CI) VOL. 3. DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEOEMBEU14, 1885f,i NO, IOC, 1 : ! -y V:.' i A PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING, . (MONDAYS IXCSPTiD,) BY K. G. COWAE & J. IIALLORAN, i EDITORS AND PB0PBIKT0R9. TlKMfl Twenty-Jive cent per week, payable to the carrier per month, by mail, $1; three months, $2 60; tlx months, to; oue year, $8. Advertisement inaerted at low rates. , Job Printing. Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe uted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded as per trdertbmiy part of tiie couutry. Payment Jor Job Print ing muit 6 made on delivery oj work. U M A T ILL AH O U S E ' DALLES, ORECOHV UANDLEY & SINNOTT, Prop'rs. TUI8 POPULAR H0U8B, OtNTRAUT 100ATEO, Roar the Steamboat landing ft Eailroad Depot, Hits boou recently enlarged and Improved, and will now (accommodate 300 GUESTS. IT WILL BH CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST GLASS HOUSE, and the patronage of the traveling public 1 respectfully solicits I. - , m Baggage takeu to the House frea of charge. Ilouse ope., all night. -LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dulles, Oct. 4-tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, i HAIK STRIKT, DAUIS, OniOON, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN THI OXHTRI OP SCSIXISI, . Near the Steamboat and Eailroad Landings . Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao oiuinodate One Hundred and Fifty Quests. Heals 50 est. , Lodging. .............. 60 ots. Fire Proof Safe for deposits of valuables. a Ilouse open all night. Baggage taken to the Ilouse free of charge. THOMAS SMITH, mhg-tf Proprietor! FAMILY GROCERY 8T0BET1 S- FRANK, DEALER IN ITAMILY GIIOCERIES, TOBACCO AND i!GAB8, Also . -FRESU AND DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, Ac, to. And every article usually found in a First-class Family Grocery Store.' MR. FRANK has Just received from below an entire new rtockof ' , '. ,.( GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &o, which he will sell at low rates for cash, Reads of ram 'iij and others are Invited to cell and examine his stock, Goods delivered In any part of (he city free o. dbarge ' .. . 49 GREENBACKS TAKEN At T. CENTS. r . v . ', i B. FRANK, Main street S ly30:tf. " A fow doors bslow the Poet-Office FURNITURE! FURNITURE DIERLAM a WENTZ. - ) Tl N I T U a CORNER THIRD AND B STREETS W WfmfrO rinlU. P.ltv. t..v. n, han.1 . - J , 1 Household. Furnltare, embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus Beds and Bedsteads, Bedding, Carpets etc., etc, all of which will be sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, on band Mattrosses and Pillows. BprlngBedsmadetoorder. aula Wis". M0AB08. " 0. B. KCBQBL. WM. MOABUS $.CO., OITY BAKERY, Aim TROVISION STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. WHOLES ALU AND RETAIL DEALERS in BREAD, CRACKKR8 and Family GROCERIES. aOrders from a distance carefully filled and promptly dispatched. - 1-tf aw MEDICAL CARD. A. C.STEPIIENSON, JI. D.. RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services In the several branches of medical practice, to the itlaeneof Dalles and vlolnity. Particnlar attention will be paid to lemale diseases. Chronic diseases of whatever tvoe or trade, will receive aromnt and efficient treat. ansnti' Office, adjoining Waldroa'a Drug Store, aoitotf BOOKS! BOOKSi WHOLESALE! AND RETAIL. :, aOCHOOIa BOOKS, STATIONERY, WSVSW 29 Standard and Mioelloeous WORX8, 77 V Late NOVELS, MAGAZINES', PAPBRe,ff-jWg J Ac, Ac. by every Bt earner. PosMsws7 Bookstore, Mala street, Dalles. ." maMf . H. J. WALDRON 0. ' . , -, Furs !;;Ifiirs ;.. .- v;. BT HIGHEST MABKET PMC PAID JS CASH ., .... , , i tea. ( BettTer, otter Mink una Coon Blcini, By RICHARDS A HoCRAKEN. er4Uiid,Sefia;r18o. txtOm.:. FORUOISE MINKS DIRECT. THE WALLA WALLA &. BOISE LINE ,'. .OF 1 - '' CONCORD STAGES, CARRTINO. THE U. Si OVERLAND MAILS : ' AND ' "i Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to Pt cerville, (Boise Mines.) '' , Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, and th Boats of the 0. 8. N. Company. UJSO. F. THOMAS A CO., ap27-tf Proprietor NOTICE , . THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST FREIGHTS FROM UMATILLA., AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT TllH F0LL0W- 1NO KEbUCKD KATES: . To Boise City. ...i........... 15 Cents per pound Idaho City..; ,...0 t Owyhee .' .....30 " " For lew amounts than one hundred pounds an addition of 1'ive Cents per pound will be charged. TIM IS FROM TJMATILLAi To Dolse City,' 3 Dnys. . . . . To Idaho City.... 3 1-2 Days. TO Owyhee,... ..4 Days. 'JOSEPH PINKIIAM, A sent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1865. oc!8:tf. (itJAUTZ, MILLS! And all kinds of Machinery ' - Manufactured at the : OREGON IE0N W0EKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TH streets, rORTLtAHD. 1 , A.. 0. 0IBB8 A CO.', ' " ' Successors to , . Portland. Dee. 6th '84. deOtf- E. L. Jowss A Co. MOUNT HOOD SALOON . . AND - - BILLIARD ROOM, F. M. RUNT, Proprietor', CORNER Of , Main and Court Street, ap21-tf v. . .. Dalles, Oregon. is" E"v- ii 13 a; it s e : THB UNDBR8IQNED BROS TO INFORM TIIE CIT laena of the Dalles and viclnltv that he has received a NEW HKAHUJt, aad wll , . . v ; , , , on short notice. , This U the first, ant, t presont, onl J Hearse la the city.; , ., . " i ' ' ,"; I. mi evanb .,, I tailel,fayl,186t." " . , . my;!10-tt . DR: S, r. WALLACE, PHYSICIAN & SURGE OA Near Gates & Chantn's Drug. Store, MAIN STREET, DALLES. eplSt . COLUMBIA BREWERY, liVDWIG II SCIIANKO, Props. DA LLBH, OUEGON. : EIOhEST PRICE , PAID FOR BARLEY. an26:tt. . NOTICE. , I HATE THIS DAT re-pnrchased my stock of goods, sold a tew days since to Mr. J. B. Crossen. All debts due the concern will be collected by me, and not by Mr, Crossen, as heretofore published. ! u6:lw 0. L. JEWELL. Hemovul, . . DR. BELT ha removed bis office from Dr. Craig's Store to Waldron's new Stone building, np stairs. oc31:tf. i D. WM DOUfillTT, : ATTORNEY A.T LAW, i : BAJTWOCK CITY, Idaho Territorf. I 49 Partiouiar attention paid to Collecting Debta. Attorney and Counsellor at Law i AND f NOTARV lrUI3LIO. OFFICE On corner of Washington and Main streets,- Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon. . .. .. . ; apSOtt ., ; U UM ASOJ & OJaCI,Ii, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THB SUPREME AND 01 R cult 'Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts Washington Territory. . , . . . . , , . .,, t Particular attention paid to the collection of claim. . 0. UUMA80N, , . ... Dalles, Oga. , . ., J. A.0DELI JKOTICE. 0TICB IS HBREBYurVBN not to trait mv wjf fin my account, as I will not be responsible " ' . , . l " ... .......a w iimil , D12nv - a ' 1 - - n: . IHPORTIRS AXS WH0LISAU ' Dealers in Wines, Liquors ' GliOCKRIES, ; Miners' Goods,! JBoat Stores, &c, . BATI RIMOTID TO TBIia ., NEW STO N "E B U I L D I N Q , - ' CORltlROP , , Second and Washington Streets, DALtES CITY. ' NOW IN STORK A LARQE AND COMPLETE AS sortmcnt of the very best brands of . w . . , WINES AND. LIQUOBS; , Also, a lull assortment of i , . GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. t J$if Coustantly receiving our supplies direct from New York aiid San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly sorroct nnd prompt method ol dolog business, they will roceive the patronage cf the pub lic . ... selo-tf , , Estublislaea 1857. BALDWIN BTIO., . i i 1 ' ' i,.. . . . DEALERS IN , . ;,..R : GROCERIES! '! ' CORNER OF ' Alain and Union Streets, Dalles. J. 0. BALDWIN ;;. mh2I-tf ,, F.W.BALDWIN. GROCERY, PROVISION. , FRUIT STORE, Washington 8lreet, opposite French A Oilman's, Dalle, ilas on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS . JTresli Rwtter Sc EsiS Received dally. A lnrge lot of CHICKENS always' on band. . FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEQETABLKS every morning. All articles warranted.. Give Me a Call, Everybody j au!8:tf . ' F. LIEBE. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. ; JL. Ifc . B O o th; WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., i . FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT," ! and oiirasu BIALU lit' i . MEUOIIANDIBE ,' . . ARB ,. ,.. . ,. MINERS' SBT. FLIES, ' FACE AKD SADDLE H0KSE3 FOB SALX. FREIOUT8 CONSIGNFD to my care for Colvtlle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re celve prompt attention. Yvniteumta, uet.jst, iao. . . - oc'itr e. p. fitzgebald; HAB BWA.BE .. ! r Iron, and tsSool. w..';-r-;. ' , .. ,'.r. Jt4cripiUm if , r,1?, miners' and Mechanics' Tools, . Farming; Implements.. n HIP CHANDLERY, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, AND BTAPLB DRY GOODS, Crockery and Glass wai . no-tf B. P. FITZGERALD, Jailss, Oregon t.uui.K. i o.w.arnu, . e. w. IRMM ARMES & DALLAM, , Importers and Jobbers of . v1 T700D AKD WILLOW WARE, '. BRUBHES, TWINES, CORDAGE, Ao. And Manufacturers of ' , California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 217 A 219 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davit, San Francisco. oollramdaw. F. Tir.LMA.ISr, SOU 4S.1KT IB OAUPORBIA FOB TILTON & McPARLAND'8 Fire & Burglar Proof Safes. j STEEL-LINED VAULTS, Combination Loclr. 9"Constantly on hand a full assortment of SAFE8, 318 BATTERY STREET, JyWSia , Ban Francisco W.D.BIGELOW, Receiving;, Storing;, Forwarding ' , y. , .... , . , and i,,;. ; Commission Merchant! . idrancos made on Consignments. MAIN STREET, Opposite the Umatilla douse. WasnlBKton Wacon Road, TMH UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORat THB Traveling Pnblie that the Wellington Wagon Road xora rortianaana vancouvar to tne upper vaecaoe u well being kept in good traveling order for wagon and stock. B. O.HAllDV.i . JULIUS LANflA I I Dalle Jan. Hth 1865. Janlltf Sole PrajrItor. Una atilla, 13 oiso, : AND IDAHO . Express and Fast Freight Lln& THIS LINE IS N0W1N COMPLETE RUNNINT order from Umatilla to Idaho City, via Boise City and prepared to carry Freight and Valuable Package between these and all Intermediate poluta with certainly and despatch. The Line Is Stocked with the Beat Team the country affords and entirely : - New Thorough-Brace " ' ' .LW CONCORD gggEl "WAGON8, Which ensures Bpeed snd Safety In the transmission of Freight, never befure offered to Idaho. . We offer Supe rior inducements for Shipping Goods from San FranclPop and Portland to Idaho, as our arrangement with the. Ocean Steamship Compnny and the Oregon Stoam Navi gation are such that all Goods shipped by this Line will not be subject to the usual delays, but pass through a. ' I'aBst ITroltrlit. . Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port land, Charges will be paid and Goods shipped to destina tion. ', , , .,..,... ,.-t , GOODS SnOULD BH MARRED : CARB B. M. D. A CO., F. LINE, and Shipping Receipts seut to our Agent at Portland and Utaatiila, , ., .; ... , . .. ( Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Uooda will Is forwarded with Dispatch to 0bee and South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY. REDUCED RATKS. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations in New and Easy Riding Thorouh Brats Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, We lay over eaca night on the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, as) that passengor will not be deprived of regular rest. . ... .ACrUMTSl ; i RTCnATtDS A McCltAKKN San Franelsto RICHARDS A McCHAKEN .. Portland JOSEPH TBAL..i Dalle P0WKLL A COE , , Umatill J. B. WILKINSON............; ..................Le Grand B. M. DuRKLL A C0..,.,.....................,.....BoiM City B. Mi DuRKLL A CO '. Idaho Cll J MAJOU'SPKKH ...Jtooky Bar (South Ikilse) DuRELL A MOORE Ruby and Silver Cttlef 11. SI. DuRELL at CO., ,n2itf , ' ' . Proprletos. , A CARD FOR THE : : i Fall & Winter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER &LINDENBERGER, No. 11, 413 and 41 Battery Street! '- ( Cpr. Merobant, Han Franolsoo. ,H , Importers and Wholesale Dealers ENTIRE NEW AND FRESH STOCK ;.!! , i it '-";.'! .:. !.' Wl WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Me tsliants to our usually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprise every article in th Clothing and Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the large! and greatest variety of Casslniere and Wool HATS of any house in Ban Francisco, and our prl. es for thesax Goods are less than those of any house, as we receive them direct from the maanfacturerUi consignment. Oust stock of Summer aud Fall Goon Is particularly attract Ire, and the great feature to th eouutrj merchant 1 tbfti unusually, low prior, .,;) ,j jy -less. Xnan the Cost of Importation J W also keep the STAPLfeABTICLES in the Dry Goo unci wuien wooo w nave purcbaMd In this m trice t der th hammer, and art ufferlng thorn .at New Yolk - We publish this card In order that we av Bieka-niwt acquaintances,' and Induce tuose who have not hmtuftjes ' purchased of ua, to call and uamin our stock. 'V ' Good Articles and Low Prices 1 Are th greatest Inducements to ail who purchase sell again. Merchants who bny of us can mak a good profit, snd sell to their customers at a low figure. VJ remain, respectfully, Your Obedient servant, : ' BADGER A LINDKNBERGBR, ... ' Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehoas,' . Nos. 41JU 3 and 416 Battery street,' . V Son Francisco, April!, 1806. . , Je2.3mw. HO l FOR THE SUMSIEK HQ!) ! i ON THB ranms DELIGHTFUL aND CELEBRATED SUMMKBm M.- Resort, stluated oa Clatsop Plains, a short distance : from th Ocean, I now re-opeaed at4 ready to resea, guest. This resort possesses attraction nnsnrpaaaed on tnt Pacific Coast, It hs a splendid beach for riding, walk,: Ing and bathing; beautiful scenery and surrounding berrle of all kind abound t) beantlfa) trout streams , and abundance of game. THM TABLE .- i. ,t to consUntly inppiled with salt and h-h water ttH clam, and crab, elk, bear and feathered game, and tba . ' freshest of oouutry produce. ' The climate I selubrioas ' This Hotsl ofTsn evsry thing that could be desired for the oomfort f f nesie, , both well and tick. . , The Proprietors teapecrrBflf ask the Health and Plea). ', are Seeking Public fur pertrtfaags, that they nay nabled to make th " Bummer Bouse ' a permrnent stltntlon of the country. LOWELL A KIPPKN. '. May.t1,18aa. r ; ; : . myatf 1I,' ':pL, 'wJMITOHELTvi ; !:.!. Ofos-ALDliON'S .'iijLT;." ' KawBiBoa 0otr-eT Thlra aa Wast - . - , i a. n. ste . , ACTING ASSIStANt SWRGEON, V . ; .. ," , ; J,-....y. . '.tgrfioiH " ' Vvaldromt bros bRu' ' "" ' f