TUESDAY MOKN1.NC, DEC. 19, 1805. A dispatch announces that Rufus Leighton 4as been appointed (Collector of Customs at Port Angeles, W. T., in place of Mr. Wilson, - who recently succeeded Dr. Gunn. Chicago bas eighty-five botols, which are classed in eight grades, froru those- .that charge five dollars a day down to a dollar and ft half. fait land in the Southern State's will hereafter be largely cultivated by Irish and German farmois. Great numbers of immi- , grants of these two nalionaltles are seeking homes in that direction. Tbb Boslcrn TUot says that Col. Gro. B. ' Currey, late commander of tbe Department of Ibe Columbia, is l relative of Eupene O'Currey that eminent Irish critic This will probably, ke news for CoL Currey. A cohpanv has been; organised in Boston " to transport freight on the plains by steam- traction engines. Tho cn.pital to be employed is six millions, and the time employed be tween the Missouri river and. the,- Roky Mouniainsr six days. Tna OAVtyiuE Yf'e have news from this steamer, to the effect that ber position in the ice below Umatilla is precarious. 'Of com se ber passengers are all safe, as the-danger Will not commence uniil tlu Lee begins to, break, up.. About forty of, 111 a- pnssaivgcrg lad left the boat, and may be expected from above at any moment. Am Imspkotou-Gsnkral The Idaho States Biaij. speaks in a very derogatory manner of the visit of at certain United States officer to 1'oit Boise. We cut oofeUs remarks ft " We have recently been treated to a small' specimen of humbugging in the person of an Inspector General's visit to Fort Uoiao. Whit tier, if we remember, was bis name. Ha. ar rived here on tbe stage late at night, went to the post and spent the following day, and tried the ' commi-sary," without doubt, and tbe next day be started back to Snn Francisco. His report wiJl be eminently lucid and bene ficial llb service, we have no. doubt." Fbom Canyon City.. By tbe arrival of the Vanyoo CUy stage,, we learn that the storm; weatber stlll.continucs in the Xobn-Pay mines a' ter nating between rain an4 snow. Immensely: "rich, discoveries of cinnabar Lave- been, mode in tbe vicinity of Canyon City. A. gentleman writes to us that " Every ' person in camp bus beeu convulsed with ex citement over the cinnabar disuover-lee during the week.. It is really one of the most extra rdinahr events of the day. I look an ounce of the ore, and laying it on a stove to beat it, condei Bed half a teasnoonful of pure quick silver under' a tea-cup." Sume specimens have arrived: in this place by express.. j. . . TuAXELWa, UNDKK DlfcTIUULTlK8. SiuC travel by tbe boati lias stopped, the fates of passengers by land ttaVel are placed at pretty nigh figures To Walla Walla in wagons $35 to $iS is asked ; and from' Here to Port- land $30 and $10 are tbe lerm,,trnvelers go ing on horseback. Tbe trail down the river rough, tub not dangerous, and the lime will be about three days. Pretty comfortable ac commodations can be bod along the-road, and with proper forethought tbe Journey may be made suit comfortable. Tbe travelers for Walla Walla have-to-cross a more bleak and exposed section,, bat comfortable stopping' places oan be had at short intervals. Tbe time up will be from five-to, six days, unless ciianges of Morses are pro-viced. Unite a nuoi ber have started- lit, either direction In the last throe sUja. .. Eaoxe Cbdhk MiNM.-Ekiring the past tea mn tbe placer mines at BagJe Creek, iuclud tug the camps of New Hog'Em, or Susanville Koester, and several other patcMs of ground have pretty generally failed to 'meet ibe ex pectations of operative miners. To- eompen sate for this, however, the qjuarls discoveries . bare proven uncommonly rich- One 5-stamp mill, near Eagle City, has gone into operation lib d. It first clean-up revealed highly satisfac tory results. Several mote mills are to be creeled. Oue o the most Important q.narti discoveries is on tbe Lead of tbe South Fork of Pine Cseek, a stream- wbtet empties into Snake River Gallon, just below ib mouth, of, Powder Hirer. Another season, tt is believed wU bring to light fn that district one -of tbe Iteit u-oids of of eratton on the coast. Message or the GorxuxoR or Idaho. Gov. Lyon commences bis annual message with a hifalutm exordium, which reads as fallow's i The temple of war is closed 1 No more shall its iron mouthed and brazen throated cannon peal forth droal miserere's over half a thou and battle fields, where sleep-their lHt sleep the victor and the vanquished. No- more sbnll tbe ear of night be pienced with the echoes of fierce assuuli and stubborn defence from encompassed and beleagurel cities. The couflict is oven, n4 with it expired the cause. They who appealed to tbe last argu ment of kings, appealed in vain. The dirt Miiuttoa of our co-mmon country has been vindicated, and tbe Union has been sustained. The .destroyers bave become tbe testorer, and those Who were the last in war bave been the first to bail tbe glorious aitveul of peace. Each returning Slate is welcomed with na tional joy; each renewed tie of the ancient fraternity of feeling is another evidence of tbe wisdom of the Government in its posi tion, that statehood may be suspended but in ooly with annihilation die. I hear tily Congratulate yon fs a source of pro found gratitude to tbe Uod of nations, tuat the representatives of thirty-seven sovereign ties will assemble Ibis December as of yore the Capitol m Washington, over which the Id flng don ts with a newer splendor, lighted by tbe stately stars of a perfect constellation. lie recommends the raising of funds by taxation to place the eause of education on a firm basis -r be urges tbe passage of a militia law; thinks divorce cases' ought to be left en tirely to the courts; road franchises should be guarded, and means taken to compel pro- rietors of rondj to expend a ceitain pro portion of receipts in their maintenance and improvement. lie recommends tbe pas sage of a memorial asking Congress to- im prove the navigation of " Shosbonee " River, etween Wallula and Lewiston. He thinks that a road can be constructed from Lewiston to Helena, Montana Territory, by tbe Lo-Lo Fork, rotUe, and, says that pack animal, bave paBSed. from one point Co the other " in twelve ays." The Mullan Road ought to be cleared out, and a railroad built on the portages from Wallula, on tbe Columbia River, to Salt Lake City, " by tbe w ay of the Grande Ronde Valley nd Walla Walla, over the lewest pass of the lilue Menintains-" If be reall J intends to find that " lowest pass " he will bave to. go a good ways off the route be proposes for a railroad.. The Governor makes some sonsible sugges tions In regard to' the mail communications between Idaho and Nevala, and. as might be expected, claims the establishment of ranch mint as a necessity for Boise Citr ine message tapers on with tbe following paragraph : A. birds eye view of tbe accumnlaling dis coveries in our mineral resources, reveals that wa 'ave no less than three thousand sold and silver bearing quartz ledges, graded in their value as in their richness, and new discover les ana new locatious are being made almost daily. Tbe width of these leads or lodes vary from three to thirty feet, and they pros peui irom twenty to awe nuudrea dulinrs per ton. Legated uettally where water-power and iiruDer are in aouuuauce, tuey oiler the hieh at inducements to tbe enterprising capitalists whose investment can rarely fail of being of tue most remunerative character. Among the other useful ores which have been discovered within the past year, tin, cinnabar, copper. lead and iron in many forms are of the fitat value, yet platina, antimony, nickel,. bismuth, irridium aud rhodium, simple or compounded witn other minerals, are found to various lo calities ; but this is not all : beds of the beBt of coal, both anthracite and bituminous, with roc it salt, eulpuur and gypsum, (better know ns the planter of eommerce,) while the most preaioiirol- gems, tue diamond, bos been d is tO'Vtrea m our guioneo, alt give you a feeling (eremite oi ur-inimitable extent of Idaho vat led mineral wealth when the band or man shall have unbosomed hen bidden treasures. Tibe wide euteot of our auriferous nlacers. only a ntoiely. eS wllicb bave been weU, pros pected, checkered as they are by auriferous quarts, lodes and leads, ar rivalled only by argentiferous mountain, ledges striated, lam- inaiea ana iDtiatea wits silver in chlorides, sul.pbu.rels, arsenieal, antimonial and' virgin. This presents a fabulous array of marvelous deposits which will tequire tbe industry of ages to develop and ex-huust. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. I Meets every Friday evoulng at 6 o'clock, lu Gates' Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Ilrother In od standing nre Invited to attend, Jly oritur. N. it. SANTA CLATJS' Hat arrived with a large stock of Christmas & New Year Presents MR. MAX TOOT BK09 TO INFOltM TIIR PUBLIC that fie hai opened a Fancy Toy and Fruit Htme. next dour to Colm k BohiuY large stock rf Fancy Good, Walking Dolls, ltl,hfrt)oBf Aimims, Cnndiea, Fruita, and n large atock of DRESSED UA1IIES. All tlnirfo wiHlilne to make a cltear ami bundiioin Prcrtent will pieiuie i:ive im a catK. . I'liere is aino a huty In attendance, Mlaa Vogt, ulio will lie ever ready to atteud to the wauta of lier lady IMUDOIM. Call and see tjie Curloslflcs At fdlTtJll VOUT'STOSBI'QIIK. ETIlf PORT ANT PUOCLAMATION !! A OENEItAt, INVITATIOX IS KXTKNDKD to all II. n l,.,lio. ....ll..,..u.. ... nn of ft :fuu.-l.. Stine of William lMrubauni, and examine Ins Stock, tic- I l)r0"011 SiOHf!! IXjlfl r.ltl (ill L - HJ - - -,--- fore the Holidays. Christmas & Holiday Presents. Tn on) pf to close Die entire bimiuefM turn! nut tlie flrnt day of Jnuum-y, tlio uiulfcrfllgiieti oMjrt fcr miicr his kuu Boawj ami vtuuituie-BtiH.-it or WATCHES, UIAMOIVDS, JEHEI.I.Yf tXOCBiS, GOODS & ClTTLEItY, and all other fooila In Ill's line, anltiible for Holiday Pre sents. I) I: i.i i w 1, ikst t:o(r. -1 no uooux will he war Hiuteil as F-irst Class m-tlcies or the money will Be ro funded after pnrcliosed. Laities and Uentlenhin aiva the above notice your earliest attention. Rod call soon at the StOW OI. Will. UlUAIfAUlTIf Maln-Street, ne&t door to the Post (iftlce. Isais F. Hloch. Sun Francisco. C. f . MiLLis, bio. SciiAWBArnra, Dalles lie has J "t recofved a Yankee Notions, Musl'-al Instrument, Unas A Drums, PuTlot Cattery, Toliacco, C ignis, Bloch, Miller '& Co VHOLESALE ' AND DKALEItS- 1 Wines St Liqwors, And 1 miHirti-rs and Jobbers of CLOTHING Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing, iilaitkctfl etc., ete etc A8SA.Y- OFFICE. WE If AVE AN Af.'Av OFFICE IX CONNKCTWN wl'h our InrsliiTm, dialer tfte entire suticrvisliin of Mr. Sillier. We make returns In liars in six hour. We umiriiiiti-e nil our Aesavs and nay the ItlUIIKS'I CASfl PKICM for Ilurs. We also iiay the lligliMit Clcsh l'rico for Gold Uust. HLOCII, MILLER ft f!J., niyfltf Cor. STaln and Wimhfhithin streets. Dalles. bguu utvuiii 11(11 lg WINTER AHHANCEMENT. FLREMEWS BALL! 1VN ur JACKSON ENGINE COMPANY Oil A. PIN'S II ALL, ON Monday Evening, December 35. nnilB MKMBKItS OF JACKSON KXOINK COMPANY JL would ruspeutfully announce that they have de ciitoi to give aUlalid jl'ol itlny Ball, aud that they will spare no nuina to make it She grandest nflair ol the sea-, ou TICKETS, ftG OO, Tujie had of msinbsra of aha Coirtiiany and at tho door on the evoulng at tlie Bulk Parties deslrlne carriascs to con vev ladies to and from the hull, will please Kive their names to the Committee or Arraugeiueuts. fto Invitittioiis will boissind. ItECEl'TlON CO.H.MWTBK t A. W. Buchanan) Q. Ti, Waldrcn, G. A.LIebe. FLOOll MANAQKKS; I. rTalloran, L. Chapln, lLJVhittlinorOi F. Wvckmnn. HOLIDAY GIFTS!! ON AND All Kit MONDAY, NOTEMBEU 13th nn flintier notice, Til Passenger Train to connect with eteamera FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the 11. It. DKl'OT DALLES CITV, nai Mondays, XVctbiekilai'S. anal Frldsvi. i 4t0 A. M. ' TUB STKAMKH8 , "ORE ON T A" 01 "IDAHO," CAPI. J. MuNULTT,- Commnndf Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundhys pcepted)at ( o'clock, i. M.,ciinncctiu( by the CASCADE UAILUOAD, huh vitv niuunifr "NEW WORLD" OP " CASCADES, CAPr. J. WOLF, ,.. Commandari fo1 Portland. Dallea, Nor. 13 18C0. W. It. BRADFOUD, nl2tfj Ageul 0. S. N. Co. HOLIDAY GIFTS ! ! SELLING OFF AT COST, FOR THIRTY DAYS LONGER ! ! LAST chance: MESSltS. COHN k I10HM would hereby Inform? their customers and the public nt lame, that tliey will aontlnne to sell AT COST, for thirty.days loiter lir order to give one a rlianee to make presents fur tlu) Holidays. We will aell the balanc of onr stock, con aistinfr of HI- h BlarR PilK, Cants' Cloaks. icn ropiius,. Dearer Coats, Clwkxv Drea Coats, Bhawls. J'anta, Dryaoorln . Embroideries, Hats 4 Caps,-. Boots k fihoeev 4c, ko., kc , o., AT SABU 1 HAXtlS: COST. Wlthont Frelgl- mid Enp-ns.a.. p . This will lie the last chunce So. get hurgalna. prior to closflig tlie-coircerm COHN k B01IM. N. 11.- All Bllla mUSt be nald l,r til ' First nf .Tnnnr 1SIXI. If not settled within thut time, '.he same will ba placed In legal hands. deltf. XUEMO.VAL. HOLIDAY GIFTS! UAS JUSX .KECELTEB- AN DISPLAYED AT IUS OLD VARIETY STORE, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE THE UMATILLA HOUSE, A Largo and-Exteiislra aasortmeni of FANCY GOODS, TOYS, &C, Suitable to make Christmas and Nov Veara Presents to Lailloa, Gentlemen orChlltllwu. J. JUKER has aolnethUig for all, and respeorfolly lr- ultoe hia friends and the public generally, to call and examine hie VarreMro;. di t lm WM. BIMiWN WARJIEU, M. D. OFFICE 74 BEC03D ETltEET, between Washington anu vouri. Ornrs Hours 9 to 1ft- a. M4 Ito 4. a.; and'Slo 10, p. . J. OOETZ, ' Dallea. F. KOENIOSBEUQER, San Francisco. Tin Snakk RivbStbimbb AUir.g party of workmen, employed t eo net met the new steamer at the mouth of Boise River, wlicB is intended to navigate Ifca-oppes seciioa of Snake Eivecr started overland jtesteeday to the scene of their labors. They will g.o. Ihcotngls bjt coach from. CmatiUa to Bbise The .work U to. be vigorously pushed, in a completion.. 1 A K. A. Chapter. A meeting of Dallea Chapter, 1 No. 6. It. A. H.. will be held at the Ulasonle n,.ii .... WEDNESDAY EVENING, Dee 20, at 64 o'clock. The business to be transacted Is tae electienof olUcera. All wyourning n. a. iu. are mill m to be vieaen. By order of 1L.IS, II. F, J. GOETZ Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS,, Hare removed ta Eudio's New Stone Building, Waahlngton Street, near French k Oilman', and haw openod a well-assorted stock of HAVANA ana DUMU(?TIC SKOARS, VIUOINIA u,d WKSXKltN TOUACSO, FKK.teif nnd 8C01!li;.SNIJKF. MKIK9CRAUM andotiier SIUKSv ' I'&AtlNU CAHH9, BIKMITING OOODS. INDIAN and FANCY GOODS. 4c, c. The trade stipplicd-at I.OW.ETJlAiRKETIIRICHa. TOYS t TOYS TOYS V TOYS f FOR TOYS AMD FARrCY GOOI For the Hondhjs. we rerommend all dealers la thA ' hub tv uav itncttn Arti iui H.'I'UKlUAl of H&8:Sl TIIUMACK.lt A JIHIM. S--D and Ji Battery Street, San Fram-lao. ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE,. main sii eci. corner oi court. OLD MACK, Tim PIONEER COOK, would respocte fully Inform tli pnblio ttlat ho haa liUud uoUte nbore Chop nouso, and Is prepared to serve up UKAL8 and I. UNCI! In. the liest stylo and at the shortest notice. BALLS and VAKTIK3 furnished w th suppers, in. tin best atvie ana on me most reasonable terms. OYSTERS in every style. Private Room fop Ladies. HOtJH K. t)lJKN ALL NIGHT An Invoice of SKATES Just received bjt d&ef J.OOETZARO.. Washington Street, natir (ranch k Gllman, JC W. GURLEY, DENTISLTt, Mahi St., DaAlea, Oregon.. WOIU.D RK8 1'ECTBU LLY INFOltM the citikeiia of Uiis.nlnco n.l vi. eiwlty, that having returned from a pro- i tesalonal tr throodi the mines, he Hum again roswned the pranthn of DUN '1 ST It Y, tn the room, formerly occupied by him, In the building occupied bjt Woed k Batler. I'll ituumnli Artists. ,! u,iii,,i.,.. ftmn Ulwi llmi, flln. IT. ,., . B , . tending thank, f.mtlie llberaLpatrotiega lieretofnro e leuura io mui) anu souoiis a coaiiunance of the aame. LIST OF BHICCd. Entlrt Dentnre on Gold. Blow. im to 2S. . ojHjmi Denture, Gold lhaw. 90 yg " Dentaiw. VnlcMiito Base 70 m J25 " Uppes Dontwe, Vuleanilte- Dase as " 04- OoM Villlngaitnerted froui.ona dollar tqiward. Childnua' Xsetk extracted fte af charge. ael3-tf Dissolution IXottrn, TnB FIRM OF J. W. MILLER k CO. have this day. i r, .2If,1;0f- U'?ir "'. l.thiiM)lty to Moasra. Buwnelf k Miller, who will continue the business at the aame tand. Mr. Thomas Miller la authorlr.nl to ..11 u ... ..,... hu, nuiinit au ainna ins, All persons, GATES &i, IIA1TX, Attorneys & Counsellors at JLaW. knowing themaelvea indebted will please come LwarA I.ALT.Ii!J nRT9f?fVV ",",,,!.r"1 J1. W. MILLER k Co. , 1 1 xnuies 1-11J, riov. iwd. IGoO. n23tr