CHI lath Mountains Tr Y-.f t ft ITT ' TEL.KGRAPH1C HBWS. ; I t. U the Bouse, Deo; 20.-StvenB; of JPonnsvlvaiiia, made a Speech on re construction, arguing that the lately rebellious states must come back into Ihe Union as new States, or remain as eonoucred Provinces. ' Tbe whole sub- ' jeot was Id the bands of Congress. xixnate.--iuQ commercial s vvasning' Ion dispatch says the; e are indications . that Congress will revoke tbe City Charter of Washington, to roako tbe District of Columbia a Territory, with a delegate jn tbe Hon so. i : " v .. o '. Mr. Wilson called up the Senate bill to maintain tbe freedom of the inhab itants of tbo States lately in rebellion. Mr. Sumner addressed the Son ate In favor, of v the bill.. When be' thought of what occurred in this chamber yes terday, in boated temper, to white- wash tho unhappy condition of the rebel States, be Colt that they ought to speak of nothing else to-day. He proceeded, to speak of the right. of Congress to pass the bill and read lets ters from the Southern States; private and public, to Bhow that tbe spirit ot the rebellion still exists there, and the rights of the freed wen were being dis regarded in all the Southern States. Morrill, pt the Committee of Ways aqd Means, reported a bill authorizing the Secretary of tbe Treasury to a p. point Assistant Assessor. of Internal Revenue. Passed. . . Stevons, of ; Pennsylvania,' inrOr dileed a bill to pay pensions and dam ages. done to Union property by rebels, out'of confiscated property .Referred to Committee ot the Whole. ' - v i 'Lawrence, of Ohio, submitted ares, dution, wbioh was laid on the table, affirming that Jeff. Davis eboald be tried and ' punished for treason, and also,' on account of the starving of prisoners. v r , 5 . W - Banks reported an amendment to the rales, recognizing aB officers of the House the reporters of the Globe. A debate ensued, and the subjeot was sopt;to the '.Judiciary. Committee to enquire whother there was any exist ing contract between the Hoose'and tho publishers of the Globe, it having been contended that such an arrange merit interfered with private rights. The House concurred in the confers nee" -which reported to adjourn -over U. 1 1 ! J .., . - :il U iuo uuuuavn, iiuiu lu-uiuiiun but iuc 5th of January . '-' i-' ---------- i '' 1 Tias Oldkbt Woman in New Eng land. -There is now living at Harvard probably the oldost person in INewEng land of whose birth and age there If autheatio record.1 ' This is . Mrs.' He- bp;c"Hu8e, who was born in Groton; in 1750 rlOO years ago according to the reoord of the first parUh of that town, where the original entry of her birth at that, date may be seen. She has always resided in the , immediate vicinity of her birthplace, removing from Groton, at tle age of 15; to tho adjoining, town of Harvard and into the . house she still occupies. Her husband has long since deceased, and of large family of children there is but a single daughter living, herself a venerable lady, with whom she makes her home. The lather of Mrs. Huse served as soldior in the old Kevolu tion, and an ancle was killed in one of the early battles of that struggle. " This venerable telle of a, bygone .age still retains to a remarkable degree of per- IWUUU UDI DDUBQ VI Olglfft uuutuuuriug, being but slightly deaf, and is remark. aoiy aouve, maKing ner own ore in the morning and attending through tho day to a large bart of ber house- hold duties. Till the present year she has kept and cared for a oow and at tended tO BOrao gardening.' She re. oeive ber many visitors with gentle - courtesy, and appears ' to delight in recalling for their benefit or pleasure oenes and incidenU of her well re. membered experience of 1 a fall cen- Mil .-: ! -I i. .c.i il ''lit I t. .(VI .1 T-l.tC 1' .114 t. ..l . l.ft .' '!! l,iarfi"t uM.-'i w. -.1 i 11: til-a I' .1.1 ' '., L.tJji -l -.'''- ' -tit'.- I 'iV- I1 ' SELLING OFF AT COST ! YV1I'L ?L08K OUT TJ1EIK STOCK OF UKItOlIAN w DISK, at their place or business, at uie uaiies, iu order to go tin Ulnee. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots, Ilats ' u GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be told at COST, -for CA8II only. All who know themselves Indebted to our firm at the Dalles will please call aud settle a uon as possible. Those who have been accommodated we trust will not delay tu umieoessarily, hot be prompt In squaring up ac count Call and tee us, all aud everybody t anll-tf M. WUN8CH 00. NEW GOODS! H1IVINO JUS ARRIVED FROM THE FAN FRAN clsco Market, we would invite the attention of our friends and the community at l irge, to our well-selected toejt of . . ,!, Dry Goods, . .y , . , t . Clothing, Y-,. :' Boots & Shoes, -. Which w are selllni at the most reasonable' rates: We cannot sell our goods AT COST, but assure the commu nity that it please us to sell gooas at a i.i. ranus, MANTUA MAKER. , MHS. MATTIE I10LBROOIC would respectfully In. form the Ladles of the Dalles and vicinity, that he luu opened a shop In connection with MissO'Kourke, where ehe li prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived from the Kast, she hopes to be able U please all as to form and Fashion Cloaks, Goats and Dresses Cut to Order. TI1HEE DOORS iWest lot the Corner, of THIRD and ONION Streets. Klil;ni3 ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main street, corner 01 court. OLD MACK, TUB PIONBKR COOK, would respect full Inform tbe public that he has fitted np the above Chop House, and la prepared to servo up MEALS and LUNCH In the best style and at the shortest notice. BALLS and PARTIES furnished w th suppers, Id tbe best style and on the most reasonable terms, i - OYSTERS In every style. Private Rooms-for ladies. HOU8K OPEN ALL NIGHT Admlultitrator'fl Notice. TUB TJNDKRSIONED HA VINO BEEN DOLT AP pointed administrator 4f the ostate of Moses II. Adnms, deceased, lata of Orant county, Oregon hereby tiutlnes all persons Indebted to said estate to make' im mediate payment of the same, and all persons having claims against said estate are notified to exhibit tbe same for allowance within elx months from this date, to me at the store of Bels Stemme, in Canyon Cltv. In aid county. . ' V. CLEMENT 8ELS. ..... ?nrv ' ? JT I f:...' Aflmtiiistraior.' -Canyon City, Dee. 8th, ISfiB. dw8;6tw Sherifl's Sale of Heal Estate. BT TIRTTJE OF AN EXECfJTION ISSUED BY THE Clerk of the Circuit Cuurt.'in and tur Orant County. State of Oregon, and to me directed. In favor of L. B, Benchly, et oi., plaintiffs, and against D. 0. Vorhies and K. E. Canon, defendants, for the snn of One-Thousand and eighty-five one-hundredtus . dollars, (tl,000 86) principal, and Fifty-four dollars and.eighty-fonr'hnn-dredths, ((64 81) costs and dlsbursments. with interest, accruing costs aud costs of execution, I have levied upon and will sell at public auction, before the Court House door In Canyon City, on SATURDAY, JANUARY JDth, 1866; between the hours of 12 and i o'clock, p. m. to the highest bidder for ash in hand, all of defendants interest In and to the following described real estato, to-wltt J . Ttu House ana utca wasmngton street, oonnuea on (he north by Luce's, and on the southiy Jennings' prop s' ty. Also, the undivided one-half Interest of the Honse and Lot known as the Upper llurdy House and Lot, the same being bounded on .the north by alley, on the east by Washington, and on' the west by Canyon stresjt, on the south by Callahan's property. Also, the House and Lot lying between Odd Fellows' Hall and Trow- ormge s etore House, fronting on vtasuington stieet. Atso, the dwelling house andJot In Town Gulch, known aeFanver's. All of the above property being in Canyon City. ' ' M. i'. BERRY. Sheriff. I Canyon City, Nor. jots, lse.. Uolotsw Sheriff Sale of Ileal Estate... BT VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND DEORER, ordered by the Hon. J. 0. Wilson, Judge of the Fifth Judicial District of tbe State of Oregon; fur Orant. Oontity, and directed to the Sheriff of said County, where in John H. Porter Is plaintiff, and recovered Judgement against Grace Darling, defendant, for the sum of Three ttundrea ana sngntytnree ana JUU aoiian, vrinclual. with eighteen dollars, costs, aocrulng costs, and costs of execution and sale, I have leviet upon the certain pro perty described In said 'decree of foreclosure of lein, and will sell the same before the Court Honse door, in Canvon City, on SATURDAY, the 13th day of January, 1868. be tween the hours of 12 and 1 O'clock, f. M., to tbe highest bidder for cash In hand. : i ' I Said property being In the village of Marysvllle. Orant Count) of Orant. Stat of Oregon, fronting the principal street In said village, and known as 'Hi race Darling's BMW. mo uuit - m. jr. sbuii, Diienii. ; Canyon City, December It, 1806. , ,i t d22w I SherltT's Sale ot Real Estate.' mT TIRTUE OF AN BXKCUTION ISSUED BY.TnK M3 Clerk of the Circuit Oouri of Orant County, ami to. me directed, m favor or Mary A. Binclait, piainllir, and against J. A. Lockwotal. defendant, for the sum of Sev- entymna Dollars and Fifty Cente,(l7t 60,) principal, and seven dollars and eighty cents, (17 80,) costs and dinbnra raents, i have levied nponand will sell at public tuatlon, to the highest bidder for cash In hand, on SATURDAY. JANUARY 18th, 1888, between the boars ot 12 and! o'clock r. -. before the Orart House door in vanyon City, the following described property, to-wlt? 1 jOne Home and Lot, situated In the townof gosen' ille. Slate of Oregon County of Orant, commonly known as Ine Uickwooa saloon. . .i l i M. JljSittts, Bherlff. ! By W. W. Wbipfls, Deputy. j Canyon City, Dec., liitb, 1806.. , --, i-, t)e22-w Slierlir's S tie or Real l'roperty, THY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY THE 13 Clerk of the Circuit Court of Orant Countr, and to me direeted, In favor of V. W. Hell, plaintiff, and against A. W. Marchand, defendant, foi the sum a. Seven Hun dred and Beventlght dollars and twentylght eenta, ($778 28,) principal, and fifty-one dollars and four cents, ($61 04.) costs and dlsbursments, I hav levied upon and will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash In hand. on SATURDAY. JANUARY 18th, I860, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock p. m. before the Court House door In Oanyon City, the following described prop erty, to-wltt One House and Lot situated upon Main street, Canyon City, State of Oregon, County of Orant, aad oooimooly known as Bell A Marcband's Saloon. I M. P. BERRY, sheriff; By W. W. Wmrru, Deputy,,.., . Canvon City. Dec. 121k 18(16. ' de224w W. Witt, UOUTII1TT, !AXTOIllVEY, AX, LAW, ( "' BATsTflCsT Cm. Tdaha TsHtnr. : - ' 9 rMcal attsntioa paid to Collecting Debts. W . . .A..JEC JilJZJZ ... "' Manufacturer and Importer of CAHRIAGE, COKCORP, BUGGI S T A Gr E. 1 II A B N 10 S S Saddles,' Bridles, Whips. .' " , ( A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. f Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. , . . . . F. A. HAKE, Je:lltf - Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. PORTLAND FOVIVDltr . AND ,.i MACHINE SHOP,;1'1 FIRST STREET,, between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam Kngines of from 4 to 40 horse- power,sither Portable or Stationary. Also, lUtt- COM PLETK, conscantly :M- .'. j j Atihand. Alsa. Hav Pres-- ftlsbr' rt.'.- 'f ses of all sites; Planing Wf-! 9 nil.- ) Wronirlit an,l T .A t t.iiul uast ironwora lor ver tical SawandOrlst mills; Brass and Iron Castinga WBOlfCIIT inON WORK' of every description. I am also prepared to furnish t Quarts Mills complete, of the Latest & moat Improved Patterns. . Thsaa Mllls'can beforwarded to any pari of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 8, 000 pounds. ' ' ' ' ' 1 - H.on fowoTt m ArnoniiaTai implements manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASH PRICK N. B. Partlcnlor attention paid to REPAIRS. fe20-tf DALLES CJ1TY DRBO STORE. P. CRAIG, WHOLE BALI AND RITAIb DEALER IN DRUGS. ; ,'.! medicines; r 'i'-r i !. r. .' I,''' ' ( 'r : Perfvmeru,. Fancy Soaps, . PATENT MEDICINES. c; ' fl-tf DHU0a AND FA TENT. MEDICINES !! ' DRUGS AND' PATENT. MEDICINES U, DR tQS AND PA TENT UEDlCtNES tt DBUGGIST, Washington street, between Main and Second Btreets ."' dalles; oregoht. -v SiBMON IsabU so supply partres-ln want or Drugs, Patent Medicines. Chemicals. Acids, Perfumery. and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. . .. - i:.,' - i-: . "i' aT-Physloians and Alorchants Intending topurensse fpr the Mines, will do well to give hiui acall. TRTJ8ES & SHQTJLDJ3R BRACE 9 In rsat variety, t".,i ' S.lBM0!, ap.8:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. SElLING OPF AT COST! j - tl Mr sntlrestockofj J STOVES 'AND TIIVWARE, j , JK. ALSO,- XINMANS TOOLS TUB WHOLE stmbracing a floe stock, iverr artlcls of which will be sold at COST, as I doslra to close out business. Also, one GRAND PIANO, In good order. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Second Stieet, next to the comer of Washington. The House Is two stories, with a basement, and (swell adapted to Ihe hotel business. Also a lot of BEDDING. Couiprising about twenty-live Beds. The whole will be cinoea out cueap, For further particulars apply on the promisee. au.:3m - ALBERT BETTINOEN.'. ." NOTICE IS nSREBY GIVEN tint the Co-partnership hereto fore existing between M. G. HARDY, C. L. MITCH KLLand F. W. THOMPSON, doing a mercantile busi ness in this plaoe. nnder the name of K. 0. Hardy Co.. is this day dissolved by mutual eonsent, and hereafter. ine oosiness of sain nrm. wui ne conaucieu ny ib. v. Hardy, who alone is authorised to collect and settle the accounts oi said nrm. .... . is. u. uakdy, I - o,L, MITCHELL, SusanrllM, Orant Co. Oregon, V. W. THOMPSON., , fov, la, tm, i ' . ' , i nlm W. Z. BIGELOW, Receiving, Storing, Forwarding , I f !? , AND Commission Merchant ! I i jlTt.nrai mailA nn rnno1rnniAiiti KA1H HTBKET, Opposite the Umatilla House. I Washington Wagon Road TIIB UNDERSIGNED WOULD IvyoilM THR Traveling Pabllc that the Washington Wagon Road rrom rortiand ana Vancouver to the upperuueades is well being kept in good.traveling order for wagons and SWCK. . Tr. ...---."' f is. u. nKur.. .) Dalles Jan. 11th 1864. ' Janlltf Sole Proprietor. , !- II.'-' "ill ill DAILY MOUNTAINEER PO'VVER PRKSH'i.":,:! BOOK &, JOB PRINTING OFFICE First Street, between Main and B , i..,,, DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. JKA STYLE THAT WILL COMPARX FAVORABLY , i. : i ; with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS TEE CHEAPEST Cards and Bill-Heads CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, , POSTERS AND PROGRAMME!! FOR ' : THEATRES CONCERTS . EXHIBITION " t ' src " ' stCh . stCm . niNTKR lit TBI MOST ATTaACtlTl ItallllU. ALSO. WAY-BILLS, BILLS OF FAKE, .. , . o-i . LETTEH HEADS, ,. . ti ' i' HEVE1PT BOOKS, 1 ' ,; , . .. . . . ! BILLS LADiyO Rriefs and raniphlcts, riSITINa, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" C4M JJruBelats' Labels, -. In short, everything that can be done In a Book and J' Printing Office, from the smallest and niost delicate Cai or Circular, to. the largest siae and most showy Postit Hill and which win be turned out in a style that cauni an so insure entire sattstaction. : : oca faciuties roa tHi iiia)tiO( or , DECORATIVE PRINTIWd . In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Pancy Posting Bills! i " " From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth. ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS. c. ; .f I'll RFV HER S' LABELS. Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment Oregon.- We devote special attention to this branch of t business, and are continually adding to our already txUi stye ana wen appuiuted assortment or material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS . CCC tfc zV- .r . Of th Host modern and elaborate designs. ' Our stock i FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC. Are of the finest quality, and for richness Of color durability, caunot beequaled In the State. i The principle upon which business Is aslted for this ' taousnment is, mat persons will consult their own lnt ests. ny awarding tneir custom to tuat omce in w their mosey can be txnebded to the best advanuure, tills end we solicit all in want of good Printings at vel reasonable charges, to call ana examine specimens. Judge for yonrsslves. ' ' " - , Orders from tlie Vpper Countrl Will have bar special care, and friends from the inter! spay rssy npon uaviug melr oraers nuea promptly, as HAVE THE'ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRE,! In .the State of Oregon I .,: oaress: . - t - MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mls-tT . . Dalles. Oreirou JACKSON SAI.OON . . . . ----- - - WW IK liVUKf AL HKt UN 0 oTKT i ; j;,T3T,T,B:s. origion. .. THB UXDEBSIONKD, IIAVIO KEMOVKD JBt --. ' a -eauui town VAliliAll, in iM . i Gates' New' Buiiaing", Beg tomrorm tbe public that they are prepared tone their customers with Ihe best - Wines, Liquors arid "' Cigar! TUB AIAOtKET.AFPOHDSil . ' ALSO, A "J ' 11 ! ii i Free IL.uncli I T Kvery day and evenlngi ' . , .i, .i.i -1..M.1 I.-, :. KMli. HCHTJTZ. decMf r",)- ... -i h . Pr0prietoJ CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIAL T BSO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage II T w uracturers and Dealers to the Large and I plot assortment of CAKHIA08 and WAOON MATK ALS we are constantly receivin- from tlu, Kat .n-rd selected for the California market, comprising, ajS j.iuRwr. uuoooooa urowiu asii nana, mcKory ax n uroa roif uuos, epoaes, redoes, Kims, BualU, Ac which wa off.r at the lowest Cash Prices.. ... V Order! addreassd to our bouse will receive proi atteution.'. I N. w. lilt Add k CO- Jel6U)iu. . ' i 31 Battery Street, Ban franclso ' aud 17 A 19 8eveuth Street Sacrament' C.Watboosi, U.W.llaAoaACo- J.W.U4 bsu vranaisoo.' - Baorameuto. ' . Ma' rslillii UNDRkaiONKn briib ta thsopm -iiw JL laens of the Dalles snd vlcluity that he has recc N1SW HKAM8-. and will i' 5 - . - :lttenaFu!herals .' on short notice. "This is theSrst. tai at presents UsamlntlMeltn 1 u..... ?.. .7 1-,. '.. Ill ;. I.. M.TAN v-iies, nay iw, ibo. ' my:W-tf. . ! O. B. BUOOKSMril Offlce-A.. Drj frala'si Urug StW