Btraiaitucr. S ATI DAT MOUSING, JAN. C, 1866. iliPHtKli &BMHK4, of Alabama piracy noto riety, Is doinp business, at Natchei, Miss. , Tim discoverer of nicotine, . Chevalier Uftspnr Cerioli, died recently at Cromonn. Tut S. F. Bulletin guys : The' war la over ; tbe rebellion bus been crushed; the South ia prostrate at our Icet. She asks us to help her up; shall we do it? or shall we tread ber down la the mire? A pabty of surveyors are marking; out a road from Montana to tbe mouth of the Mui- Ee 11 Shell river, on tbe Missouri, and expect to obtain goods hat way nex,t summer. Tim people of Walla Walln are finding out thnt to have a jail full of criminals, and no cbnrts to try them, is even a heavier tax than tho aggregate' paid in Oregon. Hence, the project of annexation Is gaining ground among them. Tub Idaho Legislature has repealed tb,e statute nppropriating$3,&00 a year additional! pity to tho District and Supreme judges of thnt territory. They ought to be paid at ' least $5,000 a year by tbe General Govern ment. The Idaho World says that liov. Lyon's message to the Idaho Legislature H opens with a thrilling paragraph of high-toned . eulogy to the flag of our country which we all adore." Tbe World bns doubtless been taking lessons from His Calcbship of the nle. t REoreumNQ for the- Papal army is actively going oa ia Switzerland, and as yet the federal Government hue offeied ao. opposi tion to the enlistments. The Papal army now consists of 1,508 men, 2,244 of whom are gendarmes. Louis Kossuth has, through the medium ef bis son, returned a touching reply to aa address of condolence upon the death of bis wife, forwarded by a number of his friends ' in Glasgow The same says that M. Kossuth is completely overpowered by his loss. . A max in Idaho tried the experiment of passing "puro red sand"' far clean Boise dust, and it was taken .without hesitation Tbe enrreney ia that territory is in a vtty bad Condition, between metal without real gold in it, and' red Band with bo kind f metal in It. ' -' GRANT; BHBRtfAN AND OTHERS OK In a recent speech delivered by Gen. Fran cis P. Blair, at St. Louis, he made the follow ing remarks, which appear to be sufficiently authenticated to set at rest any question in regard to the' opinions ot Gens. Grant and Sherman and other eminent commanders of Union army on the negro suffrage question : I had the pleasure of rending the other day a declaration made in Miulison, Wis., by Sen ator Dooliltle, where he proclaimed that hs had a conversation with. Gen. Grant, and' that Qan. Grant had given biro permission to de clare at the meeting which was held at Madi son, " he was opposed to negro suffrage in tbe South;. that be believed it fraught with dan ger to the country." So also Sherman, who stands next to Grant, in rank, and certainly next to Urant in everything else that consti tutes a great and good man. He is also op posed to negro suffrage. Senator Dooliltle, in the 'same meeting and at the same time, declared that Gen. Sherman had authorized bim to make the statement of this kind and to this effect. He then beld up these two great and glorious men tho men who, under God, have saved our country from i's perils whose wisdom and courage have been the means of sustaining our country in its despe rate straits. These t.vo men were held up before the people of Wisconsin, and Senator Dooliltle made the demand whether the borne guards are entitled to more respect than lbee great military chieftains. I could name also Sheridan and Thomas, and every man who has distinguished himself in the army and in tbe navy, by service to tbe Gov ernment during the war ; ana 1 venture to predict and assert that they are upon the platform occupied by Grant and Sherman on the subject, .'f you will find me n Mnj. Gen eral or any other kind of a General who has done nothing for bis country, but stajel at a sale post during the war, and who has made a failure in every enterprise be bns under takenif you meet with such a man yon can set him down to a dead certainty that be is a Radical. Look at tbe illustrious John Charles Fremont I Tbe equally illustrious Ben. But ler I and that other distinguished General who. cee commanded the Department of tbe Slate of Missouri, and who, like Mahomet, went to war on the back of a camel, Curtis I Now, gent'emen, there are reasons for these things. When tbese gentlemen, lailed in a military line, all tbey bad to do was to make a proclamation fleeing somebody else's ne groes that they were not able to free ; but tbey bad' to set somebody else, negro free, and that would make amends with the lift li cals for their failures ia a military line, and everything else. Yes, and it would make amends for cotton trading, and for tbe system of bringing- California plunderes over here to build fortifications at fire times their value, and every other species of corruption. Uut Gen. Grant. Gen. Sherman, Gen. I'bU'. Sheri dan and Gen. Thomas marched down and set those negroes free that these fellows made proclamations about, and but for them none of them would bave been Iree. Gen. BJalr kas of late formed new political Tin Idaho Judiciary. While it Is highly desirable tbat Ibe judiciary should be com posed of persons uniting high legal abilities and nndoubled honesty, it Is not quite cer tain tbat some of ibe proposed changes are all for the better. In the case of Judge Alexan der Smith, it iaiery snre that be is not qual ified by study or practice for tbe bigb posi tion which he holds. Judge Kelly never at tained to that eminence at ibe bar whicb enti tled bis opinions to that weight fo desirable Injudicial decisions ; but we are pretty well assured that bis removal is sought solely on account of one decision, recently made in a mining case of great Importance. Some means ought to be taken to prevent the ap pointment jofm judge for the sole purpose of making simply an adverse decision for the benefit of counter-claimants in the same case. 1S1AO F. BI.OCH, C. 8. MlLLKK, Ban rranclsco. no., i Dalle. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GR O C E R S , AND DEALERS IN ' Wines &, Liquor-tsr,- And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING Boots Vfc Shoes, - Under Clothing, Blankets, Columbia Lodge, No. S, I. O. O. P. Moots every Friday evening at 6 o'clock, lu Gates Hall, corner of SecomTaiid Court Streets, llrothera in good standing are invited to attend. By order. N.Q. NEWS FOR THE MILLION!! AUCTION I AUCTION! AUCTION !! TSN ORDER TO CLOSE OUT l Y BUSINESS I will die .j pose of all uiy rcmaiuing stock of Matches, Diamonds, . JewcJry , Clocks. Plated Ware, Lumps, Cutlery, PlKtols, Watch Materials, and GIamos. Field Glasses, Fiwicy Goods, Large Iron bate, store sixturee, anil rtirniluro, at Public .Auction, OUT Tuesday, January 9tu, 1866. at 10 o'clock in tlie forenoon. As I shall leave for the Kast In R short time, this sale will be absnluto, and will be continued from day to day until the suiil stock and fixtures axe entirety of. Tlits sale will bo worthy the attention of dealers and all who are desirous of getting K1KST CLASS GOODS, as the articles olhKed lor sale comprises the best asuvrt- nieut of Wiitches, Jewelry, Ac., Ac, to be found north of Sun rranciflcn. Goods will be sold from this time until th auction at very low flKnros. All Watches and Jewelry left at my place for renair. must be called for prior to the 16th of January, l&tW, or luey win ue soio ai pwiuo amnion to pay cnarges. N. B. All persons knowing thomsolves Indebted to the under, igned, must pay op betire the 13th iM January, os legal proceeding will ue (alien to enforce payment. wm. iiiuniiAua., ASSAY OFFICE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our busluem, llndor tbe entire fttmervivtnn Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bars in mix honr e guarantee all onr Annoy and pay the UIQIIKS'F CASII PRICK for Bars. He also pay the Highest Cash Price for Oold Dust. ITLOCFf, MILLKK A G)., myStf Cor. Main and Wmhlngtnn streetst Dnlles., Oregon Steam Navigation Co. MBS ON AND AF1ER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th nntl further netict Xlio PasBenger Train ... to connect with eteatnors . FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the It. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday, sn iu A. JU. THE STEAMERS "0NE0NT A" or "IDAHO, CAPT. J. McNULTY Comrnander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays eceted) at 6 clock. A. M., connecting by tbe CASCADE RAILROAD, itli the steamer " NEW WORLD or " CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, to Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles. Nov. 13, 18C&. nl2tf . Ageut O. S. N. Co. Some of the Oregon papers having assert- associations,, but his patriotism is beyond nil NEW AUCTION HOUSE. T. M. WARD & CO., (Successor to W. P. Miller,) . . AUCTIONEERS., Court Street, below Main. WILL SELL AT AUCTION AND ON COMMISSION General Merchandise, Mining Stocks, Real Es- ed that Patterson was acquitted of the charge of murder in killing Pinkham, by a jury of "brother Democrats," the H'orW de nies the charge ; and states tbat the jury was composed of persons of various shades of, political opinions. Garibaldi f&tcfy cnucl two-of has. bones to be sold its Genoa, ca toe- public maiket place. King Yictor Emanuel having framed what was lo. occur, gave orders to purchase tbetwaaaimals, which brought 3,000 francs, nd thro offered then as- a present to tbe Genera. The Tatter, however, positively ea to receive mem. tate. New aid Second Hand furniture, Farm Produce, Horses Ac. Ac. RKCE1VINQ and FORWARDING GOODS, out-doon and Special Sales promptly attended to, Regular Bale- ty. .-,.. . j , Tuesdays and Saturdays. Liberal made on Consignments For tiii Cascades. The steamer Idaho was yesterday chartered by sorn of the travelers who bave been detained herevwttk tho undertanding that she- is to- descend as near the Cascades as possibtsv Among tbose- who started' bvrtow, are several famUuts who have been detained bore-for periods ranging irotn one to tnrce weens- Tai Mails. Mr. Wu-Mren, tbe postmaster t Ibis place, has tnexte requisition on Quar ternaster Galley at Fort Dnlles, for paek-niiilee to bring tbe United States letter mails from the Cascades. These' mules will go down upon the steamer as new tbe Cascades as practicable, aitf from thence- tbe anna can be brought up to Cr&lle't Point, ad luen jacked lo Mils en. Us. " " 1 Tbiasdri. Welf, Fargo k Co.. yesterday sent by tbe Idaho twelve- hundred pound ot treasure ; of which seven hundred and fifty were gold dust and gold coin, nod over tour beudred and fifty pounds tn silvtf bricks, of the aggregate valne of $225,000. There were also very Urge suras of money La pri vate hands, tho value of which oaanot bo even aoDroilmately estimated. ' There is still detained Id towa considerable anms of treas art destined, for B J-raosisco. :j , ,.. ,. - v doubt, whicb is witnessed by a military record unsurpassed, and scarcely equalled, by tbat of any officer of his grade derived from- eivil Kfe. He has ever been consistently oppose to tbe institution of slavery, and dared to own bis faith and practice It, while such men as But- la. mwA hlnbt... nla.lm Inln , V. A I. . r- .1 a .v..u.vU , " . GENERAL INVITATION IS EXTENDE to all Of tbe men WbO afterwards tried to dismem- l Jr. the-Indies and gentlemen to call at the Jewelrv W onr Hninn. On th. .imnl. nn.atlnn nf !," .of WUIhn Blnbamu, and examine his - - 1 - 1 - - - - i uirn Liin in j! in vk. tbe truthfulness or the statement in relation to the views pf Grant and Sherman, it'is sufB emit that Mr. Dooliltle has said that k it to ; bis word is sufficient, and it is to bim and bis patriotic and conservative co-laborers in Wis consio tbat tbe Valaa party were indebted for Its success in tbe geaeiai canvass of tbe State last fall. Those wbo were known as radiaaJs, and wbo. there, (jas elswbre,)iclaim a tnonop oly of patriotic emotions, atuinpled to defeat the party by calling a convention to adopt a new platform and put forward new candidates This was- fortunately prevented by tbe exer tions of Sea. FuirchUd and Senator Dooliltle, and victory perched opoo the standards of tbe Union party. In this State an attempt hie been mad to put the Union- organisation on tbe basis which Sumner and Wade have laid down, and In, consequence a profoaad feeling of apprehen sion bat been produced among hi members It mrst bo apparent that an Issue of this cbaraoter will thin the ranks of- tbe Unionist! to at to seriously imperil the fortunes ol tbe party tn. the coming June election after it became plain tbat there was la be nq enlargement of the franchise! of the colored people in Ike Northern States, It also seemed loteossiNe to demand new privileges for toe from the South with any show ol coneUtency. AN IMPORTANT PROCLAMATION.! Christmas & Holiday Presents. In order to olose the entire buOuMrVftgaln-t th Aral ftp-of January, th Ymivraigned offers for ule hit h&nd- lome anu vainauio mock of WATCHES, . , DIAMONDS,.:;--:: JEWELRY, ' ' - CLOCKS,- 1 FAXCY dOODS & CUTLERY, and all other goods in- his lino, suitable for Holiday Pre. seois, oiwn rinsi' uusi; Tlie uos wul tie War ranted as First Class articles or the money wHT Be re funded after purcliosed. Ln4ise and Gentlemen giro the saiova notloe your earliest attention, and call soon at the sioreoi mm. uiknuaum. - Main Street, next door to the Post Office, AUCTION SALE WILL BF.I.L AT PUBLIC AUCTION, on TUESDAY. JL the 8th day of January. 1806, the entire stock and flxtore of the Watoh and Jewelry Eton of William BlrnoanRH Xeq., at his Store on Main 8treet. Bee adver tisement mat will appear on Wednesday, thesd Januan, JOl.J Ufll ... .... . .van naiiiiiaaiD, Ancuouoer. BLACK LKT. . . JOfflVH.WARD, OP CROSS HOLLOW, hasi tale day pal I me Three Hundred and Vorty-one Dollars tn 6HEBNDACK8 AT PAR, for a debt due In Gold Coin. - Deo. 30, 1806. Lttnrt! - M il.Oi B1FKI.E. NOTICE. A.A I essnaui rBBOiis irom oontraetinK inaeeu, I or buying; anrthlni whatever from If. M. kitnti wl(erehy I will have been thought by. the public laspoa elble, as I am, not, nor will I hold myself, responsible for any oi eaiu r. ai. Aunwacis. -.nFhAlOKrAX Bnsanville, Grant Co., Nov. 88, 1864. Apples are dearer la Boston, tban ever 1m fere in th fall.- Ai retail tbey are about three fjjaei the average price of oranges. tbia advertlMeaea. FOUND. "..-.! tn tUaoassaW pajdac lor etc., etc., etc. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. iv . me K. . SELLING OJPJP AT COST, FOR THIRTY DAIS LONGER f! LAST C1I AJN C.E 1 MUSSRS. COI1K It BOIIM would hereby Inform tliefr castomern and tlie imblic at larsei that thew will continue to sell AT COST, for thirty days longer lib order to give one a chance to make presents for tbe Holidays. We will sell the balance of our stock, con sistiijRof .... lltt h nine Silks, Cents' Clonks. Uich Poplins, a Heaver Cotito, Clocks, Dross Coats, ' Shawls, Pants, Drjr6oc4s, Embroideries, - I Hats t Ca, ' ' Hoots A Slices Ac, tv o , Ac, . AT SAN FKAIVCISCO COST, Wlthont Freight and Exp-nr.s. J ins win ne tne lost chunce to got bargains, prior to closing the coucerii.. . . COHN A 1)01151. JJ.B.-A11 Dais ma be paid bv th ' First of January 18G6. If not settled within that time, same will b placed in logal hande. . deltf MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. mVISSOmOCRKEDESIllESTOINFORM the 1V Ladies of Dnlles and vicinity, that she has Just received a fresh supply of FnsTiloiittMo Goods, The latest Paris, New York and Ran Francisco atvle of 1IONNKTS, HATS, KIIIBONS, LACES, PEATllEIIIw FLOWERS, e A full an well-selected assortment of. Ladles' Ready-Made Garments. AlsoikFoahlonoble-assortment of , DRESS TRIMMINGS! RTA WHNn ft. Vmlirnlilnrvnnil n,-.l.irnv HIHITIVOi done at short notice. UON.NETS lUeaalied and Pressed to the latest style. A lars; assortment of hfktren V Rcady-Marte Clothlns Constantly on hand. Having' seenred the services of ay rtrst t;ia4 ureas Blatter, l am preparod to cut and HI Ladles' and Children's DRESSES and CLOAKS. THIRD STREET, one square aas of the Catholle Church. - or21:3m. TOYS I TttYS ! TOYS ! TOYS I FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS- For1 the nolldnys, we recommend all dealers In the Hue to the BASKET AND TO" KMPOIIIUM of . . VIIUMAUKR A ZUIN, ' Sat and S22 Battery Streef, ' n28:3nr ' San Francisco. .XerTV.-rTT TfTT .T7'7!T .rT nuiaoiui msw bvjsi aini vmioui -0 Pancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES.. ' -MATS AlfO CAPSi ASD ' . , Gemtlemen' Fiirnlfililntr fZnnJIm. Firs-proof Stone Store, eorner o( afatn an Court Btieets. ' : , -. , ooi-tf A " TVOHT TWO-FOOT RULE. The owner rm mne- jm. ina-sanM-oy applying SI HuiaTMAana . ' ' . , , JUaMoaraa. : " AUorneyn-at-Law. OTFKES Idaho y, Boise Coaaty, I. Tj Caby Ctfy wyhee County) I. T. ecltt, norsE TO LET . . '. , WITH BIX ROOMS. Inquire at.. - -..,.-, .-t' .'. WU.b "" -' BLACK. LIST. ha paid; ne 'Fourteen chased of me last January, at Cola Katae. Bnalnean ben wl I do well to W nwtfHl how taejr trastsach mea. taw-, r ,f ,,; ... ., J.atJUB. SJ vnn ivuw, i. wM.iu.tnr, line paioj mm .roof SJ sr voiiars m wunKnuAiunB, at f.l tv ST goods par