'1 'J ' j ( s.-rlit ! UV:. i ..' ii l .V,, f f ' . r. ."t- i . i. .Xi.-.Jwi Hl-ft:l ! I !i!j . I . L: ' ' ' ' - -j -J A. I.,,., i ' i j ni i I i 'i ' PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, E. G. COWRIE & J. II ALI.OKAIV, '' ' V I0IT0U8 AND PROPRICtOBJ. " " '.L T,aM Tibady-Hee centt per week, payable to tha carrier per month, by mail, $1; tliraa. months, $2 40; iix months, $6 j one year, 43. , Advertisement inserted at lowntiee. . -i.-r-.-. i ., Job Printing. . - - - Kvery description of plain and fancy Job Printing wa nted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per. order to any part of the country. PaymtntJorJob Print ing must be made on delivery 1orr. - s U M A T I L LA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. 1IANDL12Y tSIOTTr I'rop'rs. j tnw porvLia liousi, c.mmllt lcwatid, i ; 1 Hear the Steamboat landing & Railroad Depot, IIim beeu recently enlarged and Improved, auil will now cfammvdata j - V , : j i -j. j u iu s.i.-'. ,.,.: 30 0 GUESTS. r' WH.r, Tlft'COMDUCTRD as lieretbfore. as a FIRST CLASS 1IUUSK. an I tlio patronage of the traveling public is respectfully Bidiuite 1. - ' C9 H.ignne tatru tolliu Jloase free oichsrgo. House opeii all night, r- LARGE F1RE-PR3QFSAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Oailes, Oct. 4-tf. ... ,, . , . .!,-.;, i ... .. EMPIRE.; HOTEL, " ' uun stReit, vauks, oauori, 1 1 ' THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor A'FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. t . rt ' 1 IH OCilTBI 0 B08IVKBS, (T J ' i, 5, lfoar the Steamboat and Railroad Landing! Superior Accommodations fur Families and can Ao eommuJate Oue Hundred and i'lfty Uuosts. t- . , j i llBttls..'.., ..'...60 ait.' Lodging.'..... 50 cts. r fire Proof Safe for depqsiteof valuables. 3, House opeu all night. Buggaxe taken to the House tree r charge. TIIOMA8 SMITH, tnbS4f , i . , m j v,. Proprietor,. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS D!JSErviii;itv &, uiios.,. Dalle and Walla Walla. .. t . DIALIEI III Staple and Fancy, Dry Goods Juiiierfj' Outfits, , llootfl and Shoes, ,.,.. . ,; xiotuing,"..," ;, i Hats and Cnps, ':''',.'."',' -1! CSrocerleu, And a full assortment of Oeneral Merchandise. Bnyine onrOoods exclusively in the San Francisco market, and tnaklnv none but cash nurchasea, we are enabled to se I 30 pet cent, cheaper tliau any other Honse at the Dalles ' ifvesAunsi mivs., ui-tf ' Dalles and Walla Walla. HOW TO SAVE MONEY! ramliy Grocery and Fruit Store, Comer of M"wiliIngton and Secoad Btrwei. ," THR CNDHRSIONKD WISHES TO INFORM THE people of the Dal let, und the public geuerally, that lie um a mrga ana well teiectea toe 01 I'-AJkilLY GBOCE1UES, -- CANDIES, A'UTS,- ke .- Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Reduced iVtcej for CA SFF, Alan, constantly on han4 tha Choicest Article oi riiKHii ijuuku and kiiuh. Alan, every variety of FRUITS and VKGKTABLKS in their season Persons from up the couutry, wishing quantities of jegge ana rruit, by sending lu tneir orders, will receive the strictest attention, and have them filled at the LowtM Market Prieet. lijll-U) C. L. JKWULU ARMES. & DALLAM, Importer! and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BHU8HE3, TWINES, CORD AO B. Be. . And Manufacturere of ' '' California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac U1T A 210 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davis, 6au Francisco. ' J- ocll:3mdaw. F" TILLMAN, , ' ' SOU AO INT IS OAUrOaMA FOE ... TILTON & . MoFARLANO'S, . Fire & Burglar Proof Combination Loclt. Air-Cenitantly on hand a full assortment of 8AFK8. ' . 318 BATTKHT BTHKKT, JyMm .i t .1 ... ., . . Ban Francisco, .a.AtH.v'- '5,- i . w.,.;i.i.iui. , GATES . ate . II A1?"XV v. : . Attorney! Counsellors at Law, ".v.- DALLES, OREGON; lh i,u' A3 lit: .v ' . i:. FOU 1IOISE MIXES DIRECT. t ii ia Jil'Tl'lii-l- 1 " II. i 1 WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE j -;:! . ii'. 1 ii,.i."n 'OF. .i. -f t . ' X x'i'.-tu. ! CONCORD STAGES, ' CAIIUYINO1 ' .-' , .'v' THE U.' S., OVERLAND MAILS" ; ,.,;.,..., j. -i . V" Well, Fargo & Co.'s Express, I Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI' jcerville, (Uolse Miues.) , i , .. . .,.! ,, . , . ; Through lh Two and a naif Days Connecting- with the Wallula blue of Stages,' and th . Boats or the 0. 8. N. Compnnv.; 1 .' . - uui v a,trr,tla A' .A . p27-tf Proprietor I ,. N O TIC E,:Tvi:t' i THE PIONEEIt STiGE COMPANY I ....... ,, Wlilcarry.., .... ,'. ,. EA.ST 'FREIGHTS FRO.'" ; "i ' -' 1 AFTKIl TUB FlKST OF OCTOHKll, AT T.'IH FOLLOW. ( ,- ' INO KBDUOKDllATBb:. , , . , To Tlolse City., .........IS Cents per pound Idaho Ctty......... ...... HO . . . r 8 , . Owkn.i .a0 ,... i- ! vi- ! For less amounts than one hundred pounds aa addition of Five Cents per pound will be charged. . , , . ! TIM1C PUOM UMATILtAi , To Dolse City...... ...... .3 Days. ' , To Idaho City....... 3 1-2 Days. TO Owj Uee, 4 Days. , I., .... ., ; IJOBKl'U P1NKI1AM, Aent., o Dmatilla, Oct. 1, 18o5., , ... wlBitC.. ! And all kinds of Machinery ; '' ! .' Y ' ' Manufactured at the ," , OREGON IRON WORKS j CORNISH OF MOHRI80N and 7TU streets, ! : ... portlaivd. . .;- ;.; i;;.': ' ' ' A- 0. 0IBD8 A CO.,' ! ' ..,,i.j, v.-.. ,.i ....i . 'Successors' to '" ' Portland, Dec. 8th 'M. ' de6tf K. L. Joma k Co. MOUNT, HOOD SALOON ' BILLXAltU , BO OM, . , F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, i " ; .,.'. ' corner of " ; 'tlala and Court r??tioet, apzi-tr " T.ii3jr, 'lstabllsliod IWCS7-. B AIaD WUTv BRO. j j " " DKALKRS IS GrROCERIES ! CORNFR OF : V Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J.0. BALDWIN mh21-tf F. W. BALDWIN. WH, MOAB0S. 0, B. XaBb, Wm.MOAoUSbCO,, 1 O I TIT VB A.CERTfT i rBorisioxsTpitx, rmm Corner of First and D Streets. WHOUC8AUC AND RKT AIL DKALKRS In BRBAD, CKACKKKB and Family UkOCKIUKS.' . ':. . Orders from a distance carefully ailed and promptly dispatch, , . .. . ' , l-tf iixrsX Furs ! '"' TUB HIOBKSt MARRBT PRICK PAID IN CASH '.: ' ' ' "' ' FOB ,, ,, :'. is .' . " Baver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, " J . . . - Br MCUABD8 A MoCRAKF.N. Portland Sept. It, 186. . ,., .. oc;8m. iUUillASOJY ale ODLLI,, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICS IN TUB 8UPRBMB AND OIU cult Courts of Oregon, aud tbe. plsUlot Oooru e Waehlngtod Territory. , . ., ' nftieiktar attentlitn naid in tha anllaflAlM aT lalma." . 0, , pVXJ&fU,eiilL Dallas, Ogn. J, A.ODBLI, vit tsx'jc. H , & I L .11 A 1., , IHPORTIXS AMD WH0USAU ,..,.,; ,;,,;'. Dealers in Wine Liquors Miners' oods, Boat Stores,'&c (!'.;" bavi aiMoru 10 mua ,, , i,,, N W(. S TON E BUI LDINGj -.;..v; ,.; ; p A-.i t."V COMiaor or, i f .11 ,)'.u r;i i Second and Waslilnglon Streets, TsVrow' In stour a-laroe AND COMPLBTK A8 Jl sortmont of the very best brands of . 1 ' ' -- '' wiiviss ANpi . r.iQxibits. -. ... .. . Also, a lull assortment of, , ,.,i t, , GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS A9" Constantly receiving our supplies direct from Ne York and Sun Francisco, we are able and wining to sell ata very small advance on 8an Franoisco prices. They hope by adopting A strictly sorrec, and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patrouag cf the pub. COLUMBIA, RIVEHMINES. ; :lTt V B O O T II, '' WIIITB BLUFFS, W. ,T., ..,.it' ,'. ,.. t ; forwarding; and commission merchant, ; - f .i'i.:;"!i AMD guaBAi SaAua IN u I ;' -i ; ' MEEOH ANDISE . PACK AND 8ASDLS H0S3E3 FOB SALE WTSKKIOUTS C0NSIUNFD to my care for Colvllle BL Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Ulaus, will re ceivo prompt attention. ' White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1864. m. (.; oc.2tf NEW PltlllTj GUOCEUV ; PBoyisioisr!; ..store.'; rpHB TJNDBttSlaNKD INFORMS HIS FRtKNDS and J. the public generally, that be ha Just established on aiaiu street, next ooor to V. JuKer, TuDaocoulat, , . ' A NEW STORE!: . ' where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment e selected FRUIT. Also, iu storeacompletestockoicfaoir OKOCBU1ES. PHO VISIONS. VEQETABLKX. da. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at UK midun nil i t i.. j n . i . . m . r ' DUCKD PUI0B8. ComeaudseeandsaMefyyouraelf. JOUN 8PO81T0 r selMf r r r DR: DAVY'S SPECIFIC ;: COMPOUND - "i An Expeditious Cure for all disease of th j. i .i SXS'SCTJAXr" O B O A N S. MratlS prompt and efflcatlons Remedy for the (jure A. Obonorruaai Uleet, Strictures, aud Diseases of th rlnary Organs, make a speedy sure without the least 'iiriciioB to met, exposure or cnange in application islness j it will radically cur any case which am be oouced. The disease It removes as speedily aa is con tent wim tne production ot a tnorougn and permanent re. runner, ine oiseasa canuot ve contracted li th B01F10 COMPOUND Is taken when exposed.' It Ingredients are entire) f vegetable, and no Injurious eei, siuier ooustiiuuouaiiy or locally, can D caused by 'Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by yreMi onrviuiiy acami; ' . ju . , . HVBTKTTNIl. 8M1TH A DBAS', Agents, ; . ; . Aul and 403 Batter street, cor niav. y22-8m.' ' ' - . Ban Franciaco. ' , B. Htbb. i; ) KABB. , WHOLMill AK MAa BAALIM I 1 . ., ; roceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AORICTTLTTJRAI, IMPLEMENTS. ' . 8TO11A0S AM FORWARD1NO. Oooda consigned o us will meet with proper attention j Xteiereivee l roariAMD. . daubs'. ; r H."W. Corbet, ' ' Robblus A Co.. 1 . Richards A McOracken, W. 0. Moody i Co, i II. Law, ... , 0. llumason.1 '', ' Umatilla Landing, Sept. tth, 1888. , . y, : : o: d. sTEPnExsoi 1 DENTIST, HAS RBM0VKD HIS OFEIClf 0PPO site Dloc Millet' Co, where he Is prepared to do all kinds of - j ;' t-.lt 1 nk y vrr, ; .. In a skillful and well flnlihid mauner. TBKTH Ineertac from on to an entire set, on Gold or Hublier Plat. Price range for Rubber Plate, from tit toteoi Foi Oold Plate, from 7 to fl'iS. ' 4t9 Parsons having work don by me not proving sat isfactory will not be required to receive or pay for tin same. ' ' aul3 ti COOKS Z BOOKS X 1 i WHOLESALE- AND RETAIL. , tOCHOOI. BOOKS, STATIONERY,' WiTXSi 3 Btai-dard and Mlscellaneoo WORKS, jrjMWl Late NOVKL8, MAOAZIMIS8, PAPK118,?J Ac, Ac. by every 8teainer. . Poat-0tllcesa uookstore, Main street. Dalles. ntal-tf i- U. J. WALDROif A OO. U xxx a, t i 1 1 tx, : J3 o i so, AND IDAUU i oili vm j Express and Fast Freight Line. ' -.i (-" i. , .!., .tt rfHIS LtNK 13 NOW IN COJiPLETB RUNNINO ' JL order from I'mxUlle to Idaho City, vhtiliolio City, and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable, packaged ' between these und all iutomiediatu poiuts with Ce'rtmuty and dcHpatclt." - , The Line is Stocked with the Best Teams the country Affords and entirely '' ..; l New ThoroughTBraceiij v.-y-it VOi CONCORD -m 'gT wagows, Which ensures Speed and Safety' In the tfansnilsifna nT Freight, never before oil tired to Idaho. We oRer Supe rior inducements for Shipping Goods from San Franctpco and Portland to Idaho, aa our arrangements with tin Ocean Steamship Company and the Oivgon Steam Navi gation are such that ntVUonde shipped by this Lin will to the usual delays, but pass through as ' udt bo subject t l i H V. it; -J.i wasteST FWini CNDBRSrONKD WILL PURCIIABB BfOND kul W.. ... . .1 . J - .1 . B. . . m. - mi in .hi o, pn- 0-juuing. utrpvia, Dloves, nd rtotuahold Farnlture ef every deserlptloeu Parties ""I y eey wui uo wen to, can. jtettfer') bi j.i II V tarTr.i.r.uW ,-.., u W Main street, Dalle. "" ''jFast' lTjreiirlii.' Goods shipped from Pan Francisco to ijiir en re at Port. lnnil, Uharges will be paid and Uoods shipped WdestluaV t.ion. - . ., fJOODS SHOULD BB MARKED! -CARS bVmI D.,'' CO. F. LINK, and Shipping Receipts sent to ui:r Aiytnl at Portland aud Umatilla. AdTancet'h'argcstorTpansp'orlatlon PalJ by the Line and Collected at Destination, floods will lm' forwarded with DlspatcU to owyhee and South Boise . PA88ENOBR8 CARRIED AT ORBAtl.Y IlKHUCFD RATNS. Families will be furnished wuh Sti-sior commodallous In New and Easy Riding Thi.ruuh ilnuy Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, V e lay over mcd night on the Road at Good and Convenient !tatinua, -v that ptoaeugers will not be deprived of regular root, '.-n .sm:!;.- "AQKJSTSt RtCnARDS McCHAKKN.:.. ' 'L.. A RICHARDS A McCUAKKN..., JOSKPH TEAL. ii..,.i,.,..,.,.,. POWKLf, AC'.'K.,...., J. B. WILKINSON.., 1). M. DultfcXL A CO. U. M.DuRELL A CO, MAJOR BFKKIt. ....... DuUELL A MUOKK,. I n36tf ! ' '!' i SftB FrAnclsre ........ I'DI't IttlKt , itallm liniMttllui ...... ..l.edr.ii. ............ ..Jtnlie City H JilnlinClty . Jtucky bar (Siutli Hour)" H...f.......,..Ruby and Mirer Cltil-f. II, SI. DaHELL A. CO., , ' " ' Proprietor!. ' AV CARD FOR THE ' . Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OP SAN FRANCISCO.3 : "dj""' I, 1 '(.. t w .(' . t! : ..I ' !,!., oe. All. Ala and Ala or. Merchant, dan Praagiieo. BADGER Hoe. l I Cor Importers and Wholesale Donr ENTIBE iV E W 'jiND, FRESH STO CK . frrT-B WOULD CALL ATTENTION ef Country Me.'' . . wvur ii.uaiiy ptrgn sioca ol uooua. Uu , 1.7 ""j nnw,e iu ,i,e vioiiiiug and rur- nishlug line. We have constantly on baud tha lore rat ' and greatest variety or Cassliuere aud Wool HATS at atlV IltriuM In Man Vr-ni ., ..,.1 .... ., Uoodt are less than those of auy house, as we recelw them direct from the raanuracturer' coualgnuient. Our stock of Summer aud Fall Uoop I partkularly attraca. ivs, and th great feature to th oouutry merchant Is the uuusuully low price. , w..t; t ... :. 1 Less Than the Cost nf rmnnrtfttinnf v. VV...WH . Wa .1 an - - - . I. BT 1 II T u k liln.ni n .... .. - - rrr?: iiu.ao in in ury uoooa line, wbtck Uomts w have purchased In this market un der the hammer, and are offeriug them at Kew IMk Cot,and lea. - We publish this card In order that we may make new , aoqualntanoaa, and induce those alio have not heretofore purchased of us. to call and exami Good Articles and Low Prices! Are tne greatest Inducements to all who pure ass to n , ui can max a good pruflt, and sell to their customers at a low Agar. We remain. rostMinirnll. . . . ! . I .;."... ! . louruottdieni servants, ' ' ',.. , RADOBR A I.IXDBNBBROER, i n W holesale Clothing aud Hat Warehouse,' : No. 411, Ala and 416 Battery street, " Hnn TrnVtit-laUtn. Anvil 1 IfilLA i Tux .. - - s.y.11 a, iuu, ' ' , I". JtlMtlUW. HO I FOR TiIEv SlMMEiT II01SE7 - . OiV 1MB . . SEA 'BEAOH. ; fIH6 DKLI01TTFUL AND OKLKBKATED SUMMER, ' i v. riasne, a snort distance, from twe Ocean, Is now reopened and ready to receive gueets. . ' i ' , J ,:., i . ,' I 'Hits resort poestsse attraction unsurpassed on the) , Pacino Coast. It ha a splendid beach for riding, walk lag and bathing; heautilul eo.i.ery and urrousMlieg i berrie or all kind abound; a beautiful trout aireaw ' aud abundance or game, . i .,..'.'. i ,.i. . . THK TAI3I.TC ',' I constantly Mpplied with salt and fresh water fish clam, and erabs, elk, bear and feather game, aud the ' ' freshest of country produce. . The elhaata le eelubrlou ' This Hotel offer every.. '' tiling that could be desired for .the comfort of nuesM. .. both well and sick. ' J - ' - The Proprietors respectfully ask the Health and Plea. re Seeking Pnblle for ttartronage, that they may " euabled to make th troaumer House " a permrnent In ' stitutiouef the country. LOWELL A KIPPKM . May th, IStlt. . myvti " ilt. 13. W. MJtXCHbJJLsI ' ' .') 'OrriOB'WAi.DRON.'a, BUILDIXO. i v , Rwroxxos Corner of Third and Washington Street. ., . rn. 'jl iia stjeisleI A 'J- :ACX1N0; ASSISTANT SUR0K0N; O, g,- Ai L i ERTJO BTORfl WALDRON BROS.'