VOL. O. DALLES, OREGON, STJDAY, iDECEMTlElIt 17, 180S. NO. 108. rUBLISUEU EVERY MORNING, ; (MONDAYS EXOKPTED,) Br V E. O. COWNE & J. IIALLOUAW, KPIT0U3 AND PROr-RIKTOM. Trm3 Timnty.Jlvectnti perwoek, payable tothecarrlor per montli, by mail, tl; three months, a60s six luontliB, 15; one year, $3. Advertisements luserted at low rates. Job Printing, Every description or plain nud fancy Job Printing exe. ntod with neatness and despatch, aud forwarded as per on'er to any part of the country. liymtntJorJobl'rint ing must be mtide on delivery oj work. FOIt UOISE MODS DIRECT. X II 13 & BOISE LINE UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. v H AXDLUlf & SIAWO ri'f 1'rop'rs. ! THIS POPULAR nOCSe, 0TRAU.t 100AKD, 1 Near the Steamboat Landing St Railroad Depot, Ha beon racoiitljtoularged aud improved, and will now acoomuiodate . . : 300 GUESTS. 5T WILL BK CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, and the patronage of the traveling public is respectfully sullclto I. , AS Baggage taken totbe House free of charge. House oimmi all niuht.- . IARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Danes, Oct. 4-tf. IHPORTtna AND WHOLBSAU . Dealers in. Wines, Liquors liKOCKllIES. Miners' Goods, Boat Stores, &c. HAVl RF.MOTID TO THIIK N W STONE BUILDING. CORNER OF ' ' Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITT. "rV0W IN ST0I(B LARGE AND COMPLETE AS J-) sortmcnt of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, ft lull assortment of . GROCERIES & STAPLE" GOOns dCriMfltnntlv MOAlvlnm Ji a m v lork and 8an Francisco, we are able and wMlinir to sell At ft vnrv ait. nil ...I- ... . . , , n . I Z , i ' "utnin-o on etui f nuicisco pnet's, Tiiev 1 hOMft hv ft.rtnnt.nrr s. .t..l.. . ...a.. . . dOinir biminMNM. thavwill tl.- 1 -f.i v I o - -mvj n an IU(.DI1D iMV pUwlUllUga CI HIT DUD- EMPIRE HOTEL, Am STIt.KT, DALLES, OREOON, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IX TUB ODNTRX Of BOSIXESS, ' . Near the Stoamboat and Eailroad Landing uuponui nvuuiiuuou-iiions lor Famines anil can Ao . ftnilllllfuluta A..a IT I Itii. .. . . H uuu,.bu ituuuiuu uuu r my uuosis, M'' 50 est. Lodging ...60 cts Fire Proof Safe for dnniultnnf wlii,il.l. K3- House open all night. Baggne taken to the riousa .flH llf f.llirirA. nilt.ltl . o r To., 0 IIIWUADB.UUU, ' mllb-tr Vrimrlalnr. FAMILY GROCERY STORE ' 13ALK.lt IN FAMILY GKOCERIES, T00ACC0 AND BEGARS, . , ' ' ALSO FRESH AD DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, C, to. , And every article usually found in a First-class jTnmlly Grocery Store MR. FRANK ha. Just received from bolow an entire GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &o, which he will sell at low rates for cash. Heads of fam ily ana outers are invited to call aud examine his stock Goods delivered in any part of the city Ireeo T GREENBACKS TAKEN AT 76 CENTS. ..,, , 8. FRANK,' Main street Jy30:tf. . : A few doors bolow the Post Office FURNITURE ! FURNITURE! e-)WwITl CORNER THIRD AND B STREETS 1M City, have on baud a variety JSOVonibracIng Tables, Chairs, Bureaus un.a.iiuuotinMjitus,uouiri)lv.arieiS etc, etc., all of which will bo sold at low rates. Furniture uvpuingsiiu v ni)iBioi uuuo iu oruvr. amho.ou nana Mattrwraes and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order, uulj V7. M0AB08. . . 8. B. KUtaBLi . WM. MOABUS &CO., O I TIT BAKERY, AND ; - ' .. TR 0 VISION STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. ,rmnOLESALB AND KBTAILDKALKRS la BREAD, VOrders from a distance carefully filled and promptly iMEDI CAL t!ARI). A. C. STEPIIEASOIV, M. !.. ' j RESPECTFULLY tenders his profession sorvlces In th several branches of medical practice, to the ltlBen of Dalles and vicinity. Particular attention -will lie paid to remain diseases. Chronic diseases of whatever type or (jrade, will receive prompt and efficient treat, ment.. OIHce, adjolnlnic Vt'aldron's Drugstore. nu6tf BOOKS! BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . CCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, 3 Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, Late-NOVKI, MAGAZINES, PAPERS,' c, Ac. by every Steamer. Post-OnW sooasiore, Jiain street, Dalles. ' nia7-tf II. J. WATI)RON A On Furs ! Purs ! "ran hiohest markkt price paid in cash .tepayar, Otter Mink and Coon Skins ' Br RICHARDS MoCRAKKN. ?wUaud,Bapt.-iTr,188S. , c3tn. WALLA WALLA . OF CONCORD STAGES, . . carrying THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND wells, Fargo & Co.'s Exoress. Is now niaklnjr Rogular Trips from Walla Walla to PI rnrvilln. ill.ii.u ll....u I Throusli In Two and a Hnlf Dava Connectlnn with the Wallula Line of StHites, aud tu lLntra..r tl.o i a VI o.. 11 vBua uv v. Oi 11. VUUI1IJ, GEO. F. THOMAS k CO.. . l7-tf . Proprietor NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will sin--. FAST FREIGHTS UMATIT.T, A . AFTER THE FII13T OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW- " Owyliee , ...J40 - For loos amounts than one hundred pounds ao addition v wt-iiin pur iJunuu wilt ue ciiarged. . . i TIMK IP JtM UMATILLA i TO llftEUA l"ltV- Q Ik'kira To Idaho VUy ...... ......3 I-a bays. swwiijuw, 4 uays. .!.- : ' AND TT.... ,.. 'P" I'lNK'.IAM, A.ent, PBUlT STORT: vsssatilio- iivi, A, A OUU, (WlK'tf I . ... t And Zn ltatot iacLw' GR0CERIES & PROVISIONS, Manufactured at the Estttbliwhea 1857. BALDWIN BRO , DEALERS IN GROCERIES ! Pfinvi'D nv ..... - . i Main and Union Streets. Dalies J. 0. BALDWIN mWl-tf fF. W. BALDWIN. ljRKlJ. LIEBE. GROCERY, PROVISION OREGON IRON WORKS vuniAan uir muiuiioUN and 7TU stroets, rOUTLASIB. A., c Giiina a co.. . . Successors tn Portland, Dec. 6th 64. deOtf B. L. Jonss 4 Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND T ITT T T A Tr r . F..M. HUNT, Proprietor, I CORNER OF I. .T. Main and Court StreetM, apl-tf , m ; i Dallun. Onmn NEW HEARSE! rinns dndersioned begs to inform the cit- M. fcnn of til. rtalln. .h,I l!..t... i. i . NRW V iTi iV """ receiveo Attend. Etinerals on short notice. This Is the first, and at present, only li HATHA In tliM fittt ' T.., ...;, ' - -' L M.EVANS ""t ""j xood. my.iO-tf ITrosli. Ulitlnr .'t- Tri.a Rernivnrl rfnllw ; A 1.. l. .. r nnrnttu.!? ' miKo iui oi un;iKiNa a wnvs on hand. FRUITS of Ml kinds. FUKSU VEGETABLES evcry mornlng. All articles warranted. j Give Me a Call, Everybody I aul8:tf ' F. LIEBE. I COLUMRir"RIVER MINEST; -A.- T& . BOOTH. I WHITE BLUFFS. W. T.i : : I FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,' " ' AND OINIBAL MAUS III . J .' ' MEBOIIANDISE : AND , ' M 1 Pfi E RS' ,S I) P P L I PACK AND 8 AT) TIT. ft TTonnna vnn on v CIRRIGUTS CONSIGNED t,i my care for Colvlll ceive prompt attention. - WIlltuB uBs. Oct. 1st. MM. o.r OB. St F.-WALLACE. PUT H J C1A N & S UR GEO N . Kear Gates & Chapin's Brutr Store. . MAIN BTRKKT. DALLEB. aplSt COLUMBIA - BREWERY. W IfltlWn C. CflWW . Br.tn . ' ma.' w m evBviiAniiu, A'rops. 'DA L.IL.TC!. r-iTJ iT"ra.--iw - Ilia LEST PRICE,, PAID FOR BARLETi E. P. EIXXOEKA.Lr ' DSALIB IN . . ' .!. H A. R D W A. R E jLx-ou una teol. Miners' and Mechanics' .Tools AflV Fnrmlncr Imnl HIP CHANDLERY, GROCFIIIES, CLOTHING. ANfl WA A( UK DlX UUUUDs CrocKery and Glasswai ' .., E. P. FITZOKRALD, Umatilla, Boiso, and Idaho Express and Fast Freight Line. rjnis line rs 'ow in complete runnt'no M. order from UniAlllla to IdaJioClty, va Citv. and prepared to carry KreKl,t and Valuable PackngX udTdT "' wUbcertaw Tlie Lineis Stocked with the Best Teams the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD AfTiV WAG OIVS. lSSeJt Wlllrh nn.nrM DnuJ ..1 o . ... .. .. r . ..K. . . wiy in nie transm sslnn of Frolijht, never before ofTt-red to Idaho, We offer Puna, rlor ndllmilminta for HI. I, ...I.... n I.. ! S v"."r '"P Ocean Steamship Company and the OifRon Steam Ka. J gation Hie sucb that all Goods shipped by this Line will hot be subject to the usual delays, b'ut paV through - Fust .Frolg-lit. ... OnOrtfi fllilnrtdl fnn en v . tad, Chargei will be paid Vu7.70C CO.. F. LI N M ,i mi hk i i .TT . . M, D., at Portland alid Uniatilia. I0 W Agculi Advance Charges Tor Transportation Paid bv the Linn nnri nlla1 - y.,.t . fJrwarded wuiriJT a'iTso niKi.t on tl.. u.f 'y " ncn that passenger, will Tlgg,' ;- agkjjtSi .'; RICHARDS McCIIAKKN....... . ; o '' p ' , HICIIARDS A McCKAKKN J Sn Frnnclsc, JOSKI'H vv.ki. kl - Purtlainl Dollea - Umatilla, " 1 Grand .......Jlolse city Idaho Cit ..Jtocky liar (South Boise) Kllbv am) HIIvah ri.i..i n . """" n26tf "ual"l' CO., . ' '' :-' : ' - i ..Proprietors. JOSEPH TKAL...., PUWHI.L A OB J. B. WILKINSON B. M. Do It KM rn II. M. DtiKKLI, A CO.... MAJOR SPEEIt DuRELL A ilOORE A CARD roil THE all & Winter Clothing Trade , OF SAW FKAHXIStO. , , BADGER &LINDENBERGER . Cor. itlorcliant. S.n 7, " 1 mporters and . Wholesale. DeaVcrs. HAVEiniS DAY r-'r,nrpl,.n . j- ...1,1 . i. a. .I..I7; i": v?i Q I " R' ' J : C. U JETELL. Removal. D. BELT has reraovod his office from Dr. Craln's Drug Sttir -to Walilron's new Htnnn l,,,ii,n.. ,,n .v....n, ,.r . .u.t a. , . o. w. Aauas. , .. w .u- ARMES & DALLAM. IniDorters and JohliAra nf . r WOOD AND WILLOW WAflE, ou.UBU.K3, l WINES, CORDAGE. Ao, .,, And Mannfacturara nt California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, arc. Sau Frcn: . ; ; ; ON THE - .. . "U SEA BEAOFT rM'lIIIS DELIGHTFUL aND CELEBRATED RtJwviS lltafCI? ? "surpassed on tW Ing and bath InJ 'Wauti ful 'sc.. ri,,,n. " berri of all &TJdBSi ndabundanctiofganxs. utiful trout stroojn Is uonstan,,. ZSRiTAIiLia clan., and crab, . r, . ,",?..Mh -h freshest of country produce. - '""u"oa a"e,and th th?hlL,,f"r.,i!,i"."',,b,r'uu "lh Hotel offer. r Pl. welTand .'ck:.U',,'r9U ",r,," rrf' of guctfc Til PrntiHUr.,.. aa... ... J nivOff ; ocH:3uidaw. stairs, oc31:tf. ' Bt. IVifl Blikll'l'lisi'ivi , - " y & 1S1 M. JL . ATTORNEY A.T LAW, aiZ.ra,m: vlT "o Territory. q Particular attention paid to Collecting Debts, Attorney ana Coansellor ' at Law n.5OTAKy IUDHo. , Oanvon C it. "ot"n. "S"" "A0 M0 t.". -F -.V.MU.,HJUU,,. . ftOWCI HUiHASOi & .ODELL, TILLMAN' in tALifun.iiA run TILTON & MoPAHLATJn'9 Fire & Burglar Pr6of .ifcs. 81 MEL-LINED .VAULTS, 1 WtTfT Comhin n.t.i nn I .nl-r S-Const4ntly ou hand a full assortment of 8AKK8 91 B lllwn.ii.r Mm 8au Francisco. : Receiving, Storing Forwarding -'--o'iw . a . vwaaii, ' AND ' iU5,?tNSI5. CQUNSEiiORS atlaw Commission . Merchant i tmriLL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME AND cm ' VAC1 llldUU rBSf F TnH. SUPREME AND OIR W.hlnT.,H,r."n'Ma ,u "uww Co"" Partirulsir sittskntlf.H - ai ' . . '. . . . "v wniu u viia aoiiMQEinn or eift ma. U.UUMABON, , , l).ll.a,0tn. ; , 7j. A. ODKLT, NOTICE. "V4VUU,U Advances made on Conslcrnmniifa. MAIN STREET, Opposite the Umatilla House. XOTICE IS HEREBYOIVBM not to trust my wife on til. MUHlnl . T will . l . ... - - j . ... uw vo resnonsm e. JULIUS LANQB. TITS UNDERSIGNED ' VVOULII rvvohu a-r,, fi d TS"n? ''4? th,lth Waal.lnprton Wagon Road . h..rt1ln,1;Vd vc"'; Upper Cascades la ell i being kept In good traveling order Vor wagons and i K. II II A U It V i alg Jmi. nth ISets, . ianlltf Bole .VtaDrieti-. , . vrncjt-WALiDRON'S BUILDING RisinsNct-Oorner of Third a.d Waalu,.. xn a. ii. Steele" . ACTING l.BiTi ouitujcUN, u. 8. WALDR0. BROS ;jDRUa ETCKB i