ailn 3$Uiiutaiittcr. THK I11NB8 OR fllK IIPPKR COLIIM- HI- lovaxiuw, jsxiisn'i't nun NKSH, Ac. For luaie week past we have been collect ing Information in regard to tbe new 'gold mines discovered on tbe western tributaries A was of a tobacconist in Illinois adver. I of ihs Columbia Rirer, btlweeo 51 and 52 tise. " nigger-head " tobacco. He says that 30' north. We are at last in a position to lay the man who refuses to chew it is a traitor, before our readers, some definite information and ought to be shot on tbe spot. Tax Constitutional Amendment passed the lower bouse of tbe Legislature at 1.30, a. m., on the morning Of the 8th inst.; three mem bers only voting against it. Real Estate Sali. We call tbe attention of persons interested In real estate Invest- gt 0f tDoae lw0 great streams is divided by ments to tbe advertisement of Mr. Williams, a range of mountains running north . and who will to-day offer a valuable piece of prop- s0UtD) railed Selkirk Range, anl tbe Colum r.,.-, Umatilla, Boise, HM. BROW5 WA1WEII. M. D AND IDAHO OFFICE 74 SECOND STREET, between Washington .... .nd coon. s , - , - ,.,', Express and Fast Freight iliifc Ornos Hoots 9 tolJ A.s to4)r.; and 6 tolO, T. . ! f o ... ,,f.a.a i.fTllPf rT"118 UNB 18 N0W 1N COMPLETE 1ITJNNINO GEOLOGICAL LLLTIJHb. ,". J order from Umatilla to Idaho City. ia Bone City. vir .v ,..! n .-.-i.,-I and prepared to carry Freight and nlonli racsaies TO'MOrrOW CWeUnCSUay) LVCning between n.ese and all intermediate pol"" wlllimta.ulj HDU llrspaicn. i - Tbe Line la Stocked with the Beat Teats the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Braoe CONCORD MR. CONDON will deliver a loctnre In the co.nokk OATIONAL C1IUKCII Ob TIIK OKOL'iQY OF in relation to the location, extent, character thuINTkhiok of our state, illustmted by .urge ... , . , - variety of FOSSIL SPECIMENS of tu Minerals, its and richness Of these mines. former Veg. table and Extinct Animnl Remains Anad- Tha cellar nhvalcrft features of the eoun. mission lee of FIFTY CENTS will be aked forthe beueM The peculiar physical features or toe COUO- f , Sunday School, lecture lo commence at 1 o'clock. try outbf which flow the eastern water! I of y JUtS. LKKSElt'S VrasAi tAii the weatern affluents of tha Co- I I . lumbia, render ,. an u cation of the mines an easy task. Tbe flow- WAGONS, . VkUl. u.h. flvuMul nnrl In llm ti'iuiKmleplltn of em nuiueuii ui mw vu- I . . -. kma-hvi 1 ' . . " , : . . ... . . . , ... TTR KNIlH Wl 1 1.I.INKK. Y aTUiXii I Freight, never Demre omrvu 10 inann. ni oderstandtng of tbe lo- X lll JaAiUJJXAlXJi u',iJ) r(l,r n,r,icemente for Shipping Goods Irom tan AND erty at auction. Gin. BttisooB, who attempted to rob the quartermaster at Petersburg, was received into tbe society of certain military men, upon being pardoned for bis offense. He is an ex pert billiard -player and a convivial fellow. tbe v Circuit Oodbt Tbe following are Grand Jirors for tbe Circuit Court now in ossion : E Wingate, Foreman, H. E. Pattee, . t ,g tho9e g0,d d,p0BUi .wepl from tne eastern slope of Selkirk Range by creeks emp- bia romes down from tbe north on tbe east side of this ridge, draining its eastern slope, I and tbe western slope of the great Ropky Range. Heading in tbe western slope of tbe Selkirk Range, are the waters of Thompson's River, a tributary of Frazer. Among tbe largest streams running off to Thompson's is Souswap River, and on its beads some flue prospects have been obtained. But our sub- Dress Maklnx Establishment, Opposite Cohn efc. Bohn'i, I WOULD CALL TUB TTBNTION of the Ladles oj the Dal lee to my lare and fine stuck of FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, DONNE TS, HITS, FEATHERS, ' Dress TrlinmiiifjH, &o. 'xtZSni Advance Charges for Transportation Paid and guarantee uerieci eaiisincuon. DYING done in all colors. Oiv me an early call and I will endeavor to suit everybody in TASTE and at REASONABLE PitlCKS. particular attention pam 10 and Portland to Idaho, aa our arrangements with tl Ocon.i Steaiiiihip Company and the Oregon Steam Neva. Ration are such that all uooiis nipcu oy tun i.ine nu not be subject to the usual delays, but pass through as Fast Freight. Goods shipped from San Francisco to our care at Port, land, Charges will be paid aud Ouods shipped tu dettiua tlun. 1 GOODS PHOULDDF. MABKKD: CARB B. M. D. CO. F. UN K, and Shipping ltuct'iits sent to our Agents) at Fortlnucl and uiaatma. Robert Goodburn, J. J. Woolery, Oeo.F.Her- tert, David Newell, O. W. Beals. tying into tbe Columbia, - Tbe first of these comes in two hundred and fifty miles above Colville, and is callea f Pbicbs CunasNT m mi Mihbs on tbb Uppbb Colombia. The following are the prices cur rent in the new mines up tbe Columbia, at Big Carnes' Greek; the next is French Creek, Bend, on tbe 20th of November : Baron, $1,60 which comes in forty miles further up, at the )lb; Flour, $8'). 100 lb j Suar, $l,f0 bead of the cation of the Columbia, called It); Coffee, $1,50 lb; Tea, $3 lb; But- Dalln dt mort. A few miles further up is X ter, $2 f lb ; Beef, 65c. lb. Gold Creek, which has for Us tributary, Mc Cullocb'i Creek. Tbe reader will understand that in ascend- Embroidery and Braiding Stamping, j NEW GOODS! nllVINO JUST AUKIVKD FROM TUB PAN FRAN cisco Market, we would Invite theattentlon-ol our friends and the coinmuulty at Lirge, to our well-selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots & Shoes, ' &c, Wlilcli we are soiling; at the most reasonable rates. We cannot sell our goods AT COST, but assure the commu nity that it pleases us to sell goods at SMALL PROFITS. U-Qlf. r U. HKUMAN A CO. by the Line and Cullectod at Destination. Goods will bs lurwaruea wiin nisimivn m ywjocc hmi ouum PAS8F.NOKR8 CAHR1KD AT GREATLY ltEDDCB RATBS. Families will be furnished with Cnperior Ao cominiHlall.ins In New aud Kusy Itidinir lhori.u li llraoa Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, Vi e lay over eacn night on the Road at Gtsid and Convenient Stations, aa that passengers will not he deprived of regular rests AGUNTHl MCHATtDS McCRAKKN San Franclsae KICII AltllS A McCRAKKN - Portland JOSEPH THAI I-0"1' IOWKLLC"K Umatilla J. B. WILKINSON Le Grand B. M. DuKH.L a) CO.....; Boise City B. M. DultKLL A CO., Idaho City MAJOR SI'KKR Rocky Bar (S.mth Boise) DcHULL MOORB Kuhy and Silver Citia D.M.BnKKLL4CO, n2ttf I'ruprietora OHOI.4IVCE No. 3T. iuif the Columbia from Colville, it widens out AN ORDINANCE TO AMBND an ORDINANCE F.NTI- two point, into great lakes, called t... OHM Lower and UbDer Arrow Lake. Just above J',Svrii tiai.i.vb niTV. may ai. tsia. tbe bead ot Upper Arrow, but some miles be low the bead ol navigation, is toe mourn oi Carnes' Cieek, aud the other streams come in Tk VtmiU of llaUn citu do ordain aifolUmu That Section Two of said Ordinance be, and the same is hereby, repealed ; aad the following be Instead thereof. gKCrro" 2. J IIS Wtnimon council ennil npinjiui. wu ur Pbolifio. On board the steamer from Uma tilla down, on Saturday last, there were seven young mothers with thirty-nine small chil dren. Tbe oldest child was not above ten years. In tbe line of children this country beats tbe world, and in point of bealtbfulnees these iuvenile creatures were rather the finest I in tbe order, and at tbe distances stated mor, policemen, who shall take and subscribe to an oath . .u . i . w - , , u (hnva Tbe dizffinirs are located in a belt to well and faithfully perform the duties of Policemen assortment that has yet been offered for pub- I RD.0.,e lu U,0'B "r" ' .. ., and nlubt walch. according to law and the best of their ... , wmcn coinmeuves suuui iwvmj iuhcb bso w. he Inspection. lhe Culua)bia, aud tbe width of this belt is Sivebal eminent British lawyer, have given generally stated at thirty miles. From this view ol the physical feature, of ineir upiuiuus w vus vuvsv, lusnw iha country, it is reasonable to believe mat tbe mines are likely to prove eitensive, and tbey are already known to prospect rich.'' Carnes' Creek has bai boles sunk upon it Isaac t. Blocu, ban Francisco. G- B. M1U.KR, SlO. SCHAWlUCBIB, Dalles States is not legally bound to pay the Con federate debt. If they had given an opinion to exactly "the contrary effect, it would nol have been of tbe slightest importance. The United States will have need for all the money which tbe national treasury will ever eoutain, Increased from time to-time, whenever in their Judgment tha peace and safely of the city may require such in crease; and said Policemen shall be under the direction of the City Marshal In performing their respective da ties, and he shall assign, from time to time, each of said policemen or utght watch, their respective wards of the city, and shall report to the Common Council any viola tion or negloct of duty of any of said policemen or night watch, and shall report Co saiu u immon uonncii an mis to tortv teet depth, w tb prospects wbiub will conduct and incompetency oi any oi or wmcn lu lu.t; r r .... ... iwl If mum aueh renort o said Marshal, the bear dividing by tour aud men oe too nou - re fo-ud , Rnd troei ,t ,,,,, t, tor ordiuarr credulity and comprehension. On Franch Ureek the diggings are iignter, I . i ae. .. . in . .. , K ...1 In meeting those obligations which law and ranging iron, ...ur . '" """;"-'""- justice impose. Cbbistm as Ball. Jackson Engine Company has decided upon giving a grand Holiday Ball, on Cbisttnas night, which will, no donbt be tbe finest affair that ever came off at tbe Dalles. Tbe former balls given by tbe Jackson ''boy." i. a sufficient guarantee what tbe coming bail rill be; and we bespeak for the Company a nr sain iiommoa uouncu loiormwun uikimiuv buuu delinquents from service and appoint others in their places. This Ordinance shall take effect and he In force from ..a after tha lbth ilav of uecemoer looo. Passed the Common Council of Dalles City, December 8th. 1866. N. M. UATKS, Mayor. Attest: F. 8. IIoiiAKn, Recorder. de!0:6t Gold Creek and its branches, tbal most of tbe treasure has been taaen which is now delight ing the eyes of avaricious traders, and Intend ing pTU3OV,UI IUQ .Viuiuj J I w. ft,, nut need to reDeat the well-autben- I vsm ., . - - r . nana rurnIIUra, ou, oeuu.HK. waiiicu, dvu.c, ticated accounts of four men making B,UUU I Household Furniture of every description. Parties in two weeks, or 'he many instances in wuicn wishing to sen wm uo wen to can. w 1UAMg many men nave maae more money iu iew ae9.2w loo Mala street, Dalles. weeks man mev naa ever oopeu iu sisu uc- i - - fore lo their lives. All mis l. unnecessary, WANTED. UK CNDF.R8IQNF.D WILL PmCHASB 8F.X)ND hand Furniture. Beds, Bedding. Carpets, Stoves, Desirable Property for Sale. TILL BK 80LD AT PnBLIO AUCTION, ON TCF.B- ... . ... I ----- .. . .i, ... .in .j -wvrnx BK SOLD AT PnBI laroa ana tainionania attenaance or our cm. i as tnese atiriinirs. iiks bii mucin, wm utcu i mm - - - . ,.. . . .l.. B - . - , . , . . , , i ww awy, iiwcwiiiuer i.iii, m . uw.... " .. . .... 1 r . .. .. f . ni .I,... rinli..., anrl Ttpnt I .... . . . . . . ...... . . . . . j . I . .en. Ticket, and programme, of the b.l, -; H'" .;tra7t sufficient populatTon A-U.uB.,"JoairrF.:r.eTrb O will be issued IB a few day.. I to occupy what now promise, to be on. of fiSiSnffl. T . it ARBtST FOUllOBBBOV PltlSONEB CoHFBSSB. A man named Trickle was arrested by Marshal Keeler yesterday moruing about 4 o'clock, as be wa. about to go aboard of the downward bound steamer. He had been suspected of tbe chief sources of gold-supply on tbe Amer ican continent. The commercial community of Victoria al ready claim tbe supplying of these mines. From Fort Yale to Kamloops Lake is oue hundred and lourteeu miles of land-travel; from thence one hundred and thirty mile, ot TKKM8, which will be ver plication to deStd y liberal, maile known on ap- JOUN WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. 100 Main street, Dalles. the robbery of a miner named Alby on tbe nKviiation to tbe bead of Souswap Lake, and road from the Granite Creek mines down to from thence seventy mile, to the mines Umatilla, ten day. .ince. Trickle and Alby' total, three hundred and fourteen miles. The ' , ' , , . . .flnruA Colomtt say. that parties can go in were traveling companion, from the- mines, . ,he fort Yft(e rJul, b grsl of March. a it. i. : t. m-i.L.i a -1 - .... .. . . . " , i . i i a una mo mvuvj ttuiiu xriuaio oiuic, SKATES! SKATES!! An Involve) of SKATES Just received by . . . d6tf J- OOBTZ A CO., Washington Street, near French A Oilman. - DlHSolutlon Notice. - nrinROO-PAIITNERSIIIP heretofore exltln between I A. LAI) Kit and B. SOU UTZ. under the name ol which Trickle stole, was placed, at one of tbe stations nn the road , un der the side of haystack. When Alby went to find it, it was gone. Suspicion at first fell on another person, but at length was diverted 1 to Trickle, who came down from Umatilla two or three days ago. The amount was $1015, and' Alby was so discouraged by bis loss that be returned to the mines. Trickle - was "shadowed" until tbe time of bis ar rest. Oa tbe way up to the Marshal', office, the prisoner dropped a purse containing about . $700, and on being questioned by lbs Marshal confessed the robbery, with great manifesta tions of penitence. He also confessed tbe l .n.r A Rrlmta. In the Jack-on Saloon, is this duv i I solved by mu ual consent, Mr. Lruer having fold out his Interest to A. Milan, wno will vuuuuu. tu. bmhk. uh Tbi. statement is absolutely Incorrect. As b h. hatnrj aaid. tbe mines are on the eastetn slop, of the Selkirk Range, and that hi. All dedu.jih.J.t.m will be great chain must De crossed to get to A. LATJkR. mines on me route from Frazer River. This Dalles. Dec. 1st., 1M5. cannot be done, except 03 suow eboes, uuttl tbe middle Of June. I Bt the old stand ready to dispense his choice liquors to Tbespting route 1. plainly oy tne way oi Blocli, Miller & Co, WHOLESALE GR OCE BS , AND DEALERS IN "Wines &c liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING- Hoots & Shoes, Under Clothing, lilanketty etc., etc., etc. assay"offioe. Wl HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wi.h onr business, under the entire supervialoa of Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bar. In "i0" We guarantee all onr Assays and pay tbe HIGHEST CASH PRICE for Bars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Sast. BLOCH, MILLER C., inyOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles Oregon StcamKaigation Co WINTER ARRANCEMENT. , N AND AFIER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, unSSl further notice, - he JPassetafcrer Train to connect with steamers TOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLE9 CITY, ear Mondays, Wadneselaya, and FrWUys, 4i30 A. M, TDKMEAMm "0NK0NT AM or "IDAIIO, CAPT. J. MoNBLTY .'...Commandwtv Will leavs DALLES, DAILY, (Sundkys e' cepted) at o'clock, a. M.,counectiiit By tha CASCADE RAILUOAJV with the steamer . NEW WORLD w or M CASCADES, CAVT. 1. WOLI, Command. fo. Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, Dallas. Nov. 13, 1885. (n!2tfj Agent 0. 8. N. Co. Colville and the upper section of Jhe Colum bia IUver. After tbe Selkirk Ringe is passa ble, the supplies will go from the Dalles. Tbe route will be by Suncoe, tbe mor.tb of 1 the Wecnatchie, the lower end of Lake line- Ian, the west side of Lake Oktnakaue, crose inff Suuswao Lake near the bead, and croFS ins tbe Selkirk Range on the same trail as the rouie from Fort Yale, Tbe dittance is inside of four hundred miles, and through one of the finest feed countries in the world. E. S0I1UTZ. Thankful for past patronage, the undersigned would rexDecttutly inform hl friends that he will ever be found E. SCUUTZ. 1 u it. t . t txt sTi. r. t;- tj AT COST, rOl. THIRTY DAYS LONGER It LAST , CTIANCE ! MESSRS.:- COIIN A DOIIJI wonM hereby Inform their customers and the public at large, that they will continue to sell AT COST, for thirty days longer in order to give one a chance to make presents for the JlMOVAL, JrGOETZ, Dalles. I. KOBNIOSBERGEuV San ranclsast. ' dropping of the purse, and Mr. Keeler went Elcl!.,linil tu, PaaKe of the mountain-range, llultdajta. We will sell the balance of our stock, con- . . , . v..l- ...t ...I 1 r. . . . . , , 1 siatilig of . ' . Rlrh Black Bliss, back and found it. In the aggregate the mouey recovered is wanting a few dollar, of the amount lo.t. ' We are informed that the pris oner is a young maa of highly respectable otinection., and that this isptobably bis first offence, If he loyally adhere to bi. confes- - lion of guilt aud give, satisfactory proof, of penitence, it ought to bare a favorable lnflu- - enee oa the degree of puuisbueut awarded to bios for lb trim. tha trail can be traveled from xeoruary to Dereiuber. Flour from Wal a Walla can be sent out by the luwer ferry on auake tttver, cross tbe Columbia at Fort Okitiakane, and Bud a market in these mines iuaide of three hundred and fifty miles. ' - ' W , aierred to the discoveries on tbe western slope of the Selkirk Rauue. Dig gings in that quarter are witnin tnree uuu dred miles of this place, aud it only need proper exertion to bring the lion's share of tbe pioc.eds to our doors. - ' Gents' Cloaks, llleh PouliD. Beaver Coats, Clonks, . Drew Cows, . Bliawla, Pants, ' Dry Goods. - Erahroldertas, . . Hats OaiM, Hoots a Shoes, Ao., Ac, Ae., Ac,, AT 8AK FMA 1SCJ COST, Without Freigt-t and Kp -na.a This will be the last chance So gwt bargain prior to closing tbe concern. COJI.N k BOHM, , ' N.B. All Bills must be paid by tk First of January tgoe. If not settled within thai I Una, 'lis asm will be placed la legal hand. tleltt - J. GOETSE &c CO., TOBACCONISTS. ' llaYt n moved to Rudio's New Stone Building-, Washington Street, near French A Oilman's, and haw opened a well-assorted stock of , llAVANAandDOMEfTICSEOARS, VinOiNIA and WE8TEKN TOBACCO,. ' . VHENCH ami SCOTCH SNUFF, MkUKSCHAUM and oUier PIPES, PLAYINOCAUDS, . ... SPOKTINOOIIODS. ... INDIAN said FA CY GOODS, Ac, Ac. ' The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PItlCML TOYS ! X0YS 1J0YS ! TOYS ! FOR. TOYS AftD FANCY'CsOODS For tha Holidays, we recommend all dealers la that Una to tbe BASKET AND TOY MIPOItlUM of THUMAUKK A ZUIN, 820 and ttt Battery Strews... n2S:3n Ban Francisco. X llOleSK TO LET WnUBlXfltkiMS. Inquire at ' - MH8.U WUU'fc'8PLOt)grphEoosje