f aili? jfllouutahucn Thz Execution I'F WlUTZ A'-L(.T TEB TO THE PllEWDKNT. Circumstlin- ooa encouraged Wiriz to believe tliat bo might bo reprieved, until within hulfun hour of execution. Somodnj-B previously, his wife, in kineing him, attempted to introduoo poison, wrap pod up in 11 covering of gum, into his inoulli. Tho attendant, suapeding Bomothing wrong, forced him to ppit it out by choking. Ho died with un shaken firmness, .protesting that ho was neither mo'e loss guilty than thou iliouaitndtt of others, which wus probably iriio. Four days before his execution, which was on tho 10th of November, ho wroto tho (subjoined loiter' to Mr. Johnson, which wus hot delivered un til ufter his death : With a trembling hnnd, with n heart filled with tho most cunlliciiDg eini lions, and with a spirit hopeful one moment, und despairing tho next, 1 huvo taken tho liberty of nddressing you. When 1 consider your ex it I led position; when 1 think for a moment that in your hai.d rests llio weal or woo of millions j ea, tho peace ot llio world well may 1 pause locall to my id courage enough to lay before you "-wy limviblo pot. lion. 1 huvo , heard you spoken of us a man willing und ready under ull circumstances to do justice, and thai no man, however n una bio ho ' may be, need fear to 11 p proaoh you, and therefore 1 have como to tho conclusion tb.l you will'tillo tno the sumo privilege as extended to hundreds and thousands, of oihers. It is not my desire nor intention 10 onicr into an argument as to the merits of my case. In your hands, if 1 om rightly informed, are all th rec . ords anil evidences bearing upon this jioint, und it would bo resumption upon my part to say 0110 word about il-' Them is only one thing I hut 1 ask, and it is expressed in u tew vorls pass" your sentence, tor nx wear titonths 1 have. been u prisoner; fornix months my name bus deen in Uiu mouths of every one ; by thousands I Mil considered a monster of cruelty ; n wretch that ought not to pollute tho earth any longer. .' Truly, when I pass in my mind over tho testimony given, 1 sometimes utmost doubt my own exisiouco. 1 doubt that I am the Cunt. Wiiz spoken of. I doubt that such a man ever lived such its ho is ciaid to be, und I am inclintd to cull on tho mountains to full upnu hud bury mo and my -bhanie. Bui oh J bir,(tvhiIo I wring my hands ill 'mule .and hopeless despair, there' ppoaks a umull but unmistakable voice within inp'that says, " Console thy sell. Thou loiowcst thy innoceneo.. l-Y-ai' not. If tneu hold theo guilty, God does not, und u now life will pervade your be. inir.-" Such has, been ibo state of my iniiirj forweckii and 'months, arid lio give on accountings words, thoughts and doods ;Vi;U may'.X' remember, loo, that I hnye err(f iiko other hu man beings, but of loose things for which I muy'perhups suff r a violent death I urn not jruilty, and God judge mo. I have said all that I wished to say. Excuse my boldness in address ing you, but 1 could not help it. I cannot bear this suspense much lonirer. May God bless you and be with you. Your task is.11 great and fearful one. In life or death I shall pray for yon, and for tho prosperity of tho country in which I huvo passed my happiest and dai kesi day. SPiUMG AND SUMMER GOODS. Di;s.ti7VEiiUV & iseios., UnlleH and Wnlln Wnllit. DEALCKU IK Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Mint i n' Outfit, Woof s iiikJ SJtoe, '' Clothing, ISntn und Capx, Groceries. And a full assortment nf General Merrbntidhie. linyii g our Ootids exciuaively in Hit Sun r'ninyisrii murker, ui.d nirtkini! none lint civdi iiuri'hiuu'B, we an.1 enabled tit sr I 20 per ceut. otivnper tlintl any other House itt Hits Dill, fe- . i 1. n p. a 11 r. i 1 a into.?., inl-tr llnllnn mill Wnlln Wnlln. call at rat stw Family Grocery and Fruit Store, k -' Corner of Wasjiiiigtiin and Second ?treei(i. f JM1B UNDKItSIOS'KD W1PIIKH TO INFORM T11K JL M'ojile nf t!ie Ihijl Urn. mul the pMhlic gmierully. (hut liu hiM a l:irge and 1 ill telec tt'il stuck, of lVailLY CSltOOKlMES, V -VAX PIES, xirrs, Ac. Wlilrh he will tell Wholesale nn.l Hetnil nt )ieiucr.l lif.rt fur CASH. Alio. roliNtiilttly on littntl the Choicest Ariii-lt, nf KIIKSII HUTTKIt und -KU'.lrf. Ale-, every variety, nf rilUITS mi.l VEOETAIILK.1 in their srnsuii Tersotis froni up t)ie ctiuutry. wiidilnn iiunuliiies of Euifs nnil Pm.t, by ecnilinii in their orders. M ill revive the strkteel nttentfiin. itml hnve tltcui flllfilnt the Lmotit Market J"rias. IJrll irj C. I. JI.WKI.I,. . MlCllirF'ii BY VIIITUK OK AS fcXKCUTIO.N ISSUKI) I1Y T1IK Cli ik nt the Cir. lilt Court ot the Stnte of Uri-K.iii, iu uinl tof O'iuit county, him to me ilireciril, in tnvor of Tliolims II. Uroun. I', Cnnlie D. Sultolmlull. l'liihilid-. Anil ngrtiuet N. A. 'i'uwii.euil, iJeleml.tiit, tor the mu of T. ree nutiitr-il ntirl Ninety- lie 1111.J f nrteeu hiunlreiitli ilollme to'jl 14) lii'iiH'liiul, with jnteiest. cimih n .ii ili I'lll'HeuiuiiIri, lilnl rome ol execution mul iille, I hnve tiiid Uiih iiv of NoTi'inher. l-HI'4&. levleil upon, nnil will Hell :it (iililie HiieiUiu, tielore the Cuurt llouie door in Cnuyou (.'ft vtlie County mmt of Oniut roiuiiy. to ih liitiheni hitliler lor chmIi iu Imnil, on the Sntli iliiy of Decemtier, ISI16. iietueeu tin. hull 0! Vi mul i uV'lock p. M., the ful lowii ili'Rciiheil iiiotiei ty. to.wlt: j, . - The oue thinl uuiliviileil luteriet' In Die Townseml KiiiK-h, mul tiuprovt'iiienU flxid theieun, siiiil Hhiu-Ii ly. line mul .being iu MuiyavUle l'lcclnut, eoiiuiy nliutf written. M. IV JltllllY. , Canyon City, Nor. 27th, lSTt. ' le8:4t thrriff. Mierlfl'M iile or Ileal i;stafc. ' BY VIi.TUK OK AN KXKCt'TION AND DECKKR ot 'oreuiiwure uf MortKiiKe, iMueil by the Clerk ot vne circuit Court of U-rmit cotiniy. etnte ot Ori'fr.'ti. in ftiul 'or the cunty of Urnut, mul to me llrecteil. in tnvor of K. J.Mr. Steui.ne mul K. C. tele, pliilutill'n. uinl ngiiiiml A V. Tooiliukertiefeiiiliiiit. for llieeini ot tiKlit liutnlreil mul thirty-one iloiluri nml fi.ty ceuiel bu) priiicipni, wi li itlterest, coetmiltii dlrtliuntelnetit, cilHteol execution einlume, 1 Intte tliid -7 li liny nt Nor uiltur, lHt&. levied upon, mid will neil tielore the tinrt iiotino diNir In I un ion city, the county -tent of Urant cauuty, to the Ingheat Udder tor c.i iu itmnl, on Suturday theutli day oi lie ceinber, lst&. betuei-ti thelioiireof I'i mid 1 o'lluik p. ui. the followiuu itencilbtnl prop.Tt. t4ewit : . . ril ...411 A.,...-. ... .1 .1.. .l..lll... finuiiC ai.d etHble, Hie laud und timber privilege, perttiiu- iiix to the Hid anw-iii II. itunte nml I.i Iim in I'rnir. iJigtiiuiie, iu MitryaTille f reciuct, Mid county of Oniut fli. r. uniiiti. Ohitoii City. Not. 27. 1804 . 4eMt Shell?. Hiei lir'H hale of Ileal Estate. BY VIIITUK OK AS KXKCl'TION IiSDKIl HY. Til 1! Clerk of the Circuit Court, mid tu me directed. In tutor of A. Ymhtrd k H. II. l-mudule. ul.tintilfn, mid nuyjit K. Unviti d el ol.. defi iidnulis for the antu of 'I hir- ty-iiini mul ii.urteen liuuiiredilie iloiiaia, Kin Ml i"-lnci- i:il willi interest, coste nud dinburieuieiite, nut. M v of Uoj....l.... m..A ...la I l.a..a.l.l. 1TI. .l..u r.t . I.U punishment that human ingenuity cuuliw, letied up n. W win ten m public Htction, beior inflifk iftntilil .infti-utUn in'ir rliMl i'.i'kh 1 Hie O.nrt ll..u.e d,ir In Canyon City, the coiinty iieiit of Ur.itit eounty, IJIaleot o.emui, to the hiulieet uidiler I..r Cftah ill limnl, ou Saturday, the BOlli duy ol December, between he horn eof 12 and 2 o'c.uck p.m., the following ileal rotate, to-w ii : - - I'h lloue mid Lot Bitimte en the enit eido nf Wh- Iniitiin etreet. In Catiyitu City, hiiu kuown He the French llakery; aid lot. being HUfcel Iroiiton Wneldngion aU-eet, ilieOL-e ruiioiiii; eio-t, ou nrtli line, 160 feet wore or ieee, thence sinitliluu feet, theuee weal ill leet, tlieuce north Bu leet, thence wet to aahiiigtun etreet. ' 1 M P.RKI1RY, - Cn;ua City, Nov. 2T, 18C4. de8:4t Sheriff. inflict could increaso my distress. the pangs ot death tiro shori,uiid there-, tore; I humbly pray that you will pass your Bentenco without, tlelay. Give mo 'death or liberty. Tho ono I do not fear; the other I cravd.' If you bolievo "ae guilty of tho terribio charges that huvo boon .heaped upon me, Mulivor mo la tho executioner: 11' not guilty in your estimation, restore mo Iu liberty and life. . A life such us I urn now living is no lite. 1 breathe, sloop, eat; but it is only the mechan ical .functions I perform an i nothing more. -1 Whatever you decide I' shall accept. - If- coiidvinnfd i to doatlr 1 hair suffer "vvilhouta murmur. , It re stored, to liberty,- I . ivilj ( thank- and bless you for ttM , - ) .3:.-.-;Tt I Woiifd not convey tho idea to your mind,- Mr, President, tbiOrmiiriy. deat'fjjs'.8ivpef.. Uowever lowly or bumble man's station may be, hd clinlo life, i. Ilis soul is fi.lod with' s we when, b. 0 contemplut'esthe fjutujej that OiiKho wn Ian 4 ,whcro Lhp, Judg. . i. l r. r . ...in i If A. . . IX A. li Mntmfucturpr nml Importer of CAttm itili, ( OSi ORO, Bl'Cfi' AMI STAGE IIARNKSS SatfdlCN. KrltltCft. hips. A general uuiiortment of Saddlery, Hardware. Lendier, etc. Mir Ordera Soliclled. '.epairlngilone with neatness ami illKpiitih. I. A. I A K 10. Jetlltf Main Street, frontltin Wimliiiitton. Dalle?. IK SAW Ml 1. 1,1 ygJiS:-Ai W- M I.CTB. conaiaiitly Jm?S ,M.AIm,.IIayl're. WtfAO nil hIzim: IMilliillir V fr.Z". Vi ir &V ..f 1 O U T 1. A i i fi'' II It 13 it V AND MACIIirl-2 SHOP, FIltST ST1IKKT. between Yiitnliill nud Morrison. l' Ottiim h ii g I ne a k3 oi friiln 4 Io4'j liiirae. piiwer.t Uher rurtalaeor Statii GUI.? COM I' on linn HI Ot 1 .. , . ... ,. , r l-itJ T .Tiacniiies.i n oouworin . i--" -v 'J". -mttcrn.) Wronsiht ,i,id MvS?1 Vnttt lnm wnrk for Ver ticil! fuwHinl Uriitt mi I In; llirtfa und iron Cuutings titid 1TIIOUGE1T IROX nORK of every demriptlou. "I ni also prepnrcd to fmnih Quarts Mills complete, of tho Latest & most Improved Patterns. Tliene MilUctin lioforwunli'd ro any purt of tlie milieu an the weight of the entiVo uuicliinury will uot exceed 0UU puUlldrt. : Horse rowers a Agricuiturai iirnemnts nmmiluctiired tuurdenil luuver; i, K'i CAII .'KICK N. It. rtu tiihliti-iUM iitiuii pmd to JtKI'AlHrf. fctl SfGN S ! SI GNS ! 8 1 G N S! o. s. savage' HOUSE AND SIGN.PAI2STER. O I LSrfAfe VARXISIIES. Colon. Pnltt. Brnaliee, Ola, etc. Paper llauiiinxa. Window Sliailoa. Flxtnrea. Ac. 1-tf UALlS CU V EJUUU STOKE. P. CRAIG, 'WHOLCBALV AKU KITAIV ,. DEALER IN DRUGS. XEDICIXES, . Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATKST WKDICINKI". e. -T i . IMvoree Notice. IN TlUCCtltCUIT COUKT OKTH KTATH 0P 0UKG0S t ; roii inii cou.vi y ok wasco. . IUrriet S. tbUMimu, Pluli.tiff, i SM . Km,f liavld K.fililt.uinn.'Defetidnnt.' I ' ' ' ""'"''' f H 0 1AV III K. 11 1 r.M V.N. Ueiendant: In the nunt nf JL flie Stale of Oregon. J"U are herelj uiuiiioiiimI and required to appeir and gnawer the complaint uf tha above named plaintiff, nov on file In the office nf the Clerk of, the .above entitled court, herein aid pliiiulllf pi ay. idr a dhuolutlon of the limn Inge contract now ex latiiu b-lweeu. you ttnd Mid plaliililf. allegliiK for tha caune theieof, willul deaertioii, lor tha periwl oi three 'jfeuri of laid plaiutilT by you. Now, therefore, If yon fail to appear and uuawere:iid complaint, within ten ihtya from the time of eryire of tlilaBiiiiiiiii.ua, It aerved with in thia guiltily, aud twenty daya il kerved within nny other county in Ihia Clntr, the aaid plaintilf will apply to tlu) Ciiiirt for Ilia relief prayed for in auid cumplaiut, nud .will "like Judgment tiiUiiat you for coats and die liuraeiueuu iu ithiaiuit., liy onlerof Uou. J. O. Wti sun. finite. O. N. OBNN Y, Solicitor hr l'laintlff. ,,iireiiilier3, 18U6. .i I I . iiHitlw lit-.juiSy,' Mixciiiiiia. jQifjcsMVALDIiON'S BCILDINO. ... M ' V ' Ml T i I i' i i "a niont It). U0lorei Vy UICUltO Will UUVO ao .BtilarciCdrtr'Third aBd Woalilntu BUnU. VHIUS AA'O i'AWAT MVDWt A kHH. DRUGS AXD FA TtfxT MEVICIXESH DRVOS AXD TAT EST MEDICLSESll : - WKOLIDAII A aiTill .DBUGGIST, f Washington f treet, hetmeea Main and Second Btreeta DtLLli, Oil KG OX. SI.F.MON la al.le to aupply imrtlea I want of Brilca, . Patent Meillcinea. Clieiiiliala, Acida, I'erfuinery, and every oilier article enumerated wlili tha WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINES3, At tha lowejat market ratee, " IHT I'hyalciana Mid Merchnnta Intending to purehaa for the Mines, will do well lo give him a call. , TRUSSES & SHOffLDHH BHACE3 " I great varletT-' 1 '"' ' ' " '' ' , . :...,,.' 8. I.EMOS, p.&tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. sia hi as u noraiM ' M. "VunHcli afc Go., W1M, CL08K OUT TltEirt STOCK OF MKIIOIIA UI8K, at tlielrvlaeeofbiialiieaa. at the D.ille,in order to go the Minee. Their stock emhraces Dry CioodK, Clothing, Hoots, Hats AND . ' QEXERAL JUEUCUAA'DISE, , All which will be aold at C 1ST, for CASH only. Mir All who know themselves indebted to our firm at the Oallea will pleaeecikll a id settle im soon as p.Mailde. Those win have bean aocimim.idateil we truit will iftd delay us utinecesearil, bot'tie proutpt In sqn irintf up oi- tullllTa. vail uuu, see ua, an auu everynony I , auU-tf. , . .; M. wu.sacu co. . , MANTUA MAICKll. fa Jl:8.. MATTIK IIOI.I1UO0K wmild re.'iectrully la Itsl .Ah-iii ll.e laiirles uf the Dalles an I v. dully, that she hue opened a sln.p liieniinociioii with MfisO'Hourke, where she Is prepared to d i all kinds of work with ue.it- .neesiinililiapatclr. Having Just arrived from the Ka.it, lit hopes to ueaula.to.'pleniaj) all us. to kriii olid rasliloa Clonks. Chats and flrcssc Cut Jo Orders . TlillKH buOllS 'M cut vl.tUu Comer uf 111 I Ull and . j MO.N Streets. .r.V ....... , 1k.21juiJ DAILY MOUWi'AiNi&i fL ECCK&JSSFRIHTIKGCFFIClu k'irt Street, between Mniu Hiid li dau.es. .OREGflA JCE PRIMTIKC OF EVERY VARIETY Kxernted with arcitmry and dispatch. H A STYLK TUAT W1I.I. COS! PARK PAVORABIT w ith the very best, and ' ' AT BATES AS CHEAP AS IKE CHEAPEST TO ORDER? Carilt and B i I I-S3 ea ! t . CHECKS, DHAFTK KKCEIJ'TS. rOSTEUS AND TUOGRAMMZS FOlt THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIEITIOKS iTc . 'lie, PHIITK!I I.V TMt MOST SITkACTITI KANMH. SLbO, WAY-hlLLS. blLLSOP FARE. LillKH HEAD.". KtVXllTlWOKS. UI.I.S LADIXQ, lii'kT ftn3 faziijihlt t rJSITJKG, WKVDIKO AKD " AT HOME" CARDS l)rusRit' Labelrt. Tn short, everything that can be di he in n Hm.k and Jnh dinting OHlce. Iruin the Finnllest ai.il n. est delii are Card or Circiiinv. to the largest s'xe and n.ost line y pi HSir.jj -Hill anil wlii'-h will he turned out in it tyle that ciuiu.4 fail to itiui'e entire sntisfactii.n. ova aciutii!8 roa mi ixecuTios tr DECORATIVE PRINTING.' : III the most beautiful Colors, Blniiiis und Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills! r'rom ii itinjrlo Sheet to tliii l.nrgest Jluiimiotti, OHXAMEXTAL SHOW I' AH US, Alt niisurpiiHHed 'hy thoneot miy utlier trftiiMi-.ii'ent in ' oreKn. n e devule nimeim iittniitiuQ lo ttt.t brMni h otH liiifuhens. uinl are continually utiut'ift to utir Irntiij exii eiivo uud well appointed iwrurimeiit ut rimtt riul, K'EW TYPES, Q3flOERS, ORKAKEMTS. ICC fC tCL'M OF tli most niodorn nnU elubornto ilefipiiiB. Our stock FANC i l?iKS, TINTS, ACM Are of tlit fliiBst nmitity, iiud for rictinetu of color umI dumliiliiy. can not U'eijimlvd In 1 hr State, Thf iniifiils upon which buniinw-lrj nuked fi.r this tuMifliiiicnt m. tliut jieisft'iiM will connilt ihi ir iti intMw HHtn, liy awHiding their cimtnin to thai ott.ee in h!h their money can (txaiidml to ttiu licut iwIvhikhk 1 lhlK Vtttl We solicit Uli MlWHIltOI (Ct'OU l'llllllllt, HI 9Xj ' rfiuti'iialile cltaru'i ft. tu cull and Jkmninv miecih.tu, ui4 Jutlti fur yuurselveB. Orders IVoni the ITip?r C euiitry Will hrtYf oumptTial cure, and fi inula from tli lntriur limy ruly ujmjii huvinLj tl.fir order- 0ild rc-ntty, us w NAVE 1 HE ONLY I.V. PROVED (iORDON POWtRPhUS the fStiite of Oregon t In Address: mH-tf MOUNTAINEER OFFICE iMliee. Mleuon, II. II. Hll.b. A. J Kami. MILL & KANE, WIIOLkgALK AMP BfcTAIL PKAtCKS IX , Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquora AGR1CX7LTUHALUIMPLEMENTS. STullAliK AMI KOUW AKUIMJ. Qooda couaigned lo us will uieet'wjth proper alteutte 1 teleronceej i F"IITLAKB. PALLET. II. W.CurlKt, Rohbins Co., liicherda A McCracken, W. C. Moody Co., : II. I, U. Iluuinaou. I'niiitlll.i I.Hiidlne. Cent. fllh. lhf o. bR7DAVY'S SPECIFIC" COMPOUND, An Espeditluus Core for all disenses of the 8 Yl XUAL Oil GANS. f Rlllf prompt nnd efllcatlous Kenieily for the cure li. iiii..n..rii.i. Olcet, flricturns. and Idaenaea of th li iimry Orpins. iniiKea a speedy cure without Ihe iiiuift resiriction to diet, exMieui'e o- ciiange In application -husineHM; it till riidicjiily cure any ense which cnu ba priatueeil. The dheiiee It reuiovee aa epeeillly ae Iscoik aisienl with the prodtirtiou of a thorough aud permanent cure, tanner, tlie iiiaeitae cannot be roiitriicteu if eh BFKI'IHC C.iMI'uVMi Istiiken when eip.ed, lis ingredients are entire! r veceta'de.aud iiviiijnrli.aa elect, either cuiistilutiotiiilly or locally, cau Ue cauaed by He ue. I'ri. e One Didlar nnd Fifty cents per bottle. Bout hf Express curel'nlly pneked. - , , HubTi.Tl'.-,ll, SMITH A DKAN. Agent., 4ut aud U3 liattery street, cor Clay, JyM-Din . Dan Vrauciaco. JACKSON SAIiOON! COUNER COURT AND SECOND MUEET8, i UALLK, ORKOON. Til's BNPEriMONKD, HAVING RKMOVKD tROM ' in I'llM.LA CMOS" CELLAR, INTO Guten'i JNow liutmiiifp,, Beg to infc.rnrtlie public that they art prepared Vi serf tluir custyuiers with tlie beat . ... Wines, Litjuors and Cigars THE 5IAKKKT AH'Oltlii. ALSO, A Free Iuncli I vary day aud sveainy. !-; j AATONLAVfcBsVBMIbBCHCT d;4fi . . ( . . I'roprletum. Hard Wood liililber CARRIAGE AND WAGON MaTER'AIS WE HI'.U TO CALL ATTENTION uf Crrlie Meat ' ufm'iurers nnd bealai-a tu the Large nud oisa , plcM aiwurttiientufdAllhlAOKaiid wAiiu.N MATKIlf AI.S we are constantly receivine; In.ai the heat. eirlallJ , eeli oted ter the, California market, couipriaiuir, On( ' Hickory, nud Second tlroa th Ash 1'iaiik, Hickory Axln Maipm Poles. llubs,p'pokes. telluia, i.iu',ehe4ts,Ae. A4. null We oiler mi the lu-t lueli frlree. jf urdvt's nddresavd iour honau will receive pmn ' atteutl7.n." S. W. HliAUU CO., , . jeljratn.-' 'I M t 31 Buttery Street, Kait l nwcle , ' . . ,'ftud 17 4 111 rwvviith etiaet Bwniu.eiiln. 11 0. WaTKBUOUS ; U. W. 1IH4U A Co, J. H.Ls cup inuiciai'u, , icmiiieiilo, ftew or U. tli. iiltOO!H. 31. o. JfflctrA tr. 'fl-altt'H liruq tStope' l DALLES, OltfllToil." I -4 a' 9 t L Vi. ' .1'.. ,Cit.f e"