CO latin Mountaineer. The Eoll or Representatives. The question has been raised whether the Cleric of the lust IIouso of Ecp re rlontativos from the reorganized states upon the roll of the next Congress. Tbe law leaves him no discretion in the matter. The act of March 3,1863, provides that " before tho first moot ing of tho next CongresB, and of every subsequent Congress, the clerk of the next preceding IIouso of Representa tives shall make a roll ot the repres eentativos eloot, and place theroon the names of all persons, and of such per sons only, whoso credentials show that they were regularly electod in accord ance with tho laws of their states re spectively, or tho laws of the United States." The representatives elect from Virginia and the other soutborn states will bring such credentials, and tho clerk can refuse to enroll their names only on tho assumption that the states from which they come are not in the Union. As Congress and the executive have consistently maim tuincd that they are in tho Union, and acted accordingly, tho clerk is not likely to make the contrary assump. tion. It becomes an interesting ques tion, therefore, how to provent the southern mereibers from voting for speaker. At the first session of the last Congress tho name of tho Louis iana membors,were placod on tho roll by the clerk, and Mr. Stevens of Penn sylvania vainly attempted to get the names erased before the election of speaker. It was settled by tho action of Congress in that case that the clerk must enroll the names of all members having apparently authentic creden tials, and that tho question of the right of any member to his seat cannot bo raised until after tho House is orgas nized. Upringfleld Republican. - V Govfrnor Humphreys' Inaugural Address. Governor Uumphroys, of Mississippi, in his inaugural addross, Bays: ix 1 have always believed that no one or more Slates could constitutionally sever ties that unite people of tho sev eral States in one. The people reject, ed this school of politics. Those ad vocating the right of secession could not have found a bettor mode of solv ing the question than the arbitrament of war. Tho question was forthwith referred, and dooided againBt us. The people of Mississippi acknuwledgo tho decision, and oxpress their wish toro turn to tbe Union. It has been offi cially reported that our people are not sincere, but if unflinching fidelity in war gives evidence oi reliable fidelity in peace, the unvarying professions that spring from private and publio , sources furnish evidence of its truth. It is demonstrated that the people of the South may be safoly trusted, when they profess more than willingness to return to their allegiance. The State of Mississippi has already, by her own solemn act, abolished slavery, und it is due to her honor to show by hor future that she has done so in good faith, ari(! that slavery shall never again flourish in our border in whatsoever name or guise it may be brought forward. . Confiscation Complaints. The most unreasonable of the complaints against Fresidont Johnson, says trie Spiingfield Republican, is, thas ho has interfered with the confiscation of rebel property. In tho first place, it is not true that ho has stopped any legal process of confiscation. He has merely restored proporty seized and occupied for military purposes. There is no law. of war, and no other law, by whioh fcuoh proporty can now bo held; and tbe General) Government cannot be expected to go into robbory as a rogular business. There is a Con fiscation Law in existence, and somo rebel proporty has beon attached un der it. This law can be enforced upon.- the , property of unpardoned rebels, if the. Government thinks it -worth while. But it is not. It will Hot pay expenses. ' The Government Can give no valid title to such prop erty, beyond tbe life of the present owners; and nobody will pay a price for property ttfat may pass out of their hands the. n ext month.; There is no doubt how the Supreme Court will decide such cases, for tbe Constitution still exists in that Court. Confisca tion is therefore out of tbe question. SPRING GOODS. ITltlCSH STOCK! DUSaSHiKBSKY & BSElttS., Dalles and WnlloWnlln, PKAIJMtg IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Miner' Outfits, Hoots nii.l Shoes, Clothing, Hats ami Caps, Groceries, And ll full assortment of General Merchandise. Buying our Goods exclusively in the Sun Francisco market, and making none but cash purchases, we are enabled to se 1 20 per coot, cheaper than any other House at tho Dallvel VUSKNIIKUY t 1IUOS., inl-tf Dalles nnil Walla Walla. J? . HAKE MOW TO JlOfiiY ! CALL AT TUB NEW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of WsaUington and Sccoud Streets. TUB UNDWtSiaNfcD VTSTIKS TO INFORM TUB people of tho Dull on, nnJ the public generally, that ho linn a large und w ell selected stock of FAMILY GltOCEHIES, CANDIES, NUTS, 4c, Which he will noil Wholesale ami Retail at RrittKtd i-Vices for CASH. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article of FHKKIl HUTTEIl ami EGOS. Also, every variety of FRUITS awl YJSUKTAULKS in their Benson Persons from up the country, wishing nunntitiuB of Eggs and Fruit, hy sending in their orders, will receive the strictest attention, mid have thom tilled at the Lowest Market l'riea. jrll-tf C. L. JEWELL. SELLING OFF AT COSTl My entire stock of . STOVES AXD TINWARE, ALSO, TINMA.NN TOOLS. rQIIK WllOLK embracing a fine stock, everr article JL of which will ho sold at COST, as 1 desfro to close out business. Also, one Gil AND PI A NO, in good order. Also, for sale, the 1IOWK AM) LOT, on Fecund Mi cut, next to tho corner of Washtimton. The House la two toritis, with a basement, and is well adapted to the hotol business. Also A lot of HHDDING, comprising shout twenty-tlve Beds. The whole will be closed out cheap, for further particulars apply on the premises. aulMm ALUKHT HLVTINQEN. MiW FiitJT, ,T.Oi:OtY AND ' PROVISION STORE. rmt UNDWISIQNED INFOUMS HIS FKIRNDS and ft the public generally, that he has Just established on Main street, next door to J. Joker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE! where he koeps constantly on hand a large assortment a elected FKUIT. Also, in store a stock ofchoice GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, oSo. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at HP! Db'CKD PRICES. Come and see and satisfy yourself -sela-tf JOHN Sl'OSlTO. D. I. STEFEaEXSOft DENTIST, HIT AS HKMOVF.D HIS OFFICK Ol'PO- M.M. site llloch, Miller Co., where he j& is prcparea to uo an ainus oi DENTAL WORK, 'In a skillful and well finlshtd manner. TEKTIl'lnsertec lrom oiiO to an entire set, on Gold or ltuhher Plate. Prices range for Hhbbor Plate, from $25 to $66 : Fot Gold Plate, from $75 to $126. sr Persons having work done by me not prorlng sat Isfactory will not be required to receive or pay for thf nme. aul3tl Divorce Notice. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 0FTII" STATE OF OREGON FOR TUB COUNTY OF WASCO. Harriet I. Blilpninu, Plaintiff, VS.. Iavid E. Shlpman, Dofendant, Suit in Equity or Divorce, fn0 DAVID 1C. Bill I'M AN, Dofendant: In the name of JL the Mate or Oregon, you are hereby summoned and roqulred to appear and answer the complaint of the above named nhiiutiff. now on file in the ofllca of tna Clerk of the above eutltlcd court, whorein ea d plaintiff firays lor a aissuiution or tne marriage contract now ex iting between yon and snid plaiutill', alleging for the cause thoreof, wlllul desertiou, for the period oi three yean of eaid plaintiff by you. Now. therefore, if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, within ten, days irom vue lime oi service oi nils summons, II served with in this County, and twenty days if served within any other county In this State, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief craved for in said coninlainL and will take Judgment against you for cults and dis bursements lu this suit, lly order of Hon. J. O. Wil son, jnuge. - u. n. imxn x, solicitor for Plaintiir. November , 18115. - nH:flw Divorce Notice. IN TITIf CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATE OF OREGON OK TUB COU.Ti'I OF WAHUO. Maria L. F. Desserer, Pluiullff, Onirics C. Ilesserer, Defendant, J. Suit in Equity for Dieuret. FfnO OIIAKLKS 0. BBSSklllBR, defendant! In the JL naiiia of the State of Oregon you are hereby sum moned and reantred to anneal Ami AtiMwar lit. .ttiml.l.. of the above named plaintiff, now on hie in the olllce of the clerk of thenbore entitled court, wherein eaid plaintiff firays tor a dissolution of the marriage contract now ex iting between yon and said plaintiff, alledgiug for the cause thereof harsh and cruel treatment and personal In dignities, committed by you towards and upon said plaiu till, thereby rendering her life burdensome. Now. there fore, if yon fail to appear and answer said complaint, within ton days from the time of service of this sum mons, if served within llils County, anil twenty days it served within any other enmity la this State, the said plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in eaid complaint, and will take Judgment against yoa for eoets, disbursements and expense la this salt. By order of 1. 0. Wilson, Judge. 0. N. DJi.NNT, Solicitor for Plaintiff, November 1, 186. b8:6w FOR SALE. ' 7 A FIRST CLASS, 8KCOND HAND PIANO, can b hod on reasonable termii Inquire at this Office, or of ecJlf ,.(.. sVi W. FHKUUSON. IF XI Mannfftcturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, OX:OKD, BUGGt AND STAGE IIABWE88 Saddles, lirttiles, Vliips. A genornl assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. tfr Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatness ami dispatch. F. A. UAKK, Jerlltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalles. v fii TiiAjl? v o ii AilL)jair AND MACIIIISE SHOP, FI118T STRKKT, betwoen Yamhill ond Morrison. 3 offrnm4to4ohorse- .rVs-'V. power.eithcr Portable or v (UX (tatlonary. Also, CWl- W-k vci CULAK SAW MILLS Jrtf&'V-'4'' "- COMPLKTK, constantly tf fa'3 A2 on hand. Also, Hay Proa- jV'f- J' sesof; Planing rrtCfS" Mnchlnes,(Woodworth's " J pattern.) Wrought and r2 :'iifea;ifS Cast Iron work for Ver- t&'iAi ticalSawnndUrlst mills; . -t!'- linns and Iron Oastiiiga and WROVCIIT IROIV TIORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latoat & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as tho weight of tho entire machinery will not exceed 3, 0UU pounds. - , Horse towers, & Atrrioultnrnl ImPinmnnta manufactured to order at the very LOWF.STUASII PRICE w. JJ.Partlculor attention paid to HKPA1KS. fc20-tf SIGNS! SIGNS! SIGNS ! O. S. SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER IN ,f PAINTS, 4P oils mnm iv ill w u if etnv v VARNISHES, Colors, Putty, Brushes, Oloe, etc. Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac 1-tf DALLUsJ CI'JTiTDRJJftr STOKE. P. CRAIG, WBOLISALI AND RITAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soavs. PATENT MKDIC1NB8. Sc. ' fl-tf DRUGS AND 1' A TENT MEDICINES I! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES II DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES ll 5 4 Yfftj WB0LMAJJI MB lITAa DRUGGIST, Washington Street, Between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. S LEMON Is able to supply parties la want orDrngs, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. k -Phyicians and Merchants intending to purchase for tbe Mines, will do well to give him a calL . . TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES la great variety. 8. LEMON", ap.3:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. M. "Wunsch A- Co., WILL CLOSB OUT THEIR STOCK OF MF.R01IAN DISF., at their place of business, at the Dalles, in order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces fiJiy Goods, Clothing, Roots, Hats AND . ; GENERAL MERCHANDISE, All which will be sold at COST, for CASII only. -A-All who know themselves Indebted to our firm at the Dalles will please call and settle as soon as possible. Those who have been accommodated we trust will not delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt In squaring up ac counts. Call and sea us, all ana everybody I nll-tf M. WUNBCn CO. MANTUA MA.ISER. MRS. MATT1B I10LDROOK would respectfully In form the Ladles of the Dalles nnd vicinity, that she has opened a shop In connection with Miss O'Rourke, when she Is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness and dispatch. Having Just arrived from the Kast, she hopes to he abls to please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. TIIRER POORS .West oi the Corner of THIRD and UNION Streetsi oclllml DAILY MOUHTAINEEB i ' 1 POWER PRESS BOOK & JOB PRSNTIHG CTFICL First Street, between- Main and B DALLES ; OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Kxecnted with accuracy and diBpatch. IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABtT with the very best, and AT EATE3 AS CHEAP AS TEE CHEAPEST to or.DER: Cards a n A 12 i 1 1-23 eails, CHUCKS, DRAFTS, KECEll'TS. POSTEItS AND PK0GRAMJIE3 FOR ' THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, ft., ifc., oc.t rniMTKn a inn most aitbactiti KaNMui. also, WAl'-DILLX, DILLS OF FA HE, v LETTJiK HEADS, UECLU'T BOOKS, DILLS LADIJTQl Briefs awe! P.iajplif sds, nSITWO, WEDD1KQ AND "AT HOME" CARDM DrujKKistsi Umbels, In short, everything that enn be done In it Book nnd Job Printing Ofilce, from the smalltilt and most lie! lento Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Posting BUI and which will be turned out in a style that cauuul fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUR FACILITIES roH THE IXF.CTJTI0K OT JECOaATIVE PRINTING In tho moat beautiful Colors, Shades nnd Tints. Such aa Fancy Posting Bills! . From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMEXTAL S11VW CAltVS, rVltlVMERS' LABELS, Are unsurpassed by those ol any other establishment to Oregon. We devote special attention to this brunch of tli business, and are continually udillnu; to our nlrcaily extent sive'nnd well appointed nsMjitmeut of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMEMTSe tc tc, o.( Of the most modern nnd elaborate duuigus. Our stock at FANCY INKS. TINTS, AC, Are of the tluest liuality, and for richness of color nasi durability, cannot be equaled ill the Slate. The principle upon which business is asked for this ea tnblislimeiit is, that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to thut oltice In which their money can be expended to the best advantage. T tills end we solicit ull in want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call aud exumiue specimeus, and jude fur yoursblvcs. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, nnd friends from the Interiof may rely upon having thoir orders filled promptly, as w HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In tbe tstnte of Oregon I Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE min-tr Dulles, oreicniw H. H. BILL. A. J. KAHIt.1 HILL & K A. NE, WUOIUJALB AND BITA1L DEALERS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AMD AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STUltAUJS AND F01tWAI(DU0. Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attentsea Itef erencee t rnnttAND. DALLEP. , IT. W. Corbet, ' Rubhlns 4 Co., Richards k McGracken, W. C. Moody A Co, 11. l-aw, 0. Ilumusou. Umatilla Landlnn. Sept. 6th, IMS. DR. DAVYS SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the OltGANa, rjIIIS prompt and i fflcntious Remedy for the enrs JL tihonorrcea, Uleet, Slrictures, and Diseases of tha Urinary Organs, makes a speedy euro without the leaal restriction to diet, exposure or change in application business; it will radically cure any case which can ba produced. The disease it removes as speedily lis Is cois, slstent with the production of a thorough mul permanent cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted if tlx SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its Ingredients are entirely vegetable, und no injnrkina effect, either constitutionally or loculiy, can be caused lim its use. 7 Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Soul kv Jy22-8m UOSIKTTHII. SMITH t DF.AN. Agents, m ana too uaiiery street, cor ( lay. Ban Frnncisoo fettle JACK80N SALOOFl C011NER CODRT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OKBGON. TIIF, UNDERSIGN KD, HAVING RF.M0VED FROM TUB "BKLLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' Now Uuildinj, Bop; to inform the public that they are prepared to serf their customers with the best wines, Liquors and Ci TUB MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO. A Free Lunch. ! Every day and evening. ANTON LADEIl A. KMIL, SCHf TJJ, Jocg-'f ; I'roprietora. Hard Wood Lumbei CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS WJK BKO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man nfacturers nnd Dealers to the Large and Coin plete assortment of CAIIItlAUB and WAUON MATE1II! ALS we are constantly receiving from tho East, special r? selected lor the California market, comprising;. Oust UI.llltrV anj fiwn.J ll..l. k .... 1.1 . ... . ol. . aicKory. ana second Urowth Ash Plank, Hickory Axh ..B..u . u,m, nuua, npoaes, reiioes, lllliu, Hlialts, Ac Ail Which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. " Orders addressed to our house will receive prone attention., . N. W. BllAUU CO., JelSilui. SO k 31 Battery Street, linn Fruucfscsv ud 17 lu Seventh Street Sacramento. " O.WATnoosa, U. W. Uraoo Co- J.W.LMe , Baornmonto, New York ' San Francisco. I O. XS. 1JUOOUM, M. 1. -Office At Dp. Craiu'm Drua Stoops , j ' DALLES, OREGON i . '