C3 El g.aib Ioplaraccr. CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. Most of tlie tints of tbo Court on Thursday and FrMay was occupied in the trial of two causes, and in tbs submission cf Btvcrul de murrers. Wnco county vs Cohn et al, for feiture of bond for tbe appearnnca of Roth kotip, charged with larceny ; judgment for plttintilF paid $30 balance due. Brown ft Co. vs Marshall judgment on demurrer to answer for plaint ff.- in $1,230 ; the judgment can be satisfied by paying half tbe amount in gold and silver coin. Smith vs Graham et al trial for damnges (or taking personal property, and injury to otlior p opcrty j ver dict for frioo for p'nintitt, lor injury. Heller ts lMukeny rualiciuuj prosecution : trial lasted 11 day Friday, and at the close of court the jury had not returned a verdict. Liable to Indictment. A correspondent of the Oregonian, writing from La Grande, gets off tbe following At the November term of the Circuit Court just pa-sed, a number ef our merchants and business men were arraigned and fined for the violation of the 1 Sunday Law ;" and the op position party are doing nil tbey can to make capital out of the affair against the Union cause; but the man who will allow local prejudices to make inroads- on his loyalty, deserves not the name of Republican or Democrat, according to the literal stgnihca lion of those terms. Tbe institution of the Sunday Law was secured by ecclesiastical, Instead ot political, Influence ; and as a tie cessity, we mn?t submit to this dispensation until revoked by tbe voice of the minority For my part, I feel that I've but little ground of complaint, as the penalty attached to this , sacred law, is only a "small fry" affair when compared to the "stoning" process in vogue during the ecclesiastical rule of past nges Air. Editor, I hope you will excuse me for boldly and freely expressing my views. I've been inclined to piety from my childhood, and have ever cherished the highest regard for the Snbbath. So profound has been my reverence, that even the song of tho birds lias fallen inharmonious on my ears when warbled forth on the Snbbath day would have gagged them, and hushed their sacn legious notes ; but they wisely refused to be "arrested."- And there is the irreverent bee, desecrating God's appointed day, by gathering honey from early dawn till twt light eve. In contemplating these aggrava ting and profane features of animated na ture, I've grown sick with disgust, and sought relief in the contemplation of tinners celestial ; but even then, I failed o find con solation, for humming and whirling and surg ing around their central suns, now ten thou sand worlds, never halting n moment; but ever onward "every day and Sunday too." Seating. The masculine juvenile elements of society, And many children of a larger growth, have seized with avidity the occa sion of the freeze-up to bring out their skates and go a skating. The amusement is some what limited nn account of the lack of room on the skating grounds. To many it is hard ly amusement at all, particularly those who are but beginners, judging from the frequent fraetureg caused by the impact of bends nod other parts of the . body with til ice. However, those who intend to skate had better make the most of the ice while- it lasts, as a "Chinook" is liable to come at any moment. Uorack GitKKLT favor the idea of allow ing Congressional districts to elect non-rcsl- aenis. .ine notion ot Deing elected by a constituency in which a candidate does not reside, is very popular with a class of men who cannot be elected in that in which they do reside.' It Is thought that an effort will be made by some of the members of the Washington Territory Legislature to have the word - "white" stricken out of the laws defining the qualifications of eloctors In that Terri tory, at its present session. HAXTED. mnK CNDERSHJNKD WILL PURCnASH SEND JL hand Furniture, Beds, Deddinv. Carpets. Stoves. and Ilomoholil. Furniture of every description. Parties wishing to sell will uo well to can. JiHIN WILLIAMS. deO:2w ' 100 Main street, Dalles. HOUSE TO LET w ITH SIX ROOMS. Inquire at MRS. L. WHITtt'S P otogroph Rooms. . LINCOLN HOUSE, ' Corner Washington and Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. TflTRST-CLA8S ITOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATU. i Charees Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convoy Paasengera and their baggage to the House Free of uuarge, or to any otner House in tne uiry ror ou cents. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. S -HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the gtevners for Oregon City. Vancouver, Monti- ceuo ana Astoria land at tue uncoiu noun tt narl. epl:3m Wholesale & Retail Druggists, main street, uauee, Oregon. 7-E NOW OCCUPY OUR NKW TWO STORY FIRR II proof Stone building, opposite Dloch, Miller A Co., anil offer to the public a full and complete stock of unites, aiemctue ana vuomicnis, consisting in part ot KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS A CHIMNEYS, TURPENTINE, HOPS, AMJUtltlU, BAliK, ACIDS. Bl'ONOBS. LINSEED, LMKCIIK3, LARD, CORKS. CAMOR AND INDIGO AND NUATSKOOT Oil, LANPHLACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PATKNT MKDICINKS. Onr stock of FANCY GOODS I of the (Inost and but quality; new stylos ond large assortments, such as LUUIN'S PKHFUKKKY, II A I K, LUHIM'B TOILET SOAP, FLUSH, russura, BHAViNU. COSMETICS, HAT, UAIItllll.S, CLOTHES, COLOUNK, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND .NAILBRUSHES TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMUS. PTJRl WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our facilities tor nuylng goods are second to none In the Mate, and we stmil at all times sell nt a small ad vance from co.it. Heady sales and small prollts. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. liiuies, sept. , lK'io. selu-tt It 13 TSL O V JSTu. GATES At CHAPIIV, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Have Remored to KUDIO'S STOiE HI ILDIXG, WASHINGTON 8TRKKT, DALLES. TRUTIIKHR we will con 1 1 nun to sell articles nsnnlly V V kept in ft Pint-C.tisd Dnitr Sturo, nt 20 pur cunt.' THAN ANY BTOUJS IN TlIK CITY. Our Mock coiidists in part of Patent Medicines, Pure Win' anrl nrnndr. .extracts, fancy A Coinmuii Soap, Bpongo, Trusses, Braces, Taints. Varnishes, Cork a, Ac. tin, Tooth Powder, Alcohol, Horn. Otis, Bohemian Tutlot Set, Supporter, 4 c, IIYSI(,IAXS, PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded. Olve s a cull and satisfy y nr- seives oeiro purciiaeiug eisewnero. 11. 1j. 1 11 Afl.-M, nltlj J li ST I M U ATE8. TO TEAMSTERS AND MI11YMEN! FEED! FEED 1 1 SHORTS, AND FEED OF ALL KINDS, FOR 8AE BY It. II. LAW, 2S Front Street. PortlnmL nlOitf. Opposite 0. 8. N. Warehouse. MILLINERY AND DUESS-MAKING. mWISSO'ROURKEDBSIRESTOINFORM the 111. I.auies ot Dulles and v c In tv. that aim has Just received a fresh supply of "ITnshlonable Goods, The latest Paris, New York and San Francisco atvli of BONNETS, HATS, B1UB0NS, LACES, FEATHERS. rLOWKltg, ao. A full and well-aelccted assortment of Ladles' Ready-Made Garments. Also, A Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! oTAMPINO for Embroidery and Braiilfug. PINKINO done at short notice. BONNETS Bleached and Pressed in lue latest sryie. A large assortment or Children's Ready-Ma'le Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Claw Dress Maker, I am prepared to cut and flt Ladles' and Ohlhlren's DRE8SES and CLOAKS. THIRD STREET, one square east of the Catholic vuurcu. oc'iiam. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. T,rOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM 1 W the cltiiens of this place and vi cinity, that having returned from a pro fessional tour throuEl. the mines, he hna again resumed the practice of DENTIS TRY. in the mnm n.rnier.y occup.eu oy mm, in tlie building occupied h Wood A Duller, PlntocraDh Artists, and aillnlntnir w.l dron Bros.' Drus Store. Ha lukna tl.u n,il,.u. .,r tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore cx- leuueu o niui, anu solicits a continuance 01 the same. LIST OF PHICKS. Entire Denture on Qold Diise 4180 to $226 ' Upper Denture, Gold Base 90 i J50 " Denture, Vulcanite Base 71) " 12s " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base 85 64 uoici rulings insertea irum one dollar upward. Chlldrens' Teeth extracted free af charge, se!3-tf Dissolution flotlee. TnE FIRM OF J. W. MILLER A CO. have this day disposed of their entire stock, in this citv to Mesam.- Bnnneli A Miller, who will continue ihe buatneaa at tl.. same aland. Mr. Thomas Miller Is authorised to settle an iianiutiea ana collect all debts due, All persons indTeule' DaUMCrtn,?NTv18M J-MILLER A Co. F. B. SATE. a. 1. nirt. GATES te HAFT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law, DALLES. OTiTCfinv. . 1 " .' I J.J U KEE, .nam stircci, uniies, WHOUSALl AND RKTill tUltt IK CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES ALWAT8 lit 8T0RI THE BUT BIUKDI OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. WLAYINO CAUDS. JL POCKET CUTLERY, POUT MONtr.S. COMUS and b HUSHES, o' nil kinds, PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOY8. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY 000D3. Ac Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. tW Interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco, etc at less than Portland prices, with freight addod. oc-8 VICKY I X I O It X -A-N rr TO merchants, Families, Hotels and lun-iiooMs. TULIUS KRAKMKR HAVINU BOUGHT TnB F.N a tire Stock of Merchandize and Book Accont.ts of the late Ann ot M . Seller A Co., in this city, to which hehns added of his own Importation (while duing business in I'ortlHu.l) an immense stock ol tho best manufactured Crockery, Glassware, l'lated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glasscs and All Kinds of Oils. All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons w lull ing to buy any of tlie above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. uruere irom tne interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't fail to call on me. Audio's otone uuuuttig, naslilngton street. Dalles. JUIJUS KRAKMER. Dulles, Maroh 17th, 18G&. nihlVtf boot Arvjn smm stohis. IP. WYCKMAN, HAS REMOVED H18 BOOT AND PHOB STOliK to tlie building nn Main street. fl nearly opposite MoihIv's Hall, where he baa Just renelved, direct from Sal. Francisco, nnuu- usually Una and well selected stuck of BOOTS AND SHOES, of the'very lent quality and lutost styles EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, lucludliig the celebratud KNOLISH HUNTING SHOK nianniiciiired by lleuitert. Also, a large assortment f Ladles' and Clilldren's Gaiters, Of the latest Btyles.Iiist received from Ilia heat Phil. aaeipma manors. Also, a very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. fsr-dontlenien who prefer to have their Boots or Shoes mane to order, cun rely upon obtaining a nei.t and easy X. WVCKMAN.JInln street. selft-tr ' Opposite Moody's Hall. LA.- O. 131A.I)iOXtlJ, IMPORTER AND J ODD Ell OF Wines Sc Iiiiiors, FRONT STREET, Portland, .... Oregon. fkFFKRS FOtt SALE A VEUV LAROB ASSORT V nieni ol Rrandles, Wines, Liquors, Cage Goods, &c, &c, : tic. S- The Trade Is nartlcnlarlv lnrlt..J t .r..in. M. at l.ur.. pa .. . 1.1 . . " -...v...wiuB aincwiiere, all II NOTICE TO FARMERS. rmU DALLES LUMHKR AND MANUFACTURING Jsv wJirsn i nas recently attached a FLOUUING MILL to their Steam 8ash and Door Factory. In this City, and ., nun i..n.iniiuiiiur Tt BjV, U 11 1 IK U nllKATatld uun, anil warrant t . give the best satisfaction. Ou luuiu coneianiiy anu lor Male FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHORT, CHOP FEED. CHICKEN FEED. Alio, a Stinerlor article at nmtv ttteir nM The hlchmt market nrlca nald forWllRlT onnv. n...,na. u. a. 11UUUK. Amint. Dalles, Nov. a, 1866. u3tf. SISLLTJSTQ OFF!" BELOW COST!! The entire rcniaiulng Stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER & PLATED WARE. Mint be disposed of within the nave tl.lt A.m ns OAHDLESS OF C08T Call and examine the stot-lT buy your Present now, and forthwith, and It will be at a A Will. UIRNBAOMa n25tf , . Jewelry Store, Main Street, next door to tlie Poet Office. AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JOHN W ILLTAM8. LTJOTIOlSrErCR, Wo. 100, Main Street, Dalles City. WILL ATTEND TO THB SELLING AT AUCTION 01 weuerai Merchandise, Real Estate, ftrocerh a, Horses,New and Second Hand Furniture, Stocks, Ao, Ac. Li A Ts, ""WWaT' Outdoor ud Special Bales Attended to lu anv oast KIlAlltV. MMm. , jqhm WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. NOTICE. F. B. TIOLLAND IS MT AUTHORIZED AGENT to attend to collecting aud snttliuir nn mr buslueaa. during my absence. Those Indebted to me or to Payne A Co, are requested to pay him iuimediatelr and sava I WTt'"' iiruer. iv OOllUGf. JT. A. U. f A I NH. Hallos, Nov. 13,15oS. v 141 f IRAK KLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREET ' DALLES, OREGON, JOHNKPPINOnn Proprleto rtnilK UNDERSIGNED L having fitted up the above Market in the IIP. T BT VLK, will keop constant ly ou Imml all sorts of f resu and Cured meats, OftUe boat quality furulahed at the LOWEST KAT1 My motto la to "PLEASE ALL." (Arties haying superior stock for salb viii uoweu to call at the franklin Mnrkct. JOHN iPl'INGER. Dallea, Febntary 10th, 1806. conxcR or COURT AND SECOND STUKBTS, DALLES, OnKOOS JOHN MICHELBACH, Pioprletor. WILL KEEP , constantly on hand all the varle- itloa that the market can noaaliile allord.of , FltKSTI & CUBED MEATS, and always of the hist quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe undcraigneq Is always prepared to nay the high est cash urlce for t'AT CATTI.K. I'urlU. I,,,.:,... ....k In good condition, are requested to call nn hint befoM 1 -urn. JUltn AllL'UKLDACIL Dalles, March 31t,1805. mhbltf CITY MARKETV S. LAV HER & Co., Proprietors. Will keep constantly on hand the best ' JWKA.TS OF ALfj KINDS. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE la . soiiciien, as we expect to kei u na una I un iiitHortment of Meats and of us good as qual ity, as the country allorrist and will Deliver the same to Purohaser in tho City, Parties IuivIiik Suuerlor Stock for stile u lll .1.. ....11 t. give us a call before disposing ol It elsewhere. B-LAUDER. A Co., outheast corner of Washington and Third Sta. H1iui.uu n. nur a uincKsinlth Kbi. M. BROWN & -fiHO., f IAU aVbaVJIwia in FANCY AND STAPIjE DEYaOQDS! OR0CERIE3, PROVISIONS, &o. r.M BROWN, being a resident of San Francisco, enabled to nfior vrent liulremAtiia , m i .e.i..rir,,llv I...H. .1.. ... ... : " n .... ......j. vuullli iu examine onr stock befosl purchiMlng elsewhere. aula-it sr Btoite aturo, nortjaldeMaln atreet. Dalles. NEW SALOON. KEW STONE STORK, WASHINGTON 8TREKT ' fWHE UXDWtSlONED would respoctrnllv annonne. nn a, 1 open a first class Siilunt. I Kieuch k Oilman's New Stone Duildiiig, THIS EVENING and It prepared to serve cutlomers llh the host of ' . Wiacs, Liquors anrf Cigars. ALSO, A ERT3E LUNCH Every day and Kvoulng. : i Bc28tft JOJI5R1NDLACB, Watc'ltui.ikvr .nul Jcuelcr. niR'n oiltttl, DALLES. 1 IVAIjKK CLOCKS Spectacles, S-l'artli aiuies,u:ks, Jewelry, etc". All Watches repaired W me nnrrni.ieu lor twelve months. a. ii. All orders from the upper country, bv Exiiim or otherwise, promptly attended to. 7 MRS. L. WHITE'S BlEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Waslilngton Street. HA VING NEWLY FITTED UP THE OALLKRTovar Deg.iar's Store, would respectfully auuouuce to al those wishing " riiotosrar.hs. rnrfa io vioHa . that they will do wolf to a-iva h -.11 i...i '"ociii "if M t0. t"klDB Lad'e" aud cu?d'"l' 1'cturea. w P. MILLER, i (Successor to Paynt A Co.) LTJCTIOIVDBEII, WILL ATTEND promptly to Sales of Real Estate, DrvUo.de, Groceries, Horses, and Mules. W ill receive and forward Hoods entrusted to his caret Oram and Hay on Commission, and rent Real Estae day 0""1'16 Consignments Bollcited. aia Tuesdays and Saturdays. . MAIN STREET, DALLES.' nIT. Dissolution Notice. """" rWTT V PA-P A llTVVDfllTTT. I ... fl '- - , . i, L... , ..' ""eioiore existing between, lai".m, m"i B;BCHUTZ, under the ;na.ne of Lauer A Echula, In the Jackson Saloon, la this day dis solved l.y mu mil con8en Mr. Lmer having sold out his .. ... . . woo win continue the business on m0."oC T"U AJ' d,bt" ",u ' WUI bo paid to K. Bchutx, who will settle all liabilities. ralt,.Dec.l.t.;i80S. K.8CUUTz" Tlirtiikful for Dititt natrtinflM. iti respocttully inform his friemU that be will ever be round at tbe old stand ready to dispeuse his choice Honors to K. SCI1UTZ. K. KIT1UI JOSEPH ELFELT ,,.. - v . I , ' I FailCy & Staple DlJ GOOdS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES of HJM iwiriiw iitr?ngW' UA.T8 ANU CAPS, AND I Furnlshlngr Goods. 1 JUT" 8,un' Btn" cn ' Ma?u and Conn Streets. oce-t UKUEI ilAETIK. J.M. !! 1 riNK WATCHES, JKWKt.Hr, o , Qi.ld Pens. Silver aud Plated U'.n. t3L Cutlery, Ac. , EJ :ulnr attention fialrt in Mn.lrl.. MARTIK AMUnPHV, Attorucyn-at-Law. . wnF.I.ru7?,''BOlM