oiratMiucr. OuidiN of Political Terms. The terms "Whig" unit 'Tory were known in the reign of Charles II. Some writers derive the word "Whii" from "Whaiij," the Scotch for "whey" a name applies to bandits and drovers, and "Tory' Irom ''foory" (Irish) ap plied to beggars and outlaws. Gibers ' way that "Whig" is formed from the motto of the Puritans, "We hope in Uod," and "Troy" from a "Tar a-ri," pronounced "Tory," meaning "Come, O King" an exclamation much used by the Irish adherents of Charles II. Toe word "Kudicui" arose about the year 1818, and "Conservative" about the yeur 1860. . About Advertising. Tbo follow ing very sensible remark we copy from tho Louisiana Flag. It is true, aud to tho point: "We cannot consuro u man in business who dose not adver. tise if he has nothing worth advertis ing; but readers must know that the man who puts out bis sign in a news, paper, and is not ashamed ol his goods, can always furnish a better quality at lower prices than thoso who, either though shame or ponuriousness, nover let the public know what they are doing." In 1654, a trial took place in Con necticut undor tho suction of the blue laws prohibiting kissing. Tho o iron tiers were Sarah Tuttle nnd Jacob iNowton. It appears that Sarah drop ped her gloves, and Jacob found them. When Surah asked for them, J-aoob de manded a kiss for his pa, and, as the domand did not seem extravagent, she allowed it forthwith. The lacts were clearly proved, and the parties were each fined twenty shillings. SkerllT'N sale of Ileal Estate. BY VI11TUM OF AN EXECUTION AND DKOIIKK, ordered by the lion. J. G. Wilson, Judge of thu ii.li JudidiiU District of the State of Oregon, lor Urant County, and directed to the Sheriff of said County, where in John K. Porter ia plaintiff, and recovered Judgment against Urace barling, difendant, for the suni of Three Hundred and Blghty-throe and 44-100 dollars, principal, with elghteon dollars, coats, accruing costs, and costs of execution aud Hale, 1 have levied upou the curtuiu pro perty described in aaid decree of foreclosure of leiu, und willaell the same before the Court House door,luCuiiyou Gil-, ou SATURDAY, the l'ith day or January, 1866, be tweeu the hours of ill aud 1 o'clock, t. II., to the highest bidder for cash in hand. Said property being In the Tillage of Marysrllle. Giant Count) of Grant, State of Oregon, frontitig the principal st reel In said village, and known as "Grace barling's Saloon and Lot." M. P. BEKllY, Sheriff. Canyon City, December 11, 1806. dll3w4 Divorce Notice. is thbciiicoitcourtoftiikstatb of oregon for wasco county. Jeunotta Jaqnoa, Plaintiff,) vs. Suit in Equity. Chester Jaqucs, Defendant, J IN TIIK NAMK OF Tills STATE OF OREGON, TO GHK8TKR JAQUKd, defendant : You are hereby sunt- sinned and required to appear aud answer tue coiuplulut of the above named nlalutt,', tiled with the Clerk of the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for Wasco County, praying for divorce from you for cruel and Inhuman treatment, committed by you, and personal indignities, rendering her life burdensome; and If you fail tdeuswer the said complaint, as required by law, the said plaintiff will apply to tue Court lor too renal unmanned merem. lnol7 owl rtAUK a November 16, 180J. Atty's for PlalntiC SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. FBKSH STUCK) DLSErVBEKY & IIIIOS., Dalles and Wnlla Wnllti, -pulsus in Staple and Taney Dry 'Goods Miner' Outfits, Iloola and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, - Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise. Buying our Goods exclusively In1 the 8an Francisco market, ana making none but caslt purchases, we are enabled to se I 20 per cent, cheaper ibanaiiy other House at the Dullest DUHKNBKKY A IIROS., inl-tf Dalles aud Walla Walla. HOW TO SAVE ITIO.MY! call It tui mw Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Wsshlngton and Second Streets. ' THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM THE people of the Dalles, and the public generally, that he bus a large and Well selected stock of FAMILY GHOCEUIES, CANDIES, A' UTS, be., Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Seduced iVice for CASH. Also, cuiistantly on hand the Choicest Article or FIIK8II 11 U IT Kit and EUUS. Also, every variety of FRUITS and VKGKTABLKS in their season Persons from up the country, wishing -quantities of Eggs and Fruit, by seridlitg In their orders, will receive the strictest atteutfoii, and have them Ailed at the Lowett Market iVices. jrll-tfj C. L. JEWELL. II Y. Ii lis SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire stock of .' STOVES AND TINWARE. ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS. ffHE WHOLE embracing a One stock, everv article JL of which will be sold at COST, as I desire to close out business. Also, one GRAND PI ANO, In good order. Also, lor sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Second St, est, next to the corner of Washington. The House Is two stories, with a basement, and is well adapted to the hotel business. Also a lot of UKDDInU, comprising about twenty-live lleds. The whole will be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on the premises. au8:3in ALBERT llEL'TINQEN. NEW HUM, GUOCE1KY AND PROVISION STORE. I'OKTLAiYEi i OSJMUtV AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam unginei of from 4 to 40 horse- power,tiiner rortaweor Afvf' Mir "fW stationary. Also, uik- v "(iw LA II HAW MILLS JTMfMfjmf UPLETB. constantly 3 WS!K WCKJj on hand. Also, Hay Pres- gjr (im&Sxmb it us of all sizes ; Planing w' fi'-'L-i Machlnes,(Woodworth's a'J!pi nntieru,! rtrousm anu lr-. : : Cast Iron work for Ver- "V tical Sawnnd Orlst mills; Brass and Iron Casting! ana WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Poweri 4 Agricultural Implements manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASH PRICK N. 11. Partlculor attention paid to HKPAIRB. fe20-tt T niB UNDERSIGNED INFORMS III 3 FRTKND3 and the public generally, that he line Inst entabllsbed on Maiu struet, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment selected FKU1T. Also, In store a complete stork ofchoice OROVERIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, ie. J All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at REjl vui;r.u I'iMVBS. uome anu see ana satisfy yourself. z selU-tf JOHN SPOS1TO. 1 ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Street, corner of Court, OLD MACK, THE PIONEER COOK, would respect fully Infunp the public that liu baa rUtuil uu Die - v ... Id. ... t .... ..f 1 tn .......... .... II li' 1 I ll IfrVi MRIfS V1IUU iivuisj, uisiniw ,v aui v v uu iuuauoj MIU Is V V Ift III ilia uoai aj o uim m uv iiiiii .- uu, t HALLS and PARTIES furnished w th suppers, In the best style and on the most reasonable terms. OYtJTKRS in every style. Private Rooms for Ladles. nous h: ofjtcisr all night . H. OAKS. I. . UAH. GATES &; IIA.1TT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, DALLES, ORBGON. WASTED. fTVIE CNPHRSIONKl) WILL PL'RCIIASR SFOND JL hand FumltBre. IINIs, Deddinir. Carpets, Stoves, and Household Furuitttre of every description. Parties wishing to sell will do well to call. JOIIM WILLIAMS, le9:2w 1U0 Main street, Hallos NOTICK f 8 HKREDY GIVES ttMi the Co-partnership hereto- M. lore esistinie ueiween k. v. uakui,v. i. Aiiiuit' Shi. and F. W. THOMPSON, ddhig tt niercanllle bunl nets lu this place, under the name or K. fj. Hardy A Co. is this day dissolved by mutual cjinictit, nud hereafter the busiuese of said firm will be conducted by K. O. liardv. who alone is authorized to Collect rind sctt'e the accounts of said Ann. K. C. HARDY, 0. L'. MITCHKLL, gusanvllle, Orant Co., Oregon, V. W. THOMPSON. Not. 13, 18(16. nWllin 1. D. STKPHENSON DENTIST, HAS REMOVED III3 0FFICK 0PP0 slte llloch. Miller A Co.. where be ! is prepared to uo all Kinds ot DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well finish, d manner. TGKTH Inserter from one to an entire set, on Mold or Rubber Plate. Prices range for Rubber Plate, from 126 to $85: Foi Gold Plate, from $76 to $12S. K-jr Persons hnving work done by me not proving sal isfactory will not he roquired to roceive or pay for tin same. aul3-tl (SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUS OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED DT TIIK Clerk ol the Circuit Court of the State of Oreiton. In and for Orant county, and to me directed, In favor of Thomas II. Urents, C. Castle A D. Saltonstall, Plaintiffs, and against N. A. Townsend, Defendant, for the sum of Tnree iinnurea ana Ninety-line and fourteen hundredths dollars (31)1 14) principal, with Interest, costs and die- uursements, ana costs ot execution and sale, 1 have tins 27 ih day of November, 1866, levied upon, and will sell at public auction, before the Court House door in Canyou Clti, the County seat or Grant county, to the highest uiuaer lor cosh in hand, on the ootn day of December, isoo, oetween the Honrs ol li and 2 o'clock T. St., the fol- wing oescriuea property, to-wtt: The one-third undivided Interest In the Townsend such, and improvements fixed thereon, said Ranch hr- Ing and being in Maryevllle Precinct, county above written. si. P. UfcKKi, Canyon City, Nov. 27th, 1866. do8:it Sheriff. Slierlfl'g Sale of Real Estate. TBY VlhTUU OF AN EXECUTION AND DECREE M J0 ot Foreclosure of Mortgage, Issued by the Clerk of me urciui court oi urant county, rune oi uregon. in and 'or the county of Grant, and to me directed, lu favor of E. J. W. Stem.ne and F. J. Sels, plaintilfs, and against A F. Toothaker, defendant, for the su:n of eight hundred and thirty-one dollars aud fifty ceuts($831 60) principal, with interest, costs and disbursements, custs of executiun and sale, 1 have this 27 h day of Nov mber. 18d6. levied upon, and will sell before the Court House door In Can yon City, the county seat of Grant caunty, to the highest bidder lor rath in hand, on Saturday the 30th day ot De cember, 18116, between the hours of 12 and 1 o'clock p. in, tho following described property, to-wit : The Saw-mill, flxturts and water-right, the dwelling houso and stable, the land and timber privilege, pertain ing to the said anw-imll. situate and lying in Prairie Diggluits, lu Murysvllle Product, said county of Grant. M. P.UKIUIY. Canyon City, Not. 27, 180S. deS:4t EherilT. Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, CONCORD, HUGO A ASD STAGE HARNESS Saddles, Bridles, Whips. A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. 49 Orders Solicited. Repairing: done with neatness nd dispatch. F. A. HAKE, Je:iitt Main street, fronting Washington, Dulles. SIGNS! SIGNS! SIGNS! O. 8. SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER IN PAIIV'TS, OILS WINDOWGLASS VARXISIIES, Colors, Putty, Brnshea, Glne, etc. Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac. 1-tf DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WB0LUALI AND EITA1L DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES. Ao. 1-tf Administrator's Notice. THB UNDERSIGNED IIAVINO BEEN DUI.T Ap pointed aduiiuidtrntor of tho estate of Moses II. Adums, deceased, late of Grant County. Oregon, h reby untitles all persons indebtod to said estate to make liu medlate p .yuiont or the aame, and all persons having claims against said estate are untitled tn exhibit the same for allowance within six months rrotu this date to me at the store of Sels A Btemme. ill Canyon City, lu said Cointy. V. CLEM KMT HK.LS, , . , , . Administrator. Canyon City, Sec. 8th, 1805, ' dobtOtw Sherlft'8 Sale of Real Estate. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED BY TOE Clerk or tho Circuit Court, and to me directed, in favor of A. Vallard A 11. 11. Lamdale. plaintiffs, and against F. Gavard ec a., defendants, for the sum of Thirty-nine and fourteen hundredths dollars, ($39 U) nrlncl ptl' with Intorett. costs nnd disbursements, and M Is of execution and sale, 1 have this 27rk day of November. 1Ku6, levied upon, and will sell nt pnbllo atctlon. before the Court House door in Canyon City, the county soat of Grant county, Stnte or Oiogon, to the hlcheat bidder for cosh In hand, on Saturday, the 30th day of December, between be hours of 12 aud i o'clock p. in., the following Real Estate. to-wit: - i The House and Lot situate oh the cost (title of Wasli Ington streof. In Canyon City, una knowu as the French Bakery ; said lot being 20 feet front on Washington street, tlienre running east, on north line, 160 feet more or less, thence south 1U0 feel, thence west 4(1 feet, thence north 60 feet, thence west to Washington street. MP. BERRY. . Canyon City, Nay. 27, 1805: - deMl bherllt i . .!.... f.., . v DAILY MOUNTAINEER , POWER PKK8B BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main aud B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTINCOF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IliA STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST TO okdu: Cards and Itil l-II e a d ? , CHECKS, DRAFTS, KECE11VS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS etc., c, 05c, PUIITID IN Mil MOST ATTRACTIVE MAIHIaS.- AUOk WAX-BILLS. BILLS OF FARE, LETTER HEADS. RECEIPT BOOKS, BILLS LA D1H d Rriefs and Pamphlets, nsinna, wedding and at home- cash Drufcceists' LabelH, In short, everything that can be done in a Bonk and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest site and most showy Postlinj mil ana wnicn win ne turnea out in a style that caujiol fail to insure entire satisfaction. COB FACILITIES VOX f HI IIICUTIOR OF DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints, Such as Fancy Posting Bills From a single Sheet to tlie Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, 1'LRFUMERS' LABELS, Are unsurpassed by those ol any other establishment IB Oregon. Ve devote special attention to -this branch of tie) business, and are continually adding to our already exbalev slve and well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. tf C. if C. ieVh Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock ea FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC. Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color net durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle npon which business is asked for this em tablishmeut is, that persons will consult their own Intel ests, by awarding their custom to that office in whit a their money cau be expended to the best advantage. 3e this end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at ver J reasonable chaxicee, to call aud examine SDecimena. ajuS judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the Interim may rely npon having their orders tilled pruniptly,.aa HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the (Stale of Oregon I -Address i MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mle-tf lialles, Oregon .DRUGS AND PATENT MEDlViSESU DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LiEMON, WHOLESALS Attn KIT Alii DRUGGIST) Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON S LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drugs, . Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated wun the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. Mir Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACKS In great variety. 8. LEMON, ap.3.tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. SELLING OTF AT COST ! M. Wunsch fc Co., m-snLL CLOSB OUT THKIR STOCK OF MBRCIIAN If . DISK, nt their place of business, at the Dalles, iu ordor to go the Mines. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Clothing, lloots, Hats ANU GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only, AT- All who know themselves Indebted to odr firm at the Dalles will please call and settle as soon as nosslblu. Those who have been accommodated we trnst will not delay ns unnecessarily, but bo prompt In squaring up ac counts, uail ana sea us, an auu every oouy i anll-tf M. WUNSCH A CO. MANTUA MAliEB., mfftS. MATTIB nOLBROOK would resnectnilly In XtJL form the Ladles of the Dalles and vicinity, that she baa opened a shop in connection wttn Jllmo llourse, where she Is prepared to do all kinds or work with neat' ness and dispatch. Having just arrived from the Kost she hopes to be able to please all as to Form nnd Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order TmtEB DOORS, West; ol ;the Corner of THIRD and yaiua BireetusB . ocxinin - B. U. HILL. , A. J. KAMA. HILL & K-A.N.B; WU0l,EI,I AUD RETAIL BIAL1US III Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STORAGK AND POKWARDINQ. Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attenttaej Reference t POKTLAHD. BALLI9. II. W. Corbet, Bobbins A Co., Itlchards A McCracken, W. C. Moody A Co, U. l4t, 0. Uumasou. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 8th, 1863. DR.. DAV Y"'SS P EC I FJ O G O 1VX POUND, An Expeditions Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL OBGAN, TniS prompt and efficatlous Remedy for the cum G honor r tea. Gleet. Strictures, and liiseaaes of th Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the IraeJ restriction to diet, exposure or change In application business; It will radically cure any case which cau T produced. The disease it rehiovee as speedily as is cor sistent with the production of a thorough and perniatienjl cure, runner, me aisease cannot De contracted If that 8PKCIKI0 COMPOUND ia taken when exposed, Its ingredients are entlrel r vegetable, and no Injnrlrm effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caased b its nse. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent tr Express carefully packed. 1I08TETTKH, SMITII k DEAN, Agents, 401 and 403 Dattery street, cor Clay, JACKSON SALOON! CORJER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, THE UNDERSIONKD, HAVING REMOVED BDM THE "MKLLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO , Gates New Building', Beg to Inform the public that they are propared to testa) their customers with the best Wines, liquors and Cigars TUB MARKET AFF0KD3. AL80, A T71 T JS.' A 3J3 XJU11VU . , Every day and evening. ' " ANTON LACEK 4e EMIT. SCHCT decg-lf ' : - Proprietow. Hard Wood Lumbei CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WK BKO TO CALL ATTENTION or Carriage Masai nfacturers and Dealers fo the Large and Com. plete assortment of CAKItlAUB aud WAUON MATERtJ ALS we are constantly receiving from the Kasi, special to selected for the California market, comprisiug, Oat Hickory, and Second Growth Ash Plank, Hickory Axlnl H agon t-oies. linos, upokes, felloes, Kims, bhatts, Jbr which we offer at the lowest Cush Prices, i aV Orders addrossed to our bouse wlllrecelve nnma , attention. N. W. BKA0U A CO, , ' Jel6:3m. ' 2 A 81 Battery Street, San Francises, - and 17 A 19 Seventh Street Sacramento. ' O. WATIRROIISL . II. W. llBAOA A n.,.. , J ,W I.mum San Francisco.' ' Sacramento. ' Now Yo(k , ; J A4 liltOOltH, M..I.' DAttSS, OREGONiJ " T