en $ailj T(mtttatiutr. tyim MQBm.fl,. JAN. Rowdyism- is ranch la vogue ia Salt Lake (Jlty, Tbe .0s.ri.ywsjstbsttbs "roughs" f ll Gentiles, i '''-' V 'sV V'.' Epitome of Telegraphic News. Tbi Siiten' Christmas Fair at Walla Walla lor the benefit of St. Vincent's Academy pro duced the luoi of $1,300. Tb steamer Idaho It lying below Cralte'a Point, without belig' able to get either up or 'down the rlrer. :,'' ; . '. a. , .Till local authorities in Biaojr of the Eng lish cities and Tillages, distribute lime, to be used ai a cholera preventive, gratuitously to indigent householders. .' ' ' ' Tuibb is on order of Fenian Sisterhood, with Mrs. Ellen b'Maiioney as principal, Be tween the brethren and sisters, Johu and Ellen appear to be making a good thing out of . the misfortunes of their conntry more shame to them for It. - Th present population of the city of Wash ington is computed at one hundred thousand, which , includes over thirty-four thousand negroes who have been thrown there by rea son of the' war, which with the additional colored population there prior to the rebel lion, makes tha,t race nearly one-half of the whole present resident population. . . .1 TBi. Boston. 4dvertutr says that at tbe com petitive, declamation of Harvard . College, last Saturday, open to all applicants from ' the new Freshman Class, the first premium was awarded to a student who had lost his arm, serving as captain in the Confederate army; the, second to a young man of negro descent, the first undergraduate of that race who has ever bean admitted to . the. univer- Tbi Stiihib roa thi Pis d'Obiilli Lake. Letters have been received ia this place from Pea d'Orellle Lake, staling that a portion of the material designed for the steamer which is to 'navigate the' lake bad arrived ,at its destination., ( The carpenters were also there, and fixing to go to work. The teams used, in baulihg the machinery were at Bock Creek on the 16th. of December, that is to say about . eighty miles from the lake. The weather bad been; severe, 'but it was-itill practicable to travel.' .';; ' ' ,' "".".I..' V " A New Lodb j A new. ledge, sayi the Idaho World of the 16th of December, has very re centlv been discovered about three and a half miles above Pioneer City, In Boise county, which, is said to be about two-tblrds silver, It crosses the Big Muddy from sooth-west to north-east and Is about twelve feet wide. We have not learned the name as yet, but the dis overers are elated with their future prospects in'llfe to a degree which can hardly be sur passed by owners ib "',' Pbormaa '! at 0 wyhee' A Nw Ditou. Among 'the enterprises in Boise Basin which promise to afford employ ment to miners the coming season, is a hew ditch' which has been dug from the upper waters of .Grimes' Greek; to cover- some very rich dry diggings situated on the ridge be twetn the waters of Grimes'. Greek and the Payette R'.ver. Until the present time much money has been made in this section by.wbeel- .... tt . ' t tog the dirt down to water-boles, and the prospects ranged so high, that claims 2p0x 200 act have sold as high es $4 000;' ' A con siderable Iporeass of currency from these dlg- . frtntrflstvill h44lfiirt nn nMP.n...-' 4. .. Fnonn.-j-We have news from Capt. Bor land's Company of Oregon Infantry, which we . ho'is;, exaggerated. '.', It seems' that the com pany marched; from Camp Lyon, in, the. Qwy bee country, some weeks since, to come down the Columbia Kiver 'to be mustered out of service.,, In coming down Snake Hirer, the - command, was out a the late severe weather, and tome twenty' of the men bad their bands, feetaud ears badly froitn. n It t feared that luocp, than, a dozen of the men will "have to submit Id 'ttibpulaiibos' more or less serious! The-nien were halted pij Fowde Riv.er ujtfij arrangements coull be completed for the treatment of tlie:inuriid me'n'.'ttiis'it one of the WSftltr of. tbe 'pdlicy" of orde'ring""in the Volibtc.r faltM. stasia efthe-year, and by ika doa- merf sre''r'faed bur on tbe DATES TO JBCKMBEni,- A ' V ' " N Jfeie York: Dec. 22. The Paris eorrespon deot of.tbe London Pott says, it is generally believed In official circles that Spain will present her claims against Chill. EnglaoJ and France will remain . neutral, while the United States will espouse! the cause of Chile. It is thongbt the expected visit .of the Em press Charlotte, to France, Is preliminary to Maximilian's return to Paris. The papers are strictly forbidden to speak on Mexican affairs. The total deaths from cholera io Paris, troin its' outbreak to Nov. 30th, 60,077. ' On the 30th November there were six new cases, and four deaths. Letters from Panama say, indih cations are positive that Peru will declaie in In favor of Chile. She can send at once two steam screw frigates of forty guns, very fast; and two screw sixteen gun corvettes, besides a new smalL steamer that .can be made ser viceable in various ways. Advices from Pan ama report the discovery of rich gold mines in the vicinity of Juwacoa and Barbacoas, in the State of Eauco, New Grenada. Four men in eight days, took out 30 pounds. Gen.; Valkenberg, of New York, has beeo nominated Minister to Japan. . Speaker Col fax having been named as a candidate for U. S. Senator, to succeed Senator Lane, by an Indiana paper, the gentleman writes a letter to the editor, saying be is not a candidate for (bat place ; if be is to' remain in .public life, ho prefers to continue in the House. The safe of the Sanitary Commission at Philadelphia, was robbed last night, of six thousand dollars, belonging to the chief clerk. Wathington, Dec, 22. A paymaster was robbed In one of our city banks to-day, of fifteen thousand dollars ' The January interest of the public debt. amounting to fifteen millions ol dollars, is uow ready. ;: There Js' reason to .believe: that several Mexican privateers will shortly sail from ports on rtue Atlantic and raciho, to prey upon rrencn commerce. Most, of the Southern members of CongreBS have gone borne, tne cnarges or botets being more than they could stand. Nearly all Northern mem bers have gone home also. - It is said that a number of rebel officials will soon be arrested. A'tw York, Dee. 23. Tbe World' i dispatch says : Uongress will be called upon tor fur ther appropriations for the. support of indi gent Indian during' winter, aud Intimates that eleven millions of dollars will be neces sary. Western tribes are represented as be ing in a destitute condition. A letter to tne Secretary of .the Interior, from Geo. Sibley, says : Large numbers .of Indians assembled at Fort Rice and across the river, who mani fested most friendly feeling for the whites, and are quite willing to enter into most lib eral treaties. "' Asw York, Dec. 23. The .World' spscial says The Department of State Concluded its' instructions to our Minister to Mexico, who will be dispatched at once for tbe seat of gov eminent and remain ..with the President of;tbe Republic and. will follow him wherever be may go, thus making active demonstrations to Maximilian or the policy -which our Govern ment Intends to persist in. This gives offence to the French Miuiater. The Republican issued an extra last evening on Mexican affairs. ' Its information purports to come from' London, and' declares that the understanding between Napoleon and Maximilian allows the former to witnaraw tne trencn troops trom Mexico whenever 'Maximilian's payment should be come two mombs in arrears. Senor Garcia, Peruvian Minister Ho this Government, has been recalled, tin recent manifesto against tbe President of Peru produced this reoall. Senor Gracia's successor is not announced. The Consul at New York has also been" re moved. The State Department Is in Teceipt of dispatches from' our-Minister to Chile, s'.ating'tbat the war between Spain and Chile is still progressing.- All .tbe principal porta are blockaded. The commander of the squad, ran Is only waiting instructions from the Spanish Government to commence more active operations. ' The Admiral who is commanding the squadron off Valparaiso, bad grossly in sulted our Minister, T. 'H. Nelson. Tbe Ameri can and English merchants and residents are very ir.digua.nt at bis conduct and have laid the mallet-before their respective Govern ments, rjp i'f''K' i.' $ ' The Secretary of State, by the direction of tne President, has addressed a letter to Pro visional Governor Holdon, of North Carolina,, removing him from from bis trust, and express log the Presidents' acknowledgment of bis loyally and discretion, which has marked his administration of .affairs , in : that: State. A copy of the letter has been sent . to tbe Gov ernor elect of North Carolina, which tenders tbe co-operation of the United Slates Govern ment, whenever it may be found necessary in effecting tns early restoration" of tbe. Govern ment properly, on which, or over which be has been called to have authority. ,. ,.,.-i Cilumbia, 8. -0.,' Deo.. 22. To iSeeretary Seward. Tbe 'Legislature adjourned yester day. Gov. Perry bat returned to bis bone in New York,. Your dispatch has been forwards ed him br mail. It will be war o-rallfvlntr to 'thl nunnl nf Rnntrt Papnlt'na liiot lliai. nm. rrninent Das been entrusted to officers of their own selection, ana in tneir name i tnank you ..1L. ,1 . . 1. . jn.wi...-! .Illl ,10 Ja.l.V""S.4 8W.WO?4frttnd necessary io effect, Ibg the fluol restoration and permanent pios perny of oar State. You must be assured of my unaltered purpose to eid in advancing the prosperity pf the, common country. ' ," f ; (Signed) - JabisL. Obb, ' Governor of SuuJi Carolina. Wathington, Dec. 26. Arrangements 4 are being made lor a meeting of colored delrgatet of. tbe different Slates,, to urge upon Congress the propriety of granting tbe right of tntfrage to the coloreJ men of this United States. A preliminary meeting is to be held on the 8th of January, at whiun.Fred. Douirlas.and other prominent anti-slavery orators are expected to be present..;" , r. - ' .! ; . ,-; I. t , I ibt Gommissioner of IntenaL. Revenue has decided tbat fifteen cents is the highest stamp duty required upon warehouse receipts what ever may be the value of tbe property im ported, r - -'. Ihe Irensury Department during tbe week ending to-day, redeemed .certificates, to tbe amount of one million, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, ana interest bearing notes to the amount of four millions. On tbe reassembling of Congress, a ioint- reSolutidn will be offered aud passed, 'propos ing aa amendment of the Constituted tu tbe ettuct that qualified voters instead of gross population be the basis of r presentation. " The pardon boaiue bas grown dull and issuing such documents bas a moet ceased.!: New Orleant, Dec. 22. Tbe Louisiana Leg islature adjourned to-dav until -the 4th of January. The House failed to pass the usual appropriation bills. The Governor vetoed a bill suspending tbe collection , of taxes for 18U2-'J-3 and 61 on tbe ground tbat it would be a relief Io those wbo bad attempted to de stroy tbe Government and those wbo were absent during the war, while Union' men re mained and paid their taxes. ' The Vicksburg Journal hat advice; which it deems reliable, of an alarming character from tbe Yuzoo. ' The people of the country are flying to tbe towns lor protection, and the negroes are represented as arming them selves, -and claim tbat between now -and Christmas land must be given them or they will (eke j.t by force. The colored troops Blaiioned in the country are espousing the cause of tbe negroes and much truuble is ap prehended. ' .-- Wathington, Dec. 26. The seven thousand persons iu Washington who voted against ne gro suffrage in tbat city are going to petition tbe President to remove Brown, Postmaster, because be is in favor of negro suffrage. '- v - It Is the general opinion that the , vacancy caused in the U. S. Supreme Court by the death of. Judge. Catron will be . .filled, by a Judge belonging to one ot the . boutbero States, but the appointment will not be. made for some time. , , -' A number of influential military officers who have beeu tu service 'fighting Indians on tbe plains, are beseiging tbe President with Bug gestioos and plans for employment of military force against the Latter Day Saints, in default of an opportunity for employment against Maximilian and Louis riapoleon. -' ' ' Colambla Lodae. No. S. I. O. O. F Meeti every Friday evenlu&' at C o'clock, lu .Oates nail, qonrer of secona ana 'uaurt eiree. ' vroinera in eooa staiidlog are lavlteu toatteua. liy order, n.u. Isuc 1. Bioen, 8an VrancUco. 0. 8. Miun, ' (w. ScBAWucma, -mile. fiSochyJIlfller'i&LCOf? . ;j WHOLESALE!: HOCtEB Si AND DEALERS IN V Ami Importera and Jobber of GLOTHING- Hoots & Shoes, . ' 1 - , Under Clothing, 'V'-r; :'t !'; " Blankets; etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WE 1UVB AN A88AY OFFICE IN CONNEOTIOTT' wiibour bnsiuem. undur the entire sapervUlou or Mr. Miller. We make returmln Bare lu six hounw We (rasrnntee all our Amwyi and pay tin lllflllKST. CASH PRICE for Bars. We also pay. the Uigbeat' Cath Price for Gold Boat. ' BLOCH, NlLLElt A "Ji' . myStf Cor. Main and WaBhlnaton triwtn. Dalles. Oregon Steam Navigation Go. WINTER ARRANGEMENT.- ON AND AFIEB M0NITAV, N0VEMBKB 13th untl further notice, ' - - - Xlio l?fts3eIlJe Train '' to connect with itcamert ' ' FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA WIN start from tli. K. It. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondavi, Wednesdays, and Frtdaya, mt- i30 A. JU. , .-, . .!. THE BTEAMBR3 -. "0NK0NT A" or IDAHO,'?: CAPT. J. JIcNVJLTY,........u.........-...Comrnan(rer, j Will leav. DALLES, DAILY, (Snndav. ecepted)at 5 'clock, k. connecting by tbe CASCADE UAILIIOAD, viiu nwuivr . . i v. .1 , -i "NEW WORLD or " CASCADES,"" ...Commander' CAPT. J. WOLF,...-..., ft Portland. Dalle.. Nor. 13, 18P6. W. nUtfJ Agent 0. 8. N. On. SELLING O PP.. ' r " il T. i COST ' FOR THIRTY DAIS LONGER J I V ';; LAST CHANCE !- MK8SR8. 'COIIN BOIIM wonld lienby Infhrm their customer! and. the public at large, that they will coatinne to iell AT COST, for thirty davi longer in order to give one a cliuice to make preeunts ftjr Ike iiiumays. v will leu 111. balance ol tu lives, eon- Gent1 Clmikn, 2 ' , , , , Beaver Coats, r . ' ' DrenCoata, ' ' Pant., Kmtirtrldwle r. ! 3 . Bocili A flhoes, Ac,'. tr Ac, '. ) .( if . v. aiatlBK of Rluh Black Silks, : ; Blch Poplioa, . . 1 Cloaks, - " ' I Bliawla, I j, f Dry-Gooda, 1 inatsACa, AT SAN, .FRANCISCO. COST, I witnonirreigi-ranaisip-Dat.avi. v iThis will be the last ShancSo'gef biritnlns. prior to cloainf the concera. ; ,- f COUN A BOIIM. N.B. All Bills most be paid by th First of January 1866-. If not settled within that time, 'ie same will b. placed in legal hands. ,; it. ' ) deltt -. i.aK AN IMPORTANT PROCLAMATION!! A'OENEItAX INVrTATION IS EXTENDED to all' tho ladies and gentlemen to call at the Jewelrv Store of William Birobauni, and examine his Stock, be- . fore, the Uolldaya. . . , , , - .. ... - . Ciirlstmasi& Holiday prcscrits. In order to elope tlio entire bunlnpss fignJnst theflrn wstjjU iauua J . nip u UU l Ol UJLS tuivii lUl IMU Ull UUkfl V 2 homo uil valuiiule stock of WATCIIKS," "'' "-'' ''' 1"" """ JEWELRY, ''"'; I j .".. tjU-i.:.i ' 'CLOCKS, ' ' FANCY COODS & CUTLEIIY, and all other (Joodsln his line, suitable for Holiday Pt- '," seuts, BEIXriV FIRST COST. . The Goods will be war- ,1' rap ted aa First Class article, or the money will be re- ' funded after purchmed. Ladies and Qentlemen give the '!'.', above notice your earliest attention, and call soon at tlio ' stoxeof , WM. BIHNBADM, . ', - ; Main Street, next door to the Post Olgc. ' . ".',' TOYS ! T0YS !T0YS ! TOYS I FOI5, TOY ANEf :FANCY GOODS For the Holiday J its. we recommend all dealer. In tint line tb.tha BASKET AND TOY. KMPOItlUM of v i , T n28:3m ' , TIIUMAOEII A ZniN. 820 and 323 Battery Street, - San Francisco. NEWS FOR- THE MILLION ! I auction i Auction i Auction ti IN OBDER TO CLOSE OCT MY BUSINESS I will dls pose of all my remainuiistock of . r , Watches, Diamonds), 1 Jewelry , .' . ,. ... Clocks, ! ' Plated -Ware' 2 ! 'nnt 'tanipsa xi . i . Cutlery, " ' Pistols; Z ' ,,i , . : ' ': ... .Watch. Materials, t . and Olassos. Field Glasses, Fancy' Goods; Large Iron Safe, Store Fixture., and Furniture, at "' ; ' , ; ' ; Putolio .Auotion, . I: ON Tuesday,:January.9tli,MS66 at 10 o'elock In the forenoon. As I shall leare for the East Io a short tinie, this sale will beabMhite, and Will be continued from day to day until the said stock and fixtures are entirely disposed of. . This sale will 'be. -Worthy Ihe attention of dealers, aiid as the articles' offored for sale comprises Uiebest awort- VML AJRTD XlS iBo MURP IXY. , nt WatAa J.w.lrn An . An - In K 1.A..1. I' ! .... . . . . Dan I rancisco. I 'r - - 1 Goods will be Solil triavthtsUmS until 'the auctlan OFFICES I Jho Cltv. BoIm Conntr.I. Tj Cnhv SSIsi : wi-tlr. Wti All WkiSlTLS SovAtfM U Vt Irfai V,i n bast be called for.prlpr 16 life 16tKol Jannaryia Shey will be sold at pitbllff aurnon to pay phak'ev V pij : B Ail puMons- knowlnttt ip beroi taken t under, igned, must pay up bsfore t legal Droeeeaingt win d p ,V 1 '" '.''', WROIlSdli"AHD SITAIL DKALXk IS ' ",;.'. .,",,-,'',, Fancy & Staple ;Di:y, Goods,, CLOTHlMc BOOT ANlV SHOtS, " UA.T3 A.NI) CAPS, ANP ' Gent lent Oh's Furnlstiing Goods.., nFlro-ptoof Ston. Btnfi, SDruet'-sf. Main and Court' StreeM. ." . ., .., , , -. oc4-tf . -r XT Maktir. y J.M.MCkFHXs " - BLACK LIST. TfXJtS, ' aAntr,ms rinld'ie''Fooren ar tu GRKEjNUAeKS, AT, PAR, lor goodpu-l rn last January, at Coin Rates. '-Basinet, do well to bt cwelvl.ksw. they trnsCsuch m.g. "TOWrSm -.aoa won 4. ttuabtV