CO - DALLES, ORKGON, FRIDAY, DEOEMBEIl ttS, 185 NO.IW. VOL. O. ri'BLISHEU EJERY MORNING, (MONDAYS BXGIPTED,) BY . E. G. COHIVE & J. U lLLOUAXj KDITOKS AND PROPRIETORS, Tirms Twmty-jivtcenti per week, payable to the carrier per month, by mail, $1; three months, $2 60; six months, $6; ouu year, $3, Advertlseineutf inserted at low nut. . . Job Fritting. Kvery description of plain nd fkncy Job Printing ftxe nteil with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per outer to any part of the country. Payment Jor Job i-int inff inuMt bt made on delivery V work. UMATILLA HOU.SE, DALLES, OREGON. IIAXDL12Y ITop'rs. HIIS POPULAR HOUSE, OMTRALLT LOCATED, Near the Stoamboat Landing & Eailroad Depot, Has beeu recently enlarged and Improved, aud will uow accommodate ' 30 0 guests; 5TWII.LHH CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, Hud tlio patronage of the traveling iublic in respectfully sollcito I. Itaggage takeu to the House free of chargo. House '.open all night. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES D.illos, Oct. 4-tr. EMPIRE HOTEL; MAIS STREET, DALLES, 0REO0N, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN THE CENTRE Or BUSINESS, ' Rear the Steamboat and Eailroad Landings Superior Accommodations for families and can AO commodate Ouo Hundred and Firty Guests. Meals SO est. Lodging......... 60cts. yir0 Proof Safe for deposlto of valuables. tm. House open all night. Baggage taken to the Mouse flee of charge. THOMAS SMITH, inh8-tf Proprietor. FAMILY GROCERY STOREl! S. FRANK, . DEALER 1M FAMILY GROCERIES, 10DACC0 AND 8EGARS, - ' ALSO. FRESH AND DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, 4c, Ac. , And every article usually found In a First-class . family- Grocery Store. R. FRANK has Just received from below an entire new stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &0, which he will sell at low rates for cash. ' Heads of fam ily and others are invited to call and examine his stock. 4X9 Goods delivered in any part of the city free o. charge T GREENBACKS TAKEN AT 76 CENTS. I 8. FRANK, Main street Jy30:tt A few doors below the Post 4(fflce . FURNITURE ! rURNlTURE" DIERLAJI So WENTZ. -,j tN IT Ust j. CORNER THIRD AND B STREETS vsnmMaw n-1 u- n AH ...I..- ..Jt m . ... .u.j Ilouscbold Furniture, .embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus 9 Beds and Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpets to., etc, all of which will be sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also,oa hand Mattresses and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order. eul2 M WH. MOABOi. 0. 1. KOEUIL. ' WM. MOABUS &CO., OITY BAKERY, . AND provision store,, ; . Corner of first and B Streets. WnOLBSAI.K AND RETAIL DKALKK8 In BREAD, CRACKERS and Family UHOOKRIKS. ' Reorders front a distance carefully filled and promptly dispatched. 1-tf MEDICAL CARD. A. C. STEPHENSON, St. D., niSPBCTFULLY tenders his professional services In JL the several branches of medical practice, to the citisens of Dalles and vicinity. Particular attention will be paid to female diseases. Chronio of whatever tvpe or grade, will receive prompt and efficient treat- Meat. Oiflce, adjoining Waldroa'e Drug Store. no25tf BOOKS! BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SJLHUUIi DlfUIkBf OIAllOS SKI, 3 Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, lsste NOVELS, MAUAZ1NKH, rAPKKB,' 4c., Ac. by every Steamer. Post-Offlcel Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. nia7-tf H. J. WALDRON ft 00. ' ... Furs!, Furs'! . SUB illGUEST MARKET PRICB PAID IN CASH vto ; ' ; .;. . .. Beaver, Otter Mink and Coon Skins, .. . j .. -fly RICHARDS aUCBAKBN.. Nrttand Sept. 3T, 1806. ' octJin. FOR UOISE MIMES DIRECT. THE WALLA WALLA &. BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGKS, CARRYING' THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND ; Wei , argo &. Co.'s Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to Pi cerville, (Uolse Minus.) Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the WalluU Line of Stages, and tu Bouts of the O. S. N. Company. GEO. F. THOMAS ft CO., ap27-tf proprietor NOTICE. . THE PIONEER STiGE COMPANY Will curry FAST FBEIGHTS FROM UMATILLA, AFTER THIS FIRST OF OOTOUKll, AT THE FOLLOW' INU REDUCED RATES: To Boise City 15 Cents per pound lasne ;ity u " Owyhee 0 For less amounts than ono hundred pouuds an addition of Five Cunts per pound will be charged. -TIM lii iflfcOAXUMA.rriLT-iA.i To Uoise City, 3 Day. To Idaho City .....3 1-2 Days. TOOwj liee, 4 Days. JOSEPH PINKI1AM, Ajent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1866. oclH:tf. And all kinds of Machinery Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TU streets, . PORTLAND. A.. C. GIBUS ft CO., Successors to Portland, Dec. 6th '64. doOtf K. L. Jones ft Co, MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND BILLIARX ROOM, F. 51. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF Alain and Court Streetcy ap21-tf . ' " ' Dalles, Oregon.; NEW., HEARSE! ranns undersigned begs to inform the cit- JL lions of the Dalles and vicluity that he has received a NEW HEARSE, aud will Attend. Funerals on short notice'. This is the first, aud at present, nly Hearse In the city. , I. M. EVANS Mies, May 19, 1888. my:20-tf. till. S. I. WALIiACU, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Near Gates & Chapln's Drug Store, MAIN BTHKHr, DALLEa. aplSt COLUMBIA BREWERY. LHU1VIG & SOU ANNO, Props. 13 A LLtBte, OHEGON. BIOhEST PRICE PAID FOR BARLEY. au'MU.' NOTICE. I HATE THIS DAY ra-parchuad my stock of goods, sold a lew days-since to Mr. J. B. Orosaen. All debts due the- oouc.rn will be collected by uie, and not by Mr, Orosaen, as heretofore published. , n8:lw 0. L. JBWELL. Removal. DR. BELT has removed his office from Dr. Oralgfs Drugstore to Waldroa'svew Stone building, up stairs. ocill:tf. D. WJ1 DOUTH1TT, ATTORNEY .AX LAW, BANNOCK CITT, Idaho Territory. 49 Particular attention paid to Collecting Debts. 1a. O. YLllS, Attorney and Counsellor at Lav AND 'NOTABV PUBLIO. - Off IOB On corner of Washington and Mala streets, Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon. apSUtt III UAS Ac OUELL,, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE 8UPREMB AND CIR ouit Courts of Oregon, and. the District Courts Washington Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. 0. UtJMASON, Dalles, Ogn. J. A. OUKLt n: ' "NOTICE , ...... OTIC! IS HBRBBYGIVBN not to trust mv wife oa .1 my accoaht, as I will not beresuonslbla aliJw LJUL1U3 LANQE. 1 IlLiCII V MILMAIY, , IHrOKHRa A5D WHOLESALE Dealere) in Wines, Liquors v GllOCEltiES, ' miners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c, HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW STONE BUILDING, CORNER OF Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITY. NOW IN STORK A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS sortmuttt of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a full assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. J" Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York and San Francisco, we are ahle aud williug tu sell at a very small advance on San Fruncisco pricus. They hope by adopting a strictly sorrect and prompt method ol doing business, they will receive the patronage cf the pub lic. . selO-tf EHtabllahed It3S7. J3TtO., BALDWIN DEALERS IN CORNER OF i - Alain and Union Streets, Dalles. J.C.BALDWIN mli2i-tf F. W. BALDWIN. 3Lit,ED. liebeT GROCERY, PROVISION. AND FRUIT' STORE, Washington Btroet, opposite French k Gllnmn'e, Dalle. 11 iw on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh JLSuttcr & Eff&s, Rewired dally. A large lot of CHICKKN8 always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRE81I VEUETABLKS every morning. All articles warruuted. Give Me a Call, Everybody I IItlClUS LOW. auI8:tf . ; ' F. LTEBR. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES? A. R. B O O TH, . WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., . -FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' AMD GENERAL DEALER 1ST MERCHANDISE ... . ARD ITIlIwER8) SUPPLIES. FACE AND SADDLE H0E3E3 FOB SALS. FREIGHTS C0NS1UNFD to my oars for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Minos, will re ceive prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1884. ec.3tf E. r. FITZGEllALD, ' .' SEALM IN HARDWA RE . Iron and Steel. . . Mttry Duoriptim Miners' and Bleclianlcg' Tools, M 1 Fnrmlni,' Implements. HIP CHANDLERY, GROCKR1ES, CLOTHING, AND BTArLKDHY UOODB, . . , , Crockery and Ulasswai . 1. 1. FITZGERALD, flQ-tf ' VaUti. Oregon . w. AMW. . W.ARMES ARMES & DALLAM, Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, ' BRUSHES, TWINBS, COKDAOB, Ac A. Aad Manufacturers of California Palls, labs, Brooms, Ac. 317 ft 219 Sacramento Street, betweea front and Davis, ban Francisco. . eclliDmdaw. F.TII.LMAN, foil ASENT Uf CALirOEHIA 10 TILTON & MoFARLAND'S Fire Ac Burglar Proof Safes. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, .. - . , win Combination Loclt. ' 49CusUutly on hand a full assortment of SAFES. " ' SIS BATTBRY 8TREKT, JyMm , lien franciaeo. "W .1). llifi r Receiving;, Storing;, Forwardlna; Commission Merchant! AaTancci maae on Conslgnfflenti. MAIN BTRKET, Oppoeite the Umatilla House. . WaNlllnirton IVarnn Uaia.l. TnB UNDERS1UNBD . W0UJJ IfORI , IH Travellug Public that the Washington Wegoa Koad from Portland and Vancuaver to the Upper tiaeoadea is well being kept in food traveling urdsr, tor wagons aad a"-- - ' B. C. HAKDV, ' Dalles Jan. 11th 18M. Janlltf Sols Proprietor. Umatill ta, Boise, AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. rwMlIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNINO M. order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Unite Cit, and propured to carry Freight aud Valuable Packayus between these aud all luteruiediatepoiutswlthcertaiuty aud despatch. 1 The Line is Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace -rv- CONCORD WAGOINS.EZS Which ensures' Speed and Safety In tho transmlsidnn of Frulght, never before offered to Idaho. We oiler Rupe riur inducements for Shipping Ootids from San Frnnchoo and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangements with II Ocean Steamship Company and tlio Oregon 8team Navk gution are such thut all Uoode shipped by tills Line will not be subject to the usual delays, but pass through as Fust Freight. Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Fort land, Churgus will be paid aud Uuods shipped to dt'stimt. tion. , GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARS B. M. D. ft CO F. LINE, anil Shipping Uecelpts seut to our Agents) at Portland and Umatilla, Advance Charges for Transportation Pali by tho Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will t forwarded with Dispatch to 0'J Uce and South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED HATKS. Families will be furntshed with 8uvr!or Ass coiumodations in New and Easy Riding Thorough Brace Wagons on tho Most Liberal Turms, We lay over eacb night on the Road at Good and Cnureiilent Stations, Re that passengers will nut be deprived of regular rest. . AGKNTH s RICHARDS ft McCRAKKN San Francisoe RICUARDd ft McCRAKEN Purtlaiul JOiKl'Il TEAL ,. Dalle POWfcLL ft C"E ,'Uniatlll J. B. WILKINSON LeUraud B. M. DuRKLL ft CO Boise City B. M. UuKKLL ft CO .Idaho CltV MAJOR SPKER , Jtocky Bar (8.iuth Uolse) DdKLL ft 1100UB... Ruby aud Sliver Clltss , B.M.DuRELLftCO., - n26tf Proprietors. A CA11D FOR THE Fall & AVinler Clothing Trad? , OF SAK FRAHCISCO. BADGER &LINDENBERGER, Aloe. 411, 413 aud 415 itattery Street, , . - Cor. Mcreastnt, HasR Vranelaeo. .. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIJ3E NEW AND FRESH STOCK' WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mea chauts to our naually lane stock of Uuods. (lur stock comprises every article in the Clothing end Fu nishiug Hue. - We have constantly on hand the largeal and greatest variety of Cassluiure and Wool HATS oi auy house in Ban Franciaeo, aud our for these Uoodt are leas than tha of any bouse, 'a. we receive ineiu uireci irom uie manufacturers consignment Our stock of Summer and Fall (loops Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the country merchant Is the uuuBuaiiy iuw pnvefc Less Than the Cost of Importation! ' We also keep the 8TAPLE ARTICLES in the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have purchased In this market uiv der the hammer, and are offering them at hew Xoik Cost, and less. We publish this card In order that we may make new acquaintances, and Induce those who have not heretofoee purchased of na, to call and examine our stock. , Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to sell agaiu. Merchant, who buy of us cau make e good profit, and sell to their customers at a low Bgure. We remain, reepootfully, t Your Obedleut servants, . BADGER ft LINDENBRROER, ' , Wholesale Clothing aud Hat Warehouse, . , ' Noa. 411. U and Ali Battery street. Son Francisco, April 1, lHOa. je2v-Smw. WlTOOBlFBUMMEli UOISE. ON TUB i SEA. BEAO ET. f H1S DELIGHTFUL aND CELKBRATED BUMMER M. Meaort, siinated oa Clatsop Plains, a short distance from the Ocean, i now re-opened aud ready to receive guests. This resort possesses attractions on the Paclic Coast. It has a splendid beach for riding, walk ing and bathing; beautiful scenery and snrruuudingas berries of all kinds abound ; s beautiful trout ""llf audabnndance of gam. THK TABLE ' ' Is constantly supplied with salt and Irish water flsh, clam, and crabs, elk, bear aud feathered game, aud the freshest of couutry produce. The climate la salubrious This Hot.l ever, thing that oruld be desired for the oomfort ef guests, both well end sick. Ihs Proprietor respectfully ask the H.alth and Plea. r. Seeklug Public lor pertrouage, that they may enabled te make the Summer House " e permrnent f stitntluo of the couutry. , LOWBLL ft K.1FPBN. . ' U v th, liKli. , , myts . . JDR. :1S. XV. IITOIIEIji;4. Orfici WALDBON'S BUILDING; ' Basieses. Career ef Third and Washington llaavsaa,' BXi. A.. II. SXJiI53Uli?, ASSISTANT BURQEONi DJ,, A. . . eriacaA. r i. . j i- . . ... 'WAZsDRON ft BROS ' DRU rOlLB '