' Biratainm THURSDAY M0RXIN6, JAK. 4. 18B6. Ik iriTiois of gold dollars are la circulation In Slt Lake City. Tber arc rcry roughly oAedVA -v V Two thousand births take place in London, Jsrery week, and the sexes are about eq,u' la lumber,., . . ' , pisUanwhlp Pacific left 8a Francisco on n4ayvDeceniber'Ut.be Sierra Nevada lad arrired. Thi Shah, of Persia has sent a special Unit teEurope.'for the purpose of studying It present system of naval construction in lance, England and Holland. 1 ' Chi Persimmon County Debating Club, tin ndtaiia are debating ; the question, hich Is the proudest, a girl with ber first La, or a woman witb ber first baby 1" ton steamer Owyhee bas left ber moorings 'Long Island and gone up to Umatilla ; Soioior'the present unable to come down JUshbt' Hiioh and John Imboden of Vlr liia, formerly rebel Generals, are traveling ,'cnts of the express company of which Joe Johnston is President, and Boggs and Gard wr of Louisiana, ere clerks. us steamer Idaho succeeded In getting ithln three, miles of tbe Cascades, where lie passengers were put ashore; the steamer tamed to Craite's Point, where the ice has bain blocked up tbe river. - , AisssHDia Cdmas has written novel entitled A Man with Five Wives." It is verv inter jtiDg.iklgham Young ought to engage him write a book to be called , " A Man witb ghty-sevsn Wives; or tbe Experiences of a biygamlst." Tat point Is made by the San .Francisco iilletin, that the passage of tbe CoastitU' nal Amendment must be by bill, and sot jointrtoluHon. In this State it was adopted joint-ruolution, which may not be in effect al. - ' - -'r " A':lady,Mrs. Clute, says the Walla' Walla Meeman, of the 22d of December, was thrown Im a carriage, on the 17tb, and bad an arm jetured. 'At first It was feared that ber in- lies wire serious, bat'she Is now In a fair .to'speedHy recover. ! .;:;; ;:';;!'.. van DeceiDbtr nnmbrr of Puck, the San knc'isco Punch, contains the following: fbe Mountaineer, published in the Dulles, fcgau, says that a gentleman in that town i eating a piece of beef kidney ttt other r, and found two small pieces of gold im- Ided in it. That's the sort of beef to make he ft bouillon (MYioa). ,.. .'.'.7. i. i n . lui Judge, in bra San Francisco- eorrel- Idence, to. the. Bulletin, gives an account lis ascent to the ' top of the new Court- Ise at The Emporium, from whence h , Mount .Hood His remarks thereupon I about' as Interesting' as ' those 'of Col I-i-txin Jacksonville, ''seen from the Incuceof a summer's evening." . xprkss Movkmemts Another firriyaj 'of lexpreBS from below, places us In, posses of Pbrtlnnd dates to the 1st of Jonuary ling the suspension of navigation,' four Nssos from; below, all of whioli1 have' tL(brought through under circumstances reai hardship ani considerable BrtnieiC I t at :obce the energy and liberality orJ li, Fargo ft Co.'s management of affairs lb Columbia. Upon- the arrival of the less from above, messengers will At once bnt to Portland witb the letter mail,' , ' New SiSAToa.' Cornelius Cote bat been led Senator from 'California, to succeed bs A. JIcDoueal. , To honesty acd ability, pole unites the rare qualifications of per Simplicity and Irne modesty." In private be is as near blameleu as it it possible haa io be, and bis social habits are txeai in erery pai titular. Hi election closes li'ocfi in 'California' history, which was acsd by trading 'politicians', bummer a and traitors to tbt interests of the State ithexotfiueuee merit tf a now era, inwurfclJ ill. hold tbe reins, and the party which k Jhis .fact will'.'be ,1b future in;tjnl ytnat 'State. "" gtfAPOftr FOR THE TRADB OF TUB There are tereral point inside the mouth of the Columbia Riref which" ar)Paentfoned ai liketr to become i'moortintf bofiiti 'for the N 1 ' i . 1 W I L! -1 ' A . I 1 apply 01 id iuiuiuuia. sasin yi iosv, AB- ioria, St. Hetcot, Taneoarer, and The Empo rlum aro those best knowu to 'the publio. AtiPaor. Hakdlet, of tbe Cmatila House, 'not the north entrance to tbe Columbia it Pacific City, which is located, somewhat ominously It would seem, inside of and adjoining Cape Diapp,oint,ment..: ? , ? y x.; t. At the first sight it would appear as if As toria or. Pacific City should become tbe sea port for our interior; but the early settlement of tbe.Wtllamette Valley built up Tbe Empoi rium,"abd. the, discovery ot the.Nez' Perces mines found that Village " sweetly located on the banks of this Willamette,'' with considera supplies of. merchandise on band.Thistat once founif a market at handsome profits, ani' Tbe Emporium was quite rapidly ebriched." For a time the commercial men of that place conceded with much frankness that "Port land's true policy was to remain dependent on San Francisco," but time lapsed, and the citizens. who bad once owned hundreds now counted their thousands, and it' was discov ered that tbe true policy of the place was to break loose from tbe San Francisco connec tion and make tbelr town tbe importing point for the Columbia River . interior. Circum stances favor this projeot, and beyond doubt if there sball be no outside influence, tbe for tunes of The Emporium would be fixed.' Pre liminary to' breaking loose from tbe, San Francisco connection, Portland, wants a line of steamers to bring the freights destined to tbe Columbia River, from the East, from San Francisco, to that' all the'profiu !wbicb' lit California metropolis will gain by the Oregon trade will be tbe earnings of warehouses-meni stevedores and long-shore-men. Following this, Tbe Emporium will hare ships which wilt bring "freight direct from the All ru tic side into tbe mouth of the Columbia River. Tbe consequences to Sao Francisco are ob vious. To' counteract this design, which would render the present Oregon anil California steamship interest worthless to the owners, certain men of means bare determined to renovate tbt shattered splendors " of St. Helens, and bring the tea going craft to Ibat point,' to discbarge and take in cargoes. There it . also another project on foot, sod that is to revive the somewhat dormant pre tensiona of Pacifio City to the trade ot the Columbia. River.' TUU latter tcbVmo now being elaborated,' and' ' the ' pro prietors of tbe town-site say that If the Gov ernment will, relinquish certain lands com prised in tbe Reserve at.Cape Disappointment they are prepared to go on to build op tbt place.,,. It seems' that the best anchorage it ia Iront'of tbe lands jutt in tbt let of tbe Cape, and it Is on these that tbe first Improvement it to be made., , Of. course Pacific City will be compelled to have steam communication with the upper couu'ry, and between building city, Importing goods and distributing them to tbejnterlor jlie Uejl-U.tliers,o( lbi enter prise have chalked out work .enough to ab- sorb. a Jftrge amount of money.- ' i Iu the general eelre to.boild ,up a city, to and AMOria appear to be temporarily thrown iji the shade. .Wliat fute' furtuue, may have 4 store, for tbem'ls 'jet concealed froui' h'i man fdresiglit; but on the principle that tbe last shall be first either of these places may yet have f plceli( (Ue tonalsof Ourcpflptry wen tbe lat, lurviving, Siwathsball look from Mount Ttobfnson,' like' llirius on the rnlnofCartbage,'over a waste of mud wherj TbEmporlim ouce proudly stood.. i ;. tM , Out of all tbesecemet forliullding tea port towns' we see sotne' probability of estabf litbing direct trade with San Francisco.' ; If tbe St. Ilelent speculators" bring the freight deBtlned .to come' up tbe Columbia to that Cotopany will girt tbit trade to their boats, : iidtt, (tunoji llkjely When. i it once aboard,' thjnt it wU be carrje on an excursion up (be Willamette, to be prougbt back and carried to. t,Ue Cascade jlf, It shall oocuf Ibat freight Pare brought dlrecily 'to tbt Cascades from St,, lieiens, we snail uara aocompiituta iiue urtt tep ip Lretin'g (h'e.6ojpmbla Hirer trade Into itt natural channel. place, it Js pretty certain that .sombody wjl jitwlt) b'rSnf jVo (lie COTCaaeiW.coJrse tbe extrorJlnrhlHcUUles';Qri fne 6, S,N, Tat Richmond Examiner refuses to be tub ugated to he Websterian orthography, and annoqneet that.it will teach " pure aqd olat- lick English, distinct from the models and re deemed from tbe Innovations of ' Northern Jn- strnctonrs.' only knows bow to keep a hotel, bat la an expert lo the art of mixing liquors, if we may judge from-the cocktails be adminitten to bit outtomers, daily. . , ' - j r . ? . J J Tbb Emperor of Morocco has per- mittod telegraph' wired to : ba laid in his dominions. x t Colvmbla Lodge, II 5, I. O. o. Meete evrjr Vriday eveulng. at o'clock, fa OaW Hell, comer of Second and Court Btreeta. Brother! In good standing are inTittd to attend . By order. N.O. ULACK LIST. TOnH H. WARD. Or CR083 HOLLOW, has this dav 9M paid me Tbree Hnndred and Fortyine Dollars In uueikimum at if An. lor a ae( uue in uoia I'oln. Deo. 80, im. . lJ4rol , . , 1. 0. B1FFLH, FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DIEHLAM Sc WKNTZ,? -1 ft H ITD l: ninnu irnTFr. itnTi.Tmin.' rmfT Dalles City, hare on band a Tarlety f M Household Furniture, I SX. i- Lembraclnc Tables, Chatre, Bnreani tjw"aaaj4i-tr'p Bode and Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpet etc, etc., all.of which will be sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also,ou hand aiaiircieseeand 1'illows. spring Beds made to order, auiii M afaratfaOALL0N8 0FC0ALOILfnrsalrat8an Tta" tf vr Francisco prices and freight, at . i ' nlf ' . ... nATKD A nilAPTN'A! .NEWS FOR THE MILLION!! AUCTION I AUCTION ! AUCTION IN ORDER TO CLOSB OCT MY BUSINESS I Will dls M poie vf all my reaialuiDg stock of Watches," OtamondHj "J ' X ' ''4 ! t 4. Jewelry', '. : Clocks. t.t Plated Ware, : Iamps '. u i i: .i r Cutlery, . ) ' Pistols, K " r ff'A :! I. " ')' Watch ItlaterlalN, and OImmm. Field Olames, Fancy Oocdsi Large Iron oeie, Diorv vixiuree, auu xumiliire, at t.. Public OIV Tuesday, January. Oth, 1S66- at 10 oVIock In the funncwin. As I shall leare for the Kast In a short time, this ule will be absolute, and will be continued from day to day until the said stock and Bxtnres are entirely dinpuaa d of. . This sal will be worthy the attention of denlera atid all who arcdesfroo of getting K1HST CLASS 000D9, as the articles offered for sale comnrlMa the beat uvu.rt. rneni 01 naicnes. jewelry, c, c, to rooiMl north or Sen Fraoeieco. - - x . Goods will be sold from tlili time until the auction at Tery low tgnres. t a ' All natclies and Jewelry left at my place for repair, must be called for prior to the 16th of January, last, a m ...i.i i.i i . . . i . : ' N. B. Allaenona knowing themselres indebted to the ander. igned. mwit nay wp before the 13th o) January, or wuvm n... w uumiv HUGIIIIU w NIT UHBtrUtfB. km prweeoiDge win ue wiaeo iqeiiiQrce pnymenr. 4 ' " ' ' ' Wm. BIBHBAUM, auctioiv s ale; V WILL BELL- AT I'UBI.IO AUCTION, cm T URSDAV. JL the-Mb dav of Januarr. I860, the entire. ti-k ' nit Ixlares: of the Watch and Jewelry Gtor of Wlltiani Birnbaann, Bsaj., at bla Store on Main Street. ' See aaeo ueemont Hie will appear on Weilneeday. the Sd Jaaaarv. d81td .JifA'i s. JOIIM WILLlAMd, Auotloneeri 1 NEW-AUCTION H0TISE7" j -T:' M:'WA(ID;' C0.7 i,.r., '.SuWraeeTtoiW.P.IIIlcr.iV" -t , ' Couri Street, below Main1 WILL BULL AT AUCTIOX AB ON COMMISSION Oetieral jrenimniliiie, Mining Ftnrks, Real K tate. New aid Second llapi Furuliuu, J'roiluce, KHCEIVINO anJ FORWARDIXO OOODS. ont-dnnr and Special Sales promptly attendee) pi. Regular Bala I TuendaTsnntl Sat"tla . nv Liberal Advances wade on Consignment MILLINEUY AND PRESSOUAKINB; ItXfXISS O'nOURKKDKSIHKS TO INFORM the XTJL Ladies or Dalles and Tlchilty, that A has Just received areeh Maoly- uf ji , (, y FaliIoiiull Goods; j The latent Pnrla. New York auit Sao Fniiiclaco atyles of HONNKTS, HATS, RIBI10N, LACKS, FKATUKItK, FLOWKltS, c. 'A fh!) and wellvlecteil ussorthient of Ladles' Eteady-Made Garments ' " Also, a FMhloiiablu assortment of. : i DRESS 'TRiMMINdsr . STAMI'IN'O for KmbrolilerrandBraldfiis. P1NKIX0 done at short police. BONNKTSJtleached and l'resml in uie laiest sijtior; Ajargeasfioniirenaur '-4. Children's, jRcad-Made Clpthlnj;.,, Constantly (Jn 'lianil. '' flavlnl secured' ttie servicea' of First Claaa Dreaa Maker, I anr orepared to cut and At Larilea' ant) Chfldreali DitHB8KaauifCL0AKSj ,'i.lvi;: ' TII1KU B'fllKKI.', one squaro. east of the Catholic Church; ' " '' ''- ' ' . oc'21:.1m. .1 i .' NOTICE. f IlKRpnt; 3Pfl U PJCKSONtf frow) dohtrlcllni or buying: anjtlilni K hateTer frpm whefelii rer lrpm.FSI KUNT,( rlllilMt iKSd lb Slhle, as t ah) not, nor will I bold myslf resnonaible fof any or salit t.V. Kunts's ao;a: W.F. 1I0FFAT.? hi uy ine riiunKi respoa I ..lVr.lf FOVNDsl .. ' A IN IVORY TJTO-FOOT UUbR. 1 Tlte ownet caa K.re XH. the same by applying at this office and paying for 0. 8. Mtixia, 8m. Scbawbacfik, Han Fraaclseo. Dalla BlocliMillefe& C i ... . - .r, . - s . , AND DEALBR8 ! DEALERS IN ' VLw1 "Wines & Liquors And Importer and Jobtmrt of GL OT BIN Or Boots & Shoes; ; T ; . ; Under Clothing 13'! ! 1 j 1 . ;4'"'"'BlinkeI, etc., k fietc.,t:ui:LUec -OFFICE; WE HATB AN A88A7 OFFICE IN CONKECTTDIt , wlrh our busineas, under the entire snpervlaloit of Mr. Miller. We make returnein Bare In six horme We (roarantee all our Assays and pay the UIG1IK8T CASH PKICB for Bare, We. also pay the Iltglatat Cash Price for Oold Dust. . . BLOCI, niLLER 4 07., myfltf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dallee. Oregon Steam Kavlgation Co. -- WINTER ARRANGEMENT, ON AND A TIER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th uati farther notice, Xlio Passenger Train , te connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, ori Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, era 4l30 A.1I. . 1 TUB BTEAMEK8 " ' ' 5 0 N I? 0 N T A ? or 44 1 D A H 0," i CAM. J. ilcNCLTY...... .....Commander, Wtn teaira DALLES. DAILY. fSnndava etceDtedl at t o'clock. . Hoiiiineetiuf by the CASCADE KAILKOAD. "JIEW,TVORLDw or "CASCADES,'' CAPT. J. WOLF,... ......,... .....,.... .CoiuiuonOor, fa- lertUn,' . t. t. i . '. W.'B; BRADF011D, " Dalles. Not. 13, 1B68. n!2tfj Agent 0. 8. N. Co. s e ij i iy a- 1 o ip A T CO S T, -: " ' FOR THIRTI DAIS LONGER !f ' CTlX'lS"CE. ! ' MKSSnS. COUN t BOnSI would hereby Inform their customer and the publle at large, tliat tliey will coutinue to sell AT COST. Air thirty days longer in order to giro one a rlianre to make presenle fur thai Holidays.. We will sell ths balauca of our sSoek.aoa sistiaK of - . " Kl. h uisck Bilks, j ;, 1 , OenU' Cloaks, ( I Rich Poplins, , ; : Dourer Coats, . Cloaks, n , Ureas Coats, r , .'OJtowlsYlU Cif5'. .rant, Diy Goods, " Enihroiderios. natsACa,is, Boots A BUnesy, .HKi" ; et AT SAN FKANClSCp COST, Without FrelgVt andKiiiri.s. This Will be the iaet chance to get Wgnina, prior So closing .the renter C011N A 1)011. M. N.B All BHls must be paid by th ' First of January , ISM. If not settled within that tlusa,' 'lie same will bv ' placet tw legal hands. deltf. AN IMPORTANT PROCLAMATION ll 11 ORNERAL INYITATION 13 EXTENDED to all 2. the 'ladies and gentlemen to calr as the Jewelry-" ereif William Birubamu. aad.exaniUi hla Stuck, bi-5 fofe thtMlillfimya. " Clirl$(raas Holiday Presents.. lei order to close the mtini limlnui i.iifn.t't,. tr.Lt I day of January, the undersigned oBers tor sale his LauiL- Isaac F. Buna, mvmMw viiu iniuuuie RIOCK OS i WATciiEs-;;',".;:! - ':X' ":,T I di AmoivDsr, ' 1-' ; I ,iii:i' jcwEinr, irus .-'-va .clocks; I TiXGy GOODS & ClTLEft'.; asidallother koikIs In hla line, snlrnMe for Kotlilay Pre- . seuta. UKIXtW Fl KST COST. The Ooeds will be war. ' raatnl ae First Class articles or the noney will be r I fauded after piiroliosed. LaaMseand Gentlemen Rlrethe , l alma aulice your earliest Mtentkini and call em at tlM-: ' store efU,.,i. ,1 . WM. BIK.MljtUlll,-a ... : Main Street, next door to the poet OlMcc. - :TqtsXTpsf,Toysiiioysi ' rpRTOXS.AI! WAXCX GOOD, . For the" "Hoir.raTa. Ve' rernhfht.i nh'.L.Ui-'J Jilie to the BASKET AND TOY KMVOIUU.M of I , , . TIIUMAUKIl ZUtN. I ' ' 32 "nil 322 Batten Street. . , nSfcftn '.ftrr-t'i ; 11 f . .. i 'San FiAnchm.l!' I J OSEPII Er,T?EtsT; WROIESAU B HTUL D1UI.K11 IX raQfj:&'.Saplo Dr 'doori& CL0TH.INfi.,B0PT3 ' AND :SHOESK, ! yUATS AND- CAPS, -AND u Gehtnien rnriiishirtif GoV&m.' Fire-proof Stole, gttre corner', ef Main and Ceurt Btreeu. . ... oc4-tf M ABTIN gf, JJ.JJllX II Y; . I .'.Jii. AttorneyN-at-l,aw. 1 S bmOES--IdahoCIly, Boise County,!." T.j Cnby (Sl'tr wyheol County 1, T. uclif. ' I Dollars iu CIREENB ACJtS, AT I'A Hfor g.al. pIU: aliased of ma laat January, at "Coin liiitoa. BimIuikm men 1 wl l do well to be careful how tlicy ti nat siK-lrnieii? ""'J J. JUKKA.