CM 3 SADNESS. Tltare ere shadows o'er the wall, And til I Inn the dusky ruom, Gathering close around my chair, Gliding unseeu in the gloom. I hear tbo rustle of Autumn 1 raves, The cold winds boisterous it weep, They moan and sigh like a child in pain. Till they weary at last, aud sleep But a darker shadow Is on my heart And a deeper grlofln my broast I would I could nub myself to sleep, And my aettd ail(l ny heurt might rent. The fitful light of the glowlngcoftls, Liko the gloAin of a sunny smile, Lfuhtens my fuco, wlillo weary my heart To sorrow runs sadly the while. 0, for the sound of a loving voice, Like life ou the desert strand, To waken the music in my nuul With the touch of a muster-hand. Like the fulling leaves our life Is brief And (rail us the moon's pale ray Dreaming and seeking for newer Joys, i re wo grasp them pausing awayl SPRING AMD SUMMER GOODS. FH1CSH STOCK! DlSB?.E2Uflir & EC BIOS., DaUe and Walla Walla, , DEALEHH IN Staple and Taney Dry Good3 Miner.' Outnts, Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, llats and Caps, Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise. Iluyiia our Goods exclusively In the 8au Francisco market, mid making none but cash purchasee, we tire enabled to at' I !4U per cent, oueapor than any other House ut the Dull, si DIISHNIIKIIY IIIIOS., ml-tf - Dallaa und Walla Walla. ...The Chief of tub Fenians, and Tu'eiii Objects. Tho Now York cor respondent of the London Times writes thus to his journal: The head of the Ordur here is a wild looking S'oung man named O'Aiulionoy. Ho ms tin office, " headquarters," it is etj'led, in Duune street, !No. 22. I called thoro a few days ao, and saw liiin. Ho was secdily dressed, and liad that familiar, slovenly, lounging air that distinguishes those hangerB on of small politicians and potty Courts, hero, w ho aro known by tho familiar nuino of "bummers." IIo told mo thnt the Order numbored over two hundred thousand persons; that they had nionoy and arms; that no .religious tost was required of tho members ; that their object was to lo liberato Ireland; that their great auso of disoontont was tho laws of entail and primogeniture, which pros vontod tho poorer classes in Ireland from becoming ownors of tho soil; : that the United Slates Government know what they aro about, and would not interfere with them ; that tho or ganization had been in existonco for Bovoral yoars, but that nothing prac tical had boon done until the lato war ' had inured their mon to arms. This was about all I could got out of him. "When "1 inteposod objections to tho scheme, bo smilod, and said that they had thought of evory thing. Ihey would first tako Canada, and by that 'moans obtain shipping, etc. All this appoared to me to bo mere nonsonso, and with that impression i lett him Butl ascertained from tbo neighbors that wagon loads of muskotsare driven tip to bis door evory day, sont up stairs to bo inspected, and then driven , away again. Expressmen with re mittanccs of money aro constantly in attendanco on him. Two of them came in while I was talking to him ' One package containod twenty. lour and the other, thrco dollars. These , facts prove to mo that, however wild the Bchomo is, it has plenty of aiho , rents, and faithful onos, too. My cor respondent in Washington informs mo that O Mahoney a statement concern ing tho indifference of the (iovern merit is true that a leading officer of the Treasury informed bim that the . Bubiect had boon canvassed in lush i official quarters; that it had been ob Bervod that tbo agitation would pro duco a flow of capital from England to this country a thing very much to b desired, and that when England no, ticed tho occurronoo of this ltievilabl ," phenomenon, she would let Canada go rattier man prolong mo agnation MOW TO SJAVM JfiOtffiS Y ! CALL AT TUB KIW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Washington anil Second Street). TIIK UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM TIIK people of the ImIIuh, aud the public generally, that liu has a large aud well aelectud atock of FAMILY GKOCEUIES, CANDIES, NUTS, c, Which ho will aell Wholesale and Rotuil at Reduced JYicfl for CASH, Also, constantly on hand llic Choiceat Article of FltKSII UUTTEIt and l-.UUS. Alan, evory variety of FRUITS und VEG1STAIILHS in their bcmiboii Peranum frniu up tho cuuutry, wishing quantiilea uf Kgga and Fruit, hy semilog In their orders, will receive tlie atrlcteat attention, ami have thont tilled at the ."west MurLet i Vices. Jyll-tfJ C. L. JEWELL. tetefM mi Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, lOSiCOKU, BIGG AND STAGE II A RNES8 Saddles, Bridles, Whips. A gonoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. 49 Ordera Solicited. Repairing done with neatneas and dispatch. . F. A. HAKK, Jo:llif Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. SELLING OFF AT COST! My entire atock of STWVES A1'I T1SWARE, ALSO, T I NMA N ' TOOLS, rRV-K VVIIOLK embracing afino stuck, ever" article JS of which will he sold ut CrT, as I desire to clost out buriitioh. Also, oiio UltAN ) I'l A. .NO, in good order. Jo, tor Kilo, tho ilUUSli AND LOT. ou Second frtieet, xt to tlie comer of Wiuhiu';toti, The House is two stories, with a basement, mid in well adapted to the hotel bueinohfl. Alrfo li lot of llJ'MiDI.Mi. coiiiprisiiiK alumt twetity-flvo UciiH, 'J ho whole will he clonud out cheap. 'or further particulars apply on the proinlrtt-H. UtlU.-Jiil AUUMiH ill'. I I I Am la . 1'ISW ft1. Hi AT, -ASD- 3?rtovisioV Tine itvnniisinvv.n invciiims ins VRIUNDR an, I i tho public genentlly, tliat ho haa ju:.t establiahed on Main atreot, next door to J . J uker, 1'obuccuuiat, A NEW STORE ! here he keeiia constantly on linuit a lurgo naaortment o selected FHU1T. Also, in atore acoinplelestock otchoUa auovKitmx, ritorisioxK vkgktahles, icc. All of which will he sold, wholesale anil retail, at Hi ! UUCKD P1UCKS. CoiueaudaeeaudsutlHfy yniirsi'lf. Bfla-tf JiJll.N truBlTU. She rid 's Sale of Real Estate. VIIITUK OK AN EXKCCTION ISSUED BY THE Wm Clerk of the circuit iwurt, in anmur uruiummy, ! uTLi. nf nreirnn. and to me directed, ill favor of L. B, llenchly, l., plalntiffa, and agalnat D. O. Vorhlea and i v jj canon, defendant!, for the anm of One Thousnnd n'd elghty-llvo one-liundrodth! dollava, il.OOO 86) ' Drlncitud, aud Fifty-lour dollar! and eighty-four hun- J...J.U. ika u r.uta aud dlaburanieuta. with IntereBt, accruing coat! and coata of execution, I have levied uiwn and will sell at puhllo auction, before the Court House door In Canyon Ulty.on ;; ' -'" i utn i...nn ti.A I,,, lira of 12 and 2 o'clock, p. ni. to the highest bidder for cnah In hand, oil of dofondnnta lutorost In anu to me iouowin ..... The House and Lot on Washington itreet, bounded on the north by Loco'i, and on the louth by Jennlnga1 nrop- tr Alao, the undivided one-half intoreat of the House ! and Lot known aa tho Upper Hurdy House and Lot, the tanu being bounded ou the north by alley, on the . v eat by Washington, and on the weat by Canyon etreet, onthenonthby Callahan'! property. Also, the Houie and Lot lying lietweon Odd Jfellowi' Hall and Trow ' b-idge'i Store Home, fronting on Washington itieot. Alao? the dwelling house and lot In Town Oulch, known , M FaurerV All of the above P'u joa STOliK. AND MAOIIIIMK SHOP, 'HRST STRKET, between Yamhill and Morriaon. ATiteam ICnginea 3 otfrom4 to4U horae .- Am flt-r- rKiwcr.tither Purtablcor drti iir-. Stationary. Alao, CI 11- ffe CULAH SAW MILLS X4fVt5p'l'f COMl'LETK, conaiantly lt'JVi-ffl--ISJ on band. Alao, Hay Pre- (fJiJj;! 4 fj - sea or nil Planing .. v : '.fr-if;iwtJ Iiichinea,( Woodworth'a -;:'-,fij5?V??tT--.v m.) Wrought and Iron work for Ver- .42 SawnndUrist mills; 'jtS? mttun Cast Ir ticnl Sa lti litis and Iron Castings und WROUGHT IROIV WORK . of evory description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest 8c moot Improved Patterns. These Mills can bo forwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, GUI) pound, Horse Powora & Agricultural Impleroonts miuiulKctuiiid to order at .lie vol v LOW Km' I'lUCE N. li. Partieulor attention paid to Khl'A I US. fo'AHf SIGNS! SIGNS ! SIGNS! O. S. SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. 1. D. STai&'ESSJiSSO DENTIST, IfffAS REMOVED HIS 0FKICH Ol'l'O- , Jia site llloch, Mlllor Co., whore be la prepared to do all kinds of DENTAL WORK, In a skillful and well fluishtd maiineri TEETH Insertoc from one to an entire set, on Gold or Huhbi-r Plate. Prices raiuro for Kuhhpr Piute, from to$S6; Pol Gold Plato, from $76 tutiiS. - 4taT Persona haviuir work done by me not proving sat- lefnctory will not be required to receive or pay for tin nine. aul3 tl : Divorce Notice. IN THECIRCUIT CUUltT 0FT1IS STATE OF OREGON FOIl THE CUUNTY OF WASCO. Harriet E. Shipman, Plaintiff, ) c ,., n,, v.. y liavld E. Shlnmim. Defendant. I "w. DAVID K.8I1IPMAN, Defendant! Intnenameor . the statu of oreaon, you are Hereby aummoiieti and required to appear and auswer the complaint uf the anove nnmea piaintiir, now on me in the oince 01 f ne Clerk of the above entitlod court, wherein sa d plaintiff iirays lor a uiaaolution of the nmrrtnire contract now ex- iating bi-tweon yon and said plaintiff, allotting for tlie cause thereof, willul di-aertion. for the period 01 three yours of anid plaintiff hy you. Now, therefore, If yon tail to appear anu answorsalu complaint, within ten days li-om tno time 01 service 01 title summons, 11 sorvea witn- hi this County, and twenty days If served within any other county in this State, the said plaintiff will apply to tno court tor tne reilut prayou lor in aaiu complaint, and will tako judgment against you fur coats and dis bursements lu thia auit. - iiy onierot lion. J. u. Wil son, Judge. 0. N. DENNY, Solicitor for Plaintiff. November 3, ltiuo. nfvliw Divorce Notice. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Sl'ATE OK OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Or WASCO. Maria L. F. lloadorer, l'luiuiiff, 5u( in Equity for SEALER IN O IL S windowglass m,f varnishes, -mm& : Colors, Putty, Brushes, Qlne, etc. Paper Uanginga,Wlndow Shades, Fixtnrea, Ac. J-tf UAL.LLS CITY UllUU SlOUt:. P. CRAIG, WH0LE8ALI AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumerv, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MKDIUlNKa, CO. l-ll DRUGS AND VATEST MEDICINES!! DRUG S AND PATER T MEDICINES! I DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES 1 1 40- del;w ) Charloa C. Bosseror, Defendant, f Divrct. f0 CHARLES 0. UESSEKER, defendant i In the JL name of tlie State of Oregon you are hereby sum moned and renuired to appear and answer the complaint of the above liuuiod plaintiff, now on flla in the ollice of the clerk of tlie above entitled court, whoreiu said phtlntitf firaya lor a diaHolution of the marriage contract now ex sting between yoa aim said plaintid, allodgiug for the cauae tnereoi narau anu oruei ireatmout anu perauuai iU' dignities, committed by you towurdeand upon aaid plain' tiff, thereby rendering her life burdensome. Now. there' fore, if you fail to appear aud answer said complaint within ten dava from the time of service of this sum mons, if served within tills County, and twenty day! il aurved within any other couuty in this State, tlie said rilaintiff will apply to the Court for tlie relief prayed for u aulil oomplaint. and will take Judgment against you for euata, dlahursemsnts and expenses in thU suit. By order of J. li. WU.SON. Juili;.. O. N. DENNY, Solicitor for Plaintiff, November , 1806. H:8w lMvorce Notice. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIK STATU OF OREGON FOR WASCO COUNTY. Jennctta Jnqiies, Plaintiff, ; vs. ouu in oquuy. Chester Jaques. Defendant, J IN THE NAME OF TUB STATE OF OREGON, TO CH KSTEK J AQUES. defendant : You are hereby sum moned and required to appear and answer tne complaint nf the above named plainlliV, died with the Clork of the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Wasco County, praying fr 4 divorce from yon for cruel and Inhuman treatmeut, committed by yoa, and personal Indignities, rendering her life burdensome; and If yoa fail to answer the said complaint, aa required by law, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court fur the relief demanded therein. - uoU 6w . WAITE k KELLY, , Koveuiber 16, 1806. Att'i br Plaintiff. S. LEMON, WH0LUAL1 AID KIT AIL DRUGGIST, VTaahiugton Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON J LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drug!, Patent Bledicliies. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated wltn the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. n Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase tor the Mines, will do well to give mni a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 la groat variety. B. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. DAILY MOUNTAINEER fOWKK PRESS GGK&JG3 PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES ; OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. 1H A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very beat, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS TEE CHEAPEST , , to order: C a r d 8 a u il IS i I I-fl ends . CHECKS, DRAFTS, JtHCEJJ'TS, 'OSTERS AND PIlOGllAMMES FOR HEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, o&c, ot-c, c, ,,'PRIHTEII 1.1 THE HOST ATTRACTIVE MANNAR. ALSO, WAI'-HILLS, BILLS OF FA KB, LETTER HEADS, JtECEJJ'TBOOKS, DILLS LADIJTO, Rricfs mid Iaiik!cf s. VISITING, WEVDWO AND "AT HOME" CARDS UrutlJliwts' Lnbel, In short, everything thnt can be done in a Book and Job Printing Office, from the amalleat und moat delicate Card or Circular, to tlie largest aize and moat showy Poating Jlill and which will be turned out in a style thai cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUR FACILITIES rOH THI EXECUTION Or DECORATIVE PRINTING In tho most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints, Such as Taney Posting Bills! From a sluele Sheet to the Largest Aluiumoth. ORNAMENTAL SUOiV CARDS, riRt lMERS LA EELS. f Ate unsurpassed by those ot any other erttHMirthihcnt ill Oregon. We devote special attention to this brunch of the business, and are continually udainu; to our already ex tew sive aud well uppoiutcd usbortmeut of material, -, NEW TYPES, BORDERS. ORNAMENTS. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock o FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Are of tlie finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot he equaled in tlie State. The principle upon which husintss is asked for this es tahllshuieut is, that persons will commit tin ir own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that othce in which their money can be expended to the K-st ai.vanu.KC. 10 this end we solicit all iu want of ,gtod Printing, at very rcasunable charges, to call and exuniine specimens, aud judge for yourselves. Orclci'H from the Vpper Country Will have our special care, and friends from tlie interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWLR PRESS In the State of Oretjonl Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf tiallea. Oregon. SELLINtt Ori? AT COST I. "Wunsch te Co., liriLl, CLOSE OUT TnEIR STOCK OF MERCIIAN: w V DISE, at their place of business, at the Dalles, in order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Hats GENERAL MEliClIANDrSE, All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only. All who know themselves indebted to our Arm at the Dalle! will please call and settle aa loon as possible. Thiieewlio have been accommodated wa trust will not delay ui unnecessarily, but be prompt in squaring up ac counts, uau aud leo ua. an ana everyDony i anll-tf M. WUNSCH A CO. JUNTUA MAKER. -aVITRS. MATTIB I10LBROOK would respectfully In- 1TJL form the Ladles of the Dalles and vicinity, that she has opeued a shop In connection with Miss O'Rourke, -where she Is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived rrom the East, she hope, to be able to please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cat to; Order, TIIIIEB DOORS tWmt ot .the Corner of THIRD and Mfliv.v Bireeiai pcai)iue U. H. HILL. A. J. KANE. HILL & KA.1STE, WHOLESAL! AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STORAGE AND FORWARDING. Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attention ltef erences PORTLAND. DALLES, II. W. Corbet, Rnbblus A Co., Richards A McCracken, W. 0. Moody A Co., II. Law, O. llumaaou. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 8th, 1803. - DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SEXUAL OKGANS. T H IIS prompt and eflkatlous Remedy for the cure . Ghoimrrcea, Oleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary Orfiaus. makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change in application business; it will radically cure any cose which can; be produced. The diaeno It removes as speedily as is con slBtent with the production of a thorough and permanent cure. Further, tlie disease cannot be contracted if tlie Bl'KCIFIG COMPOUND istakeu when exposed. Its ingredients are entire! y vegetable, and no injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, cau be caused by its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty centi per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed. UOSTKTTKtl. SMTTn A DEAN, Agent?, 401 ami 403 llattery street, cor Ciay, Jy22-6mj - Ban Francisco. JACKSON SALOON ! CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, ORUGUN, T nE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING REMOVED FROM TUB "UfiLLA U1H1UN" CELLAR, INTO Gut on' Now Uuiiainc Bog to inform the public that they are prepared to acr their customer! with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFl'ORDS. ALSO, A Free Lvmch. ! Every day and evening. ANTON LAIIER b EM1L, SCHTJT2V dec2-lf Proprietors. Hard Wood Lumber CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WE 11 KG TO CALL ATTENTION or Carriage Man ufacturera and Dealers to the Large aud Com. plete assortment of CARRIAGE and WAUUN MATERb ALS we are constantly receiving from the Eaat, specially selected for the California market, comprlaiug, Oa . Hickory, and Second Growth Aah l'lank, Hickory Axles Wagon Coles, Uuba, Bpokos, felloes, Kims, Shalta, fto. Ac which wa offer at the lowest Cash l'rices. - 4V Order, addressed to our bouse will receive pronm attention. N. W. liKAGG A CO., , Jol6:3u. 20 A 81 Battery Street, San Vraiiclsca, and IT 1U Seventh Street Sacrauieuto. 0. Wateuhouss, U. W. Baaoa A Co., - J. W. LebtsJs Ban ifrauciaoo. Sacramento. New York O. XS. UJLlOOItH, m. r. Offlce At Dr. Crala's Drug Btoayax DALLES, OREGON. Vanyon wj, nor. wvu,