; '. , 11 ' I-1. ' i j .'1 ; j-l i ... -.. .v.t:T in ..i " i i . j .ypL. .-. j ' J i J bALLES, OHEGON, TltUIlSDAY, JANUARY 4i I860. NO.lSl, r.j.t ''."''aV' '. . ... I t,3. jf-j,;,!'!.; I Ilillili Mixtnmxi ...sol V I , PUBLISHED EYERI MORNING, j t (MONDATi tXOBPTID.) BT A V . -JJ ! 'f x E. G. COWNE & JVIIALLORAIV, ' ' . lOITOBg AND PB0PRIIT0R1. 1 " " . Cssae TmeHty-Jtt onli per week, payable to the carrier ;per month, by mall, three months, 1160 s (is mouths, $4; one year, $8. Advertisements Inverted at low race. ' Job Printing.., Every description of plain and Canoy Job Printing exe d with neatness and despatch, and forwarded ea per order to any part of theeouutry. Payment Jar Job Print jnff nw(M made on aeueery J toorx. UMATILLA HOUSE, ' DALLES, OREGON. UANDLEY &SIJVNOTT, 1'rop'rs. IBIS fOPULlE HOUSE, OUHBALLT LO0ATID, ' Hear th Staamboat Landing & Eailroad Depot, Uaa been receutly enlarged and Improved, and will now accommodate; 4 30 0 OUE8TS.T!? r' WILL BR CONDUCTED u heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and the patronage .of. toe traveling jiublic'ls respectfully eollcltel. v . .... :.; AW Baggage taken to the llouie free ofcharge. Bonaa open all night. , , . . - LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES . Dalles, Oct. 4-tf. vrrt ... t. ' EMPIRE HOTEL, . MAIS BT1IIT, tUlU, OUOOa, . V . , t THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. 4 ' 1 ' I TBI OIKIH OF 0HtB, "" Sear, the Steamboat and Eailroad Laadlngi Superior Aecommwlatloni for FamilleB-eCnd can Ao eoraiuodikto Oue Hundred and fifty Ouaete. . Moal.,.........50 cit. , Lodgl ng.... ..W cU. Fir Proof Safe for depoartouf vnloablet. n. Home open all night. Baggane tnken to the ITouee free of charge. .. . i, ' THOMAS SMITH, mhft-tf . ' Proprietor. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, FRESH STOCK! .., , : . IJ8E.IKV & imps., ' Xalle andWallaWallai ' ..!.-. ' 'aallM 1M , I- !?-l Staple and1 Fancy Dry Goods liners' Outfits, , V i' Boots and Shoes, ' , ,' ,, .. . . , ; Hats ana 'Caps,' ''' Groceries;'1 And a fall anortment of General HerehandUe. ' Boylna our Goudi ezcluelvely In thean Franciaco market, and making none bnt eaah pnrchaaea, we are enabled to ee I 3a per caut. cheaper than any other llonee at h' Bailee . . . DUSKNBKRf A B 1108 ml.tr fiallea and Walla Walla., uow TO SAVE MOJKX? -r ctu atm iwi ..,.,.;, A: Family, Grocery and Fralt Store, Corner of Wellington and Second StreetiJ, " TBI CNDKK8IGNED WISHES TO INFOBV TBI people of the Dallee, and the public generally, that b haea large and well aeleeted ltockp( ; ITA.MILY GICOPEltIES, CA2fDIESttATUTS, kc, Wlrlcb he will aeU Wholeaale and. Retail at-JMawag yrieufor CASH. Alio, constantly on hand the Choloeet Article of FKKSU BUTTKIl and K0Q8. Alio, erery variety of FRUITS and VKUETABLK8 Id their aeaaon. Pereona from ap the eoautry, wliblng' nantltiee vf feggiMd Fralt, by aendlng In their ordera, will receive the etrieteet attentfon, and nave them filled at the ewet Afortet Prita. .. Jyll-tf 0. L. JEWELL.' J .uLLia, o. w. Aaaai. o. v.iun. ARM E3 & DALL AM p . . Impocten and Jobber! of . j i . WOOD AND WILLOW IV ARE, ' " SUV8UB3, TWINES, COBDAQE. . . I: And Manafactureri of ' California Palls, Tabs, Brooms, 4c. 217 k 2111 SwramentoStreet, between Front aad Davla, ten FranoUoo. -.a. - ooH:Smdew. F- TILLMAN j r, . iota aaist ir OAuroaMiA roa . . . ' . T TILTON & MoPARLAND'8 " Fire A: Iturglar Proof Salts. ',;. , STEELLLVtil) VAULTSy Com.liiia.tion. Lock.' CrConatantly ow hand a fnll aunrtment ef SAFES. ' - 318 BATTKBT STREET, JyMa , r. ;;, S-' ( franolaoo. . a. oatu. ' - 'v T a. a. bait... GATES ,afc;HwrVrT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, -..i.-; - dalles, ottBow';.; t".;t,. ."...."-'tVt ...'.I ua.j J a-.- A WOU UOISE AlIaE DIRECT. ,n ' .. - I.O.t t. -,1 ' . i 1 WALLA WALLA cV BOISE LINE S OARRYINO1 1 THE U. S. OVERLAND'. MAILS" . .t..!: ir. .!.; AND. .1 H tt. r it. l-y.'Tif Wells, Fargo & Co.'s ExpVess, ' le now making Regular Trfpa from Walla Walla to PI cervllle, (Bolee Mlnei.) ' , . . ' . ,". . '. w Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Btagea, and th Boat, of the 0. 8. H. Company, ap'iV-tr Proprietor ,r, r. notice... THE PIONEEK STAGE COMPANY ,,. . ,. Will carry : . . ' . r." FAST EEEIGHT8 '-, - . . IrR0M ''' r " - i "ILT.a1MC.Ia41 T I LUi'AJ, AFTER TUB FIRST OF OCTOBKR, AT THE FOLLOW . i y "' v s 1NO KKOUOBD BATES: ; ( j , ; To Bala Clty...'.........."...15 Cents per pound Idaho City. 0 owvkiu. .....9io ' ;0T i ; '44 t v rr For lern amount than one hundred pounde an addition of Five Ceuta per pound will be charged, t t v 3 ; TIME FROM UMATILLAi To Boise City '.3 Days. - To Idaho City 3 1-3 Days. TO Owyhee, 4 Days. . JJOSEl'H PINRIIAM, A.ent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1865. :.tv.n ocl8:tf. aUARTZ;MliiIiS! AnU all kinds of Ulacltlaery ' i : a-- '-" Maaulkctured 4 tb -y OREGON IRON WORKS COBMBtt OF "MORRISON and'JTll. atreet,., , , y v.a-"o.'oibb8 co.v ',!';, '' 1 " '' '.. 8ucceaora to " 1 Portland, Dec. 6th '04. ' deOtf E. L.JohuACo. , MOUNT, HOOD SALOON ill -ASD' Milliard BooM, i; Fe M; HUNT; Proprietor, i-T -.ii. "': vcoRNEROr-'.' !' Main and Court . S tr et, ap31.tf'. i ..i: -. -ii.: - Dallee, Oregon. JPHLEO. LlEBE, '1' tKPEPOVJSJO ' If TtXJl T : S T ORE' IWwhlngton Street, oppoalte French A Ollmaa'a, Dallaa, I .i . jam on nanu a targe ana wou-aeionea ttoca or 1 GROCERIES & PROVISIOXS, Becelved daily. A large lot of CHICKENS alwaya on hand. PKUITB of all klhdai VRKSH VKUfcTAliLtS averymomlngC All artlclaf warranted. Givo Me a; Call,' Everybody I aul8:tf , ... . ..... I.HBB, Etalllslied ISO?. .: .4 ' DEALERS -ISt H 't: ,' COHNXR Of ' ') i " ' Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J,C. BALDWIN mh21-tf " t W. BALDWIN. wif, moaid. i..'i i-i' i " o. b, xateat. V:WM. MOABUS Jfc CO., - O I TY' BERY, " ABO ; . ; , itR 6 VIS10H STORE, Corner of First and B Streeta. ; U.J. WIIOLKSALB AND RETAIL DEALERS In BREAD, CRACKERS and Family GROCERIES. tkS-Onlers fronts, distance carefully filled eudprdmptly dispatched, . , !-( ' ITttrs J Furs ! . -..i ....... ' p . t.i " r ' THE rjIQIIEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH Beaver, Otter 1 Mink and Coon Bklna, 1 1 ''' '" Br RICHARDS A McCBiriKN. M . Portland Sept X, lSot. ,j . , ; ' ' oo4i3ta. ' I UVIIIASOiV & OOELIj ' ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW VTaTILL PRACTICE IN THE 8UPBEXE AND OIR cult Courts of Oreaxin. and the District Coo.rU a TiMuiiiKwn Avrriwry. -. Particular attention DJdtathbcoUectloo of elaleis.. it. unifAanv .jt iwiu. nn. ...nux-AtUbiLlA ii. 1 v.i".'rv"! ik :..,., Mi J;i fi;.l'p; '"' " & Cr lL lTIA lV, MPOBTIA) AH WHOLUAtI ' TJealers in Wines, Liquors 'C groceries, j Miners' Goods, Boat Stores, Ac, '"' ' ' BATI atMOTlB TO TBtIB' y ' " J NEW STONE BUI LDINQ, iyi 4f-'.-i", ut..'- coanaor 1 ' u '-''' Sctcond and Washington Streets, .-.; tu dalles cmr.; j " NOW IN STORK A LA RGB AND COMPLETE AS aortmcnt of the very beet brand! of t WINES AND tiQUORS. ' ',- Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. " ' 49 Constantly receiving onr supplies direct from New York and San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell. at a very small advance on San Francisco pricee. They hope by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage cf the pub lic. i' ' arlO-tf COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A. Iti. B O O TH, ' ' 1 ' " 'WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,! '! '" 1 Aim oimajt diaub ib M E R C II A. N DI8E1 ir: i:u.il.. tll , AND ,v.Y It ..'..:o!(.J ui- M1EIIS' SUPPLIES. , PACK AKD SADDLE HORSES FOB SALS. v. FREIGHTS CONSIGNED to my care for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceive prompt attention., n i it ' " '" - White Bluffs, Oot. 1st, IBM. , oc.Hf . NEW, FRUIT, GROCERY provision ' store; rpHE UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and A. the public generally, that he has Just established oa Main street, aetdoprto J, Jaker, Tobacconist, :;.!,. -.-r.. 'A NEW:8TORE!'f i,f.-i where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment selected FRUIT. Also, in store a complete stock ofchotce 1 QHOCKRIE8, JJi0VJ8I0N3, VHOMTABLSS, etc. ' All of which will be sold, wholesale aad retail, at KEJ DUOKD PBIOES. . Come and see and satisfy yourself. elS-tf . . ... ; ... , JOHN 8PO81T0. DR. DAVY'S "SPECIFIC1 COMPOUND ; v'1' , -An Exueditluna Care for all diseases of the .!- :v S E XUA Ii iO R Gr A IV St THI8 prompt and efflcatlooa Remedy for the care. OhonorriDii. Gleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to aiet, exposure or cpange in. application business ; it will radically cure any case which oan be produced. The disease it remove, as speedily as: is ooa sistent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure.' Further, the disease cannot be contracted if the PK0IF10 COMPOUND Is taken when exposed,! Its Intrredtents are entire!? vegetable, aud no injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by , riN. VH.VU.IM Ml Price One Dollar And Fifty cents per bottle; Sent by Express carefully packed. wejea. ) .., ...i ... vu auivir Aaviv 1 ' ''i i ' HOSTKTTK ... .ii. j ui.. .... mi u u i. .. . m u 1 1 401 and AOS Battery atreety cur Clay, !':. , , Ban Francisco. ! Jy21-6m7 j Bibb.,,., ,; ;j I..,,. ,j A.,J, XASS.il H I L L & K IST E 8 ...i.;: waoiitsALa AKtrrAniAUMi( ' "- Groceries, Dry Goods,' Liquors ' AORlClTIiTTJRAL IMPLEMENTS. ! '" STORAGE AND FORWARDING. " ; Goods consigned, to us will meet with proper attention ; i References 1- DAUI ! .H. W.Corbet, . , ; ! Richards A MoCracken. Bobbins A Co., ! ,i ; W. 0. Moody A Co, , U. Law, ... v ." .; ...!i .0. Ilumaaon. Umatilla Landing, Sept. th,18o3. , v D. D. STE IMI ESOIV ' DENTIST, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE OPPO slts Bloch, Miller A Co, where he Is prepared to do all kindsof - ., m r , . I In aid in a skillful and well finish, d manner. TEETn Inserter, from one to as entire set, on Oold or Rubber Plate. Prices rang, for Rubber Plate, from $tt to tot i fa Gold Plate, from $76 to tlio. Car Persons having work done by ma not proving sat laCactory will not be required to receive or pay for th) same. ..' ' i- J aolS-ti BOOKSJOOKSi 1 WHOLES ALB AND RETAIL, v Btandard and Miscellaneous WORKS, JrKlMl Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS, Acl, Ac by every Steamer; Postfflce Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. . . - ' ' .: . I. ma7-tf H. t. WALDROV A 00. 1. WASTED. ' . nB UNBBRSIONED WILL PURCHASE SECOND JL hand Furniture, Bods, Bedding. Carpets, Stoves,. id y and Household Furniture of every description. Parties wisltiiiir to sell will do well tiiaall. :.! jnnt wtr.l.TAva . MtStrSxD Wl'.'. 'la'u'lW Maisi atreet, Mfti.'l'''' .1oUi'j:! I.-iTU'hai I U m a thvaj jUb i" . A AJ AIJiaiO Express and Fast Trcigltt lb "'IS NOW IN COMPLETE BU.VNl . w ' uoiauua to loaho Cily, via Bile if aud prepared to. parry Freight an. I V.UUHbie Paohl oeweea meee ana ait lutormediau poiuu wltbcerti and despatch, . . , . . . , I The Lin els Stocked with the Best Te.f the country affcrda aud entirely I ... i-i a ow xnorougn-Braeo CONCORD a' Which ensures Speed and Safety In the rraunmleslnV Freight, never before offered to Idaho. M j nli. Rn rior inducements for Shipping Goods from !u :tit and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangement with, a Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon .- ..am Nil gation are such that all floods shipped by t'ii Una T not be tuhject to the usual delays, but pass through i Hoods snipped from Sab Francisco to bur care at To ana, vnargea wiu Oe paid and Goods shipped tg dcstl tion. GOODS 8H0ULD BH MARKED :-CARK B. M. D CO, F. LINK, and Shipping Receipt sent to our Age: at Portland add Umatilla. . . . f ,,iV Advance Charges for Transportation Pa by the Line and Collected at Destination.' Goods U1 uffl with Bispatch to Qwyhre and South B"ifl, BATES. Families will be furnisbi with 8uierior A nnninnl.lln U . . ' . . . ...... ,u .i v w .uu Ao. n.uLi.v inorona ir Wagons on the Most Liberal Term., VV. lay o. m iush. en uie iwiaa as uoou ana Uonranleut Btallnnn, I " . ...- uwvu V '11 Ul . 1 r U DIAIH that passengers will not be deprived A n-gulit rex " . AGKNXsi i. ..Partial JUSKl'll TEAL . IM. 1 r Uniaili AV" A3AJU a DAuVLIf Ai-uvn B. M. DuRKLL A C0...........3.. B.M. DlRKI.L A CO Lellrai ...Jloike C ...Ittabo CI MAJOR SPEKR...... Jlocii v Bar (South Br.i. DDBKU, A MO0KB...,..,......knby aud Silver Citi : I ' !a r r. w,'i- B Mi BwllELL CO. ntttf Propnet , A CARD FOR THE !FaH, & ,Winiej-.ClothIng Trad I ;.(.,.: OF SAN FRANCISCO.1-; -: B ADGER & LINDEN rjERGElJ t noe. ia and Bstt.rr street, ' Cor. Merokant an Frauclidvt, Importers and Wholesale IoaUr XtfTItiE NSW-'AND 'fRESli STOCK WE WOULD CAM. ATTENTltx of Country M. chants to Our usually large stock nf UoimR t stock comprises ,very article in the Clothing and F aishingliue, We hava constantly ou band the lari and greatest variety of Caealinere bud' Wool 11 A IS auy honse In Sao Francbjco, and our prlies lor th. Goods are less .than those' of any homo, aa we race: them direct from the nanunwtnrer's cnuiUtnuiuut c stock of Summer aud Pull Goops Is particularly altrn lye, and the great feature M the country nterrliui t la i Uuutually low pricee. ' Less Than the Costor import al ton! Wa also keeo the STAPLE AKTIOLKB In ik. llrv line, which Uoods we have purchased in this market n mr iih namoier, auu are vuering lueui at lew l. Cost, and lees. ... f.: . x ,:. fc C ' ! We publish this card In order that we may make n acquaintances, and induce tlioee who have u4 heretor purpluued of us, to call and examjue our stuck. . . Good Articles and Low Fric Are' the'sreates't Inducements to all who ourcliaae sell again. Merchants who buy ef aa ewi make a go prom, ana sen to tueir customers at a low Dgure, remain, respectfully,. , . , ny. ' :.: I ' Your Obedient servants, ! , I s BADvJKR A LtNDBNBKHOHIl, Wholesale Clothinc aud Hat Wureliuie. . i . v; . , . .... Nos. 411. lJuud Battery struct, con rrancwou, Airii a, aouo. '-. jeKVHIBlWij "HO fFOttTUlE"SllIMEU UOISE ON THE I SEA VBEACa f 11I8 DELIGHTFUL aND CULEBRATKU SUMMlj JL Resort, situated oa Clatson Plains, a short dlataiJ from the Ocean, Is now reopened aud ready to recall gaeeia. - This resort Dossesses attmctioha unsnrnaased oa t PaclBc Coast. It has a splendid beach for riding, wai ing and bathing) beantil'ul aoenery and surrouudlnj berries of all klnda abound; a beautiful trout streJ anaaunnaance oigame. . THM TAIITjH! ... . ... Is donstantly supplied with salt and fresh water fl clam, and crabs, elk, bear and feathered game, and t freshest of conutry produce. ; The climate Is salubrious " This Hotel' offers fved thing that could Le desired ror tlu) comfort of luce V.... 1. 1 1 i .L. ... .... VU III W n I .UU NMi . Tbe Proprietors respectfully ask th Health and Plei or Beemng runiio lor partronage, that they muy enabled to make the Summer House " a pernirnent 1 stltution of the country. , LOWELL A KlPPaiN ' Mayth,16uo.' . ' ' myt, - JOR. ' JB. W. MIXCIiEJL.il i ',. OrnoB WALDBON'S . BUILDING. , t Risinmoa-Corner of Third and Washington Stnel ; L ACTNO, ASSISTANT 8UH0BON, .! S.:A. orncsAt , , WALDHOH ' BROS.' ' ERTJO BTORJ