WAITING. They comforted me when the Winter Stood grim in his eloak of Know. i Baying, "Wult till the sweet Spring oomet, O wait till the flowers blow, t For then will the war be over, And then he will come, you knowl" ' Bo X aaid to my soul, "Be patient, Nor strive with reslstlse fate; Boon, soon will the lovely Spring time Open her emerald gate; " He will come with tho early hlossoms- Be patient, my soul, and waitl" Eprlng came In her hltuhlng beauty, With a crown on hor young brow set) And her fair bauds full of flowers, Hut her beautiful eyes were wet Vlth tears for the war nnonded . My love was not coming yet . Then I mnrmured, half repining) "We named it a triflo noon He will come wlth;the queenly Summer, Ho will come with the regal June:" Alas! for our home is lonely; And this is the Suuiinor noon f , In the hush of my desolate chamber, Where only One can seo, I cry, "0, merciful Father I How long shall this parting be J Ilnw long must I sit In sorrow Before he will come to me T" An honest but discouraged minor says that gold digging is a slow kind ofsujicide. An ancient abode of the First Em peror", tho Villa de'San Martino.in the Island of Elba, has just been sold to a rich Fronch speculator. It is feared that Iho subterranoan railways in London will be the cause of much Bickness. A largo portion of the ground under Paris is occupied by the Catacombs, where millions of hu man beings have boon buried. It is stated by manufacturers of ar tificial wooden limbs, that they make eight left logs for soldiors to two right, and about the same proportion of righ u arms to left ones, showing that about four times as many lose left legs as right, and four right arms to one loft. Over 8100,000 in money, bolonging to. the wife of the rebel General Ewell, and sent to St. Louis for investment just before the war, was seized last winter nndor the confiscation act. The district attorney has just received an order from the Attorney-General to restore it. Fifty thousand Americano are now sojourning or traveling in various portions of Europe. They are scat tered among the various gay capitals of that continont or the thousands of rural or loss crowded resorts rendered interesting by history, song or story Those Americans, it is estimated, are spending in Europe at the rate of one hundred millions or gold per year. An armloBs man named Dennis, cm ployed as watchman at the Washing' ton Navy Yard, recently disappeared suddenly, to the surprise of hU many mends, leaving them to suitor by do faloations to the amount of $10,000. His nflliotion had secured for him the patronage and confidence of the.com m unity, boing agent for the property holders and custodians of several funds. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. FIIKHII STOC'KI DUSEXESEEIIT & 11KOS., Dalles and Wn.Ha Walla, - PIALIRSm Staple and Fancy Dry Goods miners' Outats, Itootsand Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, . And a fnll assortment of General Merchandise. Olivine our Goods exclusively in the San Francisco market, and makiug none but cash purchases, wo are enabled to se I 20 por cout. cheaper than any other House at the Dalles! Dl'SUNBURY A HHOS., lnl-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. ESOW TO AIONJBY I CAU AT THE NEW aiully Grocery and Frnit Store, Corner of Washington and SecondStreets. THE UNDRKSIGNED WISHES TO INFO KM TTI15 iconic of the Dulles, aud the nubile Esnerullv. that he lias a lurge and well selected stock of FAMILY GROCEUIES, CANMES, A'UTS, Ac, Which he will soil Wholesale and Botail at Reduced iVices fur CASK. AWo. couxtantly on hand the Choicest Article of FKliSll 11UTTKII and r.Ulto. Also, every variety of FRUITS and VKGETABLK.S in their season Persons front up the country, wishing quantities of Kgg8 and fruit, by sending In their orders, will receive tiie strictest attontfon. and have them rilled at the .mt-est Market iVtces. jyll-tf 1 C. I JEWELL. SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire stock of STOVES AND TO WAKE, ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS. rffVIK WHOLT3 embracing a fine stock, ever- article JL of which will be sold at COST, as I desllu tu close outbuslnoss. Also, one GRAND PI ANO, in good order. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Second fcticet, next to the corner of Washington. Tho llou-e is two stories, with a basement, and is well adapted to the hotel business.-. Also a lot of KKDDINO, comprising about twenty-live Beds, The whole will be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on the promises. nuV:3IU Al.lll'.lvT UEt iliStlEM. "OY VIRTOK OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY TUB Clerk ol the Circuit Court uf the State of Oreiron, lu und fur Orunt county, and to me directed, In favor of Tnomaa u. ureuts, 11. uutie XI. saltonstull, Plaintiffs, and against N. A. Towusend, Defendant, for the sum of 'i'nree Ilumlrpd and Ninety-One and fourteen hundredths uoimrs (MJi prtucipni, wun interest, costs and uis , liursements, and costs of execution and sale, I have till i in uay 01 rtoveiuuer. ibuo. lev eu unon. anu wi l sell a public auction, before the Court House door in Canyon City, the Couuty seat of Grant county, to the blithest bidder for cash In baud, on the 30tlt day of December, louo, umweuu me uouis o? anu a o ciock p. h., tue fol lowing described property, to-wltt Tho one-third undivided intorest In the Townsend Itnnch, and Improvements fixed theroon, said Hunch ly ing and bolug In Marysvllle Precinct, county above wiibkcu, m. i . iiL.it si, Canyon City, Nov. 27th, 1805. , do8:4t Sheriff. SlierlU's Sale of Ileal Estate.- mV VIKTUB OF AN EXBCUTION AND DEfinRK of foreclosure of Mortgage, Issued by the Clerk of wieiircuit uouri oi urnni county, mate 01 Oregon, in and tor the county of Grant, and to me directed, in favor of B. J. W. Stemmeand F. 0. Bels, plaintiffs, and against A. F. Toothaker, defendant, for the sum of eight humlrod and thirty-one dollars and fifty cents (tool (0) principal, with interest, costs and disbursements, costs of execution and sale, I have this 27 h day of Nov nibor, 1806, levied upon, and wiU sell before the Court House door In Pan. yon City, the tounty seat of Grant caunty, to the highest uiuuer ior casu in nanu, on sattiruay the sum day of Do oetnber, 1800, between the hours of 13 and 1 o'clock p. m the following described oronertv. to-wltt The Saw-inlll, fixtures and water-right, the dwelling 4ioun and stable, the land and timber privilege, pertain ing to the said saw-mill, situate and lying in Prairie 4"itfuigB, iu oiarysvuie irecmct, saia county ottiraut, all tMJfilUK, Canyon City, Not. 27, I8O81 ' dotdjt Sheriff, WEW FJUV1T. GE$OCEE AND PROVISION STOR13., iHR CNDERRMNKD INFORMS HIS FRIKNDS and l tho public gonorally, that he has just established od Maiu strcot, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE! where he keepB constantly on haud a lance assortment selected KltUrr. A Iho, In store acoiupletestnck ol choice GKOCEHIE& FHOVJMOXS. VEGETABLES, tfc. All of which will be told, wholesale and retail, at RKJ UUCKD I'UlCKd. Come and see and satisfy yourself." , DENTIST, MAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE 0PPO- , site Hloch, miller ft Co., whore bo is preparea to do au Kimts 01 DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well flnlslud manner. TGKT1T inserter from one to an entire set, on Gold or Rubber Plate. Prices range for Rubber Plate, from S23 to $35: F01 Gold Plate, from $75 to $125. jr Persons having work done by me not proving sat isfactory will not be required to receive or pay for tin same. uul3tl ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, main sireei. corner 01 coart. .TTkT.D MACK, TUB PIONEER COOK, would resnect- B 9 fnllv inform the public that be has fitted tin the above Chop Houso, and Is prepared to serve up MEALS and LUNCH in the best style and at the shortest notice BALLS and PARTlKa furnished w th suppers, in the boid style and on the most reasonable terms. OYSTERS lu every style. Private Rooms for Ladies. HOIJSlfiOHKN ALL NIGHT M. B. 0ATE8. K. . HA I. GATES &. HAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, DALLES, -OREGON. .on '; : W M Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, CONCORD, IIIGG'. AND STAGE HARNESS Saddles, Bridles,. Whips. A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. AT Orders Solicited. Rcpairlug done with neatness and dispatch. - F. A. UAKE. Jo:lltf Main Street, fronting 'Washington, Dallee. AND . MACHINE SHOP, FIRST ETRKET, between Tamhlll and Morrison. Knflrlnea power, Statl CU COM onhnnd. ses pattern,) Wrought aiid r; ::'J".. ' . y Cast Iron work for Vei. t5 -2" tlcal Sawnnd Grist millsj "tS" and WROITGEIT IKOS WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills completes, of the Latest & most Improved Fatterna. These olllls can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire ciacbiuery will not exceed 3, QUO poundf . ' Hnraa Fowora a A en cm turn. 1 irnDlemflnts maiiutucturd to 01 dec at the very l.uWKtf 1' UA8I1 1'IUOU K. 11. rarticntor attention paid to JiKf Ainu, fco-tr Ljjteam o ottrom4to40 tutrse. . r.b. . r,eitlier Portable or ts,;.r jyy y. nary. Also, C1R- f-hi'J i uah saw mum ?s i,i..:?.v;--:.' . PI,ETK, constantly ? g, IKvS'S -W ind. Also, Uay Pres- ..: 'i' WV vif- of all sires: Planing f'-,?A.:--?&iWJjFt :7?r SIGNS! GIGNS! O I U IM o a ! O. S. SAVAGE IIOTJSE AND SIGN PAIIIT EH. DEAL?: IN kMv. WINDOWGLASS!:pg VARNISHES, XjMi OILS Colors, Putty, Brashes, Oloe, etc. Paper HanginKS,Wiudow Bliadds, Flxinres, Ac. l-tr CflTY Willi G STORK. P. CEAIG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, ' MEDICINES, Perfumerv, Fancy Soaps, . PATENT MEDICINES. Ac. fl-tf v nciTa-irirfeW m aW DAILY MOUNTAIN! I'OWEK PRESS STrsrsE n- inn nniMTiiin nrrin First Street, between Main and B DALLES OREGON. Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and , AT HATES AS CRT.AP AS TTTU CTTF. APE8T TO OBDr.a: C n l' 1 g nnd 12 i I I-EI ends CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEJl'TS, VOIJIUO Ail 1 X UUUltilllllUllD FOR HtAlil. UUNUblilS kXMiiilliUt.S. CQ; te if'C, PBISTED IK tni HOST 4TTBACTIVI KaNHUt. ALSO. WAY-BILLS, BILLS OF FA EE, LETTER- BEADS. UEl'EirT BOOKS. BILLS LADING, l?viflrii taal IT -, 3 Inf u risiTwa, weddixo and uat home" cards In short, everything that enn be done In a Book and Jrb Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicsteCaid or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Postii a Jim ami which win ue turnea out in a style that cannot full to insure entire satisfaction. ova rAoiUTies fob thi ejkcuttos oi UECOR ATI VE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints, Such as Taney Posting Bills I Jrrom a singlo Sheet to the Lnrgest Mammoth. ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, J'VREVMERS' LA BELS. iff Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of the business, anu are continually udding to our already exten-. slve and well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS.. ic, cc d'.. Of the most moderrvytnd elaborate designs. Our stock Oi. FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC. ' Are of the fluent quality, and for richness of color and durability, caunot be equaled In the State. The principle npon which business is asked for this es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office in which tneir money can be expended to the best advantage. To tills end we solicit all iu want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges. tu call and examine sneciiuens. and judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, aud friends from the Inter!, r may rely upon having their ordors tilled promptly, as . HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Oregon! AddreBs: . . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Dalles. Oregon. WANTED. TITE CNBEURIQNHD WILL PUROflASB SECOND hand Furniture, Beds. Beddlmr. Carnets. Stoves. and Household Furniture of overy description. Parties wisiung 10 sen win ao won to can. JOHN WILLIAMS, det):2w 100 Main street. Dalles. NOTICE IS lTKBEBr GIVEN tliBt the Oo-partnerehlp hereto fore existing between H. 0. 1IA11DY, 0. L. MITCH ELL and F. VY. TIIOMPHON, doing a mercantile busi ness in this place, under the name of B. 0. Hardy i Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and hereafter trie tiusiness ot said nrm will be conducted by K. U. Hardy, who alone Is authorized to collect and sett'e the accounts of said firm. E. 0. HARDY, 0. L. MITCHELL, Susanvllle, Grant Co, Oregon, F. W. THOMPSON. Nov. 13, 1866. n2:lm Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY TIIE Clorlc of the Circuit Court, and to mo directed, in favor of A. Vallard A It. II. LanBdale. plaintiffs, and against F. Oavard el ul defendants, for the sum of Thirty-nine and fourteen hundredths dollars, ($39 14) princi pal with Intorest, costs end disbursements, and costs of exocutlon and sale, I have this 27th day of November, W06, levied upon, and will sell at puhllo atctlon. before the Court House door In Canyon City, tho county sent of Grant Bounty, Btate of Oregon, to the highest blddor for cash in hand, on Bnturday, the 30th day of Docembor, between ' he hours of 12 aud 2 o'clock p. ut tho following Ileal Estate, to-wlt t The House and Lot situate on the east side of Wash ington street, In Canyon City, ana known as the French Bakery j said lot beiug 20 feet front on Washington streot, thence running east, on north line, 160 feet more or less, thence south 100 feet, thence west 40 fuet, thence north 60 feet, thence west to Washington street. Canyon City, Nor. 27, 1S65, de8:it ' Sheriff. DRUGS AND PATENT MED1V1NESH DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES! I DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES! I 3 JUJCJlYJLlJi.w IrHOLIBALI AMD RETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Btreets DALLES, OREGON CJ LEMON Is able to supply parties in want of Drugs, ra Patent Medlclnos. Clioinlcnls, Acids, Perfumery, aud every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS At the lowest market rates, AW Physic iaiiB and Morchanti Intending to purchase ror tne aimes, win uo wen to give mm a can, TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 9 In great variety. S. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. SELLING Irf'CWST' Wunsch St Co., V7"1LL CLOSE OUT THEIR STOCK OF S1ERCIIAN. v w DISE, at their place of business, at the Dalles, iu ornor to go me sunos. . xneir siock emoraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Roots, Hats GENERAL MER CIIA NDISE, All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only, All who know themselves Indebtod to our Arm at the Dalles will ploase call aud sottle as soon as possible Those who have been accommodated wo trust will not delay ns unnecessarily, but be prompt In squaring up ac counts, uall auinoe us, an ana everynony i nnll-tf M. WUNSCn ft CO. MANTUA MAKEH. mWRS. MATTIE I10LBR00K would respectfully In. lYX form the Ladios of the Dalles and vicinity, that she lias opened a shop In connection with Misso Kourke, where she Is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat' ness and disnatch. Having inst arrived from the East, she hopee to be able to please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THREE DOORS West.;ot the .Corner of THIRD and uiuv.t streets, - ocaijme n. B. HILL. A. J. KAMH. HILL & K .A 3ST E . 1;il0LISALE AND RETAIL DIAISRS IB Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STORAGE AND FOUWAUD1NG. Goods couslgued to us will meet with proper attentioa Iteierenoea PORTLAND. DAILM. If. W. Corbet, ' Robhins A Co., Richards A McCracken, W. 0. Moody i Co, II. Law, O. llumasou. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 0th, 1803. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all dlseasos of the njniS prompt and cfUcatlom Remedy for the cure JL Glionorrten, lllect, Strictures, nnd Diseases of the Urinary OrguiiH. innkes a speedy cure without the least rfstriction to diet, exposure or change in application tmnlneflg; it will mdically cure any cusa which mu b produced. The digeane it removes as speedily as iscoik sistent with tho production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted if the SPKCll'IC COMPOUND Is taken when expoxed, Its Ingredients areentlreljf Tegetnhletaiid noinjnrlftns effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused bp ttS V90. Trice One Dollar and Fifty conts per bottle. Bout by Express carefully packed. UOSTKTTKIt, 8MTTIT ft DEAN. Agents. ' 4ul and 403 Battery street, car Ciny, Jy22-6m. Ban Francisco. JACKSON SALOON I CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OlilCGtON. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING REMOVED FROM TUB "ltKIXA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' New 'Building,, , Deg to Inform the public that they are prepared to sees their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lunch I Every day and evening. ANTON LAVER & EMIL SCXITJTZ, doc2-if ' ' Proprletore. Ilard. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WH riKO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufacturers and Dealers to the Large and Com plete assortment of CAHHIAUE and WAUON MATEKII ALS we are constantly receiving from tho Kast, specially selectod for the California market, comprising, OatL Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Planlc, Hickory Axles Wagon Poles, lluha, Spukos, Felloes, Rims, ghalts, Ac. wlilcti we ofl'er at tho lowest Cash Prices. Uf Orders addressed to our house will receive proton attention. N. W. BllAUQ A CO., , Jel6:Um. ' 20 4 31 Dattery 8treet, San Franclsoo, aud 17 ft 19 Seventh Street Sacramento. 0. WATitnnousi, II. W. BnAOO A Co., J. VY. Listev San Francisco. Sacrainonto. . New York O. JLJ. HitOOlCH, M. r.. Om.ce At Dr. Craiu'et Drue Stored DALLES, 0REG0N.