWU BKUUND STREETS DALLKH. OT.fnras-ij . 1 THBUNDgR8IGNKD jA vi NO RBMOVKD JBOM TUK "BULLA UNION" CKLLAlt, INTO , Oatets' New Buildino-. . Beg to Inform the publio thai tbey ar prepared to serta their customer with th beat , Wines, Llauors and riMrs. TUK MARKET AFVOKDS, ALSO, A Free Lunch I Every day and evening. v,i ... . decMf KMIli SCHCTZ, JHarcl Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS' inr DBO TO CALL ATTENTION .of Carriage Man . w Aiig xv iiic L,nrtc9 and tom plete assortmentof CAHKIAOBand WAGON MATER! AL8 we are constantly receiving from the Caat, speclall e acted for the California market, comprls ngOaZ Blokory. and Beooud Growth Ash Plank, Hioko Aalei! Wagon Polea, Unbs,Spoke Felloes, Hims,BhW ,ti, A?, Which w offer at the lowest Caeh Prices. 47- Order addressed to our house will receive prom attention. n. w nnmn a rS. jelMm. M S1 Battery Btreet, San Vranclaco, n f0,"""u otreot oacrarueoto. . 0. WAtntHOtsi, U. W. Ukaoo A Co., J. W. Luna Beujreucuuo. , .. Baoramento. ,,: . .NcwVoak N E W IX E Tt. tn tr- - pHB CNBKRfllOMED BEOS TO iNFOHMTIIB CIT On Athnrft nntfM This I. a . Hates In 7th. city. f-r. at preW,onr, t i ii 'i n ii ; i hi , invwu. i n inn ii i i ,i , .mytw-ti. j. .1 1.;.. , ,