Skill) Wnuimttx. SUNDAY MOUSING, DKC. 10, 1803. UEPLECTK1S9 ON TUB PROSPKCT OF 'A'lllfi COM1NU YfiAK. The eitent of mining ground already dis covered aud partially developed, in the Co lumbia Basin, Is ample to employ an opera tive population sufficient to eat up all the supplies which the adjacent agricultural dis tricts are capable, at present, of producing. Unfortunately for every permanent interest of the country, the population is too small to produce a decided current in any direc tion. This deficiency and the effects arising from it, are made worse by those wild min ing excitements which divert the operative population fiom steadily directed efforts in a given direction. Sometimes these excitements result in a positive injury, and still more frequently are of very doubtful utility. The great dauger of unsettling a mining population, is that many drift out of the range of the trde up the Columbia River, which is the main-stay of our prosperity. The Occur d'Alene hum bug was one of those which led directly to the shifting of near ten thousand miners out of ttie roach of supplies from this side. Without it, the rush to Montana, and beyond the Rocky Mountains, would have never oc curred, as the richness of certain districts la that country bad been known for two years previous to 18G5. But after a large portion of the population had broken loose t'.ora localities where a fair remuneration for labor was obtinable, the mania of prospect ing got control, and the disposition to re turn to the places just left was gone. In this spirit, the stampede to Btnckfaut and boyond, took place, and thousands followed the hundreds who first led off. It is plain .to any mind, that these emigrants from our commercial jurUdidtion have not done well on the average as if they had remained In Boise, Owyhee, John Day mines and the Ncz Perces country. And it is questionable if they hare got into a country where any ' larger rewards for labor are to be earned From any point of view, this movement is not certain to result in any,plain advantage, and it is likely to prove an injury, which it will require time to repair, to the develop ment of those districts which are certain to maintain commercial connections with us. The true commercial policy of this country may be stated in a small space : We should Aim to foster the discoverytand development of mines which are certain to be supplied by way of the Columbia River. As fast as sue cessful miners drop out of the pursuit of wealth ia the mines, they should be induced to invest their capital in live-stock, to be placed on the pastures of the Columbia Basin. Long after the placer mines have -Jiad the gold washed out of them after the quartz-lodes have been worked into the waters which no ingenuity can remove, our pastures and fields will support in affluence a population greater than the mines ever can, and with an average of happiness not possible in a mining community. The coming season will decide to whatex- i te.nt the district of Northern California can compete with us for the supply of Boise and Owyhee ; we rhall certainly control the trade to the Bitter Root country, and possibly of of the mining districts adjacent to it ; up the Columbia, in the British territories, we Bball find new fields for trade and mining opera- (ions, and by timely representations we may Induce a desirable class of men to re-populate the Nez Perces mines. If we are wise, our exertions will be directed toward an increase of operative mining population, which will erve the double purpose of digging out the precious metals in large quantities, as quick at possible, and stimulate the farming and grazing enterprises of the country. To these last, we shall finally owe the solid prosperity or tne country. A Wisconsin editor says he loves to hare hit newspaper rivals call him " liar, mur t derer, coward, robber, copperhead, aeces- sioist and traitor." He says he makes money 'by it, and will pay from ten to fifty cents a ltn kppni'iaff tn minlitv In., atmll.. iKnw from aey quarter. Here is a chance for some of the press in this country to make a good thltifj,' instead of wasting Invective for aetuiDg. ...... .Tni DioaiNoa on the Main John Day Rivkr ine discovery ot good paying ground in tue Main John Day, ten miles below the mouth of Canyon Creek, has stimulated prospecting along the river channel, and it is now pretty fairly demonstrated that there is a section of the river from ten to twelve miles in length, which will pay from good wages to $20 a day. The ground is heavy to work, and in volves stripping of waste dirt from six to ten feet in depth. A comparatively tbin stratum of pay-gravel Is found at the bottom, which prospects from 25c. upwards. As much as $7,50 to the wheel-barrow load is found, which is equivalent to $1 to the pan. The advantages which these diggings have, is in their extent and the climate, which allows of ten months comfortable work in the year. The experienced miner readily takes chancos of this kind, iustead of running wild about gold excitements, like an immigrant. We predict for the mines of John Day a prosper ous season next year, and that the average will be as good there as iu the best districts of Montana Territory. Halle Social Club- AY, at 0J o'clock, r. H. Itofcular Meeting THIS J. ELFhTT. Src'y. Proceedings ok the Common Council The Common Council met on the eveninr of the 8th day of December, at the Recorder's office, at the cull of the Mayor. Present, N. II. Gates Mayor, James M. Bird and E. R. Welch Councilmen, and F. S. Holland Recorder. W. P' Miller, Esq., having taken the oath of office, came forward and took his seat as Councilman. On motion. W. P. Miller was appointed to fill the vacancies in the sinnding commit ees occasioned by the resignation of James Guthrie, Jr. Ordinance No. 3T, to provide for Police men and Night watchmen was passed. A. W. Buchanan came in and took his seat. The communication of W. H. Karrar,' rela tive to services rendered, in attending to the interests of Dalles City, was read and on motion referred to the Finance Committee. In the matter of the wrocgfiill asses-ment of Vic. Trevet for the year 1865, the Re corder's Action in remitting the snm of $36 was approve1!. 'Ihe petition of O. Humason and others asking that the time be extended for build ing a sidewalk on the east side of Washing ton street between Main street and the alley, was read, ana on motion referred to the Committee on Scree's nnd Public Property. Jne petition or James M. Bud and others asking that a sidewalk be laid down on the west side of Laughlin street to the alley ad joining bird s stable, was read, and the pray ir thereof granted, and the Marshal in structed to notify the proper persons to ley aown saia wanes as required by ordinance In the matter or delinquent taxes for the year 1865, the Recorder whs authorized to to baud the same to the City Marshal for col tec ion The bill of Charles Pohl was read and re ferred to the Finance Conimi tee. The followed bills were read and allowed. and warrants ordered to be drawn on the City Treasurer for the several bills to wit: Charles Keeler, $125 : Charles Keeler, $28,25 j Wm Shepard, $100 ; N. B.Packard, B : Joe weber, $13,32; Peter Kuffner, $12: H. J. Waldron, S7.26 : French (il man, $5,75 j R. Pentland, $250 ; N. W. Wal lace. 8 ; U. K. Meigs, 40; F. Leibe, $2,75 j '. o. Holland, $44,60; F. a. Holland, $26,31. Tni New Gretna Green. Watsonville, California, has gained the reputation of being the Gretna Green of the Pacific Coast. Timid pairs of lovers, on matrimonial views intent, pursued by enraged fathers and brothers, break for Watsonville, where the marriage arrangements are quickly consummated. Sometimes a gay Lothario instead of taking his own wife to Watsonville, takes another's. In this case shooting generally ensues, or very fast running. Watsonville is -a gay place, between the two kinds of visitors that take to it. NEW GOODS! TEW irVINfl JUST ARRIVED FROM THB PAN FRAN fin cico Market, we would invite the attention uf our friends unit the community ut 1 irge, to t-ur ttell-eolecteil stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Wtildi we are ml I Inn nt the most reawirmblc rnttxi. We ciinnut sell our gondii AT COST, but twnure the commu nity thfltit plenhei U8 to soil goods at H.M ALL PROFITS. lent I. a, 11 rill. MAIM UU. No. 37. AN OTtDINANOK TO AM EXT) AN ORDINANCE ENTI TLED AN OHPINANCK TO I'KOViDK FOR POLTCK MKN AND NTU1IT WATCH, PA8HKD BY THE COM MON COUNCIL K DALLES CITY, MAY '20. 1863. The renpU of Dalles City do ordain a follows: Tlmt Section Two of Mild Ori.imiuco be, and the eatne Is hereby, repealed ; nnd the following he iimtnad thereof. Hkctiopt 2. The Common Council pIihII appoint two or more pollomcn, who hIiuII bike and Biihitcribe to an outli to well and faithfully nor form the duties of Policemen and nitcht watch, accord inn to lnw and the best of'their nhiliticti, and which uaid number of Policemen may be Increufcd from time to time, whenerer In their Judgment the peace and an let y of the city may require toich in crease; and fluid Policemen fdinll he under the direction of the City Marshal in performing their respective da tics, and he ahall tuaign, from time to time, ench of Raid policemen or nijrht WHtch, their rexnective wards of the city, and fllmll report to the Common Council any viola tion orncKlcct or duty or any of earn policemen or night watch. andHhall report to said Common Council nil mis conduct nnd incompetency of any of fluid police or watch men, and if upon such report ot paid City Marshal, the charges nre found to be correct nnd true, it phali be the duty of tiaiu Uommun Council to forthwith discharge such delinquents from service and appoint others iu thein place. Thin Ordinance shall take effect and he In force from and after the 15th day of December 1 ftt5 . Faapd the Cum moo Council of Dalles City. December 8th. 18(15. N . II. GATES, Mayor. Attest: V. S ItfULArtD, Recorder. WASTED. VIE UNDERSIGNED WILL PrnCIIASE SECOND rm J) hi tni Furniture. Beds, lteddinic. Carpets, Stoves, and Household Furniture of every description. Parties wishiDic to sell will Uo well to call. dc9:2w 1UU Main street, ballon. Desirable Property for Sale. TILL UK SOLD AT PFIllMO AUCTION. ON TUKP- f duv, December 12th, at 10 o'clock a. in. the neat COTTAOB DWELLING HOUSE, now occupied by Mr, Mills, eituaretl on 4th or federal street, between Alain unu frecond Afreets, near the residence of C. K, Melons, Km. Lot fW feet I runt. TITLE INDLSI'UTADLE. TKKM3, whteb, will be very liberal, made- known on ap plication to juiia HIM.IAMS, Attciitmcor. (.com iw Main street, Dalles. Umati 11a, AND IDAHO Express and Fast Freight Line. rWMIIS LINE 13 NOW IN COMPLETE KENNING JL order from UnmitHa to JdMioCity, via Boi-'e City, and pro pared to carry Freight and Valuable Packages bet woe n these aud all intermediate puluts with certamtjr and despatch. , v The Line is Stocked with the Best Teaajd the country affords and entirely New Thorough-Brace CONCORD WAGONS,: Which ennures Bpced And Pnfcty in the tnum!ilnn of Frei(ht, nefor before oflerH to Iriikho. We nffor 9ti rior Indncinents for .Shiiine Goods from Sun Fmncifco nnd Porttnnd to Idttlio. hh our nrraiiKeiiientu with tli OcflMi Stenniihip Conipttny and the Oregon Mtenm Nftvl gntioli are nch that all Oouda nhipprd by thla Line will uot be eubject to the usual delays, but pass through ui Fust Freight. Goods shipped from San Francisco to onr care at Port land, Charges will be paid and Ouods shipped to destina tion. GOODS 8H0UM) BE MAI1KED: CARB H. M. B. ft CO.. . LINK, and PhlppiiHj Receipts sent to our Agent at Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will b forwarded with Dispatch to owybee and South Boise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDDCKD RATKS. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations in New and Easy Hiding Thorough lira Wagons on tho Moat Liberal Terms, We lay over eacn night on the Hoad at Gid and Convenient Stat loiiSj its that passengers will not tie deprived of regular rest AGKlSTMl - RICHARDS A McCKAKRN Ban Fnmcier UICHAKD3 A McCHAKEN Portland JOSEPH TEAL i Dalles POWELL A CE Umatilla 3. B. WILKINSON ;. Le Grand B. M. DtlUKLL CO Boise City B. M. DuKKLL A CO Idaho City MAJOR. SPEEK Kocky Bar (South Boise) DuKKLL A MOOHfi Huby and Silver Citiea BJ1. DuUULL&CO., n2tf Pioprielorn Isaac I. Bloch, Sm Francisco. C. 8. Miliar, Bio. ScnAWDAcncn, Kill 1 isj IB Ot iK TO LET WITH BIX ROOMS. Inquire at MRS. L. WlUTt.'S 1" olograph Rooms. SOTKE. rWVlK UNDERSIGNED HAVING DISPOSED OF HIS Ja. business in this city, notitles all persuns Indebted to call at the Captaiu'a otfice aud settle before tho Utb lnataut. neiw .1. Ai.LI'HIM. An Invoice of SKATES Just recelvod by uou j . uin vi, s 1,11., Washington Stroet, nenr French A Gitman, DisNoIutlou A'wtlce. THE CO-PA KTNHHSHIP heretofore existing between A. LAtiKK and K. SCIIUTZ. under the , name ol Lauer A Schuts, In the Jack'on Saloon, is this dar is- eolveil by inu uat consent, Mr. Lruer having sold out his interest to H. ttciiutz. wno win continue the business on his own account. All debts due the late flilu will be paid to E. Seliuti, who will settle M liabilities. A. LAUKK. Dallft. Dec. 1st., 1865. K Sell LIT.. Thankful for past uatronage, the undersigned would respectfully iuform his friends that be will ever be ftiund at the old stand ready to dispwuse hie choice liquors to "em. si. O O IP IP . AT C OST, FOR THIRTY DAYS LONGER II Indian Depredation Cask, of Suffer ino. We have heard a rumor, by war of Camp Watson, that the Indians bare run off a part or all of the stock at Camp Currey. The expressman from Camp Currey to Camp Wat son was eight day) out, abd suffered severe ly having both feet frozen, and, may have to submit to atr.putation. Sous members of the northern tribes of ITydahi and Slickeens practice cannibalism, The other day they ate up the Indian servant of a gentleman living on Vancouver's Island, to spite tbe master, who had done something to displease them. Muhford Laws, says the Vancouver .Remit ter, was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun, in the hands of a boy named Shubert, on the 30th of November, on Lewis River. Be was only seventeen years old. LAST OII-AJXCE! -f E88R8. COHN k B01IM would hereby Inform XVJa tneir customers ana tne public at large, that they will coutinue to sell AT COST, for thirty days longer In order to give one a chance to make presents for the Holidays, we will sell me balance ot our stock, con. Bisiiug or Hlrh mac Bins, uentr tJInans, llich Poplins, Heaver Coats, Clonks, Dress Coats, Bhawls, ' Pants, Dry Goods, Embroideries, tlais A Caps, Boots A Shoes, o., ik., c, c, AT SAN FKANCISCO COST, Without Freight and Bip-nscs. Tills will be the last chance to get twgatne, prior to closing tne concern. cuiiN a uoiin. N.B. - All Bills must be paid by tk ' First of Jannarv 1866. If not settled within that Hue, 'ie same will be I. placed In legal nanus. deitf. NOTItJK T8 1IKREDY GIVEN that the Oo-parrnershln hereto JL fore existing between E. C. 11A14DY, C. L. MITCH ELL and V. W.TlIOIPSON, doing mercantile busi ness In this place, under the name of H. 0. Hardy A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and hereafter the business ot said nrm will be couducted by E. U. Hardy, who alone ie authorlied to collect and settle the accounts 01 sua nrm. Js. v. iiakdi, C. L. MITCHELL, Eusanrille, Grant Co., Oregon, I. W. THOMPSON Not. 13, I860. n2U:lra TOYS! T0YSIJ0YS! TOYS I FOR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS For the Holidays, we recommend all dealers In that line to the BASKET AND TOY EMPORIUM of TUUMAUEK V.VIS, 320 aud 322 Battery Street. o28:3ra San Francisco. DIsNolullon notice TUB FIRM OF J. W. MILLER A Co. have this day disposed of their en tire stock, in this city to Messrs. Bunnell A Miller, who will continue the business at the same stand. Mr. Thomas Miller Is authorized to settle all liabilities and collect all debts due. All nersons knowing themselves indsbted will please enme forward ann seme anu save cons Block, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE t "BT' TT 1 JLTA JUU Jk.A j AND DEALERS IN "Wines 8c Liquors, And Import ere and Jobbers of CLOTHING- Boots Ac Shoes, Under Clothing, Allanket, etc., etc., etc. Js.SSJsSS' OFFICE. WE IIAVE AN ASSAT OFFICE IN CONNECTION wiihour business, under the entire supervision ot Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bars in six hour s- We guarantee all our Assays and pny the HIUllKsr CASH PRICE for Bars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Gold Dust. 111,0(11, mlLhKH A UJ., myStf - ' Cor. Main and Washington afreets. Pallet Oregon Stcum Navigation to. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13tU, uott) further notice, "Xiao Passenger Train to connect with steamers !0R UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will Mart from the H. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, Monday. Wednesday, and Friday, ot 4t30 A. Al. TDK STEAMERS "ONFjONTA" or "IDAnO,' CAPT. J. McNCLTY,. . .....Commandetw Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays excepted) at k o'clock, k. N.. connecting by the CASCADE HAILROAlv with tli steamer "NEW WOEID" or " CASCADES, CAPT. J. WOLF,....- Commander, ft. Portland. W. B. BRADFORD, Dalles. Nov. 13, let. piztfj Agent O. 8. N. Co. JlfiMOVAL. F i! i X 00ETI, Dalle. KOBNIG8BERGER.' San Francbwa. Salle City, Nov. 33d, 1606. i. W. MILLER A Co. fiiir J. GOETZ te CO., TOBACCONISTS. Have removed to Rudio's New Stone Buildinpr. Washington Street, near French k Oilman's, end aefe opened a welLassorted stock of HAVANA and DU.TIKM IU BKUAKB, VIDGINIA and WESTERN TOBACCO. FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, MEERSCHAUM and other PIPES, PLAYING CARDS, SPORTING GOODS, INDIAN and FANCY GOODS, Ac, Ac. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICK. .., " ' NOTICE. I7 8. HOLLAND IS MY AUTHORIZED AGENT to ' a attend to collecting and settling up my buslaeaL during my absence. Those Indebted to me or to I'ejaJ A Co.. are requestea o pay mm immediately and sae costs, as he lias orders to collect. F. A. O. PAYN S.v Dalle. Not. 13, lDBli. U'f Ilt. li. W. MITCIIULOk. Office WALDRON'S BUILDING. Kuumo Cerner" ef Third and Wasblugtoa BKfftt-