latto mimm.K WEDNESDAY MOKNIXO, DEC. 20, 18C5. Jacob Uollauer, once L'ost Master uenerai and Senator from Vermont, Is dead. Scoar from beets Is now quite extensively manufactured In Illinois. Floor is selling at Salt Lake City, at from $5 to $G a hundred greenback prices. Mori than fire hundred thousand prison ers were taken on both sides during the war. -i Tin post offices in Connecticut besides paying expenses, afford $50,000 to the Gov ernment annually. Beef is shipped in large quantities from New York to England, to supply a deficit caused by the cnttle plague. Riley Deadmond has been hold to answer for attempting to shoot J. E. McCabe, at Eu gene City. KeaoaK, a prominent rebel politician of Texas, has written a long letter advocating negro suffrage. About ZS0 barrels of crude coal oil are shipped monthly from San Francisco from the flowing wells of San Buenaventura. Frenchmen were long accused of calling Shakespeare " the divine Williams." Better instructed, they now speak of him as " lo grand William." '." ' The United States ship-of-war Congrm, which was blown up at the time of tho great naval batle of the Iron-clads in Hampton Roads, has been raised. Om the 25tbiJune, 1862, the first Union League was Instituted at Pekin, Tazewell County, Illinois. In the fall of 18G4 the League numbered a million members. Turn are seventy organized petroleum companies in California. But little oil has yet been produced, and the prospects of the companies are not bright. One of the ordinances of Great Salt Lake City, forbids any person to bny intoxicating liquors, except at the Church store. In this way Brigham exercises a monopoly of the stock, $1,500,000; Incorporated November 10, THE COLUMBIA RIVER ROAD. The present isolated eonditiqn of this cily, suggests to the minds of the people the neces sity for the improvement of the road down the Colcmbia River. It is an enterprise which will be mainly profitable during the pleasaut season of the year, but its usefulness to the publie will be moat felt when tbe navigation of the river is stopped. If a road should be constructed, and main tained la a passable condition throughout tbe entire year, It would certainly prove ft lilghy remunerative Investment to the builders. From this time forward the increase of live stock in the Willamette Valley will find its way into tbe Columbia River Basin, and the movement of population, seeking new settle ments, together, with tourists traveling either on horseback or with vehicles, would form a current, which at moderate tolls, would justify tbe investment of a considerable sum of money. As time progressed, it would pay better and better to the end of time. If the river road were properly improved, it would attract all the stock-travel, as there is no other route by which it can be moved across the Cascades Range, at that season of tbe year in which it is of tbe greatest importance that u should be transferred to this side of the mouov tains. Tbe General Incorporation Law is particu larly favorable to tbe projection and prosecu tion of enterprises of ibis nature, and such a work, energetically, carried forward, w411 not be likely to have any competition for many years.x Iu case it is ever ii.Biiluted, tbe ad vantages belonging to tbe older rnterprise would render it futile. The difficulties in tbe construction of tbe road are considerable, but by no means insu perable, and above all the prospects of imme diate remuneration are so great that a limited amount of capital would be required to render it a passable bridle-trail, and adapt it to the passage of loose stock. There are already two incorporated companies having Tested rights on the line road, as follows: Columbia River Company, capital stock, $30,000; incorporated October 14, 18G2 ; in corporators, Joseph Watt, O. Huinaaon and Asabel Bush. Columbia River Railroad Company, capitnl Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F Meets entry Friday eveulng at o'clock, iu Gatei' II Ml 1. corner of Second anil Court 8tret. Brothers la good standing ars invited to attend. By order. N. O. Santa claus lias arrived with a large stock of Christmas & New Year Presents Mil. MAX VOOT BK09 TO INFORM TIR PUBLIC tliat he has openod a Fancy Toy and Fruit Store. next dour to Colin A Bourn's, lure stock rf Fancy Goods, Walking Dolls, Jt libber Dolls, Albums, Candies, Fruits, lie has juit received a liqnor traffic. Passengers from the steamer Owyhee, ar rived from above yesterday to tbe extent of several wagon loads. There is nothing new in relation to the position or condition of tbe teamcr. The Russian Government bus agreed to exempt from postal charges all statistical publications from other countries to the sci entific societies of tbe Empire, if transmitted through tbe ministry of pnblio instruction. The citizens of Baltimore are making ar rangements for erecting a marble monument to tbe memory of Edgar A. Foe, one of tbe wildest and yet one of the most gifted of infused into it, 1862 f incorporators, Joel Palmer, Joseph Watt and John F. Miller. There is besides an incorporation covering a part of the ground on wbtcb tbe road will run, viz.: The Cascades Railroad Company, capital stock, $200,000; incorporated October 20, 1862 ; incorporators, Joseph S. Ruckle, Har rison Olmstead and Daniel II Olmstead. . Tbe Columbia River Road Company has done many thousands of dollars worth of work do tbe line of tbe road. Of the exact amount we are not informed. As it now ex ists, the road is nearly valuelessand it would seem the part of wisdom if fresh elements ol enterprise and an accession of capital were The completion of a wagon Yankee Notions,. Musical Instrument, Guns A Drums, ; Pocket Cutlery, Tobacco, Cigars, and a Urge stork ot DRKSSED 1JAHIES. AH llKwe wirihlng tit make a cl.eup and handsome Prurient will pk'UMo pive uh a mil. ' There in aleo a Uvy In ntti'tnlnnce. Miss Tact, who will tm ever reu ly to attend to the warns of hur Ituly put ruin. Call and see the Curlositieg AiT j UUtjl VOOT'8 TOY 8 rOKK. AN IMPORTANT PttOlMMATlMT! A i OKNKKAL INVITATION 13 KXTKNDKD to Ml the 1'itlien anil Lrfiitleinen to cull at the .iw,)i v Store of William liirubamii, and examine hit Stock, be lore me uoiiauya. Christmas & Holiday Presents. In order to clone the entire buninpun aainat the flint day of Janunry, the unnV riguod oiTum fur sale bii hand' Boune and valuable nUmk of watches, diamonds, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, F4GY GOODS & CVTLERY, and nil other goods In his line, enltnhlc for Holiday Pre- Benin. DMAMi rmM- i;uar. me uooiin win tie war ranted n First Class artfritra or the money will be re funded after purchosed. Ladles and Gentlemen give the above notice yoar earliest attention, and rati soon at the more or win. uutai uauki. Main Street, next door to the Ptwt Office, FIREMEN'S BALL! - ' aiviit nr JACKSON ENGINE COMPANY AT OIIAPIN'S HALL, OK Monday Evening, December 25. TUB MF.MRKK8 OF JACKSON ENGINE COMPANY would respectfully that they have de eliieil to give a (iraml Holiday Bull, and that thev will pure no pains to niuke it the grandest affair ol the sea- sou. TICKETS, s$S OO, To bo hail of members of the Company and at the door un me .Tuning ui lie mill. Parties desiring carriage tooonvev ladles In and frnm me iihu, win nieaee give ineir names In tliu Commltti of Arraugemonts. No invitations will bo issued. RECEPTION COMMITTEE: A. W, Bochanan, a. W. Waldrcn, G.A.LIebe. FLOOR MANAGER8; J. Halloran, I.. Chapln. II. VYhitttmore, F. Wvckman. the American poets. , VL. Company "D," First Oregon Infantry, ar ' rived at Fort Dalles, yesterday, after a tire- m n m m.. f w n nr m n T.vnn nf B Knii I 41....IW suiuv iuhivu uvm vaiu uu v. vwuv iuiij days. Tbey came by the way of Canyon City, and are on tbe way below to be mas tered ont. . ' Them is annually imported into this conn try over two million dollars' worth of hu man hair. Bair which brought $4 a pound five years ago, is now rated at $28 a pound, and some of tbe more beautiful grades and colors are valued as high as $150 a pound. road is but tbe certain fore-runner of a rail road, and tbe companies formed for separate purposes hate still a common interest. Tbe line is the one certain to bt adopted for the Great Northern Pacific Railroad, which is sure to be built in tbe next ten years, lo anticipa tion of this enterprise, the wagon-road grades ought to be run with a view to take on the 'rails of tbe fast-line when it comes thla far west; if, indeed, it is not commenced at tbe west within five years from date. v.i hibtm as malt. next Monday orening there will be a Christmas tree erected in the Congregational Church, from which will be distributed First, The award of the Super The best rifle shooting on record it said intetsient of the school, of a book to each to have been made in San Francisco, by W. scholar, graded in value according to the It. Loud. He was engaged in a match 250 record of attendance and effort ; and, next yards for $l,r00, and one hundred shots, of such gifts at parents may wish to bestow against Dr. Pardee. Ills 100 shots strung on their children, or friends may send in 192 inches tbe best shooting on record. 1 Persons desirous of aldinir tbe school, are in vited to send any eift tbev mav wish, direct. cu many inaiviuual, or lelt to the discretion or guardians. The statement tbat Mr. Seward bad be' troyed tbe plans of tbe Fenians to the Brit- of Mr. Condon! and a committee of paren ish authorities, is treated with contempt by the Secretary. lie decliued even to deny it to a friend, who made some inquiries in re lation tp the matter. ' ' ' - r . Ait eastern paper says tbat the Queen of England is a friend of the United States, and is determined that there shall be no war be tween tbe two nations. , It Is not stated bow Isxie F. Dlocu, Ban Francisco. C. S. Millkk, io. ScUAWBAmtn, Dalle Blocli, Miller & Co? WHOLESALE AND DEALERS I!f ' .i Wines & -Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of ' OLOTHINGr Hoots & Shoes, Under Clothing:, fSlaiiketJr. etc. etc., etc. OFFICE. WE HAVK AN AFPAY OFFICE IK CONNECTION wiih our boslnens. ttnrlcr the entire siinervlairin nf Mr. Miller. We make returns In Hare in nix hours We nitarantee nil onr Assays nnil pay the IIIOIIKST CARII PKICK for llnrs. ' also imy the Hiuliest Cash Price for Gold Vast. BLOCil, MIU.EIt 4 CJ., .. myntf Oor. Main and streets. Dulli-a. Oregon Steani Auriga! ion Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. l1 iJBi UEKS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th ont -further notice, Tli PusBcngcr Train' to connect with steamers IFOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the H. It. DEPOT DALLE3 CITY, On Mondnye, Wednesdays, and Fridays. M 4i30 A. M. . TITK BTEAMER3 "0NE0NTA" or "IDAH0,w CAPT.J. McNCLTT,.. Comruaoxlet, Will leave DALLE8, DATI,Y. (Sunilnvs e-certet)al o'clock, A. K.. coniiectin( bv the CASCADE HAILHOAD, with the steamer " NEW WORLD " OP " CASCADES,W CA1T. J. WOLF, ComnmudKT, ' foi Fortlaml. W. B. BRADFUHD, Dalles. Not. 13, 1865. nl2tfj Agent 0. 8. N. Co. HOLIDAY GIFTS!! HOLIDAY GIFTS!!. HOLIDAY GIFTS! J.JUKEE HAS JUST .RECEIVED , AND DISPLAYED AT III8 OLD VARIETY STOKE, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE THE UMATILLA IIOU8E, '. A Large and Extensive assortment of FANCY GOODS, TOYS, &C, Unliable to make Christinas and New Yean Presents to Ladles, Gentlemen or Children. ; J. JUKEK has something for all, and reaneetfnllv In oltoe his friends siul the publlo gonerallr, to call aod examine his Varieties. dl'i lm WM. HROW1V 1VARWER, M. D. OFFICE ?4 BECOND STREET, between Waslilnctoa and Court. - Of nns IIowta-0 tpH A. .; 2 to r. M.; and to 10. p. w. SELLING- OFF AT COST, FOR T1I1KTY DAYS LONGER ! ! LAST CHANCE ! MESSRS.- COTIN 4 IIOIIM would hereby Inform their customers and the pnblic at large, that they will continue to sell AT COST, for thirty days longer in order to give one a chance to make presents for the Ilolldnys. We will sell the balauce of our stock, con sisting of Jtli n mack MIKs, vents' Clonus, Kirh Poplins, Heaver Couta Clocks, Dress Conts, Bliawla, I'nnts, Dry Goods, Embroideries, Hats A Caps, Roots A Skoct, Ac, Ac, Ac., Ac, ' AT SAK FltAXUSCO COST, Wlthont Freigl-t and Kip-nike. This will be the last chunce to get bargains, prior to closing the concern. COII.N A ROHM. N.B.- All Rills must he paid by th First nf January 1866. If not settled within that tiuie, 'iie same will b placed In legal hands. . drttf. J1E3IO V AL J. OOETZ, Dalles. X. KOEN1OBRKR0ER. San Francisco. J. OOETZ Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS, II nr removed to Rudio's New Stone Building, Washington Street, near French k Oilman', fcuv opened a well-assorted stork of HAVA.NAaud DKMTIC 8KOARS. V11KHMA and WESTERN TOHACCO. FRENCH ami SCOTCH SNUFF. ' MKKIISCHAUM and other PIPES. PLAY1NO CARDS, SPORTING OOOD8. INDIAN and FANCY OODDS, Ac, Ac. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET FRICtifl, TOYS! T0YSMC0YS! TOYS! FOU TOYS AMU FAKCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend nil dealers tn that line to llie UABKKT AND TOY KM t'OHIUM of T11UMAUKR k UIN. S20 and 22 Daltery Street, n28'm San Fmnclseak COAL OIL. A ?,ltwaAI'l'ONSOFDEVORSCOAT.01L ' i J.. lor Sale at ABRAUAMSON KOHLBERO'S. FOUND " AH IYORY TWO-FOOT RULE. Th, owner can have . . Uie same by applying at this oiHoa and navi.,. r. this ailvertlaeinent. - . ' m. II LACK LIST. ! ,. this imporunt fact leaked out, but It bX5&H:3ftg prtttT certain mat ll Will not create a mara I n oi me lass jannary, at Coin Rates. Busliieaa . ' .. . I manwl I doweU lob, careful how Ihsv trust sneh m.n. I'jniii . ... , . ,. -. . - ' J;i d sensation in ny narof the country: UJDIJl i. JUKEfl, ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE. Main Street, corner ofCourt. OLD MACK, TUB PIONEER OOOK, wonld respect fully inform the nubile that ha ha filial .! .i.. above Chop House, and Is prejiared to serve un MKAI.8 and LUNCH In the best style and at th, shortest notice. BALLS and PARTI KS rurnllied w th snipen, la the beet stylo and on (lie most reasonable terms. OY8TKHS In every style. Private Rooms for Lad lea. HOU8W OPKN ALL NIGHT i sit AXES I SKATMs'tr An Invoice of SKATES Just received by d6" - i . . J. OOETZ A CO., . . Washington Street, near French k Oilman. ' ..OATIS. S.1.HAM, : GATES . & HAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, 1ALiLiU3, UlltttiU. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. WrOULDRKSI'ECTFULLY INFORM H the cltiseua of this iiluco and vl- chiltyLtlint having retnrned fnnn a pro- leesloual lour inroilgn ine nilnes. lie lias aKnln resumed the practice of DBNTIttTHY, in the room formerly occnpled by him, In the building occupied by Wood A Bntler, Photograph Artiste, ami adJolning-Wal- dron Bros.' Drug Store, lie takes this method of ex teuding thanks, for tho liberal putronnge heretofore ex- teuuea to niut, ana soikiib a coiitinunuce ol the same. LIST OF PBI0E8. Entire Denture on Quid Base...- $180 to $225 " 'Upper Denture, Oold Rase SO" 14) 11 Denture, Vulcanite Base 70 " 126 Upper Denture, Vulcanite Rase tt ". 0ft Oold Fillings Inserted from one dollar npward. Chlldrens' teeth extracted free af charge. sel3-tf - Dissolution Notice TUB FIRM OF J. W. MILLER A CO. have this day disposed of their en tire stock, In this city toMessrs. Bnnneli k Miller, who will continue the business at the sametand, Mr. Thomas Miller ie authorized to tettl, all liabilities and collect all debts duo, All persona knowing themselves indtbted will please on me forward and settle and save . . J. W. A Go. Dalle, City, Hot. 23d, 1605. , n)tf