'CO VOL.-C. E ALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 0, 1865 NO. HO. PUBLISIIEl) EVERYJI0MING, (MONDAYS KXCKPTKD,) BY E. G. COU AE & J. IIAM.ORAaV, IDIT0R8 AND PROPRIETORS. Ickhs Tiotnty-flvtctntt per week, payable tothe carrier (jer month, by until, $L; three mouthy $2 60; tlx .mouthi, $6; ooeyer, $8. Advertieouieuta inserted at . low ratus. Job Printing. . Every description of pbiln nml fumjjr Job Printing exe , ntetl with neHtiifsB rtiij Jenpatch, ftud forwardod as per ort'tr to any part of the couutry. Payment Jor Job Prini ng mnti oe maae on auivtry j work. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, ORECON. 1IAXDLEY &SlWOTT, I'rop'rs. IBIS POPULAR HOUSI, OSMBALLT KWATED, Hear the Steamboat Landing & Bailroad Depot, Has been recently eulargod and iiuprovod, and will uow accouimoaaie 300 GUESTS. 5T WILL BIS CONDUCTED as heretofore. M a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and llio patronage of the traveling Iulllc is respectfully aollcite I. Sir Baggage taken tothe House free of charge. House open an nigni. .-LARGE FIBH-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dulles, Oct. 4-tf. . . . .. EMPIRE HOTEL, ' . MAIN eTIMET, DALLES, ORUOIf, ' THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. r IN TDI OKNTRC Of BUSIN1SS, Sear the Steamboat and Bailroad Landings Superior Accommodation! fur Families and can Ao commodate One Hundred and Fifty Guests. Heals...... 60 est. ' Lodging...... 50 et Fire Proof Safe for deposit of valuables. - v9- House open all night. Baggage tnken to the tlonsc roe HI cuargs. TMU11AB SMI i ll, , . mhH-tf ' . Proprietor. FAMILY GROCERY STORE!! ; S. FRANK, . DBALEK IN FAMILY GROCERIES, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Also ' FRESH A1VD DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, Ac, Ac. . . ' And every article usually found In a First-lass ' Family Grocery Storol , FRANK has just received from below an entire i A'-BL new mock ot . J GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &o, which he will sell at low rates for cash. Heads of fam. V lly and otheri are Invited to call aad examine bis stuck; J Uoodt delivered in any part tfl the city free 0. marge : -4 : aT GREENBACKS TAKEN AT 15 CENTS.' .. 8. FRANK, Main street ' Jy30:tf. ' A few doors below the Post -Office , FJRNITUREl FURlflTURE" - DIERLAM & WENTZ. -vNITW. corner Third and b streets PWSal Dalles IJltv. have on hand a vurletv Household Furniture, embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus Beds aud Bedsteads. Bedding, Garnets etc., etc., all or which will be sold at low rates, jrurutturo Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, on hand Uatlrr-ases and Pillow. Spring Beds made to order, aula WM, MOABD8. 0. B. KUtQIL, WM. MOABUS &CO., CITY B-AKERY, ' ' - ' AND ' ,j TROVISION STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. ... .' WnOLESALB AND RKTA1LDEALEK8 In BREAD. CRACKERS and Family GROCERIES. ' a0ruors from a distance carefully filled aad promptly qispaicnea. . , i-t f!kEDICAL. CARD. A. C. STEIMIEXSOS, SI. D., : ' ". 'in E9PBCTPULLY tenders his professional services In .vJLsV-the several brancltes of medical practice, tothe .. v. :itiiens of Dallesand vicinity. Particular attention will " r .' tie paid to female diseases. Chronic diseases qf whatever type or grade, will receive prompt and efficient treat. . ... suent. OUlca, adjoining Waldrea'a Drugstore. ho26tf BOOKS! BOOKS! ".' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . CHOOI, BOOKS, STATIONERY, Si Btaodara ana Miscellaneous wuhks, , te .NOVELS, MAOAZ1NK8, PAPEKS.i , Ac, c by every Steamer. Post-Office bookstore, Main street, Dalles. ma7-tf H. J. WAtDRON k CO. Furs! Purs! i V IH HIGHEST MARKET PRICK PAID IN CASH . tBeawer, Otter Mink and Coon Bklna, 1: By RICHARDS McCRAKBN. - 1 fertland, Sept. 37, 1804. - . . ootm. - . . .-, ... .. . FOR UOISE MIMICS DIRECT. WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, t CARRYING ' THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS , ... AND i- Wclls, Fargo & Co.'u Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (Doles Mines.) Through in Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallnla Line of Stages, and th Boats or the 0. S. N. Company. UEO. t. THOMAS A CO., ap27-tf , . Proprietor IS" OTIC E . v THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST FJREIQHTS . , j FROM XJ MI rJ? I L H. A: , AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW ING REDUCED RATEb: . To Boise City ....1S Cents per pound ' Iilalio Clly, ,.!eO . " Owyhee HO " . " . For less amouuts than one hundred pounds an addition of Five Gouts per pound will be charged. ' . TIME FROM UMATILLA t To Boise City,. 3 Days. To Idaho City .... 1-2 Days. Tuuwyuee, 4 liays. . " JOSEPH PINK1IAM, Acent TJiuatllla, Oct. 1, 1809. ocl8:tf. 1ULIVC11 it GIL.HAK, IHP0RTIBI ASD WH0USAU ' Dealers in Wines, Liquors GROCERIES, Miners' Goods, Doat Stores, &c. . H.A.VI lBlfOVID TO Tnxia NtW STONE BUILDING eoiNor , Second and Washington Streets DALLES CITT. . TexTOW IN STORK A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS J.W sortuicnt of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS Also, a full assortment of ' . GROCERIES &, STAPLE GOODS . Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York and San Francisco, we are able aud willing to sell at a very email advance on San Fruncisco prices. They hope by adopting: a strictly torrect and nromut aiethod ol doing business, they will receive the patronage cf the pub lic. srlOtf EHtulillHhotl ItslS?. BALDWIN I3T10., ' DEALERS IN " J . GROCERIES ! CORNER OF . , Main and Union streets, Dalles J.C.BALDWIN ml.21-tf F.W.BALDWIN QUARTZ MIL.L.S! . And all kinds of Machinery . Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS ' - CORN UK OF JdORRISON andTTU streets, ';.-,. , I'ORTL,AI. ... A.. 0. GIBBS A CO., . V - .. Successors te ' Portland, Deo, 6th '64. dofltf B. L. Jotiia A Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND V BILLIARD ROoSr, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF . Main and Court Streetw, . apai-tf . , . '. Dalles. Oregon.' 3N" E W II E-ARSE! fiHK DNDBRSIGNBD BEGS TO INFORM TIT H CIT. M. liens of the Dalles and vicinity that he haa received "HIT IIIHUHI, MIU ,11, U -. I. f . s, Attend Iutierals en short notice. ' This Is thefir.t, and at present, only tulles, May 18, 1805. I. M. EVANS my:20-tf. IH. S. F.. WALLACE," PHYHIOIAN & SURQEOA Near Gate & Chapln's Drue Store, - MAIN ST UK Hf, DALLES. aplBt COLUMBIA BREWERY, Lit U WIG & SCIIANJVO, Props. da llks, Oregon, niO h EST PRICE PAW FOR BARLEY. an28:tt, - .- - - . xOTICE. : r. . . IH AVE THIS DAY re-parclivud my stock of goode, sold a taw days since to Mr. J. B. Cromen. All ueuu uue mo concern win ne ooliected by me, aud not by Mr, Crossen, as heretofore published. - O. L. JEWELL. U8:lw ' ' Removal. DR. BBI.T hi removed bis office from Dr. Craig's Drug Store to Waldrbn's new Stone bnlldlnir. nn I. WiTI OL TH ITT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BAKNOCK CITT, Idalko Territory. 4 Particular attention paid to Gollectlug Debts. ' Ia. o. MTiiir... Attorney and Counsellor at Law AND : - .. NOTAR V PUDLIO. - 0FFI0B Oil OOmar of Waahlntrfnn mnA U.I, st,. Canjoo Otty, (Jrmut County, Oregoo. apaott ' HUTIA)SO. & ODEfjii, ' ATTORNEYS & CQUNSELLCfRS ATLAW WihU IN TilH 8 U Pit KM H AND CIK CU I OOUrta Of ()nmn. tlrl thaa IkU.lt rtnmtm A Washington Territory; " ' -arucuiar aiienuon paid to the collection of elalms. . UUMABON, Dalles, Ogn." J. A.ODELl ' ' RIUTIUH. NOnOI 18 HERBBYOIYEN not to trust my wife on my aooonat, as I wUI not be responsible Bfcaw i ttm aaS - - I1.JUWU8 LANGS. ' FRED. LIEI3E, GROCERY, PROVISION. ; FRUIT STORE, Washington Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dulles. lias on nanu a large and well-assnrted stock or GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, it resu Abutter 5t I3c-a:s, Received dallv. A larcre lot of PTnCK Kva .Wm han4. ' FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. -All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody J wlMf - . ; F. LTEBB. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. Jl. 11. B O O Til, . ' WHITE BLUFFS, W. T.,' FORWARDING. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND eilfXRAL DlALaa llf . xMEUOIIANDISE AND ; MINERS' SUPPLIES. FACE AND SADDLE H0BSES FOB BALE. t sORKIQHTS C0NSIGNFD to mv care fur Colvllle I? Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re eeive prompt aiienuon. , White Bluffs, Qct. 1st, 1864. ; oc 2tf E. P. FIT2GEBALD, .H A.-KD W A. R E Iron and Steel.- ' ' Every Dturiplion - Miners' and Mechanics' Tools, Farming? Implements. HIP OUANDLERT, OR0CKRIES, CLOTHING, AND ' BJAftiHUllX UUUUB, : Crockery and Glasswai . X. P. FITZGERALD, Dalit , Ortgnn flO-tf 0, W. AUU, . W.ARMIS 1. BA1XAU, ARMES & DALLAM; " Importers and Jobbers of. WOOD AUD WILLOW WARE; ' . BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE. Ac , J , And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 217 A 210 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davis, Ban Francisco. ooll:3indw. ..TILLMAN, ' , iOU Aai.TT IK CALIFORNIA TOM ' TILTON & MoFARLAND'S Fire fc ISur?!ar Proof Sales. ' STEEL LINED YAVLTS, ' " ''' ' .WITH " Combination Lock. '. ' "Constantly ou hand a full assortment of 8AFES. ' els BATTERY STREET, Jyt-fm San Francisco. W. r. BIGELOW. Receiving, Storing. Forwarding . ' ' Avn domrnission , Merchant! Advances made on Consignments. . MAIN BTRBET, Opposite the Umatilla House. ' Washington Watron Rand. fUH UNDKR8IUNED WOULD IvFORM THB 1 Traveling Public that the Washington Waeno Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades la well being kent in erood travallnff order A,r mmni took. .O.HARDV. Dalles Jan. lltk 1S64. Janlltf Bole Proprietor. . TJ in a-1 i 1 1 a, 33 o1b6, J AND IDAHO , Express and Fast Freight Line. TniS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE RUNNING) order from Umatilla to Iiluho City, via Boire City, and propared to carry Freight and Valuable Package between these aud all Intermediate poiuts with certainly aud desiiatch. . The Line la Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely . New Thorough-Brace . -. CONCORD igKl WAGONS, Which ensures Speed end Snfety In the transmission df Freight, never before ofterrd to Idaho. We offer Super rior inducements for Shipping Goods from Ban Franolso and Portland to Idaho, us our arrangements with the Ocean Steamship Company and the Oregon Steam Nav gallon are such that all Goods shipped by this Line will not be sulject to the usual delays, hut pass through as Fast Freight. Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Pnrtt land, Charges will be paid and Goods shipped to destluer tlon. ' .. ' : . . . . .. GOODS SHOULD BK MARKED : CARS B. M. S. CO- F. LINK, and Shipping Receipts sent to our Agenta at Portlnndand Umatilla. t . ; Advance Charges for Transportation Pali by the Lin and Collected at Destination. Goods will b forwarded with Dispatch to owyhee aud South Boise, PA8SENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ao commodatlons in New and Easy Billing Thorough Brace Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, VYe lay over eeca night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, e that passengers will not be deprived of regular rest. ' AGKMSt RICHARDS McCRAKENi...'...........Jan FranclaW RICHARDS A McCllAKKN,.... Portland JOSEPH TEAL J. ..........,...........Dalle POWr.LLACi'E UmatlH J. B. W ILKINSON Le Grand U. M. DultELL A CO...... a.. .JInl City B. M. DultELL A CO Idaho City VA.lllR MPKKK U.vV. 11.. u.,iu'i MAJOR 8PEER. DuRELL A UOOUE Ruby and Silver CI' 1 ' . D. II. DnRELL Am. "25tf Proprietors. Jtocky Bar (South Boise) Uaj A CARD FOR THE . Fall & Winter Clothing Trade .OF SAN FRANCISCO. : BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Nps. 411,413 and 415 Battery Street . Cor. merchant, iian Franclsie. Importers and Wholesale Dealers.' . ENTIRE NEW AND FRESH STOCK WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mow. chants to our usually large stock of Goods. On stock comprisns every article in th Clothing and Fa nishlng line. We have constantly on baud th largest and greatest Variety or Cassiinere and Wool HATB of any buns In Ban Francisco, and our prl es for thee Goods are leas than those of any house, as we receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment. Our stock or Summer aud Fall Uoops I particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the couutry merchant is the unusually low prices.' Less Than the Cost of Importation! We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In th Dry Goods)' line, which Goods we have purchased in this market un der the hammer, and ex offering them at New Yoik Cost, and less. W publish this card in order that we may make new acquaintances, and Induce those who have not heretofons purchased of ns, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Are th greatest Inducements to all who rmnhua a sell again. Merchant who bay of ns can inak a good profit, and sell to their customers at a low flcur.. w remain, respectfully, ..... lour Obedient servants, j ; BADGER A LINDENBERGER, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, ' ' No. 411, 413 and tie Battery street, Son Francisco, April 1, 1806. Je2-3mw. HO ! FOR TI1E-81IMMEU fioTSET ON Tim . SEA BEACH: r1HI8 DELIGHTFUL aND CELEBRATED SUMMER JL . Resort, situated ox Clatmnn Plain.. . .hn.t gneat"" 0ca' now r-opened and ready to recelr This resort possesses attractions unsurpassed on the Paci He Coast. It has a snlandld lumh ft,, riji.. ..n. Ing and bathing; beautiful soenery and aurruu'udlnnt berries of all kinds abound, a haantirni and abundance of gam. THK TABLE I eonstantly suDiilled will, u, a h-..h ... a.v clam, and crabs, elk, bear and feathered game, and tua ... .1 J iiivudm,. Th cllmata la eelulirlnn. T-M. 'frn.i ' thing tbat could be desired for th comfort of gueslT vum wen BUU SICK. w The Proprietors respect full v ask the ITeaUh ..A m n Seeking Pubiio for partronage, that they may enabled to make th " Hummer House " a permrnent la stltution of the country. LOWELL KIPPEN May uth, 1WJ6. mywtf DR. R. W. MITCIIELIa Offiob WALDUON'S BDILDINO. : ' RiaiDMoa Corner ef Third and WashlagUa I DR. A. H. STEELE. ' A imruV A aotnaa a b amVAAilU AOOASlAnT DUKUJGUfl, U. 1. A. . l - ' "') -tit ainrji Af WALDRON ft BROS ' DRU