Sails P oiuttiutucr.- 5? FRIDAY MOBNIXG, DEC. 22, 1805. . Eliphant oil is becoming ad article of trade. A veuel is now on its way to Desolation Islands to get a cargo of the commodity. Miss Pittsinukb, the poetess, is giring poetical and dramatic readings in San Fran Cisco, with great success. A San Francisco puper speaks ol the bankers of that city as baring "predatory" habits, which is probably true. A uousi is still standing in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the lightning rods of which were put up under the superintendence of Dr. .Benjamin Franklin, 1762. . A baxd of cattle crossing the Columbia Hirer on the Ice, yesterday, broke through when aor this side, but fortunately none of them were lost. Tub Presbytery of Newark, N. J., has for mally denounced the practice of horse rac ing, especially in connection with fairs and Piriicultural exhibitions. Tub agents of the Roman Catholic Cbnrcb re at present very numerous in the empire Of China, and are exerting an important in fluence there. Miss Uhaddux, tho prolific English nov elist, has red hair, and is over thirty. She Las made over $200,000 with her pen in the last four years. Tub compilation of the census of the L'nitcd States for I86j was to bo completed ly. the meeting of Congress at the beginning of this month. 1 Parties continue to arrive from above, by wagons and on horseback About all of the passengers of the Owyhee are down. There is a half a ton of treasure on board of that boatr principally from Owyhee. Colorado Elbctioh. The entire Union ticket is elected in Colorado, with William Vilpin for Governor, E. F. Holland for Lieu tenant Governor, and George M. Chilcott for Congress. Tub. Mexican Patriotic Club of San Fran cisco have resolved to wear mourning for nine days, m a tribute of respect to the memory General Antonio Roaales, recently killed in fighting the French in Sonora. HiARnr I. Tuormton. According to the Gold Hill Neict Harry I. Thornton, who was such fLerce secessionist At the opening of the warf and rushed Into the rebellion with bis wholu heart, it) completely subjugated. " TUtr. TbegisiatuFTj-of' Washington Territory, now- m session, completed its organization on. the 7th', by electing Mr. Eldridgeyot What coiii county, Speaker of the House,, aivj Rer, 11, K. Hincs, of Vancouver, President of tire- Council. . . It bat been reported to the General Land Office, that c&tensive gold' discoveries have been made on the northern shores of the west end of lake Superior, io the Northeastern Land District of Minnesota, which are at trading general Attention. Tualong pending controversy in regard? to the Acceptance of the first forty miles of the Eastern branch of the Pacific Railroad has natty been deelded. The road has been ac cep-ted by tho President, smt Governmen bonds will be issued to the company to the amount ot J7(W,(X)0, A So,uarr MBA'B.--One- of tire Wisconsin boys, at tho reception of the 6th regiment of that State-, said : "This il the first square ineiil I've had since I left borne;."' Bein asked what a square meal was, he replied 'Four cups of coffee, all the ham 1 can eat with bread butter, pics, pickles, cakes and cheese (n proportion, and smiling: Indies to inspire we- rrppetite. ,Tui Popb anu-thb FunsttAsoNS. The QRnd Orient of Franco, says th Paris corre pondent of the Independence Bclye,ta. cou- ' Toned a meeting of its principal dignitaries and it Is resolved that ad answer shall be immediately given to tho charges brought Against Freemasonry by the Pope. , It Is said that Ylenne, on of the chiefs of the Scotch Kite, proposes, notwithstanding his advaoc- throw down by the Pope. Justich Tempkrbo with MtROY. r Judge Wilson established a valuable precedeot in the degress of punishment awarded respec tively to Frank Jones and Henry Trickle. The Judge is somewhat noted for the precipitancy and violence with which he "drops down" on contumacious fellons. Jones canio within that category. To forgery be added all suc ceeding evidences of rascality necessary to establish his reputation as a disMinest man, who never intended to do better than he bad done. Trickle is another kind of man. He came to the bar of. the court a penitentre gretting the one dishonest Impulse which had been tbe cause of his downfall. He had given many evidences of future good intentions, and tbe Judge awarded him tbe lightest pen alty which the law allows. The young man Is better off to-day, than if were free and un- uspected, with the spoils of bis dishonest act bont bim; lor If he had got olf with tbe firtt attempt in that direction, he would have sooner or later been brought to justice and condign punishment for some other similar act, which he would surely have committed. Next season he would have probably gone to Montana, where be would have been hung; or e might bave fallen into the hands of the Walla Walla Vigilantes, by whom he would are been shot. His conviction secures him from either of these dreadful contingencies, nd bis term of Bervice will give bim a suffi cient time for meditation on the past, and to form good resolutions for the future. If be manifests tbe proper spirit while in confine ment, be may reasonably expect to experience executive clemency, in restoring bim to citi zenship, if not in shortening bis term of im- risonment. On the other band. Frank Jones ill have seven years in which to practice some useful bandicuft, and form himself to habits of industry. He will, during that time, ave abundant opportunity to reflect upon tbe t-inousness of his offence, and build up that moral basis of character which will prevent him from acting the part o an amanuensis to gentleman without his consent. Whkn Tin llovs Cons Snkakino Hohi. Some months since the proud spectacle of hundreds' of thousands of returning soldiers was presented ta the people of tbe United States. The march of Suerraar.'s army, and many corps of the Army of tbe Potomac, through the streets of Washington was a prac tical realization of tbe song, " When Johnny comes Marching Home."' For four years this had. been sang by millions of mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts, and At last nearly all tbe "Johnnies," left alive from tbe dreadful battle fields of the South, bare returned borne. There was Another Army of " Johnnies,"' which consisted of recusant conscripts, And others who would not stay to seo themselves con scripted. These men bad invaded Canada, o-nd carried their arms as far away from home as possible. Of late tbe significant ansottnee ment has beeowmade that "there is a large immigration to the United States, from Can ada." Tbe cursory reader will fail to see the irony Id this, but when .informed that these immigrants to our country were once emi grants, be will be able to grasp the jnke in all its dimensions. Most of these " Johnnies " ill return to the ranks of civil life, some what sobered in their political views, and will pretty generally make good citizens in times of peace. Thi Arctic Rroions. Letters have lately been received from C F. Hall, the Arctic ex plorer, dated Repulse Bay, August 20, 1803, being eight months later than those hereto fore published. He bad just received tke news of tbe end of the rebellion and th assassination of Lincoln. Tbe long Arctic whiter bad set in, and be was waiting for th recovery from sickness of his native guide and interpreter, the famous woman Tookoolito resuming bis explorations nortb-wac, Columbia Lodge, No. S, I. O. O. F.-- Mcete every Friday pruning at o'clock, lu Oaten' Tlall, corner of Stroud and Court Streets. Brothers In I Kood standing are Invited to attend, lly order. N.Q. Fer Sale. A THOROUGH BLOODED AMERICAN MARK. Poor il years old next Soring. Knaulre at tills office. FOUND. A N TVOKY TWO-FOOT RULE. The owner ran hare iSL the Mime by applying at this olHce Mid pay inn for ms nuveriisnif ni, II LACK LIST. OIIN TOLLS, a teamster, -ha paid me 'Fonrteen Dollars in ORKBSBACKS. AT l'All. for Kooda imr- chiist-d of me Inst January, nt Coin Rates, lliisinuss men wi i uo well lo tie cari-Iul How they trnst eiieli men, u-iuijl l. ilUtlKrl. SANTA CLATJS Has arrived with a large stock of ' Christmas & Nqw Year Presents 1MR. MAX VOOT BKOS TO INFORM THE PUni.lO xia that he Mns nnened a Fuucv Tov and Frn it Plot a. next door to Colin A Rubin's. lltfge stock 'I Fancy Goods, . Walking Dolls, Rubber Dolls, Alhunia, Camlii'S, ' Fruits, Yankee Notions, Mush-al Instrument, Gnns A Drums, Tocket Cutlrry, Tubarco, Clgare, and a large stock of DRESSED BABIES. All those wishlnir to make a chean ami' handsome Present will ph-aso give us a cull. There Is also a lady in attendance. Miss Yogi, who win ie ever ready to attend to tuo wauls or her lady patrons. Call and Nee the CiiHoslllen At fdHtJl) " TOUT'S TOY STORK. ON.AND AFTER MOSTAY, ROtKjlBUR 13tli uod further notice, Tlio lns sen ft-cr Tiulu to-connect with stenmera AN DITOttTANT Plt0( 1AM ATI0N I! FOB, UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will atari from the It. It. DEPOT DALLES CITY, r) Monday, Wtdnoaajl, and Fridays, st Isaac F. Ci.ocii. San rruncisco. C. 8., Sis. ScuAwtAdiim Iiallisl lie has J not received Bloch. Miller & Cor, VHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALF.RS IX "Wines & Licixiors. And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHINa Boots &. Shoes Under Clothing, JBlankcfa, etc., etc., etc ASSAY .OFFICE. WE HAVB AN AP8AY OKF1CF. IS CONNKCTIO! wl'hour bnsiiies. nnder the entire anm-rvielna of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Rare in six hoiirs We guarantee all our Assays and pay the UliillKS'X CASH I'KICM for Hara. We also uy the liigluvt Cash Price fur Gold Dust. RI.OCH, SIILIJilt A O)., myfitf Cor. Mnln and Washingtiin streets. Dalle. " 1 .i-ni Oregon Steam KaYigalion Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS AGKNKKAL INVITATION IS KXTKNDKD to all tho ladies anil gentlemen to cull at the Jewelry more oi n iiiiinii diuiumuiii, aim examine his crock, be fore the Holidays. Christmas & Holiday Presents. in order to close tho entire business Htininnt the first (Uy of elnimnry, tho uinhrnigiicd ullera fur kale hit luwiV- soiuu uuii vaiuiiiiie btocK oi WATCHES, x DIA9IOXD.S. JEWELRY, CLOCKS, F4XCY GOODS & CUTLEflY, and all ofner gooils In his line-, snlfnfte for Holiday Vrv souls. 11KI.OW FIRST COST. Tho Uimla will he war. ranted as First Class articles or the money will be re- inuiiea auer iiurciiosrii. r.mlies and Uenl rmea u e the alaive nut Ice your earliest attention, find rail conn nt tho atoreoi OTjn. UIK II A LKi, Main Street, next door to the Post Office. 4l3U A. Al. T1JU STKAMKRS "ONKONTA" or "IDAHO," CAl'T. J. 3ICNUI.TV ; Command Will tmrve DAI.LKS, DAILY. (Sundays e- cejited) at t o'clock, a. M..C(MinecIiii. fcr the CASCADE It All.KOAIk, with the-steamer " NEW WORLD " or M CASCADES, CA1T. J. WOLF,.... Command, f,. PnrtlunO. Dalles. Nor. 13, ISCfi. W. B. BRADFORD, (nl2tfj Agent 0. S. N. Co. FIREMEN'S BALL! O'.TIlt DT JACKSOPJ ENGINE COMPANY AT OHAPIN'S It ALL, ON . Monday Evening, December 25. riPIHE MEMBERS OF JACKSON ENGINE COMPANY JL would respectfully announce that they hare do ciiled to give a tirand Holiday Ball, and that they will pare ae sniuf to make It the graadest aflair ol the seii- TIQKETS, $SOO To be had of members of tho Company and art the Soot uu uie evening OI Ilie uau. Parties desiring earetaiieB toeonrre ladles to and from the hall, will nlease nive their names to the Committee oi Arraugements. au Invitations will bo Issued. RECENION COMMITTEE: A. W. BMhaxaii, 0. W. Waldrcn, O.A.Liebe. . FLOOR MANAGERS; t. Ilnlloran, L. Cliapln, II, Wh.ttlmore, F. Wyckman. SELLING OFli1 AT, COS T, ' FOIl TIIIKTY DAIS LONGER ! I LAST CHANCE! MESSRS. COHN A BOIIM wonhl hereby Inform their rnstomera and the sAelie at lun. that ti, will continue to sell AT COST, for thirty davs longer In order to giro one a rhanca to make presents fur the) Holidays. We will leH the buluuco of our stuck, con sisting of ' ... Ki. h lilaek Silks-, Sents' Cloaks. icn l-opnns, Bearer Coats Cli-Ws, Kress Coat, kaf. I'ants, Bryfior, Einbiolderfe, . Ifaia A Caosv Boots A fihuee; Ac, c'., Ac , Ae., AT SAW FKAKC1SCO COST. Wlthont FrelgKf awd Ei-n8i. This-Wilt ht ttt last ehanca to ret txriraln. n.ln. I eloeing tfcecouceru. . . . .. . COHN A 110UM. N.B.- All Bills mnst be paid by tl '" First of January Um. If not settled within that time, 'lie tame will lie placed In legal hand. deltr. JlfiMOVAL. . , if J.OOETZ, Dalles, KOENIGSBERQEIt, San Frauciasc HOLIDAY GIFTS!! HOLIDAY GIFTS!! - Pitrolidm IB Japan. A Tokobama 'cor reeiiondem of tho N. Y. World, writing on tli r-Ctli of August, i uthority tor the tollowiog BtaVeronjt r ' ' ." . . I leitrntil to-day that in the prorlnes of Eubizen, there are copious and nutneroB-k pe troleum (prints, aid- that it. rises, to tbe surface nt the-sea on the west coast, oppoeito to that district, as it ii said,, on- tbe coast ef California-. . HOLIDAY GIFTS ! ,:J. J'U'KER II AS JUST ;iEeEIVED AND DISPLAYED AT HIS OLD VARIETY STORE, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE TUB UMATILLA HOUSE, , " . ..A, Large and Extcajilre assortment of CAMfiV nnnno mvo ,p innvi wwvwwr ivivj tiwvij Suitable to-raoke Christmas and. New Tears C resents to Ladles, Oentleaaes or Children. : " 3. JUEER Ins sometking fur H, and respeefnlly In- nltes bis friends aid the public generally, to call and examine his Varieties. dl ' lm Wll BROWN WARXER, III. D. ' A jktitiocI baa been extensiuely signed to grunt tbe colored' popalatroa of the District of Columbia tbe right of suffrage-. Congress ba absolute autbority oTer the District, and ta J f (lOUtl U lull iuvsiivh w vwHSjivge) wuw I ttkie of tbat body will be taken on tbe inue. OFFICE-74 BlCCOND STREET, between Washington I Omm Hoots tolg a. M.j- 2"to 4-p. .; anfO to ID, V sr. An Invoice of SKATES Just recefred by ' " d5tf ' J. tmitTT. a nn.. . v Wuhlngton Street, near Frtncb A Oilman. J. g6etz & co.. TOBACCONISTS. Have removed to ' Rudio's New Stone Building Washington Street, neat- Fseneh It Gilmau'srfud hesrer opened a well-asnerhHl stock of IlAVANAand DOMKTIC PEGAR9,, V1BG1NIA and WKSTKItN TOBACCOs- m FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUPtV ' ' - MKKIlhCUAUM andotlier PU'ES,- PLAYINS CARDS, BKORTINUWXIDS, INDIAN and FA CT GOODS, in. A. . The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. '' . TOYS ! TOYS !T0YS t TOYS ti FOR TOYS. AN I FANCY liOOI. ror tne Holiday),. recommend all dealers in the line to tuBA6KET AtiD TOV EMPORIUM of ,,- ill AUKIt A KUIN, " ' M. . a and tt Buttery Streot, ' a28:3m- Ban Francltot J.W. GURLEY, DENJIsfjT V Main St., Dalltrs.' Oretfon: 1 roULD RESl'ECTFULLY INFORM " the cltiKiiw of this tilace and vl. cinity, that having returned from m oro- , lessiunal tour through the mine; he lias again resumed the liructice of DENTISTRY. In the room. tormerly occupied by him, in the building occupied btr Wood A Butler, l'lutograiili Artists, and adloiiiiiig Wat dron Bros.' Drug Store. He take, this .u-thud of tcbdlng thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore ex. tended lo liiui, and sollclte a ooutinuauce of tlie same.. .. , In. It U . -' Entire Dentirre on Quid Base. ; .'......1180 to "!, " Upper Denture, Uotd Baseu........ ,. 00 12U " Denture, Vuictutite Baee.. 70 h jjC ' , Upper Ueutare, Vuloniiltw Base 34 u . 0ld Fillings imiwted fi-oin sua doMnr upward ' ChildMne'Teeth extracted fee af oliarge. se!3-f DIsHOlutlon lotlt?n. TITE FIRM OF J. W. MILLER A CO. have this dw dlsposedof their enth-estock.inthiseity to Messrs Bunnell A Mlllw, veho will eonUi.ue 4h. b.h,-L V,"L sumeeOnd.. Mr. Thomas MHIor la authorised to setti ail liabilities and collect all debt. due. An JL! knowing themaelwM ludtbted will pleam enme forwar? ,nrL,n"1f.un'1J!n". ... ' J. W. MILLER A Co. .. -,.o,,. . -.., , , QUIT,